On operation lead. Operation of stationary lead-acid. Battery magazine and work organization




Normative references.
Designations and abbreviations.
Basic properties of lead-acid batteries.
Security measures.
General rules of operation.
Properties, design features and main technical characteristics.
Lead-acid batteries type SK.
Accumulators type CH.
Lead-acid branded batteries.
Basic information from the installation of batteries, bringing them to working condition and preservation.
Reduction to the working condition of batteries type SK.
Reduction to the working condition of rechargeable batteries type CH.
Bringing branded batteries to working condition
Battery operation procedure.
Constant charge mode.
charge mode.
equalizing charge.
Battery discharge.
Control rank.
Topping up batteries.
Battery maintenance.
Types of maintenance.
Preventive control.
Current repair of batteries type SK.
Current repair of accumulators type CH.
Capital repairs.
Technical documentation.
Application No. 1.
Application number 2.

Knowledge of this manual is essential for:

1. Head, foreman of the PS and CRO SPS group.

2. Operational and operational - production personnel of substation groups.

3. Accumulator CRO SPS.

This instruction is based on the current: OND 34.50.501-2003. Operation of stationary lead-acid batteries. GKD 34.20.507-2003 Technical operation of power plants and networks. Rules. Rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), ed. 6th, revised and additional. - G.: Energoatomizdat, 1987; DNAOP 1.1.10-1.01-97 Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations, second edition.

1. Regulatory references.

This manual contains references to the following regulatory documents:
GOST 12.1.004-91 SSBT Fire safety. General requirements;
GOST 12.1.010-76 SSBT Explosion safety. General requirements;
GOST 12.4.021-75 SBT Ventilation systems. General requirements;
GOST 12.4.026-76 SSBT Signal colors and safety signs;
GOST 667-73 Sulfuric battery acid. Specifications;
GOST 6709-72 Distilled water. Specifications;
GOST 26881-86 Lead stationary batteries. General specifications

2. Designation and abbreviation.

AB - storage battery;
AE - battery cell;
ORU - open distribution plant;
ES - power plant;
KZ - short circuit;
PS - substation;
SC - stationary battery for short and long periods;
CH - stationary battery with spread-type plates.

3. Main properties of lead-acid batteries.

Operating principle batteries is based on the polarization of lead electrodes. Under the action of the charging current, the electrolyte (solution of sulfuric acid) decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. The decomposition products enter into a chemical reaction with lead electrodes: lead dioxide is formed on the positive electrode, and spongy lead is formed on the negative electrode.
As a result, a galvanic cell with a voltage of about 2 V is formed. When such an element is discharged, a reverse chemical process occurs in it: chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. Under the influence of the discharge current, oxygen and hydrogen are released from the electrolyte.
Oxygen and hydrogen, reacting with lead dioxide and spongy lead, reduce the former and oxidize the latter. Upon reaching the equilibrium state, the discharge stops. Such an element is reversible and can be recharged.
Discharge process. When the battery is turned on for discharge, the current inside the battery flows from the cathode to the anode, while sulfuric acid partially decomposes, and hydrogen is released at the positive electrode. A chemical reaction occurs in which lead dioxide is converted to lead sulfate and water is released. The rest of the partially decomposed sulfuric acid combines with the spongy lead of the cathode, also forming lead sulfate. This reaction consumes sulfuric acid and produces water. Due to this, the specific gravity of the electrolyte decreases as the discharge progresses.
Charging process. When sulfuric acid decomposes during charging, hydrogen is transferred to the negative electrode, reduces lead sulfate on it to spongy lead and forms sulfuric acid. Lead dioxide forms at the positive electrode. This produces sulfuric acid and consumes water. The specific gravity of the electrolyte increases.
Internal resistance The battery consists of the resistance of the battery plates, separators and electrolyte. The specific conductivity of the active mass of the plates in the charged state is close to the conductivity of metal lead, and of the discharged plates, the resistance is high. Therefore, the resistance of the plates depends on the degree of charge of the battery. As the discharge increases, the resistance of the plates increases.
Working capacity battery - this is the amount of electricity given by the battery in a certain discharge mode to the maximum voltage for this discharge mode. The working capacity is always less than its full capacity. It is impossible to take the full capacity from the battery, as this will lead to its irreversible depletion. In the following presentation, only the working capacitance of the AE is considered.
Electrolyte temperature. Temperature has a significant effect on the AE capacitance. With an increase in the electrolyte temperature, the AE capacity increases by approximately 1% for each degree of temperature increase above 25°C. The increase in capacitance is explained by a decrease in the viscosity of the electrolyte, and, consequently, by an increase in the diffusion of fresh electrolyte into the pores of the plates and a decrease in the internal resistance of the AE. As the temperature drops, the viscosity of the electrolyte increases, and the capacity decreases. When the temperature drops from 25°C to 5°C, the capacity can drop by 30%.




Normative references.
Designations and abbreviations.
Security measures.
General rules of operation.
Properties, design features and main technical characteristics.
6.1 Accumulators lead - acid type SK.
6.2 Accumulators type CH.
6.3 Lead-acid branded batteries.
Basic information from the installation of batteries, bringing them to working condition and preservation.
7.1 Mounting.
7.2 Reduction to the working condition of batteries type SK.
7.3 Reduction to the working condition of rechargeable batteries type CH.
7.4 Bringing branded batteries to working condition
Battery operation procedure.
8.1 Constant charge mode.
8.2 charge mode.
8.3 equalizing charge.
8.4 Battery discharge.
8.5 Control rank.
8.6 Topping up batteries.
Battery maintenance.
9.1 Types of maintenance.
9.2 Inspections.
9.3 Preventive control.
9.4 Current repair of batteries type SK.
9.5 Current repair of accumulators type CH.
9.6 Capital repairs.
Technical documentation.
Application No. 1.
Application number 2.

Knowledge of this manual is essential for:

1. Head, foreman of the PS and CRO SPS group.

2. Operational and operational - production personnel of substation groups.

3. Accumulator CRO SPS.

This instruction is based on the current: OND 34.50.501-2003. Operation of stationary lead-acid batteries. GKD 34.20.507-2003 Technical operation of power plants and networks. Rules. Rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), ed. 6th, revised and additional. - G.: Energoatomizdat, 1987; DNAOP 1.1.10-1.01-97 Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations, second edition.

This manual contains references to the following regulatory documents:
GOST 12.1.004-91 SSBT Fire safety. General requirements;
GOST 12.1.010-76 SSBT Explosion safety. General requirements;
GOST 12.4.021-75 SBT Ventilation systems. General requirements;
GOST 12.4.026-76 SSBT Signal colors and safety signs;
GOST 667-73 Sulfuric battery acid. Specifications;
GOST 6709-72 Distilled water. Specifications;
GOST 26881-86 Lead stationary batteries. General specifications

Designation and abbreviation.

AB - storage battery;
AE - battery cell;
ORU - open distribution plant;
ES - power plant;
KZ - short circuit;
PS - substation;
SC - stationary battery for short and long periods;
CH - stationary battery with spread-type plates.

Basic properties of lead-acid batteries.

Operating principle batteries is based on the polarization of lead electrodes. Under the action of the charging current, the electrolyte (solution of sulfuric acid) decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. The decomposition products enter into a chemical reaction with lead electrodes: lead dioxide is formed on the positive electrode, and spongy lead is formed on the negative electrode.
As a result, a galvanic cell with a voltage of about 2 V is formed. When such an element is discharged, a reverse chemical process occurs in it: chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. Under the influence of the discharge current, oxygen and hydrogen are released from the electrolyte.
Oxygen and hydrogen, reacting with lead dioxide and spongy lead, reduce the former and oxidize the latter. Upon reaching the equilibrium state, the discharge stops. Such an element is reversible and can be recharged.
Discharge process. When the battery is turned on for discharge, the current inside the battery flows from the cathode to the anode, while sulfuric acid partially decomposes, and hydrogen is released at the positive electrode. A chemical reaction occurs in which lead dioxide is converted to lead sulfate and water is released. The rest of the partially decomposed sulfuric acid combines with the spongy lead of the cathode, also forming lead sulfate. This reaction consumes sulfuric acid and produces water. Due to this, the specific gravity of the electrolyte decreases as the discharge progresses.
Charging process. When sulfuric acid decomposes during charging, hydrogen is transferred to the negative electrode, reduces lead sulfate on it to spongy lead and forms sulfuric acid. Lead dioxide forms at the positive electrode. This produces sulfuric acid and consumes water. The specific gravity of the electrolyte increases.
Internal resistance The battery consists of the resistance of the battery plates, separators and electrolyte. The specific conductivity of the active mass of the plates in the charged state is close to the conductivity of metal lead, and of the discharged plates, the resistance is high. Therefore, the resistance of the plates depends on the degree of charge of the battery. As the discharge increases, the resistance of the plates increases.
Working capacity battery - this is the amount of electricity given by the battery in a certain discharge mode to the maximum voltage for this discharge mode. The working capacity is always less than its full capacity. It is impossible to take the full capacity from the battery, as this will lead to its irreversible depletion. In the following presentation, only the working capacitance of the AE is considered.
Electrolyte temperature. Temperature has a significant effect on the AE capacitance. With an increase in the electrolyte temperature, the AE capacity increases by approximately 1% for each degree of temperature increase above 25°C. The increase in capacitance is explained by a decrease in the viscosity of the electrolyte, and, consequently, by an increase in the diffusion of fresh electrolyte into the pores of the plates and a decrease in the internal resistance of the AE. As the temperature drops, the viscosity of the electrolyte increases, and the capacity decreases. When the temperature drops from 25°C to 5°C, the capacity can drop by 30%.

