Installing new tires. Correct installation of asymmetric tires. Installing symmetrical busbars

Automotive rubber with an asymmetric tread was developed by the Finnish company Nokian. Improved traction is provided by the structural elements of the tire and the tread pattern.

On the inside of the asymmetric tire is a shoulder area for moisture removal. As for the outer side, there is a tread, which creates rigidity, maneuverability and stability during turns.

Asymmetric tire design

When it comes to an asymmetric tire, you need to understand that its tread pattern is different, both on the inside and on the outside. Let's analyze the features of asymmetric tires with a directional tread pattern:

1). Installation is carried out in the direction of the arrow. In some cases, markings in the form of the inscription "Rotation" are used on the side.

2). Models are divided into right-hand and left-hand, this is indicated by the markings R and L.

Difficulties when mounting directional tires

Note that the installation of two wheels with the indicated marking L or R was almost impossible to carry out, since tires with right-hand and left-hand designation were quite rare in car dealerships.

In addition, problems arose with the choice of tires for the spare wheel, since the driver could not know on which side the wheel would need to be replaced. There were also situations when motorists used the right asymmetric tire for the left wheel or vice versa.

As a result, the tread was deformed, and it began to wear out. This has led manufacturers to decide not to use a directional tread. It was decided to use a non-directional pattern.

How to distinguish a non-directional tread?

Unlike car tires with conventional tread, this tire has a softer inner part and a stiffer outer part. Thus, mechanical effects are balanced when entering a turn. In this case, the loads are distributed not on the inner zone, but on the surface of the tire.

The tread blocks located directly on the tire are somewhat larger than those located inside the rubber layer. This design ensures that moisture is removed from the stain where it comes into contact with the road. Thus, the risks of aquaplaning are reduced, and driving is facilitated.

Features of asymmetric tires:

  1. mounted on the left and right side;
  2. they are not marked on the inside and on the outside, so they can be distinguished from symmetrical rubber.

Advantages and disadvantages of using tires with asymmetric tread

Positive points:

  • excellent grip on the road;
  • independent location of the tire;
  • directional stability of the car and handling;
  • reduced braking distance on wet roads;
  • uniform tire wear;
  • thanks to the location of the tread blocks, safe driving on a snowy and icy track is ensured;
  • the rubber layer of the tread is different on the inside and outside.

The disadvantages were typical for rubber with a directional tread pattern. However, it has been discontinued.

Fitting a car tire with a non-directional pattern

Installation is carried out according to the principle of the location of the outer and inner sides. The inscription marked on the sidewall indicates which side you need to put on the tire. On the side it says:

  1. external;
  2. outside;
  3. side facing forwards.

On the inside:

  1. inside;
  2. this side facing forwards.

As such, the direction of the tread does not matter, what matters is the position of the tire depending on the internal or external structure.

Fitting asymmetrical tires

There should be an Outside indicator on the side surface. Some manufacturers may indicate:

  1. side facing outwards;
  2. external;
  3. this side facing forwards.

At the same time, the inscription Inside is indicated on the inner zone of the tire. However, it is not visible, so its side is directed towards the car.

With the correct installation of the tire, the driver will see the inscription on the outside of the rubber - Outside. Otherwise, it will turn out that it is worn on the inside.

Installation of tires with a directional tread pattern

Directional tires are mounted in such a way that the rotation of the car wheel corresponds to the marking arrow indicated on the side of the rubber and the Rotation inscription.

Tires installed on the right and left sides of the car must match the markings on the tread when the wheel rotates forward: Left (left) and Right (right).

Fitting symmetrical tires

Symmetric tires do not have sides and given directions when the wheel rotates. Thus, their installation is carried out regardless of the location. It is also worth noting the fact that an illiterate installation of directional or asymmetric rubber will lead to a deterioration in road holding, aerodynamics, control and balancing when cornering. In addition, it will lead to wear and deformation of the car wheel.

When tires do not perform their intended function, the wheels lose their factory characteristics and properties. Therefore, forced driving on a car with incorrectly installed tires should be calm and even. That is, you can not turn sharply and accelerate over 80 km / h. In this case, it is also not recommended to perform sudden braking. And even better - do not take risks at all and put tires depending on the direction of rotation of the wheels.

