Pulse current generator. High-voltage generators with inductive energy storage Generator of powerful current pulses circuits

In this article we will talk about a pulse generator for a Mayer cell.

Studying the element base of the electronic boards on which all the devices included in the complex installation used by Mayer in the hydrogen generator installed on his car were assembled, I assembled the “main part” of the device - a pulse generator.

All electronic boards perform certain tasks in the Cell.

The electronic part of the Mayer hydrogen generator mobile installation consists of two full-fledged devices, designed as two independent blocks. This is a control and monitoring unit for the cell that produces the oxygen-hydrogen mixture and a control and monitoring unit for the supply of this mixture to the cylinders of the internal combustion engine. A photo of the first one is shown below.

The control and monitoring unit for the operation of the cell consists of a secondary power supply device that supplies all module boards with energy and eleven modules - boards consisting of pulse generators, monitoring and control circuits. In the same block, behind the pulse generator boards, there are pulse transformers. One of eleven sets: the pulse generator and pulse transformer board is used specifically for only one pair of Cell tubes. And since there are eleven pairs of tubes, there are also eleven generators.


Judging by the photographs, the pulse generator is assembled on the simplest element base of digital logic elements. The schematic diagrams published on various sites dedicated to the Mayer Cell are not so far from the original in terms of their operating principle, with the exception of one thing - they are simplified and work uncontrolled. In other words, pulses are applied to the electrode tubes until a “pause” occurs, which is quickly set by the circuit designer at his discretion using adjustments. For Mayer, a “pause” is formed only when the Cell itself, consisting of two tubes, reports that it is time to take this pause. There is an adjustment for the sensitivity of the control circuit, the level of which is set quickly using adjustment. In addition, there is an operational adjustment of the duration of the “pause” - the time during which no pulses are received on the cell. The Mayer generator circuit provides automatic adjustment of the “pause” depending on the need for the amount of gas produced. This adjustment is carried out according to a signal received from the control unit for monitoring the supply of the fuel mixture to the internal combustion engine cylinders. The faster the internal combustion engine rotates, the greater the consumption of the oxygen-hydrogen mixture and the shorter the “pause” for all eleven generators.

The front panel of the Mayer generator contains slots for trimming resistors that adjust the pulse frequency, the duration of the pause between bursts of pulses and manually set the sensitivity level of the control circuit.

To replicate an experienced pulse generator, there is no need for automatic control of gas demand and automatic “pause” regulation. This simplifies the electronic circuit of the pulse generator. In addition, modern electronics are more advanced than they were 30 years ago, so with more modern chips available, it makes no sense to use the simple logic elements that Mayer previously used.

This article publishes a diagram of a pulse generator assembled by me, recreating the principle of operation of the Mayer cell generator. This is not my first design of a pulse generator; before it there were two more complex circuits capable of generating pulses of various shapes, with amplitude, frequency and time modulation, circuits for controlling the load current in the circuits of the transformer and the Cell itself, circuits for stabilizing the pulse amplitudes and the shape of the output voltage on the Cell. As a result of eliminating, in my opinion, “unnecessary” functions, the simplest circuit was obtained, very similar to the circuits published on various sites, but differing from them in the presence of a Cell current control circuit.

As in other published circuits, there are two oscillators in the cell. The first is a generator - a modulator that forms bursts of pulses, and the second is a pulse generator. A special feature of the circuit is that the first oscillator - modulator does not operate in the self-oscillator mode, like other developers of Meyer Cell circuits, but in the standby oscillator mode. The modulator operates on the following principle: At the initial stage, it allows the operation of the generator, and when a certain current amplitude is reached directly on the plates of the Cell, generation is prohibited.

In Mayer's mobile installation, a thin core is used as a pulse transformer, and the number of turns of all windings is huge. Not a single patent specifies the dimensions of the core or the number of turns. In a stationary installation, Mayer has a closed toroid with known dimensions and number of turns. This is what it was decided to use. But since wasting energy on magnetization in a single-cycle generator circuit is wasteful, it was decided to use a transformer with a gap, taking as a basis the ferrite core from the TVS-90 line transformer used in transistor black-and-white TVs. It most closely matches the parameters specified in Mayer's patents for permanent installation.