Security measures.

AB operation must be carried out by operational, operational and production personnel who have been trained and tested. The battery is repaired by a battery technician. Work with acid, lead must be trained, instructed personnel.
There should be no persons in the battery room who are not related to its maintenance. For this purpose, the AB room must be permanently locked. The key to it must be kept by the on-duty (operational) personnel and issued only to persons who service batteries, work in them, and to persons who have the right to inspect distribution electrical installations.
Employees servicing the electrical equipment of battery rooms must have group III.
Unauthorized persons in the premises of the AB are allowed only if accompanied by an accumulator operator or an electrician who maintains the batteries, a person who has the right to inspect the battery.
Inspection can be performed by operational or operational-production personnel with group III or V, which includes managers, specialists of the enterprise.
The AB room must be equipped (determined depending on the operating modes and type of AB when designing in accordance with SNiP and GOST 12.4.021-75 and GOST 12.1.010-76) with exhaust ventilation.
Due to the absence or shutdown of ventilation in the battery room, an explosive concentration of hydrogen can form. Even with constant recharging, a certain amount of hydrogen is released from the cells. When the electrolyte is contaminated with harmful impurities, hydrogen evolution increases. Therefore, it is forbidden to burn and use electric heaters, as well as devices that can spark in the AB premises (GOST 12.1.004-91).
The intake and exhaust ventilation in the battery room must be turned on before the battery is charged and turned off after the complete removal of gases, but not earlier than 1.5 years after the end of the charge. The order of operation of the intake-exhaust ventilation of batteries under normal conditions is determined in the local instructions of the substations.
On the doors of the battery room there should be inscriptions “Battery”, “Flammable”, “No Smoking” or safety signs should be hung out prohibiting the use of open fire and smoking, in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76.
The list of necessary protective equipment and equipment that ensures the safety of work (maintenance) of AB (DNAOP 1.1.10-1.01-97) is given in Appendix 1.
After performing the necessary organizational and technical measures during the soldering of the electrodes, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions:

· Work should be carried out according to the permit;

Do not solder while charging batteries;

2 hours before the start of work, the battery operating according to the method of constant recharging should be transferred to the discharge mode;

Soldering is allowed no earlier than 2 hours after the end of the charge;

· Forced exhaust ventilation must be switched on 2 hours before the start of soldering and work throughout the entire soldering time;

In battery rooms with natural ventilation, portable fans or blowers must be additionally used;

The place for soldering should be protected from the rest of the battery with fireproof shields;

· Soldering must be carried out by specially trained electricians and an assistant, or specially trained personnel.

Cutting and soldering electrodes, work on determining the capacity of batteries, sampling, measuring the density and temperature of the electrolyte should be done with rubber gloves and boots.
When cutting out elements, applying shunt jumpers and resistances, in addition to gloves and boots, it is necessary to use goggles.
To prevent lead fumes from entering the respiratory tract, soldering or stripping the ears of the electrodes must be carried out in respirators with cotton filters.
After performing work on disassembling batteries, cleaning and correcting lead electrodes, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and rinse your mouth with water before smoking and eating.
If concentrated sulfuric acid gets on your hands, neck or face, you need to quickly remove it with a swab (cotton, gauze, etc.). Carefully rinse the area of ​​contact with water and immediately neutralize with a 5% solution of bicarbonate soda (food). If acid gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they must be washed with a 2-3% solution of baking soda, the stock of which with the appropriate inscriptions must be stored separately.
On bottles (with a capacity of 3 to 5 liters) there should be a clear inscription: "Solution of bicarbonate of soda."
To prevent acid from getting on the skin and eyes, all operations with acid must be carried out in a coarse-haired suit, rubber apron, gloves, boots (under pants) or galoshes and goggles.
Concentrated sulfuric acid (electrolyte) should be stored in tightly sealed glass bottles placed in strong baskets in separate rooms near the AB room.
Labels with clear inscriptions should be hung on the necks of the bottles: “Concentrated sulfuric acid”, “Electrolyte”, “Distilled water”, etc.
The supply of distilled water should be stored in tightly sealed bottles (vessels). The bottles must be inscribed with indelible paint "Distilled water". The use of such containers for any other purpose is prohibited.
The transfer of sulfuric acid bottles must be carried out by two workers only in a basket or a special wooden box with handles or on a special stretcher with a hole in the middle and armor, into which the bottle must enter 2/3 of the height together with the basket. While moving the bottles, they must not be taken by the neck or pressed against you. To avoid sloshing acid from the bottles during transfer, they should be tightly stoppered with glass or ceramic stoppers securely tied to the neck of the bottles.
It is necessary to pour acid from bottles into other dishes using a machine that makes it possible to change any inclination of the bottles and ensures their secure fastening.
When diluting sulfuric acid, it is forbidden to pour water into the acid. It is necessary to pour the acid into the water in a thin stream with continuous stirring of the solution. The heat that is released in this case due to the large heat capacity of water and its large amount is absorbed by water without splashing. According to this vessel for diluting sulfuric acid, the full calculated amount of distilled water is first poured, and only then acid is added to it.
The electrolyte with a density of not more than 1.28 g/cm 3 may be diluted with distilled water.
In a room where acid is diluted, if there is a water supply, it is necessary to have a sink or a vessel of sufficient capacity filled with clean water.
To prevent an accident as a result of electrolyte preparation at the substations, it is necessary to organize the centralized preparation of the electrolyte and its transportation to the substation in bottles, rubber containers or other vessels made of heat-resistant material.
It is not allowed to simultaneously touch a metal object (tool, etc.) to the positive and negative terminals of the AE to prevent short circuit. (arc, burn, etc.).
Instead of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers in the premises of the battery, it is recommended to use fire extinguishers of the CCI4 type (with carbon tetrachloride).
For soldering electrodes, combinations of liquefied gases should be used: propane with oxygen and hydrogen with air from a compressor or blower.
Propane at its content in the air in the range from 1.5 to 10% forms an explosive mixture. It is twice as light as air, so it can, without dispersing, spread over long distances, filling all pits, channels and depressions and creating explosive concentrations in them.
The absence of gas sources must be strictly controlled. To do this, you should systematically check the integrity of the hoses, the tightness of the connections to the cylinders.
To check the tightness of hose joints and connections, a "soap test" must be used. It is forbidden to test the density by fire.
Waste batteries must be disposed of in accordance with the current rules for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic and industrial waste.

General rules of operation.