Often, motorists have to deal with such an important task as changing wheels and tires on their own car. Of course, you can trust the specialists at the service station, but even in this case, you should know the basic installation rules. What can we say about self-assembly, when you need to strictly adhere to a number of recommendations and have certain knowledge. The focus should be on the inside and outside of the tire, direction of rotation, tread pattern, and so on. Let's talk about each aspect separately.

Direction of rotation and tread pattern

Today, tires with a directional pattern are becoming more and more popular. The correct installation in such products can be controlled by a special arrow drawn on the side. If you take into account this marking, then the probability of making a mistake is minimal. The rest of the tires do not have a directional pattern, so installation can be done on either side. If in doubt, you can check with the seller in the store - a directional pattern on the tire or not.

Tire sides

If the tire has an asymmetric pattern, then it is necessary to take into account the presence of the inner and outer side. This factor must be taken into account during installation. To help their customers, manufacturers designate the inside with the inscription "Inside", and the outside - "Outside".


Now let's talk about the main types of tires. Conventionally, manufacturers and sellers divide them into several main groups:

1) Symmetrical - tires with symmetrical sidewalls, cord and tread. This is the easiest option, because when installing such “shoes”, there are no special recommendations (installation can be done from any side;

2) Asymmetrical. The pattern of these tires is different on the inside and outside. At the same time, it can be of two types - directed and non-directional (we already mentioned this in our article);

3) Right and left tires are most often developed for a specific car model (sometimes for a group of models of the same type). Special designations are applied to such tires: on the left tires - “Left”, and on the right, respectively, “Right”. In this case, the installation of such wheels should be carried out on the left or on the right, respectively. Breaking the rules is prohibited.

Details about the characteristics and marking of tires, how to choose the right tires,.

If there are no above-mentioned inscriptions on the purchased tires, then the manufacturer does not impose any special installation requirements.

How to install tires?

To install tires with an asymmetric pattern, understand some of the subtleties. In particular, on the outer side of the tire there should be marks “Side facing outwards” (“This side facing outwards”) or “Outside, External” (it all depends on the manufacturer).

The situation is a little more complicated with tires that have a directional pattern. They must be installed in such a way that the direction of forward movement coincides with the direction of the arrow on the vehicle.

Left- and right-sided tires, as already mentioned in the article, are placed according to the inscriptions applied (on the left or right side). As for symmetrical busbars, they have no sides or direction of rotation, so installation can be done in any position.

If directional or asymmetric tires are installed incorrectly, ride quality may be impaired. At high speeds and during sharp turns, the stability of the car is significantly reduced. If you still have to drive on incorrectly installed tires, then it is not recommended to exceed the speed of 80 km / h.

Now you have complete information on the types of tires and their features, so you can proceed to their installation. Before starting work, do not be too lazy to look into the operating instructions for a particular vehicle. There you can often find detailed explanations on these issues.

  1. Remove old wheels. Make it simple. To begin with, unscrew all the nuts a few turns;
  2. Raise the car with a jack, unscrew the nuts to the end and remove the wheels;
  3. Do not roll the tires too far, so as not to get confused later. When installing new tires, the sides, pattern and direction of rotation must be taken into account. It will not be superfluous to check the condition of the nuts. If they are poorly tightened, then you can buy new products or restore the threads on old ones;
  4. Drums and brake discs must be well cleaned of rust and dirt;
  5. The quality of the installation of wheels on the hub must be carefully checked. It is no secret that even a slight deviation from the center of the hub can lead to tire runout. The first signal of danger is the beating of the steering wheel;
  6. Treat the bolts against corrosion (a special tool or a regular wax spray can help with this);
  7. Install the wheels alternately, slightly tighten the bolts. Now you can lower the car and tighten the nuts to the end;
  8. and hit the road.

Remember that the correct installation of tires and wheels is, first of all, the safety of the driver and passengers in the car. Therefore, if there is not sufficient knowledge in this area, it is necessary to take the help of professionals.

Video: Proper removal and installation of wheels

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As a rule, a lot of inscriptions are applied on the sidewall of the tire, which are far from always clear to the average motorist. What should be paid particular attention to and what information is important and useful?

