Cordiant snow cross tires test while driving. New Cordiant Snow Cross tire: better than the old two. Key technologies of the new Cordiant Snow Cross tires

Early in the morning of the first day of the test drive, a noisy and bright Audi convoy started from the center of Reykjavik deep into this magical country. The air warmed up to +3°, cloudy, the asphalt was wet. But as soon as about 10 minutes later we left the city limits, the weather picture changed dramatically: a fast wind and a road surface covered with a quite noticeable layer of snow - these were the first tests for our wheels. Well, let's move on!

Iceland turned out to be an ideal place to test the characteristics of winter tires: intricate road serpentines, narrow bridges, unexpected ruts with water collected in it, snow-covered steep shoulders and dry cold asphalt.

Over the course of several days, we drove about 1,000 kilometers at different speeds and roads, we can say that the ride was quite comfortable, there were a minimum of downright dangerous moments even when driving at a speed of 180 km/h from snow to a puddle. The tires behaved well and did not make me nervous while driving.

Are you choosing tires for the winter? Then we recommend reading our review.

The tires are moderately noisy. I did not observe any unpleasant acoustic sensations from the studs and tread. But, of course, you feel more comfortable in the city and on roads with moderate snow cover. In deep snow and wet snow “porridge” the car drifts and controllability drops - the tires cope with their task worse.

The climate in Iceland is as diverse and unpredictable as Iceland itself is beautiful and unusual. The bright, spring-like warmth of the sun is instantly replaced by a stormy wind, throwing handfuls of fine snow onto the windshield. And immediately we are covered in torrential rain, but as soon as we drive down the next winding hill, there is dry asphalt and not a hint of bad weather. We can say with all responsibility - in a couple of days, Cordiant Snow Cross tires were in almost all possible weather conditions and showed themselves worthy!

The main technologies of the new Cordiant Snow Cross tires:

– the studs on the tire are installed in 16 rows. This improves braking and acceleration dynamics on icy and snowy winter roads;

– two-layer tread design. This ensures the operational reliability, safety and efficiency of the tire;

– tire breaker of a combined design. This gives the tire strength and reliability, puncture resistance, improved handling, and shape stabilization;

– studded with star-shaped spikes. This form of studs provides increased safety on icy and snowy roads;

– “Z-shaped” slats. High adhesion of the tire to the winter road surface is ensured by additional edges and increased siping of the tread pattern.

And here is a short video about testing Cordiant Snow Cross tires in Iceland:

In such weather as in the poem “The Twelve” by Alexander Blok, only studded tires will help. To make the choice easier for the buyer, the ZR expert group tested 12 sets of relatively inexpensive 15-inch “spikes”.
There is a crisis right now, prices are rising, incomes are slow to follow - and people are increasingly looking at cars that are more affordable. And most inexpensive foreign and domestic cars are shod with tires of size 195/65 R15.
Eight of the tires tested by the expert group of the magazine "Behind the Wheel" fall within the price range of two to three thousand rubles apiece. The lower threshold was set by IceLink from the Chinese company Triangle, which is gradually gaining popularity in Russia, and the updated Cordiant Snow Cross. The top bar in the budget company is supported by the modernized Hankook Winter i*Pike RS+ tires with the number of studs increased to one hundred and seventy and a new product from Dunlop - the SP Winter Ice 02 model. The new Matador Sibir Ice 2 model and the already popular Pirelli Formula tires fit into the middle Ice, Toyo Observe G3‑Ice and Nordman 5.
The experts also took four very successful models in Russia from among the most powerful, but expensive ones - these are Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic, Michelin X-Ice North 3, Continental ContiIceContact 2 and Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8. By the way, half of the tested tires were made in Russia, and localization allows us to keep prices reasonable.

It's time to go North

Last fall, experts from the magazine "Behind the Wheel" sadly recalled the rainy January and February 2015, when the test group rushed around the AVTOVAZ test site in search of a snowy area that had not yet been completely washed away by the rain. It was then that it was decided next time to try to escape from the warm winter, which has become a frequent guest in central Russia, to the north of Finland. Nokian kindly provided the “White Hell” test site on Lake Tammijärvi for the “white” tests.
At the end of February, pre-run-in tires were delivered to Lapland and in the first half of March, the main part of winter tests was carried out on a Skoda Octavia - on snow and ice. Even in the first month of spring, real winter reigned beyond the Arctic Circle - unlike the Volga region, where it turned out to be unusually warm and practically snowless. In general, the experts did the right thing by going north. And not just because of the weather. Still, the conditions of a specialized tire testing ground not only simplify the work, but also allow for additional testing and obtaining more information to evaluate each model.
In “White Hell”, at air temperatures from -20 to -2 ºС, all the snow and ice exercises of the magazine “Behind the Wheel” were performed. Unfortunately, the experts had to abandon the move because there was no dense, compacted snow. And on soft ones, a deep rut quickly forms, the sides of which serve as a kind of lateral support and do not allow one to correctly assess the lateral grip of tires on snow. But the handling assessment was carried out on two special tracks - snowy and ice.

Snow and ice procedures

Experts begin with methodical measurements, repeating runs for each set of tires six to eight times, and if the results vary, then ten. After every two or three sets, they check the condition of the coating using base tires and recalculate the results based on the data obtained.
On a large horizontal plateau, an expert group is engaged in acceleration and braking in the snow. Traction control and anti-lock braking systems jealously ensure that the wheels do not slip during acceleration or lock up during braking. Acceleration time is recorded from 0 to 40 km/h. From zero - because some tires “hang” when starting from a standstill, and 40 km/h - because this speed can be reached in first gear, eliminating the error in measurements due to switching to second.
Braking from 40 km/h, but already up to 5 km/h, and not to a complete stop. The fact is that at very low speeds, ABS sometimes allows the wheels to lock, lengthening the braking distance and introducing inconsistency in the measurement results. After evaluating several sets, the surface of the plateau is “straightened” by a snowcat, which the Finns call in a drawn-out, rolling manner “tampa-a-ari”.
The first leaders are gradually emerging - Cordiant, Formula and Nokian. The latest result is from Toyo. As for braking, Michelin turned out to be the best, and the Chinese Triangle was an outsider.

