The base of AvtoVAZ. Domestic cars. Ups and downs

Although passenger cars were produced in the USSR in the 60s of the last century, they were in an incredible shortage. "Victory", "Volga", "Muscovites" and "Cossacks" were distributed exclusively according to the lists of enterprises, and it was often possible to acquire them even at the place of work only by great pull. On July 20, 1966, after an analysis of 54 different construction sites, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government decided to build a large new automobile plant in the city of Togliatti. The preparation of the technical project was entrusted to the Italian automobile concern "FIAT". On August 15, 1966, in Moscow, the head of FIAT, Gianni Agnelli, signed a contract with the Minister of the Automotive Industry of the USSR, Alexander Tarasov, to create an automobile plant in the city of Togliatti with a full production cycle.

01. Territory of the future automobile plant, 1966.

02. The first tent at the site of the future construction site. In the center of the group is V.N. Polyakov, 1966

03. On January 3, 1967, the Central Committee of the Komsomol announced the construction of the Volga Automobile Plant as an All-Union shock Komsomol construction site. Thousands of people, mostly young people, went to Togliatti to work on the construction site of the auto giant.

04. The construction of the domestic auto giant was entrusted to the Kuibyshevgidrostroy Administration. In January 1967, the first cubic meter of land was excavated at the construction site.

05. The human resources department of Kuibyshevgidrostroy received a stream of thousands of letters wishing to take part in the construction of the plant. Everyone understood that building and then working at VAZ meant being in the epicenter of modern life, and the possibility of getting an apartment in Togliatti was more likely than anywhere else.

06. Nikolay Semizorov, head of the Kuibyshevgidrostroy department, recalls that the scale of the construction simply astounded him. In four years, it was necessary to build a plant, a thermal power plant, the Avtozavodsky district of Togliatti and much more with a total cost (according to the most conservative estimates) of over two billion rubles.

07. The state did not spare money for the construction of the VAZ. In a short time, Kuibyshevgidrostroy from a large construction organization, albeit one that has to its credit the construction of the Volzhskaya HPP named after Lenin, really turned into a giant.

08. The technical project of the automobile plant was drawn up by the Italian automobile concern "FIAT" with the participation of the Promstroyproekt Institute. The teams of over 40 design institutes of our country took a direct part in the design of the future giant.

09.Since 1969, labor collectives of the plant began to form, most of them were people who built the plant.

11. The installation of production equipment, produced at 844 domestic factories, 900 factories of the socialist community, by firms from Italy, Germany, France, England, the USA and other countries, continued.

12. V.N. Polyakov, the first director of VAZ, who ran the plant from 1966 to 1975.

13. Laying the floor along the main conveyor, 1969

14. Construction of the VAZ department

16. Various musical groups often came to the construction site.

19. Kiosk "Soyuzpechat" next to the construction site.

20. The first VAZ car was based on the FIAT-124 model, which won the Car of the Year title in Europe in 1965. The photo shows the first FIAT at the Dmitrov training ground.

21. In parallel with the construction of the plant, FIAT-124 was tested at the Dmitrovsky auto testing ground. Tough domestic conditions turned out to be "Italian", to put it mildly, too tough. After 5,000 km, the car had to be almost thrown away. The body of "FIAT" practically "crumbled"; The ground clearance of the "Italian" of 110 mm was too small in the difficult road conditions of the Union. It was decided to increase it. True, when the Italians learned that the Russians were going to "raise" the car 17-17.5 cm above the ground, they asked in all seriousness: "Are you not going to build roads in Russia?"

22. The first Zhiguli on the assembly line, 1970.

23. On 19 April 1970, the first six VAZ-2101 Zhiguli vehicles, now known in most foreign countries as Lada, rolled off the main assembly line of VAZ. The firstborn lived up to the expectations of its creators. Driving performance was excellent, and a major overhaul was required only after the car had covered a distance equal to ten trips from Moscow to Vladivostok.

24. The role of the first-born "VAZ" in the history of the domestic automotive industry can hardly be overestimated. With its appearance, the Soviet auto industry has taken more than one step forward. For 14 years spent on the conveyor, about 3,000,000 "kopecks" rolled out of the factory floor.

26. In 1973, the VAZ car got another name - "Lada", intended for a foreign consumer. One of the versions of the choice of this name says that the designers of "AvtoVAZ" on the eve accidentally heard the song popular at that time "No need to frown, Lada". Other stories draw an analogy with the Ladya enterprise trademark, which appeared almost simultaneously with Zhiguli. One way or another, but this name was immediately liked by everyone.

27. "Vazovtsy" go to work.

28. Thousands of new cars went to different cities of the Soviet Union and neighboring countries.

29. The General Director of the Volga Automobile Plant introduces the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A. Kirilenko to the shops, 1973

30. Plant from a bird's eye view.

31. New cars await departure.

34. Already in December 1973, the plant produced the millionth car.

36. Model VAZ-2108, made in full size from plasticine.

37. In December 1979, the first prototype of the VAZ-2108 car was assembled in the experimental workshop.

38. CHP VAZ (the largest in Europe, at the time of construction) and a car plant.

39. Design department.

40. Factory everyday life.

41. Conveyor.

42. Engine assembly shop.

43. Dining rooms of the VAZ.

46. ​​New cars at the sites of the plant.

48. Factory and Avtozavodsky district of Togliatti in the distance.

49. 30th anniversary of the production of the first car. Solemn movement of the popularly beloved "kopeck" on the main conveyor, April 19, 2000.

52. And in conclusion, briefly about some brands of cars produced by AvtoVAZ. The Niva off-road vehicle has been serially produced since 1977!

53. The first, produced in 1970, VAZ car with serial number 0000001 had one owner in Samara and again became the property of the plant in 2000, is kept in the museum. (years of production VAZ-2101 1970-1981)

54. The millionth VAZ-2103 is kept in the museum of AvtoVAZ. (years of production VAZ-2103 1972-1983)

55. VAZ-2107 on the conveyor. (years of manufacture 1982-2011)

56. VAZ-2110, or according to the popular "ten". (years of manufacture 1996-2007)

58. "Lada-Priora" has been produced since 2007.

59. "Lada-Kalina" has been produced since 2004.

60. The newest serial model of Avtovaz, Lada-Granta, was launched on the assembly line at the end of 2011.

Brief information: the total area of ​​the production buildings of the automobile plant is 2.1 million square meters. m, conveyor length - 150 km, technological equipment - 16.5 thousand units. During the construction of the plant, 213 km of highways were put into operation, 180 km of railways, 6 million cubic meters of monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete were laid, and 300 thousand tons of metal structures were installed. To understand what place the Volzhsky Automobile Plant took in the hierarchy of the Soviet automobile industry, it is enough to know the following fact: in the mid-60s, all existing plants in the USSR produced as many cars, including trucks and buses, as VAZ was designed for - 660 thousand cars per year.

My other historical reviews.

In the 60s of the last century, several brands of cars were produced in the USSR. "Cossacks", "Volga" and "Muscovites" will forever remain in the memory of the citizens of our country as nostalgia for those distant times. But at that time there were not enough cars. It was almost impossible to find them on the open market. Cars were distributed according to lists at large enterprises.

To meet the growing demand for four-wheeled vehicles, the country's leadership decided to build a new car plant. According to the idea, he was supposed to take the main place in the industry of the production of passenger cars. It is from this moment that the history of AvtoVAZ begins. Its construction took place very quickly (2 times faster than planned). Equipment for technological cycles was created not only at factories in the USSR, but also at a number of other socialist states, as well as in the countries of the United States and Europe.

Establishment of the plant

It was decided to build the Volzhsky Automobile Plant in Togliatti. For this, the country's leadership entered into an agreement in August 1966 with the Italian concern Fiat, which helped in the construction of the auto giant. They not only had to build a huge full-cycle production, start up the appropriate equipment, but also train personnel.

The history of AvtoVAZ in Togliatti, even at the stage of creation, experienced a small incident. The fact is that the emblem for the new car brand was invented by Soviet artists. The idea for the sketch belonged to one of the capital's leaders A. Dekalenkov. But the Italians had to make these logos. Fiat created the first thirty emblems with a mistake. In the name of the city "Togliatti" the letter "I" ended up as the letter "R". The marriage was replaced very quickly.

The name of the plant was not chosen by analogy with other Soviet industries, which were called, for example, Ulyanovsk or Gorkovsky. This was done for reasons of political correctness. Otherwise, "inappropriate jokes could not have been avoided."

Beginning of work

Personnel training began even before the construction of the plant was completed. Thanks to the tireless work of the workers, in 1970 the first 6 "kopecks" were produced - the famous Zhiguli car - VAZ-2101.

The demand for machines was such that sales limited only production possibilities. In the first year, 100 thousand of them were produced.

In 1973, the VAZ-2101 began to be supplied to the world market. However, this brand had to be renamed into Lada. The name "Zhiguli" in French sounded like "Gigolo" (a man dancing for money).