The electrical circuit diagram of the Mayer Cell in my design is shown in the figure.


There is no complexity in the design of the pulse generator. It is assembled on banal microcircuits - LM555 timers. Due to the fact that the generator is experimental and it is unknown what load currents we can expect, for reliability, IRF is used as the output transistor VT3.

When the Cell current reaches a certain threshold at which water molecules break, it is necessary to pause the supply of pulses to the Cell. For this purpose, a silicon transistor VT1 - KT315B is used, which prohibits the operation of the generator. Resistor R13 “Generation interruption current” is intended to set the sensitivity of the control circuit.

Switch S1 “Coarse duration” and resistor R2 “Exact duration” are operational adjustments to the duration of the pause between bursts of pulses.

In accordance with Mayer's patents, the transformer has two windings: the primary contains 100 turns (for 13 volt power supply) of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.51 mm, the secondary contains 600 turns of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.18 mm.

With the specified transformer parameters, the optimal pulse repetition frequency is 10 kHz. Inductor L1 is wound on a cardboard mandrel with a diameter of 25 mm, and contains 100 turns of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.51 mm.

Now that you have “swallowed” all this, let’s debrief this scheme. With this scheme, I did not use additional schemes that increase gas output, because they are not observed in the Mayer mobile Cell, of course, not counting laser stimulation. Either I forgot to go with my Cell to the “whispering grandmother” so that she could whisper the high performance of the Cell, or I didn’t choose the right transformer, but the efficiency of the installation turned out to be very low, and the transformer itself got very hot. Considering that the water resistance is low, the Cell itself is not capable of acting as a storage capacitor. The cell simply did not work according to the “scenario” that Mayer described. Therefore, I added an additional capacitor C11 to the circuit. Only in this case, a signal shape with a pronounced accumulation process appeared on the output voltage oscillogram. Why did I put it not parallel to the Cell, but through the throttle? The cell current control circuit must detect a sharp increase in this current, and the capacitor will prevent this with its charge. The coil reduces the influence of C11 on the control circuit.

I used plain tap water, and I also used fresh distilled water. No matter how I distorted it, the energy consumption at a fixed performance was three to four times higher than directly from the battery through a limiting resistor. The resistance of the water in the cell is so low that an increase in the pulse voltage by the transformer was easily extinguished at low resistance, causing the magnetic circuit of the transformer to become very hot. It is possible to assume that the whole reason is that I used a ferrite transformer, and in the mobile version of the Mayer Cell there are transformers that have almost no core. It serves more as a frame function. It is not difficult to understand that Mayer compensated for the small thickness of the core with a large number of turns, thereby increasing the inductance of the windings. But this will not increase the resistance of the water, and therefore the voltage that Mayer writes about will not rise to the value described in the patents.

In order to increase efficiency, I decided to “throw out” the transformer from the circuit, where energy loss occurs. The schematic electrical diagram of the Mayer Cell without a transformer is shown in the figure.


Since the inductance of coil L1 is very small, I also excluded it from the circuit. And “lo and behold,” the installation began to produce a relatively high efficiency. I conducted experiments and came to the conclusion that for a given volume of gas, the installation spends the same energy as with direct current electrolysis, plus or minus the measurement error. That is, I have finally assembled an installation in which there is no loss of energy. But why is it needed if the energy consumption directly from the battery is exactly the same?


Let's finish the topic of very low water resistance. The Cell itself is not capable of working as a storage capacitor because water, which acts as a dielectric of a capacitor, cannot be one - it conducts current. In order for the process of electrolysis - decomposition into oxygen and hydrogen - to take place over it, it must be conductive. This results in an insoluble contradiction that can only be resolved in one way: Abandon the “Cell-capacitor” version. Accumulation in a Cell like a capacitor cannot occur, this is a Myth! If we take into account the area of ​​the capacitor plates formed by the surfaces of the tubes, then even with an air dielectric the capacitance is negligible, but here water with its low active resistance acts as a dielectric. Don't believe me? Take a physics textbook and calculate the capacity.

