Mix oils of different viscosities from the same manufacturer. Is it possible to mix different motor oils. What does mixed driving lead to?

If you are doing the maintenance of your car yourself, then at least once in your life you wondered if it is possible to mix engine oils from different manufacturers? It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously - after all, each lubricant has a unique composition and properties, is divided into viscosity classes, groups and production technologies. And before experimenting on a vehicle engine, it is necessary to understand the features of the motor oils used.

  • Reasons for mixing fuels and lubricants

    And why, in fact, motorists have a question about whether it is possible to mix motor oils of different manufacturers and composition? Let's analyze the main reasons:

    Mixing different oils

    • In order to save money. The relevance of this issue arises when, after the last maintenance, a small amount of engine oil remains in the canister; at the same time, the motorist wants to change the fluid used for a new one. The combination of two oil bases will save most of the "new" fuel and lubricants.
    • In emergency cases. Did all the oil leak out? It is forbidden to move on without it: the motor will quickly overheat and begin to collapse from the inside with lightning speed. To prevent negative consequences, it is required to pour at least some oil under the hood in order to get to the nearest service station. If you only have one type of top-up at hand, and the nearest auto shop is a hundred miles away, temporarily mixing different motor oils is acceptable.
    • When switching from one lubricant to another. No matter how you flush the engine, a small part of the old engine oil will remain inside it (about half a liter). Therefore, when pouring new grease into the car, be sure that in any case it will come into contact with the remnants of the past. But this situation will not lead to serious consequences - a high proportion of fresh oil will simply “muffle” the reactions that form inside the working zone.


    At first glance, it may seem that all motor lubricants are compatible with each other, because the main goal of manufacturers is to protect the motor from temperature extremes and premature wear. However, their composition and abilities have significant differences, which determines the impossibility of a harmless interaction of some ingredients. It's time to talk about the consequences of mixing different motor oils.

    "Confrontation" of additives

    When you pour a different brand of oil into the engine, the additives mix. Additives are chemical compounds used to clean the engine compartment from dust and soot and help to increase the corrosion resistance of the inner surface of its working area. What the additives consist of and how they interact with each other is given to understand only by the engineers of the manufacturing company: the formulas of all ingredients are kept in the strictest confidence. In the most negative scenario, the interaction of different chemical elements will lead to rapid metal corrosion, destruction of sealing elements, excessive consumption of fuel and lubricants or coking of mechanisms, followed by a shutdown of the power unit.

    Mixing different chemical bases

    The chemical bases of any motor lubricant can be of the following types:

    1. mineral - consist entirely of natural petroleum products. Service life in moderate driving mode - 4-5 thousand kilometers;
    2. semi-synthetic - 60-70% natural and 30-40% artificial ingredients. Development period - 7-8 thousand kilometers;
    3. synthetic - have a completely unnatural chemical base. Service life - 10-15 thousand kilometers.

    Based on this information, it is easy to understand that mixing synthetic and mineral oils is impossible: both fluids will exist autonomously from each other, which will lead to a “split personality” of the motor. The inner surface of the engine will first be enveloped in natural oil products, and then washed off with artificial analogues. Under the influence of the oil pump, this process will be repeated with frightening frequency, violating the integrity of the protective film and exposing the working units to high-temperature overloads. By the way, part of the chemical compounds in the interaction of mineral water and synthetics will precipitate. What is the result? Increase in inter-part clearances, extrusion of sealing elements, destruction of pistons and overhaul of the motor. Naturally, such a situation can be formed only after a long interaction of two completely different liquids. Short-term use of a mixed composition can only lead to regular overheating of the motor and failure of the filter elements.

    Contrary to expectations, semi-synthetic motor oil will not work from self-mixing of natural and artificial bases: the formation of semi-synthetics is possible only at special installations, and not inside the engine compartment.

    Can oils of different viscosities be mixed?

