How to determine belt tension. Solving problems with the alternator belt. Checking the tension of the generator drive belt

The timing belt is an element in the engine design that connects the camshaft and crankshaft, organizing the timely opening and similar closing of the valves. The belt drive must always be well tensioned; as a result, engineers have introduced special tensioners into the design of the gas distribution mechanism. Few people know, but not only the service life of the belt itself, but also the unit as a whole depends on proper tension settings. We will talk in more detail about how to tighten the timing belt, and when such an operation may be required, in the article given today.

A few words about the importance of correct tension

Many motorists know that improper functioning of the timing belt can cause very serious engine damage. This is due to the principles of operation of the mechanism, which boil down to the timely and high-quality opening/closing of the engine valves. This approach not only allows you to adjust the valve timing of the internal combustion engine, but also differentiates between sensitive valves and constantly knocking pistons.

If the timing belt begins to work incorrectly, the gas distribution order is disrupted, as a result of which engine elements begin to wear out at an accelerated rate. Similar disturbances in the functioning of the engine can also occur due to improper belt tension.

Note! A break in the belt drive while driving not only negatively affects the condition of the engine, but can actually severely bend the valves. Repairing a car with such a breakdown often costs motorists five-digit sums of money.

In addition, drive tension that does not meet the standards accelerates wear of the main timing elements, the list of which includes:

  • directly the belt drive itself;
  • rollers;
  • torque clutches;
  • guides;
  • tensioner

Repair of each of the marked timing parts takes much longer than normal belt tensioning. Well, there is nothing to say about the cost, if you can tighten the drive yourself and completely free of charge, then you will have to pay for replacing the components of the mechanism.

When does the belt need to be tightened?

Having considered the previous paragraph of the article, it was probably not difficult to understand that monitoring the correct functioning of the timing belt is quite important. In particular, it is worth keeping the belt drive tension at the proper level. By the way, stretching is carried out only in two main cases:

  • During a routine check of the gas distribution mechanism and the tension does not comply with the norm. The normal tension of the timing belt is checked in a very simple way, for which you will need ordinary spring scales and a ruler or caliper. To check, the hook of the scale clings to the belt and pulls until the display shows a load of 10 kilograms. Without loosening your grip, all that remains is to measure the deviation of the drive from the normal position. If the belt has been pulled back by more than 5.5 millimeters, but its tension is inevitable. Otherwise, you can leave everything as is until the next timing check, which is recommended every 10-15,000 kilometers;
  • When repairing the timing belt, when the belt was removed or its tension was weakened.

In situations that do not correspond to those noted above, it is simply not worth touching the belt drive of the mechanism. Especially if the motor runs stably, without pronounced problems.

Stretching procedure

Let's say the timing belt on your car is literally slipping, or its tension is slightly off from the norm. What to do? Naturally, tighten the drive. Fortunately for many motorists, the tightening procedure is not so complicated and is completed within 5-10 minutes. To carry it out you will need the following tools:

  • a timing belt adjustment key, the design of which is quite simple, so it is not necessary to buy it, but can be made with your own hands;
  • basic set of wrenches.

The actual tensioning procedure goes like this:

  1. First of all, we park the car in a place convenient for repair and disconnect the battery (just disconnect the negative terminal);
  2. Then we tear off the hood and remove the protection from the timing belt, of course, if there is one;
  3. After this, loosen the nut securing the tension roller;
  4. Next, using a special key to adjust the belt tension, we tighten it. To do this, we insert the “horns” of the key into special holes on the adjusting nut, which is located in the area of ​​​​the previously loosened fastening of the tension roller. Adjusting the belt tension is carried out by twisting a special key counterclockwise;
  5. Having tensioned the drive as required, fix the tension roller in a stationary position and tighten its fastening;
  6. Recheck the belt tension. If something is wrong, we fix it;
  7. Otherwise, we bring the car back to its original condition, after which the repair can be completed.

Note! During repair work, you need to act carefully, without damaging adjacent timing elements. Often, the carelessness of inexperienced car repair workers complicates their lives by requiring additional repairs.