It can be assumed that the accumulation occurs on the L1 coil, but this also cannot be due to the fact that its inductance is also very small for a frequency of the order of 10 kHz. The inductance of the transformer is several orders of magnitude higher. You might even think about why it was even “stuck” into the circuit with its low inductance.


Someone will say that the miracle is in bifilar winding. In the form in which it is presented in Mayer’s patents, it will be of no use. Bifilar winding is used in protective power filters, not of the same conductor, but opposite in phase and is designed to suppress high frequencies. It is even available in all power supplies for computers and laptops without exception. And for the same conductor, bifilar winding is done in a wire-wound resistor to suppress the inductive properties of the resistor itself. Bifilar winding can be used as a filter that protects the output transistor, preventing powerful microwave pulses from entering the generator circuit, supplied from the source of these pulses directly to the Cell. By the way, coil L1 is an excellent filter for microwaves. The first pulse generator circuit, which uses a step-up transformer, is correct, only something is missing between the VT3 transistor and the Cell itself. This is what I will devote my next article to.

Mitchell Lee

LT Journal of Analog Innovation

Steep pulse sources that simulate a step function are often useful in some laboratory measurements. For example, if the slope of the fronts is on the order of 1...2 ns, you can estimate the rise time of the signal in the RG-58/U cable or any other, taking a segment only 3...6 m long. The workhorse of many laboratories - the ubiquitous HP8012B pulse generator - does not reach 5 ns, which is not fast enough to solve such a problem. Meanwhile, the rise and fall times of the gate driver outputs of some switching controllers can be less than 2 ns, making these devices potentially ideal pulse sources.

Figure 1 shows a simple implementation of this idea, based on the use of a flyback converter controller operating at a fixed switching frequency. The controller's own operating frequency is 200 kHz. Applying part of the output signal to the SENSE pin causes the device to operate at a minimum duty cycle, generating output pulses with a duration of 300 ns. Power decoupling is of no small importance for this circuit, since the output current supplied to a 50 Ohm load exceeds 180 mA. 10 µF and 200 ohm decoupling elements minimize peak distortion without sacrificing edge steepness.

The output of the circuit is connected directly to the 50 ohm terminated load, providing a signal swing of about 9 V across it. In cases where pulse quality is of paramount importance, it is recommended to suppress the triple pass signal by absorbing reflections from the cable and remote load using the series termination shown in the circuit. Series matching, that is, matching on the transmitting side, also turns out to be useful when the circuit operates on passive filters and other attenuators designed for a certain impedance of the signal source. The output impedance of the LTC3803 is approximately 1.5 ohms, which should be taken into account when choosing the value of the series terminating resistor. Series matching works well up to impedances of at least 2 kΩ, above which it becomes difficult to provide the necessary bandwidth at the resistor-to-circuit junction, resulting in degraded pulse quality.

In a series-matched system, the output signal has the following characteristics:

  • pulse amplitude - 4.5 V;
  • rise and fall times are the same and equal to 1.5 ns;
  • pulse flat top distortion - less than 10%;
  • the decline in the peak of the impulse is less than 5%.

When connecting a 50 ohm load directly, the rise and fall times are not affected. To get the best pulse shape, connect a 10uF capacitor as close as possible to the V CC and GND pins of the LTC3803, and connect the output directly to the terminating resistor using stripline technology. The characteristic impedance of approximately 50 ohms has a 2.5 mm wide printed conductor on a 1.6 mm thick double-sided printed circuit board.