    It makes no sense to talk about the compatibility of summer and winter motor oils - even beginners in the automotive business understand that this “tandem” will not lead to universality. And the reason for this is different viscosity properties. If summer lubricants have a thicker consistency, then winter ones, on the contrary, have an excessively liquid base. Mixing will reduce the frost and high temperature stability of the formulation and compromise the stability of the protective film.

    Universal automotive lubricants can only be mixed if they have small discrepancies in marking, for example, 5w30 and 5w40. However, keep in mind: combining such viscosities will lower the high temperature threshold of the oil.

    Oils from different manufacturers

    Ideally, you need to add oil from the manufacturer that is already poured into the engine. For example, if you use Shell technical fluid, then it is recommended to add products of this brand under the hood. This measure contributes to the most favorable mixing of the working composition and the achievement of the most efficient circulation within the working area. If you do not follow this rule, you can be left without a means of transportation.

    What car engine oils can be mixed?

    To reduce the likelihood of undesirable consequences for the car, when choosing (if available) a top-up fluid, you need to pay attention to:

    • Quality class and viscosity. For the power plant, it is necessary to select only those fluids that comply with the international tolerances and specifications required by the automaker. Therefore, when diluting previously filled grease, be sure to check the characteristics of the product used. Only identical indicators can positively affect the power and performance properties of the motor.
    • Automaker approvals. If you want the car to serve you for more than one year, then pour only the oil under the hood that meets the requirements of the vehicle manual.
    • Technological features of mixtures. If one brand of motor oil uses its proprietary technologies, then when mixed with another brand, the likelihood of a homogeneous lubrication within the working system is reduced. The unique adaptive properties of one oil can be lost if foreign elements get into its composition. In this case, it is useless to expect high performance properties from the protective film. To reduce the risk of "conflict" within the power unit, choose engine oils produced using standard technologies.
    • The type of chemical base and composition of the oil. If you are a chemist by education, then, having studied the labels of both oily liquids, you can easily determine whether they can effectively interact with each other. If you have a “crust” of an accountant, manager or other professional who is not related to the chemical and biological profile, then experiments on the car should not be done. It is impossible to predict how two completely different substances will behave. When choosing a top-up oil, the chemical base must also be preserved. It is pointless to mix mineral water with synthetics: they will live a separate life from each other.

    The selection of dilution oil is a complex and sensitive task. Even if you take into account all of the above nuances, it is impossible to predict in advance how the motor will react to such a procedure. Maybe the machine will “happily accept” the resulting mixture, it may start squeezing it out of all available sealing materials, or it may even begin to instantly burn the consumable liquid, expelling bluish-gray exhaust gas into the atmosphere. In order not to harm the motor system, it is recommended to avoid such a measure.

    In cases of breakdowns on long-distance routes or outside settlements (when it is not possible to select the lubricant required for the car), mixing engine oils of different properties, manufacturers and compositions is allowed, provided that the engine compartment is washed from this mixture at the nearest service center. Otherwise, you risk being left without a vehicle.

    Is it worth interfering?

    As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question “is it possible to mix motor oils”. It all depends on the properties, parameters and manufacturers of liquids. "Garage" masters often assure that terrible consequences cannot occur from this procedure - after all, oils are even visually similar to each other? But what if the selected composition gives a reaction that promotes the formation of corrosion and excessive carbon deposits? Who is responsible for the damaged engine? Automakers, by the way, also do not express any prohibitions on this matter - they all boil down to recommendations for choosing a lubricant composition placed in the manual for the car. Picked up an oil with the right classification? Great, so you can pour it under the hood. Everything else depends on the owner himself.

    It turns out that in principle there are no documents officially prohibiting the mixing of motor fuels and lubricants. There are only manufacturer's instructions. However, this does not mean that motorists should constantly interfere with engine oils. It is advisable to do this only in cases of extreme necessity. Or if the manufacturer of the oil base allows it. The compatibility of motor oils with other fuels and lubricants is in some cases indicated on product labels. For example, almost all Liqui Moly lubricants contain information on the admissibility of mixing liquids with analogues.

