Is it possible to apply for compulsory motor insurance without a diagnostic card? How to apply for compulsory motor insurance online without a diagnostic card. What happens in case of an accident

There are often advertisements on the Internet in which companies offer to buy without passing a technical inspection. This issue is, in fact, very pressing and causes a lot of controversy. Let's see together what the legislation of our country says on this matter. So, is it possible to purchase OSAGO without a technical inspection?

According to Federal Law No. 40 of 2003, every vehicle owner is required to insure his auto liability and only then get behind the wheel of a car and drive on public roads. But first he is obliged to check the technical condition of the vehicle.

What is a vehicle inspection (MOT)?

The procedure for conducting technical inspection in our country is determined by Federal Law No. 170. The latest changes to the law were made this year. Instead of previously issued inspection tickets, a little less than 5 years ago, diagnostic cards were introduced, which are issued based on the results of vehicle maintenance. However, you do not have to carry them with you: traffic police officers do not have the right to demand that the driver present the card. Diagnostic cards are needed to purchase MTPL insurance (clause 3, article 15).

Note! A few years ago, the driver first had to purchase a policy and only then receive a referral for maintenance. Today the procedure has changed: the law requires you to first undergo a technical inspection, and then, with a diagnostic card, come to the insurance organization and take out MTPL insurance.

The results of all completed technical inspections are placed in the common electronic system EAISTO. When drawing up an MTPL agreement, the insurer is obliged to check the authenticity of the diagnostic card for the vehicle using the database. So it is simply useless to falsify this document. Access to the EAISTO database is open to all citizens of the Russian Federation; It’s very easy to use the license plate to check whether the car has passed MOT.

Is it possible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance without undergoing maintenance?

The question is relevant, since information on it is offered from different sources, and the most contradictory. Some unscrupulous insurance companies turn a blind eye to the client’s lack of a passed technical inspection. This is illegal, but still many motorists break the law and cheat.

Are there legal ways to get compulsory motor insurance without maintenance?

Federal Law No. 170 specifies 2 options in which a compulsory motor liability insurance policy can be purchased legally without the driver presenting a diagnostic card.

Method one: temporary insurance

The first method involves taking out temporary insurance. This may be needed in the following cases:

  • If the driver does not have the documents required to issue a transport card. According to current legislation, these are 3 documents: PTS, STO and passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for cars with foreign registration, a Green Card is also required).
  • If the driver needs to get to the maintenance point. Now you are allowed to drive to the maintenance site in your own car, and not with the help of a tow truck.

In these 2 cases, the driver will be insured not for 20 days, as before, but for the period required to complete all necessary documents.

In 2017, another good innovation came into effect. Until this year, it was impossible to issue compulsory motor liability insurance if the coupon was valid for less than six months. Now this rule has already been canceled, and the policy is issued even on the last day of validity of the diagnostic card.

Method two: only for new vehicles

There is another legal way to get the desired policy without going through maintenance. In 2016, Federal Law No. 170 was amended to exempt new cars under 3 years old from the need to undergo maintenance. Please note that time is counted not from the moment of purchase, but from the day the car leaves the assembly line.

For example, in 2018 there is no need to undergo technical inspection for technical equipment produced in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The vehicle release date is indicated in the PTS. The law allows for the absence of maintenance in this case for the reason that 3 years is considered a warranty period for cars, during which the manufacturer is responsible for its quality. He also covers the costs of restoration and payments for accidents.

Illegal methods: is it necessary?

Some drivers do not consider it important to undergo maintenance because they are confident in the reliability of their “iron horse” and their driving qualities. Why not buy insurance without undergoing MOT, if possible? Yes, it’s illegal, but as a temporary measure, in their opinion, it might work. Moreover, there are ways, and more than one.

Diagnostic card without vehicle inspection

Many service stations that have received accreditation make money by issuing a diagnostic card without checking the car. You can find out the address of such stations among friends or on the forum.