How to tension the alternator belt

Many car owners are interested in the question - how to tension the alternator belt? After all, the battery charge level and the voltage in the car’s electrical network depend on this. Also from how to tension the alternator belt The condition of the belt itself, as well as the condition of the crankshaft bearings and the generator shaft, also depends. Next, we will analyze in detail, how to properly tension the alternator belt with a specific example.

The importance of tension level and checking it

Let's consider what unpleasant consequences an incorrect level of tension will lead to. If he weakened, there is a high probability of slippage. That is, the generator drive will not operate at rated speed, which in turn will lead to the level of voltage generated by it being below normal. As a consequence - insufficient charging level, insufficient amount of electricity to power the vehicle systems, operation of the electrical system with increased load. In addition, when slipping, the temperature of the belt itself increases significantly, that is, it overheats, which is why loses its resource and may fail prematurely.

If the belt is too tight, this can also lead to excessive wear of the belt itself. And in the worst case, even . Also, excessive tension has a detrimental effect on the bearings of the crankshaft and generator shaft, because they have to work under conditions of increased mechanical load. This leads to excessive wear and speeds up their failure.

Tension check

Tension checking process

Now let's look at the issue of checking tension. It’s worth mentioning right away that the force values ​​are unique and depend not only on the make and model of the machine, but also on the generators and belts used. Therefore, look for the relevant information in the manuals for your car or in the operating instructions for the alternator or belt. This will also be influenced by the presence of additional equipment installed in the car - power steering and air conditioning. In general terms, we can say that if you press the belt on the longest section between the pulleys with a force of about 10 kg, then it should deflect by approximately 1 cm (for example, for a VAZ 2115 car, when applying a force of 10 kg, the belt deflection limits are 10 ...15 mm for generators 37.3701 and 6...10 mm for generators type 9402.3701).

Often, if the alternator belt is loosely tensioned, it begins to emit noise, and the driver sees malfunctions in the operation of the electrical equipment of the car. In some cases, the low battery light will tell you about problems. In such a situation, we recommend checking the tension level of the alternator belt and increasing it.

If during the check you find that your alternator belt is too loose or too tight, you need to adjust the tension. This can be done in two ways depending on what kind of machine you have - using an adjustment bar or using an adjustment bolt. Let's look at them in order.

Tension with adjuster bar

Securing the generator using a strip

This method is used for older cars (for example, “classic” VAZs). It is based on the fact that the generator is attached to the engine using a special arcuate strip, as well as a bolt and nut. By loosening the fastening, you can move the bar with the generator relative to the engine to the required distance, thereby adjusting the tension level.

Actions are performed according to the following algorithm:

  • unscrew the fastening nut on the arc-shaped bar;
  • Using a pry bar, we adjust the position (move) of the generator relative to the engine;
  • tighten the nut, fixing the new position of the generator.

The procedure is simple, it can be repeated if you were unable to achieve the required level of tension the first time.

Tension using adjusting bolt

Adjustment with a bolt on a VAZ-2110

This method is more progressive and is used in most modern machines. It is based on the use of special adjusting bolt, by turning which you can adjust the position of the generator relative to the engine. The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  • loosen the generator, its upper and lower fastenings;
  • Using the adjusting bolt, we change the position of the generator;
  • fix and tighten the generator mount.

The belt tension level in this case can be determined during the adjustment process.

Tension adjustment using a roller

Adjusting roller and key for it

Some modern machines use special belt tensioners to adjust belt tension. adjustment rollers. They allow you to quickly and easily tension the belt. As an example of using this method, consider adjusting the belt on a Lada Priora car with air conditioning and power steering, as one of the most popular cars in our country.

How to tighten the alternator belt on a Priora

Work on tensioning the alternator belt on a Lada Priora car is carried out using a special tension roller, which is part of the structure. To work, you will need a 17 mm wrench to unscrew and lock the mentioned roller again, as well as a special key to turn the adjusting roller (it is a structure of two rods with a diameter of 4 mm, welded to the base, the distance between the rods is 18 mm). Such a key can be purchased at any auto store for a nominal price. Some car owners use curved pliers or “duckbills” in their work. However, we advise you to still buy an adjustment wrench, given its low price and ease of further work.

