Renault Logan bolt pattern. Renault Logan wheel bolt pattern. What unpleasant situations can there be and ways to get out of them

The most popular wheel sizes for the best-selling Russian car market Renault Logan are traditionally r14 and r15. A car enthusiast always faces difficult questions: what parameters are suitable for a given car, what bolt pattern corresponds to the factory parameters, what size wheel rim is best to install.

Types of disks that are suitable for Renault Logan

This element serves not so much as an aesthetic expression of the car owner, but as a protective part of the chassis and an integral part of the car’s structure. When choosing them, the car owner needs to pay attention and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, since this element plays an important role in the safety of the car and its durability.

For the car owner, it is important what qualities the part will present during operation and what troubles may happen to him in the future.

Typical types of wheels for Renault Logan are products measuring 14 and 15 inches in diameter.

  1. Less wear on the chassis. When installing parts with a larger radius, premature destruction of many chassis elements occurs, caused by an increase in mechanical load; such breakdowns are not subject to warranty repair. That is, the official dealer has every right to refuse service due to the use of non-standard products. Therefore, installing parts measuring 14 or 15 inches is beneficial not only from the point of view of recommendations, but also from the point of view of increasing the reliability and service life of the chassis, as well as saving money.
  2. Smaller parts simply cannot be installed due to the design features. 12-inch products will not fit into the seats due to the design of the brake mechanisms.
  3. A larger size of parts will entail, in addition to high wear of the chassis structure, damage to the fender liner elements.
  4. Also, products of a different diameter may not fit the standard parameters of the model (this may relate to the wrong choice of bolt pattern).

Many automakers produce such models, including for Renault Logan.

Classic disk types differ in the following parameters:

  1. Forged parts. Quite a rare type of parts; only a few manufacturers in the world produce these models for cars. Considering their light weight and high strength, these parts are considered one of the best among all types. However, the downside is the high cost and expensive maintenance. Only a few types from famous brands are suitable for installation on Renault Logan.
  2. Steel parts. The most common types of parts. In terms of their cost, steel ones are considered the most economical and inexpensive both in production and maintenance. Also, the parts are highly resistant to various types of deformation, but at the same time they have a large mass, which negatively affects the dynamic characteristics of Renault Logan and also increases fuel consumption. Steel elements are considered the most economical in cost. Such elements are most suitable for rational and practical car owners.
  3. Light alloy parts. This type is made from light alloy steel and has a variety of designs and pattern shapes. This type is considered intermediate and the most common on the market. They are lighter than steel parts, but heavier than forged ones and are inferior in strength to both configurations. In terms of cost, they also occupy an intermediate position of the so-called “golden mean”. An undoubted advantage is the abundance of models in the shape of the pattern and the number of brands represented. These elements are suitable for owners who care about the appearance and design of the car.

Element bolt pattern for Renault Logan

Also an important factor is the bolt pattern of the part. For Renault Logan this figure is 4/100.

The first number, in this case four, shows the number of holes for attaching the wheel element to the hub. The second number 100 means the distance between the two intermediate holes. The official manufacturer recommends this parameter specifically for the Renault Logan model. If the wrong configuration is selected, the car owner will face many negative consequences, including:

  • suffers for the chassis if the bolt pattern is chosen incorrectly: over a long period of time, if the wrong configuration is selected, the wheel element will subject the wheel hub to deformation, which can lead to damage to the chassis;
  • impact on traffic safety: if there is a negative impact on the chassis, the entire suspension of the car is at risk, and the dimensions of the element, be it 14 or 15 in diameter, are not of great importance in this case;
  • The official manufacturer indicates in the compatibility tables the parameters of other wheel elements of 14 or 15 diameters: when purchasing parts with different parameters, the car owner must be guided by these tables, otherwise negative consequences are likely to occur in the form of problems with the chassis.

Disk offset is also an important factor. For the French model, this overhang is 35 - 50 millimeters.