To take measurements on ice, the expert group moves to a special track, covered with a huge long awning, which hides the ice from snow and bright sun - the results are more stable than in open space. Even in favorable weather, it would have taken much longer to get to Tolyatti. The procedures are the same as on snow, only the final acceleration speed and initial braking speed are only 30 km/h. And the acceleration time is measured not from the moment of starting, but from a speed of 5 km/h. The fact is that the awning with snow lying on it “closes” the sky, preventing the VBOX equipment from communicating with GPS satellites. 
Therefore, when accelerating and braking on ice, a Dutron measuring device with an optical sensor was used, which makes errors at walking speeds.
With each measurement, the tester moves the car slightly to the side, onto clean ice. When the skating rink is completely covered in fine, spiked ice chips, a Multicar enters the arena and sweeps up the ice. Particles of ice and snow trapped under the tires act like balls in bearings: they reduce friction, increasing acceleration time and braking distance.
Nokian tires provided the best acceleration dynamics on ice. The Continental came in second, with the Matador behind the rest. During braking, the same alignment of leaders and outsiders remained.

Experts complete their measurements by determining the time it takes to complete an ice circle, winding 10-12 “turns” on each set of tires. Conti and Dunlop take the lead.

Expert work

The vehicle's behavior is assessed when driving on a snowy road at high speed. For this purpose, a platform about fifteen meters wide and at least five hundred long is used. Such an elongated field with soft snowdrifts around the perimeter allows you to fearlessly check the clarity of straight-line movement at speeds of up to 90-100 km/h, as well as simulate avoiding obstacles and softly changing lanes from one lane to another.
The test Skoda feels more confident on Cordiant, Goodyear and Nokian tires than on others. Experts liked the Matador least of all: a wide and uninformative “zero”, delays in reactions to the steering wheel and significant angles of rotation of the steering wheel when adjusting the course. The Chinese Triangle tires surprised us with their clarity. True, the rating was slightly reduced due to the low information content of the steering wheel in the zero zone.
Here the Skoda handles more stable on Cordiant, Hankook, Nokian and Toyo tires - experts were captivated by the clear reactions and understandable behavior of the car even when sliding. Triangle turned out to be lagging behind: in Skoda, shod with these tires, the steering wheel becomes uninformative, it has to be turned at large angles, the car drives too sweepingly, with long slides - from drifting at the entrance to a turn to skidding on an arc.
A track was prepared on the ice of Lake Tammijärvi to evaluate handling on a very slippery surface. A successful track that combines high-speed and slow turns with short and long straights.

In the middle of the closed track there is snow a little deeper than the ground clearance. Just what you need to check cross-country ability. Here the experts focused on how simply and clearly the car starts, moves and maneuvers in deep snow. And how confidently he gets back in his own tracks if he suddenly gets stuck.
When taxiing on ice, Cordiant, Hankook, Nokian (this trio was the most successful in handling on snow) and Nordman outperformed everyone thanks to clear reactions and understandable, predictable behavior. And the Goodyear studs deserved the lowest rating due to low steering information, an unexpectedly sharp slip and a long time to restore traction after the start of sliding.
But in cross-country ability, Goodyear tires had no equal! The Skoda made its way through the snowdrifts like a bulldozer, raking snow with its front bumper. And the Triangle tires cope worse than others with snowdrifts - the car crawls through deep snow with difficulty, very uncertainly and reluctantly. With these tires you can hardly get out of a swept-out parking lot onto a cleared road.

Adventures with Spikes

After snow and ice tests, the studs were recounted. ContiIceContact 2 and Formula Ice became champions in the reliability of fixing studs - during the tests they did not lose a single stud! Michelin X-Ice North 3, Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 and Nordman 5 tires showed good results: each left only two studs on all four wheels. Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic, Matador Sibir Ice 2 and Triangle IceLink were missing three or four studs. The Toyo Observe G3‑Ice tires performed even weaker: the loss amounted to seven studs per set. The bottom three are the modernized Cordiant Snow Cross (ten studs from the set are lost), Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02 (thirteen) and Hankook Winter i*Pike RS+ (fifteen).
Now comes the fun part. The left front wheel lost the largest number of studs on almost all tires. The fact that it is in front is logical. The front ones slip when starting and accelerating, they bear the main load when braking. But why left? Experts have never observed anything like this before... The fact is that the ice circle at this training ground is significantly larger than ours in Sosnovka, and therefore the speed is approximately twice as high. And since the car goes faster, the inner wheel—and the left one, since we were driving counterclockwise—is more unloaded and slips more.
Spikes fly out more readily when slipping, and when the wheel is unloaded. On a loaded wheel, the rubber is compressed more by vertical force, grips the studs more tightly and holds them better. This means that in everyday use, studs often fly out during acceleration rather than during braking. If you want to save them, limit wheel slip when accelerating.

On the asphalt

Exercises on “black” roads were carried out at the junction of April and May, when the asphalt had already dried, the wind had died down, and the air temperature was from 4 to 7 ºС. 
This is exactly the temperature limit for seasonal tire changes. How will the “spikes” behave under these conditions?
The first exercise is measuring fuel consumption. On the warm-up lap immediately before the measurements, directional stability on asphalt and comfort - noise and smoothness - were assessed. At the end of the measurements, a “jog” was made along roads with different surfaces in order to fully assess the level of comfort.
The most economical tires at city and suburban speeds were Formula, Nokian and Nordman. Cordiant gave the highest consumption. Although the difference, frankly, is tiny: 200 ml of gasoline per 100 km.
At a speed of 110-130 km/h, the Skoda Octavia most clearly holds its course and makes soft lane changes, being shod with Michelin tires. And what bothers the Triangle driver the most is the smeared, very wide “zero” and lack of information content. To correct the direction of movement, the steering wheel has to be turned at large angles.
The tests end with an assessment of braking properties on wet and dry asphalt. Experts are interested in the braking distance from speeds of 60 and 80 km/h to a speed of 5 km/h (to cut off the possible influence of ABS). On wet asphalt, the Continental tires performed best, while the Dunlop and Cordiant tires required the longest distance. On dry surfaces, Triangle tires have the shortest braking distance, while outsiders have Cordiant tires.