Over time, the Lada brand began to be produced for the domestic consumer as well. Zhiguli ceased to be produced.

Increasing production turnover

In 1980, an Olympiad was held in the USSR and was put on the assembly line "Five" (VAZ-2105). However, although these models were in enviable demand, the "six" (VAZ-2106) became the most popular in the entire history of the plant's work. It was put into mass production in 1976.

The production capacity of AvtoVAZ was provided by five factories. From 1966 to 1991, it included the Avtonormal Belebeevsky plant, the Skopinsky and Dmitrovgrad auto-aggregate plants, the VAZ CHP and AvtoVAZagregat.

"Kopeyka" and "Troika"

Remembering everything (in the entire history of the auto giant's existence), one cannot but pay tribute to its first offspring. These were VAZ-2101 and VAZ-2103. The first in the last two digits of the model number is popularly nicknamed "Kopeyka". The second car began to be called "three".

"Kopeyka" was a sedan model adapted to the conditions of Soviet roads. The ground clearance of the domestic car was increased from 110 to 175 mm. Also, the developers have strengthened the brakes and suspension. This car was a symbol of the Soviet era of 70s automobiles. "Kopeyka" became the ancestor of rear-wheel drive sedans and universal "classic" models.

A short time after the first Kopeyka rolled off the assembly line, the Troika was put into serial production. At that time it was called a "luxury" model. It was a thoroughly revised “kopeck”. Particular attention was paid to had four headlights, chrome elements and an improved instrument panel.

Further improvements to the models

After the first two were released, the history of AvtoVAZ includes several more popular versions of "Kopeyka". After its serious restyling, the VAZ-2104, 2105, 2106 and 2107 were put on the conveyor. The most popular among them was the "Six". It was the prototype for the Fiat 124 Speciale. For more than 30 years of production of this model, 4.3 million VAZ-2106 were sold.

The other three car brands also sold well. The designers developed rectangular headlights that were fashionable at that time. The salon has also been seriously redesigned. The engine of the cars was also modernized. "Six" and today is considered a fairly popular car.

80s models

The history of AvtoVAZ in the 80s of the last century tells about a new stage of production. At this time, a completely new generation of Sputnik vehicles was developed. For the corresponding index in the number, like in previous models, people christened the car "eight". It was characterized by a wedge-shaped front end. For this, the VAZ-2108 was also called a "chisel".

The model had a new engine and gearbox. She had front-wheel drive. The shape of the car was more aerodynamic than previous cars. The body had a power structure. This model was developed by the auto giant in cooperation with Porsche. The Germans helped the domestic manufacturer to create everything except the design.

After some time, the VAZ-2108 with a five-door hatchback and sedan body went on sale.

In the late 1980s, the small-displacement "Oka" was developed. Its prototype was the 1980 Daihatsu Cuore. Subsequently, apart from AvtoVAZ, Oka was also produced by SeAZ and KAMAZ.

Plant after the collapse of the USSR

Many large and small industries, including AvtoVAZ, experienced the collapse. The history of the plant shows that the giant of automotive technology experienced a deep and protracted crisis at this time.

The fact is that in the sad days for AvtoVAZ, the plant was faced with such a concept as "competition". Up to this point, the Soviet consumer purchased cars that came off the assembly line very quickly. But now a stream of fashionable, albeit used, foreign-made cars has poured into the country.

In Soviet times, domestically produced passenger cars were little improved. Therefore, in comparison with imported cars, they did not stand up to criticism. The plant faced the need to cut production volumes. More than 25% of jobs were cut. Even state support did not help. To equalize the demand for foreign and domestic cars, high customs duties were introduced. But it didn't help much.

Working in a crisis

The history of AvtoVAZ tells of really hard days for the company. Insufficient demand for obsolete car models, the struggle for ownership of the enterprise did not help to overcome the crisis.

Moreover, the crisis in the financial system further contributed to the deterioration of affairs. The state strongly supported the dying production. But the accumulated internal and external problems could not be solved only by these measures.

Cases of mass theft of products and components were recorded. These were huge sums even for such a large enterprise. In 2009, the decline in sales was a record 39% compared to 2008.

It took a huge investment to save the country's largest car factory. Anti-crisis measures were developed. Having solved its internal and external problems, the company could get back on its feet.

Way out of the crisis

AvtoVAZ experienced a long and deep crisis. The history of the plant has more than 15 years of decaying, unpromising production in conditions of insufficient demand. However, a way out was found. In July 2009, an agreement was reached between Russian Technologies and Renault-Nissan. It was decided to increase the authorized capital of AvtoVAZ. It was invested 240 million euros by Renault-Nissan (this amounted to 25% of all shares) and three times the amount of Russian Technologies (while increasing its share in the authorized capital by 44%). Troika Dialog lost 17.5% of its share.

In addition, it was decided to give the post of chief designer to Steve Mattin, who previously held a similar position in such world companies as Mercedes and Volvo. A period of gradual revival began.

AvtoVAZ, whose history of creation and work has known many ups and downs, during the crisis is characterized by a small update of models. So, in the early 90s of the last century, the VAZ-2110 became one of the few new models. It was a sedan based on the G8. This car had a rather original body and interior design.

After him, for about 10 years, the production did not know significant updates. The crisis that befell the formerly flourishing plant affected all spheres of its activity. Only in 2003, on the basis of the GM-AvtoVAZ joint venture, the Chevrolet Niva was put into serial production. A year later, the production of sedans, hatchbacks and station wagons of the Kalina type was launched in Togliatti.

2007 is marked by the release of a new model of the auto giant Lada Priora. To stimulate consumer demand in 2011, Kalina was replaced by its cheaper version of Grant. In 2012, a modified version of the Renault Logan of the universal type Lada Largus was launched into production.

AvtoVAZ Museum

The AvtoVAZ concern has a rich history. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has its own museum. It is one of the largest such institutions in our country. The AvtoVAZ History Museum is located in Togliatti. It is dedicated to the well-known not only domestic, but also foreign brand "Lada".

This museum contains only exhibits that are especially significant for the history of the plant. There are the first models "Grant", "Largus", "Kalina" produced after the collapse of the USSR. Also in the museum you can find cars that are no longer in production, but you can hardly see them on the streets of cities in our country.

The entire history from the first day of the plant's operation to the present time is kept within the walls of the famous museum. The first "cherry" kopeck, sold through the corporate network of the enterprise, is now exhibited here. It was operated by its owner for about 19 years. He donated it to the museum in 2000, for which he received a new car as a gift, which had just started going on sale.

Some interesting facts

A brief history of AvtoVAZ would be incomplete without some interesting facts. For example, the Niva (or VAZ-2121) was the only domestic car ever sold in Japan.

The city in which the car plant was built was formerly called Stavropol. But in 1964 it was renamed in honor of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Italy P. Togliatti. He died while visiting the Artek children's camp during negotiations for a future joint venture.

The chief designer of the Niva PM Prusov says that this name was given to the car after the first letters of the name of his daughters (Nina and Irina), as well as the sons of the first chief designer of the production (Vadim and Andrey).

Concern today

Having gone through a deep crisis, the concern is gradually getting back on its feet. The history of AvtoVAZ deserves respect. After all, in spite of everything, the cars coming off its conveyors were a symbol of that era. Perhaps now they are somewhat behind their foreign counterparts. But with the right approach, it will be possible to improve the automotive industry.

The largest passenger car manufacturer in our country has a future. With the right approach, it can bring big profits to the country. After all, even such old models as the "six" and "seven" are still in demand both among the citizens of our country and on the territory of all post-socialist countries. Therefore, applying new technologies, developing new models with improved qualities of both mechanisms and design, the auto giant can be brought to a new level.

AvtoVAZ (AvtoVAZ) is the largest Russian automotive company

history of OJSC "AvtoVAZ", lineup, organizational structure, owners and management, types of activities, organization of the workflow at the plant, models of 2015-2016, exports, performance indicators, sales leaders, plans, news

AvtoVAZ is, the definition

AvtoVAZ is a Russian automobile manufacturer, the largest manufacturer in and Vostochnaya. The company is controlled by the Renault-Nissan alliance. The full official name is open-source AvtoVAZ. It is part of the Rostec state corporation.

AvtoVAZ is an Automobile Volzhsky Automobile Plant.

AvtoVAZ is an auto giant, which has no equal not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world: a single complex with about 150 thousand people, engaged, in addition to assembling cars, their development and production of components.

AvtoVAZ is the standard of the domestic automotive industry.

AvtoVAZ is the largest car manufacturer in Russia, a company that is active in 46 countries around the world.

AvtoVAZ is the largest Russian automaker in a protracted period.

AvtoVAZ is a domestic car manufacturer, whose brainchildren roam the roads of many countries and cities of the world.

