Typical mistakes when selecting sales consultants. How to choose the right furniture sales consultant. What should you pay attention to? How to choose a seller in the women's clothing department

Any employer who is interested in developing his business dreams of having only professionals in his field working with clients in his store, salon, or sales area. Finding a good seller is a big problem, especially if you are really looking for a professional, and not just someone convenient or nice to you. How to choose a good seller who will represent the totality of the necessary personal and professional qualities in the right proportion?

Seller selection criteria

Many HR specialists have proven that a person with sufficient knowledge in the field of sales and customer service may be ineffective due to the lack of personal qualities that make this knowledge work in practice. Knowledge without application skills is like an engine without fuel, where the necessary personality qualities act as fuel.

At an interview, a person may demonstrate absolute knowledge of sales issues, but after a couple of months you may be faced with zero results from his work. The selection method given below will tell you how to choose a seller not only according to his knowledge but also according to his personality qualities.

In order to choose a good seller, you need to decide - what is a good seller in your opinion? What type of salesperson do you need? What exactly will be valuable in a person in the context of your company? The specifics of your business will tell you what is more important or more valuable to you. For example, short sales and a large flow of customers presuppose a high activity of the service process, hence such personality qualities of the candidate as energy, perseverance, and endurance should come first.

For complex sales and expensive goods, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the following qualities in the applicant - self-confidence, tact, flexibility of thinking, communication skills, expertise. For service centers and complaints departments, a person with the following qualities is suitable: resistance to stress, lack of conflict, sensitivity. The point is to determine what kind of backbone you need - this will greatly help when choosing a seller.

How to choose a seller using role-playing game?

There are several ways to identify this or that quality in a person, for example: interviews, questionnaires, conversations, testing. But the best way to analyze the seller's capabilities is to role-play "Buyer - Seller".

A simple question for the candidate: “How will you behave in this or that situation?” Of course, it will reveal a lot, but it will still leave a chance for the seller to adapt to the situation and cheat, to voice exactly what they want to hear from him at the moment. With a role-playing game, not everything is so simple - the script is unknown, the actor is unfamiliar, the result is unpredictable. It is the role-playing game that will help you examine a person from the inside and draw appropriate conclusions.

If you doubt that you can objectively evaluate a candidate, ask for help from someone who can clearly examine and analyze the psychological portrait of the applicant. Accordingly, the actor (buyer) must also be convincing and organic.

The role-playing game scenario should contain difficult stages of sales: working with a closed client, identifying needs, presentation, and of course testing a person’s reaction to non-standard situations - a reaction to stress. This will be quite enough to draw conclusions regarding the candidate’s suitability for the position.

Personal qualities of a good seller

Regardless of the field of sales, all successful salespeople have some similarities. If you observe the work of the best, you will notice a lot in common between them. For example, they all have a single set of personal qualities: they are self-confident, positive, sociable, competent in professional matters, always open to something new, and each has the main thing - the motivation to work with the awareness of their usefulness. Perhaps this set of qualities can be called basic and necessary for the sales profession.

How to consider these qualities and choose the right seller? Use the method of an external observer, listen from the outside to how a person communicates with another person, how attractive he is, what are the primary feelings from communicating with the candidate? Does he have notes of aggression, irritation, prejudice, deep fatigue? Assess your ability to listen and conduct a conversation, get out of unusual situations and resolve conflicts.

By participating personally, you will not be able to perceive what is happening in its pure form, but by observing the work of the seller from the outside, you can see a lot. Very often the manner of communication during an interview coincides with the manner of communication with clients; take a closer look at this fact. This single set of qualities is simply necessary for every seller; pay attention to this when choosing a seller.

You've probably heard about “star sellers” - these are sellers from God who succeed in everything, clients stick to them themselves, and everything is always in order with the implementation of the plan. Their ability to quickly establish a trusting relationship with any type of client is amazing, but there are nuances.

If you decide to hire such a salesperson, you may not be prepared for the additional personality traits that come with “super powers.” Often this is excessive independence, selfishness, inflated self-esteem, and uncontrollability. These qualities develop in parallel with a sense of success and personal growth. The more successful the seller feels, the more independent he will behave from the system. If you are ready to adapt to the whims of the “star” then why not?