Many novice motorists are interested in: is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers, categories and viscosity classes? Let's figure it out.

If oil from different manufacturers

Any oil consists of a base and a set of additives that give it individual qualities to the base. The first problem lies in the possible incompatibility of the bases of different manufacturers. Different manufacturers have different technologies and methods for producing the base, which in the end may have different properties (especially synthetics).

Due to the variability of the bases, there may be problems when mixing the same synthetic oils, but from different manufacturers. This happens because a more serious factor comes into play - additives!

Let me explain: in order to achieve the same viscosity and temperature indicators, manufacturers solve different problems, determined by the properties of their own basic base. The set of additives that ultimately solves their problem of bringing them to the standard may turn out to be radically different. When these two different sets of chemically active elements, which are additives, begin to interact with each other ...

If we mix oils of different categories

For example, mineral and synthetic. One of the problems: mineral oil, unlike synthetic oil, does not have a stable viscosity. It must use the appropriate additive. It is not known how it will affect the synthetic component of the mixture. Moreover, it is not clear how the additives will interact with each other over time.
  • Engine contamination - ring coking, slag deposits, etc.
  • Precipitation of part of the additives or reduction in their effectiveness
  • Increasing the viscosity of the oil up to its complete curtailment and clogging of the oil-conducting channels

The result can be deplorable - the need for a major overhaul of the engine or approaching it by leaps and bounds.

Why mix?

  • Sometimes a difficult choice arises: there is no way to urgently top up the same oil, so they take a risk and top up another one.
  • Globalization and unification can have a positive effect: bases and especially additives are produced by a small number of manufacturers. This significantly reduces the problems of their compatibility, moreover, manufacturers are aware of this problem and are gradually trying to level it.
  • Positive examples of drivers who did not have (or did not notice) negative consequences increase the influence of the amphibian asphyxia factor (in other words, a toad strangles), if half a canister of good oil is lying around somewhere.
  • Never mix oils of different types (mineral and synthetic, for example)
  • As a last resort, you can mix liquids from the same manufacturer, but of different types (for example, Mobil 5W30 synthetics and Mobil 5W40 synthetics). It is advisable to change it and the filter later.
  • Adding up to 10% of a similar oil should not affect its properties (approximately so much remains in the engine when replacing)
  • Different oil and different manufacturers - only as a last resort.

Any motorist sooner or later wonders if it is possible to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics. In the course of using a car, drivers face a similar dilemma quite often. And she gets up with an edge when there is no money to buy a really high-quality and expensive product, and she has to go to different tricks. Here the problem is not only the oil change itself, but also the combination of two completely different fluids.

What is synthetic

Today, this type of oil is the priority choice of any motorist. This liquid is obtained artificially during processing or through molecular synthesis. To ultimately obtain a high-quality lubricant, it is necessary to conduct a number of specific chemical experiments through complex organic synthesis.

The fluid that can be obtained is not subject to the destructive action, which is the cause of the leakage of performance and many other types of lubricants, as well as various problems in the fuel processing system.

Such a lubricant does not come into direct contact with the technical components of the motor. It leads to an increase in volume in the part of the engine, it will facilitate the start of the mechanism under the influence of low temperatures. For lubricating fluids, this is one of the best solutions.

However, this lubricant has its own nuances. Its price is quite high, which is why the product automatically goes into the ranks of expensive ones. This is due to the fact that the methodology for creating such a liquid is rather complicated, and its constant operation is not available to average citizens.

Another rather weighty evidence is that the working waste of the lubricant is too high when compared with other types of these products. Therefore, synthetics are poorly suited for operation in an outdated engine. Of course, such an essence cannot spoil the engine in any way, but there will be no sense from it either.

Using a vehicle with such a tool will be many times more expensive, therefore natural products or semi-synthetic ones are a priority.