The most understandable for a car enthusiast are the brand, model and size of the tire - it is on these parameters that most of us choose tires for a car. More advanced motorists also look at the speed and tire load indices. That is why all the information listed is printed on the side surface of the tire in large print, while the rest of the tire data is usually printed in small letters and it is often difficult to find a specific parameter. What else is interesting there?

Let's try to list other inscriptions on the tire, which are better to pay attention to in order of their priority. It is important to understand that the opposite sidewalls of the same tire are often different, that is, they contain different information, complementing each other. Therefore, the tire will have to be examined from both sides.

Tire production date

It is necessary to pay attention to this parameter not only when buying used (used) tires, but also in a car shop when buying new tires. The fact is that there are often cases when unsold tires from past seasons (and we can even talk about tires three or four years ago) are bought in bulk at a cheap price in European tire centers (the so-called tire stock), after which they are imported to the domestic market and sold as new. Or, domestic tire centers do not hesitate to get tires from warehouses on the eve of the season that were not sold last year and sell them as a “new collection”.

The problem with such tires is usually in the conditions of their storage and transportation throughout the entire period from the date of production. In addition, manufacturers usually do not guarantee the performance of a tire after 5 years of storage, even if all requirements are met. Thus, think carefully whether it is worth buying rubber made a year or two, or even three years ago - it definitely will not last as long as a new one, and if the storage conditions have been significantly violated, it is possible that after a short time You will have to buy new tires again.

Anyway, last year's tires can never cost as much as fresh ones of the same model and size is an axiom.

How can I find out the production date of a tire?

As directed by the US Department of Transportation ( DOTDepartment Of Transportation- this organization, among other things, certifies tires for sale in the US market), the date of manufacture of tires is applied to the side surface of the tire without fail, and in a clearly marked form. Since 2000, this is a four-digit number in an oval, the first two digits of which indicate the serial number of the week of the year, and the last two digits indicate the year of production. That is, for example, encoding 3706 (like the picture above) on the tire sidewall means that tire made in the 37th week of 2006. This rule applies to all tires of all manufacturers that target their products, including the US market (DOT certification is required for the US market). In fact, all leading tire manufacturers follow this rule, regardless of the geography of tire distribution.

Until 2000, the production date on tires was indicated by a three-digit code (the first two digits are the week number, the last is the year code).

Rules for installing a tire on a disk

Many modern tires must be placed on a rim according to certain rules, which are necessarily applied to the sidewall of the tire. It should be noted that the tire fitting master does not always read the tire marking, focusing simply on your understanding of the tread pattern. Especially often this happens precisely in the off-season, when tire shops are overloaded with work.

Therefore, before you take new tires to the tire fitting on the bead, you must understand for yourself all the nuances of their installation, just in order to quickly make sure that the master did everything right. It should be emphasized that improper tire installation will not only accelerate tire wear, but also significantly change the tire's running characteristics, which will inevitably affect driving safety.

So, the rules for installing a bus on a disk are usually indicated as follows:

rotation and/or big arrow, painted on the sidewall of the tire indicate the direction in which the wheel should turn when the vehicle is moving forward. Such designations are always applied to directional bus. As a rule, the tread pattern of such tires has a V-shape. A directional tire usually has improved water/dirt wicking properties.

outside or Side Facing Outwards(outside) and Inside or Side Facing Awards(inner side). These inscriptions are usually applied to asymmetrical tires and indicate the mandatory location of the side surfaces of the tire in relation to the car.

Left(left side) and Right(right side) - such inscriptions are applied to directional asymmetric tires, since in addition to directionality there are requirements for the location of the sidewalls relative to the car. There should be two left and two right tires.- this must be taken into account when buying. Besides, be sure to check the correct installation of these tires on the car directly in the tire shop.

Tubeless, TL- designation options tubeless tires. If there are no such inscriptions on the tire, the tire can only be installed with a tube. As a rule, appropriate inscriptions are applied on tube tires - MIT SCHLAUCH, Tube, Tube Type or TT.