Seller's age and gender

I would like to draw attention to the age criterion. A lot has been written about this. There is an opinion that age affects performance, so older people are not quite suitable for active work, which requires full effort.

It is not age that is important, but vitality and motivation.

Even if a salesperson is over 50, this does not mean that his work will be less effective than that of a 25-year-old. If a person is energetic, keeps himself in shape, and has healthy goals in life, he will be 100% suitable, the main thing is to be able to see this.

How to choose a seller of the right gender and age?

There are products that are best perceived by the buyer from a person of a similar age category. Accordingly, there are groups of goods where it is advisable to pay attention to gender when choosing a seller. For example, it will be easier for a girl under 30 to sell youth or children's clothing, since the way of thinking of generations close in age often coincides. But it is better to entrust fishing and hunting goods, special equipment, and spare parts to a male seller.

If we don’t take into account the extremes: selling cosmetics, underwear, women’s clothing and other obviously feminine products, and vice versa men’s, then I can safely say that absolutely anyone can work as a salesperson, but they must have the right set of personal qualities, and it is absolutely not important neither gender nor age.


What is covered in this article is not clear rules and axioms - these are just recommendations that will answer your question: “how to choose a good seller?” But still, think about who your clients will be more comfortable communicating with and being around?

I hope that now you can easily select a seller tailored to your needs. We must not forget that in any company, you can develop a good salesperson yourself; it is important that the person has a set of basic qualities as a salesperson and a desire to work and develop professionally.

How do you choose sales managers? Share your secrets in the comments!

There is a small pizzeria in the shopping center across the street from my office. Until recently, I loved going there, but everything has changed since the pizzeria hired a new saleswoman.

I can't fault this girl's sales skills. But as for the appearance... Imagine a pimply girl with tangled, long-unwashed hair, in wrinkled, greasy clothes and a dirty oilcloth apron. In addition, the girl’s nose is running and she blows her nose into her sleeve. Just the thought of this girl touching food takes away all my appetite.

And since I’m not the only one who is so squeamish, the future of this pizzeria seems to me to be far from cloudless.

Seller, look at you!

The skill of the seller, knowledge of specific techniques, presentation skills, ability to work with customer objections - all this is undoubtedly very important.

  • Otherwise I wouldn't teach these things.

Knowledge of your product and confidence in your rightness are also important... However "Inappropriate" appearance of a seller or negotiator can negate the effectiveness of all his skills , skills and abilities - because the potential buyer decides that he does not want to deal with this person, even before the seller opens his mouth .

If you are a salesperson, stand up right now and look at yourself in the mirror. If you are a business owner or manager, take a look at your salespeople right now. Do they look like people your potential client would be comfortable doing business with?

What to look for

Look from top to bottom. What should you pay special attention to?

  • Hair - cleanliness, neat hairstyle, no dandruff
  • Face - facial expression, lack of stubble in men, neat makeup in women
  • The collar is often the first to get dirty
  • Clothing - cleanliness and neatness, matching the style to your business
  • Armpits - no sweat stains
  • Hands - cleanliness, neatness
  • Nails - clean, cut short for men, neat manicure for women
  • Shoes - matching the suit, neatness, cleanliness
  • Watches, jewelry - suitable for a suit, suitable for business

The appropriateness of clothing and shoes for the type of business is a separate topic for discussion. But in general terms, it is clear that a client of a reputable bank will be very surprised if he finds a girl behind the counter in a red blouse with a neckline down to her navel decorated with an earring, and a visitor to an auto repair shop will be even more surprised if a mechanic in a three-piece suit and tie comes out to him. Typically, customers expect some form of clothing appropriate for your business - and are disappointed if their expectations are not met.

Sorry for the indelicacy

Another topic that will have to be touched upon is smell. Body odor and breath odor. Perhaps, dear reader, you will be surprised - but sometimes you come across sellers who neglect personal hygiene so much that it is uncomfortable to be around them. I have also encountered sellers who use such a suffocatingly overpowering perfume that the smell entered the room before the seller himself.

