Teeth fell out in my sleep. Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about a tooth falling out without bleeding according to the dream book? The meaning of dreams in different dream books

Oh, how terrible a dream can seem to the dreamer in which his own teeth, most often molars, leave him. And if all this was accompanied by realistic pain in the oral cavity, then such a vision cannot be compared with any horror film. So, why dream about teeth falling out.

Any information about teeth, including their type, the number of teeth lost, molars or not, will give us a basis for interpreting your dream. The dream about teeth is one of the most controversial in somnology. Some dreams are harbingers of good luck, while others predict emotional distress and a fall in the eyes of the public;

Interpretation of dreams based on individual subjects - incisors, fangs, teeth falling out on the palm

We invite the reader to plunge into the world of his dreams and take out all the necessary information to interpret your dream, this is the dreamer’s job. Our site takes upon itself the responsibility to convey to you the interpretation of your original dream, which you can find below:

  • Rotten and terrible-looking teeth are more likely to fall out than healthy ones. A dream with a similar plot brings complete recovery for the sick and increased well-being for the healthy. In rare cases, it foreshadows a quarrel with loved ones, which will lead to success;
  • I had to endure the loss of absolutely healthy teeth. According to all dream books, the loss of healthy teeth from the oral cavity has a negative connotation. In real life, you have to get in touch with a bad company, there is arbitrariness in the workplace, theft, betrayal of friends, delayed wages;
  • The inhabitants of the oral cavity fall out immediately and painlessly. The dream has a rather positive interpretation for the dreamer - you will mature as a person and become more serious about your responsibilities. What is unimportant today will become frightening tomorrow, and those words that sound offensive today will become baby talk tomorrow;
  • A dream in which teeth fall out one at a time with the pain characteristic of such a process. In the near future, you will experience the beginning of a dark period, through which it will cost you special work and patience, but in the end you will either master a useful skill, make useful connections, or simply become a better person;
  • White minerals fall directly into your palm. Difficulties will not bypass you, but you will be able to recover from them very quickly, in the process you will have the opportunity to make friends with good people or establish connections with acquaintances, close, distant relatives;
  • Teeth falling out with blood. I would not like to greatly upset the dreamer who was not lucky enough to see such a plot, but the dream is clearly not rosy. In life you will have to endure the death of a close or distant relative, perhaps betrayal, an event that will spoil your reputation, an accident and much more. However, in many dream books the influence of this dream on your life is limited only to the same tooth loss in reality;
  • The teeth were just loose, but you pulled them out yourself. Dreams predict that the dreamer who sees them will lose money literally from under his nose; it could be theft, loss of a wallet, or a bad investment, there are many options;
  • The teeth fell out easily, but the pain was hellish, and the gums were inflamed. In this case, the subconscious leaves an alarm bell for women - it is necessary to visit a female gynecologist. For men, the predictions are not so categorical, but it’s worth checking with a doctor, and in general, taking care of yourself even more;
  • The teeth did not fall out, but gaps formed in the oral cavity. It is necessary to check your surroundings for the presence of energy vampires and simply suspicious individuals. The subconscious never deceives; you must definitely check with your friends;
  • Fell out before kissing your loved one. The vision tells the dreamer that he is not yet ready to lose his innocence, otherwise it is an alarming sign - your significant other is deceiving, cheating on you;
  • Knocking out teeth during a fight. The dream predicts a dangerous adventure in which you will get involved and be deceived or, at least, very disappointed in the outcome. In any case, just don’t get involved in such a story for your own good;
  • Visit a dentist to have teeth removed from your mouth. A regular trip to the dentist in a dream for a similar purpose symbolizes a short breakup or quarrel with parents. The dreamer needs to do everything possible to prevent this from happening;

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities and dream books - loss of incisors according to Vanga, Miller and Freud