Description of semi-synthetic fluid

This tool contains in its composition elements of synthetics, and mineral components. There are no strict principles for setting the percentage of synthetic oil and mineral components. Each brand must determine the percentage of a particular component for itself.

It is worth noting that the properties of semi-synthetic fluids are much worse. This is due to the fact that their viscosity level is much lower, and oxidative processes are higher. When it’s cold outside, it’s much harder to start the engine, and the lubricant needs to be changed several times more often. All this gives rise to extremely negative emotions and brings a lot of problems.

However, semi-synthetic materials are much less expensive. Many drivers are ready to put up with a lot of inconvenience, just to save money. After all, for such products you will have to lay out a lot of money.

Semi-synthetic lubricants also have a significant advantage. They are characterized by a lower degree of carbon monoxide, and are used on older engines. Due to the fact that many vehicles are used and have decent mileage, this serves as an additional motivation for purchasing semi-synthetics.

Let's finally see if synthetics can be mixed with semi-synthetics.

A combination of different oils: opinions "for" and "against"

On the question of whether it is possible to mix synthetics with semi-synthetics, there are completely different opinions and arguments. This action has its fans and ardent opponents. The latter are guided by the fact that different types of lubricating fluids were invented for a reason. This product initially has the necessary chemical formula, which does not need to be changed.

Adherents of the opposite opinion argue that there is nothing wrong with such manipulations, and the curious question of whether it is possible to mix synthetic oil with semi-synthetics is answered extremely positively.

The point is that semi-synthetics It is originally a combined mineral-based product. Therefore, there is nothing supernatural in adding more properly processed and high-quality synthetics.

In most cases, motorists, when asked whether it is possible to mix synthetics with semi-synthetics or not, answer positively, but with certain features.

How to combine liquids correctly

Not all oils can be combined with each other. It is likely that there will be no serious negative consequences, but this is not at all an undesirable action. It will not be superfluous to observe certain principles when combining these means.

Is it possible to mix synthetic oil with semi-synthetic oil from different brands. It is best to combine products from the same manufacturer. This is due to the same formula. Such oils will not compete with each other and will be able to serve well until further replacement.

Therefore, it is better to use materials from one company. But due to the fact that due to the lack of products, this issue becomes relevant quite often, modern brands have found a way out of this situation.

Many brands today allow the option of combining different oils and sell their products with certain standards that allow the combination of liquids.

This is how it is possible to eliminate the appearance of negative consequences when using your motor, but you can resort to this method only in rare cases.

What happens if you mix synthetics and semi-synthetic viscosity? Trademarks do not advise to perform such an action, but if there is no way without it, then it is necessary to give preference to the same manufacturer as in the past.

What could be the consequences

By opting for respectable brands, you can not worry about serious problems in the functionality of the engine. If you bought a tool and doubt it, then be sure to do the following. When combining liquids in small volumes, it is recommended to heat them up, after which the reaction must be monitored. If sediment or foam appears, it is strictly unacceptable to combine such products.

If there is no violent reaction to the components, then it is permissible to combine these two components. What happens if synthetics of a different viscosity are added to semi-synthetics?

It is permissible to combine such components with each other, however, one should focus on one manufacturer. When mixing products, almost averaged liquids will be obtained.

If you decide to mix oils of different grades, then you will end up with a product of lower quality.

What are the possible negative consequences

Differences in formulas in oils sometimes lead to some problems. Even when you combine a small amount of one oil with another, this does not mean that in the end there will be no problems.

If you have a dilemma, is it possible to add synthetics to semi-synthetics, then in the absence of options, this can indeed be done, but later experts advise using one type of product.

Is it possible to mix synthetic oil with semi-synthetic oil many times? It is worth noting that deposits may form as a result of such an action. This will lead to the fact that the engine will fail prematurely and the operating period will be significantly reduced.