Check what your sellers smell like. Of course, you don’t have to sniff them like a dog does :) Just come close to each of them (a little closer than you usually do, since the buyer may be more sensitive to odors than you), talk to him for about twenty seconds, and make sure that the seller does not emit any odors other than the light and unobtrusive smell of deodorant or cologne.

If the result of the inspection disappoints you, conduct educational work with the seller. Explain to him the need for water procedures. Teach him to check his breath odor on his own by covering his mouth and nose with a cupped palm and exhaling into it. Or simply fire this seller and hire another, cleaner one.

Who knows - maybe this is what will allow you to increase your sales.

A few more articles from the section "

In any business whose goal is to convey services or products to potential customers, a very important link is the sales department. How quickly and successfully the product will find its buyer will depend on the skills of its specialists. In large companies, hiring employees is usually handled by the HR department. But if you have not yet acquired your own HR specialists or prefer to look for diamonds yourself, we will tell you how to choose a sales manager. On the one hand, this vacancy can be found more often than others on job search sites. On the other hand, people who are truly knowledgeable in this area do not always respond to it. Some are ready to take almost the first person they come across in the hope that after a couple of trainings he will become a first-class specialist. And it will work for little money.

What makes a good sales manager?

Before you hire a sales manager, you need to be clear about what you want from him. You must have a clearly formulated portrait of a potential employee. Not appearance, of course. But a certain set of qualities and skills, aspirations, views on the regime and quality of work. You should approach the search for a salesperson, or, as he is also called, a salesperson (seller) in a completely different way than for specialists in other profiles. What is welcome, for example, in a developer or logistician, may be completely unacceptable for a sales manager. There is an opinion that a salesperson must have several essential qualities:

  • He must be smart enough for the job in which he is going to be involved.
  • Sale should not be afraid of anything (within reason). If he cannot talk to strangers or is afraid to make phone calls, he will be of no use.
  • A sales manager must be prepared to compete. Even more, he must love him. This is a great incentive to improve its effectiveness.
  • Gluttony. Oddly enough, this is a very good quality for a salesperson.

What are some mistakes when looking for a sales manager?

In their search for a responsible and successful sales force, many employers and HR managers make a number of mistakes. They are not always obvious, but they can lead to the fact that not the best employee ends up on your staff. As we said above, a sales manager is a very important cog in the machine of a business. Without a successful “foreign policy” it will be difficult to bring the product to the forefront. What are these errors?

  • HR officers often give preference to those who have worked in successful companies. But is this right? A person who has always been selling an already popular product is not as good as one who successfully stayed afloat and stubbornly swam to the goal, despite the competition of famous brands.
  • Scope of the company. There are also many pitfalls here. An ambitious and disruptive manager is great. But you should also take into account the scope of your enterprise. If it is highly specialized, then the specialist must be technically savvy in this particular issue. A person who has spent his entire life selling cars and related products will not be able to work as effectively in the medical field, for example. The search for an answer to the question of where to find a good sales manager leads not only to the specialized market. And you need to be aware of whether this particular manager can benefit your business specifically. On the other hand, this should not be the deciding factor in your choice. If you see really high potential, it may still be worth training a specialist.
  • Sales managers can be divided into two types. Let's call them “regular trader” and “consultative seller”. The first one tries to sell the product by any means. But if customers don't want to buy a product, he won't look into the reasons. The second, on the contrary, will study the potential buyer. And if the process is not going well, he will find out why it is so. With the help of such sellers, the company will be able to make the necessary adjustments and increase popularity among customers.
  • Successful well-known managers who have completed numerous courses and trainings. Yes, they are effective. But the majority works according to clear templates and manuals. And when you need to develop your own sales concept in a specific case, they are useless.
  • Often, a business owner, without his own clearly defined development strategy, hopes that a strong sales specialist will come and simply push his product to the surface. That is, the manager will work in the same way as in the previous place. But it's not right. A specialist comes to a ready-made strategy and adapts to it. Without a clear plan and with a sales manager who does not know in which direction to move, neither porridge nor business can be cooked.
  • You should not hire too well-known top managers who have not been “on the front line” for a long time. They are often unaware of the latest events, techniques and trends. Such a manager will have to assign more assistants. And these are extra costs. You need someone who knows their battlefield and is willing to roll up their sleeves and get to the dirty work.