AB should be under the jurisdiction of the electrical departments of electrical networks and substations.
Batteries must be serviced by a battery technician. Acceptance of batteries after installation and repair, their operation and maintenance should be managed by a responsible person of the engineering and technical personnel of the electrical departments of the electrical networks of the substation.
When operating batteries, it is necessary to ensure their long-term, reliable operation and the required voltage level on the DC buses in normal and emergency modes (GKD 34.20.507-2003).
Technical characteristics and reliability of the battery (including branded ones) are guaranteed subject to the requirements of the technical documentation for a specific type of AE (technical specifications, technical descriptions and operating rules, etc.).
As a rule, AE of different companies technologically and constructively provide greater reliability in operation and therefore they may have a reduced amount of maintenance (compared to the types SK, SN), this is displayed in the operating instructions of the enterprise for the operation of AB, approved by the relevant technical manager.
Before commissioning a newly mounted battery or battery after a major overhaul, it is necessary to check the battery insulation resistance relative to the "ground", the capacity of the battery with a 10-hour discharge current, cleanliness, quality (analysis at the end of the discharge for the absence of impurities in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs) and electrolyte density, AE voltage at the end of charge and discharge.
After mounting the batteries, they must be put into operation after reaching 100% of the rated capacity.
DC buses must be equipped with a device for constant insulation monitoring, which allows estimating the insulation resistance value and acting on the signal when the insulation resistance of one of the poles drops to 20 kOhm in a 220 V network, 10 kOhm in a 110 V network, 5 kOhm in a 48 V network, 3 kOhm in the network 24 V.
The distance from the batteries to the heaters must be at least 750 mm. This distance can be reduced if heat shields made of non-combustible materials are installed to prevent local heating of the batteries.
AB must be operated in the mode of constant recharging. The recharging unit must provide voltage stabilization on the battery buses with deviations that do not exceed those set by the manufacturer, but not more than 2% of the rated voltage (for AB type SK, SN). For branded batteries, voltage stabilization must be provided in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications. You should use charging installations that provide minimal ripple of the rectified voltage (ripple factor 1-1.5%).
The charger must have the power and voltage sufficient to charge the battery to 90% of the rated capacity for no more than 8 hours with a previous 30-minute discharge.
Additional AEs that are not constantly used in operation must have a separate recharge device or a ballast load (resistance) equivalent to the load of the main part of the battery, they are operated in the constant recharge mode. In emergency mode, the ballast load must be turned off.
The battery installation must be equipped with a voltmeter with a switch and ammeters in the circuits of the charger, recharger and battery.
For charging and recharging motor-generators, devices must be provided to turn them off when a reverse current appears.
Rectifier units used for charging and recharging batteries must be connected from the AC side through an isolating transformer.
During operation, in order to maintain all AE batteries in a fully charged state and to prevent electrode sulfation, it is necessary to carry out equalizing charges of the storage battery once a year.
To determine the actual capacity (within the nominal) of the battery at the substation, at least twice a year, it is necessary to check the performance of the battery by the voltage drop with an inrush current, and perform control discharges if necessary, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
Under the condition of operation of the battery in the mode of powerful shock loads, the performance of the battery in terms of voltage drop during short-term (no more than 5 s) discharge currents, which is equal to 1.5-2.5 current of a one-hour discharge (shock current), is checked once every one or two year or once a year (in the presence of electromagnetic actuators of switches).
The voltage of a fully charged, serviceable battery at the time of the shock should not decrease by more than 0.4 V/cell. from the voltage at the moment that preceded the shock of the current.
After an emergency discharge of the battery, its next charge to a capacity equal to 90% of the nominal capacity must be carried out no later than 8 hours. In this case, the voltage on the batteries can reach up to 2.5-2.7 V / cell, and the current can reach the maximum allowable charge current for a given type (series) of AE.
During battery operation, automatic control should be provided for:

· resistance of isolation of a network of a direct current;

the voltage level on the DC buses;

Availability of AB recharging current;

AB shutdown;

disconnection of the rectifier.

To monitor the state of batteries, control batteries (AE) must be defined (provided). Control AEs must be changed, their number is approved by the technical manager of the power plant, depending on the condition of the batteries and the types of AEs used. For types of SC, SN, this amount is at least 10% of the amount of AE in the battery. For branded batteries, according to the technical documentation of manufacturers (suppliers), the number of AEs may vary, and in some cases it can be one or two control (lagging) AEs with the lowest values ​​(voltage, etc.), which can be changed from time to time.
The electrolyte density in grams per cubic centimeter is normalized at a temperature of 20 °C. Therefore, the density of the electrolyte, measured at a temperature that differs from 20 ° C, must be reduced to a density at 20 ° C according to the formula:
p20 = pt + 0.0007(t - 20),

where p20 is the density of the electrolyte at a temperature of 20 ° C, g / cm 3;
pt - electrolyte density at temperature t, g/cm 3 ;
0.0007 - coefficient of change in the density of the electrolyte when the temperature changes by 1°C;
t- electrolyte temperature, °C.
The chemical laboratory conducts chemical quality analyzes regarding the content of impurities in battery acid, electrolyte, distilled water or condensate in accordance with GOST 667-73, GOST 6709-72 or the requirements of battery supplier companies.
All types of battery inspections must be performed during current operation and according to a schedule approved by the technical manager of the power company. The scope of work during inspections is established by the instructions of the enterprise in accordance with the conditions, types of nuclear power plants and the state of the battery (section 7).
The AB room must be kept clean. Electrolyte spilled on the floor should be removed immediately with dry thyrsus. After that, the floor must be wiped with a cloth soaked in a solution of 10% soda ash, and then in water.
Battery tanks, busbar insulators, insulators under the tanks, racks and their insulators, plastic covers of racks, in order to avoid a decrease in the insulation resistance of batteries, must be kept clean, dry, systematically cleaned, wiped with a cloth, first moistened with water or a 10% solution soda, and then dry. On the terminals connecting the AE supporting structures, it is necessary to remove signs of corrosion.
The temperature in the AB room must be maintained at least 10 °C. At a substation without constant duty of personnel, the temperature can drop to 5 °C, if the battery is selected taking into account the possibility of such a decrease. Sudden changes in temperature in the battery room are not allowed, so as not to cause moisture condensation and reduce the insulation resistance of the battery.
For branded batteries, operation at temperatures above 20 ° C leads to a decrease in their service life. With an increase in temperature by 10 ° C, the service lines are halved, and by 20 ° C - to a quarter of the nominal battery service line. Therefore, the upper temperature in the battery room must be maintained taking into account the requirements of the manufacturer or supplier.
All parts of the battery room (walls, ceilings, doors, metal structures and other elements) must be painted with acid-resistant paint.
For windows in the AB room, it is necessary to use frosted glass or glass coated with white adhesive paint.
Lubrication with technical vaseline of unpainted AE joints must be restored if necessary.
Windows in the battery room must be closed. In summer, for ventilation and during charging, it is allowed to open windows if the outside air is not dusty and not polluted by chemical production and if there are no other rooms above the floor.
It is necessary to ensure that in wooden tanks the upper edges of the lead lining do not touch the tank. When contact is detected, the edges of the lining with the tank should be bent so that drops of electrolyte from the lining do not fall on the tank and do not destroy the wood of the tank.
To reduce electrolyte evaporation in open batteries, a cover glass, transparent acid-resistant plastic or polyethylene film should be used, which can be placed on the electrolyte surface.
Care must be taken to ensure that the cover slip does not extend beyond the inner edges of the tank. According to the type of branded AE, it is necessary to install the necessary operational plugs (filter plugs, safety valve plugs, ventilation nozzles, etc.).
There should be no foreign bodies in the battery room. It is only allowed to store bottles with electrolyte, distilled water and with 2-3% and 5% solutions of baking soda.
Concentrated sulfuric acid must be stored in an acid room.
Devices, inventory and spare parts for AB (Appendix 1) should be stored in a separate room of the AB room.
Repair of batteries is carried out depending on its condition and is performed if necessary.

Accumulators type CH.

The positive and negative electrodes consist of a lead alloy grid, into the cells of which an active mass is smeared. Positive electrodes on the side edges have special protrusions for hanging them inside the tank. The negative electrodes rest on prisms at the bottom of the tanks.
Combined separators made of glass fiber and miplast sheets are used to prevent short circuit between the electrodes, retain the active mass and create the necessary electrolyte supply near the positive electrode. The height of the miplast sheets is 15 mm greater than the height of the electrodes. Vinyl plastic linings are installed on the side edges of the negative electrodes.
Tanks of accumulators from transparent plastic are closed by a fixed cover. The cover has openings for leads and a hole in the center for pouring electrolyte, adding distilled water, measuring the temperature and density of the electrolyte, as well as for escaping gases. The hole in the center is closed with a filter stopper, which traps sulfuric acid aerosols.
The lid and tank must be glued at the junction. Between the terminals and the cover, seals should be made of gasket and mastic. The tank walls are marked with maximum and minimum electrolyte levels.
AEs are produced in assembled form, without electrolyte, with discharged electrodes.
The design data of the AE are given in Table 2.

Table 2.

Type AB Capacity, A x hour Battery number Overall dimensions, mm Weight without electrolyte, kg Electrolyte volume, l
Length Width Height
ZSN - 36 155,3 241,0 338,0 13,2 5,7
CH-72 82,0 241,0 354,0 7,5 2,9
CH-108 82,0 241,0 354,0 9,5 2,7
CH-144 123,5 241,0 354,0 12,4 4,7
CH-180 123,5 241,0 354,0 14,5 4,5
CH-216 106,0 245,0 551,0 18,9 7,6
CH - 228 106,0 245,0 551,0 23,3 7,2
CH - 360 127,0 245,0 550,0 28,8 9,0
CH - 432 168,0 245,0 550,0 34,5 13,0
CH - 504 168,0 245,0 550,0 37,8 12,6
CH - 576 209,5 245,0 550,0 45,4 16,6
CH - 648 209,5 245,0 550,0 48,6 16,2
CH - 720 230,0 245,0 550,0 54,4 18,0
CH - 864 271,5 245,0 550,0 64,5 21,6
CH - 1008 313,0 245,0 550,0 74,2 25,2
CH-1152 354,5 245,0 550,0 84,0 28,8

The numbers in the designation of the battery type ZSN-36 indicate the nominal capacity at a 10-hour discharge mode in ampere hours.
The AE capacity for various discharge modes is given in Table 3.
The discharge characteristics given in Table 3 fully correspond to the characteristics of the SC type AE and can be applied as described in 5 if they are assigned the same numbers.
The maximum charging current and the lowest allowable voltage also correspond to the SK type battery and correspond to the values ​​​​in 5.