It would seem that the question is not worth a damn. There is a name and parameters of lubricants, as a rule, consumables are not in short supply - why mix them?

However, situations are different:

  • you bought a car from your hands, and do not know what kind of oil is in the crankcase;
  • the lubricant level fell on the way, topping up is required, but the required consumables are not at hand;
  • you are about to switch to a different type (brand) of oil.

This is where the questions come in:

  1. Is it possible to mix synthetics with semi-synthetics?
  2. Is it necessary to flush the motor when changing the type of lubricant?
  3. What types of oils are compatible with each other?

If necessary, fill in a different type of oil into the crankcase, mixing is permissible. But at the same time, you should follow some rules, and most importantly, understand the difference between the basics of lubricants.

Differences between semi-synthetics and synthetics

The basic bases of oils do not differ in variety. They are of only two types:

If you have just such an option, the question is: “is it possible to interfere with synthetics and semi-synthetics?” does not arise, in principle, the basis is the same, just different concentrations will turn out.

What are synthetic lubricants compatible with?

Let's start with some bad news. If the semi-synthetic has a mineral base (and another option is hardly possible), then the natural synthetic base is incompatible with such a composition.

The same applies to various types of 100% synthetics. If esters or polyalphaolefins get into the synthetics obtained by hydrocracking and which is part of the semi-synthetics, this will lead to delamination of the additives.

The problem of compatibility of motor oils will lead to oil channels and the formation of a thick coating on the walls of the crankcase, which bears little resemblance to grease.

This will be followed by scuffing, and the rapid failure of engine components.

Is it possible to mix synthetics with other bases if the oil is from the same manufacturer? The logo on the canister is irrelevant. Any plant produces oils on different bases, both mineral water and synthetics are added to the composition.

In addition, even with a single base fluid, incompatible additives may be used. Lubricant packages never have factory recommendations on which oil to add when mixing. Nevertheless, if there is an urgent need to add one oil to another, carefully study the composition.

Mixing synthetics and semi-synthetics is possible if the base is mineral, and not artificially produced from natural gas, or otherwise synthesized.

The normal compatibility of polyalphaolefins (PAO) and hydrocracking products allows mixing motor oils produced on these bases. Stratification will not occur, but the stability of the resulting mixture will be determined by the worst component.

Which oils can be mixed and which not - video minder

The fundamentals will not conflict. At least the lubricating properties will be preserved. But the rest of the characteristics will have to be forgotten.

Various antioxidants, detergents, anti-corrosion additives will not only lose their efficiency, but will also actively conflict with each other. Compatibility of additives is impossible in principle, so there is no point in trying to find common characteristics.

In terms of compatibility with each other, it is preferable to choose the cheapest and simplest lubricants. The fewer additional properties (respectively, additives), the more likely it is to get a normal mixture.

Based on this, it is most preferable to mix mineral water and inexpensive semi-synthetics of the same brand, which has the designation hydrocracking (HC).

Is it possible to mix motor oils - expert opinion, video

Many car enthusiasts are looking for compatibility based on basic characteristics: viscosity index, API classification, diesel / gasoline. Despite the fact that when topping up you will already use the “correct” oil in terms of characteristics, these indicators do not guarantee the compatibility of liquids with each other.

As well as the approval of the vehicle manufacturer cannot determine the compatibility of lubricants. The combination of letters and numbers only means that the car factory has certified this oil for its engines.

What happens if you mix synthetics with semi-synthetics

If such a procedure takes place in an oil refinery, everything is under the control of specialist chemists. First, a virtual mixing is simulated on a computer, then base samples are tested.

After that, additives are developed that are guaranteed not to have conflicts with each other. Why is it undesirable to repeat this process at home?

  • any chemical reaction (including simple mixing) takes place in special containers, and under certain conditions;
  • the temperature regime of the chemical reaction must be maintained;
  • when mixing different bases at the enterprise, different catalysts are added.