In this case, the indicator depends on the length of the base; the larger the diameter (usually the larger the standard bolt pattern r14 or r15), the greater the offset in millimeters. Such data is used to modernize the model when installing non-standard factory elements (differing in diameter from the standard 14 or 15 inches in a larger direction).

Average cost of elements for a model

Due to the widespread increase in the cost of materials, the purchase of parts for the French model is becoming increasingly expensive. Naturally, elements with a larger bolt pattern diameter (r15 radius compared to r14) are more expensive, almost regardless of the type of material from which they are made. Also, a lot depends on the brand of the manufacturer. Many car companies produce elements with parameters suitable for this particular model for certain operating conditions.

When choosing a bolt pattern for disc parts, a car enthusiast should, first of all, be guided by the manufacturer’s recommendations and the established characteristics of the model. Since there are many brands on the market, choosing a wheel for Logan is often difficult, regardless of their diameter 14 or 15.

The choice of disk diameter (14 or 15 inch bolt pattern) depends entirely on the car owner, his tasks and operating conditions. A smaller size will give the car an even smoother ride, reduce the load on the chassis and be more economical in terms of financial investment. A larger one is aesthetically pleasing; using this size can have a positive effect on handling, but a negative impact on fuel efficiency.

Let's sum it up

As a result, the choice of r14 and r15 wheels and bolt patterns for the French model is huge. Many renowned manufacturers offer them specifically for this model; their characteristics fully comply with those recommended by the manufacturer. The Renault car company itself also produces its own products, which may be the best option for many car enthusiasts to purchase, since the original part is always of higher quality. And what size to choose, 14 or 15, is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

In mid-spring and late autumn, drivers begin the most important and responsible period - preparing the car for the new season. In addition to the usual replacement of oil, coolant and windshield wiper blades, you often have to deal with the purchase of new tires, and along with them, rims. The latter differ in many parameters, the main one being bolt pattern. Today we will tell you about its role when buying wheels for Renault Logan.

Difficult choice

Light snow begins to fall outside the window, news channels are frightening about the appearance of ice on the roads, and the number of accidents due to drivers who did not change their tires on time increases several times. It is at this moment that car owners face the acute question of choosing components. The process is not easy - there are a large number of rubber parameters, types and materials for making the disc, and you can’t do it without special knowledge.

One of the main parameters is the bolt pattern. For Renault Logan it is 4x100 and is the same in all first and second generation models, regardless of configuration, engine type and gearbox.

For those who are faced with the need to select wheels for the first time, these numbers mean nothing. However, in practice, not only the answer to the question of how suitable the purchased part is for a particular car, but also the safety of movement depends on the bolt pattern: there are many cases where serious accidents occurred due to incorrectly selected parameters and “collective farm” tuning.

The appropriate wheel bolt pattern depends on the markings in the owner's manual and the manufacturer's recommendations. One way or another, it is always necessary to understand the meaning of the numbers indicated in the description of the “casting” and “stamping” models and protect yourself from making the wrong choice.

An example has already been given of the parameter recommended for Renault Logan - 4x100. The first number 4 indicates the number of bolt holes. Manufacturers of analogues often try to pass off a part with five mounting holes as an original, as on most modern foreign cars.

The second parameter is the diameter of the circle along which the holes themselves are drilled. To ensure the correct choice, you should measure the distance from the axial center to the mounting hole with a caliper. If the length is exactly 100 mm, then there is no cause for concern.

We are looking for exits

So, everything you need has already been purchased and installed. The car is moving at a normal 60–80 kilometers per hour and suddenly begins to vibrate. As you gain speed, the trembling only intensifies, and the car every now and then strives to break into an uncontrolled drift and stray from the intended trajectory. What's the matter?

The problem lies in incorrectly selected parameters. For example, the owner or installer noticed during installation that the bolts did not fit and were difficult to fit into the standard places, so he used a little force. The bolts, moving along an oblique path, knocked out the alignment, and the part shifted relative to its own axis.