  • Loss of teeth according to Vanga. According to the predictions of the Bulgarian seer, losing teeth in a dream is a sign of your strength. Your new friends will decide that it is better to have a strong friend nearby than an enemy, so you will become a leader in some company. The dream has a fairly positive interpretation only if it is not a dream with blood;
  • Chinese relic dream book. Teeth are always a symbol of family, family good. But according to the Chinese dream book, tooth loss always foreshadows quarrels, scandals with loved ones, relatives or friends. In some cases, illness or even death;
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. You lose yourself in routine, literally suffocate in the bustle of incessant family worries, you just need to take a break, otherwise you can drive yourself half to death;
  • Dream book of psychologist Miller. In real life, after such a vision, the dreamer will face problems with physical and moral health;
  • Modern dream book. The modern dream book interprets a sudden dream about tooth loss in exactly the same way - problems with health, environment and money in the near future. Again, only the dreamer is responsible for his own destiny. Everything is in your hands, reader;
  • Dream according to Freud. Sigmund Freud looks at the root of the problem and warns that such a dream may symbolize for the dreamer the fear of being caught doing something indecent; the other half may find out about the betrayal;
  • Dream book of the white magician Loff. You are about to face the most terrible test of your life, a nightmare and an object of torment. If you overcome it, you will receive the highest reward, find the meaning of your own life or some business. According to Loff, it is better to remain silent about a dream in which a tooth fell out along with blood - you will not find such terrible predictions in other dream books;
  • According to Nostradamus. Again, the loss of teeth with an abundance of blood is a negative sign in absolutely all dream books. But simple tooth loss, even without pain, indicates, according to Nostradamus’ dream book, a vain fear. You just have to look your fear in the eye and your life will immediately improve.

In mystical books, teeth symbolize vital energy, so if you dreamed of losing them, it is advisable to contact an astrologer who can correctly interpret the dream and explain what needs to be done to avoid serious problems.

What if you dream about two teeth falling out?

It is of great importance how the dreamer feels when he dreamed that two teeth fell out, whether he was in pain at that moment, whether he was bleeding, or whether everything happened painlessly and bloodlessly. The situation when two teeth fell out, which were intact until now, is very bad, this means the loss of a job or a large sum of money. Astrologers, however, can explain such a dream differently - probably, the dreamer will somehow get rid of annoying acquaintances.

If the teeth fall out with severe pain, then the dreamer will face the loss of loved ones who are not related by blood, but he will definitely worry about this. If blood is visible, you will have to prepare for the death of relatives, especially if one of them is sick with an incurable disease.

We can say that astrologers can interpret the same sign differently when tooth loss in a dream occurs on the eve of an important event, some say that hopes will not come true, while others claim that problems will disappear and the situation will be resolved in the best way for the dreamer .

In many ways, the interpretation of a dream when teeth fall out depends on the mood in which a person woke up; if awakening is accompanied by a feeling of getting rid of something completely unnecessary, then the prediction is favorable, but if the mood is bad, then it will also affect the events of the day.

When teeth fall out from a blow, even seeing blood does not mean someone’s death; most likely, in these circumstances, the dreamer will have to solve a complex and confusing matter. It will probably not end in success due to the doubts experienced by the person who saw this dream; in reality, it is important to overcome doubts in time.

Seeing in a dream sick, rotten teeth that fall out on their own, or are removed by a dentist, is a sign of illness; astrologers advise taking care of your health, not suffering from a cold on your feet, and it is advisable to get examined by a doctor. In this way, you can detect the disease at the very beginning, take appropriate treatment and forget about it.

Minor troubles threaten those who look at lost teeth, however, if they are intact and white, then the problems can be dealt with without much difficulty. If they are brown, with holes, or rotten, then someone intends to seriously impede the dreamer’s success.

What does it portend?

Losing teeth in a dream can be perceived as a warning about troubles in business, and certain efforts can be made to avoid them. It is advisable, having seen such a dream, to visit an astrologer, who will not only say that he is waiting for the dreamer, but will also tell you what needs to be done so that the bad prediction does not come true.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost two teeth, it means she does not want to get pregnant or is very afraid of the upcoming birth; close people can help her, consoling her and creating favorable conditions. Sometimes such dreams mean lack of confidence in one’s abilities, doubts about the fidelity of a lover, or a premonition of betrayal.

It is sometimes believed that teeth falling out in a dream means that the dreamer devotes little time to his family, being more involved in business than with loved ones. He urgently needs to correct this omission, otherwise he risks being left alone, and family support means a lot even to the most successful businessman.

When you dream that two teeth are falling out, you need to think about your health and the well-being of your loved ones; perhaps the dream warns that something is wrong in the dreamer’s environment (in the family or in business) and the situation urgently needs to be corrected before it’s too late .

