Is OSAGO compulsory insurance? What you need to know about insurance

OSAGO- compulsory motor third party liability insurance for vehicle owners. The MTPL policy insures the driver's liability to other road users. Those. If the driver causes an accident, the damage to other persons will be compensated by his insurance company.

Maximum amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance - 500,000 rubles for compensation for harm to life or health and 400,000 rubles for compensation for material damage to each of the victims of the accident. At the same time, the person at fault for the accident does not receive any money under compulsory motor liability insurance.

The MTPL policy is issued for a car. If a driver drives several cars, he will need to buy several insurance policies. If one car is driven by several drivers in turn, then one OSAGO policy is enough for them.

The cost of the MTPL policy is calculated individually for each driver and each car. However, all insurance companies use single formula for calculation. Therefore, if desired, the driver can determine the cost of the insurance policy for the next year.

Each year of accident-free driving reduces the cost of the MTPL policy for the next year. In this case, the driver’s bonus-malus coefficient (BMC) decreases by several percent. In practice, insurers may “lose” the driver’s BMR coefficient. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly check the KBM and, if necessary, restore it in a timely manner.

The insurance policy is issued for 1 year and requires annual renewal. Starting from mid-2015, renewal of compulsory motor liability insurance is possible, including via the Internet.

MTPL insurance is mandatory, i.e. Every driver is required to have an insurance policy. For the absence of a policy, administrative liability is provided.

A driver injured in a traffic accident must contact the at-fault party's insurance company to obtain compensation. It is also possible to contact your insurance company if only 2 cars were injured in an accident and no people were injured.

An OSAGO policy is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance agreement that will help the car owner financially protect himself in the event of an accident due to his fault.

Compensation will be triggered when civil liability occurs as a result of causing harm to the life, health or property of third parties while driving a car. The maximum limit of liability of the insurer for each case is:

  1. for damage to life and health - four hundred thousand rubles;
  2. for property damage - five hundred thousand rubles.

In case of an accident with three or more drivers, each victim can claim insurance compensation in the amount of the above limits. It is important to remember that this type of insurance does not cover the costs of restoring the car of the person responsible for the accident. This type of protection is provided by Casco. Insurance can be purchased on paper or electronically.

Federal Law No. 40 establishes a ban on driving a car without a contract. The penalty for failure to comply with this requirement is:

  1. if the driver does not have car insurance with him - five hundred rubles;
  2. driving during a period not provided for by the contract - five hundred rubles;
  3. driving a vehicle by a driver who is not included in the insurance – five hundred rubles;
  4. absence of a valid insurance policy for the vehicle – eight hundred rubles.

The policy price is calculated using the base rate and additional adjustment factors. This tariff is set by each insurance company at its own discretion within the range approved by the Central Bank. Adjustment factors are also developed and approved by the Central Bank, but, unlike the basic tariff, they are the same for everyone. The parameters that influence the calculation of the cost of insurance include:

  1. territory of use of the car or region of registration of the owner of the vehicle;
  2. presence/absence of accidents in history;
  3. presence/absence of restrictions;
  4. the number of complete years and experience of driving a car;
  5. number of horsepower;
  6. using a vehicle with a trailer;
  7. period of operation of the vehicle;
  8. contract time.

What documents are needed for registration?

To purchase this type of compensation you may need:

  1. identification document of the policyholder;
  2. PTS or STS;
  3. registration of all those admitted to driving (if the contract is drawn up with a list of drivers by name);
  4. a valid diagnostic card (if technical inspection is required by law).

Today it is not necessary to go to the insurer’s office and apply on a paper form. Issuing an insurance policy electronically has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Simplicity in design. To apply for a policy, you do not need to visit the insurance office - just fill out the form provided. The data specified in the application will be sent to the RSA database for verification, and after verification it will be generated automatically.
  2. Delivery. You won't need to adjust your schedule to meet with the courier or insurance agent. The agreement will be sent to you electronically by email. It will be enough to print it out and always have it with you.
  3. Less risk of fraud. One of the main problems with paper policies is the likelihood that an unscrupulous seller will issue you insurance on a fake form. Unlike a regular form, you buy an electronic policy through the website, and it almost immediately appears in the RSA database.
  4. The policy is always at hand. In case of loss or damage, you will only need to re-print it.

Despite all the listed advantages, the type of policy - paper or electronic - does not in any way affect the cost of insurance.

How to insure a car cheaply?

