UAZ patriot for emergency medical services. UAZ Ambulance vehicle for medical services (39629). P.s.: Ulyanovskaya Pravda

Thoughts, feelings and impressions of the new ASMP based on UAZ

To replace the national design UAZ, which had worked for 6 and a half years, they received a new Class B ASMP. Perhaps someone will be amused by what the province is working on.
So, here is the UAZ itself

The cabin is no different from the usual UAZ one

The salon has become higher, but its area has not increased. And the stretcher turned out to be longer than on the old one. As a result, you need to jump into the seat on the left side over a stretcher. This is upsetting, because adequate access to the equipment and the patient is possible only from there.

Oxygen cylinders are located at the rear, but since the rear rack is low, there is access to the valve from the seat on the port side.

The shelves are the right size for the equipment, which is nice. Cardiograph, defibrillator, nebulizer, repair kit, bag with small oxygen cylinders - everything was adequately placed.

But the sides on the shelves are not on all of them.

They are missing on the shelves under the tabletop and the bag with cylinders has to be wedged with KRI - 1, and the repair kit with a nebulizer. Otherwise, they fly out.

What pleased me was that the sink was made very thoughtfully. It doesn’t eat up space, but adds another compartment for rarely used items. The water tanks are also easy to remove, and a bag of solutions fits nicely in their place.

On the handrails there are fastenings for all types of systems - glass and plastic bottles, soft bags with solutions - they are attached normally and do not come off even when driving on country roads.

There are two types of interior lighting - general and directional. The directional light shines at one point and is not regulated in any way, which raises the question of its necessity.

The stretcher is a funny system. They roll out and roll up easily - you don't need to press anything. But lowering them with a patient lying on them is an impossible task for a team of two people.

And now - what emerged during operation.

The seat of the chair near the bulkhead between the salon and the cabin is barely secured at all and regularly falls off.
Due to the height, the car is highly susceptible to lateral rolling. As a result, everything that is not jammed or tied down flies off shelves without sides.

The burden is even higher than that of the national project's ancestor - loading elderly patients is sometimes problematic.
The car simply does not go into the garage - so it sits outside all the time.

I won’t go into detail about the fact that the concept of “soft ride” is inapplicable to UAZs in principle, since in our area there is simply no alternative - Off-road.

Due to the tightness in the cabin, I had to assemble a personal mini-pack for working on the move - it can be held open on your knees.

That's all in general terms.

This year, the Healthcare exhibition turned out to be rich in premieres. The most significant new product in terms of form and content is the mobile health center - a joint work of engineers from the GAZ Group and the Nizhny Novgorod company Composite Factory. Unlike the prototype previously shown at the Health of the Nation forum, the current version was demonstrated as a certified production model. The medical vehicle consists of two modules: a GAZelle NEXT tractor-trailer and a trailer with tandem axles. The presence of two sections independent from each other, equipped with the necessary set of medical equipment and life support systems, allows specialists of different profiles to simultaneously work with patients in comfortable conditions (two full-fledged offices with an area of ​​8 m2 each with a separate entrance and an independent bathroom). Another possibility for using the new product is a mobile fluorographic complex with the appropriate equipment in one of the modules.

The mobile health center presented by GAZ Group will bring qualified medical care closer to the population in remote regions.

GAZ Group also showed a Class B ambulance based on the all-metal GAZelle NEXT van with a length of 6157 mm. However, this car is no longer new.

But at the stand of the Nizhny Novgorod plant of special vehicles “Industrial Technologies” (part of the Samotlor-NN Group), as always, there were only new products. Particular attention of the exhibition guests was attracted by the compact “A” class ambulance based on the Citroen Jumpy - a vehicle that can easily operate in cramped urban conditions. The small salon (length 2560, width 1580 and height 1320 mm) houses two reclining seats, a receiving device for a wheelchair with a removable stretcher, a ceiling handrail with brackets for an infusion system, as well as cabinets and a mezzanine for medications. The overall height of the car is only 1.95 m, which allows the car to easily enter underground parking lots and garages. It should be noted that the Citroen Jumpy van has become more often used as a base for ambulances. Confirmation of this could be seen at the stands of other exhibitors.

A compact ambulance based on the Citroen Jumpy will benefit from cramped urban environments.