Tire seasonality

As a rule, information about the season and / or weather conditions for which the tire is intended is printed on the tire. Here is what some inscriptions (icons) mean, indicating the seasonal specialization of the tire:

M+S (M&S) – lugs. This the inscription in no way means that the tire is winter, although it stands for Mud and Snow (mud and snow - English). In fact, such an abbreviation only means that the tire tread is designed to drive outside the asphalt, or on asphalt with mud and snow. About the chemical composition of the tire (namely, this is the main difference between winter tires and summer tires), such an inscription on the tire says absolutely nothing. The M&S marking is applied to winter, all-season, and off-road summer tires.

AS(all season) Any Season, All Season, R+W(Road + Winter) A.W.(any weather) A.G.T.(All Grip Traction) - all-season tire options. We remind you that all-season tires are absolutely not intended for use in severe frosts and / or in warm weather - only at near-zero temperatures.

Rain, Aqua, water, Aquatred, Aquacontact, or painted umbrella mean that the tire provides improved water drainage from the contact patch with the road and, accordingly, reduced hydroplaning characteristics - the so-called rain tires.

Painted on the side of the tire snowflake, or the inscription Winter point to winter tires.

Tire size

The tire dimension is one of the most understandable inscriptions for a car enthusiast on the sidewall of a tire, and it usually looks something like this:


A similar inscription on the side surface of the tire means the following: the tire in front of you has width 195 mm,profile height 65% from the width (i.e. 195x0.65 = 126.75 mm),internal (landing) diameter is 15 inches, and is manufactured using radial tire technology(that's right, R is not a radius, as some motorists believe, but a designation for a radial tire).

It is these parameters (with the exception of radiality) that determine the overall geometry of the wheel and allow you to judge whether the tire fits you or not by its physical size. In addition, it must be taken into account that tire width (195) is directly related to the wheel seat width, so if you are buying tires to fit on existing rims, you should make sure that the tire width matches the rim width. Accordingly, if you plan to buy wheels for existing tires, this should be taken into account when choosing wheels. How to find out the width of the disk?

The easiest way to find out what should be the width of the wheel for any tire size is using tire calculator. It is easy to see that for each tire width, the calculator does not offer the exact value of the disk width, but their (values) allowable range. It is best if the width of your rims is somewhere in the middle of this range, but even if this is one of the extreme limits, there is nothing wrong with that, it can just complicate the work of the tire fitter a little when beading.

Tire radiality today has minimal information content for the consumer, because the vast majority (if not all) of passenger tires that are produced in the world are radial. However, for general development, you can read more about what radial tires are and how they differ from diagonal tires.

Index of speed, load, and once again about the seasonality of the tire

Immediately next to the size on the side surface of the tire, load indices are usually indicated ( in the picture it's 91), speed ( H), seasonality (in some cases, in the picture - M+S), as well as the possibility of boarding on a disk without a camera ( TUBELESS).

Ability to assemble a tire without using a tube denoted by the word TUBELESS if this word is not on the tire, a camera is needed.

Among the designations that motorists usually associate with tire use season, there are two similar but not identical: " M+S" and image snowflakes. With a snowflake, everything is clear, such a designation clearly indicates the winter specialization of the tire. The situation with "M+S" is much more complicated. Literally, the abbreviation stands for Mad and Snow(mud and snow), but in practice, this designation is drawn on winter, all-weather, and sometimes also on summer "off-road" tires(the so-called lugs). At the same time, the composition of the rubber from which all these tires are made can be very different, regardless of the fact that the tread pattern can be called similar. Thus, the designation M + S does not clearly indicate winter tires- this is something to remember when choosing winter tires .

Speed ​​index indicates the maximum allowed safe operating speed. It must be understood that despite the fact that rubber manufacturers have a tendency to reinsurance, given the condition of our roads, one should categorically not only exceed, but even approach the allowable maximum indicated on the tire. Remember that the destruction of a tire (any) at such a speed can lead to irreparable consequences.

Load index indicates the maximum specific weight of the vehicle that can be carried on one wheel. There are two points to consider here. Firstly, the weight of the car is not always evenly distributed between the front and rear axles, so choosing the tire load index, you need to make a small margin compared to a quarter of the total loaded mass of the car. And secondly, the higher the load index, the thicker the tire carcass and the lower its elasticity (the ability to absorb pits of road surface irregularities), therefore too much "margin of safety" will make driving less comfortable and accelerate the wear of the suspension. Thus, the optimal load index is approximately 30-35% of the gross vehicle weight.

