Stopping and parking in traffic rules. Current fines for illegal parking in the yard. Parking rules, is it possible to avoid fines? Rules for stopping vehicles parking

While the car is moving along the highway, the driver tries to follow the traffic rules (traffic rules), and completely forgets about them when the time comes to stop and park the car. What this is connected with is not entirely clear. It is likely that while driving, a deterrent may be the risk of encountering a traffic police patrol, or the possibility of falling into the field of view of a surveillance camera.

But the fact remains that when it comes to parking, all knowledge of traffic rules disappears somewhere, and memory lapses appear. There is simply no other explanation for what is happening on the streets.

Transport vehicles are parked wherever technical specifications allow car. At the same time, drivers are completely indifferent to whether the car will interfere with others. The main concern is to park as close as possible to your final destination.

the amount of fines for “wrong” parking is no less than for other offenses
, and often much more serious. Plus, analyzing the offense with traffic police inspectors is always accompanied by wasted nerve cells and a lot of negative emotions.

It's quite easy to rid yourself of this - read, understand the nuances and firmly remember what the traffic rules say about those places where parking is prohibited, and strictly follow what you read. By the way, a synonym for the word “parking” is the word “parking”. Recently, it has begun to be used in traffic regulations. Previously, sign 6.4 was called “Parking Place”, now it has been renamed to “Parking Place”, but the meaning has not changed.

Places where parking is prohibited

1. Parking is prohibited, wherever the traffic rules prohibit stopping

The two terms “stop” and “parking” imply the deliberate cessation of movement. But the difference between them is only five minutes.

If after stopping movement, the vehicle did not move, less than five minutes, then according to traffic regulations, this is considered a stop. If this time was 5 minutes or more, then it is called parking. Thus, you should initially remember where you should not stop.

Traffic regulations prohibit stopping:

  • Under the sign prohibiting stopping - “Stopping is prohibited” (3.27).
  • In places where the vehicle will impede the free movement of trams (on or near tram tracks).

Fine, for stopping and parking on the tram line is one and a half thousand rubles. For St. Petersburg and Moscow, the fine is twice as large - three thousand rubles.

  • At the intersection of the roadway and the railway.

The fine for stopping and, accordingly, parking at a crossing will be 1 thousand rubles.. But, in addition to the fine, there is a risk of losing your driver's license for at least three months, and if the offense is repeated. Then the driver faces being left without a license for a year.

  • If the distance between the opposite edge of the road and the parked vehicle is less than three meters. Dividing strip and continuous marking line, in this case also considered the edge of the road, and the distance is measured to the strip or line.

For violation, the minimum hit to the driver’s pocket will be 1,500 rubles. This is only if the violator did not create interference for other vehicles, otherwise the fine will increase to 2 thousand rubles. (For St. Petersburg and Moscow - three thousand in both cases).

2. Parking under a “No Parking” sign. (3.28)

This sign, just like all the others, is valid only on the side of the road where it was installed. For example, on a road where only one-way traffic is allowed, and the sign is installed on the right side of the road, then its effect on the left side does not apply, and parking there is allowed.

The territory in which this sign is valid ends at the nearest intersection encountered in the direction of travel. But here it should be noted that adjacent dirt roads, or exits from local areas, or some other areas, are not considered intersections.

If the sign is used together with marking 1.10 (dashed yellow line), then its effect is determined by the length of this marking. The “No Parking” sign ends when entering or leaving a populated area.

If a sign (8.2.2.) is attached under the sign, then the effect of the sign is limited to the distance indicated on the sign. Plates 8.2.3 and 8.2.4 also define the sign's distribution area.

When a sign prohibiting parking is installed together with one of the signs 8.4.1-8.4.8, this means that the ban applies only to the type of transport indicated on the sign.

The actions of this sign do not apply to:

Parking in areas covered by “No Stopping” and “No Parking” signs is punishable by a fine of 1 thousand 500 rubles, for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3 thousand rubles.

3. Parking on the roadway

On the roadway, if the road passes outside the populated area and is marked with a “Main Road” sign (2.1), the fine is 1 thousand rubles.

4. Parking at the railway crossing

At the railway crossing, and 50 meters from it. Violators are subject to a fine of 1 thousand rubles; if the violation is committed again, the driver is deprived of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1 year.

In addition to the above, you should remember a number of important points.

If a parked car is an obstacle to the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians- this is considered a violation of the vehicle parking rules. The fine for such parking is 3 thousand rubles, plus the vehicle is sent to the impound lot by a tow truck.

You can often see parked car right on the lawn. The traffic rules do not prohibit such parking. However, damaging lawns, flower beds, trees, etc. is an offense. The size of the fine for this is determined by local authorities. The average for the regions is 500 rubles.

Parking on the sidewalks is also not a rare occurrence. Certainly, there is such a thing as “sidewalk parking”, but such places are marked with a sign, with a sign explaining exactly how vehicles are allowed to be parked. Unauthorized parking on the sidewalk, in addition to a fine, may result in the evacuation of the vehicle. Moreover, even if the car is parked on the sidewalk with only one wheel, this will already be regarded as a violation of the rules for parking the vehicle. Two wheels on the sidewalk can make the situation worse.

Such a parking lot may be regarded by a traffic police inspector as driving on sidewalks, and will cost the owner of a parked car 2 thousand rubles. In addition, the vehicle may be detained and sent to an impound lot.

In conclusion, I would like to remind, those who like to park vehicles where parking is prohibited.

What in addition to fines for parking violations, tow truck services, as well as parking the vehicle in an impound lot, are paid separately

I stopped under the sign “parking for the disabled” to load my luggage without turning off the car. An inspector arrived and drew up a protocol under Article 12.19, part 2. Are the inspector’s actions legal?