Related materials

PMIC; DC/DC converter; Uin:5.7÷75V; Uout:5.7÷75V; TSOT23-6

EICLinear TechnologyLTC3803ES6-5#TRMPBF85 rub.
TriemaLinear TechnologyLTC3803ES6#PBF93 rub.
LifeElectronics LTC3803ES6-3on request
ElektroPlast-EkaterinburgLinear TechnologyLTC3803HS6#PBFon request
  • Linear Technology is generally a top company! It’s a very, very pity that they were gobbled up by consumer goods Analog Devices. Don't expect anything good from this. I previously came across an article by an English-speaking radio amateur. He assembled a generator of very short pulses with a width of a few nanoseconds and rise/fall times of picoseconds. On a very high-speed comparator. Sorry I didn't save the article. And now I can’t find it. It was called something like “...real ultrafast comparator...”, but somehow it’s not right, I can’t Google it. I forgot the name of the comparator, and I don’t remember its company. Then I found a comparator on ebay, it cost about 500 rubles, in principle, budgetary for a really worthy device. Linear Technology has very interesting microcircuits. For example LTC6957: rise/fall time 180/160 ps. Awesome! But I’m unlikely to be able to build a measuring device myself using such a device.
  • Is this not the case on the LT1721? Tunable 0-10ns.

The task of the calculation is to determine the structure of the electrical circuit, select the element base, and determine the parameters of the electrical circuit of the pulse generators.

Initial data:

· type of technological process and its characteristics;

· constructive use of the discharge circuit;

· supply voltage characteristics;

· electrical impulse parameters, etc.

Calculation sequence:

The calculation sequence depends on the structure of the electrical circuit of the generator, which consists in whole or in part of the following elements: direct (alternating) voltage source, self-generator, rectifier, discharge circuit, high-voltage transformer, load (Fig. 2.14).

· calculation of the voltage converter (Fig. 2.15, a);

· calculation of the pulse generator itself (Fig. 2.16).

2.14. Complete block diagram of the pulse generator: 1 – voltage source; 2 – self-generator; 3 – rectifier; 4 – smoothing filter; 5 – discharge circuit with a high-voltage transformer; 6 – load.

Calculation of the converter (Fig. 2.15 a). Supply voltage U n =12V DC. We select the output voltage of the converter U 0 = 300V at a load current J 0 = 0.001 A, output power P 0 = 0.3 W, frequency f 0 = 400 Hz.

The output voltage of the converter is selected from the conditions of increasing the stability of the generator frequency and to obtain good linearity of the output voltage pulses, i.e. U n >>U on dash, usually U n =2U on dash.

The frequency of the output voltage is set based on the conditions for optimal performance of the master oscillator of the voltage converter.

The values ​​of P 0 and U 0 allow the use of a VS dinistor of the KY102 series in the generator circuit.

As a VT transistor we use MP26B, for which the limiting modes are as follows: U kbm = 70V, I KM = 0.4A, I bm = 0.015A, U kbm = 1V.

We offer the transformer core made of electrical steel. We accept V M = 0.7 T, η = 0.75, 25 s.

We check the suitability of the transformer being performed for operation in the converter circuit according to the conditions:

U kbm ≥2.5U n; I km ≥1.2I kn; I bm ≥1.2I bm. (2.77)

Transistor collector current

Maximum collector current:

According to the output collector characteristics of the MP26B transistor for a given collector current β st = 30, therefore the base saturation current


Base current:

I bm =1.2·0.003=0.0036A.

Consequently, the MP26B transistor, according to condition (2.78), is suitable for the designed circuit.

Resistance of resistors in the voltage divider circuit:

Om; (2.79)


We accept the nearest standard values ​​of resistor resistances R 1 = 13000 Ohm, R 2 = 110 Ohm.

Resistor R in the base circuit of the transistor regulates the output power of the generator; its resistance is taken to be 0.5...1 kOhm.

Transformer core cross-section TV1:

Figure 2.15. Schematic diagram of the pulse generator: a – converter;

b – pulse generator

We choose a core Ш8×8, for which S c =0.52·10 -4 m2.

Number of turns in the windings of transformer TV1:

Vit.; (2.81)

vit.; (2.82)

vit. (2.83)

Filter capacitor capacity VC1:

Diameter of wires of transformer windings TV1:

We select standard wire diameters d 1 = 0.2 mm, d 2 = mm, d 3 = 0.12 mm.