Correspondence tables for speed and load indices of car tires

Retreaded tires (Retread)

In many countries, there are companies that retread tires with worn tread. Even some of the leading tire manufacturers have subsidiaries that carry out such production. Accordingly, retreaded tires hit the market, tempting budget-conscious motorists with their low (compared to new tyres) prices. How appropriate and safe is it to use such tires?

How to identify a retreaded tire?

If we are not talking about a banal fake under a well-known manufacturer, on the side surface of the retreaded tire there must be an inscription indicating the "second life" of the tire. Usually this Retread(universal designation, eng.), Remold(such an inscription is applied by American manufacturers of retreaded tires), Regummarad(German version) or in Russian - restored- if the restoration was carried out in Russia.

Besides, sidewall lettering on retreaded tires is usually illegible, A the inner surface of such tires is usually covered with a thin layer of a mixture of soot with rubber crumb(features of recovery technology). There may also be other signs - mesh of microcracks on the lateral surface, which is not affected by the recovery process, rubber streaks on internal surfaces due to repair of punctures, etc. In any case, upon closer inspection, it is not at all difficult to identify a retreaded tire, especially if it is possible to compare it with a new one.

What is being restored?

In retreading, the worn tire is typically welded on with a new tread and (in many cases) sidewall. Wherein, tire carcass, breaker and other power parts remain from the old tire. In general, essentially Tire retreading is a cosmetic external repair of a tire.. Moreover, the tread pattern, which is welded during restoration, does not always correspond to the one that was applied to the tire during its production. Moreover, the same tread is welded onto different tires, often even from different manufacturers. As a natural consequence, no one can guarantee the same characteristics of two retreaded tires with the same (outwardly) tread.

That is why Retreaded tires always have reduced performance both in terms of speed and load index. We are talking about those characteristics that are applied to the side surface of the retreaded tires. It is much more difficult with characteristics that cannot be written on a tire - we are talking about the difference between two outwardly identical retreaded tires that you install on the same vehicle axle. How can they differ? Weight, frame rigidity, operating temperature and many other parameters. And all these "insignificant" parameters largely determine the directional stability of the car, as well as its behavior in extreme conditions.

When are welded tires appropriate?

Miser pays twice– always remember this. But, if you never violate the speed limit and never take aggressive actions while driving, in addition, if you very rarely leave your city - in principle, you can probably consider buying retreaded tires. Only at the same time, you need to understand that buying retreaded tires is a lottery anyway. Typically, these tires are purchased for taxis or for commercial vehicles., and whether you can afford such tires - decide for yourself. In any case, saving on tires is a very dubious undertaking, despite the fact that tire retreading is part of environmental protection programs.

Colored labels on tires

On the Internet, you can find many versions of the origin of color marks on new tires, ranging from the fact that all color marks are purely technological and have no meaning for the end user, to the fact that tire manufacturers use color marks to mark defective and / or not passed output quality control products. Where is the truth?

In fact, logic suggests that by applying any designation to the tire with paint that will sooner or later be erased (washed off), the tire manufacturer assumes that the information that such a label carries is of temporary relevance, say, before the first mounting of the tire on the disk. This is where you need to get away from it.

There are three main types of color marks that are applied to the surface of a tire with paint:

1. Colored round spots with a diameter of 5-10 mm applied to the outer side surface of the tire closer to the rim of the disc. These spots are yellow, red, green, white, etc.

Depending on the color and the specific tire manufacturer, these spots carry different information. As a rule, the lightest zone of the tire is marked with a yellow spot. At the first tire fitting, it is recommended to combine this spot with the wheel nipple - this way the wheel assembly will be more balanced and will require less compensating weights when balancing. It is obvious that the difference in the weight of different parts of the tire in a high-quality new tire is negligible, and the relevance of this label will disappear already during the first emergency braking, so you can not look for this label already during the second tire fitting.

Labels of any other color either carry a similar semantic meaning (for example, the heaviest part of the tire is usually marked with a red label, which is recommended to be installed opposite the valve), or are intended for use when the tire is first installed on a new car in the factory, so there is practically no value to the consumer. , nor for the tire fitter do not bear.