At the same time, the car will be inspected, photographed, and the driver may even be told about the faults that need to be eliminated, but they will not be included in the diagnostic sheet. The car owner will be issued a genuine transport card and will even enter the information into the EAISTO. As a result, the driver will be able to legally buy real MTPL insurance from any insurance company, even the most famous one.

Purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance using a fake technical certificate

Some companies do not hesitate to use illegal methods: for example, they issue a diagnostic card without even seeing the car. The driver just needs to come with documents for the vehicle, pay for the service and receive a fictitious inspection card. In this case, it is worth checking in the database whether the car has been included in it. If this was not done, then you were deceived, and the MTPL policy will not be considered valid.

Important! Operators who practice such actions take a serious risk, so the cost of their services is at least twice as high as that of official companies that carry out maintenance legally.

Diagnostic card from the insurance company

Most insurance companies today offer to purchase a diagnostic card in parallel with the registration of a policy. Car enthusiasts are quite happy with this service, as they save their time and purchase 2 contracts at once, albeit at an inflated cost. In principle, such receipt of a policy and diagnostic card is quite acceptable and does not contradict legal norms.

However, a number of insurance companies are ready to provide a prefabricated contract for passing a technical inspection, while only accepting payment for the state fee. A similar agreement is issued for a specific service station with which the insurance company has entered into an agreement. According to this agreement, the car owner, immediately after issuing compulsory motor liability insurance, is obliged to go to the maintenance station at the specified address and give the car for inspection. However, many drivers, having received the long-awaited MTPL policy, never make it to the service station.

OSAGO via the Internet

You can even buy a car insurance policy online. Do I need a diagnostic card? If the car is new, its production year is less than 3 years, then the service will not ask the applicant for a diagnostic card number. For vehicles older than 3 years, the service will require entering the MOT card number, so you will still have to undergo a technical inspection.

When registering for compulsory motor insurance electronically, the car owner is required to enter information about the car and send it for verification. The diagnostic card will be automatically checked through the EAISTO database.

Important! EAISTO is a unified electronic database that stores information about maintenance completed by all domestic car owners. Anyone can obtain reliable information on any car. For this purpose, you need to go to the EAISTO website and indicate the car number. The check is carried out within 2-3 minutes. The service provides the service completely free of charge and does not even require registration.

So, when applying for MTPL insurance via the Internet, the system will independently launch a check using the MOT number and, if there is no information on a specific car, will refuse to receive an online MTPL contract.

Attention! Drawing up an online MTPL agreement without presenting a technical card is an illegal transaction. If you come across such offers on the Internet, do not rush to purchase insurance, since such a policy will be declared invalid at the first check at the traffic police post.

Consequences and penalties

Practice shows that many car owners can use a fake and unregistered MTPL policy for quite a long time, but only until they, by chance, become involved in an accident. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. And here it doesn’t matter who caused the accident. Lawyers from insurance companies take on the case, carefully checking the documents of car owners and making sure to prove that the client committed fraud when applying for a policy.

If it is discovered that one of the participants in the accident does not have a diagnostic card, is expired or is invalid, then payments under his policy will not be made. Insurance companies have the right to terminate the agreement with the client unilaterally if the policy was purchased without this maintenance.

Even if the same insurance company issued such a policy to the driver, it will be almost impossible to prove it and all the blame will fall on the insured.

Important! A driver with a fake OSAGO without a real diagnostic card will be found guilty of any accident, and all payments for the accident will fall on his shoulders. In this case, the insurance company eliminates itself.

Sanctions for violations

In 2017, increased rates for insurance fraud were introduced. If the fact of issuing a car insurance policy is recorded retroactively, then the cost of the next insurance will increase for the car owner by 1.5 times. In addition, a fine of 500 to 800 rubles will be imposed. (Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). In case of repeated violations, the driver will be prohibited from driving the car until he passes a technical inspection and issues a real insurance policy.

As you can see, a legal OSAGO policy can be obtained without passing a technical inspection only in rare cases. Illegal methods can lead to big troubles, especially if you get into an accident. Do you need it? Decide for yourself.