Taking into account the thickness of the insulation enamel, d 1 = 0.23 mm, d 2 = 0.08 mm, d 3 = 0.145 mm.

Rice. 2.16. Design diagram of the pulse generator

Calculation of pulse generators (Fig. 2.16)

We take the voltage at the generator input equal to the voltage at the output of the converter U 0 = 300 V. Pulse frequency f = 1...2 Hz. The pulse voltage amplitude is no more than 10 kV. The amount of electricity per pulse is not more than 0.003 C. Pulse duration up to 0.1 s.

We select a VD diode of type D226B (U in = 400 V, I in = 0.3 A, U in = 1 V) and a thyristor of type KN102I (U in = 150 V, I in = 0.2 A, U in = 1 .5 V, I on = 0.005 A, I off = 0.015 A, τ on = 0.5·10 -6 s τ off = 40·10 -6 s).

Direct resistance to direct current of the diode R d.pr = 3.3 Ohm and thyristor R t.pr = 7.5 Ohm.

Pulse repetition period for a given frequency range:

. (2.86)

The charging circuit resistance R 3 must be such that

Ohm. (2.88)

Then R 3 =R 1 +R d.pr =20·10 3 +3.3=20003.3 Ohm.

Charge current:

A. (2.89)

Resistor R2 limits the discharge current to a safe value. Its resistance:

Ohm, (2.90)

where U p is the voltage on the charging capacitor VC2 at the beginning of the discharge, its value is equal to U off. In this case, the condition R 1 >>R 2 (20·10 3 >>750) must be met.

Discharge circuit resistance:

R p = R 2 R t. pr = 750 + 7.5 = 757.5 Ohm.

The conditions for stable inclusion (2.91, 2.92) are satisfied.

, , (2.91)

, . (2.92)

Capacitance of capacitor VC2:

. (2.93)

Capacitance VC2 for frequency f=1 Hz:


And for a frequency of 2 Hz:

C 2 =36·10 -6 F.

Current amplitude in the charging circuit of capacitor VC2

, (2.94)

Current amplitude in the charging circuit of capacitor VC2:

, (2.95)

Pulse energy:

J. (2.96)

Maximum amount of electricity per pulse:

q m =I p τ p =I p R p C 2 =0.064·757.5·72·10 -6 =0.003 C (2.97)

does not exceed the specified value.

Let's calculate the parameters of the output transformer TV2.

Transformer rated power:

W, (2.98)

where η t = 0.7...0.8 is the efficiency of a low-power transformer.

Transformer core cross-sectional area:

The number of turns of each transformer winding per

vit/V. (2.100)

Number of turns in the windings of transformer TV2:

W 4 =150 N=150·16.7=2505 vit.; (2.101)

W 5 =10000·16.7=167·10 3 vit.

Diameter of wires in windings (2.85):



We select standard diameters of wires with enamel insulation d 4 = 0.2 mm, d 5 = 0.04 mm.

Example. Determine the voltage and currents in the circuit shown in Fig. 2.16.

Given: U c = 300 V AC 400 Hz, C = 36 10 -6 F, R d.pr = 10 Ohm, R t.pr = 2.3 Ohm, L w = 50 mH, R 1 = 20 kOhm , R 2 =750 Ohm.

Voltage across the capacitor at the time of charging:

, (2.102)

where τ st = 2·10 4 ·36·10 -6 =0.72 s.

Impedance of the charging circuit of capacitance VC2:

The charge current is:


One fine day I urgently needed a rectangular pulse generator with the following characteristics:

--- Power: 5-12v

Frequency: 5Hz-1kHz.

Output pulse amplitude is not less than 10V

--- Current: about 100mA.