The Russian-made Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 tires won with a score of 929 points. Second place goes to ContiIceContact 2 tires (916 points). Both have essentially the same drawback - high prices. In third place, missing six points from the coveted “900” mark (tires that earned 900 points are considered excellent by experts from Za Rulem magazine), are Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic.
For those who are not ready to shell out more than 12 thousand rubles for a set of four tires, testers advise taking a closer look at the Hankook Winter i*Pike RS+ and Nordman 5 models - these are very good tires, they did not fail in any of the parameters.
The next five contestants, who scored from 850 to 870 points and took places from sixth to tenth in our table of ranks, are also good, but each has its own disadvantages. Of these, experts consider Cordiant Snow Cross tires to be the most profitable purchase: a modest price is combined with fairly high performance. However, these tires are not very suitable for urban conditions with clean asphalt roads.
The price of Michelin X-Ice North 3 tires can be considered slightly overpriced, not quite corresponding to the level of performance. Matador Sibir Ice 2 and Triangle IceLink in terms of their characteristics are frankly budget products, but with careful driving you can survive the winter on them..

brand, model 12th place 11th place 10th place 9th place 8th place 6-7 place
Triangle IceLink Matador Sibir Ice 2 Formula Ice Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02 Michelin X-Ice North 3 Toyo Observe G3-Ice

Country of manufacture China Russia Russia Thailand Russia Malaysia
Load and speed index 95T 95T 91T 95T 95T 91T
Tread pattern directed directed directed directed directed directed
9.4-9.7 8.8-9.0 9.3-9.5 8.9-9.2 9.0-9.2 8.8-9.0
54 54-55 59 61-62 56-57 59
Number of spikes, pcs. 128 110 110 116 96 119
0.9-1.6 0.9-1.3 1.3-1.7 1.2-1.6 1.1-1.7 1.3-1.9
Tire weight, kg 10.1 9.0 8.9 10.2 9.3 9.7
(Maximum 140 points) m 17.7 18.9 17.3 15.8 18.0 15.3
points 104.4 97.8 106.8 117.0 102.7 120.8
Maximum 120 points) With 32.4 30.5 30.8 32.5 30.5 31.5
points 108.5 115.3 114.2 108.2 115.3 111.6
Maximum 50 points) With 5.8 7.0 6.1 5.5 6.5 5.6
points 38.8 32.1 36.9 40.9 34.6 40.2
(Maximum 130 points) m 17.5 17.0 17.0 16.3 16.2 16.8
points 120.3 123.9 123.9 129.2 130 125.4
(Maximum 40 points ) With 6.4 6.4 6.0 6.4 6.3 6.5
points 37.5 37.5 40 37.5 38.1 36.9
(Maximum 110 points) m 20.7 21.0 21.1 22.4 21.0 21.8
points 105.2 103.7 103.2 97.2 103.7 99.9
(Maximum 90 points) m 31.6 32.2 32.7 33.9 32.9 33.5
points 90 88.3 87.0 83.9 86.4 84.9
Behavior: Expert judgment
Handling on ice ( Maximum 40 points) points 28 28 28 28 28 28
Handling on snow (Maximum 30 points) points 15 18 21 21 21 24
Maximum 50 points) points 30 35 35 40 35 35
Maximum 40 points) points 28 24 28 28 28 28
Maximum 40 points) points 20 28 28 24 32 28
Comfort: Expert judgment
Internal noise ( Maximum 30 points) points 21 18 21 21 21 18
Smooth ride ( Maximum 20 points) points 10 14 12 12 16 14
Fuel consumption at 90 km/h(Maximum 40 points) l/100km 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.6 6.5 6.6
points 39.4 39.4 40 38.8 39.4 38.8
Fuel consumption at 60 km/h(Maximum 30 points) l/100km 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6
points 29.3 29.3 30 29.3 29.3 29.3
Amount of points awarded 825 832 855 856 861 863
pros The best braking properties on dry asphalt, average on wet asphalt Good braking properties on dry asphalt, average on wet asphalt Excellent acceleration on snow; economical at any speed Very good braking properties on snow; high cross-country ability Better braking properties on snow and directional stability on asphalt; soft Clear handling on snowy roads
Minuses Low lateral grip on ice, weakest braking on snow; low traffic; problematic handling on snow and directional stability on asphalt; very tough The weakest longitudinal grip on ice; difficult handling and low directional stability on snow; noisy Low smoothness; minor complaints about handling, cross-country ability, directional stability and noise level Lowest lateral grip on ice; weak braking properties on wet asphalt; low directional stability on asphalt; increased fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km/h Weak longitudinal grip on ice Weak braking properties on wet asphalt; increased fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km/h
brand, model 6-7 place 5th place 4th place 3rd place 2nd place 1 place
Cordiant Snow Cross Nordman 5 Hankook Winter i*Pike RS+ Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic Continental ContiIceContact 2 Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8

Country of manufacture Russia Russia South Korea Poland Germany Russia
Load and speed index 91T 95T 91T 95T 95T 95T
Tread pattern directed directed directed directed asymmetric directed
Pattern depth across width, mm 9.6-9.8 9.3-9.5 9.2-9.4 10.1-10.4 7.9-8.2 8.8-9.0
Rubber hardness Shore, units. 60 54-55 51 55 50-51 51
Number of spikes, pcs. 110 110 170 110 190 200
Protrusion of spikes after tests, mm 1.4-1.5 1.0-1.4 1.5-2.0 1.4-1.6 1.3-1.5 1.0-1.4
Tire weight, kg 9.1 8.4 9.1 9.5 9.2 8.5
Safety: Grip measurements
Braking distance (30-5 km/h) on ice(Maximum 140 points) m 16.2 16.9 15.6 14.6 13.3 13.2
points 114.1 109.3 118.5 126.6 138.9 140
Time to complete the ice circle ( Maximum 120 points) With 30.4 30.1 29.8 29.4 29.3 29.8
points 115.7 116.8 118.0 119.6 120 118.0
Acceleration time (5-30 km/h) on ice ( Maximum 50 points) With 5.3 5.4 5.1 5.6 4.8 4.5
points 42.5 41.7 44.1 40.2 46.9 50
Braking distance (40-5 km/h) on snow(Maximum 130 points) m 16.7 16.8 16.7 16.4 16.4 16.8
points 126.1 125.4 126.1 128.4 128.4 125.4
Acceleration time (0-40 km/h) on snow(Maximum 40 points ) With 6.0 6.1 6.4 6.2 6.1 6.0
points 40 39.3 37.5 38.7 39.3 40
Braking distance (60-5 km/h) on wet asphalt(Maximum 110 points) m 22.5 21.5 21.7 21.0 19.8 20.8
points 96.8 101.3 100.4 103.7 110 104.7
Braking distance (80-5 km/h) on dry asphalt(Maximum 90 points) m 35.0 34.1 34.4 33.3 32.6 33.4
points 81.3 83.4 82.7 85.4 87.2 85.1
Behavior: Expert judgment
Handling on ice ( Maximum 40 points) points 32 32 32 24 28 32
Handling on snow (Maximum 30 points) points 24 21 24 21 21 24
Passability in deep snow (Maximum 50 points) points 35 40 35 50 35 45
Directional stability on snow (Maximum 40 points) points 32 28 28 32 28 32
Directional stability on asphalt (Maximum 40 points) points 24 28 24 24 28 28
Comfort: Expert judgment
Internal noise ( Maximum 30 points) points 18 21 18 18 21 21
Smooth ride ( Maximum 20 points) points 14 14 16 14 16 14
Economy: Fuel consumption
Fuel consumption at 90 km/h(Maximum 40 points) l/100km 6.6 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.4
points 38.8 40 40 39.4 38.8 40
Fuel consumption at 60 km/h(Maximum 30 points) l/100km 4.7 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.5
points 28.7 30 29.3 29.3 29.3 30
Amount of points awarded 863 871 874 894 916 929
pros Excellent acceleration on snow; clear handling on ice and snow; precise course following on a snowy road Reliable handling on ice; good maneuverability in deep snow; low fuel consumption Low fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km/h; precise handling on icy and snowy roads; soft High lateral grip on ice and longitudinal grip on snow; phenomenal cross-country ability, good directional stability on snowy roads It is best to hold on to the ice in the transverse direction and brake on wet asphalt; good longitudinal grip on snow and ice; soft The best longitudinal grip on ice and acceleration on snow; high lateral grip on ice; outstanding maneuverability; low fuel consumption
Minuses The weakest braking properties on asphalt; increased fuel consumption at speeds of 60 and 90 km/h; noisy Weak braking properties on dry asphalt Weak braking properties on dry asphalt; noisy Difficult handling on ice; minor comments regarding handling on snowy roads and ride smoothness; noisy Increased fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km/h; minor complaints about handling, directional stability and noise level Minor comments regarding directional stability on asphalt and comfort level