Of course they are legal. Is there such a clause in the traffic rules that stopping (parking) is allowed “to load luggage without turning off the car” in the area covered by the “parking for the disabled” sign?

and if on the sign the car is parked with its back to the curb, and I parked in front, then they can get a parking fine for this?


Good day! I drove up to the clinic and stopped the car near the main entrance on the roadway, dropped my mother off and walked her to the entrance, the car was started, the headlights and emergency lights were on, the time took no more than 5 minutes, the car was not taken away, but a fine of 1,500 rubles came, with adjacent photo-fixation, in the photo you can see that the lights are on. Are the actions of the traffic police officers lawful and is it possible to appeal the actions of the employees in court, based on Article 24.5 (clause 3), could this be an extreme necessity given the fact that the mother is a disabled person of group 1, of course there is a certificate of disability. Or are there any other alternatives to appealing this fine. Thank you!

Oleg, this maneuver will be a violation of the rules. The punishment for it is provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code - a warning or 500 rubles.

Can only be used if the vehicle is causing interference to other vehicles. In the situation you described, the likelihood of evacuation is low.

Good luck on the roads!

Magomed, Hello.

The likelihood of successfully appealing the specified fine is very small.

For the future. Since your mother is disabled, you have the right to install a “Disabled Person” identification sign on your car when transporting her. It will allow you to park your car in a designated space for disabled people. As a rule, such places are located close to the entrance to the clinic.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon.

The situation, on the right side there is a stop sign and parking is prohibited, on the reverse side of this sign there is a similar sign, i.e., on the left side of the road, I passed the sign on the left side, turned around and parked the car on the right side of the road before reaching the sign, parking , stopping, prohibited, in the direction of traffic, a traffic police inspector came up and explained that the sign on the back side is also prohibitive and it doesn’t matter that the car is parked in the direction of traffic, i.e., on the right side, although the sign doesn’t seem to be visible, or more precisely it’s not visible at all, but it works like the prohibitory sign that stands on the right side.

Is it legal to punish the traffic police inspector, arguing that the warrior must look at both the right and left sides?


Good afternoon.

The situation is this - there is a road with two rows in both directions, the only marking is a double solid one, which is not visible in winter due to the snow, you can’t stand at the curb due to a poorly cleared roadway, if you park as close as possible to the right, then the solid road is less than 3 meters (1.5 meters). Is parking like this a traffic violation?

Basil, Hello.

In this case, you saw the sign on the left side and stopped within its coverage area. So the punishment was rightfully imposed. Most likely, there is another “no stopping” sign on this section of the road, but you didn’t get to it.

Good luck on the roads!

Alexander, Hello.

If the marking is not visible, then it is impossible to measure the distance to it. In the described situation, the driver stops at the right edge of the roadway in accordance with traffic regulations.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon. Please tell me, I received a fine for stopping where there is a stop sign and parking is prohibited, the violation interval is one second. Is it considered stopping a vehicle in an interval of 1 second?


No, no alarm

On the street where I live there is a residential zone sign. Drivers constantly park their cars on the sidewalk at night and during the day. There are no parking signs. When asked to remove the cars, I react rudely - I don’t see the sidewalk, I saw you go another way..... Traffic police, they will come and leave and stuff like that. Is this legal? How to deal with this?

Call a tow truck and the traffic police. The traffic police are required to record the violation, and the tow truck is required to take the car to the parking lot. In case of inaction, complain to higher authorities.

Chimka. Let them put it in garages - if there is no garage - let them buy it - just like you advise me to buy a house. Where should we go? Climbing bushes? We have parking lots. It's not enough for them.


Maxim, I want to ask you a question that I can’t find the answer to anywhere.

Namely: is it prohibited or permitted, in accordance with clause 12.2 paragraph 4 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, to stop or park ALL vehicles in places marked with sign 6.4 and plate 8.6.4 or 8.6.5?

Paragraph 4 of clause 12.2 reads: “Parking on the edge of the permitted ONLY for passenger cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles, in places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3 ,____, ____, 8.6.6-8.6.9" (note that plates 8.6.4 and 8.6.5 are not included in this rule).

Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 do not answer this question, since they are talking about any vehicles.

Thus, it turns out that with the combination of sign 6.4 and plates 8.6.4 or 8.6.5, parking of ALL vehicles is not prohibited? Am I right in my reasoning?

With respect, Nicholai.

The paragraph is dedicated to parking on the edge of the sidewalk. Signs 8.6.4 and 8.6.5 indicate the method of placement outside the sidewalk, therefore they are not mentioned in this paragraph. The method of installation outside the sidewalk is described in the previous paragraph, where signs 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 are mentioned without exception. In addition, additional restrictions on the type of vehicle are contained in the description of the signs themselves 8.6.2 - 8.6.9: "8.6.2 - 8.6.9 indicate the method of parking cars and motorcycles in a sidewalk parking lot."

Thus, in total it turns out that if 6.4 is equipped with plate 8.6.1, then any vehicle can be parked. If there is a plate 8.6.2 - 8.6.9, then only cars and motorcycles can be installed in this way. Moreover, although this is not directly stated in the traffic rules, the position of the current authorities is that in the coverage area of ​​plates 8.6.2 - 8.6.9, other types of vehicles cannot be parked at all, neither on the plate nor parallel to the edge of the inverter. This includes pickup trucks based on passenger cars, if the registration certificate indicates the type of truck body.

Which clause ALLOWS a TRUCK (more than 3.5 tons) to STAND on the left side?

Wowochka, paragraph 12.1 allows the truck to stop on the left side of the road. What exactly do you see as the problem?

Hello! Tell me what to do, the situation is this: I wanted to park, I was looking for a space, I didn’t correctly assess the “dimensions” to the sign and turned into a parking space for disabled people, I immediately noticed and began to backtrack to find another place, at that moment the inspector runs up The traffic police and starts taking pictures, I explain to him that I don’t park, but he doesn’t care - in the end he issued a decree, all of which I agree with, can I challenge it, and what “data” should I rely on!?

