Permissible dimensions of vehicles in the Russian Federation. Traffic regulations requirements for the transportation of oversized cargo by road. What is considered oversized cargo?

Often during transportation it is necessary to transport various oversized cargo. There is no clear definition in the traffic rules for this.

It is generally accepted that a load is oversized if it does not meet the requirements and exceeds the size of the vehicle itself, as a result of which the risk of accidents increases. Therefore, oversized items must be allocated in such a way that other participants traffic he could be noticed from a great distance and measures could be taken to ensure safety.

There are two main types of this type of cargo:

  • large - exceeds the size of the vehicle and may block part of the roadway;
  • heavy - its weight is greater than the maximum permissible weight which this vehicle can transport.

When it comes to freight transportation, oversized cargo exceeds the following parameters:

  • its height is more than 2.5 m;
  • weighs from 38 tons;
  • length starts from 24 m;
  • width - from 2.55 m.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

It should also be recalled that the administrative code provides for punishment for improperly organizing the transportation of oversized items without the appropriate permission.

  • In particular, Article 12.12.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the driver will have to pay a fine of 2,500 rubles.
  • The official who authorized such transportation will be required to pay 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • And for a legal entity, liability is imposed in the form of 400-500 thousand rubles.

Under the same article, the driver may be deprived of his driver's license for up to six months.

Based on all these factors, the driver and the responsible person may receive not only a fine for oversized cargo, but also lose their license. Therefore, it is necessary to study and strictly adhere to the rules for transporting oversized items, which are described in the traffic rules.

Large cargo sign

First of all, the vehicle is marked with a special sign “Large cargo”. It is a metal plate with diagonal white and red lines on it. The size of the shield is 40x40 cm. It is also possible to use stickers of a similar size.

The surface of the sign must be reflective so that it is visible both during the day and at night.

In addition to this plate, any truck must be marked with the following signs:

  • road train;
  • large size;
  • Long Vehicle.

Install this sign necessary on those parts of the load that protrude above roadway. Reflectors are also used. They should be in the front white, in the back - red or orange.

Oversized cargo - transportation by passenger transport

You can often see how passenger cars similar to cargo trucks, they transport oversized cargo that protrudes above the roadway. Drivers of passenger cars are also subject to liability for violating transportation rules, so they should be considered.

The following cargo is considered oversized:

  • protrudes more than one meter from the back or front;
  • from the side - 40 or more centimeters.

If you are dealing with this type of transportation, then you must use the above plate (sign) and attach it directly to the protruding parts of the oversized cargo. At night, in addition to the sign for oversized cargo, use reflectors - white in front, red in back.

The load must be placed in such a way that it does not block the driver’s view, there is no risk of it slipping, and it does not cause harm road surface or auxiliary structures.

Please note that if the load protrudes from the rear or front by more than 2 meters and the total width exceeds 2.55 meters, then it must be transported passenger transport without special permission is prohibited. If an inspector stops you, there is high probability that a corresponding protocol will be issued and you will be deprived of your rights for up to six months.

Organization of transportation of large cargo

If massive objects are to be delivered by road transport, for example, heavy equipment or large agricultural machinery, you must take care in advance to obtain permission from the regional office of the Ministry of Transport.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • metric parameters of transported equipment;
  • the route along which the convoy will move;
  • quality certificates and additional documents confirming the characteristics of the cargo: dangerous, large, non-hazardous, and so on.

It may take up to 30 days to coordinate routes and obtain permission. The Ministry of Transport will analyze the route, and if it turns out that there are any communications along this route that impede travel (low bridges, overpasses, overhanging power lines, narrow sections of the road), then the route may be revised. It is possible that you will need to use another mode of transport, such as rail or sea.

In special cases, they may provide escort in the form of several patrol cars with flashing beacons orange color. They will not give any priority in traffic, but will warn other car owners of a potential threat.

If a convoy consisting of several long vehicles is moving vehicles, the following requirements must be met:

  • accompanying vehicles with flashing lights in front and behind the column;
  • the distance between each unit of transport must ensure safety;
  • if dangerous goods are transported, the presence of another additional heavy-duty vehicle will be required in order to transfer the cargo to it in case of unforeseen situations.

In poor visibility conditions, all vehicles must be equipped with warning lights.

There are also cases when transportation of oversized items may be refused:

  • it is possible to transport it by other means - railway, air or sea transportation;
  • the cargo is divisible, that is, it can be disassembled without damage;
  • 100% safety cannot be ensured, for example, if the route runs through settlements or near hazardous areas roads.

Well, the most important point is that only technically sound vehicles are allowed for such work. Therefore, before starting you need to go through full diagnostics, troubleshoot any problems. Drivers also undergo a mandatory medical examination and adhere to work and rest schedules.

The overall dimensions of trucks are established in accordance with accepted standards international standards and regulations of individual countries. Regulation is primarily intended to ensure the safety of vehicle traffic, the safety of transported goods and environmental protection standards. The EU has a simplified system of national rules, the purpose of which is to create equal conditions and facilitate the process of transport between member states of the European Union. In the recent past, these rules were also necessary to prevent discrepancies in the size of transported goods, which, after motor transport, are transferred for transportation to railway.
Council Directive 96/53/EC of 25 July 1996 established standardized dimensions and maximum weights for cross-border goods transport. Their compliance is mandatory at least within the European Union. Each member state may, in its national legislation (for example, in Germany, these are traffic rules), may slightly modify the established restrictions.