The history of the establishment of JSC "AvtoVAZ"


On July 20, 1966, after an analysis of 54 different construction sites, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government decided to build a large new automobile plant in the city of Togliatti. The preparation of the technical project was entrusted to the Italian automobile "Fiat". On August 15, 1966, in Moscow, the head of FIAT, Gianni Agnelli, signed with the Minister of the USSR Alexander Tarasov on the creation of an automobile plant in the city of Togliatti with a full production cycle. Under the contract, the same Concern was entrusted with the technological equipment of the plant, training.

On January 3, 1967, the Central Committee of the Komsomol announced the construction of the Volga Automobile Plant as an All-Union shock Komsomol construction site. Thousands of people, mostly young people, went to Togliatti to work on the construction site of the auto giant. Already on January 21, 1967, the first cubic meter of land was taken out for the construction of the first workshop of the plant - the building of auxiliary workshops (CVC).

Since 1969, the labor collectives of the plant began to form, most of them were people who built the plant. The installation of production equipment, produced at 844 domestic factories, 900 factories of the socialist community, England, and other countries, continued.

On March 1, 1970, the first 10 bodies of future cars were produced by the welding shop, and on April 19, 1970, the first six VAZ-2101 "Zhiguli" cars rolled off the main assembly line of the plant, the design basically repeated the Italian model "FIAT-124", but assembled almost completely from localized components. Interestingly, on April 15, 1970, the Volga Automobile Plant was visited by Henry Ford Jr. On October 28, 1970, the first echelon with Zhiguli cars was sent to Moscow. Thus, with an estimated construction period of 6 years, the plant was put into operation 3 years earlier, which allowed the USSR to save more than 1.

On March 24, 1971, the State Commission accepted into operation the first stage of the Volga Automobile Plant, which will produce 220 thousand cars a year. On July 16, 1971, the 100,000th car with the VAZ brand was produced. On January 10, 1972, the State Commission signed an act on the acceptance into operation of the second stage of the Volga Automobile Plant with a capacity of 220 thousand vehicles per year. The plant was officially accepted by the State Commission with an "excellent" rating on December 22, 1973 - after the millionth car; By the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the Volga Automobile Plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. For the architecture of the Volga Automobile Plant complex in 1977, the State USSR was awarded in the field of literature, art and architecture.

In September 2009, the management of the company announced a massive layoff of personnel: by the end of 2009, 27.6 thousand employees out of 100 thousand will be laid off. According to representatives of AvtoVAZ, this will be one of the measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the largest Russian car manufacturer. However, in early October it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation had agreed to dismiss only 5,000 people, and First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said: “No layoffs or layoffs are planned at the enterprise. It's all lies. " As a result, almost 22.5 thousand employees of the company were dismissed in 2009, of which: 11.5 thousand - issued a pension and 2.3 thousand - early. The issuance of such a "massive" early retirement pension was an unprecedented phenomenon in Russia.

Arrival of Shuvalov in Togliatti - release of the program "Vesti"

At the same time, in October 2009, the Ministry of Trade and Trade of the Russian Federation, in a letter to the government apparatus, stated that in its current form, AvtoVAZ is actually not viable, being in a pre-bankruptcy state (according to the calculations of the ministry, at the beginning of 2010 the plant's debt will be 76, 3 billion rubles). According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Chairman Sergei Stepashin, further state support of the enterprise is inexpedient, and the situation in Togliatti can be saved only by reducing AvtoVAZ to 50,000 employees and spending the funds that are supposed to be allocated to AvtoVAZ on stabilization in the Samara region.

Sergey Stepashin, Head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

In November 2009, Christian Esteve, General Director of Renault in Russia, announced that according to the proposals of the French side, AvtoVAZ plans to organize the production of Renault, Nissan and Lada cars on the basis of a single B0 platform (Logan platform), as well as to leave the production of its cars. ultra low class (possibly based on "Kalina"). In November 2009, the Russian Government announced its readiness to provide support to AvtoVAZ in the amount of 54.8 billion rubles. Of this amount, 38 billion are bad debts, another 12 billion rubles. will go to the creation and launch of a new model range and another 4.8 billion rubles. necessary for the implementation of the program for the creation of new ones. State Corporation "Russian Technologies" and Renault signed on November 27, 2009 a protocol on cooperation in the recapitalization of "AvtoVAZ". The agreement provides for financial assistance to AvtoVAZ from the Russian Federation in exchange for Renault's assistance in using Renault and Nissan technologies.

Signing an agreement between Rostec and Renault

After 2010

On March 10, 2010, the board of directors of AvtoVAZ approved until 2020, according to which it is planned to increase the production of cars to 1.2 million units per year by the end of the 2010s, as well as investments in the enterprise for 2010-2020 in the amount of up to 3 billion ...

On August 26, 2010, the president of AvtoVAZ, Igor Komarov, announced that AvtoVAZ in January-July 2010 amounted to 24 million rubles under RAS against a loss for the same period in 2009.

Renault showed interest in buying a controlling stake in AvtoVAZ only in 2010, preliminary negotiations were held in September.

A preliminary agreement to receive over AvtoVAZ was signed in May 2012 (at the same time, Rostec extended the maturity of concessional loans issued to AvtoVAZ until 2032).

On December 12, 2012, the Renault-Nissan alliance and the Rostec state corporation signed a final agreement on the creation of the Alliance Rostec Auto BV JV (it was registered in), through which the alliance received a controlling stake in AvtoVAZ by mid-2014. Under the agreement, Renault and Rostec contributed their stakes in AvtoVAZ to the joint venture (28.98% and 25%, respectively). Then the alliance in several stages invested $ 742 million in the joint venture, of which $ 366 million fell on Renault and $ 376 million on Nissan. By 2014, the joint venture bought out 20.14% of AvtoVAZ shares from Troika Dialog. As a result, by June 2014 Renault's share in the joint venture was 50.1%, and Nissan's - 17.03%.

The alliance's share in the joint venture was 67.13%, the rest was received by Rostec. After the buyback of shares from Troika Dialog, the alliance's effective stake in the plant was 50.01%, while Rostec's stake was 24.5%.

At the end of 2013, Alliance Rostec Auto BV owned a 76.25% stake in AvtoVAZ.

In January 2014, another significant reduction in the company's personnel was announced: according to the order, the normative number of managers, specialists and employees will be reduced by 2.5 thousand staff units, and the number of workers will be reduced by 5 thousand staff units. According to the company's quarterly report, as of January 1, 2014, the plant employs over 67 thousand people.

The mayor of Togliatti speaks about the reduction of AvtoVAZ personnel

On January 23, 2014, the company announced that it was going to lay off 7.5 thousand employees with the following compensation: those who quit in February will receive five average monthly salaries (about 20 thousand rubles), in March - four salaries, in April - three. The compensation offer is valid for these three months only.

"Vesti" on the reduction of the staff of AvtoVAZ

In June 2014, the Renault-Nissan alliance gained control over more than 50% of the company's shares, the share of Rostec dropped to 24.5%.

Ownership structure

As of the end of June 2014, over 50% of the company's shares were controlled by the Renault-Nissan alliance, the Russian state corporation Rostec owned 24.5%. Formally, 81.447% of ordinary and 47% of AvtoVAZ belonged to the Dutch company Alliance Rostec Auto BV, which, in turn, was 67.13% owned by Renault-Nissan, and 32.87% by Rostec.


Currently, the chairman of the board of directors of the company is Carlos Ghosn (re-elected following the results of the annual meeting of shareholders on June 26, 2014). Carlos is also the head of the Renault-Nissan Alliance; Bu Inge Anderson - President of JSC AVTOVAZ.

At various times, the leaders of the car plant were:

1966-1975 - Polyakov, Viktor Nikolaevich, General Director;

1975-1982 - Zhitkov, Anatoly Anatolyevich, General Director;

1982-1988 - Isakov, Valentin Ivanovich, General Director;

1988-1996 - Kadannikov, Vladimir Vasilievich, General Director;

1996-2002 - Nikolaev, Alexey Vasilievich, President-General Director;

2002-2005 - Vilchik, Vitaly Andreevich, President-General Director;

2005-2006 - Esipovsky, Igor Eduardovich, President-General Director;

2006-2007 - Artyakov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, President-General Director;

2007-2009 - Alyoshin, Boris Sergeevich, President-General Director;

2009-2013 - Komarov, Igor Anatolyevich, President-General Director;

Since 2013 - Boo Inge Anderson, President and CEO.

On December 29, 2000, a gallery of portraits of AvtoVAZ CEOs from the moment of its foundation was opened in the AvtoVAZ plant management building.

Carlos Ghosn- was born on March 9, 1954 in the city of Porto Velho,. Originally a Lebanese Christian. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), and in 1978 - from the Higher School of Mines (Paris).

From 1978 he worked for Michelin, headed the Brazilian and North American divisions of the company, held the position of CEO for the production of passenger tires and tires for light trucks. December 1996 - Executive Vice President of Renault. In June 1999, he was transferred to Nissan as Director of Operations, then became President of the company (June 2000) and CEO (June 2001). During his time at Nissan, he received the nickname "The Cost Killer", as the hard-cutting program he carried out helped bring the company out of a deep crisis. Since April 29, 2005 he has also held the positions of President and CEO of Renault.