The test material was prepared using the publication's article

The task initially boiled down to preparing for production tires with a seat diameter of 17 and 18 inches for premium segment cars. However, these require products that are not just good, but very good. The tread pattern of the Cordiant Snow Cross tire has been kept the same, but the compound has been redeveloped. Its chemical composition made it possible to provide a wide operating temperature range: +10…-53 °C. Before modernization, the lower limit was -45 °C.

To improve traction on ice, lightweight Spike-Cor studs from Scason were used. A carbide octagonal insert made of tungsten carbide is introduced into the aluminum body of the new “claw”. The previous spikes were encased in a stainless steel body; their carbide insert was not cut.

There are always a dozen of these “claws” in the contact patch. According to Cordiant, the braking distance when decelerating from 30 to 5 km/h on modernized tires was reduced by 8% compared to the previous ones, and acceleration from 5 to 30 km/h became 3.7% faster.

The modernization affected not only the expensive 17‑ and 18‑inch models, but also the more affordable 13–16‑inch models.

On the snow-covered field of the Sortavala airfield, tire manufacturers assembled rear-wheel drive cars of premium brands. The test program for the modernized Cordiant Snow Cross model included an assessment of longitudinal grip: after intense acceleration to 60 km/h - sharp braking until a complete stop, first with ESP on and then off. Well-functioning electronics drive the car without skidding or slipping. But even without electronic stabilization, I confidently controlled the behavior of the BMW Five in the snow.

I tried to evaluate lateral grip while driving a Mercedes E-Class, performing a “moose” test. I didn’t hit a single cone while performing maneuvers, but I can’t say anything about the advantages of the new tires without comparing them with the previous ones.

In the tire test conducted by the Za Rulem expert group (ЗР, 2016, No. 9), the updated Cordiant Snow Cross studs performed well. In the 15-inch dimension they are ahead of their famous rivals Michelin and Dunlop. And the price is a third lower: depending on the size, Cordiant Snow Cross tires cost from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Owners of crossovers, especially all-wheel drive ones, are often not enthusiastic about the seasonal change of standard summer tires to winter ones. After all, almost all original tires are marked with the M+S index, which de jure allows you to drive them in winter. The main thing is that the residual tread depth is at least 4 mm (otherwise - a fine of 500 rubles). But you need to understand that the M+S marking does not obligate the manufacturer to anything! To apply the marking, no tests or certificates are required confirming the suitability of tires for winter, and therefore more and more often it can be seen on openly summer, and “asphalt” tires, which incidentally indicates the devaluation of not only the letter S (snow, “snow”), but also M (mud, “dirt”). So we look not at the letters, but at the tread, and if we don’t see many small slots-lamellas, then we draw the conclusion: driving on these in winter is dangerous. And even better, when there is a “Snowflake” stamp on the sidewall in the form of three mountain peaks with a snowflake - these models really passed the test on the snow track. The participants in our test all had the following markings: 14 sets with spikes and nine without.

The test program is standard, all the tracks of the White Hell training ground near the Finnish town of Ivalo are well known to us - and the main thing is to be lucky with the weather. Almost lucky: there were no snowfalls, although the temperature fluctuated from 5 to 23 degrees below zero, so its influence had to be taken into account by conducting additional races on “reference” tires. But measurements of longitudinal dynamics took place in a closed hangar with a more stable temperature.

This is where the confusion happened with Nokian tires, and with a model that has been produced for several years. In both acceleration and braking, the studless Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 SUV was inferior not only to its principal competitors, but even to its own “second line” tires - Nordman RS2 SUV tires! Nokian testers working nearby were alarmed and repeated the measurements themselves... An official investigation showed that the failed tires were produced at a plant near St. Petersburg at the end of 2016, more precisely in the 48th week. Then there was a failure in the technological cycle. They did not share the details with us (apparently, there were deviations either in the duration or in the temperature of vulcanization), but they assured that the defective batch did not go on sale. Although everything appears to be in order by appearance, and even the hardness of the tread rubber is the same as on the tires released in the 41st week of 2016 (their results were counted), but the difference in grip on ice reaches eight percent.

After taking measurements in the hangar, we head out into the deepening frost - and once again we notice that as the temperature drops, the friction tires begin to catch up and even overtake the studded tires. At minus twenty, the ice becomes so hard that the studs cannot scratch it, and the tread rubber of most studded tires is harder - in the cold, friction tires are more elastic, they have a longer total length of the slots-lamellas.

We, I repeat, take into account the changing conditions and adjust the results, but if all the tests were carried out in light frost, the friction tires would fall back to the bottom lines of the protocols.