Before you start looking for a salesperson, you need to clearly answer several important questions. Firstly, what is the target audience of the product? Secondly, what is your company’s customer interaction algorithm? Think about what is more important – that the sales team is perfectly familiar with the company’s products or its audience. The better a specialist knows potential consumers, the easier and more effective sales of anything will be, be it cargo transportation services or specialized food for pets. Third, at what point in the sales process does the desired employee enter the business. As you know, sales can be divided into several stages. This includes “cold” calls and personal interaction, work “in the field”, working with objections, and further retaining the client. Yes, there are generalist salespeople, but sometimes it’s better to hire several highly qualified specialists. These answers will help you significantly narrow your search and understand which sales company is right for your company.

Every warrior is known on the battlefield

With characteristic errors, everything seems to be clear. But here the next question arises: how to check a sales manager? Of course, it can and should be checked in practice. But before that, in any case, there is an interview. What questions should you ask a potential employee?

  • Firstly, it is worth determining what his work was mainly related to: attracting new clients or retaining existing ones. Ask about his usual working day and work algorithm. Find out how he could attract new clients to your company (a professional will quickly calculate the interested audience based on the specifics of the company).
  • Secondly, evaluate his professional experience. Were there any transitions to other areas of activity? And career dynamics according to the age of the applicant. If, for example, by the age of 40 his positions did not rise above a simple manager, it is worth wondering what the reason is. Is he ambitious, or afraid to step out of his comfort zone, or does he lack knowledge and skills?
  • Third, it’s worth checking how often he changed jobs and why this happened. Was it the fault of previous employers (wrong motivation, low wages, uncomfortable working conditions), or was the reason in the specialist himself.
  • During the interview, the applicant usually introduces himself. You should pay attention to how he does this. Of course, an interview is stressful, and a person cannot always open up completely. But even here there are points that need to be emphasized. Does he use stereotyped memorized phrases, how consistently and structured does he build a story about himself, does he too often go off topic into lengthy explanations.
  • What companies did the person work in before yours? For example, after a small company, it is quite difficult to adapt to the intricacies of working in a large enterprise. What was the level of clients, how serious the transactions were. This will tell you what kind of people a person is used to working with and how difficult the negotiations are. What was the internal structure and organization of work (offices or “open space”, team, leadership style of behavior).
  • Check how confident the salesperson is. This will be evident from the questions they ask. A successful salesperson who is fully confident in his abilities will be more interested in structural issues and product features. An insecure person who often faces failures will find out what follows if the plan is not fulfilled, whether a client base will be provided, etc.
  • How adequately does the salesperson set salary expectations? If he asks for too little, it’s a bad sale. If there is too much, either he is a very good specialist or inadequate. Find out how much he received at his previous job, what he ties the level of income to (a fixed salary or a percentage of sales).
  • What is sales focused on – the result or the process itself. The latter does not characterize him from the best side as a specialist. How to find out who is in front of you? A process-oriented person will tell more about how and where he went, who he talked to, what he did. Those who are focused on the final result remember their clients very well and give clear dates, deadlines and numbers.
  • A very important factor is integrity. Now we are not talking about everyday things like eating other people's dinners and petty theft. If an applicant comes to you with his own database, don’t start rejoicing. Think about whether he will do the same after leaving you. The same should be taken into account when an employee moves from a competing company. What could this mean for you? Many have already abandoned the practice of luring experienced specialists, because there is a risk of getting a “spy”.

If you take into account the above tips and mistakes, then the question of how to choose a sales manager will no longer be too difficult. And remember one more thing - you shouldn’t hire people “just to make it faster.” It may take two weeks or two months to find a good specialist. Perhaps today he has not yet appeared on the labor market, but tomorrow his resume will appear in the database. A qualified specialist can be the key to the prosperity of the company, while the first employee you come across will reduce the performance by several points.