P.S. I’m on maternity leave, my husband works alone and for us this fine is completely out of place! And in general, in 7.5 years of driving experience, this is the first violation, and it was due to stupidity ((


If we proceed from the definition of what “Parking” is (if there were signs 6.4 and 8.17, and not 3.27 and 8.18) - then according to the traffic rules it is (clipping): Parking (parking space)" - a specially designated and, if necessary, arranged and equipped place ....and designed for organized parking!!! vehicles..." It turns out that a stop (up to 5 minutes... etc.) is not parking. This means there is no violation.

You can try to approach from the other side. The photo does not reflect whether the car is standing or in motion. It will always reflect a stationary object. In order to prove that the car was standing and not moving, video recording is needed. If my memory serves me right, then there was even some kind of resolution on this matter related to the fact that if there is not sufficient evidence of the driver’s guilt, then the driver should be considered not guilty (somehow this is all expressed this way, I don’t remember exactly). So try to appeal. I just think that the case will have to be brought to court, the traffic cops will most likely defend their own. And don’t waste your appeal deadlines.

Good day. Please tell me this is the situation. I parked for the night with 4 wheels behind the curb on the sidewalk side (facing a tree along the road, between the main sidewalk, where people walk, and the road). My car doesn’t bother anyone, not pedestrians, not anyone. My parking spot, although separated from the road by a curb, is on the same level with it (not elevated). I live across the street from the parking spot and there were no other parking spots. The car was evacuated at half past two in the morning. There are no signs prohibiting parking.

Was my car towed legally or could they only have been fined!? Is it possible to somehow appeal this point in court?

No. Asphalt separated from the road by a curb, but at the same level as the road.

Art. 12.19 p.3 parking on the sidewalk.



We have a parking island near the house (there are markings). People walk through the island, as it borders on the intersection of two roads and there are pedestrian crossings. I left the car outside the marking zone (but close), the car was taken to the impound lot. They wrote that “Parking is on the sidewalk.” As proof, 50-100cm from the car there is a tile “for the blind” (which is placed in front of the zebra crossings). Plus they said that the fact that this so-called sidewalk is level with the roadway is not important, since there is a curb stone (the entire island is fenced with it).

Of course I will try to protest, but is there a chance?

Alex, if there really is a sidewalk there, then the fine and evacuation are legal. However, if you prove in court that there is no sidewalk in this place, then the fine and money for evacuation must be returned. In principle, you can try.

Good luck on the roads!

Georgiy, Hello.

You can try. In any case, please write here about the results.

Good luck on the roads!

Is it proof of the absence of a sidewalk if the level of asphalt (the supposed sidewalk) is the same as the road level, although it is separated by a curb!?

Alex, clause 1.2 of the traffic rules:

It says nothing about the level of asphalt on the sidewalk and roadway. That is, the asphalt level can be any.

If you want to challenge the fine, then you need to focus on the fact that the specified area is not intended for pedestrian traffic.

Good luck on the roads!

We will try to challenge it. Thank you.


I purchased a parking space in a two-level underground parking lot under the railway station. Before the purchase, they showed a plan for the placement of parking spaces, this is what the parking should have looked like: 4 rows, between the 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows there is a roadway, about 6 m wide, all parking spaces are located perpendicular to the roadway. There is no general plan in preschool education. My parking space should have been the second one before the turn, marked with an asterisk “*” (vertical stripes in front and behind the parking space), every 2 cars along the perimeter of the parking space there are pillars - it turns out there are 2 cars in 1 square:

| .... |. .| .... |.| .... |. ^ .| .... |

| .... | | |*.... | | .... | | | .... |

| .... |. v.| n....|.| .... |. .| .... |

After the parking lot was handed over, it turned out that the developer turned my place (*) and my neighbor’s (indicated by the letter “n”) by 90 degrees, i.e. the front/back of the car looks at the wall of the building, and on the roadway before the turn I placed another parking space (from each corner), as a result, instead of 4 cars, there were 6 cars on the 90-90 degree turn section:

| .... | .| .... |.| .... |. ^ | .... |

| .... | | -- --- -- -- -- -- | | .... |

| .... | v -- n *. -- --.-- | .... |

Did the developer have the right to place a parking space on the roadway, before the turn (the distance to the turn corner is the width of the pillar, about 0.5 m). With this arrangement of parking spaces, it is very difficult to get into your parking space "*". The width of the roadway after the turn is about 3 m. (from the parking space pillar to the building wall), there is limited space for maneuver. In addition, the width of the entrance to the parking space itself is 2.13 cm, instead of the required 2.5 m.

Venus, Hello.

Unfortunately, I am only superficially familiar with construction legislation. In general terms, I can advise you the following. Study your contract with the developer and see what requirements for a parking space are specified in this document (location, size, area, etc.). If at least one requirement is not met, then terminate the contract or demand the provision of a place that meets the requirements.

You can also try to find regulatory documents that establish requirements for parking spaces (standards, rules, laws, etc.) and study the requirements specified in them. If something is not fulfilled, then you can also terminate the contract with a refund of the amount paid.

Good luck on the roads!



At night the car was parked near the entrance, near the curb, there were no prohibiting signs.

There was a collision with my car, as a result of which

a) The car was thrown onto the sidewalk with its right wheels

b) The left rear wheel was torn off

As a result, the car cannot move and stands with two wheels on the sidewalk. Does not interfere with passage or travel. The accident was recorded by the traffic police, but the description did not indicate the final position of my car.

Am I violating traffic rules by leaving my car parked?

My interpretation: no, since both parking and stopping is an INTENTIONAL stop in the movement of the vehicle. In my case, the car ended up where it ended up unintentionally and does not have the ability to move on its own.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

The accident was recorded by the traffic police, but the description did not indicate the final position of my car.