To obtain the legal right to drive a car on public roads, it is not enough to buy a car and complete a driving school course. It is necessary to obtain guarantees that the vehicle is in working order and does not pose a threat to others, passengers, or the driver. To do this, the car is checked by experts within the time limits established by law. And so that the owner has an incentive to regularly present his car to them, the law establishes that compulsory insurance is possible only after issuing a conclusion on the serviceability of all systems.

This conclusion is drawn up in the form of a vehicle diagnostic card. Experts draw up a report on checking more than fifty parameters of the car in duplicate, certifying it with their signature and seal. The inspection frequency ranges from six months to two years:

  • a diagnostic card for new cars is issued after three years of service and is updated every two years;
  • means of transporting passengers are subject to inspection every six months;
  • Cars older than seven years must be submitted for inspection once a year.

It is not necessary to carry a diagnostic card in the glove compartment. In case of loss, you can contact any of the official representatives of the mandatory maintenance system for a duplicate. Each diagnostic card is assigned a unique number. The expiration date is indicated at the top of the form. By this date, the car must undergo another technical inspection.

If experts identify a malfunction that affects safe operation, the vehicle must be repaired and resubmitted for inspection within twenty days.

Fundamental changes for motorists began with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 170 of July 1, 2011 “On Technical Inspection”. In subsequent years, the law was changed and supplemented. The current version means:

  • abolition of the inspection ticket. Previously, it was presented to traffic cops upon request, if necessary, to confirm that the car was suitable for use and safe for people and vehicles in traffic.
  • drawing up a diagnostic card before registering a car and before issuing an MTPL policy. Insurers have been given the responsibility to monitor the availability of a valid diagnostic card. Thus, the traffic police officer is no longer authorized to require an expert opinion on the condition of the car. The diagnostic card must be presented to the insurer when purchasing a motor vehicle policy. If the car passes to another owner during the validity period of the card, the latter does not need to re-issue/renew it. The document is valid until the expiration date specified in it initially.
  • appearance of authorized experts. Gradually, the right to issue a diagnostic card with conclusions about the state of transport written in it became the responsibility of special organizations. Accredited technical inspection operators not only maintain a staff of employees who confirm with certificates their qualifications sufficient to carry out maintenance, but also have at their disposal a list of necessary equipment. The list of organizations admitted to the examination is posted on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. When issuing each diagnostic card, the maintenance operator’s employees enter data about it into a unified electronic system. Therefore, if the paper version of a document is lost, it is not difficult to restore it. It’s easy, but not free: for re-issuance you need to pay the state fee again. The information is stored in the technical inspection information database (EAISTO) for five years. The operator must keep a copy of the paper form in the archives for three years.
  • the car owner has the right to contact any operator where it is convenient for him to present the car. There is no longer any connection between the technical inspection and the place of registration.

The diagnostic card indicates the VIN number of the vehicle, and not the license plate data. Since the procedure has changed radically, now a technical inspection precedes the issuance of an MTPL policy. And only after this does a law-abiding citizen have the right to register the car. What happens in practice?

Watch the video about obtaining compulsory motor third party liability insurance without maintenance

When can you do without maintenance?

To obtain a diagnostic card, you need a passport, a PTS and a little time. In fact, some motorists wonder whether the inspection procedure can be neglected. The service is paid. There are three legal options for a Russian car:

  • the car was less than three years old at the time of registration of compulsory motor liability insurance; a new passenger car that has just left the dealership will need an inspection only at the end of the third year of operation (if it is not a taxi). Until this moment, purchasing an MTPL policy and registering a car will take place without a diagnostic card;
  • the car was purchased from another owner with a valid diagnostic card;
  • a short-term policy will be issued for a maximum of 20 days for transit (at the final destination you will have to go through the procedure along with all motorists).

There is one more rule that contradicts the principle of road safety: for cars registered in other states, the requirement for mandatory inspection and examination of all components for proper service does not apply.