Voltage regulation process

To adjust with a 17 key, you need to slightly unscrew the fixing bolt that holds the adjusting roller, then use a special key to turn the roller a little in order to increase (most often) or decrease the belt tension. After this, use the 17 key to fix the adjusting roller again. The procedure is simple and even an inexperienced car owner can handle it. It is only important to choose the right force.

After you have completed the tension, check required. To do this, start the engine and turn on the maximum consumers of electricity - high beams, heated rear window, air conditioning. If they work properly and the belt does not whistle, it means you have tensioned it correctly.

The automaker recommends tightening the belt every 15 thousand kilometers, and replacing it every 60 thousand. Also, do not forget to periodically check the tension, as the belt tends to stretch.

Alternator belt tension on Priora

Another method for tightening the alternator belt on a Priora

You will find detailed information about the process of replacing the alternator belt on a Lada Priora in the appropriate section.

How to tension the Ford Focus alternator belt

On different modifications of Ford Focus cars, one of two systems for adjusting belt tension is used - using an automatic or using a mechanical roller. In the first case, operation is much simpler for the owner, since the belt is tensioned using built-in springs. Therefore, the driver only needs to periodically replace the belt (either on his own or at a service station).

In the case of a mechanical roller, tension must be done manually using bench tools - a pry bar and wrenches. The design of the roller mechanism may also differ. However, the essence of the procedure comes down to the fact that it is necessary to slightly loosen the fastening of the roller, tighten it and fix it again. Also in some modifications of “Ford Focus” (for example, “Ford Focus 3”) no tension adjustment. That is, if the belt slips, it must be replaced.

Note! Buy original belts, as often non-original ones are slightly larger, which is why it will whistle and get hot after installation.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the material, which presents the procedure for replacing the alternator belt on a Ford Focus 2 car -.


Regardless of which method you used to adjust the position of the generator, after the procedure you need to turn the crankshaft 2-3 times using a wrench, and then make sure that the tension level has not changed. We also recommend driving a short distance (1...2 km), after which check again.

If you have not found information about the tension level of the alternator belt or cannot perform this procedure yourself, contact a service station for help. If the adjusting mechanisms are set to the extreme position and the belt tension is insufficient, this indicates that it needs to be replaced. As a rule, a car's mileage between belt replacements is 50...80 thousand kilometers, depending on the model and brand of the car.

The role of the generator in the vehicle's energy system is one of the leading ones. In any vehicle, the current generator is one of the most important components. He is responsible for supplying electricity (direct current 12 - 24 V) to all mechanisms and components of the machine. The generator is also responsible for preserving the battery and keeping it in constant working condition. Therefore, checking the generator belt tension should be carried out regularly even in the absence of obvious signs of weakening of the belt tension.

Signs of weak generator drive tension

First of all, with a weak tension, the belt begins to emit a characteristic “squeal” with a sharp increase in engine speed. This is especially noticeable when starting the car or when entering a turn, when an unpleasant squealing sound is heard at the moment of changing gear. Another sign is the “flickering” of headlights at night. When the generator is working normally with the correct tension, the headlights are smooth and bright. If the tension of the alternator belt is weak, in the dark the headlights constantly change brightness while the engine is running.

Visual inspection methods

A car enthusiast should know how to check the generator drive tension. This is simply the necessary knowledge for proper operation of the car. The generator belt tension pattern is different for each engine model. It depends on the location of the unit on the engine. Depending on the number of connected additional modules (hydraulic power steering, air conditioning drive, etc.). Therefore, the procedure for checking tension is different for each motor model. For example, the tension of the j20a engine generator belt occurs according to the diagram shown in the figure below.

Here under No. 1 is the accessory drive belt itself, No. 2 is the tensioner roller and No. 3 is the tension roller nut.

Different installation methods mean different methods for checking tension, but there is a common thread. The test is done on the largest free area of ​​the drive. So, an experienced mechanic checks this parameter by slightly turning the belt by 45 degrees. The belt goes to this angle without much effort. Then resistance grows. V-belts bend when pressed by 5 mm relatively easily, then the force increases.