The final position of the car is necessarily recorded in the accident diagram. By the way, you are also obliged to record it - clause 2.6.1 of the traffic rules.

clause 1.2 of traffic rules "Forced stop" - stopping the movement of the vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

clause 12.6 of traffic rules. If forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from these places.

Alexander, Hello.

From the point of view of traffic rules regulating stopping and parking, the situation is not a violation.

There is an asphalt area in the yard of the house; it is separated by a curb from a gravel embankment. The curb is 7 cm wide and is on the same level with asphalt and gravel. Large poplar trees grow along the perimeter of the gravel embankment. No grass grows, there is dirt after the rain. Nearby, a small fence fenced off a front garden with flowers, i.e. flowerbed. Question: Can a gravel embankment be considered the same as a sidewalk? Is it possible to park on a gravel lot?


“Sidewalk” is a road element intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the roadway or bicycle path or separated from them by a lawn.

Theoretically, the sidewalk can also have a gravel surface; asphalt on the sidewalk is not necessary.

Good luck on the roads!

Like any Law, the Rules begin any section with general principles , and they are necessarily followed by those dictated by life exceptions.

First general principle.

First of all, the Rules required that drivers only park on the right side of the road . Moreover, if there is a curb, stopping and parking are allowed only on the side of the road (stopping on the roadway when there is a shoulder is a violation of the Rules).

On any roadoutside the populated areaThis requirement is categorical and does not contain any exceptions.

And there are such questions in the Tickets:

1. Only car B.

2. Cars B and C.

3. All cars.

Comment on the task

Drivers of cars B and C are violating. If there is a shoulder, stopping is allowed only on the side of the road!

Note. Here I must remind you that on high-quality roads the shoulder is covered with the same asphalt as the roadway, and is separated from the roadway by a wide continuous line of markings. And this continuous line is not only possible, but must be crossed if the driver intends to park.

The Rules formulate this general principle as follows:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles is permittedon the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence –on the roadwayat its edge.

It follows that if the shoulder is narrow, you can park partially on the roadway.

If there is no shoulder at all, then we park completely on the roadway, but only at the edge of the roadway. There are no questions about this in the Tickets, but the practical driving test always ends with the same thing - the inspector asks you to stop. And if, while stopping, you hit the curb of the sidewalk, this is a mistake. And if you stop more than 30 cm from the curb, this is also a mistake - you did not stop at the edge of the roadway!

So, outside populated areas, stopping is always and everywhere permitted. only on the right side of the road!

As for populated areas, here the Rules were forced to make two exceptions.

Exception No. 1 (valid only in populated areas).

In order for the left side to become the right, you need to turn around.

But on one-way roads, turning around is impossible!

Such an act is qualified as driving into oncoming traffic. in violation of the Rules and is punishable by deprivation of rights for up to six months!

It is natural that the Rules allowed parking on such roads both on the right and on the left. And now none of the drivers violate the Rules by stopping on different sides of a one-way road.

Exception No. 2 (valid only in populated areas).

U-turns are not prohibited on dual carriageway roads. But if there are only two lanes (one in each direction), then on such a road it is sometimes difficult to make a U-turn due to cramped conditions.

The rules decided that on such a road, for safety reasons, it was better to allow drivers to park on either side.

So now no one breaks the rules on this road either.

It should be remembered that such a democratic order is established by the Rules only in populated areas and only on two-lane roads, and only without tram tracks in the middle.

The Rules say this in the same paragraph 12.1:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1, second paragraph. Stopping and parking are permitted on the left side of the road in populated areas on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads.

And they will definitely ask you about this during the exam:

In what place and direction are you allowed to stop?

1. Only in.

2. Only B and C.

3. In any of the above.

Comment on the task

On a two-lane road without tram tracks and with an intermittent center line in a populated area, parking is allowed on any side and in any direction.

Second general principle.

Parking is permitted anywhere and everywhere only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the roadway.

In the Rules it looks like this:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the roadway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

This requirement of the Rules applies to all cases. Both in a populated area (even in a “pocket”) and outside a populated area (even if the shoulder is wide), parking is only allowed in one row and only parallel to the edge of the roadway.

And about this, there is one problem in the Tickets:

Is it possible for the driver to park the car in this manner?

1. Can.

2. It is possible, as long as it does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.

3. It is forbidden.

I especially want to draw your attention! – even in a “pocket” (local widening of the roadway) you must park only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the roadway.

But that, of course, is not all. Then again there are exceptions.

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, second paragraph. The method of parking a vehicle (parking lot) is determined by sign 6.4 and road marking lines, sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 and road marking lines or without them.

In fact, to begin with, they once again reminded drivers - even in “pockets”, if there are no additional instructions, it is allowed to park the vehicle only parallel to the edge of the roadway!

However, if there is a sign, then the requirement of the sign must be fulfilled.

If there is marking, then the marking requirement must be fulfilled.

And even more so, you must follow the instructions given by both the sign and the markings.

It would seem that complete order has been established, and you can calm down on this. But the authors of the Rules considered it necessary to include one more requirement in clause 12.2:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, third paragraph. The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as with road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be positioned at an angle to the edge of the roadway if the configuration (local widening) of the roadway allows such an arrangement.

Tablets 8.6.4 – 8.6.9 are this:

As we can see on these signs, in all cases it is recommended to park the car strictly perpendicular edge of the roadway. And the signs « at an angle to the edge of the roadway" not in the Rules. What should I do? How to also organize parking “ at an angle to the edge of the roadway." All that remains is to call for help from the markings, which is what the Rules did.

Parking at an angle to the edge of the roadway is permitted only if the following mandatory conditions are met:

A). There is a sign 6.4 “Parking”;

b). There is one of the plates 8.6.4 – 8.6.9;

V). There is an “oblique” marking.

