Squid: benefits and harm to human health, tentacles, smoked squid. Smoked squid. Calorie content and benefits of smoked squid Salad with smoked squid: step-by-step recipe

Make a real culinary discovery for yourself and prepare a salad with smoked squid. This spicy and original dish will surprise you not only with the speed of its preparation, but also with its simple set of ingredients, as well as its delicate and pleasant taste.

By making a salad with smoked squid, you are sure to impress all members of your family. After all, using even simple products, you can prepare a truly unusual and aromatic snack that will appeal to every member of your household.

Salad with smoked squid: step-by-step recipe

Before you start preparing a delicious and aromatic snack, you need to prepare the following products:

  • smoked squid (fillet) - about 120 g;
  • fresh cucumbers (not very large) - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 small head;
  • medium chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise (preferably sour cream) - 5-7 large spoons;

Preparing the components

Squid salad (recipes of this kind should be present in the cookbooks of all housewives) is made quite quickly. But before you start preparing this snack, you should prepare all the ingredients. Smoked squid fillet is rinsed and cleaned of unnecessary elements (if necessary), and then cut into strips. Do the same with fresh cucumbers. As for medium-sized potatoes and chicken eggs, they are boiled, peeled and cut into cubes. Lastly, chop the red onion.

The process of forming a salad with squid

How should you formulate a squid salad? Recipes for such snacks involve the use of deep dishes. Smoked squid, fresh cucumber, red onion, chicken eggs and boiled potatoes are alternately placed in it. After this, all the ingredients are flavored with spices and fatty mayonnaise. Finally, mix the ingredients thoroughly using a large spoon.

Proper serving at the dinner table

Salad with smoked squid, seasoned with mayonnaise, can be served immediately after preparation or after cooling it in the refrigerator. To do this, the finished appetizer is placed in a deep bowl and decorated with green petals. It is served at the table along with other salads or directly with a hot lunch.

Making a delicious salad with smoked squid

Seafood salads can include completely different components. However, these ingredients are best combined with fresh vegetables. That is why we decided to use the following products to prepare such a snack:

  • smoked squid (fillet) - about 320 g;
  • small fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • pork ham - 200 g;
  • any hard cheese - about 180 g;
  • medium chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise (preferably sour cream) - 5-7 large spoons (optional);
  • ground black pepper and sea salt - use as desired.

Component Processing

Salad with smoked squid and fresh tomatoes is prepared quite quickly. To do this, take chicken eggs and boil them until the yolk is hard. After this, they are cooled, cleaned and grated on a large grater. Do the same with cheese. Then remove the outer shell from the ham and chop it into fairly thin strips. As for smoked squid and fresh tomatoes, they are cut into small cubes.

We form an appetizer and serve it to the festive table

Salad with smoked squid, the recipe for which we are considering, is formed just as easily and simply as in the previous version. To do this, combine smoked squid, fresh tomatoes, boiled eggs, pork ham and grated hard cheese in a deep bowl. All ingredients are flavored with sour cream mayonnaise and spices, and then mixed thoroughly. After this, the salad is placed in a deep bowl and served to the table along with a slice of bread.

How to make a delicious and quick appetizer for the holiday table?

If you need to prepare a spicy and quick appetizer for the holiday table, we suggest using this recipe. To implement it we will need:

  • Korean spicy carrots - approximately 210 g;
  • smoked squid - about 210 g;
  • fresh parsley - a bunch;
  • medium-sized fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat olive mayonnaise - for salad dressing.

The process of preparing the salad and serving it to the table

Before preparing a savory appetizer for the holiday table, you should prepare all the ingredients. To do this, carefully drain all the liquid from the Korean carrots. Then the vegetables, deprived of brine, are placed in a deep bowl and smoked squid, pre-cut into thin strips, is added to them. Also add cubes of fresh cucumbers and chopped fresh parsley to the general container. All products are flavored with spices and low-fat mayonnaise. At the end you get a very spicy appetizer, which is placed in a bowl and presented to the festive table along with any alcoholic drinks.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there is more than one way to prepare a delicious salad with smoked squid. In addition to eggs, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, various marinades, olives or olives, as well as crab sticks, red caviar, boiled rice, etc. are often added to this appetizer. Using these ingredients, you will get not just a delicious salad, but also a very satisfying appetizer that can be safely served at any holiday dinner.

Squid is a cephalopod that is traditionally eaten as food. It belongs to the seafood group and is considered dietary. You can eat it boiled, dried, pickled, fried, stewed, baked and canned. In addition, you can add it to pies, sushi, dumplings, salads and soups.

Squid meat is not only tasty, but also healthy

This popular seafood is rich in vitamins and beneficial minerals.

The benefits of this product are beyond doubt. As you can understand from the composition, it enriches the body with essential vitamins and minerals, and is also an irreplaceable source of protein. Scientists have proven that people who eat squid significantly improve their health.

Positive action:

  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • the strength of blood vessels improves, elasticity increases;
  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins and waste;
  • The endocrine system begins to function normally.