The second exhibit of the Industrial Technologies plant is an “A” class automated vehicle based on the Lada Largus. The model called Lada Kub was first introduced in 2015 and has already managed to sell a considerable number of copies across Russian regions. Its features: an extended rear overhang and a high plastic roof on a metal frame. This year, Promtech engineers made some changes to the design of the vehicle: the glass area was increased, a more aesthetically pleasing plastic body kit was added, etc. The ambulance’s medical compartment is equipped with a receiving device for a wheelchair with a removable stretcher and a mount for chair stretchers. Optionally there is space for additional stretchers. LED strips are used as ceiling lighting. Also at the stand of the Industrial Technologies company, the “Medical Service” car based on the Lada Largus was presented. Thanks to the possibility of transforming the interior, this vehicle can be operated in three versions: medical, passenger and cargo.

Lada Kub: ASMP based on Lada Largus, manufactured by the Industrial Technologies plant.

PKF "Luidor" presented three exhibits: a "B" class ASMP based on the Sobol all-wheel drive vehicle, an ambulance based on the "GAZelle NEXT" all-metal van, and the latest new product - a "B" class ASMP built on the basis of the new Volkswagen Crafter. The Crafter medical salon is designed so that the work of medical staff is convenient and efficient. The salon is equipped with two swivel chairs, a folding table, and furniture with open and closed shelves for placing equipment and medical supplies. By the way, PKF Luidor produces most of the metal structures (supports, reinforcements, handrails, footrests), as well as medical furniture and seats in its own production, which is considered one of the largest in Russia in this profile.

Passenger car Lada Largus with the ability to transport a patient.

The Ulyanovsk company Avtodom presented for the first time an ambulance based on the UAZ Profi. The car body is a frame-type module with external fiberglass panels. The medical compartment, with an internal length of 3150 mm and a width of 1785 mm, is equipped with everything necessary for the work of a paramedic or general medical field team. A transparent plastic hatch and a filter and ventilation unit are mounted in the ceiling. The side-hinged and rear doors are equipped with running boards. The key advantage of the ASMP based on the UAZ Profi is its ability to work in off-road conditions and in rural areas.

PKF "Luidor" built a B-class ASMP based on the new Volkswagen Crafter.

Previously, State Duma deputies expressed concern about the high percentage of wear and tear on medical special transport. In response, the head of the Ministry of Health, Veronika Skvortsova, noted that the government was taking measures to improve the condition of the emergency medical vehicle fleet. This means that the new products presented at Russian Healthcare Week will come in very handy.

Citroen Jumpy vans have become more often transformed into ambulance transport.

The UAZ Profi model allows the production of a wide range of special versions, including for medical purposes.

At the end of last year, six district hospitals in the Omsk region were among the first in the country to receive ambulances based on the new Ulyanovsk UAZ-Profi truck. The site's correspondent went to Tyukalinsk to test the car, and liked the car. I wouldn’t have to help repair it on the highway.

Photo: Evgenia Bikunova (infographics)


The speedometer shows cruising ninety, we are walking along the narrow and busy “road of death” Tyumen - Omsk. Even on broken roads or when a truck is passing nearby, you can steer with one hand without straining. The chairs are comfortable, the stove is warm, except the birds don't sing. Or maybe they sing, but you can’t hear them: the sound insulation of the UAZ is surprisingly decent - at highway speeds you almost don’t have to raise your voice in a conversation. The new ZMZ Pro engine pulls from the very bottom, so driver Alexey Kim doesn’t even downshift when overtaking. The domestically produced gearbox clicks into gear clearly and deftly. Each of them, however, howls in its own voice.

The “loaf”, which has been produced for more than fifty years, finally has a successor

“We learned how to do it!” - Think. By the end of the day, an opinion about the car had already been formed: of course, there are shortcomings, but nothing can happen without them. Moreover, the UAZ is cheaper than its competitor, the Gazelle. The driver of the new ambulance was of the same opinion. But suddenly, on the descent from the viaduct, a nasty, incessant squeak was heard from under the hood. We silently looked at each other, and the UAZ headed to the side of the road, flashing its emergency lights.

- Belt?

They jinxed it.