Is it possible to provide the same conditions when mixing oil in garage conditions? Of course not.

As a result of the handicraft addition of one lubricant to another, a suspension or emulsion is obtained. At the same time, various components cannot interact with each other in the way that is laid down in the chemical formula.

Some additives can neutralize each other. For example, alkaline-based detergents, when in contact with acid-containing anti-corrosion compounds, lead to the formation of ordinary water.

As a result, some liquid with relatively normal lubricity will splash in the crankcase, while the necessary additives will not work.

It should also be taken into account that different manufacturers have certain know-how. It is not known what chemical processes will occur during the interaction of "secret" additives with opposite properties.

In the best case (in the absence of an additive conflict), you will simply reduce the quality of the motor lubricant. The worst option for the engine is the complete separation of the base and conflicting components.

Then thick deposits (precipitations) will appear in the crankcase, which will clog the oil lines and block the oil circulation. In this scenario, you can bring the motor to jamming.

Important information:

It is for this reason that the use of additional additives is always associated with the risk of violating the chemical formula of engine oil.

Any “miraculous” flush or wear modifier can come into chemical conflict with the standard lubricant composition. You will not find compatibility information; oil manufacturers have a negative attitude towards such experiments.

There is an opinion that it is possible to mix semi-synthetics in the engine by adding synthetic-based oil. If you guess the composition (hydrocracking or polyalphaolefin), then there will be no particular problems. Some additives just stop working. And if the base is fundamentally different, the appearance of slags is inevitable.

In the case when you do not know what kind of oil was in the crankcase, and are going to fill in a new one, it is better to flush when carrying out the regulations.

In this case, the oil filter will have to be changed twice:

  1. Before filling with flushing fluid.
  2. After flushing, before filling with new oil.

You can use a double portion of new grease for this purpose (instead of flushing fluid). Good motor oil (especially new) has detergent properties. You just calculate what will be cheaper. The efficiency is almost the same.

If the need to mix synthetics with semi-synthetics arose in an emergency (for example, loss of lubricant volume on the road), there is no need to choose. It is necessary to add oil to the crankcase that is as similar as possible in terms of characteristics, and go to the nearest service station.

After that, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the fluid leak, flush the engine (see methods above) and fill in new engine oil.

December 26, 2016

A modern car is designed in such a way that, with proper operation, it can nurse for a long time. But, sometimes breakdowns or unforeseen situations occur - oil leaks. The reasons are different: marriage in rubber seals, the consequences of an accident, not tightness of the system. In such cases, the driver is forced to look for a tow truck to get to the nearest service station or top up the lubricant. Not always available identical. What to do, readers will ask a question. Mix - this would be a concise answer. Can engine oils be mixed? We will talk about all the intricacies of the “cocktail” below.

Types and types of oils

The modern automotive industry market is filled with various automotive lubricants, the number of types of which exceeds 40 - 50. They differ in class, type, composition of chemical additives, and temperature indicators. The duration of the vehicle's life depends on how well the replacement intervals are observed. Recommended mileage is 10,000 km.

Each automotive manufacturer fills the motors with mineral-based lubricants by default. If you do not take into account the premium class, where the choice is in synthetics or semi-synthetics. This is done in order to reduce the cost of the machine, and increase profits. After the purchase, the new owner decides to change the fluid or continue to fill in the same. A certain brand is selected for each car in order to promote and promote it. During subsequent scheduled technical inspections, specialists continue to fill in lubricant without flushing the motor. They are guided by the fact that the same type of oily base will not coagulate. Topping up will also be carried out without fear.

Main reasons

Mixing and consequences, that is the question. It should always be remembered that even the highest quality flushing will not ensure 100% draining of all mining. As practice shows, about 400 ml. always remains in the motor channels. Whether we like it or not, new and old grease mixes. It is widely believed among motorists that oils from different manufacturers cannot be compatible. Such a mixture can only harm the power unit. Like it or not, let's take a closer look.