Table 3

Type AB Discharge current and capacitance values ​​for discharging modes One-minute current impulse, A
10 hours 5 hours 3 hours 1 hour 0.5 hour
Current, A Capacity Ahh Current, A Capacity, Ahh Current, A Capacity Ahh Current, A Capacity, Ahh Current, A Capacity Ahh
ZSN - 36 3,6 18,5 18,5 12,5
CH-72 7,2 37,0 37,0 25,0
CH-108 10,8 55,5 55,5 37,5
CH-144 14,4 74,0 74,0 50,0
CH - 180 18,0 ZO 92,5 92,5 62,5
CH-216 21,6 111,0 111,0 75,0
CH - 228 28,8 148,0 148,0 100,0
CH - 360 36,0 185,0 185,0 125,0
CH - 432 43,2 222,0 222,0 150,0
CH - 504 50,4 259,0 259,0 175,0
CH-576 57,6 296,0 296,0 200,0
CH - 648 64,8 333,0 333,0 225,0
CH - 720 72,0 370,0 370,0 250,0
CH-864 86,4 444,0 444,0 300,0
CH-1008 100,8 518,0 518,0 350,0
CH-1152 115,2 592,0 592,0 400,0


Collection of batteries, installation of AE in AB, preparation for commissioning at the place of their operation must be carried out by specialized installation or repair organizations, a specialized team of a power company or representatives of suppliers (manufacturers). The installation of the battery must be carried out in accordance with the wiring diagram and project documentation for this facility, as well as in accordance with the current technological instructions and factory documentation for installation and assembly. The room for AB placement must meet the requirements of the project and current regulatory documents. The battery room must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation; drain holes (in the floor); windows (protected from direct sunlight, painted white or frosted) with bars; explosion-proof wiring. All parts of the AB room (walls, ceiling, door, etc.) must be painted with acid-resistant paint. Racks (racks) with AE must be installed evenly and securely with sufficient space for passage, external inspection and maintenance, and provision of necessary ventilation.
The personnel who performs the installation conducts the first (forming) charge of the newly mounted storage battery, the following training discharges-charges to bring the AE to a guaranteed capacity, as well as measuring the insulation resistance of the battery.
The insulation resistance of non-filled with electrolyte AB types SK, SN, busbars, through-board is measured with a megger for a voltage of 1000-2500 V. The insulation resistance must be at least 0.5 MΩ. The insulation resistance of an electrolyte-filled but uncharged battery is also measured.
The electrolyte that is poured into SK type batteries should have a density of 1.18 ± 0.005 g / cm 3, and the one that is poured into CH type batteries - 1.21 ± 0.005 g / cm 3 at a temperature of 20 ° C.
The electrolyte must be made from sulfuric battery acid of the highest and first grade GOST 667-73 and distilled or equivalent water GOST 6709-72.
To prepare the required volume of electrolyte, the required volume of acid and water in cubic centimeters can be determined by the formulas:

, ,

Traction lead-acid batteries (batteries) with tubular positive plates are designed to ensure the continuous operation of vehicles on electric traction - electric forklifts, stackers, trolleys, scrubbers, as well as mine tractors, electric locomotives, trams and trolleybuses.

Basic battery parameters

The main parameters of the battery are the nominal voltage, nominal capacity, overall dimensions and service life.

Rated voltage one battery cell is 2 V, respectively, the total nominal voltage of the battery, consisting of N batteries connected in series, is equal to the sum of the voltages of each of them. For example, the voltage of a 24-cell battery is 48V. The normal voltage for proper use may vary during operation from 1.86 to 2.65V/cell for wet batteries and from 1.93 to 2.65V /element for gel batteries.

History reference

The idea to thicken the battery electrolyte to a gel state came to Dr. Jacobi, the developer of the Sonnenschein company, in 1957. In the same year, the dryfit technology was patented and the production of gel batteries began. Interestingly, their first analogues began to appear on the market only in the mid-1980s, at which time Sonnenschein had almost 30 years of experience in the production of such batteries.

electrical capacitance The battery is the amount of electricity removed when the battery is discharged. The capacity can be measured in different modes, for example, with a 5-hour discharge (C 5) and a 20-hour discharge (C 20). In this case, the same battery will have a different value of capacity. So, with a battery capacity C 5 \u003d 200 Ah, the capacity C 20 of the same battery will be 240 Ah. This is sometimes used to increase battery capacity. As a rule, the capacity of traction batteries is measured in a 5-hour discharge mode, stationary - in a 10-hour or 20-hour mode, starter batteries - only in a 5-hour mode. In addition, as the temperature of the battery decreases, its usable capacity decreases.

Dimensions, as a rule, they are of decisive importance, since in any electric vehicle a special seat is provided for the battery. The exact size of the box can often be found by the model of the machine.

Life time Battery (for leading Western European manufacturers) is defined by DIN / EN 60254-1, IEC 254-1 and is 1500 cycles for batteries with liquid electrolyte and 1200 cycles for gel batteries. However, the actual service life can differ greatly from these figures, and, as a rule, in a smaller direction. It depends primarily on the quality of production and the materials used, on the correct operation and timeliness of maintenance, on the mode of operation, as well as on the type of charger used.


Conventionally, the operation and maintenance procedures can be divided into four groups - daily, weekly, monthly and annual operations.

Daily Operations:

  • charge the battery after discharge;
  • check the electrolyte level and, if necessary, correct it by adding distilled water.

Weekly Operations:

  • clean the battery from contamination;
  • carry out a visual inspection;
  • carry out an equalizing charge (preferably).

Monthly Operations:

  • check the health of the charger;
  • check and record in the journal the value of the density of the electrolyte on all cells (after charging);
  • check and log the voltage value on all cells (after charging).

Yearly Operations:

  • measure the insulation resistance between the battery and the machine body. The insulation resistance of traction batteries according to DIN VDE 0510, part 3 must be at least 50 ohms per volt of rated voltage.

Generally speaking, topping up of water is required about 1 time in 7 cycles (1 time per week for single-shift operation), but a check is required after each charge, as water is used unevenly.

On a note

When replacing alkaline batteries with lead-acid batteries, it must be borne in mind that these batteries cannot be charged together, so you must either immediately transfer the entire battery fleet to lead-acid, or use two isolated charging rooms. In addition, when replacing alkaline batteries with lead-acid batteries, you will need to change the charger.


The electrolyte in traction batteries plays a key role. It is poured once, during commissioning, and the stability of battery operation throughout its service life depends on its quality (which is why it is better to purchase batteries filled and charged at the factory). During battery operation during charging, as a result of electrolysis, water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen (visually it looks like electrolyte boiling), which is why it is necessary to periodically add water. The electrolyte level is usually determined by the min and max marks on the filler plug. In addition, there is the Aquamatic automatic water top-up system, which significantly speeds up this process.

golden rules

When using batteries, the following basic rules must be observed:

Never leave the battery in a discharged state. After each discharge, you must immediately put the battery on recharging, otherwise the irreversible process of sulfation of the plates will begin. This results in reduced capacity and battery life.

Discharge the battery by no more than 80% (for gel batteries - 60%). As a rule, the discharge sensor installed on the machine is responsible for this, however, its failure, absence or incorrect setting can also lead to sulfation of the plates, overheating of the batteries during charging and ultimately a reduction in their service life.

Only distilled water can be added to the battery. Ordinary water contains many impurities that have a negative effect on the battery. Adding electrolyte to the battery to increase the density is prohibited: firstly, this will not increase the capacity, and secondly, it will cause irreversible corrosion of the plates.

On a note

The temperature of the battery electrolyte must not fall below +10°C before charging, however, this does not prohibit operation in areas with low temperatures down to -40°C. The battery must be allowed sufficient time to warm up before being charged. During charging, the battery heats up by about 10°C.

Since the usable capacity of the battery decreases as the battery temperature drops, conventional chargers based on the Wa or WoWa charging method will undercharge the battery.

For charging, it is recommended to use "smart" devices that control the state of the battery during the charging process, do not allow undercharging or overcharging, for example, Tecnys R, or use thermal compensation - adjusting the charging current depending on the temperature of the battery.