Since June 28, 2012, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC AVTOVAZ. Since June 2013 he has been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC AVTOVAZ.

Boo Inge Anderson- General Director of AvtoVAZ.

Bo Andersson (Bo I. Andersson) was born on October 16, 1955 in, in the city of Falkenberg. He married in 1991, his wife's name is Maud. Raises two daughters - Felicia and Leonora. Andersson has American and Swedish, but lives in the Russian Federation - in Nizhny Novgorod.

Graduated from the Military Academy of Sweden, received a bachelor's degree in business administration from Stockholm University, completed a program at Harvard University.

1987 - joined General Motors as a Saab manager;

1990 - became the vice president of purchasing at Saab;

1993 - moved from Saab to GM to the position of executive director for international procurement of electrical equipment;

1994 - appointed executive director for the procurement of chemical products;

1997 - became the vice president of purchases of the European division of GM;

2009 - became president of GAZ Group. Andersson was invited by the owner of GAZ Oleg Deripaska.


2010 - "Best Leader" in the Russian automotive industry at the international automotive forum;

2011 - the best head of automotive Europe in the category "Emerging Markets" at the Eurostars Awards;

2012 - Award for Outstanding Achievement from Automotive Supply Chain magazine for the financial recovery of GAZ Group after the crisis.

For all business achievements in 2012, Anderson was named honorary of the Kingdom of Sweden. And this year - he was the first foreigner to receive the title of honorary citizen of Nizhny Novgorod for the economy of the region, the Gorky Automobile Plant and strengthening the status of the city.

Activities of JSC "AVTOVAZ"

Main factors

The company is focused on where it is the absolute leader in sales and countries. In 2004, the plant produced just over 712 thousand, in 2005 - 721.5 thousand cars. In 2006, 966,380 cars and auto kits were produced, 724 thousand ready-made vehicles were sold, including 185,673 cars and assembly kits for. In 2007, 770 thousand cars were sold (according to the company).

In 2008, the company planned to produce 959.7 thousand cars and assembly kits, including 125 thousand Lada Kalina cars, more than 210 thousand Lada Samara models, 35 thousand three-door Lada 4x4 off-road vehicles and 8 thousand Lada 112 Coupe ". The export of cars and auto kits in 2008 was supposed to increase to 194 thousand units. As a result, the plant produced 810.5 thousand cars, and sales in the Russian Federation amounted to 622.1 thousand cars. the company amounted to 192.07 billion rubles. (in 2007 - 187.6 billion rubles), net loss - 24.66 billion rubles. (in 2007 - net RUB 3.7 billion).

In the crisis year of 2009, it was originally planned to produce 475 thousand cars, then this figure was adjusted to 332 thousand cars. As a result, AvtoVAZ produced 294,737 LADA vehicles (including 34,756 vehicles of all LADA families for export). In addition, 43,047 assembly kits have been produced. The LADA PRIORA family became the leader in terms of production volume: more than 91 thousand of these cars were manufactured. In 2009, the plant has been shut down twice since the beginning of the year. First, in February 2009 - due to the refusal of auto component manufacturers to ship products to the auto giant until it repays its debts to them. Another time - for the whole of August - by the decision of the top management due to problems with sales.

In 2010, the company produced 545.5 thousand vehicles, increasing the production volume in comparison with 2009 by 85%. In Russia, 517.1 thousand LADA cars were sold (and taking into account export - 557.8 thousand cars). Compared to 2009, LADA sales in the Russian Federation increased by 48%. This growth has been fueled by a government program for the disposal of obsolete vehicles. The owners of old cars actively handed them over for recycling, getting them to purchase a new car. The best-selling models this year are LADA 2105 and LADA 2107 - 136 thousand cars. LADA Priora has the second indicator - 125.5 thousand cars. LADA Kalina sales amounted to 108.9 thousand vehicles. In the first quarter of 2010, AvtoVAZ's loss amounted to 2.6 billion rubles, in the second quarter the net loss according to RAS amounted to 1 billion rubles. AvtoVAZ's sales in the second quarter doubled compared to the first quarter.

Since 2011, after the acquisition of OAG LLC, AvtoVAZ began to take into account the Izhevsk Automobile Plant in its production products, which became a subsidiary of the company. This year, both enterprises produced 593.3 thousand cars. Sales of the plant in comparison with last year increased by 10.6% - up to 578.3 thousand cars (including export - up to 634.3 thousand cars). In the same year, AVTOVAZ prepared production and began production of a new model - the LADA Granta sedan.

In 2012, AvtoVAZ and the Izhevsk Automobile Plant produced 587.6 thousand vehicles. According to experts, the reduction in the production of LADA cars was quite natural and expected and was primarily due to the fact that the company was changing the model range. The decline was also partly due to the termination of government support programs, in particular, the car scrappage program. Sales in Russia this year amounted to 537.6 thousand cars, and including export 608.2 thousand. In April 2012, AvtoVAZ began production of LADA Largus station wagons - cars created on the B0 platform provided by the Renault-Nissan Alliance.

At the end of 2013, the enterprise and its site in Izhevsk produced 516.3 thousand vehicles. During this period, the plant showed a decline in sales and production. According to experts, “sales were not facilitated by the general economic situation in the country and pessimistic macroeconomics. This limited the desire to purchase expensive goods. " The total number of cars sold in Russia during this period is 456.3 thousand cars, and including export - 534.9 thousand LADA cars. In the same year, AVTOVAZ continued to modernize its facilities and update its model range, launching the production of new generation LADA Kalina vehicles.

Main production

At the beginning of the second half of 2014, the production business units of OJSC AvtoVAZ include the assembly and body production facilities LADA Priora, LADA Kalina, LADA 4x4, the production of cars on the Alliance platform (B0), and pilot production.

The auto component production includes mechanical assembly (including divisions for the assembly of engines, chassis and gearboxes), metallurgical, pressing, energy production and production.

Each car, produced at the car plant, is run-in on the car track, which is two ring tracks and separate sections with a test surface.

From 1966 to 1991, Volzhsky for the production of passenger cars consisted of 5 (five) productions:

Belebeevsky plant Avtonormal;

Dimitrovgrad Automobile Aggregate Plant;

Skopinsky Automotive Aggregate Plant;


TPP of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant.

After the collapse of the USSR, as a result, all enterprises became joint-stock companies and passed to different owners. At present, these factories continue to supply their products both to OJSC AvtoVAZ and to other car factories in Russia.

AvtoVAZ together with General Motors and European Reconstruction and Development took part in the creation of the joint venture GM-AvtoVAZ. The joint production began with the emission of the Chevrolet Niva SUV.

Office of the chief designer

Chief Designer Office - a structural subdivision of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant (currently the General Development Department of JSC AVTOVAZ), whose function is the design of cars.

Management history of the chief designer

On October 1, 1966, V.S.Solovyov was appointed chief designer of the Volga Automobile Plant, who headed the Chief Designer Department.

In December 1966, OGK designers began work in Moscow in one of the Minavtoprom's rooms on Kuznetsky Most.

In June 1968, the administration and design services of the OGK moved to a new directorate building on ul. Belorusskaya 16 (Togliatti).

In April 1969, the construction of the Engineering Center began on the site of the plant.

In March 1971, OGK was reorganized into the Office of the Chief Designer.

In 1989, the chief designer's office became part of the AVTOVAZ Scientific and Technical Center.


1966-1975 - Solovyov, Vladimir Sergeevich;

1976−1998 - Mirzoev, Georgy Konstantinovich;

1998-2003 - Prusov, Pyotr Mikhailovich;

2003-2006 - Guba, Vladimir Ivanovich;

2006−2010 - Shmelev, Evgeny Nikolaevich;

2010− present v. - Kurdyuk, Sergey Askoldovich.

Interesting Facts:

On April 18, 1974, in accordance with the order of the Minister of the Automotive Industry of the USSR A.M. Tarasov, an order of the General Director No. 134 was issued at the VAZ on the creation of a special design bureau for rotary piston engines (SKB RPD) as part of the chief designer's department (outside the staffing table) for cars and motorcycles. Pospelov, Boris Sidorovich was appointed the head of the bureau. It was the first division in the USSR to research and manufacture rotary piston engines for automobiles. In the 1990s, VAZ-416, VAZ-426, VAZ-526 engines were created at the VAZ Scientific and Technical Center.

Pyotr Mikhailovich Prusov is the only Soviet and Russian car designer, in whose honor a personalized Star was installed on the Technical Fame Walk in Flint (USA) in 2010

Production management department

The Production Management Department is a structural subdivision of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant (since 1994 - the Information Systems Directorate of JSC AVTOVAZ), the function of which is to manage the production of the enterprise on the basis of information technologies and automated control systems.