Since the insurance company can set the base rate at its discretion, the cost of insurance in different companies may vary. Using our calculator, you can not only choose the best offer at the lowest price, but also save time - apply through our website.

Advantages of registration through our website

  1. Opportunity to find out the cost of the largest companies at competitive prices. You can save a lot.
  2. To purchase insurance, you do not need to go anywhere - just fill out an application for the selected offer. Delivery is free in some regions.
  3. On our website you can purchase an electronic policy. At the same time, you will not have to fill out the same type of forms several times on the websites of different insurers. The application filled out on our website will be sent simultaneously to several companies, all you have to do is choose the offer you like.
  4. We guarantee the authenticity of insurance purchased through our service.

How to apply for a policy on our website?

  1. make, model, year of manufacture and modification of the vehicle;
  2. period and start date of insurance;
  3. region of registration and actual residence of the owner;
  4. information about the owners.

When calculating the cost, you may not fill out all the fields, but in this case the calculation will not be accurate, without taking into account the bonus-malus coefficient, which, depending on the driver’s insurance history, can range from 0.5 to 2.45. If you want to make insurance without restrictions on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, then to calculate the CBM you must indicate the passport details of the owner and the VIN of the car.

We work only with trusted partners, so no matter which company you choose, we guarantee its authenticity.

Detailed article about car insurance

Experienced motorists know very well that when driving along the road by car, you can encounter the most unpredictable situations. Even drivers with extensive experience of accident-free driving are not insured against road accidents, even if they occur through no fault of theirs. In other words, on the road everything depends not only on you, but also on other road users, so it is very important to foresee the consequences of possible troubles in advance and insure your car, and perhaps your health, against the potential threat of an accident.

Car insurance has long ceased to be a rarity - the state has obliged every vehicle owner to take out a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy - OSAGO. But in addition to compulsory car insurance, there are other types of car insurance - DSAGO, CASCO, Green Card, accident insurance. Let's figure out how different types of car insurance differ from each other, and which one should the average car owner choose.

OSAGO or compulsory motor third party liability insurance, as the name implies, is a necessary requirement for every car owner. An MTPL policy must be issued for every car or motorcycle driving on the roads of the Russian Federation. Moreover, what is important is that the insurance company enters into an agreement listing specific drivers who will drive the vehicle, and the shorter your driving experience, the more expensive compulsory motor liability insurance will cost you.

The most expensive option is a policy with no restrictions on the number of drivers and without taking into account their driving experience. The cost of an MTPL policy is regulated by law and is calculated according to strictly established coefficients, depending not only on the driver’s experience, but also on the model, year of production and power of the insured car.

MTPL insurance involves compensation by the insurance company for damage caused to third parties (property and (or) health) if the accident occurred through your fault. The amount of insurance payment is limited by law - a maximum of 400 thousand rubles for one accident. But getting the “maximum” is possible only in the most extreme situations, when several cars were damaged in an accident or the health of several people was damaged. In this case, the insurance company will pay a maximum of 240 thousand for damage to the health of the victims, and a maximum of 160 thousand for car repairs. If only two cars were involved in the accident, then you can receive a maximum of 160 thousand rubles for compensation for damage to health, and only 120 thousand rubles for repairing a car damaged through your fault.

In other words, if you are the culprit of an accident, having only an MTPL policy, then compensation for the repair of the damaged car from the insurance company will be a maximum of 120 thousand rubles (if there were only two participants in the accident). Agree that this amount can only compensate for the repair of inexpensive foreign cars and domestic cars, but 120 thousand rubles cannot be used to repair more or less serious damage to an expensive foreign car, especially if the work is carried out at an official service center. Accordingly, all excess costs will fall on your shoulders.


The capabilities of compulsory motor third party liability insurance are quite limited, but current Russian legislation provides for the opportunity to obtain additional car insurance, the so-called DSAGO (additional motor third party liability insurance). In each insurance company, in addition to compulsory motor liability insurance, you can take out a DSAGO policy, which expands the insurance coverage limited for compulsory insurance. As a rule, the cost of such an “addition” is small - in the range of 1-4 thousand rubles, depending on the tariffs of the insurance company you choose and the size of the increase in the insured amount you choose. For example, for about 1000 rubles you can increase the amount of compensation in the event of an accident by 300-500 thousand rubles, that is, taking into account compulsory motor liability insurance, almost up to 1 million rubles. Thus, you can insure yourself against having to pay for damage from an accident out of your own pocket in situations where it exceeds the limits established for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Unfortunately, most car owners are not aware of this possibility and do not take out car insurance under DSAGO, although this option significantly expands insurance options and minimizes the cost of compensation for repairs in the event of an accident. And insurance companies are in no hurry to inform clients about DSAGO, since most often, the company’s costs for DSAGO are significantly higher than for limited OSAGO policies.