Battery cleaning

Cleanliness is absolutely essential not only for the good appearance of a battery, but much more so to prevent accidents and damage, shorten its lifespan, and keep the battery in a usable condition. Battery cases, boxes, insulators must be cleaned to ensure the required isolation of the cells in relation to one another, in relation to the earth (“mass”) or external conductive parts. In addition, cleaning avoids corrosion damage and stray currents. Regardless of the operating time and place, dust inevitably settles on the battery.

A small amount of electrolyte escaping from the battery during charging after reaching the gassing voltage forms a more or less conductive layer on the covers of cells or blocks, through which stray currents flow. The result is increased and non-uniform self-discharge of cells or blocks. This is one of the reasons why electric machine operators are complaining about reduced battery capacity after the machine has been idle for a weekend.

There is an opinion that unattended systems are possible only on the basis of gel batteries, the use of which entails natural limitations (long charge time, reduced capacity and high cost). However, few people know that maintenance-free and ultra-low maintenance systems are also possible based on wet batteries (eg Liberator batteries).

Battery magazine and work organization

When using a fleet of electric forklifts, it is advisable to assign their own batteries to each loader. To do this, they are numbered: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, etc. (batteries with the same number are used on the same loader). After that, a journal is started, in which information is reflected on each battery daily, illustrated by an example.

Example 1
Battery number Installed on loader Put on charge
the date Time Meter readings, machine hours the date Time Density (average over three elements selectively) Meter readings, machine hours

Thus, with the help of this measure, it is possible to avoid the use of undercharged batteries, as well as to predict and plan the replacement of the battery before it completely fails. In addition, it is advisable to keep another log for each battery, in which once a month the battery information listed in example 2 is reflected. This data is the main source of information for the service department, therefore, keeping such a log is often a prerequisite for warranty service. One or two (in the case of two-shift work) people should be responsible for the entire battery economy. Their duties in this area of ​​responsibility should include receiving and issuing batteries, servicing and charging them, maintaining battery logs, and predicting battery failure.

"OPERATOR'S MANUAL OP Stationary Lead-Acid Batteries (OPC) Revision 03.2005 Operating manual Contents 1 Scope 2 General 3..."


Stationary lead-acid

rechargeable batteries

Edition 03.2005


1 area of ​​use

2 General provisions

7 Battery maintenance basics .............................................. 18 8 Battery storage and transportation

9 Safety precautions when working with batteries .................................. 19 Appendix A Method for calculating the ventilation of the battery room .............. 22 Appendix B Discharge characteristics of batteries OR (ORS)

Annex B Requirements for electrolyte and distilled water for batteries

Appendix D Shelving Installation

Operating manual 1 Scope This manual establishes the rules and methods of technical operation of newly commissioned battery installations made up of stationary lead-acid batteries OR (ORS).

2 General provisions Rules and methods in this Guide are justified by the design, technical characteristics and use of stationary lead-acid batteries OP (OPS).

An example of a symbol for batteries:

OP 20, where 20 is the number of positive plates;

OP - stationary batteries with flat positive plates made of a lead-antimony alloy with a low antimony content;

OPC - stationary batteries with flat positive plates made of lead-calcium alloy;

2.1 General information about the design of OR (ORS) battery cells 2.1.1 Batteries of the OR (ORS) series are produced in cases made of transparent acrylonitrile styrene with increased resistance to shock and vibration from a material that does not support combustion. Transparent body material allows you to control the electrolyte level. The appearance of the battery is shown in Figure 1.

2.1.2 The positive and negative plates of the battery cells are flat with the application of the active substance by spreading. This design makes it possible to provide high specific energy characteristics during fast discharge due to the large area of ​​the working surface of the plates.

2.1.3 The positive and negative plates in the battery cells are separated from each other by a microporous separator.

2.1.4 The electrolyte in batteries is a solution of sulfuric acid. The requirements for sulfuric acid and distilled water used to prepare the electrolyte are given in Appendix B. A large supply of electrolyte reduces the frequency of topping up distilled water from once a year to once every three years.

2.1.5 The battery cell covers have filling holes closed with ventilation filter plugs.

2.1.6 Pole burrs brought out through the cover are made with the inclusion of brass, which increases their electrical conductivity.

2.1.7 Due to the increased insulating capacity of modern battery tanks, it is not planned to install special insulators under their supporting surface, however, to ensure the required battery insulation resistance, it is necessary to use an insulating coating of racks, cabinets and battery compartments and install racks on dielectric insulators.

2.1.8 The main technical characteristics of OR batteries (ORS) are given in Table 1.

Batteries OR (ORS)

2.2 Electrical characteristics of stationary lead-acid batteries OR (ORS) 2.2.1 Capacity . According to the classification of GOST R IEC 896–1–95 “Stationary lead-acid batteries. General requirements and test methods. Part 1. Open types "nominal battery capacity (C10) is determined by the time it is discharged by the current of the ten-hour discharge mode to a final voltage of 1.8 V / cell at a temperature of 20 ° C.

According to GOST R IEC 896-1-95, when assessing the battery capacity, the average temperature is determined by the temperature of the control elements, selected from the calculation of one control element out of six, and the final discharge voltage of the battery is calculated by the number N of cells in the battery - Ucon. el.x N.

The actual battery capacity when changing the ambient temperature and the discharge mode is determined taking into account the correction factor K in accordance with the data in table 2 according to the formula:

С = С+20°С К С battery capacity at ambient temperature different from +20°С;

С+20°С battery capacity at ambient temperature +20°С;

K temperature coefficient of capacitance.

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2.2.2 Suitability for buffer operation Another parameter characterizing stationary lead-acid batteries is their suitability for buffer operation. This means that a pre-charged battery, connected in parallel with the load to the rectifiers, must maintain its capacity at the manufacturer's specified charging voltage and given its instability. Charging voltage range at 20°C is shown in Table 3.

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To charge the batteries, devices should be used that provide a charge mode at a constant voltage with stabilization no worse than ± 1%. Adjusting the trickle charge voltage directly affects the operational life of the battery.

High voltage will cause premature corrosion of the anode grid, on the contrary, too low voltage will lead to undercharging and irreversible sulfation of the active substance.

Charging current ripple also significantly affects battery life. They cause premature aging of the battery, accelerating corrosion processes and microcirculation of the active substance. In transient and other modes, voltage stabilization with the battery disconnected and the load connected should be no worse than ± 2.5% of the recommended charging voltage. The current flowing through the battery in the trickle charge mode should in no case change direction in the direction of discharge.

2.2.3 Self-discharge Self-discharge (as defined by GOST R IEC 896-1-95 - charge retention) is defined as the percentage of capacity loss of an inactive battery (with an open external circuit) when stored for a given period of time at a temperature of 20 ° C. This parameter determines the duration of storage of the battery in the intervals between successive charges, as well as the value of the charging voltage. The self-discharge value is highly dependent on the temperature of the electrolyte, therefore, to increase the storage time of the battery, it is advisable to choose rooms with a lower average temperature.

Shelf life depending on temperature is shown in Table 4, self-discharge percentage in Table 5.

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3 Battery placement requirements

3.1 These rules are developed taking into account the current Rules for the installation of electrical installations (Ch. 4.4), the Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers (Ch. 2.10), SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" (clause 4.14 and Appendix 17).

3.2 Battery cells must be available for their routine maintenance and measurements.

3.3 Battery cells must be protected from falling foreign objects, liquids and contaminants.

3.4 The battery must be protected from exposure to unacceptably low and high ambient temperatures.

3.5 When placing the battery, mechanical loads on the cells that exceed the specified values ​​for this type of battery should be excluded.

3.6 Batteries should not be placed near sources of vibration and shaking.

3.7 The battery should be placed as close as possible to the chargers and DC distribution board.

3.8 The allocated area of ​​the room must be isolated from the ingress of dust, fumes and gases into it, as well as from the penetration of water through the ceiling.

3.9 To exclude electrostatic charges of maintenance personnel, the floor covering in the area where the battery is located must provide a resistance to leakage current to the ground of no more than 100 MΩ.

3.10 The area for placing the battery in the room must have fences that allow access only for maintenance personnel.

3.11 The batteries that make up the battery must be installed on the racks (battery shelves) compactly in compliance with the inter-element distance (6-10 mm) and in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for the racks.

3.12 Metal racks must have an insulating coating, otherwise the batteries should be installed on such racks using pallets or insulating pads.

3.13 Racks must be isolated from the floor by means of insulators.

3.14 Racks for storage batteries with voltage not exceeding 48 V can be installed without insulators.

3.15 The battery cells must be placed so that the open parts of the battery with a potential difference of more than 110 V cannot be touched at the same time; this requirement is met if the distance between live parts exceeds 1.5 meters; otherwise, all live parts must be insulated.