There are also semi-legal ways to register for compulsory motor liability insurance. They consist in the fact that the company performs a formal examination of the condition of the car, limiting itself to photography and visual inspection. A diagnostic card is then issued and handed over to the owner. The “service” costs the car owner less and takes less time. The disadvantage of this approach: the owner of the car does not have objective information about the serviceability of all systems and components of the “iron horse”. The car turns into a real source of increased danger.

Another approach is an insurer’s trick: after the law on technical inspection came into force, some insurance companies did not stop issuing compulsory motor liability insurance policies in the usual manner. In this case, the client is given a diagnostic card form on the “word of honor” that the driver will undergo technical inspection as soon as possible in authorized organizations. If the policyholder does not bother to do this, information about his car will not appear in the unified information system. But the policy will continue to be valid. In any case, until the first trouble on the road, the client will think that he acted wisely. The insurance company will try to refuse payment if the motorist did not have time or changed his mind to do the maintenance.

The third approach lies outside the legal field: falsification of documents (diagnostic card or policy) is punishable by law, as it is fraud. A “fake” card will be detected at the time the policy is issued, since the insurer can check the EAISTO data. The representative of the insurance company has every right to refuse to issue compulsory motor liability insurance (Article 15 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”).

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance online without passing a technical inspection

Several years ago, MTPL policies became available for online registration (summer 2015, corresponding changes to the Law “On MTPL”). And this year, innovations in the “Law on Compulsory Insurance” oblige each insurer to give the policyholder the opportunity to choose whether to issue a policy in paper form or buy it online. An e-policy (electronic policy) has all the rights equal to a paper one, if it is drawn up without errors, typos and based on reliable information. Now the car owner does not even need to print out a paper version and take it with him. Traffic police inspectors are required to have access to a single database to check the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Online registration of a car title agreement has become another opportunity to bypass the requirements for mandatory presentation of the car for inspection and examination. When issuing an electronic policy, scans of documents are not sent, which means there is no control over whether the client actually has an expert’s opinion in his hands; and if it exists, how long does it have left to act. If the client has issued a policy, the data on it is entered into the PCA database and renewal can be done in the virtual account on the insurance company’s website, even if the diagnostic card expires.

You can issue a regular paper policy online on the broker’s website. Payment is made by card, and the documents are delivered by courier. No ID or diagnostic card is required.

However, “inconsistencies” in the legislation and its imperfections will backfire on the car enthusiast.

E If the participant in the accident does not have a diagnostic card

Insurers, by and large, are interested in writing as many policies as possible. And if the conditions stated during registration are not met, they are always ready to challenge the legitimacy of the document. A policy issued against the person responsible for an accident, issued in violation of the law, will not provide financial protection for the client. If the vehicle’s condition has not been diagnosed, it will not be possible to prove that at the time of the accident the car was fully operational, drivable and safe for surrounding cars and people. The culprit of the accident, who saved on the official inspection procedure with the operator, will face even greater expenses and legal costs. And the court and the insurer are inclined to see the culprit in the motorist who did not comply with the legal requirement to check the car “inside and out” and on time.

The insurance company may pay compensation to the victim, but file a counterclaim to recover its costs against the at-fault party. Recourse cases are one of the legal ways for insurance lawyers to reduce the level of payments to the company if there is a person who was responsible for the occurrence of the insured event. Thus, saving a small amount will lead to serious damage to the motorist’s budget.

If the insurer finds out that the client, who received the policy “on parole”, did not go to do maintenance with an accredited expert as soon as possible, the company will invalidate the document for violation of the essential terms of the contract. No refunds are provided. The victim will receive nothing and may well demand compensation from the second driver.


The procedure for passing a technical inspection has changed, but has not ceased to be mandatory. Control over compliance with maintenance deadlines was transferred to insurers. Now the examination results need to be presented less frequently, and the diagnostic card does not need to be carried with you. But the desire to save on a comprehensive examination of the vehicle, including by issuing an OSAGO policy online, will put the car owner at a disadvantage. He becomes a violator of the law, and after an accident he faces truly serious financial losses.