International Classification of Freight Vehicles (ATC)

Gross weight(tons)


Trucks, special vehicles

Vehicles with an engine intended for the transportation of goods

Over 3.5 to 12.0

Vehicles with an engine intended for the transportation of goods

Trucks, tractor units, special vehicles

ATS without a driver

Trailers and semi-trailers

ATS without a driver

Over 0.75 to 3.5

Trailers and semi-trailers

ATS without a driver

Over 3.5 to 10.0

Trailers and semi-trailers

ATS without a driver

Trailers and semi-trailers

Currently in Russia transportation of heavy and large-sized cargo is regulated by:

  • by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 N 272. Appendix 2 does not make any distinction for single- or dual-pitch wheels.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2014 No. 12, comes into force only from January 1, 2015 year.

18.75 m

24.0 tons

10.0 tons

11.5 tons

40.0 tons

Acceptable truck sizes in Europe

dimensions (meter)

Width (standard truck)

Width (refrigerated)

Truck length

Trailer length

Truck train length

Train length

Three axle bus length

Articulated bus length

Maximum weight of trucks in Europe. Truck axle loads in Europe

maximum weight for axles (tons)

Non-driving axle

Drive axle

Double trolley

Triple trolley

total weight of a single truck (tons)

Two axle truck

Three axle truck

Four axle truck

total trailer weight (tons)

Two axle trailer

Tri-axle trailer

total weight of the road train (tons)

Three-axle semi-trailer train

Four-axle semi-trailer train

Five-axle semi-trailer train

Six-axle semi-trailer train

Four-axle road train

Five-axle road train

Six-axle road train

Three axle bus

Permissible weight of a road train in Russia. Maximum axle load in Russia.

Appendix No. 2
to the Rules for the transportation of goods by road (as amended by the Government Resolution Russian Federation No. 12 dated January 9, 2014)

Permissible axle loads of vehicles

Distance between adjacent axes (meters)

Acceptable axial loads wheeled vehicles depending on the standard (calculated) axle load (tons) and the number of wheels on the axle

for highways designed for an axle load of 6 tons/axle ( * )

for highways designed for an axle load of 10 tons/axle

for highways designed for an axle load of 11.5 tons/axle

Single axes
Twin axles of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, tractor vehicles, truck tractors with the distance between the axles (load on the bogie, sum of axial masses)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 or more

Triple axles of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, tractor units, truck tractors with the distance between the axles (load on the bogie, sum of axle masses)

up to 1 (inclusive)

up to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

21 (22,5 ** )

from 1.8 or more

Closed axles of trucks, tractor-trailers, truck tractors, trailers and semi-trailers with more than three axles at a distance between the axles (load per axle)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 or more

Close axles of vehicles with eight or more wheels on each axle (load per axle)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 or more

(* ) If the owner of the highway installs the appropriate road signs and posts information on the axle load of the vehicle permissible for the highway on its official website.
(** ) For vehicles with single wheels equipped with pneumatic or equivalent suspension.


  1. Values ​​in brackets are given for double-pitch wheels, outside brackets - for single-pitch wheels.
  2. Axles with single and dual wheels, combined into a group of adjacent axles, should be considered as adjacent axles with single wheels, with the exception of a two-axle bogie with an unloaded axle.
  3. For tandem and triple axles structurally combined into a common bogie, the permissible axle load is determined by dividing the total load on the bogie by the appropriate number of axles.
  4. The permissible axial load for a two-axle trolley with an unloaded axle is assumed to be equal to the ratio of 60 percent of permissible load per two-axle trolley for the driving axle and 40% for the unloaded axle.

European emission standards for diesel truck engines

UN General Assembly emission requirements for heavy duty trucks equipped with diesel engine, g/(kW h)
Each truck must be marked in accordance with its standard. Letters of the Latin alphabet are used for designation.

Standard (year)

Carbon monoxide - CO

Hydrocarbons - NS

Nitric oxide - N0x

Smokiness - Smoke

Euro 0 (1988)

Euro 1 (1992)

Euro 2 (1996)

Euro 3 (2000)

Euro 4 (2005)

Euro 5 (2008)

Euro 6 (2013)

A vehicle that meets the relevant requirements is indicated by a letter placed on the cab or bumper of the truck:

  • U - “Umwelt” (“Nature”), Euro-1 standard,
  • E - “Green Lorry” (“Green Truck”). The concept of “Green Lorry” includes the following requirements: pollutant emission standards EURO-2, noise standards - 78-80 dBA. A certificate of conformity is filled out on such a truck and a U or E plate is installed.
  • S - “Supergreen” (“Very green”), Euro-2 standard
  • G - "Greener and Safe Lorry"
  • L - “Larmarm Kraftfahzeuge” (tractor with low level noise) in Austria, since December 1, 1989, a truck driving at night (from 22:00 to 5:00) in Austria must comply with these noise standards.

Since 2001, another definition of a motor vehicle has been introduced - “EURO-3 safe”, it has been in effect since 2002. Such a truck must comply with EURO-3 emissions standards, and the usual noise level is 78-80 dBA. Then a green sign with a white border and a white number 3 is hung.
For cars that comply with “EURO-4” and “EURO-5” the signs are green with a white border and the numbers 4 and 5.

All of the above signs must be mandatory be confirmed by the manufacturer’s certificate and be on board the vehicle.

Amendments to the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 248-FZ regulating the movement of heavy and large vehicles.