Handling tests were carried out on the ice of the polar lake Tammijärvi

And in the snow, frost is good for friction models: while maintaining the elasticity of the tread, they cling better to snow shagreen.

This time the cross-country ability ratings were supported by instrumental measurements - acceleration time in deep snow with the traction control system turned off. It is curious that Russian tires topped and closed the ranking: the best are Cordiant, and the most helpless in the virgin lands are Viatti tires produced by the Nizhnekamsk Tire Plant.

The asphalt part of the tests is especially relevant for residents of large cities, where the streets are cleared of snow and ice for most of the winter.

The final part of the tests will take place in April, on “summer” surfaces. And along the way, we note that this time there were no tires littering with spikes.

At the top of the final rating are the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9 SUV tires. Expected result: if the previous generation model regularly won in our tests, then the new one, and even with two types of studs, easily outperformed its competitors.

Expensive? Then we carefully look at the scores, at the main advantages and disadvantages of other tires - and choose the best option that suits your budget. And yet we avoid buying outsider tires - such savings threaten disproportionately large expenses.

Studded tire rating

Dimension 215/65 R16
(55 sizes available from 215/65 R16 to 315/40 R21)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,9
Number of spikes 172
Manufacturer country Finland

Hakkapeliitta with index 9 is a new product for the season: two types of studs are used here for the first time. Those in the middle part of the tread have carbide inserts oriented transversely: they are responsible for the longitudinal grip properties, and at the edges, trefoils rise above the tread, which work effectively in corners. And this is not a marketing gimmick: there is a clear superiority over competitors both in handling and in braking on ice. And in other types of winter tests, the tires are at their best. On asphalt, grip is moderate, and the main problem is noise at speeds from 70 to 90 km/h.

The best tires for harsh winter conditions!

Dimension 215/65 R16
(2 sizes available 205/55 R16 and 215/65 R16)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 11,2
Tread depth, mm 9,5
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56
Number of spikes 170
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,52/1,47
Manufacturer country South Korea

This year, Hankook officially opened its polar test site in Ivalo, Finland: the routes and testing approaches are in many ways similar to those used by Nokian Tires. This also applies to the characteristics of the tires themselves: the number of studs-stars was increased, which ensured decent test results on ice. But the tires do not shine in deep snow, just like on asphalt, and they are also quite noisy. But it’s easy to forgive them: Hankook Winter i*Pike RS+ tires are one and a half times cheaper than the Finnish new product.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(91 sizes available from 175/70 R14 to 275/40 R22)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,4
Tread depth, mm 9,5
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 54
Number of spikes 130
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,03/1,25
Manufacturer country Russia

The tires produced in Voronezh are flavored with powerful studs - and work great on ice during acceleration and braking. But in turns there are sharp slips, so without a stabilization system you will have to be on your guard. But they have a good balance of grip properties on slippery roads and on asphalt, and therefore they can be safely recommended for winter use in large cities. If you do not place increased demands on acoustic comfort.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(75 sizes available from 155/70 R13 to 275/40 R20)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,6
Tread depth, mm 9,2
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 54
Number of spikes 130
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,37/1,41
Manufacturer country Russia

Tires are produced at the Russian Continental plant near Kaluga. The Gislaved brand belongs to Continental - and the Nord*Frost 200 model copies the asymmetric tread pattern of the first generation ContiIceContact tires, but the studs are simpler in shape and without thermochemical fixation. However, they also work well - especially in the transverse direction.

Overall, these are well-balanced tires for use both in large cities and beyond.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(37 sizes available from 155/70 R13 to 225/55 R18)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,9
Tread depth, mm 9,6
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 54
Number of spikes 130
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,63/1,62
Manufacturer country Russia

The tires were produced at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant and their tread pattern is suspiciously reminiscent of Finnish Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 tires, which even became the reason for a lawsuit. But the Cordiant company managed to justify itself - and increase production volumes, including by expanding the range of sizes. Decent tires for the money, but they don’t like asphalt roads: they don’t hold very well, and rolling is accompanied by a loud and unpleasant hum from the tread. Tires are not for the city.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(42 sizes available from 205/70 R15 to 275/50 R22)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 12,2
Tread depth, mm 9,2
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 57
Number of spikes 130
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,08/1,16
Manufacturer country Finland

Nordman tires are the “second line” of the Nokian Tires company, and for production they use molds from obsolete Nokian tire models. New for the season, the Nordman 7 SUV is a reincarnation of the Hakkapeliitta 7 SUV model, produced from 2010 to 2017. Good traction on ice and snow, and on asphalt even better than the current “mother” model. Including acoustic comfort: there are fewer spikes.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(38 sizes available from 175/65 R15 to 245/45 R19)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 10,2
Tread depth, mm 10,5
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56
Number of spikes 130
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,26/1,39
Manufacturer country Germany

The model was introduced in 2012 and has not yet received a replacement. On ice, the tires work well in the longitudinal direction, but in turns they slip sharply. On snow, including virgin soil, everything is much better. But on asphalt, the aggressive pattern generates an obsessive low-frequency rumble already from 30 km/h.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(58 sizes available from 175/65 R14 to 265/40 R20)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,3
Tread depth, mm 9,3
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56
Number of spikes 104
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,05/1,09
Manufacturer country Russia

With the X-Ice North 3 tire, Michelin continues to strive to comply with European stud rules: no more than 50 studs per linear meter of tread. And the spikes themselves are simple, round in cross-section. This led to an unimportant hold on the ice. The picture is better on compacted snow, but getting out of a snowdrift is a problem: the tread is to blame.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(23 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 245/45 R17)
Speed ​​index Q (160 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11
Tread depth, mm 9,2
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 51
Number of spikes 100
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 0,87/1,06
Manufacturer country Russia

BFGoodrich tires are the “second line” of Michelin, they are produced at the same plant in Davydovo near Moscow as Michelin X-Ice North 3 tires. But the tread is its own, original. It's a pity, there are also few spikes, they are round, overly recessed - and as a result, mediocre behavior on the ice.

On snow, including virgin soil, the situation is better. And even better - on asphalt, although you need to remember that the permissible speed is 160 km/h, although studded competitors have 190.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(35 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 265/60 R18)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 10,9
Tread depth, mm 9,6
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56
Number of spikes 130
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 0,85/0,94
Manufacturer country Russia

Formula is the “second line” of Pirelli. In last year's tests on the Lada Vesta, the tires took fifth place, but now the results are more modest. Especially on ice. Even after running-in, the protrusion of the studs above the tread surface is less than a millimeter (last year we recorded 1.1 mm on new tires). The results are better on compacted snow, although we do not recommend climbing into snowdrifts. They hold up well on asphalt.