If you want not to worry about the possible repair of your car both in the event of an accident, and in the event of its damage in the parking lot or even theft, then CASCO car insurance is an ideal, albeit expensive, option. CASCO policies are a guarantee of compensation for the repair of your car, regardless of whose fault it was damaged. Most insurance companies will even compensate for the cost of repairing windshield chips or scratches received in a parking lot. Of course, it is important to carefully consider drawing up an agreement with the insurance company and include in your car insurance exactly those risks that you consider necessary.

There are often situations when a CASCO policy does not provide for payments to the insured person if the car cannot be restored after an accident, so be sure to clarify this point when concluding an insurance contract. In addition, if you insure your car against theft, then the fundamental point is to comply with the rules for storing it - in a guarded parking lot, in a garage or in a parking lot near your house.

The cost of CASCO insurance is the highest of available car insurance and is several times higher than a DSAGO policy. And this is natural, because the insurance company is forced to pay for expensive repairs in official services.

The final cost of the policy is determined based on:

  1. make, model, year of manufacture and cost of the insured car (the older and more expensive the car, the higher the insurance amount);
  2. the “popularity” of the car among car thieves, as well as accident statistics for this model;
  3. the number of drivers allowed to drive a car, their experience and age (for more experienced drivers, the cost of the policy will be lower);
  4. aggregation or non-aggregation of the insured amount (whether or not repeated payments in case of repeated accidents will be added to the amounts already received or not);
  5. the amount of the franchise (the minimum amount of damage for which the insurance company makes payments);
  6. individual features of the insurance contract (most often, such features depend on the insurance company).

Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, you can take advantage of the opportunity to pre-calculate the cost of an OSAGO, DSAGO or CASCO policy remotely, on the official websites of insurance companies or intermediary companies. This service will allow you to get an idea in advance about the final cost of car insurance in accordance with the parameters of the contract with the insurance company you need, as well as depending on the model and age of your car.

Green map

International insurance policies valid in Europe, including the Schengen countries, are called “green cards” in Russia, since insurance policy forms are traditionally green. Such car insurance is mandatory for driving on European roads, as well as in a number of other countries, that is, it is a system similar to Russian OSAGO policies.

The green card, also similar to compulsory motor liability insurance, insures damage caused to third parties or their property, thus compensating the car owner, whose car or health was damaged due to your fault, for the costs of treatment and restoration of the car. The cost of a green card directly depends on the exchange rate of the ruble against the euro and can fluctuate, although within insignificant limits. But such insurance is not cheap in any case - a monthly green card with the right to travel on the roads of any European country will cost you between 4-6 thousand rubles.

In theory, you could try to save money by taking out car insurance only for those countries through which you will be passing. But in practice, most insurance companies do not provide such an option, including a standard “set” of Schengen and Eastern European countries in the policy.

Car accident insurance

As you know, in car accidents not only vehicles can be injured, but also people who travel with their help. Absolutely all insurance companies offering car insurance include in their list of services voluntary insurance against accidents for the health and life of passengers, as well as the driver of the car. Currently, two systems are used for calculating insurance payments - according to seats in the car, and according to the so-called lump-sum system.

The first option assumes that each seat in the car is insured for a certain amount, which the victim receives. The lump-sum system makes it possible to insure the entire interior of the car, and if an insured event occurs, the total amount of payments is divided equally between the victims.

Whatever the calculation system is used, the use of accident insurance provides guarantees of compensation for the costs of treatment after an accident, including abroad (this condition must be separately stipulated in the insurance contract), compensation for material losses in the event of loss of ability to work, as well as material compensation relatives of vehicle passengers killed in car accidents.

What and how to choose

So, what type of car insurance should the average car owner choose? Your choice should primarily depend on what kind of car you own. Naturally, insuring a 10-12 year old VAZ, or a foreign car of a similar age, under CASCO will cost very much relative to the cost of the car itself, since the insurance company includes in the cost of insurance all possible risks of damage to the car, including its age and technical state. But in addition to compulsory compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance, you also need to take out a motor vehicle liability insurance policy in order to guarantee full compensation of costs (if your car cannot be restored) is very justified.