Although the benefits are quite great, smoked squid can also cause some harm. First of all, if it is of poor quality, food and even mercury poisoning is possible. This happens if the seafood was caught in an environmentally polluted place or its expiration date has expired. Please note that some people may be allergic to seafood.

The high calorie content of smoked meat can cause harm: if it is eaten in large quantities, the figure can gain weight. Do not forget about carcinogenic substances that are used during processing - they can also harm the body.

Smoking squid in an air fryer

Hot smoked squid is easiest to prepare in an air fryer. Even a novice cook can cope with the task. The recipe will not require a lot of money, you will only have to purchase a few things.

What you will need:

  1. squid;
  2. smoking preparation “Liquid smoke”;
  3. salt;
  4. sawdust for smoking;
  5. air fryer.

You can take as much seafood as you want. They will need to be washed and cleaned of the insides. The film also needs to be removed. It is recommended to put the meat in boiling water to make it easier to clean later. When there is no film left on it, you will need to rinse it again and put it in a pan with water. You need to cook for a few minutes, and then turn off and dry the carcasses. You can cut the squid in the way that is most convenient for you, for example, into rings or strips.

Now you need to prepare the air fryer. Place chips of alder, oak or apple in its tray and moisten them with water and liquid smoke. The temperature on the convection oven should be set to 230°C, the rotation speed should be medium. Seafood should be cooked for about 15 minutes. There is no need to rush and take them out before the specified time, in which case they will become “rubbery”. You also can’t overexpose them: they will become too soft and their benefits will decrease. If the recipe is followed, the dish turns out delicious.

Cooking hot smoked squid

Owners of a regular smokehouse can cook squid meat using the previous recipe. The preparatory stage is unchanged; the raw materials will also need to be gutted, cleaned and washed. After this, you can either start cooking right away or salt it first.

The recipe is extremely simple: for half a kilo of squid you need to mix a tablespoon of salt, half a spoon of sugar and a pinch of seasoning. Spread the squid with this mixture and after half an hour place it on the smokehouse grate.

Hot smoked squid

You need to cook the dish at a temperature no higher than 130°C, opening the lid slightly every 10 minutes and letting out the smoke. This is necessary to ensure that the product does not turn out bitter. In about 30 minutes (maybe sooner) the squid will be ready. It should acquire a rich golden hue and become soft. When consuming this product, it is recommended to remember how many calories it contains.

Cooking cold smoked squid

Shellfish meat can also be cooked cold. This will take more time, but the calorie content will be lower - only 138 kcal per 100 g. To prepare, you will need to purchase a squid carcass, spices and salt.

First, you need to rub the cleaned product on all sides with spices and salt, place it on a plate and wrap it in cling film. After keeping in the refrigerator for about a day, rinse in cold water. Then hang it in the fresh air or near a fan until dry.

Cold smoking takes about 8 hours. For the smokehouse, use alder chips, keep the temperature no higher than 35°C. When the seafood is ready, it should be left in the fresh air for a couple of hours. When it is completely dry, it can be eaten. It is advisable to cut into rings before serving.

Among the many products that are smoked, squid occupies a special place. In our country, dishes using smoked squid are very popular, and smoked squid half rings are considered the best snack to accompany beer. How healthy is it to eat such food, what is its calorie content?

Smoked squids are characterized by excellent taste and wonderful aroma. They can be made in two ways: hot or cold. It is worth noting that the hot method changes the appearance of the squid and affects the content of nutrients in it, in particular protein. Cold smoking adds a small amount of carcinogenic compounds, so smoked products should be consumed in moderation. Smoked squids have a fairly high calorie content - 240 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Most often, tentacles and carcasses are eaten. In many countries, dishes prepared from them are considered delicacies. Smoked squid half rings are a favorite dish in Japanese cuisine.

The tentacles are fried, dried, canned, baked. Often, squid tentacles and carcasses are used as ingredients for preparing salads and soups. Fried squid carcasses and tentacles are ideally served along with garlic or tomato sauces.

For smoking, squids are most often used, which are caught in the Pacific Ocean.

The benefits of smoked squid for the human body are due to its complex chemical composition and the nutrients it contains. The main role is played by easily digestible protein. It accounts for up to 55% of the total mass of squid meat. The amount of fat is insignificant and rarely exceeds 2%.

Squid contains a wide range of mineral and vitamin compounds, including vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP. Macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, zinc, molybdenum. Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are of significant benefit to the human body.

Simple smoked squid recipes

There are a huge number of recipes with smoked squid. Salads are considered the most popular and delicious. One of them is the “Cheerfulness” salad. To prepare it you will need:

  • Smoked squid – 220 g;
  • Korean carrots – 200 g;
  • Curly parsley leaves 20 g;
  • Fresh cucumber – 2 pcs;
  • Mayonnaise 150 g;
  • Salt to taste.

To simplify the cooking process, it is better to buy Korean carrots in advance. The carrots are squeezed out and placed on a plate, the smoked squid is cut into thin strips. Finely chopped greens and diced cucumber are sprinkled on top. After this, mayonnaise is added. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After this, the salad should be placed in the refrigerator for a short time so that it is well soaked. The dish is ready and can be served.