If the markings are straight...

...or there are no markings at all, then parking at an angle to the edge of the roadway is a violation of the Rules.

In both of the latter cases, the car can be towed!

But that's not all. The rules made another exception to the general principles. Moreover, there is a cardinal exception - Parking on the sidewalk is allowed!

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, fourth paragraph. Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the roadway is permitted only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6 - 8.6.9.

Here they are:

Table 8.4.7 is called "Type of vehicle", that is, parking is allowed only for bicycles.

The remaining six tablets are called “Method of parking a vehicle.”

How should this be understood? The rules made an exception - allowed to stand completely or partially on the sidewalk.

But at the same time, strict restrictions were introduced. Firstly, they showed (using the example of a passenger car) how to park vehicles. Only this way and no other way!

And, secondly, not everyone was allowed to stand like that, but Only cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles.

And we already talked about this in topic 3.8 “Signs of additional information (placards).” The vast majority of the requirements of the Rules apply equally to all representatives of category “B”, both passenger cars and small and medium trucks (no more than 3.5 tons).

But not parking on the sidewalk!

Not a single truck, with any permissible maximum weight,

not a single wheel, not under any signs

has no right to stand on the sidewalk!

And you need to remember this both in life and in the exam:

So far we have only talked about parking lot . What about stop ? Is it really necessary to pile onto the sidewalk in order to drop off a passenger?

No, nothing like that! Rules about stop in the coverage area of ​​the signs “Method of parking a vehicle” they didn’t say anything at all. And what is not prohibited is permitted! That is, within the coverage area of ​​any of these signs stop possible at the edge of the roadway (observing the general principle), and stop anyone can.

They also ask about this in the exam, although only once:

Is a truck driver allowed to stop at this location?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted if the permissible maximum weight of the vehicle is no more than 3.5 tons.

3. Forbidden.

Comment on the task

Re-read the question carefully - you are not being asked about parking, and about the stop! But the Rules didn’t say anything about stopping in the area covered by these signs, which means you can stop here. And they can stop any vehicles .

What is not prohibited is permitted.

That, in fact, is all about general principles and exceptions to them. Although to blame, one more general principle remains:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.3. Parking for the purpose of long rest, overnight stay, etc. outside the populated area is permitted only in designated areas or off the road.

The rules did not provide any guidance on what kind of rest is considered LONG. But by and large this is not required. Common sense tells any driver that you can also have a snack on the side of the road while sitting in the car. But if you are seriously planning to “cover the clearing” and lie on the grass, then, of course, the car must be moved off the road. And if you are planning to sleep (no matter how much), then it is in your best interests to stop at a site specially provided for this.

Now about where stopping is prohibited.

First of all, stopping may be prohibited by signs or markings.

Let me remind you that this yellow solid line, drawn along the edge of the roadway (or right along the curb), prohibits stopping vehicles throughout its entire length.

Here stopping is prohibited from the sign to the nearest intersection.

I hope you haven’t forgotten yet - the sign is only valid on the side of the road on which it is installed.

In addition, the Rules contain a whole list of places where stopping is prohibited by the Rules.

Simply prohibited (without any signs or markings).

1. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them , if this will interfere with the movement of trams.

In this situation, the driver did not stop on the tram tracks, but so close to them that he definitely interfered with the movement of the trams.

And, therefore, stopping at this place is prohibited!

In this situation, the driver has every reason to believe that he is not interfering with the movement of trams.

And therefore it is allowed to stop like this.

2. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat railway crossings and in tunnels.

I don’t think any of you will have the desire to park in a tunnel or, especially, at a railway crossing. So let's leave this provision of the Rules without comment.

3. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in a given direction) and under them.

You already know that turning, reversing and overtaking are strictly prohibited on all bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them. As for stopping, the Rules made a clarification here:

– if the bridge, overpass, or overpass is narrow (one or two lanes in a given direction), stopping is prohibited;

– if the bridge, overpass, or overpass is wide (there are three or more lanes in a given direction), stopping is allowed.

And you need to know this - it will be useful in life, and you will need it on the exam:

Are you allowed to stop on the bridge at the indicated location?

1. Allowed.

2. Allowed only for disembarking passengers.

3. Forbidden.

Comment on the task

If the bridge is wide (three lanes or more in a given direction), stopping on such a bridge is not prohibited. You can just stop and even stand as long as you like, the rules don’t mind.

4. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 meters in front of them.

A car, even a passenger car, stopping in this way blocks the view of the pedestrian crossing. And this, as you understand, is unsafe.

But this is a completely different matter - now drivers have the opportunity to promptly see a pedestrian on the roadway.

Note! – a car standing immediately behind the crossing does not in any way interfere with control of the situation. Therefore, the Rules contain the following requirement:

Stopping is prohibited at the pedestrian crossing itself and closer than 5 meters to it!

Directly after Stopping is not prohibited at the pedestrian crossing!

Now let's remember that on a two-lane road you can park on either side. And which one of them is standing now? before, who after pedestrian crossing?

To someone who parks on the left side, it seems that he is standing after pedestrian crossing. But it doesn’t seem that way at all to the driver of an oncoming car - the view of the pedestrian crossing is blocked! And an extremely dangerous situation is brewing.

From the point of view of the Rules, both white cars are now standing before pedestrian crossing (and there are no 5 meters!) and, therefore, both are standing in violation.

But now both are standing after pedestrian crossing, and therefore the Rules are not violated.

And pay attention - how clearly the pedestrian crossing is visible to drivers in both directions!

It only remains to remind you that on one-way roads you are also allowed to park on either side.

It is clear that now everyone is moving only in this direction, and, therefore, it is impossible to park like that.

If you stop before pedestrian crossing, then no closer than 5 meters.

But this is how it is possible. And you can immediately after pedestrian crossing.