A good budget tire option for city use.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(122 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 285/45 R22)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 12,2
Tread depth, mm 9,5
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 55
Number of spikes 125
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 1,18/1,37
Manufacturer country Japan

For many, the Made in Japan mark is a sign of quality. But something went wrong with Toyo winter tires. It seems that the studs are not simple - with cross-shaped inserts, and the studs are of high quality, but on ice the grip properties are moderate, as well as on snow. However, the car's response to control is well balanced.

On asphalt - far from the best comfort and grip properties.

Otrada - low price, which is consistent with the quality of the tires.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(19 sizes available from 205/70 R15 to 265/60 R18)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 11,5
Tread depth, mm 9,3
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 59
Number of spikes 120
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 0,93/1,03
Manufacturer country Russia

Under the “Italian” name - tires produced in Nizhnekamsk using off-take technology. The design and production technology are the product of an engineering firm managed by one of the former top managers of Continental. However, traction on ice and snow is mediocre, and what was most upsetting was that winter tires, “developed by European specialists specifically for Russian roads,” turned out to be helpless in deep snow. They are also noisy and harsh. Not an option - even taking into account the low price.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(96 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 275/50 R22)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 12,1
Tread depth, mm 9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 53
Number of spikes 128
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 0,57/0,73
Manufacturer country Russia

One could immediately assume that the Yokohama Ice Guard 55 tire would fail in testing on ice. Instead of the required 1.2 mm, the spikes protrude by an average of 0.57 mm - and do not work. And the buyer is counting on Japanese quality - even though the tires are produced in Lipetsk.

There are also complaints about the tread: on compacted snow - the maximum braking distance, and on virgin soil - the worst traction capabilities. For Russian conditions, other tires are needed, and they already exist: sales of the new Yokohama IG65 model with an increased number of “curly” studs begin this season. More details about the new tires can be found in one of the upcoming issues of Autoreview.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(38 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 235/60 R18)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,7
Tread depth, mm 9,4
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 61
Number of spikes 128
Protrusion of spikes before/after testing, mm 0,79/1,0
Manufacturer country South Korea

I wonder if win, duplicated in the name, comes from the word “win” or from the word “winter”? For example, wintry (“cold”, “unfriendly”) or winch (“winch”) would be better suited. What kind of winter or victory can we talk about if studded tires are inferior to most friction tires on ice, and on the track the handling of Nexen is the slowest in the overall standings? The tread rubber is clearly not designed to operate at low temperatures, as evidenced by its increased hardness.

The only positive emotion that remains is the relatively quiet rolling (for tires with studs).

Rating of studless tires

Dimension 215/65 R16
(61 sizes available from 205/70 R15 to 295/40 R21)
Speed ​​index R (170 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,4
Tread depth, mm 8,9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 53
Manufacturer country Russia

The “off-road” tire line, with the SUV index, has sidewalls reinforced with aramid fiber, as the Aramid Sidewalls brand reminds. So there shouldn’t be any problems with impact resistance, unlike “passenger” tires of the same name.

In severe frosts, Nokian friction tires provide excellent traction on ice, perform well on snow, and have minor complaints only on asphalt.

Excellent winter tires for use both in the city and beyond.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(97 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 275/45 R20)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,9
Tread depth, mm 8
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 52
Manufacturer country Germany

Leapfrog. The year before last we liked the ContiVikingContact 6 tires on asphalt, but they did not work well on ice, last year the situation was reversed, this year they are better again on asphalt... The dimensions, of course, are different, but the reason must be sought in the composition of the rubber compound : Last year the tread rubber on the ContiVikingContact 6 tires was noticeably softer.

Now we are taking into account the latest version of these tires produced at the end of 2016. Not ideal on ice and snow (especially deep), but they work great on asphalt.

Good winter tires for city use. And the most comfortable!

Dimension 215/65 R16
(57 sizes available from 175/70 R13 to 255/45 R19)
Speed ​​index S (180 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 10,7
Tread depth, mm 8,6
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 46
Manufacturer country Japan

Since studs are banned in Japan, local manufacturers are focusing on friction winter tires. So we will consider it natural that

Speed ​​index T (190 km/h) Load capacity index 98 (750 kg) Weight, kg 8,9 Tread depth, mm 8,4 Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56 Manufacturer country Germany

Lightweight tires with soft, silent rolling. But at the same time, there is an imbalance of “winter” grip properties in the longitudinal and transverse directions, and sharp slips seem to be provoked by the sidewalls, which are soft for a heavy crossover. Indeed, in the Goodyear range of winter tires there is a model specifically for crossovers and SUVs - UltraGrip Ice SUV, but these tires are not available in size 215/65 R16. However, if the car is equipped with a stabilization system, then Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 tires are a good choice.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(16 sizes available from 215/65 R16 to 255/60 R18)
Speed ​​index R (170 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,2
Tread depth, mm 8,9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56
Manufacturer country Russia

The tread pattern is exactly the same as that of Nokian Hakkapeliitta R tires, but the materials are simpler. Another option for extending the life cycle of molds. And - considering the price - a very good option. Moreover, in certain disciplines, Nordman RS2 SUV tires are even preferable: the braking distance on ice is shorter!

Weight, kg 11,4 Tread depth, mm 8,7 Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 50 Manufacturer country Russia

Quality tires for reasonable money. On ice they are almost as good as the leaders among tires without studs, and on snow they have even better grip properties in the longitudinal direction. Although on the highway the handling is harsh and in deep snow the rowing is mediocre.

Grip properties on asphalt are above average, there are no problems with comfort either, which means these tires are relevant for large cities.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(38 sizes available from 155/65 R14 to 255/50 R19)
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 10,6
Tread depth, mm 9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 51
Manufacturer country Slovakia

The Gislaved brand continues to lose its authenticity. So the “new” Gislaved Soft*Frost 200 is nothing more than the ContiVikingContact tires of the year before last, the third generation. Fortunately, these are balanced tires - safe, comfortable, not very expensive - and therefore we confidently recommend them for city use, although an accidental drive into a snowdrift may postpone the planned trip.

54 Manufacturer country China

The Marshal brand belongs to the Korean company Kumho Tire, but in terms of tread pattern and even the rare R speed index, these tires copy the Finnish Nokian Hakkapeliitta R tires - and some sellers play on this similarity. By the way, on snow and on asphalt the friction tires Marshal and Nokian are close, but on ice the inferiority of the copy is already obvious. They are also one of the noisiest and hardest friction tires.