3.16 The gap between the current-carrying parts of the battery, having a potential difference of more than 24 V, must be at least 10 mm, otherwise appropriate insulation must be used.

3.17 The passage between the rows of the battery must be at least 0.8 meters for one-sided maintenance and at least 1 meter for two-sided.

3.18 Placing the battery relative to heating devices should exclude local heating of the elements.

3.19 Batteries must be connected to the electrical installation using copper or aluminum busbars or a flexible cable.

3.20 Electrical connections from the outlet plate from the battery room to the switching devices and the DC switchboard must be made with a cable or bare busbars. All bare conductors must be painted twice with acid-resistant paint along their entire length, with the exception of busbar connections, connection to elements and other connections; unpainted places should be lubricated with technical vaseline or synthetic grease.

4 Mounting the battery

4.1 When removing the batteries from the packaging, check the completeness of the delivery and the condition of the elements. Interelement jumpers, bolts, washers for fastening are included in the delivery. The voltage value is also checked with an open external circuit. If the external open circuit voltage is less than 2.05 V/cell at 20°C, the battery must be replaced. Damaged batteries must be replaced by the supplier if the damage is a manufacturing defect or caused by violation of the supplier's transportation rules.

4.2 In order to prevent damage to the battery during post-installation construction work, installation should only be started after the battery room has been completely prepared or the battery cabinet has been fully assembled and installed.

4.3 Racks and shelves for batteries must be installed strictly horizontally and must have sufficient stability.

4.4 Batteries are connected to the battery using interelement connectors (MES) included in the delivery set. During installation, their cleanliness must be observed and the tightening torque of the connections (18 Nm) must be controlled.

4.5 Adjacent batteries must be installed at the same level.

4.6 Upon completion of the assembly, each connection must immediately be insulated with a protective cap.

4.7 After the completion of the installation work, the batteries must be numbered, the outer surfaces of the bores, jumpers and joints should be lubricated with a thin layer of technical vaseline or synthetic grease.

5 Commissioning and battery charging modes

5.1 Before switching on the battery, it is necessary to check the open circuit voltage of each battery, the total voltage of the battery, the density of the electrolyte in each cell, the temperature at the place where the battery is installed.

Batteries OR (ORS)

5.2 The parameters of the charger-rectifier must correspond to the type and voltage of the battery.

5.3 Batteries delivered dry charged must be filled with electrolyte and charged in accordance with paragraph 5.6.

5.4 With batteries supplied charged and filled with electrolyte, an equalizing charge is carried out at a constant voltage / current in accordance with paragraph 6.8 before putting into operation.

5.5 A battery log must be entered on the battery. All measurements are entered into the log and all operations carried out with the battery are noted: the results of periodic measurements of voltage, density and temperature; results of control discharges indicating the received capacity; conditions and terms of storage; time and duration of working discharges (recommended).

5.6 To commission dry-charged batteries, you must:

5.6.1 Install the batteries in the battery on the rack. Make sure the polarity is correct during installation.

5.6.2 Remove the red labels located on the yellow battery plugs only immediately before filling the cells with electrolyte.

5.6.3 Make sure that the charger-rectifier is working properly.

5.6.4 Before you start charging, make sure that you have all the accessories you need to carry out the charge:

Sulfuric acid in a blue canister (or ready-made electrolyte);

Canister with distilled water;

Hand pump;

A container of water for washing the eyes;

Connecting elements and nuts;




5.6.5 Remove the red labels from the caps.

5.6.6 Place the hand pump on the electrolyte container.

5.6.7 Fill cells with electrolyte (cells are filled to the medium level mark). Electrolyte density when filling according to table 8. Requirements for electrolyte and distilled water according to Appendix B.

5.6.8 After two hours at rest, check the electrolyte level and replenish it if necessary, the electrolyte level may decrease slightly due to absorption by the plates and separators.

5.6.9 Install plugs, fittings and fasteners. Install protective elements. In order to avoid the destruction of the elements due to the increase in pressure during charging, do not tighten the plugs until the end of the charge.

5.6.10 Check the polarity with a voltmeter to make sure all elements are installed correctly.

Operation manual 5.6.11 Install connecting elements and fasteners. The connections must be tightened with a torque wrench. The tightening torque must be 18 Nm±10%. Install protective elements.

5.6.12 After a two-hour break, check the temperature of the electrolyte, which should be below that indicated in table 6.

Table 6 Ambient temperature Ambient temperature, °С electrolyte, °С 5.6.13 Perform the first charge. The first charge before commissioning significantly affects the battery life. It is necessary to charge the batteries until the density of the electrolyte in all cells, without exception, reaches the nominal value.

–  –  –

5.6.14 Charge at constant voltage.

The voltage across the element remains constant.

If the voltage is limited to 2.3 V per cell, the battery will charge, but the charge will not be gassed. In this case, it will take a longer time to achieve electrolyte homogeneity.

–  –  –

charge current;

Temperatures with the necessary corrections (-0.005 V per degree at temperatures above 20 ° C and +0.005 V per degree at temperatures below 20 ° C;

electrolyte contamination.

At the end of the charge, the temperature rises very quickly, gases are intensively released.

Changes in the voltage on the cell at the end of the charge depending on the temperature of the electrolyte and the magnitude of the charge current are shown in Table 7.

–  –  –

5.6.18 Before commissioning, a pre-charged battery is subjected to a control discharge. The control discharge is carried out with a ten-hour mode current (0.1C10) to the final voltage of the battery discharge. The control discharge is performed up to a voltage of 1.8 V on at least one battery or after the discharge time has elapsed. It is not allowed to discharge more than 100%. The actual capacitance removed Ct equals the product of the discharge current and the duration of the discharge. The discharge characteristics of the batteries are given in Appendix B.

5.6.19 At the end of the control discharge, the battery is charged without delay.

6 Basic Rules for Using Batteries

6.1 Operation is carried out in the constant recharge mode, which allows you to keep the battery in a state of full charge. When operating in trickle charge mode, the battery must be connected to a DC voltage source. The quality of the charge current affects the life of the battery, so the charge current must be filtered in such a way that the effective value of the variable components (fundamental and additional harmonics) does not exceed 0.1C10. The charge voltage on the DC bus is maintained depending on the ambient temperature in accordance with the table.

6.2 The battery is discharged by the discharge current provided for this mode by the project or in the case of testing the battery as part of the capacity test. Appendix B provides data on the capacity and discharge current that can be taken from batteries at different discharge times. After being discharged, the battery should be charged as soon as possible.

6.3 The final voltage to which the batteries can be discharged depends on the current and discharge time and is determined from Table 10.

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6.4 If the temperature at which the battery is discharged differs from 20°C, then it is necessary to take into account the correction to the nominal capacity depending on the duration of the discharge according to the table.

6.5 It is impossible to discharge the battery by more than 100% of the nominal capacity.

6.6 Charging the battery during operation depends on the degree of battery discharge and its condition. The most preferred is a gentle charge with a constant voltage of 2.25 V - 2.30 V per cell at a temperature of 20 ° C. To reduce the charge time, it is allowed to charge the battery at a constant voltage of 2.3 - 2.4 V per cell or with a stabilized current. When charging with a constant voltage of 2.3 - 2.4 V per cell:

The charge current is not limited if the depth of discharge is less than 40% C10;

The charge current is limited to 0.3C10 if the discharge depth is more than 40% C10.

When charging with a stabilized current:

The charge current is limited to 0.053C10;

Note - when charging with a constant voltage of more than 2.3 V per cell or when charging with a stabilized current, the ventilation filter plugs must be removed from the batteries during charging in order to avoid pressure buildup inside the cells and their destruction.

6.7 Adding distilled water is carried out no later than the electrolyte level drops to the minimum mark. After adding water, an equalizing charge must be carried out.

6.8 An equalizing charge in order to equalize the density of the electrolyte and the voltage on individual batteries is carried out at a constant voltage of 2.25 to 2.4 V per cell. Approximate charge time:

At a voltage of 2.25 V per battery for at least 15 days;

At a voltage of 2.4 V on the battery for at least 12 hours.

Voltage and electrolyte density measurements on batteries:

At a voltage of 2.25 V per battery once every 2 days;

At 2.4V per battery every 3 hours.

As a result of an equalizing charge, the density of the electrolyte on lagging batteries should not differ from the nominal value by more than 0.005 g/cm3.

All measurements are recorded in the battery log.

6.9 Once a year, it is necessary to wash the filter plugs in clean water (after washing, the plugs must be dried and only then returned to the elements).