A tooth is a rather indicative symbol in a dream; it reflects the state of health, relationships with people, and career success. If teeth suffer in real life, from an esoteric point of view, vitality suffers, it is necessary to work with determination and setting life goals. A tooth falling out in a dream is a sign of bad changes. A more accurate interpretation of the dream depends on the details of what was seen and on the status of the dreamer. Irreversible loss, exhaustion, separation, damage to reputation, deprivation of position, spiritual unity with someone - options for interpreting the symbol in reality.

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      General value

      Losing teeth without pain and blood means breaking ties with people, unreasonable waste of energy, and empty conversations with strangers. Interpreters believe that the separation will be beneficial and new contacts will become more valuable. Tooth loss is a dream of financial expenses and is sometimes associated with a change in well-being, but not necessarily for the worse.

      • Classic Western dream books characterize the symbol of teeth as a harbinger of a skirmish with the enemy. Russian folk see in it an image of good health. In Muslim dream books, teeth are associated with relatives, while the front ones are associated with children, brothers and sisters, the fangs are with aunts and uncles, and the rest are with distant and elderly relatives.

        Options for interpretation:

        • One tooth falls out painlessly - this is bad news.
        • Two teeth falling out without pain means difficult times, obstacles, worsening circumstances. Lack of support and reliable support for making a responsible decision.
        • Three teeth that fell out without blood or pain - three griefs or one with triple the force.
        • Teeth fall out one by one - a series of unpleasant, exhausting events lie ahead. You need to maintain perseverance and endurance in order to endure trials with dignity.
        • All teeth fall out - a great misfortune, trouble. Positive value only for children and adolescents.

        Dental condition

        For correct interpretation, it is important to take into account the condition of the tooth:

        • healthy - to trouble;
        • black - a friend’s illness, he’s in trouble;
        • sick - to get rid of nervousness, anxiety and hassle;
        • full of holes - to the death of an elderly person you know;
        • rotten, which caused torment - a good sign, liberation from mental oppression, problems, annoying acquaintances; the loss of rotten teeth is also a dream of a hidden disease that has not manifested itself; the death of an elderly parent is possible.

        Seeing a lost white tooth turn black before your eyes means a protracted illness or death.

        Type of tooth lost:

        • the front upper one wobbles and falls out - deterioration in the health of the man in the family;
        • the front upper one, especially for a woman, is a shame, dishonor;
        • front without pain and blood - hidden resentment of familiar people;
        • completely healthy - conflicts with superiors in the service;
        • the lower ones - to the death of old people;
        • indigenous - health problems in an elderly relative;
        • the root is lost - to receive tragic news;
        • dairy - to various changes;
        • artificial - you should beware of advice;
        • fang - divergence of views regarding goals and aspirations in the family, opposition to the dreamer’s intentions.


        Artificial teeth are a symbol of the hypocrisy of friends; if they fall out, it is a signal to abandon the opinions of others and rely on your own. Gold - to wealth.

        If the insert ones fall out, it means that deception, betrayal of a loved one or friends will be revealed. The dream speaks of excessive worry about relatives; worries will be replaced by joy. To dream that new ones grow to replace those that have fallen out is a good sign, joyful emotions.


        Dream plot:

        • Without pain and blood, but the dreamer was very surprised - to unexpected changes, after which life will not be the same. Status or priorities will change as a result of someone's death or addition to the family, dismissal, promotion.
        • During a feast, it is useful to remember those present: you should expect problems from the person you see. It's a hard life for an unmarried girl. The plot of the feast indicates major changes such as marriage or divorce, change of job or place of residence.
        • Losing out as a result of a fight, without blood and pain - to achieve the goal requires large expenses, fighting with competitors will be exhausting.
        • Knocked out - you need to change your life guidelines, something is happening for the dreamer that is not in his favor.
        • Losing a tooth brought joy - in reality, getting rid of destructive relationships.
        • Before a kiss - a warning against rash relationships.
        • Falls into the palm of your hand - a dream means that any situation can be overcome, despite large financial losses.
        • Easily falling out gums with severely inflamed gums are advanced gynecological diseases.
        • If the teeth did not fall out, but only gaps formed between them, the vital forces are running out, there is a violent energy impact, there is a person drinking the dreamer’s power.
        • If they are loose, pulling them out yourself means poverty, loss of respect from business partners; at the same time, healthy gums are a chance to start all over again.

        Dreamer's personality

        Who is having the dream:

        • For an adult, a dream foreshadows the death of relatives or a sudden illness.
        • For a sick person - to a complete recovery.
        • For a healthy person - to get rid of empty worries.
        • For a middle-aged man, a dream speaks of a loss of strength and complexes that impede earnings. Seeing the root of a lost tooth means dismissal.
        • For a woman - it means the presence of gynecological diseases, rotten ones fall out - the bad things are a thing of the past.
        • For a married woman, pulling out on her own means pregnancy.
        • For a girl in love - a warning about first sexual intercourse.
        • For a pregnant woman - to the birth of a healthy baby.
        • For a girl to see teeth falling out without bleeding means early puberty.
        • For a girl to see the poor condition of her oral cavity is a sign of protracted quarrels.
        • For a young man - to spiritual development, independence, first love; loss of healthy people - to future diseases.

        Watching others' teeth fall out has two meanings: wishing them dead or fearing losing them. A friend spits out his own - this person should be warned about possible diseases. Seeing a child's hair falling out is a good purchase for the home. An old woman with rotten teeth falling out is a serious test from fate.

        Dream Interpretations

        According to Miller's dream book, if you dream about teeth falling out, a misfortune awaits a person. These are intense meetings, negative emotions, if they fall out without blood - to death. According to Miller, one lost tooth means bad news; two coming one after another - to failure; if they all fall out, financial difficulties and quarrels with loved ones and great disappointments are coming. The dream warns of the need to change your social circle, and also hints that it is time to get rid of bad habits that negatively affect physical health.

Knowledgeable people say: to see teeth falling out in a dream - without blood or with blood, one or more, it doesn’t matter - this is a very bad sign. To believe or not to believe this is everyone’s personal choice. However, one thing is clear: you shouldn’t ruin your mood in advance.

Bad thoughts, remember that a dream is a reflection of our inner life and is not always a harbinger of future events, more often it is simply a signal of the need for change. For fun, let’s turn to literary sources and find out what it means if teeth fall out in a dream.

Let's open one of the most popular dream books - Miller's dream book. Lost or damaged teeth, it is said here, dream of misfortunes and illnesses, as well as unpleasant encounters. If there is pain - to the death of a not very close person; and vice versa, if you dream that the process of tooth loss is accompanied by terrible pain and a lot of blood, it means that in reality you will lose someone close to you and will suffer greatly from this. Seeing decayed or loose teeth in a dream means that your physical and emotional strength is almost exhausted, and you urgently need to rest. Losing one tooth - expect sad news, two - a series of failures awaits you, everything has fallen out - get ready for serious upheavals in your life - collapse of hopes, quarrels with relatives, deterioration in material well-being. On the contrary, admiring your beautiful, strong dreams means gaining long-awaited well-being and support from people dear to your heart.

But many modern people tend to believe rather that sleep is not a warning from spirits and higher powers, but signals from our subconscious, which in symbolic form is trying to convey to us what we do not pay attention to in the waking state. The interpretations of modern psychological dream books are sometimes noticeably different from traditional ones, so we will analyze them in more detail. Teeth are a symbol of the body’s defensive reaction, its ability to resist. Therefore, when teeth fall out in a dream, this is a signal that a hole has been made in your energy defense. However, such visions can be interpreted in a more ordinary way: perhaps in real life you are simply afraid of dental problems and transfer your fears into the world of the irrational.

When teeth fall out without blood in a dream, this is a sign of increasing weakness, an inability to withstand adversity. The presence of blood may indicate an early stage of the disease. Lost teeth can also serve as a symbol of lost connections with people, and the stronger the pain and discomfort in a dream, the more there will be in reality. If you see a toothless person in a dream, then this is a good sign - your ill-wishers will be defeated, and you will cope with all the tests with honor. Clean, straight teeth are also a symbol of harmony and stability.

From what was written above, the only conclusion we can draw is: if teeth fall out in a dream, without blood or with it, then this is in any case an unfavorable sign. However, do not despair, because a dream is only a warning, and there is still an opportunity to correct the situation.

Listen to yourself more often, and may you only dream good things!