In the Federal Law “On highways and on road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” the concepts of “heavy cargo” and “large cargo” are replaced by the concepts of “heavy vehicle” and “large vehicle”, respectively.
The federal law introduces a ban on the movement on roads of heavy vehicles and large vehicles transporting goods that are not indivisible, with the exception of large vehicles traveling on the basis of special permits, the dimensions of which are no more than 2 percent larger than the permissible ones.
The federal law improves the procedure for implementing procedures related to the issuance of a special permit for the movement of heavy and (or) large vehicles on roads, as well as a vehicle carrying out transportation dangerous goods.
The right to issue a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods on roads is assigned to Rostransnadzor of Russia.
It is established that the relevant authorized bodies can issue special permits for the movement of heavy and (or) large vehicles on roads through their authorized subordinate organizations.
In addition, the Federal Law provides for the possibility of driving heavy vehicles, the weight of which with or without cargo and (or) the axle load of which is no more than 2 percent higher than the permissible weight of the vehicle and (or) the permissible axle load, without special permissions.
If the axle load of a heavy vehicle exceeds the permissible axle load of the vehicle by more than 2 percent, but not more than 10 percent, special permission issued in a simplified manner.
The federal law also establishes that a special permit is issued within no more than one day from the date of confirmation of payment of payment to compensate for damage caused by a heavy vehicle.
For violation of the established deadlines for approval of routes of a heavy vehicle and (or) large vehicle or the period for issuing a special permit, or unreasonable refusal to approve such routes, as well as for violation of traffic rules for a heavy vehicle and (or) large vehicle, the Federal Law provides for administrative liability .

An excursion into the history of the formation of restrictions on the size of trucks

Main regulatory documents regarding restrictions on the size of trucks in Europe is the EU Council Directive No. 96/53/EC. The first states of the old world to change permissible length and the mass of road trains up to 25.25 m and 60 tons were Sweden and Finland. In these countries, the operation of two types of road trains is permitted: those formed from a three-axle tractor and a 5-axle trailer, made on the basis of a serial 3-axle semi-trailer with a 2-axle dolly, and fifth-wheel road trains (SPA), where a 2-axle trailer is attached to a serial semi-trailer. trailer, usually with a central axle.
On domestic roads Road trains of new types appeared quite a long time ago. They run between the cities of Sweden, Finland and St. Petersburg, Moscow. As part of international transport, these vehicles should also have appeared, but the legislation of European countries (with the exception of Sweden and Finland) is not so perfect that short terms change restrictions on truck dimensions. The situation is similar in the CIS countries. The useful volume of such road trains reaches 160 cubic meters.
The Scandinavian states did not immediately come to the length of road trains of 25.5 meters. At first they managed to allow trucks 24 meters long. Standards defining acceptable standards There are currently no masses of trucks and tractor-trailers in the post-Soviet space. The only suitable GOST was canceled more than 25 years ago. According to it, the total weight of a 5-axle semi-trailer or single-trailer road train should not exceed 40 tons, length 20 meters, and with two trailers - 24 meters.
Experts consider the “Agreement on the masses and dimensions of vehicles engaged in interstate transportation on the roads of the CIS member countries,” which came into force on June 4, 1999, to be contradictory and thoughtless. Extremely permissible weight road trains under this “agreement” should be 44 tons. Even in North American countries, where the most stringent standards in the world apply to axle loads and weights of road trains, this figure is 48 tons. The situation is similar with a 6-axle semi-trailer train, the weight of which should not exceed 38 tons. Moreover, in the European Union, according to EU Directive No. 96/53, the permissible weight of a road train is 44 tons.
China has the most liberal attitude towards the size of trucks. Any restrictions there exist only on paper. According to documents, standards similar to EU Directive No. 96/53/EC are regulated, but there are “monsters” of enormous size on the roads.
In North America, a semi-trailer must not exceed 16.15 m in length and 2.6 m in width. In Europe, similar restrictions are stricter: length - 13.6 m, width - 2.6 m. Due to similar disagreements regarding acceptable standards The process of transporting goods by containers is becoming more complicated. Thus, 45, 48 and 53 foot containers are not found at all in Europe, although they are used everywhere in the USA and Canada.

What is a Road Train?

A road train is considered to be a car with an arbitrary number of trailers or a tractor-trailer.
A special feature of this vehicle is the presence of a towing device. The use of road trains increases the use of the power potential of vehicles, reduces the cost of transportation, increases productivity, reduces the need for drivers, reduces fuel consumption per 1 ton of transported cargo by increasing the maximum permissible volume of cargo that can be transported at a time by one freight vehicle.

Classification of trucks by purpose

All trucks can be divided into the following popular categories based on body type:

  • Awnings, semi-trailers are the most common type of truck. Used to transport any cargo. The body is loaded from any side, which greatly simplifies this process. Average load capacity varies from 20 to 25 tons;
  • Refrigerators, semi-trailers are semi-trailers that are equipped with refrigeration units necessary for transporting perishable products. Refrigerator temperature: from +25 to -25. The average carrying capacity of these types of trucks is 12-20 tons;
  • Automatic coupler represents a car and a trailer for it. They are very convenient in terms of loading/unloading. They can transport almost any cargo, except long ones, as well as those requiring special conditions. Capacity: from 16 to 25 tons;
  • Jumbo- These are high-capacity trailers. The floor of the trailer is made in the shape of the letter “L”, and the diameter of the wheels is also reduced, due to which additional space is achieved. The average carrying capacity of such trailers is up to 20 tons;
  • Container ship- a vehicle used for transporting containers;
  • Tank truck- a vehicle used for the transportation of liquid and bulk cargo;
  • Car transporter- a vehicle used for transporting cars;
  • Grain truck- a vehicle used for transporting grain;
  • Dump truck- a vehicle used for transporting bulk cargo.