Batteries OP (OPS) 7 Basic Rules for Maintenance of Batteries

7.1 Types of maintenance 7.1.1 During operation, the following types of maintenance should be carried out at regular intervals to keep the batteries in good condition:

Battery inspections;

Preventive recovery.

7.2 Inspections of batteries 7.2.2 Current inspections of batteries are carried out according to the approved schedule by personnel servicing the battery, at least once a month. During the current inspection, the following is checked:

Voltage, density and temperature of the electrolyte in control batteries (voltage and density in all and temperature in control batteries;

Battery voltage and current;

electrolyte level in tanks;

Integrity of the tank, cleanliness of batteries, racks and floor;

Ventilation and heating;

Sludge level and color.

If the voltage of the cells and the density of the electrolyte are within the specified tolerances and do not change significantly within six months, this check can be carried out once a quarter.

7.2.3 Further inspections of batteries during operation should be carried out in the sequence and to the extent indicated in Table 11.

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7.2.4 If defects are found during the inspection, the terms and procedure for their elimination are outlined.

7.2.5 The results of the inspections and the timing of the elimination of defects are recorded in the battery log.

8 How to store and transport batteries

8.1 Transportation of batteries should be carried out, as a rule, in the transport packaging of the manufacturer.

8.2 It is only possible to store batteries in a warehouse without recharging for a limited time, therefore, for stationary lead-acid batteries, the timing of the next recharge is determined by Table 4.

8.3 During the storage period, the elements must be stored in their original packaging, as it contains desiccant agents that significantly reduce moisture condensation. The elements must be stored vertically with the cap up and never stacked.

9 Safety instructions for working on batteries

9.1 General provisions 9.1.1 Only specially trained and physically healthy operating personnel are allowed to service battery installations.

9.1.2 The supplied batteries must be checked for damage.

9.1.3 After removing the packaging, carefully check it so that you do not accidentally lose the parts included in the delivery.

9.1.4 Make sure that all rack supports are in contact with the floor, that the rails of the rack for installing batteries are in a horizontal position, and that the racks themselves are stable on the floor without wobble.

9.1.5 Before installation, all battery cells must be thoroughly cleaned (if necessary) with a “soft” metal brush, terminals, jumpers and fasteners, eliminating a possible oxide layer that has arisen during transportation

Batteries OR (ORS)

research and storage. Care must be taken not to remove the lead coating by cleaning.

9.1.6 Each element should be carefully cleaned with a soft damp cloth.

Do not use solvents or other cleaning agents.

9.1.7 Batteries must be mounted in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 of this Manual.

9.1.8 To ensure a safe battery voltage, it is recommended to omit the installation of one or more interelement connectors (MECs) until the end of installation. The installation of these MEAs can be done only after checking the correct installation and insulation of the battery along with the conductors for connecting it to the ZVU.

This is especially true for high voltage batteries (more than 110 V).

9.1.9 When mounting accumulators with a threaded connection, the tightening of the MES fastening bolts should be performed with a force not exceeding 18 HM.±10%. Exceeding the torque may cause damage to the connection and complicate future repairs.

9.1.10 If the delivery set includes protective insulating covers for each pole of the MES, they must be put on the MES even before their installation. Insulating covers installed on the MES as a single structure can be installed after the MES has been mounted.

9.1.11 The conductors from the end terminals (borons) of the battery must be pre-fixed before connecting to the specified terminals so as not to create additional forces on them.

9.1.12 Installation and operation of high-voltage batteries are associated with a high risk of electric shock, therefore, during their installation, the following rules must be observed:

a) when installing batteries, measures must be taken to limit the voltage by dividing the battery into sections up to 110V, the connections between which are installed last after checking the correct installation and isolation of the sections

b) one specialist is not allowed to work on high voltage batteries;

c) when working with high voltage batteries, it is mandatory to use tools with insulated handles, dielectric gloves and dielectric rugs or galoshes;

d) at the end of the installation, in a conspicuous place, the battery must have the inscription "High voltage battery".

9.2 Safety rules when working with electrolyte 9.2.1 When working with acid and electrolyte, it is mandatory to use rubber gloves, a coarse-wool suit or a cotton suit with acid-resistant impregnation, and goggles.

9.2.2 In case of contact with the skin, it is necessary to remove the acid with a swab of cotton wool or gauze, rinse the site of contact with water, and then with a 5% solution of baking soda and again with water.

9.2.3 If splashes of electrolyte get into the eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water, then with a 2% solution of baking soda, again with water and consult a doctor.

Operation manual 9.2.4 Acid that gets on clothes is neutralized with 10% soda ash solution.

9.3 Ensuring safe work during the maintenance of battery installations 9.3.1 During work related to the maintenance of battery installations, it is necessary to observe measures to prevent electric shock and chemical burns to the maintenance personnel, as well as measures to ensure explosion and fire safety conditions at the locations of the installations .

9.3.2 When working with batteries, you should always remember that the latter have a very low internal electrical resistance. Therefore, in the event of an accidental short circuit, even on one element, large discharge currents occur, which can cause severe burns to personnel, explosion and failure of part or all of the battery.

9.3.3 During operation, all MEAs, as a rule, must be closed with standard insulating covers. When measuring the voltage of the elements, to contact the measuring probes of the device with the leads of the elements, use the holes on the protective covers.

9.3.4 When working with batteries, the MES of which are not protected by insulating covers, or when the insulating covers are removed, it is forbidden to use an uninsulated tool, as well as to wear metal bracelets and rings. It should also be avoided that conductive objects fall on open metal parts of the battery.

9.3.5 When working with high voltage batteries, the provisions of 9.1.13 should be followed. In addition, work related to touching metal conductive parts of a high-voltage battery (except for measuring voltage) should be carried out only after the battery is disconnected from the load and the ZVU and it is broken into safe sections by removing the intersection connectors.

9.3.6 Work on battery installations in clothing that can accumulate static electricity is prohibited.

9.3.7 When working with batteries that are in normal operation (not charging), the use of tools and devices capable of sparking should be allowed at a distance exceeding 0.5 meters from the ventilation plugs of the cells. Only portable lamps installed in explosion-proof fittings are allowed.

9.3.8 If it is necessary to carry out work on or near the batteries related to welding, soldering, using abrasive or other equipment that can cause sparking, the battery must be disconnected from the EED and the load for the entire duration of the work, and the room before starting work must be artificially ventilated for an hour.

Calculation procedure for battery room ventilation 1 The battery room is equipped with ventilation to prevent the formation of explosive mixtures (hydrogen and oxygen) formed during charging. With electrolysis of water, 1Ah produces 0.42 liters of hydrogen and 0.21 liters of oxygen per battery cell.

2 Based on the fact that the limit of explosive concentration of hydrogen in air is 4%, for safety reasons, the hydrogen content in the battery room should not exceed 0.8%. Such a five-fold margin ensures explosion safety even with a faulty ZVU (charging and rectifying device), when the battery is charged with a current much higher than 0.1 C10.

3 The value of the volume of air to be renewed V (m3/h) for non-pressurized batteries of the OP (OPS) series is calculated according to the formula (A.1) V = 0.07 N I, where:

N is the number of elements in the battery;

I - the maximum value of the battery charge current.

4 Nothing should prevent the free movement of air in the room, and the ventilation system should provide the air exchange calculated according to paragraph 3 or exceed it.

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Requirements for electrolyte and distilled water for batteries It is allowed to use an acid that meets the requirements of GOST 14262-78 for special purity grade. 11-5.

It is allowed to use distilled water that meets the requirements of GOST 6709-72.

Preparation of the electrolyte Dilution of concentrated sulfuric acid Concentrated sulfuric acid must be diluted to an appropriate state.

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The prepared electrolyte is thoroughly mixed. After cooling the electrolyte to +20°C and re-mixing, its density is measured. If necessary, the density is adjusted by adding concentrated acid or water.

When diluting sulfuric acid, work with goggles and protective gloves.

Concentrated sulfuric acid can be added to water only with a very thin stream and with constant stirring of the resulting solution.


Batteries OP (OPS) Due to high temperatures, do not use glass containers for dilution. Only containers made of hard rubber, heat-resistant plastic boxes or special vessels provided for this purpose should be used.

To correct the electrolyte density measured at temperatures other than +20°C, use Table 8 of the Operation Manual.

Dilution of unconcentrated sulfuric acid.

It is allowed to add distilled water to dilute sulfuric acid with a density of up to 1.24 g / cm3, which is suitable for preparing electrolyte for batteries of various designs.

After dilution of the acid, it takes time for the electrolyte to cool down.

The temperature of the electrolyte to be poured should be (15-25)°C.