Review of the new ambulance based on the UAZ-Profi. Video: Anton Malakhevich

Lots of plastic

I’ll say right away: of course, from the very beginning it was very interesting what the Ulyanovsk people had made. I have not found a single test drive of an ambulance based on the UAZ-Profi - they were recently launched into production. Yes, a fair amount has already been written about the car in the ordinary cargo version, but... It’s as if I was deliberately misinformed: one journalist writes that the gears have to be driven in by force, and there is no selectivity of the lever - you aim at the first, but end up in the third. Another complains about the terrible steering, which on the highway can be moved back and forth within fifteen degrees, and the car will still go wherever it wants. The third UAZ steers perfectly - and thank God, because the car tries to gallop off in any direction on any bump.

In general, I still didn’t understand what car I was going to test. And against this background, Tyukalinsk “Profi” began to gain points straight away. The engine-box is a plus. Chassis is a plus: the feeling of a tight and knocked down suspension did not leave either in the city or on the highway. The steering is again a plus: the UAZ was serenely controlled with one hand, whether on the highway or in the tight alleys of Tyukalin.

Reliability was the icing on the cake. UAZs are known for their breakability, but they told me about this one: in two weeks it had already run 3,500 kilometers, and nothing. Neither the bulb nor the fuse burned out. At first I suspected that they were hiding something from me. But when the UAZ stopped on the highway, Alexey was puzzled and tried to figure out how to get under the hood if everything was so high and far away, and he couldn’t rest his foot on the plastic bumper. Actually, the breakdown also occurred due to the fact that they decided to make one important part from plastic rather than metal.

All-terrain resuscitation

As Oleg Zaitsev, the head doctor of the Tyukalinsk Central District Hospital, said, they have a total of 25 machines, most of which have reached the end of their service life. Some - several times. These are mainly old UAZ-tablets and Gazelles. As for the new UAZ, the car, without exaggeration, opens up new prospects for doctors.

In fact, this is a small intensive care room. During transportation, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator can give the patient anesthesia, connect him to life support systems, intubate him, perform defibrillation, and take parameters for assessing the body’s vital functions. This, of course, is very convenient,” says Oleg Zaitsev.

Now the car is used mainly to transport patients to the regional hospital. In two weeks, UAZ-Profi has already taken 21 seriously ill patients to Omsk. These are mainly patients with heart attacks, strokes and injuries after road accidents.

There is such a system as routing for certain diseases. For example, acute myocardial infarction: if we previously treated it here, now we perform thrombolysis, dissolving the blood clot, and immediately refer the patient for surgical treatment to the Omsk Regional Hospital. There, the affected vessel that caused the heart attack is stented, and patency is restored. If you manage to do this within a day, then the risk of developing the disease is minimal,” explains the head physician.

"Patriot" multiplied by one and a half

The new car was entrusted to the best driver of the Central Regional Hospital, Alexey Kim. I received my first Gazelle in 2007 in 2011 and actually reassembled it. He says he almost cried when he received the UAZ and his car was given to the village. But now he’s arrived and doesn’t complain.

The engine is more powerful, more responsive. The car is new, soft, and pleasant to drive. What can I say - a new car,” he reasons. - But my father also told me: technology in the hands of a savage is a pile of iron. Whatever the car, it all depends on the person, how he drives and how he looks after the car. Any car is good. It’s just that technology loves to be watched.

Alexey gave an analogy: someone in Tyukalinsk is complaining about what the world is worth. And someone lives here and is quite happy. There are simply people who feel bad everywhere, and this applies not only to their place of residence, but also to their cars.

And so I got behind the wheel. The clutch pedal travel is unusually long - heavy: in order to squeeze, you have to lift your heel off the floor. And the brake and gas are located close: when you press one pedal, you regularly cling to the next one. You move your leg and you rest against the casing. However, this is a matter of habit.

How is it going, you ask? The younger brother “Patriot” resembles a tank, but here everything is the same, only multiplied by one and a half. The heavy car, without noticing, cuts through the snowdrifts, and goes over the bumps more smoothly than the same Gazelle. But, of course, we did not organize off-road tests or rally races at speed. “Pro” was not born for racing: although the engine has become more powerful by 15 “horses”, and the thrust at low speeds has increased by almost half, the increased mass compensates for all this.

By the way, consumption has also increased: 20 liters per hundred versus 17 for the Gazelle. It's on the highway. The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant publishes a slightly different figure in its characteristics - 11.6 liters. But for some reason I am inclined to believe the doctors here.