At the same time, if you buy a new car, especially a foreign one, an expensive one, then without a CASCO policy you will feel very insecure on the road. Even minor damage will most likely lead to significant material costs, which will almost certainly not be covered by the capabilities of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Most banks that provide loans for the purchase of a car require that a CASCO policy be issued as a prerequisite for issuing a loan, since in the event of an accident the car sharply loses in value. In addition, it should be noted that the CASCO policy frees the car owner from the need to save on repairs, to look for the cheapest, and not always the highest quality, repair options, since CASCO insurance fully compensates for all costs of restoring the car at a professional official service. Therefore, even if you purchase a new car not on credit, but with your own funds, then at least for the first 3 years a CASCO policy is simply necessary for you, despite its high cost.

Green cardboard- a prerequisite for traveling abroad by car. This insurance is asked when entering any foreign country, so you will have to take out the policy in any case. Well, accident insurance is a personal matter for everyone. Here it is impossible to predict in advance the likelihood of an accident and the degree of possible damage, it is only clear that even the most experienced drivers may find themselves in such a situation. Therefore, of course, it is justified to take out insurance to ensure quality treatment and additional financial support during the rehabilitation period.

As for the issue of finding the most suitable insurance company, the Internet can also help you here - refer to reviews of other car owners about insurance in a particular company and pay attention to the problems that clients of these companies had to face when obtaining insurance. The fewer negative reviews there are, the greater the likelihood of the insurance company working diligently and making timely and correct payments for car repairs. And of course, preference should be given to large companies that have sufficient funds and capabilities to conduct professional expertise and timely transfer funds to your account.

Thus, car insurance is a mandatory condition for its operation, not only from the point of view of current legislation, but also from the point of view of common sense. Do not spare money on insurance, and in case of unforeseen situations, an accident or damage to your car, its repair will not be a problem for you. We wish you good luck on the roads, and may your insurance never be needed!

And in conclusion, you can watch several videos about the main types of car insurance. Perhaps this way of perceiving information is more convenient for someone :)))

Now many drivers have doubts when determining the optimal type of insurance. Many people are interested in the question: is compulsory motor liability insurance necessary if you have CASCO insurance in 2019?

Let’s try to consider this issue in more detail: let’s dwell on the specifics of modern domestic insurance systems.

Insurance services differ in the amount of compensation and basic conditions, while pursuing a single goal: the policy is designed to reimburse costs in the event of an insured event due to an accident.

OSAGO and CASCO must minimize the property risks of car owners.

Unfortunately, many motorists do not understand: why take out a second insurance policy when one has already been issued? Let's clarify all the key points.

Confusion when determining the differences between OSAGO and CASCO most often arises among beginners. And in most cases it is connected with the fact that many banking organizations include CASCO in the conditions when applying for a car loan.

As a result, a dilemma arises: is compulsory motor liability insurance necessary if there is CASCO insurance for a new car? And in general, why conclude another insurance contract when you already have one paid policy (far from cheap)?

It turns out that the whole point is one basic difference between the two types of insurance.

The fact is that a CASCO policy can be more profitable in its own way and have attractive insurance conditions. It is intended to cover the cost of property damage to the vehicle. The policy will also be useful in case of theft or serious accident.

However, it is OSAGO, and not CASCO insurance, that is compulsory insurance in the country. And this is enshrined in the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Registration of CASCO insurance can be made a mandatory condition, for example, for obtaining a loan for the purchase of a new car, but this is a local condition in a particular bank. But MTPL insurance is mandatory throughout the country, for absolutely all drivers.

If the question arises whether it is necessary to insure under MTPL if there is CASCO insurance, the answer will be unequivocal: it is absolutely necessary.

Video: Insurance MTPL, DOSAGO and CASCO 2019. What is the difference? Which policy to choose?

It is important that the vehicle itself is insured under the CASCO program. OSAGO has a fundamentally different insurance program: it provides civil liability insurance for the car owner.

This happens when damage is caused to a third party or a vehicle. An insured event may occur due to improper operation of the vehicle or violation of traffic rules.

OSAGO is controlled at the state level. Insurance conditions do not depend on the specific insurance company that issues policies.

All rules for issuing insurance payments, lists of insured events, and specifics of drawing up an insurance contract are established by the state.

CASCO is a more flexible insurance system, in which there is no such stability and transparency of conditions. Each insurance company sets its own rules for drawing up a contract and issuing insurance payments.

The percentage of payment upon the occurrence of an insured event is determined individually for each company. Even the rules under which an insurer compensates for losses can vary significantly.