The management consisted of computer facilities, terminal devices, a telephone exchange, communication lines and a printing house. In 2010, the printing house was separated into a separate enterprise - LLC "Printing yard AvtoVAZ".

Production management history

In 1966, in the staffing table of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant under construction, the Production Organization Department (PLO) was approved, headed by Viktor Alexandrovich Mironov.

In 1968, in the building of the plant management on the street. Belorusskaya, 16 - the first computing center (CC) of VAZ was organized, where the Minsk-22 computer was installed. Yuri Petrovich Krat became the first head of the Computing Center.

In 1969, on the basis of the GE-115 computer purchased by the plant and installed in Turin (Italy), the Center-Pilot was organized, where specialists from the PLO worked on the creation of the ASU-VAZ executive project.

In 1970, a temporary computing center based on the GE-115 and GE-425 computers was created on the territory of the VAZ forging pyro-production facility.

In 1971, the department was transformed into the Office of the Organization of Production (OOP).

In 1972, the electronic computing center (EVC) of VAZ was put into operation. By 1974, the main computers of the computing center were GE-115, GE-130, GE-425 from Honeywell and General Electric. In the same year, the plant received the first domestic computers "ES-1020".

In June 1976, the first local computing center (LCC) was created on the territory of the building of auxiliary workshops. By the end of 1977, there were already five such LVTs at VAZ.

On May 13, 1977, the state commission under the leadership of Deputy ME Rakovsky signed an act on the acceptance into operation of the automated control system of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant - "ASU-VAZ" consisting of 15 subsystems.

In 1978, new domestic computers "ES-1033" were put into operation and the installation of a mini-computer of the SM computer series began. In 1982, the EC-1055 computers were installed at the plant.

In 1992, the Savings and Volga Automobile Plant (by the efforts of UOP specialists) implemented the first salary project in Russia. In January of the same year, the first Relcom network node at the plant and in the city of Togliatti was launched with the domain

In 1994, the department was transformed into the Directorate of Information Systems (DIS).

In 1995, the factory automatic telephone exchange was transferred to digital technology - a Meridian telephone exchange by Northern Telecom was installed for 15,000 numbers, and in 1996 AVTOVAZ received No. 5247 for the provision of local telephone services.

In 1997, a satellite dish was installed near the EEC in order to organize communication with the Comstar company (Moscow) for voice and data transmission. Later, a channel for Internet access was organized through this channel.

As of January 2005, the corporate network of JSC AVTOVAZ contained 10 thousand work places, more than 150 servers, 800 telecommunication nodes and 400 kilometers of fiber-optic lines.

In December 2012, the celebration of the 45th anniversary of UOP-DIS took place, where the book by A. E. Stepanov “Business. People. Metamorphoses ”dedicated to the history of this division of JSC“ AVTOVAZ ”.


1967-1976 - Mironov, Viktor Alexandrovich;

1976-1986 - Perevalov, Yuri Nikolaevich;

1976-2004 - Tikhonov, Vladimir Ivanovich;

2004-2012 - Katyanov, Yuri Vitalievich;

2012−2013 - Filatov, Stanislav Borisovich;

2013 − present v. - Reut, Alexander Igorevich.

Interesting Facts

AvtoVAZ became the first enterprise in the USSR, where in November 1982, with the help of a logic bomb in a computer program (author - Urtembaev, UOP programmer), the assembly line was stopped.

In 1988, UOP "AVTOVAZ" developed and launched into production personal computers "Alfa-1M", which, with the help of management specialists, were installed in schools of the Avtozavodsky district of Togliatti.

Model line of AvtoVAZ

Currently, cars are mass-produced:

Developed by AvtoVAZ

The Lada Kalina family is a family of passenger cars, the production of which began on November 18, 2004; since 2013, an upgraded model Lada Kalina II has been produced, which has undergone changes in relation to Lada Kalina, similarly to the already discontinued Lada Samara II relative to Lada Samara / Sputnik 15 years ago - 5 -door hatchback and station wagon;

Datsun On-Du 2014 Securities Issue

Lada Largus - 5 and 7-seater station wagon, cargo van. It has been produced since 2012 on the B0 platform of the Renault-Nissan alliance at the heart of the Dacia Logan MCV.

Lada Largus 2014 issue of securities

Nissan Almera is a 4-door sedan. It has been produced since 2012 with a body from the Chinese version of the Nissan Bluebird Sylphy, equipment and interior from the 1st generation Renault Logan.

Nissan Almera 2012 issue

Serially produced engines

21116/11186: 8 valves, 87 hp, installed on Kalina, Granta, Priora;

21111/11183: 8 valves, 82 hp, installed on the Granta model (previously installed on the LADA Samara);

21126: 16 valves, 98 hp, installed on Kalina, Granta, Priora;

21127: 16 valves, 106 hp, with dynamic boost system, installed on Kalina, Granta, Priora;

21214: 8 valves, 83 hp, fitted to the 4x4 model; K4M: 16 valves, 105 hp, fitted to Largus.

In addition, AvtoVAZ continues to produce components and spare parts for models discontinued or manufactured in other cities of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Scientific and technical center

On April 8, 1986, Mikhail Gorbachev paid a visit to Tolyatti, where the CPSU Central Committee visited an automobile plant. The result of this visit was the decision to create an engineering center on the basis of the flagship of the domestic machine-building industry.

On September 4, 1986, the Government of the country made a decision to create a branch scientific and technical center (STC) at the car plant. In 1987-1994, its main facilities were put into operation: an engineering building, a design center, a complex for preparing cars for testing, a complex of studies of electromagnetic compatibility, noise and vibrations, an aeroclimatic complex, buildings for pilot and experimental production. In 1996, a full-scale wind tunnel was commissioned at the STC.

The first head of the scientific and technical center was V.V. Kadannikov (in 1986-1988).

On September 7, 2001, in honor of the 15th anniversary of the scientific and technical center, the first stage of the technical museum was opened. Today it is a whole park of automotive and military equipment, which contains unique exhibits from all over the country.

After the French company Renault became one of the shareholders of OJSC AvtoVAZ, a decision was made to enter the Scientific and Technical Center of OJSC AvtoVAZ into the global engineering alliance with Renault / Nissan.

Affiliated companies


After the start of monetary emission in 1970 of the first VAZ-2101 cars, the question immediately arose of creating a sports modification of the model, because the plant management believed that motorsport was one of the methods for testing a production model in extreme conditions. In the fall of 1970, the general director of the Volga Automobile Plant, Viktor Polyakov, set the task: to prepare three sports cars based on the VAZ-2101. Engines for them were assembled at the FIAT plant, but the necessary design improvements were carried out by VAZ engineers and technicians.

In February 1971, three crews in a sports VAZ-2101 took part in the USSR winter rally team championship for the first time, having received the honorary prize "For the will to win". In the same 1971, the young VAZ-Avtoexport team, driving VAZ-2101 cars, won the main team trophy of the Tour of Europe-71 rally - the Silver Cup.

In 1971, a bureau of forced testing of cars was created in the Office of the Chief Designer of the enterprise. The experience gained in helped to better prepare the equipment, which was reflected in the subsequent successful performances of the plant's motor sportsmen, in particular, the performance of the VAZ-Autoexport team at the Tour of Europe - 73 was especially effective.

In the 1970s-1980s, the Autoexport team, using specially prepared VAZ vehicles of various models, took part in all kinds of ring races and rallies in Europe. In the USSR championship there was a separate offset for Zhiguli cars. Previously, LADA Cup competitions were held regularly, as well as circuit track races and various Russian rally competitions, where cars produced by AvtoVAZ participate or the sponsor of the competition is AvtoVAZ, in particular the Silver Ladya autocross.

After the start of production in 1977, the VAZ-2121 "Niva" design of this car attracted the attention of specialists from the French company "Jacques Pock", whose owner Jean-Jacques Pock was nurturing the dream of taking part "Niva" in major international automobile competitions. Having got acquainted with the car, the French specialists began preparing it for the start of the 1978 Paris-Dakar marathon. Two declared by J.-J. The rest of the "Niva" were among the third of the starting participants who successfully finished in this competition. In 1981, the French team, driving these cars, managed to take third place, and in the 1982 season - the second. In the future, the French racers have repeatedly managed to take prizes in the revised sports versions of the Soviet "SUV". The last outstanding international achievements of Niva were the 1994 victory in Baja (Hungary), successful performances at the Atlas rally and the 36th place in the Paris-Dakar-Paris overall standings. This was the end of the biography of Niva rally cars at international competitions.

In 2008, AvtoVAZ took part in the WTCC World Touring Car Championship on Lada 110 cars. From 2009 to 2011, Lada Priora WTCC took part in the WTCC World Touring Car Championship. Since 2013, Lada Granta WTCC has been participating in the WTCC World Touring Car Championship. In the 2010 season, the Renault team's Formula 1 race cars were equipped with the LADA logo. In 2012, the LADA Granta Cup started. The first stage of this new Racing Series took place on June 11-12 at the Moscow Autodrome in Myachkovo.