Terms used in transport documents

  • "Truck"- a vehicle equipped with a mechanical drive. Operated for transporting goods by road;
  • "Vehicle"- a device on which cargo or passengers are installed for their transportation on roads;
  • "Road Train"- a combined vehicle consisting of a truck and trailer (trailer train), tractor and semi-trailer (trailer train);
  • "Tractor"- a vehicle equipped own engine and designed solely or primarily for towing a trailer or semi-trailer;
  • "Combined vehicle"- combination of a car and a trailer (semi-trailer);
  • "Full trailer" drawbar trailer - a towed vehicle having at least two axles, of which at least one axle is steerable and, in addition:
    - equipped with a towing device (drawbar), which has the ability to move vertically relative to the tractor;
    - not transmitting any significant vertical load to the tractor (not more than 100 daN).
    When a semi-trailer is coupled to a semi-trailer undercarriage, it is considered a full trailer;
  • "Semitrailer"- a towed vehicle that is intended to be connected to truck tractor(or with the support trolley of a semi-trailer) and transfers a significant vertical load to the coupling device of the tractor (or to the support trolley of the semi-trailer);
  • "Semi-trailer support trolley"- Trailer with a central axle, equipped with a fifth wheel coupling device.
  • "Maximum vehicle length"- the length of the vehicle, which does not exceed the established acceptable values(for each country its own);
  • "Maximum vehicle width"- the width of the vehicle, which does not exceed the established permissible values ​​(different for each country);
  • « Maximum height vehicle"- the height of the vehicle, which does not exceed the established permissible values ​​(different for each country);
  • "Maximum vehicle weight"- the weight of the vehicle with or without cargo, which does not exceed the established permissible values ​​(different for each country);
  • "Maximum axial mass"- the mass transmitted through the axle of the vehicle to the surface of the road, which does not exceed the established permissible values ​​(for each country);
  • "Weight of the vehicle in running order"- the weight of an unladen vehicle with a body and a coupling device in the case of a tractor-bus, or the weight of a chassis with a cab, if the manufacturer does not install a body, and/or a coupling device. This weight includes coolant, oils, at least 90% fuel, 100% other fluids (excluding used water), tools, driver (75 kg), and spare tire.
  • “Technically permissible maximum vehicle weight”- the maximum weight of the vehicle, determined by its design and specified characteristics, established by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • "Indivisible Cargo"- cargo that cannot be divided during transportation due to the risk of damage or large expenditures of time and money;
  • "Air suspension"- a suspension system in which the shock-absorbing element is air, providing at least 75% of the shock-absorbing effect;

Forwarder or carrier? Three secrets and international cargo transportation

Forwarder or carrier: who to choose? If the carrier is good and the forwarder is bad, then the first. If the carrier is bad and the forwarder is good, then the latter. This choice is simple. But how can you decide when both candidates are good? How to choose from two seemingly equivalent options? The fact is that these options are not equivalent.

Horror stories of international transport


It is not easy to live between the customer of transportation and the very cunning and economical owner of the cargo. One day we received an order. Freight for three kopecks, additional conditions for two sheets, the collection is called.... Loading on Wednesday. The car is already in place on Tuesday, and by lunchtime the next day the warehouse begins to slowly throw into the trailer everything that your forwarder has collected for its recipient customers.


According to legends and experience, everyone who transported goods from Europe by road knows what a terrible place the Kozlovichi VET, Brest Customs, is. What chaos the Belarusian customs officers create, they find fault in every possible way and charge exorbitant prices. And it's true. But not all...


Loading with groupage cargo at a consolidation warehouse in Germany. One of the cargoes is milk powder from Italy, the delivery of which was ordered by the Forwarder.... A classic example of the work of a forwarder-“transmitter” (he doesn’t delve into anything, he just transmits along the chain).

Documents for international transport

International road transport of goods is very organized and bureaucratic, as a result - for the implementation of international road transport cargo, a bunch of standardized documents are used. It doesn’t matter if it’s a customs carrier or an ordinary one - he won’t travel without documents. Although this is not very exciting, we tried to simply explain the purpose of these documents and the meaning that they have. They gave an example of filling out TIR, CMR, T1, EX1, Invoice, Packing List...

Axle load calculation for road freight transport

The goal is to study the possibility of redistributing loads on the axles of the tractor and semi-trailer when the location of the cargo in the semi-trailer changes. And applying this knowledge in practice.

In the system we are considering there are 3 objects: a tractor $(T)$, a semi-trailer $(\large ((p.p.)))$ and a load $(\large (gr))$. All variables related to each of these objects will be marked with the superscript $T$, $(\large (p.p.))$ and $(\large (gr))$ respectively. For example, the tare weight of a tractor will be denoted as $m^(T)$.

Why don't you eat fly agarics? The customs officer exhaled a sigh of sadness.

What is happening in the international road transport market? The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation has banned the issuance of TIR Carnets without additional guarantees for several years already federal districts. And she notified that from December 1 of this year she will completely terminate the agreement with the IRU as not meeting the requirements of the Customs Union and is putting forward financial claims that are not childish.
IRU in response: “The explanations of the Federal Customs Service of Russia regarding the alleged debt of ASMAP in the amount of 20 billion rubles are a complete fiction, since all the old TIR claims have been completely settled..... What do we, common carriers, think?

Stowage Factor Weight and volume of cargo when calculating the cost of transportation

The calculation of the cost of transportation depends on the weight and volume of the cargo. For sea transport most often crucial has volume, for air - weight. For road transport of goods, a complex indicator is important. Which parameter for calculations will be chosen in a particular case depends on specific gravity of the cargo (Stowage Factor) .



Moscow, 1999

(FDS of Russia)



On approval of the standards “Maximum masses and dimensions of vehicles operated on highways” public use»

In order to ensure road safety, reliability and safety of public roads and road structures, taking into account their bearing capacity and carrying capacity I ORDER: 1. Approve the attached standards “Maximum weights and dimensions of vehicles operated on public roads”, agreed with the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2. Department for ensuring the safety of roads of the FDS of Russia (Sorokin S.F.) together with Legal Department FDS of Russia (Enikeev Sh.S.) to agree on in the prescribed manner with interested ministries and departments and submit before June 1, 1999 for approval to the leadership of the FDS of Russia “Rules for the passage of heavy and (or) large vehicles on public roads” and “Instructions on the procedure for compensation for damage caused by heavy vehicles when driving on public roads." 3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the deputy head of the FDS of Russia I.A. Urmanov. Head V.G. Artyukhov



Moscow, 1999

1 . General provisions

1.1. The provisions set out in these standards relate to the weight and dimensions of vehicles permitted for use in the Russian Federation on public roads, established on the basis of the requirements for ensuring road safety, reliability and safety of highways and road structures, taking into account their load-bearing capacity and load capacity. The restrictions on the weight and dimensions of vehicles set out below do not apply to the production of vehicles, the requirements for which are established by other standards and regulations. 1.2. Vehicles or parts thereof, forming part of combined vehicles, the dimensions, as well as the total weight and axle load of which do not exceed the values ​​​​established by sections 3, 4 and 5 of these standards, are allowed to travel on federal and territorial public roads. For other highways designed and built for loads lower than those specified in sections 3, 4 and 5, the owners of the highways may set other (smaller) vehicle weight limits; for federal highways - the Federal road service Russia, for territorial highways - by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for municipal highways - by local government bodies. Decisions to reduce the dimensions and weights of vehicles listed below are made based on the results of a road survey and may be permanent or temporary. In this case, the body that made such a decision is obliged, in accordance with the established procedure, to install the appropriate road signs on the highway or its section on which additional restrictions on the weight and size of vehicles have been introduced and to inform road users about this. 1.3. A vehicle and its part forming a combined vehicle, the mass and/or axle load of which and/or the size of which exceed the maximum values ​​​​established by these standards, may be driven on roads only with special permits issued in the prescribed manner by the competent authorities. The movement of such vehicles on roads is carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia on May 27, 1996. 1.4. In addition to the maximum values ​​of the total mass and axle loads established by these requirements, the mass of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for a specific vehicle. 1.5. For the purposes of these standards, the following concepts and definitions are used: Vehicle - a device intended for transporting goods and passengers along roads; Truck - a vehicle designed and built exclusively or primarily for the transport of goods; Tractor means a vehicle designed and constructed solely or primarily for towing a trailer or semi-trailer; Trailer - a vehicle intended for the transportation of goods by towing by a tractor or truck; Semi-trailer - specially equipped for the transportation of goods, designed to be connected to a tractor in such a way that part of this vehicle is located directly on the tractor and transfers a significant portion of its weight to it; Road train is a combined vehicle consisting of a truck and a trailer; Articulated vehicle - a combination vehicle consisting of a tractor unit articulated with a semi-trailer; Bus - a vehicle designed to transport passengers and their luggage, having more than nine seats, including a seat for the driver; Articulated bus- a bus consisting of two or more rigid sections connected to each other and having passenger compartment in each section, allowing passengers to move freely from one cabin to another; Combined vehicle- a combination of a truck consisting of a truck connected to a semi-trailer; Maximum length, width and height of the vehicle - length, width and height of the vehicle with or without cargo, not exceeding the values ​​specified in Section 3 of these standards; Maximum linear parameters of the vehicle - linear parameters not exceeding the values ​​specified in section 3 of these standards; Maximum vehicle weight- the weight of the vehicle with or without cargo, which does not exceed the values ​​specified in Section 4 of these standards; - mass transmitted through the vehicle axle to the surface of the road, not exceeding normative value;Indivisible cargo- cargo which, when transported by road, cannot be divided into two or more parts without excessive cost or risk of damage and which, when loaded onto a vehicle, will exceed its maximum dimensions and weight; Air suspension- a suspension system in which the shock-absorbing element is air; Cart- two or more axes having common suspension to the vehicle; Single axis- the axle of a vehicle located at a distance of more than 1.8 m from the nearest axle of this vehicle; Closed axes- axles (two or more) of a vehicle located at a distance between them of less than 1.8 m.

2. Measuring the weight and dimensions of vehicles

2.1. The length of the vehicle is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.1. However, when measuring length in accordance with the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle are not taken into account: window cleaning device and mud flaps; front and side marking plates; devices for sealing and protective devices for them; devices for securing tarpaulins and protective devices for them; equipment for electric lighting; rear view mirrors; devices for viewing the space behind the car; air tubes; length of valves and connectors for connection to trailers or swap bodies; steps for access to the body; tire lift; lifting platforms, access steps and similar equipment not exceeding 200 mm in operating position and designed in such a way that they do not increase the vehicle's loading weight limit; coupling devices for towing vehicles or trailers. 2.2. Vehicle height is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.3. Moreover, when measuring height, taking into account the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle should not be taken into account: antennas; pantograph in raised position. For vehicles equipped with an axle lifting device, the effect of this device is taken into account. 2.3. The width of the vehicle is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.2. When measuring the width of a vehicle, taking into account the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle should not be taken into account: devices for seals and seals and protective devices for them; devices for securing tarpaulins and protective devices for them; devices for identifying tire damage ; protruding flexible parts of mudguards; lighting equipment; steps in the operative position, suspended platforms and similar equipment which, in the operative position, do not exceed 10 mm on each side of the vehicle and face forward or rearward, the corners of which are rounded with a radius of not less than 5 mm, and the edges of which are rounded with a radius of not less than 2 .5 mm; rearview mirrors; tire pressure indicators; retractable or retractable steps; the curved portion of a tire's surface that extends beyond its point of contact with the ground. 2.4. The axial mass of a vehicle is measured with a dynamic vertical load transmitted through a single axle to the surface of the road from a loaded vehicle. The measurement is carried out with special vehicle scales that have been certified in the prescribed manner. The axial mass of a trolley located on one suspension, taking into account the design of the vehicle, is determined as the sum of the measurements of the mass of each of the axles included in the trolley. 2.5. The gross mass of a vehicle or part thereof forming part of a combination vehicle is determined as the sum of the measured masses of all axles of the vehicle or part thereof.