2. Number (number) in a triangle (square, circle, rhombus), applied with white (usually) paint also on the outer side surface of the tire.

This is a sign completely similar to the Soviet OTK stamp. An employee of the tire manufacturing plant carries out final quality control of the finished product and affixes such a stamp, which, in turn, performs two functions: firstly, it indicates that the control has been carried out, and, secondly, it indicates a specific controller employee , which is responsible for the quality of the output control. If you do not work at a tire factory, this stamp means absolutely nothing to you.

3. Colored stripes applied around the circumference of the tire in the tread area, either on the tread itself or inside the grooves.

It is about these mysterious bands that there are various rumors that they may indicate a defective or substandard tire. In fact, everything is extremely prosaic - the stripes are applied solely for the purpose of quickly identifying different models and sizes of tires in warehouses, when the warehouse worker sees only the tire tread area due to the specifics of their storage.

"Impenetrable" tires RunFlat

Not so long ago, tires began to appear on the tire market, which, according to manufacturers, completely eliminate the need for a car spare wheel. Is it really?

In general, the idea of ​​creating tires that are not afraid of punctures has tormented the imagination of inventors since the invention of pneumatic tires (a tire whose shape is maintained due to the pressure of the air pumped into it), as such. Note that such tires were invented by Robert Thomson back in 1846.

Over the past decades, many different concepts have been tried for an "impenetrable" tire, from a monolithic construction (which does not require air as such) to filling tires with a special elastic sealant that can automatically "tighten" small punctures. But as a result, all tire manufacturers came to the conclusion that the best direction for the development of the idea is to strengthen the sidewalls of the tire - so-called self-supporting tire.

It is these tires that lose relatively little in performance and in some cases are still able to eliminate the need for a spare wheel as a phenomenon. True, this is relevant so far only in selected situations, and the operation of modern RunFlat tires is still associated with certain nuances that must be understood by a motorist who is thinking about buying this innovation.

Tires are an important element of a car. The comfort and safety of movement on the roads depends on them. Mounting tires is a fairly simple matter, but not everyone knows how to choose and install rubber correctly. The advice of experienced experts of the online store will help you cope with this task.

Before installing modern tires on a car, it is important to remember that they are mounted while focusing on the following parameters:

  • direction of rotation;
  • tread pattern;
  • inner and outer side of the rubber;
  • side of the tire.

How to install directional tires

Now directional tires are produced by companies such as Goodyear, Gislaved, Continental, Winter, Kumho and others. They are diagonal and radial and have a tread pattern located in a certain direction. Such a pattern looks like a "herringbone" as standard. Typically, the direction of rotation of these types of tires is indicated by arrows printed on the sidewall of the rubber.

The installation of such automobile shoes should be carried out carefully and strictly according to the arrows. On the disk, such rubber is boarded using a jack. It helps raise the car to the desired height. Before installation, the condition of nuts, drums, brake discs, hubs is checked. Tires should be placed in order. What to do with a tire if there is no arrow on the sidewall of the wheel? In this case, you should focus on the marking "ROTATION".

During any reinstallation, the wheel bolts are first partially tightened. The nuts are fully tightened only after the car is lowered from the jack. Next, the tire pressure is checked. Now some manufacturers make tires with a pressure sensor. Motorists can find out their performance on the on-board computer of their car.

A minority of manufacturers currently manufacture tires with a non-directional tread pattern. This type is called symmetrical. Such rubber is standardly installed on either side.

How to install winter tires

According to the law of our country, every vehicle owner is obliged to change tires twice a year. Therefore, the question of how to install winter tires is repeated in the summer, only in a different modification. Both winter and summer tires are placed in the same way: in the direction of rotation of the wheels and along the tread. The procedure for changing tires should be carried out before the start of the winter and summer months. It is forbidden to use studded directional tires in June, July and August. This requirement applies to all vehicles without exception.

At present, winter tires of the Viatti brand are in high demand among our motorists. These tires do not have studs, but they perform well on domestic roads. Winter tires of a well-known brand belong to the line of asymmetric tires. It should be installed strictly according to the inscription "Outside". This marking must be on the outside of the wheel.