The history of the establishment of AvtoVAZ is rooted deep in the middle of the 20th century. The large domestic one is still considered one of the most important manufacturers of passenger cars not only in Russia, but throughout Eastern Europe. Open Joint Stock Company "AvtoVAZ" is subject to the foreign alliance Renault-Nissan. It is worth noting that this plant originally had a completely different name - Volzhsky Automobile Plant - however, it existed for about 5 years, and was immediately changed to the Volga Association for the production of passenger cars "AvtoVAZ", and then - to the name of the 50th anniversary of the USSR. That was due to the decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR.

Car production at the AvtoVaz company began in the middle of the 20th century.

Plant history

The history of VAZ begins, naturally, with the LADA car - the very first car that rolled off the assembly line of JSC AVTOVAZ. During its existence, the concern has undergone many renovations and reconstructions, the plant has gone through hard times of crisis, however, it has never stopped production. Today the company, which is considered to be the owner of the Renault-Nissan alliance, already produces not one car model, but as many as four: Renault, Datsun, Nissan and LADA. The main production workshop and the administrative complex are located in a large Russian city with an Italian name - Togliatti.

It was here that the first LADA car assembly workshop was built in 1966. After lengthy discussions, the leadership of the USSR decided to build a domestic automobile plant, the main function of which was the production of inexpensive ones that citizens could acquire for personal use. At that time, the market could offer Russians extremely expensive cars that came from abroad in small batches, which significantly limited the circle of owners. The cars made in Russia were supposed to quickly absorb the high demand of compatriots for relatively affordable cars.

Even before the start of construction of AvtoVAZ, business relations were established with the Fiat concern. According to the contract concluded, the Italian manufacturer was engaged in the most important elements of the construction: he developed a technical project, provided the necessary equipment, relevant technical documentation, and, in addition, by his own example, trained the required specialists. The first models of AvtoVAZ, of course, were built on the basis of Fiat.

Construction of an object

At the beginning of 1967, almost every resident of Russia knew about the construction of the largest Komsomol facility - the construction of a plant for the production of domestic cars. It is worth noting the speed with which the construction site developed day after day. To ensure the construction in an accelerated and extremely compressed time period, almost 850 machine-building plants located in different cities of the Soviet Union were involved, as well as 900 foreign concerns, each of which supplied the necessary equipment.

Three years later, the first car, a Zhiguli, which was named VAZ 2101, rolled off the assembly line of the plant. The model largely copied the design of the Fiat-124. Its main difference was the use of domestic components, which, according to the assurances of Russian designers, gave the VAZ 2101 800 significant differences. In addition, the car was equipped not with disc brakes, but with drum brakes, had a significantly higher ground clearance, suspension and a powerful body. All the differences made it possible to make the VAZ 2101 more adapted to the harsh realities of the Russian climate.

History of models of Russian AvtoVAZ

The history of the plant begins in 1969, when the initial collectives of the plant workers were formed. The majority of the workers were young people who took an active part in the construction of the building. The installation of a huge number of various production equipment was carried out with the help of foreign colleagues. The plant involved employees from firms and companies not only in Italy, but also in Germany, France and England.

March 1 is considered a significant day for the domestic automaker; in 1970, it was on this day that 10 new bodies were produced - the foundations for future cars. The main role in this process was played by the welding shop, after only 1.5 months, on April 19 of the same year, the first VAZ 2101 cars were produced.

The history of the Volga Automobile Plant models begins with the Zhiguli car - the ancestor of the VAZ 2101. The car had 5 seats for passengers (including the driver). The four-door sedan was equipped with a 1.2 liter carburetor power unit. Back in 1965, the Model was named Car of the Year.

The domestic VAZ 2101 had drum brakes, which contributed to long-term trouble-free operation, and a five-bar rear suspension. In addition, significant updates have undergone:

  • design of synchronizers in the gearbox;
  • outer diameter complete with clutch plates;
  • clearance, which has increased by more than 10 mm;
  • drive axle, which has undergone a complete modernization.

However, the most important change has been made in the design of the Fiat 124 powertrain. The VAZ engine acquired an overhead camshaft, an increased distance between the cylinders and their inner diameter.

The car appeared: an outside mirror for a better view of the rear view, towing eyes, wider doors, a roomy trunk, recesses for door handles, folding seats.

The final weight of the VAZ 2101 was 945 kg. This model later became the basis on which the entire family of the "classic" category was created. Throughout the history of the plant, 2,700,000 models were produced.

During its existence, the VAZ 2101 has undergone many modifications:

  • VAZ 21011, although it had a distinctive design and engine, with a volume of 1.3 liters;
  • VAZ 21013 - an analogue of VAZ 21011, equipped with a power unit of model 2101;
  • VAZ 21016 was equipped with the same engine as model 21011, but resembled 2101 in external characteristics;
  • VAZ 21018 and 21019 had uncharacteristic rotary power units, in addition, for some time the production of a large number of export versions with right-hand drive was established;
  • VAZ 2101-94, which was designed for the needs of the Soviet police, was equipped with a 2103 engine.

VAZ 2101-94 released specifically for the police

The history of the creation of AvtoVAZ directly depends on the Italian concern Fiat, apparently, this led to the creation of model 2102, which became a full licensed version of the foreign car Fiat 124 Familiare. VAZ 2102 first appeared on the Russian market in 1971.

The updated car reminded many of the equipment of the basic version of the sedan 2101. The dashboard and the driver's seat remained without significant changes. To simplify loading - unloading of things into the luggage compartment was made possible by the elongated edge of the door reaching the bumper. The increase in cargo area was achieved thanks to a fold-out solid rear seat. The back door was equipped with a number sign and vertically positioned lights. The suspension springs and all the shock absorbers were reinforced in comparison with 2101, so that it was possible to carry 250 kg of cargo with a couple of passengers in the car.

The gasoline power unit had an output of 64 liters. with. and worked for AI-93. Since 1978, a modification of the previous model, VAZ-21021, which was equipped with a four-cylinder engine from model 21011, began to be produced. Its main purpose is to satisfy export. The car sent for sale abroad was equipped with a wiper and a device for washing the glasses of the fifth cargo door, in addition, the seats had head restraints.

The history of the models, which began with the Fiat 124, which became the prototype of not only the VAZ 2101 model, but also largely served as the basis for the VAZ 2103, began with the signing of an agreement on providing the Russian automaker with a technical design of facilities with full documentation for the creation of two base cars. The first of them had to meet the category "norm", and the other - "luxury".

At first, there were problems at the plant that did not allow the start of full-fledged production of "triplets", in particular, the creation of parts for decorating the interior of the car was not established, which is why the new model was temporarily equipped with a salon 2101 and bore the index B in the name, denoting a temporary production. The basic version of the car had a power unit with a return of 72 liters. sec., reached acceleration to 100 km / h in just 15 s.

Under the hood of 2103, a vacuum brake booster appeared, and the dashboard acquired a "sporty" interface. The space from the seat to the ceiling has significantly increased, it was 86 cm.

The main distinguishing feature of the fourth model of AvtoVAZ is a tangible update of the previous version of the Zhiguli, which made it possible to create a rear-wheel drive station wagon. The production of 2104, launched in 1984, was focused on creating such conditions that contributed to the maximum reduction in the cost of car production and at the same time increased customer demand.

First of all, the roof of the body has undergone changes, its significant lengthening contributed to the placement of an additional trunk. The back door of the station wagon opened up, the driver could warm the rear windows and use the built-in wiper. The rear seat had a folding function, thanks to which the luggage compartment increased by 4 times. Now it is possible to load the car up to 455 kg. The standard equipment was quite modest, the interior had the simplest trim, the dashboard with only the most important instruments, seats with removable head restraints and ordinary rubber mats.

A few years later, the production of a station wagon modification (21047) was launched, the model had a five-speed gearbox, electrical equipment and an attractive interior appearance with original anatomical seats in front, which were borrowed from the VAZ 2107. Until 2006, the VAZ 21045 was produced, which was equipped with a diesel power unit with a volume of 1 , 52 liters, created at "Barnaultransmash".

The history of the development of AvtoVAZ would not be complete without the VAZ 2105, which, thanks to its design, became the standard of European fashion in 1980. It was this fact that contributed to the widespread promotion of the domestic car to the world market, although for the entire time of production, the sedan in the "classic" style did not become the most prestigious and mass model of the plant. However, before the creation of front-wheel drive VAZs, this car was considered the most progressive design.

The main features of the model are the angular features of the fenders, rectangular headlights and functional bumpers. The interior equipment was highlighted by an updated instrument panel with a voltmeter. Ventilation has gained new rectangular deflectors, and the rear window is electrically heated. The car was equipped with a four- or five-speed gearbox. For a comfortable positioning of tall drivers, the front seat moved back by 2 cm. The basic configuration provided a power unit with a belt drive. The most common modifications:

  • 21051 - it was equipped with a 1.2 liter engine;
  • 21053 - was completed with a power unit with a volume of 1.5 liters.