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Installation of shelving With battery, both metal and wooden shelving can be supplied

The sequence of installation of metal racks:

Attach insulators (2) from below to each support piece (1);

Insert the bolts (6) into the washers (7) and, holding the bearing part (1) and the plates (3,4), screw the bolts into the holes of the plate (3,4) to connect the guides (10);

Repeat this operation for each support part;

Connect the support parts with guides (10);

Check the correct installation by plumb or level;

At the end of the installation, tighten all bolts;

After that, you can install the battery.

Appearance of the metal shelving

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Figure 3

The sequence of installation of wooden racks:

Assemble the racks according to the project (if the battery is supplied with racks);

Install insulators (mandatory for high voltage batteries);

Install the transverse and longitudinal elements of the racks (make sure the connections are correct);

Check the correct installation by plumb or level;

Eliminate floor unevenness by installing gaskets under the insulators;

Make sure the insulators are securely fixed;
open Roomba's electronic parts, battery, or charger. This may only be done by professional service personnel. To charge the battery, connect it only to a standard AC 220 ... ”Distributed throughout Kazakhstan No. 121 (362) dated July 11, 2014 Public-political and advertising and information newspaper www.satypalu.kz ABOUT CARRYING OUT ...”

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Sealed lead batteries are usually produced in two technologies - gel and AGM. The article discusses in more detail the differences and features of these two technologies. General recommendations for the operation of such batteries are given.

The main types of batteries recommended for use in off-grid solar power systems: An integral component of off-grid solar power systems are maintenance-free high-capacity batteries. Such batteries guarantee the same quality and functionality throughout the entire declared life cycle.

Technology AGM - (Absorbent Glass Mat) This can be translated into Russian as “absorbent glass fiber”. Liquid acid is also used as an electrolyte. But the space between the electrodes is filled with a microporous fiberglass-based separator material. This substance acts like a sponge, it completely absorbs all the acid and holds it, preventing it from spreading.

When a chemical reaction takes place inside such a battery, gases are also formed (mainly hydrogen and oxygen, their molecules are constituents of water and acid). Their bubbles fill some of the pores, while the gas does not escape. He is directly involved in chemical reactions when recharging the battery, returning back to the liquid electrolyte. This process is called gas recombination. It is known from a school chemistry course that a circular process cannot be 100% effective. But in modern AGM batteries, the recombination efficiency reaches 95-99%. Those. inside the case of such a battery, a negligible amount of free unnecessary gas is formed and the electrolyte does not change its chemical properties for many years. However, after a very long time, the free gas creates an excess pressure inside the battery, when it reaches a certain level, a special release valve is activated. This valve also protects the battery from rupture in case of emergency situations: work in extreme conditions, a sharp increase in the temperature in the room due to external factors, and the like.

The main advantage of AGM batteries over GEL technology is the lower internal resistance of the battery. First of all, this affects the battery charging time, which is very limited in autonomous systems, especially in winter. Thus, the AGM battery charges faster, which means it gets out of the deep discharge mode faster, which is the killer for both types of batteries. If the system is autonomous, then when using an AGM battery, its efficiency will be higher than that of the same system with a GEL battery, because. charging the GEL battery requires more time and power, which may not be enough on cloudy winter days. At negative temperatures, the gel battery retains more capacity and is considered more stable, but as practice shows, in cloudy weather with low charge currents and negative temperatures, the gel battery will not be charged due to high internal resistance and "hardened" gel electrolyte, while how an AGM battery will be charged at low charging currents.

AGM batteries do not require special maintenance. Batteries manufactured using AGM technology do not require maintenance and additional ventilation of the room. Inexpensive AGM batteries work perfectly in buffer mode with a depth of discharge of no more than 20%. In this mode, they serve up to 10-15 years.

If they are used in a cyclic mode and discharged at least up to 30-40%, then their service life is significantly reduced. AGM batteries are often used in low-cost uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and small off-grid solar power systems. However, AGM batteries have recently appeared, which are designed for deeper discharges and cyclical modes of operation. Of course, in terms of their characteristics, they are inferior to GEL batteries, but they work perfectly in autonomous solar power supply systems.

But the main technical feature of AGM batteries, unlike standard lead-acid batteries, is the ability to work in deep discharge mode. Those. they can give off electrical energy for a long time (hours and even days) until the state when the energy supply drops to 20-30% of the original value. After charging such a battery, it almost completely restores its working capacity. Of course, such situations cannot pass completely without a trace. But modern AGM batteries can withstand 600 or more deep discharge cycles.

In addition, AGM batteries have a very low self-discharge current. A charged battery can be stored unconnected for a long time. For example, after 12 months of inactivity, the battery charge will drop to only 80% of the original. AGM batteries usually have a maximum allowed charge current of 0.3C, and a final charge voltage of 15-16V. Such characteristics are achieved not only due to the design features of AGM technology. In the manufacture of batteries, more expensive materials with special properties are used: the electrodes are made of highly pure lead, the electrodes themselves are made thicker, the electrolyte contains highly purified sulfuric acid.

Technology GEL - (Gel Electrolite) A substance based on silicon dioxide (SiO2) is added to the liquid electrolyte, resulting in a thick mass resembling jelly in consistency. This mass fills the space between the electrodes inside the battery. In the course of chemical reactions, numerous gas bubbles appear in the thickness of the electrolyte. In these pores and shells, hydrogen and oxygen molecules meet, i.e. gas recombination.

Unlike AGM technology, gel batteries recover even better from a deep discharge state, even if the charging process is not started immediately after the batteries are charged. They are able to withstand more than 1000 deep discharge cycles without a fundamental loss of their capacity. Since the electrolyte is in a thick state, it is less prone to stratification into its constituent parts water and acid, so gel batteries better tolerate poor charging current parameters.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of gel technology is the price, which is higher than that of AGM batteries of the same capacity. Therefore, it is recommended to use gel batteries as part of complex and expensive systems of autonomous and backup power supply. And also in cases when outages of the external electrical network occur constantly, with an enviable cyclicity. GEL batteries are better able to withstand cyclic charge-discharge modes. Also, they tolerate severe frosts better. The decrease in capacity with decreasing battery temperature is also less than with other types of batteries. Their use is more desirable in autonomous power supply systems, when the batteries operate in cyclic modes (charge and discharge every day) and it is not possible to maintain the temperature of the batteries within optimal limits.

Almost all sealed batteries can be mounted on their side.
Gel batteries also differ in purpose - there are both general purpose and deep discharge. Gel batteries better withstand cyclic charge-discharge modes. Their use is more desirable in autonomous power supply systems. However, they are more expensive than AGM batteries, and even more so starter ones.

Gel batteries have approximately 10-30% longer life than AGM batteries. Also, they tolerate deep discharge less painfully. One of the main advantages of gel batteries over AGMs is the significantly lower capacity loss as the battery temperature drops. The disadvantages include the need for strict adherence to charge modes.

AGM batteries are ideal for buffer operation, as a backup for rare power outages. In case of too frequent connection to work, their life cycle simply decreases. In such cases, the use of gel batteries is more economically justified.

Systems based on AGM and GEL technologies have special properties that are simply necessary for solving problems in the field of autonomous power supply.

Batteries manufactured using AGM and GEL technologies are lead-acid batteries. They consist of a similar set of components. Plates-electrodes made of lead or its special alloys with other metals are placed in a reliable plastic case that provides the necessary degree of sealing. The plates are immersed in an acidic environment - an electrolyte that may look like a liquid, or be in a different, thicker and less fluid state. As a result of the ongoing chemical reactions between the electrodes and the electrolyte, an electric current is generated. When an external electrical voltage of a given value is applied to the terminals of the lead plates, reverse chemical processes occur, as a result of which the battery restores its original properties and is charged.

There are also special batteries using OPzS technology, which are specially designed for "heavy" cyclic modes.
This type of battery was created specifically for use in autonomous power supply systems. They have low gas emission, allow many charge / discharge cycles up to 70% of the nominal capacity without damage and a significant reduction in service life. But this type of battery is not in high demand in Russia due to the rather high cost of batteries compared to AGM and GEL technologies.

Basic rules for the operation of batteries

1. Do not store the battery in a discharged state. In this case, sulfation of the electrodes occurs. In this case, the battery loses its capacity and the battery life is significantly reduced.

2. Do not short circuit the battery terminals. This can happen when installing the battery by unqualified personnel. A high short-circuit current of a charged battery can melt the terminal contacts and cause a thermal burn. A short circuit also causes serious damage to the battery.

3. Do not attempt to open the case of a maintenance-free battery. The electrolyte contained inside can cause chemical burns.

4. Connect the battery to the device only in the correct polarity. A fully charged battery has a significant energy reserve and is capable of damaging the device (inverter, controller, etc.) if connected incorrectly.

5. Be sure to dispose of the used battery in accordance with the disposal regulations for products containing heavy metals and acids.