Important! The alternator drive belts must not be overtightened. This leads to rapid wear of bushings and bearings, failure of engine components and assemblies.

But of course, checking with instruments is more reliable.

Methods for tensioning drive belts

Different engine models have their own methods for tensioning generator belts and other components. They are divided into three types:

  • aggregate;
  • roller;
  • auto.

With the aggregate method, the tension of the drive occurs by moving the body of any unit on a movable base. This could be the alternator itself, the power steering pump, or the air conditioning compressor.

The roller method assumes that the tension is carried out by an eccentric roller. Due to the displaced axial hole, when the roller body is rotated, the displacement produces tension.

Finally, there is an automatic alternator belt tensioning mechanism. This is the most progressive stretching method. The tension roller is mounted in a mechanism with a powerful spring with precisely calculated force. When installing a new belt, the roller is moved to the side and released when it is in place. The spring resting gives the necessary tension.

J20a motor with auto tension

Important! With the automatic method, the belt does not require tightening or force testing. When weakened, it is only replaced. And it's very easy. The spring roller is retracted in the direction of weakening and the entire drive is easily removed.

Specialized belt tension testing devices

There are also special devices for checking the degree of belt tension. They are divided into two types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical devices are based on the principle of a dynamometer. Using a built-in spring, the force applied to deflect or retract is measured. This parameter must be indicated in the car's passport. Therefore, this tool is available to any user. And it may well take a place in the arsenal of a simple car enthusiast who tries to do at least part of the work on his car with his own hands.

Electronic devices are based on the principle of capturing high-frequency sounds. The user, bringing the device to a certain point on the belt, applies a light blow to its surface. The device detects the vibration frequency and displays the result in digital format on a mini screen. But using this device already requires deeper knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is more of a professional tool.

Such devices are already suitable for a reputable service station that cares about its reputation and is ready to spend money both on serious equipment and on training personnel to work with it.

Mechanical tension control device

What are the dangers of a loose belt?

Weak tension in the generator drive belt reduces, first of all, the battery charging current. With a weak charge, the battery’s own internal resource is consumed and, accordingly, its service life is sharply reduced. Shedding of the plates or a short circuit may occur, and the battery of a modern type (not repairable) can only be thrown away. In addition, power surges with insufficient tension negatively affect all electronic systems of current cars, even to the point of their failure. A loose belt can simply jump off the pulleys and cause trouble at high speeds of rotation of the crankshaft pulley. He is even able to break through the hood of a car.

Excessive tension

A very strong tension will also not lead to anything good. An increased load appears on various rubbing parts of additional mechanisms. The first sign of constriction is an unpleasant hum. Most often, the generator belt tension roller makes noise. But this is the least of the troubles that can happen. It is much worse when the bearings of the generator, air conditioning compressor or power steering, or the bushing of the water pump begin to make such noise. In these cases, repairs will be much more serious and expensive.

Therefore, adjusting the tension of the alternator belt is a very important element in vehicle maintenance. Even if automatic tensioning is installed, such as on the J20a engine or Peugeot 306, it is necessary from time to time to check the special marks on the belt tensioner housing, indicating the time for replacement if necessary.

Tools and materials for the prevention of the generator drive mechanism

The variety of types of installation on different types of engines of a huge number of different types of generators does not allow us to unambiguously name a single tool for this operation. As a rule, it is different for each model. Although there are some common features.


Typically, to prevent a drive with aggregate adjustment, wrenches are needed to loosen the assembly bolts and a wrench to rotate the adjustment bolt. Plus a small pry bar to hold the unit in the desired position. For roller drives, a key for loosening the roller nut and a special key for turning the roller itself. For an automatic drive, only a prybar or a wrench to press out the roller when replacing the belt and wrenches to replace the roller itself.

Belts and rollers

For each engine there is both its own alternator belt tension roller and the belt itself. They all have special markings and their own signs.

Important! Installing parts that do not correspond to the intended purpose of this particular motor model can lead to major breakdowns with capital costs.