Thus, the vibration made it clear that the installation was carried out incorrectly.

There is no need to worry about wasting your money. Automakers from all over the world have long realized that such a situation often arises, and have come up with devices that can change the wheel parameters and restore alignment.

In official language, such parts are called centering rings. In fact, the spare part is really a ring made of metal. Its internal diameter strictly coincides with the central rod of the hub, and the ribs are beveled and have the shape of a cone.

The shape was chosen for a reason: the variable diameter, achieved due to the beveled edge, allows you to accurately fit the wheel to the center of the axle and securely fix it. True, the manufacturer still insists on using original components instead of such a dubious way out of a difficult situation: the method is considered not reliable enough.


Not only the comfort, but also the safety of the car depends on the correct choice of wheels. Incorrect selection of parameters leads to accidents, serious breakdowns and expensive repairs. To avoid such problems, you should carefully select components, and then operating Renault Logan will only bring pleasure.

Mid-spring and sunset of autumn bring certain adjustments to the life of the Renault Logan owner. This is due to the need to prepare the car for the transition to the new season. In addition to the routine replacement of oils, filters, windshield wiper blades, and fluids in auxiliary systems, there is a need to purchase new tires, sometimes with rims.

The wheels are characterized by several parameters, including the bolt pattern, which will be discussed here in relation to the Renault Logan model. We'll tell you which bolt pattern is the most optimal.

Difficulty of choice

A sharp change in weather conditions aggravates the issue of replacing tires and wheels for Renault Logan owners who did not have time to complete this necessary procedure in advance. The event is not simple, since these parts are characterized by many differences in their parameters; ignorance of some (in relation to a specific car model) can lead to an erroneous choice.

Here, among the primary criteria is the wheel bolt pattern. For the Renault Logan model, this parameter has a value of 4*100 and is identical for modifications of the first and second generations, regardless of their level of equipment, types of engines or transmission units. This must be taken into account when bolt loosening is carried out. Many people do not know what bolt pattern is required.

For Renault Logan owners who are faced with the need to choose wheels for the first time, this nuance is small, as evidenced by it. In reality, this aspect is not only a determining parameter that allows you to select the required model for a specific modification of the car, but is also capable of ensuring safe movement. These words can be confirmed by multiple facts of emergency situations that occurred as a result of an incorrect choice of wheel rims or their “collective farm” tuning; it is unknown what kind of bolt pattern was carried out.

What nuances should be taken into account when bolting is carried out? They appear in the manual provided by the manufacturer. Particular attention should be paid to the marked numerical code regarding casting or stamping modifications. Such vigilance will avoid the possibility of choosing the wrong drives.

An example regarding the Renault Logan model would be a specific code recommended by the manufacturer. The first number indicates the number of holes in the disk intended for attaching it to the chassis hub. Particular attention should be paid to this parameter, since some analogue manufacturers offer wheels with five holes and position these products as original ones. In this case, a loosening bolt will be required.

The second important indicator is the diameter of the circle along whose line the holes are positioned. To completely eliminate doubts about the correctness of the choice, you should make a control measurement (with a caliper) of the distance between the axial center and the hole for the fastener. If the reading corresponds to 100mm, then there is no reason to worry.

What unpleasant situations can there be and ways to get out of them?

Sometimes the following cases occur. A set of wheels and tires was purchased and installed on a Renault Logan car. Movement begins and when the speed reaches 70-80 km per hour, noticeable vibration occurs. There is a tendency when, parallel to the increase in speed, there is a gradual increase in vibration. In such a situation, the Renault Logan car is easily provoked into skidding and tends to deviate from the given trajectory. In this case, a bolt pattern is required.

What happened? And what kind of bolt pattern is required? The most likely reason was the incorrect selection of the parameters considered here. Perhaps, when installing the disk, the installer saw that the bolts securing the disk to the hub did not fit, that is, they hardly fit into their seats. Although the wheel rims had to be loosened. Despite this, he applied more force and screwed them in and tightened them as prescribed.