The question of compatibility arises only when the driver decides to change the brand. On their own, or at a service station, however, not always certified.

Factors that encourage change

Often the driver is left alone with the problem. Worst of all, when the night is outside, and passing transport does not stop. Not many motorists are accustomed to carrying a spare can of oil in the luggage compartment. The maximum that can be found is a plastic bottle with the remnants of a chemical additive. Even in the current conditions, it is not always possible to buy lubricant at the gas stations on duty near the road. In such moments of despair, one has to fill in what is.


What to do if the owner pours chemical additives into the motor that guarantee the operation of the engine even with a minimum fluid level. Undoubtedly, the reader is right. But, not all brands guarantee safety and not all recommend driving at low levels. Mankind knows the facts when one or another driver drove several tens of kilometers without lubrication. Whether this is true or not is not known for certain. There is also no accompanying information about the type of lubricant. The unequivocal answer is not recommended. Officially, no one banned.

It turns out that by pouring a chemical additive into the engine, you are protected in case of a leak ?! The driver is relieved from the need to search for liquid.

First of all, let's remember the types of liquid:

  • mineral (100% organic);
  • semi-synthetic - a mixture of organic and inorganic bases, in a ratio of 40/60%;
  • synthetic or hydrocracking - 100% artificial.

For each of the listed types, a special base with a chemical composition is created. Only for the first, it is organic, for the rest it is artificial. Each of them is stuffed with stuffing. Something similar to cooking stuffed peppers. The composition of additives is kept in the strictest confidence. The circle of persons is strictly limited. Therefore, where does a simple buyer or a service center repairman have information about the ingredients.

Mixing is not prohibited by law

Each manufacturer of petroleum products only recommends and prescribes certain improvements. The owner has the right to choose whether to listen or not. Do not take the concept of "allowed" literally. Allowed when absolutely necessary. It is correct to mean a chemical incompatibility reaction between chemical additives, and not organic bases.

So, mineral and semi-synthetic can be "interfered", hydrocracking - no. Because semi-synthetics basically contain more than 40% mineral oil. The probability of combination is high, unlike synthetics.

Leading oil base manufacturers in the US (API) and Europe (ACEA) have agreed to make a lubricant with characteristics that make it interchangeable. In other words, there would be no negative chemical incompatibility reaction. The probability of precipitation, loss of fossils is excluded, as well as a violation of molecular integrity, deterioration in fluidity, susceptibility to the negative influence of temperature conditions. But no significant progress has been made. The stumbling block remains the sales market, the financial component, world fame. When everything is identical, the meaning of production will disappear.

  • today it is quite acceptable to add a different type of lubricant and continue on to the nearest service;
  • then it is imperative to change the residues, thoroughly wash the power unit with a special flush;
  • change filter elements;
  • check the integrity of the rubber seals. If necessary, replace, lubricate with heat-resistant sealant;
  • pour in new mixture. Check compression in the cylinder group.

Advice. If your car is still under warranty, cut the time until the next inspection by half. This is necessary for reinsurance and car safety. Be sure to notify the center about the incident. They know better what additional tests to conduct.

On the example of Shell

The world-famous Shell brand openly recommends that all owners fill in, add only oils of its brand. The issue of compatibility is not even raised. As the manufacturer assures, its products have absolute compatibility with each other.

The results of many years of testing only confirmed the above information. "Intra-brand" liquids showed no chemical reactions. Other brands, when mixed, gave positive reactions, but of little force. Those that could not cause damage to the power unit. As you can see, there was no official approval for mixing, even from Shell. Everything remains the same, Mobile will advise Mobile, Castrol will be Castrol, and so on through the chain of company names. Every merchant praises his product.

Summing up the above, the recommendation is the following. In case of emergency - add any oily base. Drive to the nearest service. In general, a self-respecting driver always carries a liter of identical oil in the trunk. Good luck to you. All the best. See you soon in the next article.