To summarize the test drive: even an untrained driver can get into the Profi, turn on the flashing lights and go to the call. Unless, of course, it breaks.

Spare parts - in any general store

And now the screeching “Pro” slowly slides to the side of the road. We open the hood and admire: the coolant pump pulley has been torn off. They turned the remaining parts over in their hands and were surprised: there was no metal in the country, or something. You cannot drive any further, otherwise the engine will immediately overheat. And getting into a major overhaul at three thousand kilometers is a dubious pleasure.

But the UAZ broke down exactly opposite a run-down spare parts store. Without much enthusiasm, Alexey takes the remains of the pulley, leaves... and two minutes later returns with the same thing, only whole and better.

It’s lucky that not the entire pump is made of PCB: then the coolant would also leak out of the engine, and this is completely inconvenient in field conditions. Alexey takes out an old canister of tools from behind the seat and with difficulty climbs under the hood. I removed the remains of the old pulley, screwed on the new one... But I couldn’t tighten the belt right away: I had to help.

It is impossible to predict such a breakdown: the pulley was screwed on normally, looked normal - what suspicions could it arouse? And it fell apart not under load, but on the descent, when Alexey released the gas altogether. How many more such poltergeists are hidden in UAZ?

P.s.: Ulyanovskaya Pravda

In general, you couldn’t help but notice: it’s somehow impossible to talk about something in UAZ with one hundred percent certainty. Yes, this is good and this is true... Then some kind of “truth” definitely follows. And therefore I am sure: my colleagues who tested the UAZ-Profi and then wrote mutually exclusive things about them were not lying at all. These UAZs are simply assembled in the same type. Plus components that no one could criticize. But every time a new model comes out, you still hope that now they should succeed.

Here's, let's say, a small detail: a crooked sun visor holder in the UAZ interior. Three were normal, but there wasn’t enough plastic for one - like with that persistent tin soldier. Well, the truth is - a trifle, it does not affect the speed. Just a simple question: would any Toyota allow itself the luxury of selling a car with such a jamb? No. Maybe the Ulyanovsk residents simply didn’t notice him? Yes, I beg you. We just don’t love and respect ourselves. But this is so, the lyrics...

And the car is really good. But who will it console if it breaks during the transportation of a patient whose life really depends on a matter of minutes.

UAZ-3962 is a unique car that is distinguished by its reliability and excellent cross-country ability. That is why the “loaf” (popular name) is the basis for specialized equipment. The ambulance based on this compact and versatile machine has become a classic. Ulyanovsk special vehicles for providing first aid are successfully used in all regions. For the harsh north, the UAZ Bukhanka ambulance became an ideal option.

This modification of the UAZ first rolled off the assembly line in 1965. The production of the “loaf” continues to this day. Versatility, ease of operation and reliability have made this car a bestseller in the domestic automobile industry.

The main compartment can carry cargo weighing up to 1 ton. The engine displacement is 2.89 liters and the maximum torque is 201 Nm. For 100 km of travel, a UAZ loaf ambulance will require from 13 to 18 liters of fuel. In 2011, some modernization of the UAZ-3962 was carried out: the car was equipped with ABS and power steering. The UAZ-3962 does not pretend to be a super comfortable car. Its task is the reliable delivery and transportation of cargo or people. The car, converted into an ambulance, fully meets the necessary requirements and characteristics.

It is important to understand that the “loaf” does not have adequate protection in a frontal collision. Another feature of this model is the presence of an engine right in the cabin. For northern latitudes, this arrangement of the engine seems quite relevant, and the driver does not need to go outside to repair or check the engine.

The reliable UAZ ambulance has already proven itself in its work. The car is completely re-equipped to suit its narrow focus. All the nuances of specialized operation are taken into account. “Loaf” will reach any patient even in the most difficult weather conditions: it is a strict and simple car that does not require expensive interior trim or the presence of modern electronics. UAZ-452 is a workhorse, easy to maintain and extremely efficient

This year, the Healthcare exhibition turned out to be rich in premieres. The most significant new product in terms of form and content is the mobile health center - a joint work of engineers from the GAZ Group and the Nizhny Novgorod company Composite Factory. Unlike the prototype previously shown at the Health of the Nation forum, the current version was demonstrated as a certified production model. The medical vehicle consists of two modules: a GAZelle NEXT tractor-trailer and a trailer with tandem axles. The presence of two sections independent from each other, equipped with the necessary set of medical equipment and life support systems, allows specialists of different profiles to simultaneously work with patients in comfortable conditions (two full-fledged offices with an area of ​​8 m2 each with a separate entrance and an independent bathroom). Another possibility for using the new product is a mobile fluorographic complex with the appropriate equipment in one of the modules.