What actually happened was the following. The bolts, screwing in along an oblique path, shifted, disrupting the alignment of the disk, which took an asymmetrical position relative to its axis. Vibration, as a result of incorrect installation, gave the driver an understanding of this situation. And the wheel bolt pattern is required.

Such moments have long ceased to be rare, due to the many analogue disk models on the market with different parameters. Manufacturers have long been familiar with this problem and offer a solution that allows alignment to be restored. Centering rings are positioned as a solution. The parts are made of metal alloy. The internal diameter of the product strictly corresponds to the external diameter of the central boss on the car hub. The edges of the ring have bevels like a cone. It is the taper of the rib that allows for optimal centering of the wheel.

Let's summarize

The right choice of wheels allows you not only to enjoy a comfortable ride, but also to protect yourself in the car. Incorrectly selected parameters of such products can lead to an accident or serious malfunctions, and subsequently to costly repairs. In order to avoid problematic situations, it is recommended to approach the issue of choosing wheels responsibly, then your Renault Logan will delight you with comfort for many more kilometers.

When choosing the bolt pattern of disc parts, the car enthusiast should, first of all, be guided by the manufacturer’s recommendations and the established wheel bolt pattern of the Renault Logan model. Difficult choice Outside, light snow begins to fall, news channels are frightening about the appearance of ice on the roads, and the number of accidents due to drivers who did not change their tires on time increases severalfold. To ensure the correct choice, you should measure the distance from the axial center to the mounting hole with a caliper.

Wheel rims for Renault Logan. Types of wheels suitable for a given car, characteristics of suitable parts,…

Only a few types from famous brands are suitable for installation on Renault Logan. For Renault Logan owners who are faced with the need to choose wheels for the first time, this nuance is small, as evidenced by it. The second important indicator is the diameter of the circle along whose line the holes are positioned.

The first number indicates the number of holes in the disk intended for attaching it to the chassis hub. This must be taken into account when bolt loosening is carried out.

Here, among the primary criteria is the wheel bolt pattern. This must be taken into account when bolt loosening is carried out. Many people do not know what bolt pattern is required.

For Renault Logan owners who are faced with the need to choose wheels for the first time, this nuance is small, as evidenced by it. In reality, this aspect is not only a determining parameter that allows you to select the required model for a specific modification of the car, but is also capable of ensuring safe movement.

What nuances should be taken into account when bolting is carried out?

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They appear in the manual provided by the manufacturer. Particular attention should be paid to the marked numerical code regarding casting or stamping modifications.

Such vigilance will avoid the possibility of choosing the wrong drives. Also, products of a different diameter may not fit the standard parameters of the model; this may be due to the wrong choice of bolt pattern. Many automakers produce such models, including for Renault Logan.

Classic types of disks differ in the following parameters: Quite a rare type of parts; only a few manufacturers in the world produce these models for cars.

Considering their light weight and high strength, these parts are considered one of the best among all types. However, the downside is the high cost and expensive maintenance. Only a few types from famous brands are suitable for installation on Renault Logan.

Renault Logan disc bolt pattern

The most common types of parts. In terms of their cost, steel ones are considered the most economical and inexpensive both in production and maintenance.

Also, the parts are highly resistant to various types of deformation, but at the same time they have a large mass, which negatively affects the dynamic characteristics of Renault Logan and also increases fuel consumption. Steel elements are considered the most economical in cost.

Such elements are most suitable for rational and practical car owners.

This type is made from light alloy steel and has a variety of designs and pattern shapes. This type is considered intermediate and the most common on the market. They are lighter than steel parts, but heavier than forged ones and are inferior in strength to both configurations.

An undoubted advantage is the abundance of models in the shape of the pattern and the number of brands represented. These elements are suitable for owners who care about the appearance and design of the car.

