
How to reupholster a car steering wheel with leather yourself

The steering wheel is the element of the car with which the driver comes into contact most often. This leads to wear on the steering wheel coating and the appearance of abrasions, which not only spoil the appearance, but also make driving less comfortable and convenient. In order to recover

How to reupholster your steering wheel yourself

No self-respecting car owner will tolerate shabby seat covers or a shabby steering wheel in his car! However, we should not forget that, unlike the same covers, the steering wheel is not so much a detail of the interior of the cabin as an important element

Car interior reupholstery

The car provides comfortable and fast movement of a person. At the same time, a significant part of ensuring the comfort of each car falls on its interior. When operating a vehicle, the interior trim is exposed not only to

Do-it-yourself car interior reupholstery, instructions

Over time, the upholstery of any car loses its attractiveness: scuffs and stains appear, and its color fades. There is only one way to solve this problem -. The latter can be done in special automotive workshops, but it is much cheaper and more interesting.

Making a power bumper with your own hands

A newborn's gaze lingers longer than others on the brightest and largest toys. The attention of adult “children”, that is, men and women, is attracted by fashionable, bright, unusual things. Most car enthusiasts want to make the façade of their four-wheeler

Choosing car interior trim

An article about how to choose a finish for car interior design, the pros and cons of finishing materials, the nuances of work. Contents of the article: When choosing a car, its interior decoration is of great importance. Between interiors trimmed with natural leather

DIY car interior plastic repair

A car should be well-groomed not only on the outside, but also on the inside, and in some places, worn out upholstery or scratched plastic can be restored independently. To restore damaged plastic to a decent appearance, you do not need to carry out a complete renovation of the car interior.

Let's make an exclusive reupholstery yourself!

You can make your car look attractive yourself. All you need is imagination and, of course, desire. You can change or update interior elements or some parts under the hood. In this article I will tell you how to trim


Options for restoring plastic elements of a car interior

The condition of the car interior worries car enthusiasts no less than the appearance of the body paint. And since plastic is one of the main materials on which the interior is based, its restoration is an important issue for the owner.

How to tint a car yourself?

Today, tinting car windows is very popular, even though the fines have been tightened. In addition to being a decoration, it also protects from sun rays on particularly hot days. But the process itself

We make a power bumper for an SUV on our own

Is it possible to make a power bumper with your own hands? If a car enthusiast is interested in this issue, then after learning the price of such a service in a car workshop, he may change his mind. However, you can make a rear power bumper on your own, and it will differ

DIY car interior decoration

Car interior trim occupies a special place in tuning. A car owner can change the interior appearance of his vehicle using various materials. Currently, leather, Alcantara, carpet and flock finishing are popular. Etc

How to reupholster a car interior?

All car enthusiasts know that over time, the interior and ceiling of the car wear out, take on a gloomy appearance, scuffs, stains and even small holes appear. The upholstery loses its former shine and looks very untidy. Most often, such a situation is pushed

We reupholster the car steering wheel with leather

There are different ways to create patterns and many tips on this matter. One of them is to rip out the old sheathing. It is quite possible that some car services also use this method. But it is only good if the steering wheel was previously

How to tint a car yourself: how to tint windows?

There is no point in talking about the merits of the car for a long time. Most owners are well aware of the benefits it provides, so most often the question arises about whether to do it yourself or contact a car service center. Most often for protection