Several years ago, vehicle inspection was linked to the MTPL policy. If previously a car without a maintenance ticket on the windshield was stopped, and the owner was fined, now it is not necessary to have a ticket on the glass, as well as in the glove compartment of the car. It was replaced by an MTPL policy, which cannot be issued without providing a diagnostic card to the insurer.

OSAGO and diagnostic card

The MTPL policy has replaced many documents that previously always had to be present with the car driver. One of them was a document about the passage of a car. Several years ago, legislators slightly changed the chain: car registration – purchase – maintenance. Now it works exactly the opposite. First, a technical inspection, then purchasing a policy, and only then registering the car with the traffic police.

A law-abiding citizen, having an MTPL policy in hand, did a technical inspection and received a diagnostic card.

What is a diagnostic card?

Diagnostic card - substitute. It contains the results of checking the technical condition of the car. You can get it in specialized technical centers equipped with stands for testing cars that have a license to conduct technical inspections of cars and (Russian Union of Auto Insurers). A list of these centers is on the official website of the organization.

The car is checked according to 65 parameters. The test results are entered into a special table, which is called a “diagnostic card”.

The maintenance service is paid. Its cost consists of the state duty and the cost of the auto expert’s work. The state duty is 300 rubles, the cost of the inspection itself is from 400 to 500 rubles. From time to time, dealerships organize free maintenance promotions for their regular customers.

The diagnostic card has an expiration date:

  • For new cars it will be needed only after 3 years of its operation;
  • For cars up to 7 years old the card is valid for 2 years;
  • Cars that have been in use for more than 7 years, must undergo maintenance annually;
  • For vehicles engaged in passenger transportation, the inspection frequency is once every 6 months.

If all components and systems of the car are in working order, the expert prints out the card, signs it and hands it over to the owner of the car. The document also indicates the date of the next technical inspection.

If the car is faulty, the expert issues a report on this with the requirement to eliminate the faults and resubmit the car for inspection within 20 days.

The validity period of the diagnostic card is not tied to the validity period of the MTPL policy. You are required to issue a policy even if the card is valid only until the next day.

Documents required for undergoing maintenance

In addition to the car, the car owner must provide the expert with the following documents:

  • Identity card or power of attorney of the owner's representative;
  • PTS or vehicle registration certificate.

If the documents do not correspond to the car, or are provided incompletely, the technical expert may refuse to conduct a technical inspection.

For maintenance, an agreement is concluded between the owner of the car and the technical center, on the basis of which payment for the service is made.

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance without a diagnostic card

Without providing a diagnostic card it is possible in the following cases:

  • if the car is no more than 3 years old;
  • the car is registered in another state, but is located in Russia temporarily;
  • when taking out a transit (short-term) policy;
  • when the owner of the car changes.

When purchasing a new car, you may be offered insurance right here in the dealership, from the insurance manager. This is convenient, since you will be given a choice of several companies with which the dealer cooperates. You can safely take out insurance, since your brand new car won’t need a technical inspection for a long time.

A change of owner does not affect the technical condition of the car. The previous owner, along with the car, is obliged to transfer to the new owner all documents for it, including the diagnostic card. If previously the registration number of the car was indicated on the coupon, now its VIN is indicated there.

Short-term policies do not relieve the car owner from the obligation to provide the car for inspection. That’s why they are called transit, so that you can drive the car from the place of purchase to the place of registration. In order to register the car, you will still have to make a diagnostic card.

Consequences of violations of the requirement to provide a diagnostic card

Some representatives of insurers, especially agents, go to violation of the law and issue a policy without a diagnostic card. They do this in an effort to retain their customer base. Such a violation can result in trouble for the policyholder if he gets into an accident. First of all, the car owner himself should worry about the presence of this document.

A “phony” diagnostic card won’t save him either. This is when the car doesn’t even show up at the technical center. Now they are checking the authenticity of the document by requesting information about it from EAISTO.

The diagnostic card has a 15 or 20-digit unique number that is included in the insurance application. When a policy is entered into the insurance company's CIAS, it is automatically checked in the appropriate database - EAISTO.