The mobile health center presented by GAZ Group will bring qualified medical care closer to the population in remote regions.

GAZ Group also showed a Class B ambulance based on the all-metal GAZelle NEXT van with a length of 6157 mm. However, this car is no longer new.

But at the stand of the Nizhny Novgorod plant of special vehicles “Industrial Technologies” (part of the Samotlor-NN Group), as always, there were only new products. Particular attention of the exhibition guests was attracted by the compact “A” class ambulance based on the Citroen Jumpy - a vehicle that can easily operate in cramped urban conditions. The small salon (length 2560, width 1580 and height 1320 mm) houses two reclining seats, a receiving device for a wheelchair with a removable stretcher, a ceiling handrail with brackets for an infusion system, as well as cabinets and a mezzanine for medications. The overall height of the car is only 1.95 m, which allows the car to easily enter underground parking lots and garages. It should be noted that the Citroen Jumpy van has become more often used as a base for ambulances. Confirmation of this could be seen at the stands of other exhibitors.

A compact ambulance based on the Citroen Jumpy will benefit from cramped urban environments.

The second exhibit of the Industrial Technologies plant is an “A” class automated vehicle based on the Lada Largus. The model called Lada Kub was first introduced in 2015 and has already managed to sell a considerable number of copies across Russian regions. Its features: an extended rear overhang and a high plastic roof on a metal frame. This year, Promtech engineers made some changes to the design of the vehicle: the glass area was increased, a more aesthetically pleasing plastic body kit was added, etc. The ambulance’s medical compartment is equipped with a receiving device for a wheelchair with a removable stretcher and a mount for chair stretchers. Optionally there is space for additional stretchers. LED strips are used as ceiling lighting. Also at the stand of the Industrial Technologies company, the “Medical Service” car based on the Lada Largus was presented. Thanks to the possibility of transforming the interior, this vehicle can be operated in three versions: medical, passenger and cargo.

Lada Kub: ASMP based on Lada Largus, manufactured by the Industrial Technologies plant.

PKF "Luidor" presented three exhibits: a "B" class ASMP based on the Sobol all-wheel drive vehicle, an ambulance based on the "GAZelle NEXT" all-metal van, and the latest new product - a "B" class ASMP built on the basis of the new Volkswagen Crafter. The Crafter medical salon is designed so that the work of medical staff is convenient and efficient. The salon is equipped with two swivel chairs, a folding table, and furniture with open and closed shelves for placing equipment and medical supplies. By the way, PKF Luidor produces most of the metal structures (supports, reinforcements, handrails, footrests), as well as medical furniture and seats in its own production, which is considered one of the largest in Russia in this profile.

Passenger car Lada Largus with the ability to transport a patient.

The Ulyanovsk company Avtodom presented for the first time an ambulance based on the UAZ Profi. The car body is a frame-type module with external fiberglass panels. The medical compartment, with an internal length of 3150 mm and a width of 1785 mm, is equipped with everything necessary for the work of a paramedic or general medical field team. A transparent plastic hatch and a filter and ventilation unit are mounted in the ceiling. The side-hinged and rear doors are equipped with running boards. The key advantage of the ASMP based on the UAZ Profi is its ability to work in off-road conditions and in rural areas.

PKF "Luidor" built a B-class ASMP based on the new Volkswagen Crafter.

Previously, State Duma deputies expressed concern about the high percentage of wear and tear on medical special transport. In response, the head of the Ministry of Health, Veronika Skvortsova, noted that the government was taking measures to improve the condition of the emergency medical vehicle fleet. This means that the new products presented at Russian Healthcare Week will come in very handy.

Citroen Jumpy vans have become more often transformed into ambulance transport.

The UAZ Profi model allows the production of a wide range of special versions, including for medical purposes.