Smoked squid is an ideal snack for beer

Smoked squid has gained great popularity as a flavorful snack for fresh chilled beer. Many people like it due to its original taste. In addition, smoked squid half rings retain many nutritional compounds.

Thus, it can be argued that eating such food is healthy. You can prepare smoked squid half rings at home, but it will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is much easier and more profitable to buy a finished product from a trusted Chinese manufacturer.

Squid is considered one of the most affordable seafood, as it can be easily and relatively cheaply purchased in the store. Its meat can be cooked as a side dish, added to salads, or used as a snack. Smoked squid will leave few people indifferent - its taste is unusual and spicy. Some people are interested in whether there are benefits and harms of this product, how many calories it contains. It doesn’t hurt to know about this if you want to smoke it yourself. Below you can read not only information about the product, but also original recipes for home smoking. Using them as a guide, you can prepare very tasty seafood.

Squid is a cephalopod that is traditionally eaten as food. It belongs to the seafood group and is considered dietary. You can eat it boiled, dried, pickled, fried, stewed, baked and canned. In addition, you can add it to pies, sushi, dumplings, salads and soups.

This popular seafood is rich in vitamins and beneficial minerals.

The benefits of this product are beyond doubt. As you can understand from the composition, it enriches the body with essential vitamins and minerals, and is also an irreplaceable source of protein. Scientists have proven that people who eat squid significantly improve their health.

Positive action:

  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • the strength of blood vessels improves, elasticity increases;
  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins and waste;
  • The endocrine system begins to function normally.

Choosing a quality product is a question that needs to be answered before going to the store.

By choosing the “wrong” option, you may not only not enjoy the taste, but also be disappointed in this delicacy.

Real smoked squid is a rarity and truly a delicacy.

In order not to doubt the quality and naturalness of the product, you can buy squid carcasses and smoke them at home.

The process is quite labor-intensive, but the result is amazing.

Most often there are more than cheap option - smoked strips of giant squid fillet Dosidicus gigas, living in the waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean.

These predators reach significant sizes - the length of the mantle can reach up to 2 meters. For their ability to flicker and change their reddish color, fishermen nicknamed the giants “red devils.”

You won’t see giant squid on the shelves fresh or freshly frozen.

It is smoked immediately after catching in order to preserve and improve the taste of the fillet.

The assortment in specialized and chain stores is not particularly rich.

Most often sold without packaging - brownish fillet strips resemble pieces of smoked lard (many are surprised by its presence in fish departments).

Less common are vacuum-packed pieces, braids, and sliced ​​meat.

Beneficial properties and possible harm

A fresh and high-quality product is rich in substances that bring benefits and health to the body. B vitamins and vitamins A, E, C (although the cephalopod is not a record holder for their content) in sufficient quantities. Among the necessary micro- and macroelements are iodine, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Like other seafood and fish, smoked sea creature fillet - a lean product, it is allowed to be consumed on fasting days (it is better to clarify which days).

It is important to remember that there is always possible harm from consuming a smoked product. This method of cooking is not suitable for everyone - a diet is a diet.

Like any seafood, squid fillet can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Particular attention should be paid to the freshness and quality of the product. When choosing seafood at the market or in a store, you need to focus not only on the appearance and smell of the delicacy. Be sure to check the expiration date and, if possible, the country of origin - commercial fishing is carried out in Mexico and Peru. If another country is indicated, the squid was transported, which could affect its quality.

Features of calorie content and nutrition

Squid meat is considered dietary.

Even after smoking its calorie content is no more than 250 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Smoking does not add calories, but the cooking method itself is not welcomed by supporters of proper nutrition.

And yet, it’s rare to treat yourself and your loved ones to delicious seafood.

Shellfish meat contains a large amount protein - 52%, very little fat - 2%, slightly more carbohydrates - 3%. This composition makes it possible to use it in dietary and sports nutrition.

Smoked squid dishes

  • Smoked squid meat can be used as an independent snack, for preparing salads with a spicy, refined taste, for example, it turns out delicious. There is also a special selection of salad recipes with photos.
  • It is suitable for sandwich spreads or pates.
  • Dried or dried version - for lovers of a foamy drink. To make a beer snack more spicy or spicy, you can use various spices - red pepper, paprika.
  • “Partners” in salads or sandwiches for smoked squid can be rice, eggs, other seafood, fresh cucumber, fresh or pickled onions.
  • Pieces of smoked fillet will add a smoked aroma and a spicy taste to fish pizza.
  • The dietary soup made from fillet and rice noodles is delicious (you can replace it with rice).
  • Sushi and rolls can also be made with smoked squid meat.
  • There are many recipes and options. You can not only use already known ones, but also get creative, experiment with companion products and create your own recipe with the smoked delicacy “in the leading role.”

We smoke the squid ourselves

You can make this snack yourself. Here is a simple video of cooking hot smoked squid in an ordinary dacha: