VAZ 411 rotary engine. In the footsteps of Wankel: the rise and fall of VAZ rotary engines. Latest car RPD VAZ

Until recently, only the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSK were armed with this amazing technique. After AvtoVAZ received the appropriate certificates in early 1997, Ladas with rotary engines appeared on the market.

The first sample of a rotary piston internal combustion engine (RPD), the design of which was developed by the German engineer Felix Wankel, was tested back in February 1957. Wankel conducted extensive theoretical studies of the forms of the working cavity and the rotor, which, according to his calculations, should be made in the form of an epitrochoid. The company NSU, where the German engineer served, seriously worked in this direction. In the middle of the 60th RPD was mounted on the small car NSU Prince. After fine-tuning the design, in the fall of 1963, the first production car with a Wankel engine, the NSU Prince Spyder, saw the light. But it didn't last long. First, NSU was taken over by a larger company, and then the RPD itself could not withstand fierce competition with the "piston".

In the former USSR, the people were not "barely sewn" either. In 1974, the then general director of VAZ V.N. Polyakov set the task of creating his own RPD. The decision was entrusted to a special design bureau (SKB RPD), headed by B.S. Pospelov. With all the advantages of the RPD - compactness, throttle response, the absence of crank and gas distribution mechanisms, as well as significantly smaller dimensions and weight with the same power as piston internal combustion engines, it also had a number of serious drawbacks. The main ones for that period were often failing sealing elements, poor adaptability to changes in external load, increased fuel consumption and unsatisfactory performance in terms of emissions in exhaust gases. With such a set of pluses and minuses, the team of SKB RPD Togliatti had to work. Note that domestic developers, unlike foreign ones, did not have to use the developments of Mr. Wankel: there was no money to buy a license or a patent. We went the proven "racist" way - we got a serial RPD from NSU, disassembled, copied where it was not clear - they documented and made their own single-section rotary piston engine. Its appearance is dated 1976. Then the first-born SKB - VAZ-311 with a capacity of 70 hp. - at the very least, spun, bringing hope for the future. The next five years were spent on finalizing the design and combating shortcomings.

In 1982, at the NTTM-82 exhibition, for the first time, VAZ demonstrated the VAZ-21018, a car with a rotary piston engine. The car was a VAZ-21011 with a VAZ-311 power unit. (50 vehicles were produced for testing in real operating conditions). But the first pancake turned out to be lumpy. Without supporting the machines with the necessary service and without properly preparing the average buyer, the developers almost ruined the work they had begun. For half a year, 49 vehicles replaced RPDs with reciprocating internal combustion engines. The main malfunctions were the failure of seals and bearing assemblies, there were also insufficient balance of the rotary-eccentric mechanism (REM) and poor fuel efficiency. After weighing all the pros and cons, we decided to abandon the single-section version of the RPD and devote our energies to the development of a two-section one. At the same time, the design idea focused on the eradication of defects identified as a result of trial operation. As a result, in 1982-83. new engines VAZ-411 (power 110-120 hp, rotor width 70 mm) and VAZ 413 (140 hp, rotor width 80 mm) appeared. At the same time, the sphere of application of the "rotor" is being sought. Designers get the go-ahead to apply developments in practice from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the traffic police and the KGB - since the dynamic and power indicators of the motors were quite good, while having the necessary resource, and fuel efficiency was then not so important. This is how ordinary-looking, but very frisky GAZ-21, -24 and -3102 appeared, equipped with VAZ-314 engines. During the same period, Togliatti specialists received a lucrative order for the development of rotary engines for light aviation and helicopters. Cars have temporarily faded into the background. Even the first front-wheel drive cars that appeared in 1984 were not paid much attention. Nevertheless, the developments obtained in the course of cooperation with aviators have benefited. Only in 1992, the automotive theme takes on a second wind: RPD for front-wheel drive models (VAZ-414) appears. 8 years late! But, as they say, better late than never. Three years to fine-tune, and at the end of 97, the base engine of the automotive direction - VAZ-415 - received a certificate for the right to install it on a general purpose vehicle. Prior to this, the RPD was installed only on special equipment. VAZ-415 differs from its predecessors in its versatility. Its installation is possible on any VAZ car - "classic", front- and all-wheel drive. In addition, the RPD can be installed on the Moskvich, and in the three-section version (VAZ-425) - on the Volga.

Technical Characteristics of the VAZ-2108-91 Car

Technical Specifications RPD VAZ-415

Parameters of the VAZ-415

Parameter Meaning
number of sections 2
working volume of chambers, cm3 2х654
reduced working volume, cm3 2616
compression ratio 9,4
rated power, kW (hp) / min-1 103(140)/6000
maximum torque, N*m (kgf*m) / min-1 186(19)/4500
The minimum speed of the eccentric shaft at idle, min-1 900
Engine weight, kg 113
Overall dimensions, mm -
height 570
width 535
length 665
Minimum specific fuel consumption (according to VSH), g/kW*h (g/hp*h) 312.2 (230)
Oil consumption in % of fuel consumption 0,6
Engine resource before the first overhaul, thousand km 125
Appointment VAZ 2108 - 2115


1. Question: What resource does RPD have?

Answer: The plant declared 125 thousand km. In reality, both 10 thousand and 200 thousand km can pass. It all depends on the quality of manufacture, operation and maintenance.

2. Question: What fuel does the RPD run on?

Answer: Gasoline with an octane rating of at least 90 is recommended (i.e. AI-91, AI-92, AI-93, AI-95). AI-76 or AI-80 is not recommended, but it is possible. At the same time, detonation should not be allowed, which is possible when driving with a heavy load, in tightness and during sharp accelerations. The VAZ-411 engine consumes AI-76 and AI-92 gasoline, without alterations.

3. Question: What kind of oil is used in RPD?

Answer: Oil in terms of performance properties according to API classification is not lower than SG (for forced gasoline engines). By viscosity 5W or 10W-30 - in winter and 15W-40 - in summer. An oil change is done after 10-12 thousand km. After winter operation, regardless of the mileage, it is necessary to change.

Answer: A consumption of about 700 g/1000 km is considered normal, in fact 1-1.2 liters of oil per 1000 km. So far, unfortunately, so, although you can have 500 g / 1000 km.

5. Question: Is it possible to fill in synthetic oils?

Answer: There were experiments, some of the motors ran normally, some did not, because during the operation of the RPD, oil is supplied to the combustion chamber, and the use of synthetic oils can lead to coking of the oil slinger rings with further failure of the RPD.

6. Question: What candles are used in RPD?

A26 (Russia);
NGK BR8ET (Japan);
BR8EQ (Japan).
7. Question: Where can I repair the RPD?

Answer: In SKB RPD JSC "AVTOVAZ" (Tolyatti). Partial repairs can be made at a specialized service station in Moscow: AvtoVAZ-GUVD LLC on the territory of the 1st traffic police battalion, st. Zaozernaya 15-b, (Vykhino metro station, Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki-Kosino highway). Tel. 700-55-00, 700-53-75.

8. Question: Where can I buy a car with RPD manufactured by SKB RPD JSC AVTOVAZ?

Answer: In Moscow, at the moment, a similar car can be purchased at the salon of the official dealer of AVTOVAZ JSC - Lada-Favorit.

9. Question: I heard RPD is disposable?

Answer: No! RPD is a fully maintainable engine.

10. Question: What cars come with RPD?

Answer: At the moment, this is a family of front-wheel drive vehicles VAZ-2108-91, VAZ-2109-91, VAZ-21099-91, VAZ-2115-91 (RPD-415). Previously produced models:

VAZ-21018 (RPD-311);
VAZ-21019 (RPD-411);
VAZ-21059 (RPD-411 and RPD-4132);
VAZ-21079 (RPD-4132).
GAZ-3102-8 (RPD-413) was produced by special order. Apart from single samples of cars, motorcycles, etc. Well, and, of course, Mazda RX-3, RX-7, Eunos Cosmo 800 and RX-8.

11. Question: I heard there are cars with RPD that consume 8 liters?

Answer: I doubt it very much, the "horses" need to be fed, and that says it all! As for Mazda, the second and third generations of the RX-7 consume similar amounts of fuel, but only in extra-urban mode.

12. Q: What can be done about the ignition system?

Question: In the specialized service "Veshnyaki-Kosino" it is possible to carry out chip tuning, remove the speed limiter, set more "interesting" parameters of the ignition system.

13. Question: Are the ignition control units the same for the rotary-piston “classic” and the front-wheel drive family?

Answer: No.

14. Q: What can be done with the carburetor?

Answer: Adjust!

15. Q: What can be done about the air filter?

Answer: Replace with a zero resistance filter, there are three types:

instead of the regular filter element;
from the injector (installed on the branch pipe of the air filter housing);
completely original body with a filter mounted on a carburetor.
When installing the air filter, it should be noted that in this case the filter is selected for an engine size of 2.6 liters. The return can be about 6 hp, but there will be additional intake noise due to the use of zero resistance filters.

16. Q: What can be done about the exhaust system?

Answer: Refinement of the exhaust system is one of the most important elements of RPD tuning. There are many ways to improve:

replacement of the end part of the muffler with a straight-through part, such as Remus;
replacement of the resonator and muffler with direct-flow ones, such as Remus;
replacement of the entire exhaust system (thermoreactor, resonator, muffler) with a dual-parallel exhaust system.
When finalizing the exhaust system, it should be remembered that the RPD is an unusual piston engine, and it has some features, namely, reverse suction (RPDs with mechanical intake do not have phase overlap and reverse suction, this is the case with radial intake engines that were made for sports ) exhaust gases when using heavily shortened exhaust systems. In principle, any reduction in resistance in the exhaust system will give an increase in power, because. about 20 hp already “dies” in it.

17. Question: Is it necessary to flush the engine when changing the oil?

Answer: Yes, I, for example, flush the engine at every oil change (5000 km). I used to wash with ordinary flushing oil, now with Fenom “five minutes”. But there is one BUT ... some people believe that flushing the engine is not required, some believe that it is required. I think that washing in dirty water is IMPOSSIBLE! The choice is yours.

18. Question: What additives can be added to oil?

Answer: I have personally tested metal conditioners ER and its Russian analogue Fenom. The purpose of these additives is to reduce the coefficient of friction of parts. This additive does not act on the stator-rotor pair due to the technological features of the Nikosil coating of the stator and rotor blades, but it is in its power to protect the rotor gears and bearings.

19. Question: Dual-channel switches are quite rare, what can be done?

Answer: The ignition system can be converted to a four-channel one using four single-channel switches from the VAZ-2108.

20. Question: How does the RPD start in the cold?

Answer: Just like an ordinary piston engine. In rotary machines there is such a button - "backup ignition". So, if before starting the car in frost, turn the ignition key (not including the starter) and turn on the “reserve” for 10-20 seconds, the lower candles will be ignited, which will make it easier to start the engine. Mazda has a "Sub-zero start" device that injects ethylene glycol into the intake manifold at startup to prevent fuel freezing.

21. Question: Is it possible to install an air conditioner on the RPD?

Answer: You can, but many owners of Mazda RX-7 dismantle the air conditioner to increase the power of the car.

22. Question: How do you know if it's time for an engine overhaul?

Answer: Engine wear after which it is no longer a "tenant" and is subject to major repairs is determined by compression - less than 4 units. and leaks in chambers up to 50%. Unstable idling, poor cold start, poor self-cleaning of candles, very high oil consumption, fuel getting into the oil, strong smoke will complete the picture.

23. Question: I would like to know how a simple buyer can buy a car with RPD, as well as the pros and cons of this engine.

Answer: How to buy - see above. "Per":

The handling of the car is great!
The noise level at rpm over 3000 is lower than on a piston engine.
The car runs on AI-76 gasoline without modifications ("classic") and power loss.
The exoticism and rarity of the car (traffic police officers, examining the engine, forget why they stopped it).
The original sonorous exhaust (not loud, but original, like a Harley).
The developed speed is a moot point, since there is a serial box, but in fifth gear acceleration is the same as in second.

Sometimes the engine "wedges" (the SKB RPD said that the problem was solved, and the engine has not "wedge" for a long time, but there have been precedents before) - before that, the consumption of oil and gasoline increases sharply.
On some engines, fuel consumption is up to 12 l / 100 km, which for some reason cannot be reduced by anything - the usual consumption as in the “classic”.
On even worse engines and oil consumption up to 6 l / 1000 km, but this happens extremely rarely.
And the main problem is the problem of maintenance: it is carried out only in Togliatti and Moscow.
24. Question: Why can't I buy a RWD car with RPD?

Answer: They are not certified as private cars. And, accordingly, they are not officially sold to motorists. At the moment, the "classic" is out of production.

25. Question: I looked at the VAZ page - I got the impression that VAZ has one RPD model (70 hp per rotor), torn off Mazda, and he “unwinds” it in different combinations. Is it really true?

Answer: The engines that were put on the "classic" were indeed developed from the Mazda engine with minor changes. The same ones that are produced now are domestically developed. Of course, they are similar, but there's nowhere to go.

26. Question: Judging by the performance characteristics, the RPD has good data. Why, then, is it not mass-produced (only small batches are declared on the site)? What prevents to put it on the conveyor?

Answer: Something in the engine has not been finalized, so it “wedges” sometimes (according to the assurances of the SKB RPD as of January 2002, the defect has been eliminated and the engines have not “wedges” for a long time). That's what the statistics say. But in my opinion, it “wedges” not because of the design, but because of the driving style. Since the RPD at high speeds starts to work quieter than a piston engine and, in official language, “is not sensitive to speed” - it is simply “twisted” with all the ensuing consequences. The sports special power unit was tested at 9500 rpm for 2 hours, but it was a special engine. Serial RPD works as in the passport - 6000 rpm. Serial production is also hampered by the increased requirements for the quality of manufacture and assembly associated with the peculiarity of the motor, the short resource of domestic engines, and the biased attitude of 99.9% of consumers.

27. Question: How is the lubrication of the seals on the rotor in the RPD? Is oil supplied with fuel (as in motorcycles)?

Answer: Exactly. Only it is not mixed in the gas tank, it is supplied by a special pump - dispenser (lubricator) directly to the working surface of the stator and seals, depending on the speed and load on the engine - as on all modern two-stroke engines, although the RPD is a full-fledged four-stroke engine.

28. Question: In principle, will it be possible to buy an aviation version of the RPD in the foreseeable future? And how much will this pleasure cost?

Answer: Soon, soon. The management planned to sell aviation RPDs back in 1998, however, now it is already 2002, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. There are two types of aviation RPDs:

416-two-section (~ 150 hp);
426-three (~250 hp).
In the future, the 426th will be modified to 300-350 hp. The price for pilot production is respectively:

416 — $10000;
426 — $20000.
29. Question: Where can I find out about the RPD power system?

Answer: On cars with RPD manufactured by AVTOVAZ, a carburetor power system is installed. The release of cars with injection is expected, but when, alas, is unknown.

30. Question: Does RPD for GAZ-2410 exist in nature? Can I buy it, if so, how much does it cost?

Answer: VAZ-413 is an engine for the Volga. Out of production, and, accordingly, it can not be bought.

31. Question: Is it possible to put the RPD on the Niva or another used car? And if so, what will you have to face?

Answer: You can install it, but, firstly, the engine is not sold separately (the exception is VAZ athletes), and, secondly, for this you will have to replace the front beam with the original one. For Niva, no one worked on this issue.

32. Question: Is it possible to separately supply RPD for self-installation of engines on official vehicles of special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the CIS countries?

Answer: The engines of SKB RPD JSC AVTOVAZ are not supplied separately even for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Order for cars can be fulfilled.

33. Question: Can we obtain from you the rights to install RPD in Russian cities? Or is no permission required from you?

Answer: SKB RPD does not produce so many engines in order not to have time to install them on its own.

34. Question: Does it make economic sense to use your unit instead of a piston engine with port injection?

Answer: Even when an injection power system is installed on the RPD, the engine can approach, in terms of fuel consumption, a piston engine with injection, but not overtake it.

35. Question: What transmission is on the "eight" with RPD?

Answer: On front-wheel drive vehicles of AVTOVAZ JSC with RPD, a standard gearbox and VAZ-2112 clutch are installed.

36. Question: Is it possible to use gas as a fuel in RPD? Is it possible to manufacture a diesel engine based on RPD?

Answer: At the moment, the VAZ-415 can only run on gasoline. Theoretically, RPD can operate on almost all types of fuel - diesel fuel, fuel oil, gas, coal dust. There was even an idea about the operation of the RPD on hydrogen, but the SKB RPD is not yet engaged in the study of these issues. As far as I know, they run on gas. Installed gas equipment as for a piston engine and drive. What equipment, I don't know.

37. Question: Answer without question

Answer: After repeated starts of the engine and its short-term operation, it becomes almost impossible to start the RPD. This often happens at exhibitions where everyone wants to hear how the engine works. He started it, listened to it, turned it off - ... after the fifth or tenth time, the engine will not start due to the fact that the candles do not have time to ignite. All! Dry the candles.

38. Question: And my fuel consumption is 15 l/100 km. What to do?

Answer: Maybe this will not be an option for everyone, but ... check the carburetor. On some cars, with the choke handle completely recessed, the damper remained in an intermediate position with all the ensuing consequences. After eliminating this malfunction, the consumption decreased to pleasing numbers. And do not press the gas pedal to the floor.

39. Question: What is the percentage of engines that have worked before overhaul (125 thousand km) without breakdowns?

Answer: Consider the VAZ-415 engine for front-wheel drive vehicles. Unfortunately, in the summer of 1999, no one reached the cherished figure of 125 thousand km. The record holder is considered to be an engine that has passed about 70 thousand km. Basically, insane oil consumption comprehends the engine for 20-70 thousand km. In 2001, mileage increased, but car production was also frozen.

40. Question: Is there a record for cars with RPD?

Answer: No. No queue entry exists.

41. Question: What engine size is recorded in the registration certificate - 1.3 l or 2.6 l?

Answer: The power is written in the data sheet, the displacement is not written. But in all documents, the VAZ-415 appears as an engine with a volume of 1.3 liters, but in sports - as 2.6 liters.

42. Question: A white “sour cream” is formed on the filler neck and the oil dipstick hole (a sign of the presence of water in the oil). How to treat it?

Answer: Don't worry. A white emulsion on the dipstick and condensate on the oil filler cap in winter is normal for RPDs. As the engine cools down, it "sweats" inside. After starting, the water is washed away with oil and, as it warms up, evaporates and condenses in cool places. In RPD, the internal cavity of the engine is not purged with exhaust gases, as in PD. The trips are usually short, the engine does not warm up. It is recommended to change the oil after winter operation, regardless of the mileage.

43. Question: How to adjust the ignition timing? (in the instructions it says: “use a stroboscope”, but it’s not clear how)

Answer: The ignition is not regulated. Everything is "wired" once and for all in the ROM of the ignition system and is optimized specifically for this engine. A stroboscope is used for diagnostics.

44. Question: Unstable idling, suspicion of "trimming", how to relate to this? Could it be an ignition issue?

Answer: Idling is not a strong point of the RPD. So the suspicion will remain a suspicion. Everything is normal there, again a specific effect.

45. Question: Adjusted the carburetor ... found that one of the jets has enlarged reamed holes. What happens if you put the native original jet (it is in the form of a tube)? maybe the car will lose power and reception, or maybe it won’t go at all? I would like to know…

Answer: The carburetor for RPD is special, manufactured by Solex. If it fails, then it will be possible to purchase a serviceable one only at SKB RPD.

46. ​​Question: How about the Oka with a single-section RPD?

Answer: It will never be like this.

47. Question: An incomprehensible situation with the tachometer. At idle it shows 1100 rpm, then zero. The same thing on the go: it works, then it lies at zero or twitches sluggishly.

Answer: This is possible if there is a malfunction in the ignition system (controller, switch, connectors, etc.).

48. Question: We tried to install a new shield - electronic (with backlight). Everything worked except the tachometer. Apparently, the standard tachometer does not fit and needs to be modified?

Answer: Yes, modification is required. And only in SKB RPD.

49. Question: How often should the oil be changed (after what run)?

Answer: According to the passport - after 10-15 thousand km and after winter operation, regardless of the mileage. I change every 5-6 thousand.

50. Question: I measured the compression on the new engine, showed 6 units each, although quite recently it was about 9, why all of a sudden such a sharp jump?

Answer: When measuring compression on the RPD, be sure to press the gas pedal to the floor. Otherwise, the result will be incorrect, because the engine is not breathing. In addition, the “fuel + oil” film is directly involved in the appearance of compression: a motor that is “dry” from the inside can show almost nothing at all.

Each buyer receives the necessary package of documents at the central office of KARPLAZ.
KARPLAZA works transparently and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

We provide:

  • Sales contract (this document is issued for registration of the 411MX11 engine when registering a car with the traffic police;
  • sales receipt;
  • cargo customs declaration (confirms that the engine was purchased in the specified country. The current document will be needed along with the sales contract to register a car with a 411MX11 engine in the traffic police).


  • We guarantee each buyer a return, exchange of the 411MX11 engine during the entire warranty period;
  • The warranty for the engine is 30 days (when installed at our partners in service stations, the warranty for the 411MX11 engine is 60 days);


Shipping options for purchased 411MX11 engine

  • self-delivery, each buyer can pick up the engine directly at the company's warehouse at the address Moscow, Domodedovskaya metro station, Aparinki village, 15. KARPLAZ employees will load the engine into the vehicle on their own.
  • delivery by a transport company to the specified region in any city of the Russian Federation.

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Approximate cost of sending a 411MX11 contract engine to the Russian region up to 100 kg

Select a city from the list. Armavir: 1850 rubles Term 3 (days) Arkhangelsk: 1710 rubles. Term 3 (days) Astrakhan: 1700 rubles. Term 3 (days) Barnaul: 2580 rubles. Term 7 (days) Belgorod: 1500 rubles. Term 2 (days) Budennovsk: 1800 rubles. Term 4 (days) Veliky Novgorod: 1370 rubles. Term 1 (days) Vladivostok: 4170 rubles. Term 12 (days) Volgograd: 1560 rubles. Term 2 (days) Vologda: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (day) Voronezh: 1380 rubles. Term 1 (days) Yekaterinburg: 1890 rubles. Term 3 (days) Izhevsk: 1680 rubles. Term 3 (days) Irkutsk: 2940 rubles. Term 10 (days) Kazan: 1590 rubles. Term 2 (days) Kaliningrad: 1640 rubles. Term 5 (days) Kemerovo: 2550 rubles. Term 7 (days) Kirov: 1580 rubles. Term 2 (days) Krasnodar: 1640 rubles. Term 2 (days) Krasnoyarsk: 2660 rubles. Term 8 (days) Kurgan: 2010 rub. Term 4 (days) Kursk: 1440 rubles. Term 1 (days) Lipetsk: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (days) Murmansk: 1860 rubles. Term 3 (days) Naberezhnye Chelny: 1620 rubles. Term 2 (days) Nalchik: 1790 rubles. Term 3 (days) Nevinnomyssk: 1700 rubles. Term 4 (days) Neftekamsk: 1640 rubles. Term 3 (days) Nizhnekamsk: 1760 rubles. Term 3 (days) Nizhny Novgorod: 1350 rubles. Term 1 (days) Nizhny Tagil: 1880 rubles. Term 4 (days) Novokuznetsk: 2640 rubles. Term 7 (days) Novorossiysk: 1730 rubles. Term 3 (days) Novosibirsk: 2430 rubles. Term 5 (days) Omsk: 2160 rubles. Term 5 (days) Orel: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (days) Orenburg: 1730 rubles. Term 4 (days) Orsk: 1820 rubles. Term 4 (days) Penza: 1440 rubles. Term 1 (days) Perm: 1700 rubles. Term 3 (days) Petrozavodsk: 1500 rubles. Term 2 (days) Pyatigorsk: 1700 rubles. Term 3 (days) Rostov-on-Don: 1590 rubles. Term 2 (days) Samara: 1650 rubles. Term 3 (days) St. Petersburg: 1370 rubles. Term 1 (days) Saratov: 1520 rubles. Term 2 (days) Severodvinsk: 1730 rubles. Term 4 (days) Sochi (Adler): 1920 rubles. Term 3 (days) Stavropol: 1650 rubles. Term 3 (days) Sterlitamak: 1950 rubles. Term 4 (days) Surgut: 2640 rubles. Term 6 (days) Syktyvkar: 1650 rubles. Term 3 (days) Tambov: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (days) Tolyatti: 1530 rubles. Term 3 (days) Tomsk: 2600 rubles. Term 7 (days) Tyumen: 2010 rub. Term 4 (days) Ulan-Ude: 3140 rubles. Term 12 (days) Ulyanovsk: 1530 rubles. Term 2 (days) Ufa: 1730 rubles. Term 3 (days) Khabarovsk: 3660 rubles. Term 12 (days) Cheboksary: ​​1470 rubles. Term 2 (days) Chelyabinsk: 1860 rubles. Term 4 (days) Cherepovets: 1350 rubles. Term 1 (day) Chita: 3420 rubles. Term 13 (days) Yaroslavl: 1280 rubles. Term 1 (days)

Equipment for sale available

  • air conditioning compressor from 1500 rub.
  • generator from 1000 rub.
  • power steering from 1000 rub.
  • throttle valve from 500 rub.
  • ignition coil from 300 rub.
  • intake manifold from 500 rub.
  • exhaust manifold from 500 rub.
  • starter from 1000 rub.
  • injection pump from 3000 rub.
  • distributor from 500 rub.
  • turbine from 3000 rub.
  • nozzles from 500 rub.
  • ECU from 500 rub.
  • Automatic transmission (automatic transmission)
  • Manual transmission (manual gearbox)
Overhaul of the 411MX11 engine. Change to contract.

What is RPD?

In a classic four-stroke engine, the same cylinder is used for various operations - injection, compression, combustion and exhaust. In a rotary engine, each process is performed in a separate compartment of the chamber. The effect is not much different from dividing the cylinder into four compartments for each of the operations.

In a piston engine, the pressure generated by the combustion of the mixture causes the pistons to move back and forth in their cylinders. The connecting rods and crankshaft convert this pushing motion into the rotational motion needed to propel the vehicle.

In a rotary engine, there is no rectilinear motion that would have to be translated into rotational. Pressure builds up in one of the chamber compartments causing the rotor to rotate, which reduces vibration and increases the potential engine speed. The result is greater efficiency and smaller dimensions for the same power as a conventional piston engine.

How does RPD work?

The function of the piston in the RPD is performed by a three-vertex rotor, which converts the gas pressure force into the rotational movement of the eccentric shaft. The movement of the rotor relative to the stator (outer housing) is provided by a pair of gears, one of which is rigidly fixed on the rotor, and the second on the side cover of the stator. The gear itself is fixedly fixed to the motor housing. In engagement with it is the gear of the rotor, which with a gear wheel, as it were, rolls around it.

The shaft rotates in bearings placed on the body and has a cylindrical eccentric on which the rotor rotates. The interaction of these gears ensures the expedient movement of the rotor relative to the housing, as a result of which three separated chambers of variable volume are formed. The gear ratio of the gears is 2:3, so for one revolution of the eccentric shaft the rotor rotates 120 degrees, and for a full revolution of the rotor in each of the chambers a full four-stroke cycle is performed.

Gas exchange is controlled by the top of the rotor as it passes through the inlet and outlet ports. This design allows a 4-stroke cycle to be carried out without the use of a special gas distribution mechanism.

The sealing of the chambers is provided by radial and end sealing plates pressed against the cylinder by centrifugal forces, gas pressure and band springs. The torque is obtained as a result of the action of gas forces through the rotor on the shaft eccentric.

Advantages and disadvantages of RPD

All parts of a rotary engine constantly rotate in the same direction, which does not create the vibration associated with the variable direction of movement of the pistons inherent in conventional engines.

Along with undoubted advantages, the Wankel engine also has serious design flaws, which are extremely difficult to overcome.

The combustion chamber of a rotary engine has a sickle shape in plan. Therefore, with the same volume as the cylindrical chamber of a conventional motor, its surface area is much larger.

The consequence is a large heat load of the engine and a lower thermal efficiency.

In addition, the crescent shape does not allow organizing the vortex filling of the combustion chamber in order to achieve complete combustion of the air-fuel mixture.

Hence the worst, in comparison with piston engines, efficiency and problems with the emission of harmful substances.

The list of technological shortcomings is just as extensive. In the first place - the process of manufacturing a stator of complex shape with a wear-resistant working surface.

The difficulty is also that the stator must successfully withstand temperature deformations: unlike a conventional motor, where a heat-loaded combustion chamber is partially cooled in the intake and compression phase with a fresh working mixture, here the combustion process always occurs in one part of the engine, and the intake - in another .

Another problem is rotor seals. If in a piston motor the rings come into contact with the cylinder mirror with only one working edge and at a constant angle, then the seals on the tops of the rotor touch the stator at constantly changing angles, which leads to large loads on their faces.

In addition, these seals operate in conditions of limited lubrication and poor heat dissipation - for their lubrication, you have to additionally inject oil directly into the intake manifold. It is not difficult to guess that this does not improve the environmental performance of the motor either.

The history of the invention and the father of the engine

Felix Heinrich Wankel (German: Felix Heinrich Wankel, August 13, 1902, Lahr (Black Forest) - October 9, 1988, Heidelberg) was a German engine designer. Co-invented a rotary piston engine (the so-called Wankel engine), the design of which was shown in 1957, together with NSU engineer Walter Freude (W. Froude), who owned the idea of ​​​​this engine design. Wankel spent his whole life working on the creation of another motor with a simple rotation of interacting rotors.

Together with Walter Freude and his group, he carried out extensive research on the mechanical seals of rotating valves (spools). They also formulated requirements for effective moving seals. In this area, the important role of the W. Benzinger group of Daimler-Benz should also be noted.

Biography of Wankel

Wankel's father died in World War I; left without a father, leaving the gymnasium, Felix Wankel could neither enter the university, nor even get a working specialty. Independently studying technical disciplines, Wankel already in 1924 came up with the idea of ​​a rotary piston engine. In the 1920s, Wankel joined the NSDAP, but in 1933 he was among Hitler's opponents and spent half a year in prison. In 1936, a prototype of his rotary engine interested BMW; Wankel received funding, and in 1936 - his own workshop in Lindau for the development of experimental aircraft engines under the patronage of the Goering Ministry of Aviation.

In 1945 Wankel's equipment was taken to France under reparations;

In 1951, with the help of the Goetze firm, Wankel resumed research - first in his own home.

In 1954, he finally found the optimal configuration for the RPD combustion chamber;

In 1958, NSU released the first car with a simplified version of the RPD, but this implementation did not satisfy the designer himself.

Since 1960 Wankel has been working at the new research center in Lindau.

In 1964, NSU introduced an engine of the original Wankel Ro 80 design (in total, about 40,000 of these machines were produced).

In 1959-1970, the Wankel patent was acquired by all the largest automakers in the Western world, but in 2007-2008, cars with a rotary piston engine designed by Wankel and Freud were produced only under the Mazda brand.

In 1936 Wankel married Emma Kirn (1905-1975), they had no children. Wankel never had a driver's license, as he suffered from extreme myopia since childhood. He did not master the basics of higher mathematics, relying on his exceptional sense of space.

History of the VAZ rotor

Year 1974. By order of the General Director of the Volga Automobile Plant, a special design bureau for rotary piston engines was created.

The most ambitious plans are to create a rotary piston engine for VAZ vehicles, which will outperform the traditional piston engine in terms of performance.

The basis of the team was made up of university graduates and specialists from aviation enterprises of Samara. They had youth and enthusiasm in their arsenal. Deputy technical director Boris Sidorovich POSPELOV was appointed head of SKB RPD, Mikhail Alekseevich KORZHOV was appointed chief designer.

The development of the first VAZ RPDs went in parallel with the study of the designs of foreign samples and under the very modest technological capabilities of the experimental workshop, so some of the parts were used from imported engines. The first engines were not distinguished by either the elegance of the layout or their performance, and this is natural for starting work with such a complex product, but they made it possible to gain experience and identify the main problems of such a seemingly simple design. Several variants of the layout of the RPD in VAZ vehicles were made before a prototype appeared, which became the base engine and which was accepted for pre-production. This engine was a single-section RPD VAZ-311 with a power of 70 hp. with geometric parameters, like the Japanese 13V. Preparation for production was carried out according to unrealistic plans simultaneously with the refinement of the engine: there were more problems than solutions. Despite the lack of knowledge of the design, it was decided to release a pilot batch of VAZ-21018 cars with RPD. After the cars were sold, a scandal broke out, as massive defects in operation gave rise to a wave of complaints. The management of the plant was forced to replace rotary piston engines on serial piston engines on the cars sold. Organizational events followed: the number of SKB was halved, the construction of workshops and an office building was stopped. Many highly qualified specialists left. Thus ended the period of adventures and fantasies, it was necessary to seriously assess the state of affairs.

The situation in the SKB was critical. B.S. Pospelov was able to maintain his composure in this difficult situation and draw the right conclusions. An assessment of the areas of application of the RPD and their technical level showed that in order to fulfill all the requirements that apply to an automobile engine, a large amount of finishing work, the development of new materials and technologies, and long-term testing are necessary. The possibility of installing an engine with a capacity of 120 ... 140 hp in a VAZ car. interested in special services, the requirements for resource and fuel consumption were lower than those of a general purpose vehicle, and they allowed engine replacement during operation. On their part, qualified operation and the provision of information about defects were guaranteed. For SKB, this was an ideal option. This is how the special-purpose vehicle VAZ-21019 appeared with a two-section engine with a capacity of 120 hp.

The situation in SKB stabilized, a fruitful period of fine-tuning began, there was real progress towards improving engine performance. There were positive reviews about our car and its indispensability in the performance of operational work. It is symbolic that those who worked on cars with RPD called him "Arkan".

Proposals began to arrive from other enterprises on the development of RPDs for motorcycles, aircraft, amphibious vessels, and outboard motors. The work was carried out according to economic agreements and partially compensated for the costs of maintaining the Special Design Bureau.

By the end of the 80s, it became possible to return to the project of a general purpose vehicle with the implementation of all standards. Therefore, when SKB ordered an engine for the Tavria special-purpose vehicle, Pospelov set the task of designing an engine that, in addition to the ZAZ car, could be installed in a VAZ-2108 car without modifying the body and transmission. Which is what was done. The engine turned out to be extremely successful, the very first samples were tested without any problems in the composition of VAZ and ZAZ cars. The power of this engine is 105 hp. was sufficient for Tavria (maximum speed over 200 km / h) and low for front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles, so it was planned to develop a larger displacement engine for cars of the VAZ-2108 family. But this was not destined to happen. On January 16, 1987, Boris Sidorovich Pospelov died. A constructor, an energetic and fair leader, a worthy person. At the general meeting of the SKB RPD, Vladimir Andreevich SHNYAKIN was elected head.

The main strategic direction was the creation of engines for general aviation. The car engine becomes a secondary job, although the production of the outdated "classic" VAZ-21079 with a carburetor RPD VAZ-4132 continues. Work on the engine for front-wheel drive cars "VAZ" was stopped.

Undoubtedly, in Russia, with its vast territory, it is considered strange that there is no general aviation, i.e. small 2 ... 7-seater aircraft. The prospect is attractive - to be a monopolist in this still emerging market.

But behind this attractiveness lies a huge work to create an entire industry that does not yet exist in our state. Huge and technical problems associated with the implementation of specific aviation requirements that do not occur when creating an automobile engine.

The need to finance the services of third-party organizations does not allow completely abandoning the production of cars with RPD. This circumstance in 1994 forced the development of a 140 hp engine. for the VAZ-2108 family of cars. Work is being carried out in a hurry, as a result, the new VAZ-415 engine had many defects, which could only be eliminated by replacing the engine. With great difficulty, we managed to eliminate most of these defects, comply with Russian toxicity standards and obtain a certificate that allows you to sell a car with RPD. And yet it was and is the engine of the 80s, with a carburetor.

The operation of cars with RPD has shown the presence of a steady demand for a car with increased dynamic qualities. Acceleration of a car with RPD VAZ-415 up to 100 km / h is 9 seconds. and maximum speed - 190 km / h.

But today, to continue production, a serious modernization of the produced RPD VAZ-415 is required. First of all, this is the introduction of measures to comply with modern toxicity standards and the adaptation of the engine to the VAZ-2110 family of cars. And oddly enough, but, in addition to technical problems, there were other difficulties.

The experience of SKB work on automobile and aircraft engines at the same time showed the incompatibility of these works for most design solutions. In part, there may be a single technological and production base, and the developers of aircraft and automobile engines should be nearby, but separately. The requirements for automobile and aircraft engines are largely opposite. So, for example, the modes of operation of an automobile engine, which determine its efficiency and toxicity in the urban cycle, are not regulated at all for an aircraft engine. And vice versa: the main operating modes of an aircraft engine - "take-off" and "cruising" - are of little importance for an automobile engine. A particular problem is the materials. Materials generally accepted in the automotive industry cannot be used for an aircraft engine. Therefore, the work of designers at the same time on both aircraft and automobile engines is unproductive. It requires teamwork, when specific people are engaged in a specific business.

As for technology, modern technologies and electronic systems introduced in recent years make it possible to successfully solve all problems related to ecology, resource and fuel efficiency in a short time, which Mazda demonstrated. The obvious advantages of RPD make it possible to expand the power range of VAZ vehicles and offer the buyer, in addition to a mass-produced vehicle, a dynamic high-speed model, thus demonstrating that the plant is not alien to unique technologies. And this is an image and advertising. All this is real.

The rotary piston engine has enough potential to be competitive and equal among the best. In the meantime, the production of SKB RPD continues to produce cars of the VAZ-2108 family with a 140 hp rotary-piston carburetor engine.

Technical characteristics of the rotary piston engine (rpd) VAZ-4132 and VAZ-415


Number of sections

The working volume of the engine chamber, cc

Compression ratio

Rated power, kW (hp) / min-1

Maximum torque, N*m(kgf*m)/min-1

The minimum speed of the eccentric shaft at idle, min-1

Engine weight, kg

Overall dimensions, mm

Minimum specific fuel consumption (according to VSH), g/kW*h (g/hp*h)

Oil consumption in % of fuel consumption

Engine resource before the first overhaul, thousand km




Produced models

RPD engine

Acceleration time 0-100, sec

Maximum speed, km\h


Answer: The plant declared 125 thousand km. In reality, both 10 thousand and 200 thousand km can pass. It all depends on the quality of manufacture, operation and maintenance.

2. Question: What fuel does the RPD run on?

Answer: Gasoline with an octane rating of at least 90 is recommended (i.e. AI-91, AI-92, AI-93, AI-95). AI-76 or AI-80 is not recommended, but it is possible. At the same time, detonation should not be allowed, which is possible when driving with a heavy load, in tightness and during sharp accelerations. The VAZ-411 engine consumes AI-76 and AI-92 gasoline, without alterations.

3. Question: What kind of oil is used in RPD?

Answer: Oil in terms of performance properties according to API classification is not lower than SG (for forced gasoline engines). By viscosity 5W or 10W-30 - in winter and 15W-40 - in summer. An oil change is done after 10-12 thousand km. After winter operation, regardless of the mileage, it is necessary to change.

4. Question: What oil consumption can be considered the norm?

Answer: A consumption of about 700 g/1000 km is considered normal, in fact 1-1.2 liters of oil per 1000 km. So far, unfortunately, so, although you can have 500 g / 1000 km.

5. Question Q: Can synthetic oils be used?

Answer: There were experiments, some of the motors ran normally, some did not, because during the operation of the RPD, oil is supplied to the combustion chamber, and the use of synthetic oils can lead to coking of the oil slinger rings with further failure of the RPD.

6. Question: What candles are used in RPD?

A26 (Russia);

NGK BR8ET (Japan);

BR8EQ (Japan).

7. Question: Where can I repair the RPD?

Answer: In SKB RPD JSC "AVTOVAZ" (Tolyatti). Partial repairs can be made at a specialized service station in Moscow: AvtoVAZ-GUVD LLC on the territory of the 1st traffic police battalion, st. Zaozernaya 15-b, (metro station "Vykhino", Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the highway "Veshnyaki-Kosino"). Tel. 700-55-00, 700-53-75.

8. Question: Where can I buy a car with RPD manufactured by SKB RPD JSC "AVTOVAZ"?

Answer: In Moscow, at the moment, a similar car can be purchased at the salon of the official dealer of AVTOVAZ JSC - the Lada-Favorit company.

9. Question: I heard RPD - disposable?

Answer: No! RPD is a fully maintainable engine.

10. Question: What cars come with RPD?

Answer: At the moment, this is a family of front-wheel drive vehicles VAZ-2108-91, VAZ-2109-91, VAZ-21099-91, VAZ-2115-91 (RPD-415). Previously produced models:

VAZ-21018 (RPD-311);

VAZ-21019 (RPD-411);

VAZ-21059 (RPD-411 and RPD-4132);

VAZ-21079 (RPD-4132).

GAZ-3102-8 (RPD-413) was produced by special order. Apart from single samples of cars, motorcycles, etc. Well, and, of course, Mazda RX-3, RX-7, Eunos Cosmo 800 and RX-8.

11. Question: I heard there are cars with RPD that consume 8 liters?

Answer: I doubt it very much, the "horses" need to be fed, and that says it all! As for Mazda, the second and third generations of the RX-7 consume similar amounts of fuel, but only in extra-urban mode.

12. Question. What can be done with the ignition system?

Question: In the specialized service "Veshnyaki-Kosino" it is possible to carry out chip tuning, remove the speed limiter, set more "interesting" parameters of the ignition system.

13. Question. Are the ignition control units the same for the rotary-piston "classic" and the front-wheel drive family?

Answer: No.

14. Question. What can be done with a carburetor?

Answer: Adjust!

15. Question. What can be done with the air filter?

Answer: Replace with a zero resistance filter, there are three types:

Instead of a regular filter element;

From the injector (installed on the pipe of the air filter housing);

Completely original body with a filter mounted on a carburetor.

When installing the air filter, it should be noted that in this case the filter is selected for an engine size of 2.6 liters. The return can be about 6 hp, but there will be additional intake noise due to the use of zero resistance filters.

16. Question. What can be done with the exhaust system?

Answer: Refinement of the exhaust system is one of the most important elements of RPD tuning. There are many ways to improve:

Replacement of the end part of the muffler with a straight-through part, such as Remus;

Replacing the resonator and muffler with direct-flow ones, such as Remus;

Replacement of the entire exhaust system (thermoreactor, resonator, muffler) with a dual-parallel exhaust system.

When finalizing the exhaust system, it should be remembered that the RPD is an unusual piston engine, and some features are inherent in it, namely, reverse suction (RPDs with mechanical intake do not have phase overlap and reverse suction, this is the case with radial intake engines that were made for sports ) exhaust gases when using heavily shortened exhaust systems. In principle, any reduction in resistance in the exhaust system will give an increase in power, because. it already "dies" about 20 hp.

17. Question. Do you need to flush the engine when changing the oil?

Answer: Yes, I, for example, flush the engine at every oil change (5000 km). I used to wash with ordinary flushing oil, now with Fenom "five minutes". But there is one BUT ... some people believe that flushing the engine is not required, some believe that it is required. I think that washing in dirty water is IMPOSSIBLE! The choice is yours.

18. Question. What additives can be added to oil?

Answer: I have personally tested metal conditioners ER and its Russian analogue Fenom. The purpose of these additives is to reduce the coefficient of friction of parts. This additive does not act on the stator-rotor pair due to the technological features of the Nikosil coating of the stator and rotor blades, but it is in its power to protect the rotor gears and bearings.

19. Question. Dual-channel switches are rare enough, what can be done?

Answer: The ignition system can be converted to a four-channel one using four single-channel switches from the VAZ-2108.

20. Question. How does RPD start in the cold?

Answer: Just like an ordinary piston engine. In rotary machines there is such a button - "backup ignition". So, if before starting the car in frost, turn the ignition key (not including the starter) and turn on the "reserve" for 10-20 seconds, the lower candles will burn out, which will make it easier to start the engine. Mazda has a "Sub-zero start" device that injects ethylene glycol into the intake manifold at startup to prevent fuel freezing.

21. Question. Is it possible to put air conditioning on the RPD?

Answer: You can, but many owners of Mazda RX-7 dismantle the air conditioner to increase the power of the car.

22. Question. How do you know if it's time for an engine overhaul?

Answer: Engine wear after which it is no longer a "tenant" and is subject to major repairs is determined by compression - less than 4 units. and leaks in chambers up to 50%. Unstable idling, poor cold start, poor self-cleaning of candles, very high oil consumption, fuel getting into the oil, strong smoke will complete the picture.

23. Question. I would like to know how a simple buyer can buy a car with RPD, as well as the pros and cons of this engine.

Answer: How to buy - see above.

The handling of the car is great!

The noise level at rpm over 3000 is lower than on a piston engine.

The car runs on AI-76 gasoline without modifications ("classic") and loss of power.

The exoticism and rarity of the car (traffic police officers, examining the engine, forget why they stopped it).

The original sonorous exhaust (not loud, but original, like a Harley).

The developed speed is a moot point, since there is a serial box, but in fifth gear acceleration is the same as in second.

Sometimes the engine "wedges" (the SKB RPD said that the problem was solved, and the engine has not "wedge" for a long time, but there have been precedents before) - before that, the consumption of oil and gasoline rises sharply.

It is even more surprising that "the Soviets had their own pride", and what a rotary piston engine designed for passenger cars! Moreover, the "rotary theme" was overgrown with rumors, speculations and legends back in the early eighties, and even the appearance of VAZ cars with RPD on free sale in the crazy nineties did not dot the i's.

Forerunners: Felix Heinrich Wankel

Felix Wankel, a self-taught German engineer, began developing the rotary piston engine back in the twenties, but in the pre-war period he did not manage to bring prototype aircraft engines to perfection, despite the support of BMW and the Ministry of Aviation. After World War II, Wankel's equipment was dismantled and taken to France. Despite this, the design engineer did not stop working on his own RPD - now with the support of NSU. By the mid-fifties, Wankel completed the theoretical part and in 1957 produced a prototype, based on the results of testing of which the necessary changes were made to the design.

Rotor's father - Felix Wankel

Wankel's work was by no means of an "academic" nature: in 1963, the production of the first production NSU model, the Prince Spyder, began, and later the NSU Ro 80 business class sedan was also equipped with an innovative engine.

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When Audi "inherited" the NSU brand and its developments, it even released a prototype of the Audi KKM based on the second-generation "weave". In the future, the topic of Wankel engines was not continued at Audi.

However, rather quickly, the features of the RPD prevented him from winning a market victory over traditional piston ICEs with a crank mechanism. Nevertheless, during the years of mass production of Wankel engines, many large automakers acquired a patent for the right to produce such units, some of which began to develop the "rotor theme" in earnest and for a long time. Perhaps the most famous RPD manufacturer is the Japanese company Mazda, which created the Renesis engine.

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Made in USSR

How could the idea to start producing rotary piston engines come up at VAZ? Various alternative designs of piston engines were worked in the USSR in the middle of the 20th century - of course, not for the automotive industry, but for aviation. Potentially, such motors could provide a higher return, which was especially valuable in aircraft construction. Directly to the topic of RPD in the Soviet Union began in the "pre-VAZ" period - at the direction of the Minavtoprom and the Ministry of Agriculture, three research institutes (NAMI, NATI and VNIImotoprom) began research work on the creation of RPD.

Therefore, the development of Wankel and its practical implementation on production cars in the Soviet Union did not go unnoticed. Moreover, a light and powerful engine could become in demand for some special-purpose vehicles - for example, the so-called "catch-ups" or sports cars.

Traditionally, for the automobile industry of the USSR, a strong-willed decision could only be made "at the very top" - that is, at the level of the ministry.

However, the rotor at VAZ was taken up by order of the General Director of the Volga Automobile Plant in 1973 - it would seem, at their own discretion. But not everything is so simple: before moving on to a new project - the construction of the Volga auto giant, back in 1965, Viktor Nikolayevich Polyakov served as Deputy Minister of the Automobile Industry of the USSR, and in 1975 he completely returned to the ministerial chair, heading the Minavtoprom USSR. Thus, it can be argued that the work on the rotor was approved "without two minutes" by the Minister of the Automotive Industry and his former deputy in one person.

So, after the release of the corresponding order of the General Director, a special design bureau was created, whose task was not only to develop motors of its own design, but also to eliminate the "generic flaws" of the Wankel motor, which Soviet designers were already aware of.

Unlike Western colleagues, in the USSR, "own design" really meant the development of one's own version, and not the purchase of a patent or a ready-made license. As in the case of an automatic transmission for, for lack of options, Soviet engineers were forced to make their own version of the single-section Wankel engine, having disassembled one Japanese RPD for this. However, beforehand for “field tests”, the engine, taken from a Mazda RX-2 specially purchased to work on the rotor, was installed on the Zhiguli of the third model.

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Already in the early stages at VAZ, they were faced with the fact that, despite their compactness and high power-to-weight ratio, the light and powerful RPD was not very economical and environmentally friendly, and was also distinguished by frequent failure of seals. In fact, this problem has been fought for decades by everyone who took on Wankel engines, starting with the German engineer himself - the bearer of this surname. And, by the way, it was the low reliability of the seals that was the reason for the rapid failure of the engines on the NSU Ro-80, which forced the manufacturer to soon stop producing this car and “close the rotor theme”.

The first prototype of the SKB RPD under the designation VAZ-301 was ready already in 1976, but it was too early to talk about any launch of the rotor in Tolyatti - the design turned out to be clearly "raw".

The VAZ version of the rotary piston engine was even appreciated by ... Felix Wankel himself, who specially visited the Volga Automobile Plant for this. The "father of the rotor" approved the overall layout of the Togliatti RPD.

Already in 1982, the VAZ-21018 was demonstrated - the usual VAZ-21011 with a VAZ-311 engine with a power of 70 hp.

In order to identify design flaws in real-life conditions, a batch of 50 engines was produced, which were installed on five dozen Zhiguli, but just six months later, all engines, except for one (!), Had to be replaced with traditional ones. Seals and bearings quickly failed, and in addition, the motor turned out to be poorly balanced and quite voracious.

On earth and in heaven

After the first serious failure and the ensuing disciplinary punishments, VAZ did not stop working on rotors, but decided to finally switch from a single-section design to a two-section one. Such a motor was potentially not only more powerful, but also more reliable.

By that time, the Soviet rotor potentially already had a quite tangible scope - for example, for installation on official vehicles of the special forces of the traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB. On departmental vehicles, shortcomings like not the best fuel economy faded into the background, and high dynamic performance was of decisive importance. It is very important that when operating on official vehicles, VAZ specialists could, in the form of standardized reports, obtain detailed information about the shortcomings and defects identified in practice, but in more or less the same conditions, which ensured a certain objectivity of the assessment.

From time to time, the Soviet press reported sparsely about the motor of an unusual design.

By 1983, two new two-section RPDs were developed - the VAZ-411 with a capacity of 110-120 horsepower and the 140-horsepower VAZ-413. It was assumed that the rotors would be installed not only on the "native" Zhiguli of various models for the plant, but also on other vehicles of law enforcement agencies - in particular, the Volga. Of course, the installation of such a power unit on a sedan of the Gorky Automobile Plant required a corresponding refinement of the mount and some transmission units.

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At the same time, aviators also drew attention to the almost ready-to-use RPDs, who ordered the Togliatti Bureau to develop a variant for use on helicopters and light aircraft.

However, many other enterprises became interested in the rotary-piston type of engine, which ordered the development of units for boats, amphibians and even motorcycles from Togliatti! The plant provided these services under contracts on the terms of self-support, which was widely used at that time, so the activities of the Special Design Bureau were not unprofitable for VAZ. Also, prototypes of aircraft engines VAZ-416 and VAZ-426 were developed already in the era of the functioning of the STC VAZ in the mid-nineties.

Various types of RPD applications made it possible for designers to understand that the design solutions of automobile and aircraft engines cannot be completely identical due to a significant difference in the operating modes of engines in air and road transport.

Therefore, the simultaneous development of a "single" rotor has no practical meaning - rather, the work can be combined according to the technological and production base, and not according to specific solutions.

RPD and front wheel drive

The question arises: what about front-wheel drive cars? Really VAZ did not pay attention to its own "eight"?

Of course, he drew attention: work on the RPD for a fundamentally new family began when the VAZ-2108 was just being prepared for production - in 1979, but they returned to the topic of the “front-wheel drive rotor” more specifically at the beginning of perestroika, having concluded an agreement with the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant. And already by 1987, prototypes of the VAZ-414 were developed for front-wheel drive cars VAZ and ZAZ, and in Togliatti they created a version of their 40-horsepower RPD under the index 1185 even for ... Oka! But in the future, the leadership gave preference to the aviation direction, and work on automobile RPDs was suspended.

Small-scale production of an unusual modification of the Zhiguli based on the "five" continued until the collapse of the USSR, although government purchases of such vehicles by law enforcement agencies were quite small, and cars with rotors under the hood were not sold "to the side".

But soon the plant was not at all up to its own new developments - in the late eighties, state support for car factories was curtailed, and the factory workers had nothing to do - for example, the creation of a promising or.

Latest car RPD VAZ

VAZ returned to the topic of rotary automobile engines only in the Russian period of the plant's activity, finding an opportunity to "get out of the cloth" an interesting development even in the difficult nineties. Indeed, in the world at that time there had long been "warmed up" modifications of ordinary urban hatchbacks, with which the VAZ RPD was quite comparable in terms of developed power.

The presence of such a motor on cars of the 2108 family could "cheer up" consumer interest - at least in Togliatti they counted on it.

Even in difficult conditions, the new RPD for Samara was mastered rather quickly - fortunately, the VAZ-415 engine did not need to be developed from scratch. Some sources claim that the finishing work during its transformation into a serial product was carried out quite hastily or not very successfully, as a result of which the motor still retained a number of shortcomings inherent in the rest of the VAZ RPDs. However, there is another opinion that this motor, on the contrary, has absorbed all the advantages of past developments - both a sufficient resource, known from the 413th motor, and the “dense” layout inherited from the VAZ-414.

Almost simultaneously, the classics were also updated: in 1992, on the basis of the "seven", the production of a modification of the Zhiguli VAZ-21079 with a 140-horsepower VAZ-4132 engine began.

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However, in 1997, the VAZ-415 finally received a certificate that allowed it to be installed on ordinary commodity cars, which soon appeared in car dealerships.

“In civilian life”: having become accessible to mere mortals, RPD immediately appeared on the pages of Russian auto publications

Of course, the price of the car increased by quite tangible at that time 2.2-2.5 thousand dollars, but the dynamics of the G8 improved by an order of magnitude. After all, 120-140 "rotary" horsepower made it possible to gain a hundred from a standstill in 8-9 seconds, and the real maximum speed came close to the cherished 200 km / h. Fuel consumption, of course, at the same time ranged from 8 to 14 liters. But the compact rotary motor spun up to a mind-blowing 8 thousand revolutions, providing the "pilot" with sensations incomparable with the acceleration of a conventional "chisel".

RPD-415 under the hood of the VAZ-2108 looks quite organic. But at the same time, the motor is noticeably more compact than the native one. Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

RPD has always been famous for its "hot character", so he needed an oil cooler like air. Or water. In general, for cooling. Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

The bottom view hints that this is some kind of very difficult "eight". Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

Microprocessor ignition could also be found on the VAZ-2108 with a conventional internal combustion engine. But very rarely. Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

Alas, at the same time, the rotor, obscure to most, remained a “thing in itself” - ordinary minders did not know the technology for its repair, and spare parts were not sold in any store around the corner.

In addition, by that time it was already gaining momentum on ordinary VAZ engines, and on the RPD, the archaic Solex carburetor was still in charge of power.

The RPD mixture was prepared by the familiar Solex, but with its own adjustments. "Gas sector" had an additional lever to drive the dosing oil pump - lubricator. Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

Top view of the VAZ-415 with a dismantled carburetor. Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

And, despite the presence of a microprocessor ignition system (MPSZ), the rotor could not boast of the complaisance and (most importantly!) Durability of a conventional piston ICE. Indeed, with a declared resource of 125,000 km, many engines began to quickly “die” after 50,000 km, which was facilitated by the use of the “wrong” oil. As with Japanese Mazda cars with RPD, at the same time, the engine start deteriorated sharply and oil consumption increased for waste, and in the future the engine could completely fail.

The tightness of the seals is a sore point of any RPD, not only the VAZ-415. Photo: Alexander Podzolkov

Numerous tuning companies that appeared in Tolyatti and around it like mushrooms after the rain at that time offered tuning programs for conventional motors of various budgets and degrees of intervention, which made it possible to remove almost the same power as the rotor without a noticeable loss of resource. But RPD with a traditional power system was impossible to squeeze into the upcoming Euro 2 environmental standards, which the newly mastered VAZ injection corresponded to without problems.

Due to the non-mass production in the future, neither the work nor the production of the RPD itself was very interesting for VAZ, since, as in the history of Mazda, they could only be dictated by image considerations. Which in the case of the Togliatti Automobile Plant was not a strong enough argument ...

For a number of reasons listed, already at the beginning of the 2000s, the VAZ rotor began to sharply lose momentum. Yes, the VAZ-415 managed to try on even the “ten” and “tag” in modifications 2110-91 and 2115-91, respectively, but soon the production of rotary engines at VAZ was discontinued, and the SKB RPD itself, which developed its latest product in 2001, was re-registered.

Almost four dozen developments over 26 years - the designers of SKB RPD have worked a lot on the rotary theme

After 2004, the activities of the design bureau as part of work on RPD engines were finally terminated, and around 2007, the equipment was partially removed and disposed of. It seems that the final point was put on this in the history of the Soviet-Russian rotor.

Do you regret that rotary VAZs did not work out?

Please fill out the form correctly. So that we can correctly calculate the cost of the engine you need.


Our company offers the following delivery and collection options:

  1. Pickup: Moscow, warehouse m. Lyublino, st. Stavropolskaya, 84, building 1
  2. Transport companies to all regions of Russia. We work with Business Lines, PEK, KIT, and you can choose another transport company that is convenient for you. Delivery is at the expense of the buyer.

Units are delivered in rigid packaging, which guarantees their integrity and safety.


You can pay for your order:

  1. Cash in the office (Moscow, metro station Lyublino, Stavropolskaya st., 84, building 1)
  2. By money transfer to the card or account specified in the contract.

Payment terms for regions

Payment is made in two stages:

  • At the conclusion of this agreement, an advance payment is made (usually 10% of the order value) as a guarantee of payment for the transportation costs of delivering the order from Moscow to the customer's city;
  • the rest of the amount is paid in the same way as an advance payment, only upon the fact of the arrival of the order at the terminal of the transport company in your region.

The warranty for installation and testing is valid for 14-50 days (depending on the unit) and starts from the moment the client is notified of the arrival of the order at the supplier's warehouse or the terminal of the transport company in your region.

Warranty Terms

  1. Warranty covers on all internal parts and mechanisms of the engine (pistons, piston rings, piston pins of the crankshaft and bearings; connecting rods and connecting rod bearings of the camshaft; bearings, intake and exhaust valves, valve springs, seals, guides, oil pump, rods, rocker arms; on the engine block , cylinder walls and cylinder heads.Valid for cylinder head gaskets for 30 days.
  2. Warranty not covered for consumables (belt, chain, oil seals, gaskets, rubber seals, etc.).
  3. MOTORZAKAZ has the right to cancel the warranty when:
    • damage to the unit due to the fault of the buyer;
    • damage to the unit due to its incorrect installation;
    • unit repair without agreement with MOTORZAKAZ.
    • lack of special paint or seals in the attachment points
  4. Mandatory requirements:
    • installation and maintenance of the unit is carried out only at specialized service stations;
    • before installation, the cooling system must be checked, the toothed belt replaced;
    • Strictly observe the tightening torque of the bolts recommended by the manufacturer.

The installation of the unit must be carried out at specialized technical stations. services, the masters of which have the appropriate experience and qualifications.

In Moscow, you can use the services of our partner, specialized car service located at the address: Moscow, m. Kozhukhovskaya st. Yuzhnoportovaya 15 building 19

Approximate prices for the replacement of a contract engine or gearbox:

Passenger car: Engine 15-20 thousand rubles. Manual transmission / automatic transmission 7-12 thousand rubles *

Commercial vehicle: Engine 20-30 thousand rubles. Manual transmission 10-15 thousand rubles *

* The cost of work is discussed individually, depending on the technical features of your car.

For many years of fruitful work, a database of “friends” car services has been formed throughout the Russian Federation (see the list of cities below), which have established themselves as professionals in their field.

Payment for the engine or gearbox is possible after installation, in a car service recommended by us. Learn more from our managers.