If the diagnostic card number is not in the EAISTO database, the insurer has every right not to issue a policy until the card is properly issued.

The most unpleasant consequence Lack of a genuine diagnostic card may make it impossible to obtain. You will not be able to document that your vehicle is in good condition, and this may affect whether you are at fault for the accident.

Cheap and cunning to issue a diagnostic card and compulsory motor liability insurance

The car owner himself should be primarily interested in carrying out maintenance and obtaining a diagnostic card. And not only to ensure that everything complies with the letter of the law. The main thing is that he must be sure that his car is in good working order and is not a threat to himself or to others.

Already, the majority of vehicle owners, as well as drivers, insurers and operators conducting technical inspections of vehicles, know how to buy an insurance policy for compulsory insurance (MTPL) without re-passing the technical inspection.

Simplification of the purchase of such a policy is associated with the accreditation of technical inspection operators in the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). Moreover, with the sale of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy there is a chance of receiving a diagnostic card.

What changes happened in 2018

An important detail should immediately be noted - in 2018, the procedure for carrying out technical inspection is in force, which was reformed on 01/01/2012 and supplemented with changes on 07/04/2014.

For those who love it and want to simplify the procedure for obtaining a compulsory car insurance policy as much as possible, we can only advise them to thoroughly study what exactly has changed from 2012 to the present day in this matter.

So, it has undergone the following changes:

  1. The technical inspection coupon has been cancelled, and instead it is introduced into circulation. Although, despite this, some still use technical certificates, especially those that were issued before July 30, 2012. Their practical use is allowed until August 1, 2018.
  2. The right to provide an expert and the necessary premises, tools and equipment for technical inspection of vehicles only have technical inspection operators (TIOs) who are accredited by the RCA.
  3. Thanks to the joint cooperation and agreements of maintenance operators with the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, operators who record data after a vehicle inspection enter it into, and can also issue MTPL policies.
  4. Car owners have every right to choose their own location and maintenance operator.
  5. All specialists, professional craftsmen and experts who participate in the technical inspection of a machine are required to submit the appropriate final information after the procedure to a single database - EAISTO - a unified automated information system for technical inspection.
  6. Some insurance companies may require a maintenance coupon if you are going to buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy from someone other than the operator when undergoing an inspection.
  7. It is not necessary to carry a diagnostic card with you all the time - after all, all technical inspection data can be checked using the EAISTO database.

New coupons are not issued by inspection operators, but they are purchased by drivers who are not interested in changes in legislation from companies that still offer such a service - the sale of technical coupons.

Now there is no requirement for drivers - the owners of their cars - to undergo technical inspection exclusively at the place of registration of the vehicle.

Entering information on the passed technical inspection into the EAISTO database must be entered within 24 hours, but no later.

In addition to maintenance, insurers also require a diagnostic card to be presented for concluding an insurance contract under MTPL, because they do not have the right to enter into such contracts if the car’s technical inspection has not been passed or is overdue.

How to get insurance without a technical inspection

Today, it is impossible to purchase an MTPL policy without a technical inspection, according to the law. This law is actively ignored by various scammers, selling MTPL policies to everyone, without bothering to check whether a particular car has passed a technical inspection or not.

Such organizations tell their clients that they can easily pass a technical inspection after receiving a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. We can say that the illegal purchase of an MTPL policy is a one-time saving that does not have a stable future.

If you mean obtaining a compulsory car insurance policy without undergoing a second technical inspection, when you have a valid diagnostic card, then this practice is a completely legitimate and legal action.

Also, if the car was purchased with a valid technical inspection with mileage, then you can simply re-issue the MTPL agreement to the new owner.

And this will not contradict the law. You just need to make sure that the diagnostic card does not have a validity period of less than 6 months.

Previously, the insurer Rossgosstrakh issued insurance contracts under MTPL without presenting a diagnostic card or technical certificate, but today it has already abolished this practice.

Today, such a well-known insurer, like everyone else in general, issues compulsory motor insurance policies exclusively after passing a technical inspection of vehicles.