Dimension 215/65 R16
(37 sizes available from 175/65 R14 to 245/60 R18)
Speed ​​index Q (160 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 12,4
Tread depth, mm 8,9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 49
Manufacturer country Japan

Nitto winter tires (the brand belongs to Toyo Tires) appeared in Russia recently. The Therma Spike model managed to please us with its grip properties on ice, but lost the most spikes on asphalt. And the Nitto Winter SN2 friction tires immediately showed their helplessness on ice and in snowdrifts. And the more surprising is the failure of these tires even on asphalt.

Something is wrong with these Nittos...

19.10.2015 Studded tires:

  1. Continental IceContact 2
  2. Cordiant Snow Cross
  3. Dunlop Ice Touch
  4. Gislaved Nord*Frost 100
  5. Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus
  6. Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3
  7. Pirelli Ice Zero
  8. Toyo Observe G3-Ice

Friction tires:

  1. Continental ContiVikingContact 6
  2. Cordiant Winter Drive
  3. Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2
  4. Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker
  5. Nokian Nordman RS
  6. Toyo Observe GSi-5

Among the new products in the test were winter tires with an increased number of studs Continental IceContact 2 (190 studs), Hankook i*Pike RS (170) and a new version of Goodear UltraGrip IceArctic tires with a reduced number of studs (100 studs). Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8, Nokian Nordman 5, Pirelli Ice Zero, Cordiant Snow Cross, Dunlop Ice Touch and Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3 also have a large number of studs. We remind you that in European countries, from July 1, 2013, there is a limit on the number of studs - 50 per 1 linear meter of tire tread. From January 1, 2016, a similar restriction will appear in Russia, but with a limit of 60 studs per 1 linear meter. It is easy to calculate that for tires of size 205/55 R16 the limit will be about 100 studs. What then to do with tires that have more studs? Don't panic, everything is legal! To do this, companies that want to install too many studs on their tires need to prove that this will not increase wear on the road surface. To achieve this, manufacturers install lightweight studs, use a special stud system, etc.


Driving a car on a winter road requires greater concentration, experience and knowledge from the driver, since it includes all types of weather conditions: sun, rain, snow and ice. Thanks to modern technologies, it was possible to create the weather conditions necessary for the test at the winter testing ground. A special heating system melted the ice in front of the pits and the entrance to the frozen lake, and a special “vacuum cleaner” raked, swept and blew snow off the track. The weather also helped - on the eve of the cross-country ability test it started snowing.

To measure the characteristics when driving on wet roads, it was decided to return to Sweden in April, but to another test site - in the city of Gislaved. There, not far from the buildings of the former tire factory of the same name, there is a testing ground with several tracks, one of which is equipped with the irrigation system necessary for this test.


The winners of the test on the ice track were Nokian studded and friction tires and the new Continental IceContact 2 for the season. Overall, studded tires won in this test. On the ice circle the situation is somewhat different - this is due to other characteristics of the ice surface. The best were Continental IceContact 2, Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 and Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic.

On the snowy track, the leaders were Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic, Cordiant Snow Cross and Pirelli Ice Zero. They have a shorter braking distance and a shorter acceleration distance on loose and compacted snow. The best in the winding track test are the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 and the Cordiant Snow Cross.

On wet roads, the most effective studded tires were Gislaved Nord*Frost 100, Nokian Nordman 5 and Pirelli Ice Zero, and on dry roads, friction tires Continental ContiVikingContact 6 and Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2. The quietest tires among the participants were Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2, Continental ContiVikingContact 6 and Cordiant Winter Drive.

The results of each test were tabulated. Studded tires were marked in yellow, and friction tires were marked in green.