Therefore, the most reliable way to purchase spare parts is to identify the required parts by VIN code. This is a modern way of obtaining spare parts and parts for the machine. Any vehicle has its own identification number located on a special body plate

Normal auto parts stores no longer require you to bring a broken part for identification (only in very rare cases). It is enough to dictate this code to the seller, and with the help of a special program, by contacting the global identifier database, the seller will confidently tell you the type and dimensions of the required part. If necessary, order delivery to the store within an acceptable time frame. This method is best used to purchase the attachment drives and tension rollers needed by the machine.

Replacing an alternator belt with an automatic tension roller is clearly shown in the video using the example of a Peugeot 306:

The generator device is a unit necessary to power the entire electrical equipment of the machine. Its proper operation depends on many factors, including proper tension. There are three ways to tighten the alternator belt.


How to check tension?

Before adjusting and tightening the drive belt in a car, it is necessary to check the tension value. This parameter is unique for each individual car, as well as the type and model of the generator set.

You can learn more about the tension value from the information provided in the service documentation for the machine. This data may be indicated in the technical manual for the generator unit or drive belt.

The amount of tension will be influenced by the use of additional electrical equipment installed in the machine. In particular, we are talking about the air conditioning system and the hydraulic power steering system. In general, we can say that when 10 kg is applied to the strap, its deflection should be about 1 cm. It is necessary to press on the product for the longest period, directly between the pulleys, and the pressure force should be approximately 10 kg. But this value is only approximate, since in many VAZ models this parameter is 6-10 or 15-15 mm.

Belt tensioning instructions

Tensioner adjustment can be done in a garage. There are several methods of stretching; we will analyze each of them in detail.

Alternator belt tension diagram

Strap tension pattern

Using the adjustment bar

In many machines, the generator set is fixed to the crankcase of the power unit using a special extended bolt. This element allows the device to be moved in different directions. On top there is a special bar made in the form of an arc. There is a slot on it, as well as a nut that fixes the location of the unit relative to the engine.

To tighten the drive belt, do the following:

  1. Use a wrench to unscrew the nut on the bar.
  2. Using a pry bar, pry bar, or other similar tool, the generator set is moved away from the engine.
  3. The nut is tightened on the bar.
  4. The device strap tension is diagnosed. If necessary, the tensioning procedure is repeated.

Using an adjusting bolt

Bolt adjustment of the drive belt position is considered more convenient to maintain and modified.

The adjustment procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The nuts are loosened. They are located above and below the generator set, on mounts.
  2. By turning the adjusting screw clockwise, the unit moves away from the block. When performing this task, it is necessary to simultaneously diagnose the degree of tension of the product.
  3. When the desired result is achieved, the nuts are tightened back.

The Dromtest channel talked about adjusting the tension force of the drive belt using a bolt using the example of the Honda Civic 7 model.

Using a roller

Regardless of the method used for tensioning, after completing the task, the engine crankshaft must be turned several revolutions.

After this, the tension level is re-diagnosed. A control check can be carried out after the trip, but it should not be long. The adjustment procedure using a roller may differ depending on the car model and have its own characteristics.

To complete the task, you will need a set of wrenches and a tool designed to turn the adjusting bearing. The tool is a key made in the form of two metal rods with a diameter of 4 mm.

If you don’t have a key, you can use curved pliers; the process of adjusting the tension is discussed using the example of a Lada Priora car:

  1. The hood of the car opens and the generator device is located.
  2. There is a fixing screw on it, with which the roller is secured. It must be loosened, but not completely unscrewed. To loosen, use a 17mm wrench.
  3. Then, using the adjustment key, the roller is rotated. Depending on the need (increasing or decreasing the tension value), the roller rotates in one direction or the other.
  4. Using a wrench after adjustment, the roller is fixed. When setting up, it is important to select the correct tension force.
  5. When the procedure is completed, a diagnosis of the correctness of the work is performed. To check, the power unit is started and all electrical equipment is activated. You need to turn on the optics, radio, heater or air conditioning system, wipers, heated glass system, etc. If all devices function correctly and the drive belt does not whistle, then the tensioning procedure has been completed correctly.