For some reason, it is believed that selecting salespeople is not very difficult, that there are plenty of candidates in active and passive search on the market, and you just need to name a good salary and the candidates themselves will flow into the hands of HR or the head of the company. This is partly true, and if the filters for vacancies are wide enough, then you will be able to provide yourself with a flow of candidates, but how to choose the right sellers among this flow that you need is another question.

Tip 1. Your target audience.

When posting a vacancy, you need to understand your target audience among sales managers. Decide on your education. For most managers, the level of education is an indicator not only of a person’s general development, it indicates that a person is ready to learn and engage in self-development, that he can work on himself, that he has a certain outlook, and that his speech is correct and competent, he can potentially set set goals and achieve them. Higher education is especially important for sales managers who work with high-tech products. Here it is not only its presence that matters, but also what it is. After all, if you have to work with complex equipment, you will need to understand various technical characteristics, which will be very difficult for a humanities student.

Tip 2. Gender of the seller.

I want to say right away that determining the effectiveness of a salesperson based on gender is a long-outdated stereotype. It is connected with the fact that it was once believed that a man feeds his family, so he will be more motivated to earn money, and a woman has more household chores, including those related to work, so she will not have time to devote herself to work. But fortunately, the practice of the last 18 years has shown that success in sales does not depend on gender; rather, it is a matter of a person’s personal qualities and motivation. At one time, one of the successful owners of a real estate agency drew a portrait of an ideal seller: a single woman, 30-38 years old, with a child, living with her mother or another relative. Moreover, such employees not only brought high income to the company, but were also the most stable employees. They had a flexible schedule, which allowed them to devote enough time to all sorts of ongoing tasks related to the child; they were not very willing to be hired by other companies, so they did not have any particular alternative to the existing source of financing.

Tip 3. Age for choosing a seller.

The most productive age is considered to be from 25 to 35 years. It is true that at this time a person is at the very peak of his activity, he already has some experience, but he is ready to receive new ones, in addition, he has enough strength in reserve to actively hold meetings and make phone calls. But think about the end user of your product. Who are these people? If this is a more adult contingent, then it is unlikely that a young man or girl will inspire confidence in them. In my practice, there was a case when a woman over 40 was hired by a company selling accounting software and she was very good at selling this product, despite the lack of technical education. And the whole secret was that the final consumer of the company’s product were women, approximately her age, with the same problems and outlook on life. They drank tea and chatted pleasantly about their grandchildren, work and knitting. Ultimately, in this way the transaction was completed with a sale.

Tip 4. Experience in sales.

Many managers prefer sales managers who already have work experience. Some people prefer to teach on their own. In both the first and second cases, sound logic is present. It all depends on how much the manager has the desire, ability and time to teach. Let’s be clear right away that we are not talking about such basic concepts as sales technology, methods of working with objections, etc. Although this can be taught quite quickly, more time and, accordingly, more resources will be spent. When it comes to sales experience with a particular product, there is an opinion that a good salesperson does not care what to sell. There is some truth in this, if he is fluent in sales techniques, then learning the product is a matter of desire and a very short time. Usually a month or two is enough. The problem with having experience is that having come with experience in sales, a manager can also come with experience in how to commit fraud, how to bypass the company, and so on. Here you need to carefully check a person’s personal values; they are the ones who largely answer the question of how to choose the right sellers.

Tip 5. Correctly determine the candidate’s reference type.

There are two types: internal and external. People who have an internal type of reference are accustomed to relying on their own opinion in everything and always; it is very difficult to convince them. The advantage is that, as a rule, such people are very stress-resistant, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to convey to them a point of view that does not coincide with theirs. People with internal reference are accustomed to acting in accordance with the opinions of others. The obvious benefit of such people is that they are very client-oriented, but at the same time it is difficult for them to complete the transaction if the client has various objections. The ideal option for a sales manager is a mixed type. Such people have an equally developed ability to defend their position and listen to the opinions of others.