Braking distance on ice
(using ABS) from a speed of 20 km/h in meters at an air temperature of -5 ° C
Distance required to accelerate on ice to a speed of 20 km/h (traction control on) in meters at an air temperature of -5 °C s
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 85.9 Nokian Hakkapeliitta 88.7
6.1 Pirelli Ice Zero9.5
Continental IceContact 26.2 Continental IceContact 29.6
Pirelli Ice Zero6.2 Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus9.8
6.3 Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic9.8
Cordiant Snow Cross6.7 Cordiant Snow Cross9.9
Dunlop Ice Touch6.7 Dunlop Ice Touch10.6
Nokian Nordman 57.1 Nokian Nordman 510.6
Toyo Observe G3-Ice7.2 Toyo Observe G3-Ice11.2
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP37.3 Maxxis Arctictrekker NP311.6
Gislaved Nord*Frost 1007.5 Gislaved Nord*Frost 10011.6
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R28.6 Nokian Hakkapeliitta R213.4
Nokian Nordman RS8.7 Nokian Nordman RS13.8
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker8.9 Toyo Observe GSi-514.1
Cordiant Winter Drive8.9 Cordiant Winter Drive14.1
9.0 Continental ContiVikingContact 614.1
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 29.0 Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 214.1
Toyo Observe GSi-59.6 Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker14.2
Time to complete a circle with a diameter of 40 meters on ice in seconds at an air temperature of -1°C Time to complete a winding 620 meter long track on ice in seconds at an air temperature of -2 °C
Continental IceContact 2 15.0
Continental IceContact 247.9
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 815.1
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 848.0
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic15.3
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic48.3
Gislaved Nord*Frost 10015.3
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R248.3
Pirelli Ice Zero15.4
Nokian Nordman 548.5
Nokian Nordman 515.4
Nokian Nordman RS49.0
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus15.5
Continental ContiVikingContact 649.3
Dunlop Ice Touch15.6
Dunlop Ice Touch49.4
Continental ContiVikingContact 615.9
Pirelli Ice Zero49.4
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP316.0
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus49.5
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R216.1
Gislaved Nord*Frost 10049.8
Nokian Nordman RS16.1
Cordiant Snow Cross49.8
Cordiant Snow Cross16.2
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 250.3
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 216.2
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP350.6
Toyo Observe G3-Ice16.3
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker51.2
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker16.9
Toyo Observe G3-Ice51.9
Cordiant Winter Drive17.2
Cordiant Winter Drive52.0
Toyo Observe GSi-518.8
Toyo Observe GSi-553.7
Subjective assessment of the ease of driving cars on ice in points on a ten-point scale
Braking distance (using ABS) from a speed of 40 km/h in meters at a temperature of -5 °C
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R210
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic 19.3
Nokian Nordman 510
Cordiant Snow Cross 19.4
Continental IceContact 29
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 19.5
Continental ContiVikingContact 69
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus 19.6
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 29
Dunlop Ice Touch 19.7
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP39
Continental IceContact 2 19.8
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 89
Pirelli Ice Zero 19.9
Nokian Nordman RS9
Cordiant Winter Drive 19.9
Pirelli Ice Zero9
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 19.9
Cordiant Snow Cross8
Nokian Nordman 5 20.0
Cordiant Winter Drive8
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 20.0
Dunlop Ice Touch8
Gislaved Nord*Frost 100 20.1
Gislaved Nord*Frost 1008
Continental ContiVikingContact 6 20.1
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic 8
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker 20.2
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus 8
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3 20.3
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker 8
Toyo Observe G3-Ice 20.3
Toyo Observe G3-Ice 7
Toyo Observe GSi-5 20.3
Toyo Observe GSi-5 7
Nokian Nordman RS 20.4
Distance required to accelerate to a speed of 20 km/h on packed snow (traction control on) in meters at a temperature of -7°C Distance required to accelerate from 5 to 15 km/h on loose snow 15 cm deep (traction control on) in meters at an air temperature of -5 °C
Cordiant Snow Cross8.3
Pirelli Ice Zero 9.0
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 88.5
Continental ContiVikingContact 6 9.4
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic8.6
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic 9.4
Continental IceContact 28.6
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 9.4
Dunlop Ice Touch8.6
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker 9.4
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus8.6
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus 9.4
Pirelli Ice Zero8.6
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3 9.4
Gislaved Nord*Frost 1008.7
Nokian Nordman 5 9.4
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R28.8
Toyo Observe GSi-5 9.5
Nokian Nordman RS8.8
Toyo Observe G3-Ice 9.6
Nokian Nordman 58.8
Continental IceContact 2 9.7
Toyo Observe G3-Ice8.8
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 9.7
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker9.0
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 9.8
Continental ContiVikingContact 69.1
Gislaved Nord*Frost 100 9.9
Cordiant Winter Drive9.1
Cordiant Winter Drive 9.9
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 29.1
Nokian Nordman RS 9.9
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP39.2
Cordiant Snow Cross 10.6
Toyo Observe GSi-59.2
Dunlop Ice Touch 10.6
Time to complete a winding track 1500 meters long on snow in seconds at an air temperature of -6°C Subjective assessment of the ease of driving on snow in points
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R245.5
Continental IceContact 2 10
Cordiant Snow Cross45.8
Cordiant Snow Cross 10
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker46.2
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 10
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus46.4
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 10
Cordiant Winter Drive46.8
Cordiant Winter Drive 9
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 846.8
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 9
Continental IceContact 247.0
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic 9
Continental ContiVikingContact 647.0
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus 9
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 247.0
Nokian Nordman 5 9
Nokian Nordman RS47.0
Nokian Nordman RS 9
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic47.8
Pirelli Ice Zero 9
Dunlop Ice Touch48.2
Continental ContiVikingContact 6 8
Gislaved Nord*Frost 10048.6
Dunlop Ice Touch 8
Pirelli Ice Zero48.9
Gislaved Nord*Frost 100 8
Nokian Nordman 549.5
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker 8
Toyo Observe GSi-550.0
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3 7
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP351.7
Toyo Observe G3-Ice 7
Toyo Observe G3-Ice54.0
Toyo Observe GSi-5 6

Subjective ratings of smoothness in points
Braking distance on wet asphalt from a speed of 80 km/h (using ABS) in meters at an air temperature of +4 °C
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 210
Gislaved Nord*Frost 100 39.0
Continental IceContact 29
Nokian Nordman 5 40.1
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R29
Pirelli Ice Zero 40.3
Nokian Nordman RS9
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3 40.6
Continental ContiVikingContact 68
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 40.8
Cordiant Snow Cross8
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic 40.8
Dunlop Ice Touch8
Continental IceContact 2 41.0
Gislaved Nord*Frost 1008
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus 41.5
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic8
Dunlop Ice Touch 42.4
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker8
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 42.8
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 8
Continental ContiVikingContact 6 43.1
Nokian Nordman 5 8
Toyo Observe G3-Ice 45.3
Pirelli Ice Zero 8
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker 45.9
Toyo Observe GSi-5 8
Nokian Nordman RS 46.1
Toyo Observe G3-Ice 8
Cordiant Snow Cross 46.9
Cordiant Winter Drive 7
Cordiant Winter Drive 47.3
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus 7
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 52.0
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP3 7
Toyo Observe GSi-5 52.1
Braking distance on dry asphalt from a speed of 100 km/h (using ABS) in meters at an air temperature of +8 °C Subjective assessments of acoustic comfort in points
Continental ContiVikingContact 645.8
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 210
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 248.1
Continental ContiVikingContact 69
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker48.6
Cordiant Winter Drive9
Dunlop Ice Touch50.8
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R29
Nokian Nordman RS52.1
Nokian Nordman RS9
Gislaved Nord*Frost 10052.2
Toyo Observe GSi-59
Nokian Hakkapeliitta R252.4
Maxxis SP-02 Arctictrekker8
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic52.7
Gislaved Nord*Frost 1007
Pirelli Ice Zero52.9
Cordiant Snow Cross6
Continental IceContact 253.1
Dunlop Ice Touch6
Toyo Observe GSi-553.6
Toyo Observe G3-Ice6
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP354.1
Continental IceContact 25
Cordiant Winter Drive54.2
Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic5
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 854.2
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus5
Toyo Observe G3-Ice55.4
Maxxis Arctictrekker NP35
Nokian Nordman 555.7
Nokian Nordman 55
Cordiant Snow Cross56.2

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 84
Hankook Winter i*Pike RS Plus56.6
Pirelli Ice Zero4


All obtained indicators were summarized in a general table.

According to the results of all tests, the top three included studded tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8, Continental IceContact 2 and Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic. The best friction tires were Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 and Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2.

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8

Minimum braking distance and acceleration on ice, works well on packed snow

Increased braking distance on dry roads, acoustic effect, high price

Continental IceContact 2

Traction and handling on ice and snow, smooth ride

Noise, high price

Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic

Grip on snowy, icy and wet roads, minimal braking distance


Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2

Low noise level, excellent behavior on asphalt and snow

Grip on icy roads

Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2

The best grip on ice among friction tires, handling on a snowy track

Grip on wet roads, on compacted and loose snow.