VAZ 2106

Another most popular and purchased among domestic consumers is the VAZ 2106 model - modification 2103. This AvtoVAZ sedan had four doors, five seats for landing, one of two gearboxes (four or five speed). The power unit 2106 is a 1.6 liter carburetor engine. From 1976 to 2002, about 4 million models were released on the market.

The 2106 had a more modern exterior and interior design than its predecessor 2103. The appearance of the car has acquired plastic frames for the headlights, an updated radiator grille and bumpers. In addition, the taillights were equipped with built-in room lighting. As for the interior design of the VAZ 2106, it is worth noting the improved sound insulation, head restraints on the front seats, the relief of all the seats and the design of the dashboard.

The modified sedan with four doors and five seats for boarding passengers was equipped with only a five-speed gearbox. The exterior of this car was different from the base model VAZ 2105 by a modified hood shape, new rear headlights, a spacious trunk, a chrome-plated radiator grill and linings.

The salon was equipped with more practical anatomical seats with new fused headrests, a comfortable dashboard with a speedometer (the markings reached 180 km / h) and a tachometer. The car has deflectors that provide cold air, and improved seat trim.

Initially, the 2107 model was equipped only with a 1.5-liter carburetor engine, later, on the VAZ 21073 intended for export, an injection power unit with a volume of 1.7 liters was installed.

In 2006, when the domestic car had to comply with European environmental standards, the designers of the plant began to equip the car exclusively with an injection engine with a volume of 1.6 liters. VAZ 2107 is still produced in Russia, being one of the most demanded models of AvtoVAZ. The high demand for the car was determined by the low cost and good level of comfort. On the market there are now VAZ 2107, in the "norm" and "standard" configurations, as well as VAZ 21074, respectively, in the "norm" and "luxury" configurations.

A small car of a small class, equipped with a front-wheel drive and a non-standard transverse motor location. In recent years, its production has been stopped, the plant produces a standard model 2113. VAZ 2108 is a three-door hatchback, which is better known under the export name Lada Samara. The car is distinguished from its predecessors by reliability and safety in handling, economical fuel consumption, as well as the best corrosion resistance of the entire body.

Produced in the period from 1987 to 2004, the car was a five-door front-wheel drive hatchback, which was capable of turning into a station wagon when the solid rear seat was folded. Initially, "Samara" was equipped with four-cylinder carburetor power units with eight valves, which had a volume of 1.1 liters, 1.3 liters and 1.5 liters. The car was subjected to various restyling many times, the “low” dashboard was immediately replaced by the “high” one, and then it was completely replaced by the “europanel”.

The layout of which was developed back in 1983, was a sedan in body type, which in many ways copied foreign Opel and Ford cars of the late twentieth century. The plant management could not approve such a car, which is why all the developments were sent to the archive for storage.

A year later, the designers proposed a completely new prototype 2110, however, the car, like its predecessor, did not find recognition from the management team. The appearance of the car was so impersonal that the model never got into production.

The domestic manufacturer has been supplying cars to the world market for more than one decade, having considerable income from this. Lada 111 was no exception - this is the first station wagon of AvtoVAZ, which was a front-wheel drive export model, produced since 1998.

The capacious car was intended for urban and suburban trips, long trips, and as a car for transporting small consignments of cargo. The main advantages of this car are: high comfort, maneuverability and good grip. The luggage compartment was increased almost 3 times (1420 liters instead of 490 liters), the total carrying capacity was 500 kg.

Vaz 2113 is a three-door hatchback, which was developed by the designers of AvtoVAZ due to the numerous statements of domestic motorists. They asked to start production of updated subcompact front-wheel drive cars, which were three-door hatchbacks by body type. It is worth noting that the termination of production of model 21083 was not supported by the Russians due to the fact that the plant was never able to create an adequate replacement for it. Even today, there is an impressive demand for this car on the market.

VAZ 2114

Lada 2114 is the successor of the VAZ 2109. This five-door hatchback has optics, a radiator grille and a front spoiler borrowed from the VAZ 2115. However, the rear of the car has been significantly changed, in particular, the bumper was updated and another brake light was installed. All bumpers had the same color as the body, the car differed from its predecessors by moldings and sill fairings. The attractive elements of the interior are: a dashboard of the "europanel" type, a steering column with the possibility of regulation, a steering device borrowed from the "dozen" and a new heating unit.

The new Lada Samara, the production of which was started in 1990, was a full-fledged front-wheel drive sedan. The car was equipped with gasoline power units with a volume of 1.5 liters and 1.6 liters.

New models

Since 2006, the plant began production of cars of the Kalina family, which had two presentable modifications. LADA 11183 was designed as a sedan by body type, and LADA 11193 as a hatchback. Since the beginning of 2007, the production of LADA 11173, a spacious station wagon, began.

Today AvtoVAZ produces such cars as Lada 112 Coupe, Lada 112 (VAZ-2112), Chevrolet Niva, LADA Priora (station wagon, five-door hatchback, three-door hatchback), LADA Kalina (station wagon and sedan), LADA Kalina Sport.


The history of the creation of AvtoVAZ is associated with a large number of successful and popular domestic cars that have faithfully served their owners for decades. For example, Lada Granta, being a relatively affordable car for almost any class of the population, occupied the leading place in Russia in terms of sales during the year. In April 2015, the AvtoVAZ concern updated its logo, so that the Vesta, which was put into mass production in just a year, will be the first model of the plant to be produced with a new logo.

LADA is a brand owned by JSC AVTOVAZ, the largest Russian manufacturer of passenger cars. Now the company is owned by the Renault-Nissan alliance and produces cars under the brands LADA, Renault, Nissan and Datsun. The main production and headquarters are located in the city of Togliatti.

The Togliatti manufacturer was born in 1966, when the leadership of the USSR decided to build a large automobile plant, which was supposed to produce affordable cars for personal use. Then in the Soviet Union there were only expensive cars in a very limited quantity, which did not meet the demand from the population.

Before the start of construction, an agreement was signed with the Italian automobile concern Fiat, which developed a technical project, supplied equipment and technical documentation, and also trained specialists. Many AVTOVAZ models were based on Fiat cars.

The construction of the plant started at the beginning of 1967 and was announced by the shock Komsomol construction site. It was carried out at an accelerated pace, 844 machine-building plants of the Soviet Union and more than 900 factories from other countries were engaged in the supply of equipment.

In 1970 the plant produced the first cars - "Zhiguli" VAZ-2101, which repeated the design of the Fiat-124. However, the Soviet car was assembled from domestic components and, according to its designers, had more than 800 differences from its Italian counterpart. She received drum brakes instead of disc brakes, increased ground clearance, reinforced body and suspension. All this made the VAZ-2101 more suitable for operation in the conditions of the roads and temperatures of the Soviet republics.

The car was equipped with a carbureted gasoline engine with a more advanced design of the upper camshaft. It was presented in two versions: 64- and 69-strong. The volume of the first was equal to 1198 cc, and the second - 1294 cc. The maximum speed was 142 and 148 km / h, respectively, and the acceleration time from the start to 100 km / h was 20 and 18 seconds.

The model required improvements, which were carried out by engineers as complaints were received. Therefore, she could no longer claim to be a cheap "people's car". However, this did not prevent her from becoming popular in the USSR, where there was an acute shortage of vehicles.

VAZ-2101, nicknamed "kopeck", became the ancestor of the "Classic" family and was produced until 1988. During this time, 4.85 million units of the VAZ-2101 with a sedan body of all modifications were produced. For the production of this car, the Volga Automobile Plant received the international award "Golden Mercury".

VAZ-2101 (1970-1988)

In March 1971, the first stage of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant was put into operation, designed to produce 220,000 units annually. Already on July 16 of the same year, the 100,000th car rolled off the assembly line.

In 1972, the second model of AVTOVAZ, VAZ-2102, was released. In fact, it was a copy of the "penny" converted into a rear-wheel drive station wagon. She was called "the best friend of a summer resident" because of her practicality and spaciousness.

VAZ-2102 (1972-1985)

In the same year, the production of a more powerful Zhiguli modification, the VAZ-2103 model, which was named LADA 1500 for export, was launched. It was already equipped with a 77 hp 1.5-liter engine. The maximum speed has increased to 152 km / h. The new model gained “one hundred” in 16 seconds, which put it on a par with Western competitors of the same class. In fact, the car was copied from the Italian Fiat 124 Speciale of 1968 with processing for use on the roads of the USSR.

The car also received a more comfortable, spacious and beautiful interior, a plastic-trimmed trunk and improved noise insulation. It was produced for 12 years, during which the plant produced 1 304 899 units of the model.