The type of reference is determined very simply. You just need to listen to the candidate's speech. You can ask: “Do you think you are a good manager?”, and then, regardless of his answer (“Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”), ask the following question: “Why?” - and listen carefully to the answers. If the answers are predominantly “I”: “I submitted reports on time”, “Management liked me”, etc., then there is a high probability that we have a person with internal reference. If the answers constantly refer to the opinions of other people: “The clients thanked me,” “The bosses praised me,” “The employees asked for help,” then this is clearly a person with an external reference. The mixed type of reference is characterized by the presence of both the first and second speech samples in the candidate’s speech.

Tip 6. The candidate’s performance.

The biggest problem is determining the candidate's performance. Practitioners who extensively and often select salespeople are very often familiar with the situation: the candidate who came for an interview turned out to be simply excellent, and he has more than enough experience, and his sales technique is simply excellent, naturally he is hired, and a month later the candidate is blown away, then is making a minimum of effort to achieve results. After this, once you have determined that you have received a lazy candidate, you have two options: set requirements for him and organize control in order to reduce all his laziness to nothing. It should be noted that the majority in such conditions will still begin to work productively, but the rest will have to say goodbye. Usually, on average, a week or two is enough for the effect of the new job to wear off and the sales manager to integrate into the system. Naturally, a newly arrived employee works at the maximum of his capabilities, and then can gradually reduce his speed, however, does this mean that such conditions need to be constantly created. This is why companies have a sales system and various types of employee motivation.

Tip 7. Availability of a client base.

Very often customers come to us with a mandatory requirement for a sales manager: having their own client base. It is very tempting to get not only a good sales manager, but also clients of competitors. But let's look at this situation from the other side. Yes, of course, every smart sales manager is able to build communication with clients so effectively that, if the question is posed correctly, they themselves will want to stay with him, especially if there is no significant difference between the company’s product. But in most cases, the client is still tied to the company, since the B2B sales segment is different in that purchasing decisions are not made by someone alone, but together. You should also not forget the moment how satisfied you are with the person who stole clients from the company, because if he did it once, then where is the guarantee that next time he will not do this to your company.

Tip 8. Use cases during interviews.

If you are a recruiter and have little idea how exactly the sales department works in your company, ask the head of this department for help. And based on what situations your sales team most often have to deal with, develop cases with which you can determine whether a person will cope with the assigned tasks or not.

Tip 9. Ask to sell you your product.

Instead of a pen, ask the candidate to sell you the product that he worked on at his previous or current place of work. Here it is important to feel as much as possible as a client of this seller, to behave normally, as if you were actually buying this product. As practice shows, a good seller, even if he doesn’t convince you to make a purchase, will at least leave behind a pleasant impression and the right to a repeat meeting or call, and this is not so little.

Tip 10. Immediate supervisor.

It is effective to conduct a meeting together with the candidate’s immediate future supervisor. If this is the head of the sales department, then he will not only better evaluate the cases completed by the candidate, but will also immediately be able to try on the candidate for himself, how suitable this person is for him, how easily he can fit into the team, what difficulties may arise in this case.

Sales managers are one of the most sought-after professions on the market. To answer the question - how to choose the right sellers - you need to feel like a client of your own company. Analyze not only the candidate’s behavior, but also his speech, pay attention to his appearance and gestures. Very often you can feel that you are internally opposed to communicating with the candidate, if you are sure that this is not your bad mood, carefully record the direct speech of the candidate, perhaps after the interview you, having analyzed them, will be able to understand what was wrong with him.

Interested in professional salesperson recruitment?

Seller interview: how to select sellers!

Properly selected sellers are one of the main factors in high sales of any store. Want to learn how to interview salespeople? We will share some secrets with you in this article, and we also have And if you are a salesperson, you will learn how to prepare to pass an interview and get a job in a good store.

What needs to be determined during an interview with a sales consultant?


Personal qualities

How to profile the ideal sales candidate?

Before inviting people for an interview, you need to accurately describe the job profile of the salesperson you would like to hire, in other words, create a portrait of the ideal candidate to work in your store. When creating a profile for a salesperson’s position, take into account his main responsibilities, the features of your store, and make a list of all the functions that your salespeople should be able to perform. And lastly, think about what kind of person a person should be so that you would be pleased to see him in the store every time.

How to determine the key characteristics of a sales candidate?