The latter differ in many parameters, the main one being bolt pattern. Today we will tell you about its role when buying wheels for Renault Logan.

Difficult choice Outside, light snow begins to fall, news channels are frightening about the appearance of ice on the roads, and the number of accidents due to drivers who did not change their tires on time increases several times. It is at this moment that car owners face the acute question of choosing components.

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The process is not easy - there are a large number of rubber parameters, types and materials for making the disc, and you can’t do it without special knowledge. One of the main parameters is the bolt pattern.

Answers (2)

For Renault Logan it is 4x and is the same in all first and second generation models, regardless of configuration, engine type and gearbox. For those who are faced with the need to select wheels for the first time, these numbers mean nothing.

However, in practice, not only the answer to the question of how suitable the purchased part is for a particular car, but also the safety of movement depends on the bolt pattern: The appropriate wheel pattern depends on the marks in the user manual and the manufacturer’s recommendations. An example has already been given of the parameter recommended for Renault Logan - 4x

In mid-spring and late autumn, drivers begin the most important and responsible period - preparing the car for the new season. In addition to the usual replacement of oil, coolant and windshield wiper blades, you often have to deal with the purchase of new tires, and along with them, rims. The latter differ in many parameters, the main one being bolt pattern. Today we will tell you about its role when buying wheels for Renault Logan.

Difficult choice

Light snow begins to fall outside the window, news channels are frightening about the appearance of ice on the roads, and the number of accidents due to drivers who did not change their tires on time increases several times.

It is at this moment that car owners face the acute question of choosing components. The process is not easy - there are a large number of rubber parameters, types and materials for making the disc, and you can’t do it without special knowledge.

One of the main parameters is the bolt pattern. For Renault Logan it is 4x100 and is the same in all first and second generation models, regardless of configuration, engine type and gearbox.

For those who are faced with the need to select wheels for the first time, these numbers mean nothing. However, in practice, not only the answer to the question of how suitable the purchased part is for a particular car, but also the safety of movement depends on the bolt pattern: there are many cases where serious accidents occurred due to incorrectly selected parameters and “collective farm” tuning.

The appropriate wheel bolt pattern depends on the markings in the owner's manual and the manufacturer's recommendations. One way or another, it is always necessary to understand the meaning of the numbers indicated in the description of the “casting” and “stamping” models and protect yourself from making the wrong choice.

An example has already been given of the parameter recommended for Renault Logan - 4x100. The first number 4 indicates the number of bolt holes. Manufacturers of analogues often try to pass off a part with five mounting holes as an original, as on most modern foreign cars.

The second parameter is the diameter of the circle along which the holes themselves are drilled. To ensure the correct choice, you should measure the distance from the axial center to the mounting hole with a caliper. If the length is exactly 100 mm, then there is no cause for concern.

We are looking for exits

So, everything you need has already been purchased and installed. The car is moving at a normal 60–80 kilometers per hour and suddenly begins to vibrate. As you gain speed, the trembling only intensifies, and the car every now and then strives to break into an uncontrolled drift and stray from the intended trajectory. What's the matter?

The problem lies in incorrectly selected parameters. For example, the owner or installer noticed during installation that the bolts did not fit and were difficult to fit into the standard places, so he used a little force. The bolts, moving along an oblique path, knocked out the alignment, and the part shifted relative to its own axis.

Thus, the vibration made it clear that the installation was carried out incorrectly.

There is no need to worry about wasting your money. Automakers from all over the world have long realized that such a situation often arises, and have come up with devices that can change the wheel parameters and restore alignment.

In official language, such parts are called centering rings. In fact, the spare part is really a ring made of metal. Its internal diameter strictly coincides with the central rod of the hub, and the ribs are beveled and have the shape of a cone.

Not only the comfort, but also the safety of the car depends on the correct choice of wheels. Incorrect selection of parameters leads to accidents, serious breakdowns and expensive repairs.

To avoid such problems, you should carefully select components, and then operating Renault Logan will only bring pleasure.

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