It is best to deal directly with insurance companies that are officially members of the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers).

Because unaccredited insurers have a dubious reputation for a reason; some of them allow themselves to enter false information into the MTPL policy, which makes it invalid.

What documents are needed

Only the owners or their representatives can submit a car for inspection of the technical condition of the vehicle, and not drivers who simply have the right to operate the car, and not the right to dispose of it.

If the driver is a representative of the owner, then a power of attorney must be issued for him (with notarization, powers of attorney are already a thing of the past).

You can undergo technical inspection by providing the following documents to the maintenance operator:

  • passport of the car owner, proving his identity;
  • a power of attorney issued to the owner’s representative, if the latter cannot attend the technical inspection;
  • a certificate of the right to drive this vehicle;
  • a certificate confirming the registration of the car or vehicle passport;
  • payment receipts for technical inspection.

To carry out maintenance, operators do not require the presentation of a medical book, technical certificate or any other documents that are outside the list approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, a power of attorney can be presented handwritten, but most often today they use a standard simple power of attorney form printed through a printer.

Consequences of compulsory motor liability insurance without maintenance

What are the risks of purchasing such a policy at the time of an overdue technical inspection or in its absence?

Every driver or owner of a vehicle should know the consequences of illegally obtaining a compulsory motor insurance policy:

  1. If you get into an accident due to your fault, you will not be able to use the purchased MTPL policy without a technical inspection in order to receive the required compensation. Therefore, you will pay compensation for an accident from your own pocket.
  2. Violation of the law - driving without a technical inspection is punishable by fines and even restrictions on the right to drive until the technical inspection is passed ().
  3. There is a big risk of receiving a fake policy or signing an agreement with an unscrupulous company that will not pay you in the event of a precedent - an insured event.

Agree, a not very positive future guarantees you the illegal acquisition of an insurance policy for your activity as a driver.

Therefore, the best solution would be the following simple algorithm, which will give you stability and security in the future:

  1. Pass a technical inspection and only then buy an MTPL policy.
  2. The most optimal is to undergo maintenance on dates close to the purchase of the MTPL policy. In other words, do a technical inspection, the 2018 rules of which require you to first undergo a technical inspection, and then obtain a policy, so do not delay purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance after the technical inspection.
  3. Choose companies only those that are reliable, well-known and stable. The most ideal option is to undergo maintenance and purchase compulsory motor liability insurance from a maintenance operator who is registered with the RSA.

You shouldn’t take such risks for the sake of one-time savings and then pay the victim compensation in full from your own pocket if you are at fault in an accident.

Savings are typically approx. 720 rub., and compensation to the victim, as a rule, has much larger amounts.

After all, no serious insurance organization will sell insurance policies for such a price. The average cost of an MTPL policy from 01/01/2012 is RUB 958.50 without paying VAT.


If you drive without a compulsory insurance policy (MTPL), then the traffic police officer who stopped you will have every right to fine you.

Based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, from November 15, 2014, in addition to a fine, there cannot be other penalties, as was the case before. First of all, previously it could have been the removal of license plates and denial of the right to drive your car.

This condition has now been lifted. However, if such a violation occurs repeatedly, your car or driver’s license may be requisitioned for some time.

Still, it is worth paying attention to the frivolity of the practice when people buy an MTPL policy from dubious insurers at a cheap price, do not undergo technical inspection on time, and then, in an accident due to their own fault, lose more than they tried to save.

Every purchase of compulsory motor liability insurance, bypassing the current legislation of Russia, is a huge risk.

After all, we are talking not just about paying a fine when you were stopped by a traffic police inspector, but also about the fact that if you cause harm to the injured party as a result of an accident caused by you, then no insurer will cover all those expenses that you will be required by law compensate the victim.

Video: Checking the MTPL policy. Does a traffic cop have the right to demand insurance?

The law is harsh, but it is the law - this is what our forefathers said, relying on the sacred duty of every citizen to fulfill the Laws of their state. Apparently, not every one of us absorbs the essence of this catchphrase with “mother’s milk”, which is why incidents happen to us, thrifty ones, that defy any logic.