To test the seller's communication skills, ask him to tell you something about himself, about his past work, about how he spends his free time. Is the narrator in front of you interesting? Is it easy for him to answer questions? Can he immediately tell something unusual about himself?

To understand relationships with other people You should ask the seller leading questions. For example, whether the phrase “The customer is always right?” is true, or why some people are more friendly and others less so. Why is he interested in being a salesperson? Many people go into this field in order to help other people in addition to making money.

It is very important to determine candidate's attitude towards sales basically. If a person likes to sell, then he enjoys it in any situation. Even if he is given the task of selling batteries on an electric train, or selling skis in the summer! If the seller says that for him this is a drive, a game, an opportunity for self-development, then such a seller will be able to learn how to sell very quickly. Anyone who really loves sales and is interested in honing their skills - never gets tired of customers!

This is the energy and fuel for its successful operation. Motivation can be for the purpose of achievement (the desire to earn money, develop, communicate, learn new things), and for the purpose of avoidance (tired of idleness, it takes a long time to find a job, I don’t want to be left without money).

Choose those sales candidates who have a strong achievement motivation! Find out what success the seller wants to achieve in his life in the coming year! How will his work success help him with this? Where does he see himself in the future? How much does he want to earn? Are you ready to teach others and share your successes? Does he really want to be a salesperson, or does he need to take a break for a couple of months, and then he or she will look for a “normal job?”

To test your sales skills There are quite a lot of techniques that allow you to most accurately identify a person’s sales tendencies. Firstly, these help you quickly understand who is in front of you. Secondly, these are special tasks and cases for sellers that need to be offered to them directly during the interview. And thirdly, the most effective method for determining the sales skills of candidates and selecting the best sellers is sales selection training for sellers.

Qualifying sales training for sellers is a technology for quickly meeting, training and testing sales candidates for possession of all the necessary features from the job profile of the seller you need. This training is conducted in a 3-6-8 hour format, for candidates ranging from 4 to 12 people, and during this training, job seekers quickly get to know you and each other, perform tasks and exercises, and do something with each other buy and sell, receive prizes and game medals, and the winners of this sales championship receive the main bonus - a job in your store!

We prepare and conduct qualifying trainings for sellers, and will be happy to help you conduct such training for your company!

For the most harmonious work of the team, it is important to involve other employees in determining which colleagues they want to see on their team. To do this, it is useful to ask them about what qualities and skills they would like to see in their future colleague. What difficult situations are they likely to face together? What is most important to them in working together? It is also acceptable to have one of your best salespeople present at the sales interview (especially someone who will later mentor the hired salesperson).

And last but most important - Every person is characterized by three verbs: TO KNOW, TO BE ABLE. Each of us knows a lot, can do some things better and others worse, and has a set of certain character traits, principles and norms of behavior. So, the latter just means - BE! What kind of person is he or she who is now in front of you? What qualities, upbringing norms and rules determine his or her behavior? Be sure to read our article about, and select people with the maximum presence of these qualities!

How to sell work in your store to a seller?

There are no ideal candidates, but truly smart and good people will always and everywhere be in great demand. And let's be honest, do you really have the best job offer on the market for them? Most likely no! In this case, you need to learn how to sell work in your store to the best candidates, and then you will truly have the strongest sales team.

There are many factors that are important to sellers, besides money, and above all these are opportunities to develop, learn something new, feel needed and in demand, as well as the desire to spend time in the company of an interesting and promising manager, and responsive and hardworking colleagues.

Prepare your most convincing arguments for those sellers that you really like! Sell ​​them yourself as a manager, work in your store and all the benefits of cooperation with you, and such a seller will be as loyal to you as possible (and you will very quickly see the level of his loyalty and desire to thank you by the daily increase in cash at the store’s cash register!) .

When appearing for an interview, a sales consultant must also remember that an interview is a chance to show your sales skills at their best and give the employer the opportunity to feel like the most valuable and desired client!

Do you still think that interviewing salespeople and selecting the best candidates is difficult? Well, there is always risk in this process! We can help you reduce it!

Book a consultation with our expert or a private lesson on conducting sales interviews, and learn how to choose the right people once and for all!