"Changing shoes" car tires for the winter, you should ensure the correct storage of summer tires. For this, a regular garage is suitable. You can also store tires without any problems on the balcony or in the pantry. The main thing is to thoroughly wash the rubber before storage, treat it with a special compound, lower the pressure and mark it. Tires without discs are good to store in limbo. Tires with rims can be folded horizontally.

How to install asymmetric tires

You can easily recognize asymmetric tires by the tread. The pattern of such tires on the inside and outside is different. Wheels of this type have the inscriptions "Outside" and "Inside" on the sides. When installing such tires, they are guided by this marking.

Asymmetric tires should be installed so that the inscription "outside" is on the outside of the car. The word "insider" with proper installation becomes invisible to the motorist, as it is located on the inside of the car.

How to install left and right tires

Relatively recently, Nokian NRV and Nokian NRZi produced asymmetric tires for the left and right wheels. At the moment, such rubber is difficult to find, but there are exceptions. Its installation requires increased attention from the tire fitter.

When mounting such tires, do not lose sight of the inscriptions "Right" or "Left". In no case should you install the left tires on the right wheel and vice versa. The absence of these inscriptions greatly simplifies the installation of rubber.

Is it possible to put tires with different tread

Many Russian car owners are trying to minimize the cost of car maintenance. Often they do this by saving on tires. For example, when the right tire is worn out, car owners do not buy a new set. They make do with one new tire. Thus, traffic rules are violated, according to which models with different tread patterns, tires of unequal sizes and designs are not installed on the same axle.

The temptation to install different tires sometimes arises because you don’t want to choose new ones, because the old ones are still in the garage, a friend gave a few pieces, and at work colleagues sold a couple more impellers for next to nothing. From all this you can make a great set, why waste time choosing and buying brand new tires? With the online store you will not spend much time on it, because specialists in a few minutes will help you choose the models you need, and delivery throughout Russia will allow you not to go anywhere for them.

Tire replacement and balancing

Installing any tires is a simple process. To do this, you need only physical strength, improvised tools and maximum care. Each home tire fitter, when carrying out service work, is also obliged not to forget about balancing.

This procedure improves the safety of the car. During it, the wheels of the vehicle are balanced with lead weights. The tire is put on a special cone. The wheels of the balancing machine are spinning. Lead elements move periodically on the disk. Thus, a rough balancing is carried out. A more accurate result is usually obtained using an electronic machine.

There are three types of tire tread pattern: symmetrical, asymmetrical and directional.

An asymmetric tire conditionally consists of two halves: outer and outer, which have their own pattern and arrangement of blocks. To understand which side of the tire should look inside the car, and which outside, there are inscriptions on the sidewall - inside and outside.

Inside (inner) - indicates the inside of the tire;

Outside (out) - indicates the outer side of the tire.

Compliance with the labels is very important, since its functionality depends on the position of the tire on the car: braking performance, handling, noise level, hydroplaning resistance, and so on. For example, the outer side very often has a small stiffening rib that reinforces the tread blocks and retains their shape during high speed maneuvers.

The outer blocks of the tread are interconnected by a stiffener to keep their shape and not deform during the turn. But on the inside, the blocks are not interconnected.

Tire asymmetry is not always visible

Some tires have a pronounced tread asymmetry, so the difference is immediately evident.

A tire with a pronounced tread asymmetry.

However, for many tires, the difference in tread halves is less significant, and without careful scrutiny, it can be difficult to detect.

Tire with less pronounced (almost imperceptible) tread asymmetry.

Correct installation of the outside inside tire

In order for an asymmetric tire to behave correctly on the road, it must be installed in accordance with the marks: outside - out, inside - inside.

It happens that visually the tires on the right and left axles look in different directions, as if they were installed in opposite directions. However, if the tire marks look in the right direction, then the tire is installed correctly on the car.

Tires are labeled outside to the outside. In this case, the right tire “looks” up, and the left one looks down, which gives the impression that the tires are installed in the opposite direction to each other.


The outside and inside labels are used to indicate which side of the asymmetric tire should face the outside and which should face the inside of the vehicle.