3 . Maximum dimensions and other vehicle parameters

The maximum dimensions of vehicles, taking into account the dimensions of swap bodies and cargo containers, including containers, must not exceed the values ​​given below. 3.1. Maximum length: truck - 12.00 m trailer - 12.00 m articulated vehicle - 16.5 m articulated bus - 18.00 m road train - 20.00 m 3.2. Maximum width: all vehicles - 2.50 m 3.3. Maximum height - 4.00 m 3.4. The maximum distance between the coupling locking axis and back semi-trailer must not exceed 12.00 m. 3.5. The maximum distance measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train from the outer front point of the body or the cargo stowage area behind the cab to the rear outer point of the trailer, minus the distance between the rear of the tractor and the front of the trailer, shall not exceed 15.65 m. 3.6. The maximum distance, measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train, from the outer front point of the body or platform for loading cargo behind the cab to the rear outer point of the semi-trailer must not exceed 16.40 m. 3.7. The load installed in the body of the vehicle must not protrude beyond the rear outer point of the vehicle or trailer by more than 2.00 m. 3.8. Distance between rear axle of a truck and the front axle of a trailer must be at least 3.00 m. 3.9. The horizontally measured distance between the semi-trailer's hinge axis and any point on the front of the semi-trailer must not exceed 2.04 m. 3.10. When moving, any vehicle must be able to turn within a space limited by an outer radius of 12.50 m and an inner radius of 5.30 m. 3.11. The maximum distance between the coupling locking axis and the rear of the combination vehicle must not exceed 12.00 m.

4. Standard total weight of vehicles*

* The standard total mass of vehicles is not allowed to be exceeded by more than 20%.

Table 4.1

Vehicle type

Standard total weight of the vehicle, t

Trucks a) two-axle vehicle
b) three-axle car
d) a four-axle vehicle with two driven axles, each of which consists of two pairs of wheels and has air or equivalent suspension
Vehicles forming part of a combination vehicle a) two-axle trailer
b) three-axle trailer
Combined vehicles Articulated vehicles
a) a two-axle tractor with a two-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 11.2 m or more
b) a two-axle tractor with a three-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 12.1 m or more
c) a three-axle tractor with a two-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 11.7 m or more
d) three-axle tractor with three-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 12.1 or more
e) a vehicle consisting of 18 ton truck and 20s ton semi-trailer if the vehicle has a drive axle consisting of twin wheels and is equipped with air or equivalent suspension with a total wheelbase of 13.3 m or more
Road trains a) two-axle truck with two-axle trailer with a total base of 12.1 m or more
b) a two-axle truck with a three-axle trailer with a total base of 14.6 m or more
c) a two-axle truck with a four-axle trailer with a total base of 16.5 m or more
d) a three-axle truck with a two-axle trailer with a total base of 14.6 m or more
e) a three-axle truck with a three-axle trailer with a total base of 15.9 m or more
e) a three-axle truck with a four-axle trailer with a total base of 18 m or more
Buses a) two-axle bus
b) three-axle bus
c) three-axle articulated bus
d) four-axle articulated bus

5. Standard axial loads vehicles

Table 5.1.

Standard axle loads of vehicles *

* Axle loads of vehicles should not exceed standard axle loads by more than 40%.

Types of vehicle axles

Estimated axial load for which the road pavement is designed, tf



Single axes
Twin axles of trailers, semi-trailers, drive axles of trucks and buses at distances between axles:
d) equal to or more than 1.8 m
Triple axles of trailers and semi-trailers with distances between axles:
a) more than 0.5 m, but less than 1.0 m
b) equal to or more than 1.0 m, but less than 1.3 m
c) equal to or more than 1.3 m, but less than 1.8 m
d) equal to or more than 1.8 m
- the same when mounted on an air suspension or an equivalent suspension
5.8. The weight transmitted to the drive axles or drive axles of the vehicle or combination vehicle must not be less than 25% of the total weight of the vehicle or combination vehicle.
1. General provisions. 2 2. Measuring the mass and dimensions of vehicles. 3 3. Maximum dimensions and other parameters of vehicles. 4 4. Standard total weight of vehicles. 5 5. Standard axle loads of vehicles. 6

To prevent a truck from tipping over, it is imperative to take into account seasonal characteristics and the risk of exposure to heavy winds;

  • due to the size of the object, the driver’s visibility is limited, as a result of which he cannot adequately assess the road situation;
  • the cargo closes lighting fixtures, reflectors, identification marks, state license plate;
  • During transportation, environmental pollution occurs.

Transportation rules A vehicle with oversized cargo moving on the roads should not accelerate more than 60 km/h. In this case, bridges should be crossed at a speed of no more than 15 km/h. Particular attention should be paid technical condition vehicle.