There are a couple of puzzles on this topic in the traffic police collection. I hope that, armed with the knowledge you have gained, you will not make any mistakes here. Although, frankly speaking, the tasks are not simple:

Which car drivers violated the stopping rules?

1. Only car B.

2. Cars A and B.

3. Cars B and C.

4. All listed cars.

Comment on the task

This is a populated area and it is a one-way road (see the sign?). Cars A and B stopped directly before pedestrian crossing (there are no 5 meters) and therefore violate the Rules.

Which car drivers violated the stopping rules?

1. Only car A.

2. Cars A and B.

3. Cars A and B.

4. All cars.

Comment on the task

Two-way road. But only two lanes and no tram tracks in the middle. On such a road (in a populated area) you can stop on any side. All that remains is to deal with the pedestrian crossing.

Cars A and B are standing before There is not even a 5-meter pedestrian crossing, that’s why they violate it.

5. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibited in placesWherethe distance between the solid marking line and a stopped vehicle is less than 3 meters.

The rules rightly believe that if the distance L less than 3 meters, then the stopped vehicle will block traffic.

In this situation, in order to go around the obstacle, you will have to drive into oncoming traffic in violation of the Rules, crossing a solid marking line!

If the center line is intermittent, then there is no need to take care of 3 meters. In this case, drivers will go around the obstacle without any problems.

So stand still, you are not breaking anything.

And now you can calmly stop and stand. Such markings also allow drivers to pass you without breaking.

But now there is a solid line to your left, and there are clearly not three meters to it. So stopping at this place is prohibited!

And no sign prohibiting stopping is required in this situation. Stopping at this place is prohibited by the Rules, namely clause 12.4.

And they ask about this in the exam.

True, they ask not about the stop, but about parking. Well, turn on some basic logic:

– if on the left solid the line is not three meters away, stopping, and especially parking, is prohibited;

– if on the left intermittent line, then nothing is prohibited here.

Did the truck driver violate the parking rules?

1. Violated.

2. Violated if the permissible maximum weight of the vehicle is more than 2.5 tons.

3. Didn't break it.

Comment on the task

It doesn’t matter at all what its permitted maximum weight is. No truck, no matter the maximum permissible weight, or one wheel should be parked on the sidewalk.

But now this is not even the main thing. All vehicles are prohibited from stopping on this section of the road. Stopping on the roadway is prohibited because there will be no 3 meters to a continuous road, and even a bicycle can be parked on the sidewalk only if there is a permit sign.

Which driver violated the parking rules?

1. Both.

2. Only the driver of the car.

3. Only the motorcycle driver.

4. Nobody violated.

Comment on the task

Only the driver of the car violated - parking on the edge of the sidewalk may be permitted by appropriate signs, but there are none here.

And, most importantly, there was no need to climb onto the sidewalk; he could calmly stop and stand on the edge of the roadway. The center line is not a solid line, but combined.

This marking allows you to go around it without any violation.

6. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat the intersection of roadways and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway.

We are talking about these corners at intersections. The rules quite naturally require that drivers leave these five-meter zones clear when parking.

Draw your attention! – the Rules do not say that stopping is prohibited at the crossroads. The Rules say that stopping is prohibited and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway.

And this is fundamentally important! And that's why:

Where should you park your car on the right side of the road?

1. Immediately before the intersection of roadways.

2. Immediately after crossing roadways.

3. No closer than 5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway.

Comment on the task

According to the Rules, leaving the yard is not considered an intersection. But nowhere in the Rules does it say that this is not an intersection of roadways.

And since this is the intersection of roadways, then when parking, it is necessary to comply with the requirement of paragraph 12.4 of the Rules, namely:

Stopping is prohibited at the intersection of roadwaysand closer than 5 m from the edge of the crossed roadway.

Are you allowed to stay at the indicated place?

1. Allowed.

2. It is permitted if the car is no closer than 5 meters from the edge of the roadway being crossed.

3. Prohibited.

Comment on the task

And once again I draw your attention! – paragraph 12.4 does not say that stopping is prohibited at crossroads .

Said no stopping allowed at the intersection of roadways and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway.

So, if you come across this problem in the exam, keep in mind - at the crossroads You can park in a roundabout (the rules do not prohibit it), you just need to drive 5 m away from the edge of the roadway you are crossing.

In what case is the driver allowed to park the car in the specified place?

1. Only if the distance to the solid marking line is at least 3 meters.

2. Only if the distance to the edge of the crossed roadway is at least 5 meters.

3. If both of the above conditions are met.

To designate places where parking and stopping of cars is permitted or, conversely, where a taboo is imposed on them, the Rules provide for special appropriate signs that can be installed separately or together with explanatory signs and inscriptions indicating the zone and time of validity of these signs. Yellow road markings in the form of continuous and interrupted stripes applied on the right edge of the road surface or curbs are also intended for the same purposes. In addition, it is important to remember that the Rules establish a certain list of zones where stopping and parking is prohibited, regardless of the presence or absence of appropriate markings or signs (see clause 12.4 of the Rules).

Stopping and parking are prohibited

  • Tram lines, railway crossings and areas immediately adjacent to them.
  • One or two lane overpasses and bridges. On wider bridges with more than two passing lanes, stopping is permitted, as it does not interfere with traffic.
  • Tunnels and places located under bridges and overpasses. Which is related to minimizing the consequences of road accidents associated with vehicles falling from bridges and overpasses. If there is a specially equipped area under the overpass with a parking sign installed, then parking in this place is permitted.
  • Not wide roads, where the gap between a stationary car and the edge of the road or its continuous line remains less than 3 meters. In this case, it becomes difficult to bypass standing vehicles or this will require crossing the dividing line, which is prohibited by the Rules.
  • Distances closer than 5 m to the edge of the pedestrian crossing and the marked pedestrian crossing area. The pedestrian crossing area is marked with wide longitudinal stripes or narrow transverse intermittent stripes crossing the road perpendicularly or at a slight angle.
  • Intersections and road intersection zones, as well as adjacent areas at a distance of up to 5 m in all directions from the intersection boundaries.