The Channel of Everything, little by little, presented detailed instructions on how to tighten the drive belt in a Lada Priora car.

Consequences of incorrect tension

If you do not tighten the drive belt in time and it becomes loose, this will lead to a decrease in the battery charging current parameter. If the charge strength is low, the battery consumes its own resource, as a result of which the service life of the device decreases. As a result, destruction of the internal plates or a short circuit occurs. If the battery is maintenance-free, then it will have to be replaced; it cannot be repaired.

Too weak a tension will cause voltage surges in the machine’s on-board network. For older cars this problem is not critical. But in new models equipped with many electronic devices and systems, electrical equipment will fail. In particular, the engine ECU will break, and repairs will be expensive. An insufficiently tensioned drive belt will jump off the shaft when rotating at high speed, and can sometimes puncture the hood.

With a strong tension, a high load is placed on the rubbing units and components of additional units. The constriction can be indicated by a hum that is uncharacteristic of the functioning of the motor; usually the noise is made by the tension roller. Sometimes the noise comes from the bearings of the generator set, the air conditioning compressor, or the hydraulic power steering system. The source of the noise may be the bushing of the water pump device.

Replacing a worn belt

A brief algorithm of actions when replacing a product:

  1. The battery in the car is disconnected.
  2. The car owner loosens the nuts securing the fasteners.
  3. The tension screw is unscrewed. When performing the task, you must simultaneously press the generator device against the power unit.
  4. The worn-out product is replaced with a new one. The installed belt is tensioned.
  5. The nuts are being fixed. A test drive is carried out to check that the tension is correct. If necessary, the product is adjusted.

Video “Example of tension on a VAZ 2110”

Channel In the Garage presented detailed instructions on how to carry out the process of tightening the generator drive belt using the example of a “tens”.

If a characteristic whistle is heard from under the hood when starting the engine, at the start of driving, or when changing gears, which disappears after increasing engine speed, it’s time to pay attention to the alternator belt. If the warning light in the form of a battery on the dashboard does not go out after starting the engine or lights up while driving, then most likely the belt has already failed.

Checking the condition of the generator drive belt and tension roller

Even if you haven’t heard a characteristic sound from under the hood, it’s hard not to notice a broken alternator belt - this can be understood both by the light on the dashboard and by a noticeable decrease in the power of all electrical equipment. However, similar symptoms may be the result of damage to the wiring, or failure of the generator, so it is still worth checking that there is no belt on the pulley by visual inspection.

Ideally, it is not worth bringing the drive belt to such a state where it simply roars due to excessive wear. To do this, it is necessary to periodically check its condition. This will not be difficult to do, because the belt is clearly visible when the hood is opened. You just need to look at it, for example, while adding fluid to the washer reservoir. If abrasions, cracks, peeling, cuts or other damage are found on the surface, it is necessary replace alternator belt .

To check the condition of the generator belt tension roller, you need to listen to its operation when the engine is running. If a distinct crunch, squeak or whistle is heard on the right side, while the belt is in normal condition, you need to turn off the engine, remove the belt (by the way, this will allow you to see it better) and turn the roller by hand. If it turns out that it is he who is making the extraneous sounds, the part needs to be replaced. Otherwise, it is worth checking the timing belt tension roller and pump.

Checking the tension of the generator drive belt

In some cases, low charging current generated by the alternator may cause the drive belt to slip along the pulley due to insufficient tension. You can check the tension by applying a force of 10 kgf in the area between the crankshaft pulley and the generator. In this case, the belt should bend by about 1 cm. If the deflection is greater, the belt must be tightened by adjusting the position of the tension roller.

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Belt tension can also be controlled when tightening the tension mechanism pin. To do this, you can rotate the key using a regular steelyard - a simple spring scale. When its readings reach 2 kg, tightening the stud must be stopped.

Timely checking the alternator belt and its tension allows you to prevent battery discharge, as well as the need to replace the drive belt in “hiking conditions”. You can check the condition of the drive belt tension roller by rotating it, preferably without load. The appearance of extraneous sounds indicates severe wear.