What is considered oversized cargo?

Today, the need to transport large loads has increased greatly. For this purpose, vehicles with increased carrying capacity requirements are used.
Oversized cargo extends beyond the dimensions of the vehicle and exceeds traffic rules. It has certain dimensions:

  • the length should not exceed 20 meters;
  • height 4 m;
  • its width should be 2.55 meters.

If these parameters are exceeded, then in order to transport oversized cargo, it is necessary to obtain a special permit regulating its transportation.

If the driver is engaged in transportation without this document, he violates the traffic rules and is liable for a fine. established by law, or is deprived of the right to drive a car. Let's look at what the fine will be for improper transportation of oversized items.

Transportation of oversized cargo


That is why transportation can take place not along the shortest route, but with a choice of roads with a suitable load class. Signs Sign used to designate oversized cargo: Sign “Long-length road train”Long vehicle.

When transporting dangerous goods, the vehicle must be marked with the sign: Cover vehicle Previously, if the length of a vehicle loaded with oversized cargo was more than 24 m, but less than 30 m, and the width was more than 3.5 m, but less than 4 m, then appropriate conditions for transportation could be created transport company without the participation of traffic police representatives. But since 2014, when transporting heavy and oversized cargo, it is necessary to use a cover vehicle to ensure safety.

What fine do drivers pay if they incorrectly transport oversized cargo or transport it without permission in 2018? Has he changed? The fine for oversized cargo is 2,000 - 2,500 rubles for ordinary drivers. For officials who are responsible for transportation, it will be 15,000 rubles, and legal entities They are already paying 500,000 rubles.
If the driver is unable to position the load correctly, he or she must stop and correct the problem or stop driving altogether. You need to be careful and follow all the rules for transporting oversized items so as not to be subject to articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.21 part 1 and not pay a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Large cargo sign sign sizes according to GOST

General requirements for oversized transportation As a matter of fact, transportation of oversized cargo is a technically complex and, in some cases, dangerous processes; it is subject to a number of requirements, the observance of which is mandatory:

  • when placing cargo in the body, it is necessary to prevent obstruction of its visibility;
  • must be ensured reliable fastening cargo in the back to prevent it from moving on its own and the truck tipping over;
  • during transportation, the cargo should not complicate or limit transport control;
  • It is prohibited to block the vehicle's light fixtures with cargo.

The Gazelkin company complies with all requirements for the transportation of large cargo.

What is the fine for transporting oversized cargo in 2018?


Special rules should be followed when driving a vehicle (with or without cargo) if:

  • the height of the vehicle is more than 4 m above the road surface;
  • width exceeds 2.55 m. Allowable size width for refrigerated trailers and isothermal bodies – 2.6 m;
  • the length of the road train, including one with one trailer, is 20 m;
  • the length of a road train with two or more trailers is 24 m;
  • the overall dimensions of the cargo exceed the dimensions of the vehicle by more than 2 m.

Heavyweights Also, special permission from the traffic police is required when transporting heavy cargo.

It matters total weight vehicle and transported object. Specific values ​​in different countries may differ, which must be taken into account when intending to cross the border.

Fine for transporting oversized cargo without permission in 2018

Freight taxi "Gazelkin" offers transportation of oversized cargo various types motor transport equipment. The experience and professionalism of the company’s employees is a guarantee high quality performance of work.

What is considered oversized cargo? It includes types of cargo whose dimensions and weight exceed established traffic rules values ​​applied to items permitted for transportation. Based on Russian laws, the following can be classified as cargo of this type:

  • protruding in front and behind vehicles by more than 100 cm;
  • protruding from the edges of the vehicle by more than 40 cm.

The calculation is carried out regardless of the dimensions of the machine itself.

Thus, if during transportation to light truck cargo protruding beyond its limits will be defined as oversized; when transported by a long-length cargo, it will be classified as a regular type of cargo.

23. transportation of goods

  • It is important to consider the correspondence of the load weight and maximum load capacity car. When a car is overloaded, wear on the engine, frame, chassis and wheels increases, and the steering efficiency decreases. This creates a risk of an accident.
  • Maximum attention should also be paid to the quality of fastening and the location of the cargo in the body. If it is in an unstable position, there is a risk of the load falling or the vehicle overturning.
  • When delivered, transported items must not pollute the environment or the road surface or be sources of increased noise.
  • It is unacceptable to cover reflective and lighting devices or vehicle license plates with the cargo or part of it.

Delivery large cargo should be performed by specialized companies - only in this case can you be sure of its efficiency and safety.

Main topics of the automobile portal

In order to be guaranteed to protect yourself from problems when filling out an application for a special permit and directly when transporting oversized cargo, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following orders:

  • No. 107: represents regulations for government agencies for issuing permits;
  • No. 258: regulates the rules for issuing permits;
  • No. 7: establishes rules to ensure safety when transporting oversized items.


  • No. 125: procedure for weight and dimensional control;
  • No. 934 + No. 12: procedure for compensation for damage caused to the road;
  • No. 125: rules for passing weight control;
  • No. 211: establishes the rules for introducing a ban on cargo transportation.

Fines and penalties To become familiar with the amount of penalties imposed for violations of the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo, read Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider how oversized cargo should be transported, traffic rules and requirements for the vehicle. Regulatory documents As you can see, only a small proportion of aspects of transportation of oversized goods are covered by the Road Traffic Rules.

