Black boxes on cars. They want to equip Russian cars with on-board recorders. What's inside them and how do they work?

According to the newspaper Izvestia, the Ministry of Transport has postponed indefinitely the mandatory introduction of “black boxes” into passenger cars. A source in the department reported this to the publication. Previously it was assumed that from 2015–2016 all new cars sold on Russian market, will be equipped with flight recorders. But are they needed on cars in Russia? Za Rulem.RF asked the chief analyst of the Non-Profit Partnership GLONASS to answer this question. Andrey Ionin.

-The topic of using automobile “black boxes” (Event Data Recorder, EDR - secure recording devices) in Russia technical parameters operation of components and assemblies), only touched upon in the Izvestia article, actually has several different aspects for discussion.

First - technical feasibility creation of such devices. There really is such a possibility, and a number of automakers (for example, GM), on their own initiative and for their own purposes, have been installing “black boxes” in their cars since 1995, primarily premium and heavy lifting capacity, since the devices are still quite expensive - about $1000. At the same time, the list of recorded parameters and recording protocols are different for different car manufacturers.

Second- state regulation in this area. The United States has advanced the most here, where, after several years of difficult discussions, national standards (protocols and a set of recorded parameters) have been established for “black boxes” that will become mandatory for new cars with next year, and the procedure for accessing this information in the event of an accident is prescribed by law.

In Russia, the issue of establishing national requirements for “black boxes” and the deadlines for mandatory equipment with them has not yet gone beyond the scope of the idea and the very preliminary discussion. And, of course, there was and is no regulatory framework at the national level. Another thing is also important: in Russia it has been operating since January 1, 2015 government system"ERA-GLONASS", which decides key task for those involved in an accident - transfer of an emergency call and the coordinates of the accident to the response services. ERA-GLONASS devices will become mandatory for new cars from January 1, 2017. There is no such system in the USA. Therefore, simply transferring American standards to Russian soil is simply ineffective. Moreover, in the Russian situation, to speed up the implementation of any innovative solutions In terms of transport safety and minimizing the costs of citizens and the budget for these purposes, it is reasonable to use the capabilities of the ERA-GLONASS project. For example, the implementation of the idea of ​​an automobile “black box” in Russia is possible by expanding the mandatory functionality of the ERA-GLONASS device, first of all, connecting it to an on-board computer to read technical parameters (the presence of internal memory is already mandatory for ERA-GLONASS devices ). However, until now such a development of the ERA-GLONASS project has not been discussed.

Third a separate question is the list of technical parameters for recording. For example, in the USA, among the parameters required to be recorded are: vehicle speed, gas pedal control, turning on/off the main brake, using the driver’s seat belt, using airbags, and others. All of them, obviously, are directly related to the analysis of the causes and circumstances of the accident. Recording voice information from inside a car, which, of course, worries citizens the most, is not considered - the analogy with “black boxes” for airplanes does not work here.

The Russian government supported the idea of ​​installing “black boxes” in all new cars starting from 2020, which will record, save and transmit information about traffic using GLONASS signals. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has already ordered the creation of an interdepartmental working group to prepare the necessary legislative framework.

Proposal to create a “Unified state medium for the transmission of navigation information received from tachographs and other technical devices with measuring functions" (EGSNI), was announced at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in early October. As stated in the text of the protocol, the Unified State Statistics Service can also be used “to record traffic violations and bringing violators to administrative responsibility.” The editors of the site answered the most important questions about “black boxes” for cars.

Where it all started

The need to install on-board recorders in cars was first discussed in 2012. Then the Ministry of Transport asked the government to explore the possibility of integrating “black boxes” into on-board system cars “by 2015-2016”. The issue was postponed due to instability economic situation. Representatives of the Ministry of Transport admitted that the implementation of the initiative was hampered not only by economic factors, but also by the lack of state standards regulating the possibilities of using “black boxes” and the right of access to the information recorded by them. In particular, experts said that it should be clearly stated at the legislative level what parameters the recorder can record, in what cases the information can be used and who can have access to it.

What's inside them and how do they work?

Most likely, the “black box” will operate from the car’s electrical network, plus it will have a backup power source. Program code The device must be seriously protected from hacking. The recorder must record data received from acceleration sensors, wheel slip, engine, and other vehicle systems, and even record conversations of passengers.

For example, 96% of new cars in the US, according to NHTSA, already use EDR (Event Data Recorder) technology, which is called a “black box”. This is an electronic chip that rewrites a continuous cycle of information coming from various sensors and control modules of the machine. In the event of an accident, EDR leaves data from five seconds before the accident and a second after it. In this way, it is possible to understand at what speed the car was moving, whether the brakes worked, after what time the airbags fired, and whether the seat belts were fastened. All this information can only be obtained by connecting a special reading device to the car. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to recreate the picture of the accident in as much detail as possible. A more obvious benefit is the ability to respond to an accident as quickly as possible.