Stopping and parking are allowed 15 meters from the markings or sign

  • Public transport stops and entrance and exit areas within 15 m from the beginning and end of the stop. Route public transport stops are indicated by special information signs or yellow broken road markings. If there is a marking, it begins and ends at its boundaries. Taxi ranks, marked with the appropriate sign (see sign 5.18), also belong to those areas where it is prohibited for other types of transport to park.

  • A traffic lane or bicycle lane. Such stripes are indicated by the corresponding information signs (see signs 4.4; 5.14) or markings in the form of the letter A.
  • Any section of the roadway from which visibility of the road in one direction is less than 100 m. Limited visibility of the road may be due to its turns or slopes.
  • Any section of the roadway from which a parked vehicle obscures the visibility of signs or traffic lights to other road users.
  • Any section of the roadway where a parked car creates an insurmountable obstacle to pedestrians and vehicles, preventing the entry and exit of other cars.
  • The expressway has special stopping areas located outside the boundaries of the roadway and marked with a parking sign. You cannot stop on the motorway itself. In case of forced stops due to a malfunction or lack of fuel, it is recommended to move the car to the side of the road and install an emergency sign (turn on the alarm).

According to the Rules (clause 12.5), only parking is prohibited in the following two additional cases, but stopping is permitted:

  • on the roadway of intercity highways with heavy traffic, designated as the main road and without shoulders. Such a route can be considered like a highway, only with a reduced speed;
  • at a distance of less than 50 m from the railway crossing. This requirement is due to the need to ensure good visibility of the approaching train at the crossing. Thus, near a railway crossing (50 meters), only parking is prohibited, and in the area of ​​the crossing (5 meters), both stopping and parking are prohibited.

Video: Stopping and parking 2016

How to correctly interpret the rules of stopping and parking

When memorizing the provisions and areas established by the Rules where stopping and parking is prohibited, it is important to be able to correctly interpret these provisions and understand the reasons for which these restrictions are introduced. So, let's look at what dictates the accepted rules of stopping and parking:
1. You cannot stop at a pedestrian crossing or closer than 5 m in front of a pedestrian crossing, but you can stand immediately behind it. This distance limitation is caused by the fact that nearby vehicles block the view of other drivers, who will find it difficult to notice people in the pedestrian crossing area in time. Pedestrians will also not be able to see traffic approaching in the next lane in a timely manner. You cannot stand at the pedestrian crossing itself, because... the car will obstruct the movement of pedestrians.

2. stop at intersections of streets and roads and in areas adjacent to them (within 5 m). The requirement is understandable, because the intersection is one of the most dangerous and stressful sections of roads in terms of traffic intensity and safety, and a car parked in this place will certainly interfere with the moving flow of cars.
3. At a one-way intersection (T-shaped), it is allowed to stop vehicles opposite the adjacent road in situations where:

In this case, stopping at a one-way intersection (T-shaped) is permitted

  • separates the traffic lane of a through street on which a vehicle is parked. It does not allow cars moving in this lane to turn onto the adjacent road. In this case, they will go around a standing car, as in all other sections of the street;
  • the distance from a parked car to the solid dividing line is more than 3 m, which allows passing cars to go around it without crossing the dividing line without compromising traffic safety.

In this case, parking at the T-junction will be prohibited

When at such an intersection there is no continuous dividing marking or it turns into a broken line, the Rules prohibit stopping cars in the intersection area, since they will create an obstacle to cars leaving the adjacent road and making a U-turn or turning left. If, in addition, the intersecting roads are narrow, standing vehicles can completely block through traffic and lead to congestion.

4. At taxi stands and bus stops, according to the Rules, all vehicles are allowed to make a short stop in order to drop off or pick up a passenger in situations where this does not interfere with taxi drivers and public transport. For example, when a bus or trolleybus does not stop at a stop and does not arrive.

5. A moving tram requires special attention from the driver. The tram line may be adjacent to a highway, and parking on the side of the tram line may interfere with the movement of the tram. When a tram stops, the cars next to its right should also stop to allow passengers getting off and on the tram to pass.

6. The rules for stopping and parking where there is insufficient visibility of the road imply their prohibition only within the roadway, because detouring traffic in such cases, due to limited visibility of the oncoming lane, has an increased risk of collision with a car that suddenly jumped out from around the turn. In the case where a car is parked in such an area completely on the side of the road and in no way affects the trajectory of traffic on its roadway, this is not a violation of the Rules.

A fairly common violation is parking a car on an island formed between the guide lines of two merging roads. This is prohibited by the Rules, because standing cars limit the viewing area of ​​the main road for drivers of vehicles leaving the secondary road. At the same time, where there are no conditions that threaten traffic safety, the resulting islands can be used for parking cars. In such areas a parking sign is placed or appropriate road markings are applied.

Residents of megacities are already well acquainted with the concept of a paid parking zone. At the entrance to this area, an appropriate warning board is installed with the image of a parking sign and coins indicating paid parking. Frequent parking meters also warn you that you are in a paid zone. Parking spaces are marked with markings and a corresponding sign with the parking number. In such a zone, parking is paid if the parking duration exceeds 15 minutes.

Paid parking lots are usually equipped with video and photo recordings to obtain objective information and identify non-payers. Some drivers use various methods to hide license plates or make them illegible to cameras. Thus, they are trying to avoid fines. However, the law (Article 12.2.2 of the Administrative Code) provides for more severe punishment for such violators in the form of deprivation of rights and large fines. Traffic regulations require drivers to always keep their license plates clean and in such a condition that they are clearly visible over a long distance and have proper lighting.