In accordance with the new Federal Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, each owner of a vehicle, when concluding an agreement with an insurance company, is required to provide a number of documents, one of which is a diagnostic card issued by a technical inspection (OTO) entered into the RSA register. There is also a list of cars and the timing of diagnostics for each of them (Article 15.).

Traffic police officers have been deprived of their authority to impose penalties for the driver’s lack of a diagnostic card or maintenance ticket. This innovation has freed the hands of many car owners who are now in no hurry to subject their car to undergo diagnostics, without knowing that they are cutting the branch they are sitting on. No one can guarantee that he will avoid the fate of becoming a participant in an accident, in any role: be it the culprit or the victim. Then the very day “X” comes, when you will have to regret what you did not complete on time.

At first glance, it seems strange that the insurer goes against the Law and draws up an agreement without finding in the policyholder’s document folder a diagnostic card issued by an accredited one. After all, in essence, it allows for free movement of a vehicle that may be about to fall apart or be subject to another incident included in the list of insured events specified in the terms of the contract. However, as practice shows, more often the “root of evil” is not in the insurance company, as in the object of insurance, but in its separate element, which is the insurance agent, and he can have a completely different vision of the problem of insurance without a diagnostic card .

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to guess why people try to bypass the technical diagnostic procedure:

  1. The first argument is the driver’s absolute confidence that the car has serious problems. In this case, not a single responsible expert will give the car owner that treasured multi-digit code, which is subsequently entered into the general database and which is indicated in the insurance policy, certifying that the condition of the car meets the established technical requirements.
  2. The second, less important, but common reason is lack of time and desire, simply laziness.

There is only one result - the insurer sells insurance without the driver having a diagnostic card.

Let's take, for example, diagnostics of passenger cars. In different regions of the Russian Federation, different tariffs are set for its passage, the average parameters are 350 - 400 rubles. Many will agree that the amount is not significant, in any case, it cannot be compared with the funds that will have to be sacrificed in the event of an accident.

Another question - . It is bought by drivers who do not have the time to spend the Nth amount of money on purchasing new spare parts and carrying out the necessary repairs. As a rule, a fake card costs about 2 thousand rubles. However, the fact of its presence will not make the car less vulnerable and will not increase the level of safety.

It’s great if nothing tragic happens during the entire term of the insurance policy. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. An accident occurs, the policyholder, reassured by insurance guarantees, rushes to provide the company with the necessary documents to receive compensation payments, and is immediately faced with a problem. The absence of a diagnostic card on the date of signing the contract can simply cancel it, moreover, unilaterally. In total, there is no contract - no compensation, there are repair costs, many times exceeding 400 rubles.

There is another scheme that some insurance companies often use, relieving themselves of responsibility for paying compensation, relying on the negligence of policyholders.

For example, a client came to the insurance company with a problem: his insurance and the validity period of his maintenance coupon had expired at the same time. The insurer is happy to conclude a new OSAGO contract and hands the car owner a new, blank diagnostic card, not forgetting to take payment (about 600 rubles). Everything, it would seem, can be rejoiced, both problems were solved overnight, if not for one BUT.

Few policyholders bother to read and understand the text printed on the coupon that is attached to the DC. It says here that the insurance company notified the client that he needs to undergo diagnostics by such and such a date of this year, and that he (the client) needs to come to the specified address to carry out the necessary technical operations. It is further stated that the insurance company is not responsible for failure to follow instructions and ignoring maintenance.

If during the validity of the insurance contract the policyholder does not have an accident, but the fact of lack of maintenance is discovered, then the contract will simply be canceled and the client’s money, or part of it, will be returned. In this case, the policyholder risks only 600 rubles paid for a blank diagnostic card form.

If an accident occurs, the client will have to part with both the policy and the money to compensate for repairs. Of course, we may be talking about amounts hundreds of times higher than both the cost of the maintenance procedure and the cost of the MTPL policy itself.

So, as they say, the miser pays...