Is this against the law?

The main question about “black boxes” from a legal point of view is total control over every car owner, which affects the rights and freedoms of citizens - the foundations of the Russian Constitution. Exactly the same thing was discussed in America at one time. For example, the collection of data from cars on which these devices were installed at the factory, according to company representatives, in the United States could only be carried out with the permission of the vehicle owner.

On the other hand, in the text of the protocol following the meeting with Rogozin, it is noted that the Unified State Statistics Service can also be used “to record traffic violations and bring violators to administrative responsibility.” Accordingly, there is most likely no talk of permission. The working group will probably have to separately deal with the legal component.

What are the dangers of recorders on board a car?

Except possible violation Constitution, motorists are concerned about two more issues. The first is that data from “black boxes” can be used Insurance companies, which will begin to collect information about how the driver drives and adjust insurance rates based on this.

The second is the possible access of data to scammers. The travel route, recordings of conversations in the car, and so on - all this can be used against the car owner.

What is the difference between a black box in a car and an airplane?

If in aviation an accident is more often caused by the failure of certain systems, then in a car it is the human factor. Accordingly, there is a lot of meaning in recording an airplane conversation, while the importance of a car conversation is not so obvious.

"Black box" on an airplane - a system for recording and recording data about technical condition aircraft, indications measuring instruments, recording of crew conversations. The device is placed in a very durable box made of heat-resistant titanium alloys. It is unlikely that car recorders will be as resistant to external influences.

For car tracking it is proposed to use navigation system ERA-GLONASS, originally developed to help people involved in road accidents

The Russian government came up with the idea of ​​a radical solution to the problem of violations Russian motorists rules traffic. The ministers believe that starting from 2020, all new cars should be equipped with “black boxes” - devices that, based on a signal from the GLONASS system, will monitor the movement of the car and transmit all information to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to Izvestia, the initiative was announced by Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexei Tsydenov at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. It is known that the plan received support, and as a result, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Transport and the state company GLONASS JSC were instructed to study the project and prepare proposals for its implementation.

Technical subtleties: from rescuers to controllers

The preparation of total surveillance of all Russian motor vehicles is formalized by the government as the formation of the “Unified State Environment for the transmission of navigation information received from tachographs and other technical devices with measuring functions” (USSNI). The concept is supposed to be implemented on the basis that was originally created to help people involved in road accidents: the abbreviation “ERA” stands for “emergency response to accidents.”

When creating the system, it was proposed that the GLONASS sensor would transmit to rescuers and doctors the exact coordinates of the vehicle involved in the accident. However, now the authorities want to take advantage of the opportunities precise definition each car to track transport as a whole.

Reviewers noted that this is about expanding functions, not creating new system. The fact is that mandatory installation tracking units of the ERA-GLONASS system have been registered in technical regulations about wheel safety Vehicle Customs Union. ERA-GLONASS began operating in normal mode on January 1 of this year. True, so far only certain cars are equipped with it: Lada, Mercedes, Bentley and some other brands.

Meanwhile, monitoring the movement of vehicles and sending reports to the traffic police are not all the options that can be used to “promote” the rescue system. so that it can be used to turn off the engine remotely. Proponents of the idea argued that the innovation could help in catching car thieves and other criminals.

Certain uncertainty

As a rescue system, the prospects of ERA-GLONASS do not raise any questions. However, an attempt to add additional functionality to it raises very complex questions, both technical and financial, observers note. Firstly, it concerns the information with which you have to deal. There are 42 million vehicles in Russia; transmitting data only about crashed cars is one level of complexity, but tracking and analyzing the behavior of all cars is completely different, experts emphasize.

Also, in the corridors of power there is still no common understanding of why, in fact, it is necessary to monitor motorists. “Representatives of the Ministry of Transport are looking at driving habits, but, however, this was presented to us as a tool for insurance: so that insurers could evaluate how the driver drives and could apply decreasing or increasing coefficients,” President of the Moscow Transport Union Yuri Sveshnikov told reporters.

The question of financing the project also remains open: the state has already invested more than 3.9 billion rubles in creating the system, and it seems that it does not intend to spend any more money. At the very least, the project should receive government funding only for the first three years of operation, after which it will have to reach self-sufficiency.

Towards solving the problem of non-compliance drivers of traffic rules The Russian government decided to take a radical approach: by establishing “surveillance” of all motorists.

During a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexey Tsydenov proposed creating a “Unified State Environment for the transmission of navigation information received from tachographs and other technical devices with measuring functions” (USGNI). As Izvestia reports, drastic methods may be introduced in 2020.

“USSNI can be used, among other things, for the purpose of recording violations of traffic rules and bringing violators to administrative responsibility,” notes the text of the protocol, formed following a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. The proposal was approved, and as a result, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and JSC GLONASS were instructed to prepare and present a plan for the formation of a “unified environment” as soon as possible.

The EGSNI will be based on the ERA-GLONASS system, the installation of devices of which is mandatory for all new cars that will be produced and offered on the Russian market from the beginning of 2020. Let us remind you that ERA began operating normally on January 1, 2016. By this time, a number of automakers had already begun to produce models with built-in on-board terminals, including cars Lada brands, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Bentley and more.

The Moscow Transport Union said that the Ministry of Transport proposed to monitor the driving habits of motorists through ERA-GLONASS, but it was assumed that this would become a tool for car insurance. “Industry experts strongly opposed this innovation,” comments the organization’s president, Yuri Sveshnikov. — It is not clear who will pay for data transfer. It is also unclear how violations such as running a red light or turning in an unauthorized place will be recorded. According to GLONASS data, it will only be possible to determine if the speed limit is exceeded.”

“There are 42 million vehicles in Russia, and analyzing information on each case of speeding will not be so easy - an impressive resource will be required, because we do not have the same restrictions everywhere, in some places they change depending on a number of factors: visibility, road conditions and etc. Each case will need to be separately reconstructed and a decision made,” explained the head of the Moscow Transport Union.

Earlier, the portal reported that thanks to ERA-GLONASS terminals. This method It is proposed to be used to combat car thieves and traffic violators.

Starting from 2017, it will be mandatory to equip cars with accident detection devices, which, in essence, are analogues of “black boxes” installed on airplanes.

They are designed to be read and remembered various parameters car, which in the event of an accident will make it possible to accurately determine the reason why it occurred. According to officials, the use of such equipment will significantly reduce the number of accidents in Russian roads and increase the level of driver discipline.

Long box for black boxes

The idea of ​​mandatory introduction of “black boxes” into vehicle equipment first appeared in 2012. Then the Ministry of Transport asked the government to explore the possibility of integrating “black boxes” into the on-board system of vehicles.

It was planned that from 2015-2016 all cars will be equipped with these devices. However, current economic realities have forced government officials to postpone the implementation of this initiative until 2017. Moreover, some officials do not rule out that if the economic situation does not change, the issue of “black boxes” may be postponed again.

At the same time, this project cannot be called completely “frozen” - today it is being carried out active work on the implementation of “black box” systems and equipment.

At the same time, representatives of the Ministry of Transport admit that the implementation of the initiative is “hampered” by economic factors, as well as the lack of state standards regulating the possibilities of using “black boxes” and the right of access to the information recorded by them.

Thus, experts emphasize that before obliging drivers to install portable recorders on their cars, it is necessary to develop an appropriate regulatory framework. At the legislative level, it must be clearly stated what parameters the “black box” can record, in what cases the information can be used and who can have access to it.

What's in the black box

Presumably, portable recorders will be installed on all new cars, and owners of already produced cars will be able to re-equip their cars on a voluntary basis. The “black box” is designed to record a certain list of parameters, including: speed, engine and gearbox performance, vehicle route, acceleration along 3 coordinate axes, steering angles, etc.

The recorder will be able to receive all the basic information not only from on-board computer, but also from all other car sensors. The “black box” will operate from the machine’s electrical network, plus have its own backup power source.

The device software will be encrypted to prevent hacking. Specially trained law enforcement officers will have the right to take readings from the recorder.

Some officials offer another version of the use of these devices. According to their initiative, insurance companies will be offered the opportunity independent choice supplier of portable recorders and developing a system of discounts for drivers who agree to install a “black box”.

In this way, insurance companies will be able to increase their customer base, plus confidence in portable recorders among the population will increase, which will help speed up the adoption of these devices.

Expert opinion

Many experts agree that the postponement of the mandatory installation of cars with “black boxes” is quite logical. Thus, in today's conditions, large-scale innovations are hardly possible and all of them are being fine-tuned until better times. In addition, the authorities need to work on legislative framework and carefully think through all its details.

Experts have the greatest doubts about the possibility of rapid implementation of “black boxes” high price device data. Adding to the car package domestic auto industry a portable recorder will raise the price of a car almost to the level of foreign cars. This could lead to a noticeable decline in demand for Russian cars among the population.

And considering that already today automotive market If there is a noticeable decline in sales due to the economic crisis, then the rise in car prices can become a strong “blow” to the domestic automobile industry.

As for drivers, their opinions regarding the initiative of the Ministry of Transport are somewhat different. On the one hand, car owners consider it positive to be able to record car indicators, which in the event of an accident will help identify the culprit of the accident and receive insurance payments.

On the other hand, drivers are somewhat concerned that the device will presumably be able to record conversations in the car. Well, the main disadvantage of “black boxes” was unanimously recognized as their price.