A multivibrator was taken as the basis; it was implemented on three logical elements of a 2I-NOT microcircuit. The principle of which, if desired, can be read on Wikipedia. But the generator itself gives an inverse signal, which prompted me to use an inverter (this is the 4th element). Now the multivibrator gives us positive current pulses. However, the multivibrator does not have the ability to regulate the duty cycle. It is automatically set to 50%. And then it dawned on me to install a standby multivibrator implemented on two of the same elements (5,6), thanks to which it became possible to regulate the duty cycle. Schematic diagram in the figure:

Naturally, the limit specified in my requirements is not critical. It all depends on parameters C4 and R3 - where a resistor can be used to smoothly change the pulse duration. The principle of operation can also be read on Wikipedia. Next: for high load capacity, an emitter follower was installed on the VT-1 transistor. The transistor used is the most common type KT315. resistors R6 serves to limit the output current and is protected from burnout of the transistor in the event of a short circuit.

Microcircuits can be used both TTL and CMOS. If TTL is used, resistance R3 is no more than 2k. because: the input impedance of this series is approximately 2k. I personally used CMOS K561LA7 (aka CD4011) - two housings powered up to 15V.

An excellent option for use as a 3G for any converter. To use a generator among TTLs, K155LA3, K155LA8 are suitable; the latter’s collectors are open and resistors with a nominal value of 1k must be hung at the output.

The current pulse generator (CPG) is designed to generate multiple repeating current pulses that reproduce the electrohydraulic effect. The basic diagrams of GIT were proposed back in the 1950s and over the past years have not undergone significant changes, but their component equipment and level of automation have significantly improved. Modern GITs are designed to operate in a wide range of voltage (5-100 kV), capacitor capacity (0.1-10000 μF), stored energy of the storage device (10-106 J), and pulse repetition rate (0.1-100 Hz).

The given parameters cover most of the modes in which electro-hydraulic installations for various purposes operate.

The choice of the GIT circuit is determined in accordance with the purpose of specific electro-hydraulic devices. Each generator circuit includes the following main blocks: power supply - transformer with rectifier; energy storage - capacitor; switching device - forming (air) gap; load - working spark gap. In addition, GIC circuits include a current-limiting element (this can be resistance, capacitance, inductance, or their combinations). In GIC circuits there may be several forming and working spark gaps and energy storage devices. The GIT is powered, as a rule, from an alternating current network of industrial frequency and voltage.

GIT works as follows. Electrical energy through the current-limiting element and the power supply enters the energy storage device - a capacitor. The energy stored in the capacitor with the help of a switching device - the air forming gap - is pulsedly transmitted to the working gap in the liquid (or other medium), on which the electrical energy of the storage device is released, resulting in an electro-hydraulic shock. In this case, the shape and duration of the current pulse passing through the discharge circuit of the GIT depend both on the parameters of the charging circuit and on the parameters of the discharge circuit, including the working spark gap. If for single pulses of special GITs the parameters of the charging circuit circuit (power supply) do not have a significant impact on the overall energy performance of electrohydraulic installations for various purposes, then in industrial GITs the efficiency of the charging circuit significantly affects the efficiency of the electrohydraulic installation.

The use of reactive current-limiting elements in GIT circuits is due to their ability to accumulate and then release energy into the electrical circuit, which ultimately increases efficiency.

The electrical efficiency of the charging circuit of a simple and reliable in operation circuit (GIT with a limiting active charging resistance (Fig. 3.1, a)) is very low (30-35%), since the capacitors are charged in it by pulsating voltage and current. By introducing special Voltage regulators (magnetic amplifier, saturation choke) can achieve a linear change in the current-voltage characteristics of the charge of a capacitive storage device and thereby create conditions under which energy losses in the charging circuit will be minimal, and the overall efficiency of the generator can be increased to 90%.

To increase the total power when using the simplest GIT circuit, in addition to the possible use of a more powerful transformer, it is sometimes advisable to use a GIT having three single-phase transformers, the primary circuits of which are connected by a “star” or “delta” and are powered from a three-phase network. The voltage from their secondary windings is supplied to individual capacitors, which operate through a rotating forming gap to one common working spark gap in the liquid (Fig. 3.1, b) [-|] . .4

When designing and developing GIT electrohydraulic installations, the use of the resonant mode of charging a capacitive storage device from an alternating current source without a rectifier is of significant interest. The overall electrical efficiency of resonant circuits is very high (up to 95%), and when they are used, there is an automatic significant increase in the operating voltage. It is advisable to use resonant circuits when operating at high frequencies (up to 100 Hz), but this requires special capacitors designed to operate on alternating current. When using these circuits, it is necessary to comply with the known resonance condition

W = 1 /l[GS,

Where is the co-frequency of the driving EMF; L-circuit inductance; C is the circuit capacity.