Basic regulation of the transportation of oversized cargo on the roads of the Russian Federation is carried out by Federal Law No. 257-FZ. In Chapter 5 of Article 31 you can find the following points:

  • transportation of large and heavy cargo requires special permission;
  • the procedure for obtaining a special permit is established by the government of the Russian Federation;
  • Before transportation, it is necessary to coordinate the route with the owner of the roads;
  • In case of damage, the amount of compensation is calculated by the owner of the road.

Based on the rights specified in the above normative act, “Rules for the transportation of goods by road” were drawn up.
What are the dimensions of oversized cargo for transportation? Guided by provisions of the traffic rules, transportation of items unaccompanied is possible only with the following dimensions truck transport(both loaded and not):

  • height no more than 4 meters;
  • length up to 20 meters;
  • width up to 2.55 meters.

Taking into account the dimensions of the cabin and chassis of trucks, the capacity of standard transport is functionally limited to the following dimensions:

  • height 2.55 m;
  • length 13.6 m;
  • 2.55 m wide.

Any type of cargo whose dimensions exceed the specified limits is classified as oversized. This includes a load protruding by the above amounts in full or in separate parts.

When transporting oversized items, it is necessary to use a special identification mark"Large cargo."

When moving on roads, it is necessary to take into account the permitted dimensions of cargo for transportation by road. This is one of the factors that ensures road safety for all participants, as well as the key to successful transportation of transported objects, goods, and substances. In addition, limiting the size and weight of cargo is an important tool for influencing competition. Therefore, these standards are clearly regulated and require mandatory compliance.

What is oversized cargo?

Oversized cargo is considered to be cargo with dimensions that do not exceed the norms in force for a vehicle. That is, what is transported is equal to the vehicle itself. Maximum dimensions for the transportation of goods by road are established by traffic regulations and other regulations.

Automotive standards in the European Union

IN European countries The standards regarding the dimensions of transportation by road are determined by Directive 96/53, namely its annex. According to this document, the following restrictions are introduced:

  • total length from rear bumper to front: solid-frame truck - 12 m, road train - 18.75;
  • body width: isothermal vans - 2.6 m, total - 2.55 m;
  • permissible height of cargo for transportation by road transport is up to 4 m;
  • weight for vehicles: two-axle - 18 t, three-axle - 24 t, five-, six-axle - 40 t.

In Russia

According to current regulations, road transportation is carried out by vehicles with the parameters given below.

Weight limit

For single vehicles, depending on the number of axles, the following restrictions are accepted:

  • two axles - 18 t;
  • three axles - 25 t;
  • four axles - 32 t;
  • five axles - 35 tons.

For semi-trailers, as well as trailed road trains, the following weight requirements have been introduced:

  • three axles - 28 t;
  • four axles - 36 t;
  • five axles - 40 t;
  • six axles and more - 44 tons.

Limit dimensions

Restrictions have also been established regarding the permissible dimensions of cargo for transportation by truck:

  • distance between front and rear bumpers: for car train- 12 m, for a single vehicle and trailer - 12 m;
  • body width: total - 2.55, isothermal vans - 2.6 m;
  • The maximum height of cargo for transportation by road is up to 4 m.

Based on established standards, the maximum parameters of a truck that has the right to move freely on the road are: height - 4 meters, length - 20 meters, weight - 40 tons.

Traffic restrictions

Traffic regulations stipulate that the mass of the transported vehicle should not exceed the parameters set by the manufacturer when developing the vehicle. In addition, other rules regarding the dimensions of road transport apply:

  • It is prohibited to transport objects that protrude beyond the vehicle body by more than 1 m at the rear or front, and 0.4 m at the sides;
  • what is moved should not block the view of the road, affect the readability of registration plates, headlights, or interfere with the perception of signs that the driver gives by hand;
  • the load is securely secured to prevent it from falling, especially when it comes to sheets of plywood, fiberboard, and other similar objects, since they increase aerodynamic resistance;
  • if the route is long, then, regardless of the size of the cargo for transportation, vehicles on the road are periodically stopped and the reliability of fastening is checked;
  • the loaded vehicle or what it transports must not cause dust, noise or pollute the environment;
  • The stability of the vehicle must not be impaired by objects placed on it.

If maximum dimensions cargo allowed for transportation by road is exceeded, then the driver installs signs notifying that the cargo is large and takes other measures specified in legislative acts to eliminate the possibility emergency situation on the road.

How to “hide” excess?

When transporting, it is of great importance what kind of transport is used for this. And if you choose the right car, you can move freely from the starting point to the final point without classifying the cargo as oversized.

For example, it is necessary to transport a container with a height of 3.1 m. In this case, the permissible height dimensions of cargo for transportation by road are 4 meters. If a container ship or flatbed trailer of the scow type is used, the height of the item to be delivered is greater. However, if the carrier loads it onto a low-loader trawl, the container will “fit” into the established standards and will be considered oversized. This also affects the cost of transportation, since in the second case there is no need to obtain a special permit or use cover vehicles to transport large cargo.

A similar solution is proposed for the transportation of horizontal cargo, which goes beyond the scope of the term “oversized”. For example, a container 16 m long does not fit on a standard scow, and then a sliding semi-trailer is used. This helps to “hide” extra meters.

For transportation by cars and private vehicles

Rules about overall dimensions cargo permitted for transportation by road applies not only to specialized companies and entrepreneurs providing services in this area. They must also be observed by the owners of individual passenger vehicles, which is used for its own purposes.

Special rules apply for the transportation of oversized cargo. Ignoring the requirements regarding the maximum permissible size of transported items is punishable by a fine and other sanctions. Motor transport companies and private carriers must understand that if the dimensions exceed the established standards, the transporter, along with the transported goods, may end up in an arrest area, and a fine will be imposed on those responsible.