Ways to park cars

In order not to receive fines from the traffic police, you need to know not only the permitted parking places, but also be able to park correctly. There are various ways to park cars, the basic requirements for which are described in the traffic rules. However, the Rules do not describe in detail how a car should be parked in different cases and in different types of parking lots. So in paragraph 12.1; 12.2 specifies general requirements for drivers of all categories of vehicles regarding the rules for parking them.

Car parking is allowed only in one row and on the right side on the side of the road. In case of violation, turning on the emergency lights will not save you from a fine.

According to these requirements, vehicles are allowed to be parked on the side of the road on the right along it in one consecutive row. Only two-wheeled vehicles (bikes, scooters, scooters and motorcycles) are allowed to be parked in two rows in parallel. The same arrangement of vehicles is allowed if the road has special extensions on the sides intended for parking. Such “pockets” are widely used near theaters, shopping centers and other public institutions. Previously, cars in “pockets” had to be parked perpendicular to the edge of the roadway. But as of April 15, 2015, changes were made to the rules according to which vehicles, even in “pockets,” must be parked parallel to the edge of the roadway, unless another method of placement is provided for by markings or signs (placards).

Parking "pocket"

Parking areas are usually marked with markings that indicate the location and number of parking spaces. In this case, you need to park in accordance with the posted markings. If there is a parking sign on the site with signs explaining how to park cars (see Tables 8.6.2 - 8.6.9), then when parking cars you should be guided by the installed signs. Moreover, you need to keep in mind that these parking techniques using part of the sidewalk are only allowed to be performed by passenger cars and motorcycles.

Parking in a “pocket” in the absence of markings and signs is allowed in any way, but it should not interfere with the movement of cars

The absence of explanatory tables under the parking sign implies the classic option of installing vehicles without entering the sidewalk. If there are no prohibitory or prescriptive signs on the site, and there are no markings, then transport must be located on it in such a way as to ensure the maximum capacity of the site. At the same time, the car should not interfere with the entry and exit of other cars. The location of cars here can be either along the curb, across the curb, or at a certain angle to the curbs.

The rules allow the use of the left edge of the road for parking cars under the following conditions:

  • the road is one-way;
  • There is no continuous line on the street and there are no tram tracks.

These requirements arise from the following safety considerations:

  • To park your car on the left edge of the street, you must drive through oncoming traffic, which increases the risk of a collision. If the road has more than one oncoming lane, then parking on the left is prohibited, because crossing two or more oncoming lanes is much more dangerous. One-way traffic eliminates the risk of collision with oncoming cars.
  • The presence of tram lines also complicates the ability to cross to the left side of the road, since the tram has priority over other vehicles, and parking on the left is prohibited on such streets.

Thus, if the right side of the street is occupied by parked cars, then you can park the car on the left side when the street is one-way or it is a narrow street with one-lane oncoming traffic and without continuous markings. However, on a two-way street, there is a risk of violating the requirement of a parking prohibition sign installed at the beginning of the intersection, which you are not aware of, because We drove into the street from the other side.


  1. When driving a motorcycle, you can park on the right or left in one or two rows (without a sidecar), including on the sidewalk if there are appropriate signs.
  2. When driving a passenger car, you can also park, but only in one row.
  3. When driving a truck (over 3.5 tons), you cannot stand on the sidewalk or on the left edge of the street. You can stop there only to load and unload goods.
  4. Before stopping the car, be sure to make sure that there are no prohibiting signs or road markings.
  5. When stopping near a tram line or under a trolleybus line, make sure that the car does not interfere with the passage of the tram or the detour of the trolleybus.
  6. When leaving your vehicle stopped on a roadway, make sure that it does not block road signs, there is enough space to the left edge of the road or a solid line (more than 3 m), and it is not parked in a limited visibility zone.
  7. When leaving your car in the parking lot, make sure that your car does not interfere with the exit of other cars and does not block them in the parking lot.
  8. When entering a parking area, look for signs indicating the correct location of the car and road markings, and if there are none, look at the location of the parked cars. Position the vehicle so as not to take up unnecessary space or disturb others.

In desperate situations and there are no other options, leave your phone number on the front window for a quick call.

12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles is permitted on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway at its edge and in the cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in populated areas on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads (trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are allowed on the left side of one-way roads only stopping for loading or unloading).

12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the roadway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

(see text in the previous edition)

The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be positioned at an angle to the edge of the roadway if the configuration (local widening) of the roadway allows such an arrangement.

(see text in the previous edition)

12.3. Parking for the purpose of long-term rest, overnight stay, etc. outside a populated area is permitted only in designated areas or off the road.

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

on tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them, if this creates interference with the movement of trams;

at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in a given direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between a solid marking line (except indicating the edge of the roadway), a dividing strip or the opposite edge of the roadway and a stopped vehicle is less than 3 m;

(see text in the previous edition)

at pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex breaks in the longitudinal profile of the road when the visibility of the road is less than 100 m in at least one direction;

at the intersection of roadways and closer than 5 m from the edge of the roadway being crossed, with the exception of the side opposite the side passage of three-way intersections (crossroads) that have a continuous marking line or dividing strip;

closer than 15 meters from the stopping places of fixed-route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis, indicated by marking 1.17, and in its absence - from the sign of the stopping place of fixed-route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis (except for stops for boarding and disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with the movement of fixed-route vehicles vehicles or vehicles used as passenger taxis);

(see text in the previous edition)

in places where the vehicle will block traffic lights, road signs from other drivers, or make it impossible for other vehicles to move (enter or exit) (including on bicycle or bicycle-pedestrian paths, as well as closer than 5 m from the intersection of a bicycle or bicycle-pedestrian path with roadway), or will interfere with the movement of pedestrians (including at the junction of the roadway and sidewalk on the same level, intended for the movement of people with limited mobility);

(see text in the previous edition)