If you want to save money, you should think about whether you need to apply for CASCO insurance at all. After all, you will have to get compulsory motor liability insurance in any case.

Do I need to do OSAGO if I have CASCO insurance? We answered: it is absolutely necessary, because this obligation is enshrined in the country’s legislation.

Obviously, you can, if you wish, refuse CASCO, or take out two insurances to reduce your risks to a minimum.

What does OSAGO mean? Decoding the abbreviation means Mandatory Automobile Liability Insurance. The name speaks for itself. What is included in the concept of compulsory motor liability insurance?

In the MTPL agreement The obligations of an insurer with a license are distributed to insure the interests of the owner of the car - the policyholder - and to pay money in case of damage to the health or property of the person injured by the car owner (his death) or to repair the property under the contract. This is the essence of OSAGO.

This reimbursement occurs upon the occurrence of an insured situation. The MTPL car insurance contract is concluded. It is the property interests that are insured.

Reimbursement may have as a monetary format, This is how it happens in nature (direct).

In kind, road accidents with a collision of two vehicles are subject to compensation, if both owners have passed compulsory motor insurance, and the damage was incurred exclusively by these cars.

In other cases, payments are made in cash.

Payment terms according to OSAGO. occur within a twenty-day period when the insurer accepts the application with the above documents.

In the event of a fatal accident involving a citizen, this period is reduced to fifteen days.

During this period, the insurer must either issue a report on the insured event and pay the amount, or give a direction for repairs or completely refuse compensation.

If the outcome of an accident the citizen lost his life, then the time to determine the possibility of payments from the insurer is equal to five days after the end of the time to apply with the necessary documents from the beneficiaries of the deceased.

Then a refund is possible only in cash, and an act is drawn up. A written refusal (full or partial) is also possible, which must contain a reason.

When is it profitable? take out insurance no limits? It is beneficial to take out a policy for a long period or even since there is no indexation of the amounts paid by the policyholder under the concluded agreement with the insurance organization.

Prices will rise, and the insured will not have to pay additional money due to tariff increases.

How is OSAGO? Tariffs and coefficients of the MTPL policy affect the amount of the premium paid to the car owner.

The first, in addition to the coefficients, combine the base rate. The legislation provides for a threshold of maximum and minimum coefficients associated with various circumstances and characteristics of the machine.

The bonus-malus coefficient (BMR) in compulsory motor liability insurance is applied when the contract is just concluded (or changed) and the term of which is a one-year period.

It can help reduce the cost of insurance purchased.

In this case, one compensation - This is one insured event.

Base rate amount is calculated by the citizen personally, in this case, the category and territory of use of the machine is taken into account.

Insurance amount is formed by multiplying all the necessary coefficients with the base bet. The formulas are individualized depending on the category of the car and depend on whether it is a citizen, or an entrepreneur, or even an organization.

Total bonus amount must not exceed the base rate in triple form, as well as in five times format in case of deliberate violations with the provision of false information by the policyholder.


Statute of limitations for compulsory motor liability insurance usually identical to the annual period. There are exceptions related to foreign registration of a car while temporarily staying in the Russian Federation.

Moreover, the policy covers the entire period of use of this car in Russia with a minimum of five days.

Up to a twenty-day period, travel for registration or technical inspection of vehicles is permitted.

According to the general rules of law in the absence of victims, the limitation period is two years. If victims are present, then it increases to three years.

Is compulsory motor liability insurance mandatory?

Is OSAGO car insurance mandatory or not? OSAGO is mandatory. Already in the name itself when deciphering the abbreviation one can see this requirement of the law. If a citizen does not have a policy, then the law provides for him

What is the fine? for driving without MTPL insurance? Using transport in violation of the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance or deliberate failure to fulfill the obligation to insure liability is punishable by a fine of five hundred or eight hundred rubles.

How can driving without MTPL car insurance? The owner of the car faces a fine of eight hundred rubles.

An exception to the rule is a deviation from the period for issuing a policy for a maximum of ten days from the time of purchase of the car for various reasons and on the basis of any rights, including ownership rights.

How to buy an MTPL policy without additional services? Often the companies where the policy is obtained offer a variety of

Yes and final policy price at the same time it increases. A common situation is when a client is forced to take out DSAGO insurance. It is important to know that it is voluntary in nature, unlike compulsory motor liability insurance.

And you shouldn’t be led by intrusive staff. It will also be useful upon acquisition.

You should be especially careful when receiving a policy in a company that provides discounts and bonuses that are not established by law.

Useful video!

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