VAZ-2103 (1972-1984)

In 1976, the most popular model of the Togliatti automobile plant was released - the VAZ-2106, the prototype of which was the Italian Fiat 124 Speciale of 1972. The car replaced the VAZ-2103, and none of its creators expected such a wild success with the public.

The VAZ-2106 was equipped with a 1.6-liter 75 hp engine, which allowed it to accelerate to 152 km / h.

In appearance, the "six" received a new front lining, rear trunk panel, other bumpers, side direction indicators, wheel caps, ventilation grilles.

The interior has changed the upholstery and door armrests, in the front seats - height-adjustable headrests.

In addition, the car was equipped with a steering column washer switch for a windshield washer, an alarm, a low brake fluid indicator and a rheostat for lighting the instrument panel. More "advanced" versions received a radio, a red fog lamp and heated rear window.

VAZ-2106 (1975-2005)

In 1977, one of the most successful cars of AVTOVAZ appeared - "Niva", VAZ-2121. This four-wheel drive SUV with a 1.6-liter engine and a frame chassis was successfully exported: more than 50% of the produced cars went abroad.

It was equipped with a mechanical four-speed gearbox, a lockable center differential and a two-stage transfer case.

On the world market, "Niva" became a real sensation, prompting the leaders of the automotive industry to create something similar. The success was ensured by innovative technical solutions (independent front suspension, all-metal monocoque body) and low price.

In 1978, the Niva was recognized as the best car in its class at the international exhibition in Brno. In 1980, the model received the gold medal at the Poznan International Fair.

The Volzhsky Automobile Plant decides to release special versions of the VAZ-2121, the first of which are exported: a modification with a 1.3-liter engine and a right-hand drive version.

It is worth noting that in the homeland "Niva" was bought up not as intensively as abroad. It was quite expensive both in purchase and in operation. At the same time, domestic consumers did not always need such a large car.

VAZ-2121 (1977)

In 1979, the VAZ-2105 was released, which was produced by the car plant for the longest time - until 2010. Its development took place as part of the program for the modernization and preparation of the second generation of rear-wheel drive vehicles of the brand.

He became the successor of the "penny", as well as the basis for the creation of the "luxury" sedan VAZ-2107 in 1981 and the station wagon VAZ-2104 in 1984.

VAZ-2105 (1979-2010)

In 1982, the last model from the representatives of the "classics", the VAZ-2107, appears. It is, in fact, a "luxury" modification of the VAZ-2105, which was distinguished by a more powerful engine, different bumpers and headlights, a radiator grille, a new shape of the hood, more comfortable front seats, an updated dashboard and the presence of cold air deflectors.

In the early 1980s, it became clear that the future was in front-wheel drive vehicles. In addition, the car factory felt the need for a design change. As a result, in 1984 the production of the three-door hatchback "Samara", VAZ-2108, began.

The car and its five-door modification "Sputnik", VAZ-2109, were distinguished by excellent dynamics and controllability, unpretentiousness to the quality of the road surface and high maximum speed.

The VAZ-2108 was equipped with a four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor or injection engine with a volume of 1.1, 1.3 or 1.5 liters. This motor is specially designed for use in a front wheel drive vehicle.

VAZ-2108 (1984-2003)

VAZ-2109 was a "family" variation of the "eight", which was presented as a more solid car.

The front-wheel drive novelty, of course, became an event in the domestic automotive market, but it had a number of drawbacks. In particular, it was not as cheap and easy to repair as the "classic", received less comfortable pedals and quickly failing oil receiver and engine crankcase.

In 1990, the Togliatti automobile enterprise produced a four-door version of the family with a sedan body - VAZ-21099. She became the last model to come out before the collapse of the USSR.

The first car produced in the post-Soviet period was the "ten" - VAZ-2110. It was developed back in 1989, but the crisis years did not allow production to begin in 1992, as previously planned.

VAZ-2110 began production only in 1995. It was equipped with one of two engine options: an 8-valve 1.5-liter with 79 hp. or 16-valve 1.6-liter, developing 92 hp. The car belonged to the highest class in the Samara family, which could compete with the Opel Astra, Audi 80 and Daewoo Nexia.

Over time, many modifications of the model came out, among which were station wagons, hatchbacks and coupes. Until the appearance of LADA Priora, the "ten" was considered the most expensive and prestigious domestic car.

VAZ-2110 (1995-2007)

The successor to the VAZ-21099, the four-door sedan VAZ-2115, appears in 2007. The novelty received a spoiler with an additional brake light on the trunk, bumpers painted in body color, flowed around the sills, new taillights, door moldings and a more comfortable interior.

At first, the model was equipped with 1.5- and 1.6-liter carburetor engines, since 2000 - a power unit with distributed fuel injection.

In 1998, the first Russian minivans appeared - the VAZ-2120. The model was based on an extended platform, borrowed from the "Niva", and equipped with an all-wheel drive chassis, which helped to overcome the most difficult road conditions.

The car was produced in small series until 2008, when production was stopped due to low demand and unsatisfactory quality.

VAZ-2120 (1998-2008)

In 1993, the development of a new car called "Lada-Kalina" began. The design process continued for quite a long time, in 1999 the first prototype in the hatchback body debuted, a year later - a sedan, and in 2001 - a station wagon.

The first generation of the model was produced from November 18, 2004. Since July 2007, LADA Kalina has received a new 1.4-liter 16-valve engine, and since September - an ABS system.

The model was constantly being modernized. So, in 2010, a version with a black "basalt" interior and a standard audio system appeared.

On May 1, 2011 AVTOVAZ announced the termination of production of the LADA Kalina sedan, which was replaced by the budget LADA Granta.

LADA Kalina (2004)

In 2008, Renault-Nissan Corporation bought out 25% of shares of JSC AVTOVAZ. The next year the company met with a lump of financial problems that caused production to be cut by almost half.

The car company needed state support, and it allocated 25 billion rubles as an interest-free loan, and also contributed the entire model range of AVTOVAZ to the state program for subsidizing car loan rates.

In September, the company underwent mass layoffs, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation announced that the car plant was in a pre-bankruptcy state, and therefore state support was inappropriate. It was proposed to cut about 50,000 staff.

In November, Renault put forward a proposal to organize the production of LADA, Renault and Nissan cars based on the B0 platform at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. The help of the French contributed to the fact that the company received additional funding from the government. This helped to overcome the financial crisis and even make a profit in 2010.

On December 12, 2012, the creation of a joint venture between the Renault-Nissan alliance and the state corporation Russian Technologies was announced. By the end of 2013, the new joint venture owned 76.25% of the shares of JSC AVTOVAZ.

On June 18, 2014 Renault-Nissan increased its share in the share capital of AVTOVAZ to 67.13%.

The Priora sedan model appeared in the current LADA portfolio in 2007. The next year, a hatchback car was released, and in 2009 - a station wagon. The car is equipped with an 8-valve 81 hp engine. or 16-valve with 98 hp.

It is the successor to the VAZ-2110, representing its restyled version. In appearance, the front and rear fenders, the trunk lid and hood, bumpers, lighting equipment with fog lights, alloy wheels, and a radiator grill have changed.

The interior was developed in collaboration with the Italian studio Carcerano. There is a new front panel, a silver console trim, a new armrest with two niches, better upholstery, a driver's airbag, and improved sound insulation.

LADA Priora (2007)

On May 16, 2011, the serial production of LADA Granta started. This car was developed based on the Kalina model. In March 2013, a modification appeared with a liftback body, which, among other things, differed in the shape of the rear side doors, the front bumper and the location of the rear license plate.

The model is equipped with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine with distribution injection and three power options - 87, 98 and 106 hp.

As soon as the car went on sale, it caused a huge demand from buyers. The queues for the new product stretched until March 2012.

LADA Granta became the first car of the Togliatti automobile plant, which was serially equipped with an automatic transmission - a four-band transmission of the Japanese company Jatco.

LADA Granta (2011)

In 2012, LADA Largus appeared, developed jointly with Renault on the Logan platform. The car is produced in station wagon, high-capacity station wagon and cargo van versions. In this case, the passenger version can be five- or seven-seater.

LADA Largus (2012)

Now the LADA model range includes five families of cars: the Largus station wagon, the Granta sedan and liftback, the Priora sedan, the Priora hatchback and station wagon, the Kalina hatchback and station wagon, as well as the three- and five-door 4x4 model. Separately, it is worth noting the brands that replenished the model line at the turn of 2014-2015, the cross-versions of the popular station wagons Largus and Kalina, as well as the 4x4 Urban adapted for the city. All manufactured cars comply with international environmental standards Euro-4, and those that are exported to Europe - Euro-5.

LADA Kalina Cross, Largus Cross, 4x4 Urban

In 2014, the automaker held 17% of the Russian passenger car market. Production, in addition to the Togliatti automobile plant, is organized in the Russian cities of Syzran, Izhevsk, Serpukhov and Naberezhnye Chelny, in the Ukrainian cities - Lutsk, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kremenchug, as well as in Ecuador, Egypt, Uruguay.