A single-phase resonant GIT (Fig. 3.1, c) can have an overall electrical efficiency exceeding 90%. The GIT makes it possible to obtain a stable frequency of alternating discharges, optimally equal to either a single or double frequency of the supply current (i.e. 50 and 100 Hz, respectively) when powered with industrial frequency current. The use of the circuit is most rational (with a supply transformer power of 15-30 kW. A synchronizer is introduced into the discharge circuit of the circuit - an air-forming gap, between the balls of which there is a rotating

A pinching disk with a contact that causes the forming gap to be triggered when the contact passes between the balls. In this case, the rotation of the disk is synchronized with the moments of voltage peaks.

The circuit of a three-phase resonant GIT (Fig. 3.1, d) includes a three-phase step-up transformer, each winding on the high side of which operates as a single-phase resonant circuit with one common for all or for three independent working spark gaps with a common synchronizer for three forming gaps This circuit allows you to obtain a frequency of alternating discharges equal to three times or six times the frequency of the supply current (i.e., 150 or 300 Hz, respectively) when operating at an industrial frequency. The circuit is recommended for operation at power generators of 50 kW or more. The three-phase circuit of the generator is more economical. since the charging time of a capacitive storage device (of the same power) is less than when using a single-phase GIT circuit. However, further increasing the rectifier power will be advisable only up to a certain limit.

The efficiency of the process of charging a capacitive storage device can be increased by using various circuits with filter capacitance. The GIT circuit with a filter capacitance and an inductive charging circuit of the working capacitance (Fig. 3.1, (3) allows you to obtain almost any pulse alternation frequency when operating on small (up to 0.1 µF) capacitances and has an overall electrical efficiency of about 85%. This is achieved by the fact that the filter capacitance operates in an incomplete discharge mode (up to 20%), and the working capacitance is charged through an inductive circuit - a choke with low active resistance - during one half-cycle in an oscillatory mode, set by rotating the disk at the first forming interval. In this case, the filter capacity exceeds the working capacity by 15-20 times.

The rotating disks of the forming spark gaps sit on the same shaft and therefore the frequency of alternating discharges can be varied within a very wide range, maximally limited only by the power of the supply transformer. 35-50 kV transformers can be used in this circuit as it doubles the voltage. The circuit can also be connected directly to a high-voltage network.

In the GIT circuit with a filter tank (Fig. 3.1, e), the alternate connection of the working and filter tanks to the working spark gap in the liquid is carried out using one rotating spark gap - the forming gap. However, when such a GIT operates, the operation of the rotating spark gap begins at a lower voltage (when the balls approach each other) and ends at a higher voltage (when the balls move away) than that specified by the minimum distance between the balls of the spark gaps. This leads to instability of the main parameter

Discharges of voltage, and consequently, a decrease in the reliability of the generator.

To increase the reliability of the operation of the GIT by ensuring the specified stability of the discharge parameters, a rotating switching device is included in the GIT circuit with a filter capacitance - a disk with sliding contacts for alternate preliminary current-free switching on and off of the charging and discharge circuits.

When voltage is applied to the charging circuit of the generator, the filter capacitance is initially charged. Then, a rotating contact without current (and therefore without sparking) closes the circuit, a potential difference arises on the balls of the forming spark gap, breakdown occurs and the working capacitor is charged to the voltage of the filter capacitor. After After this, the current in the circuit disappears and the contacts are opened again by rotating the disk without sparking. Then, the contacts of the discharge circuit are closed by the rotating disk (also without current and sparking) and the voltage of the working capacitor is applied to the forming discharger, its breakdown occurs, as well as the breakdown of the working spark gap in the liquid. In this case, the working capacitor is discharged, the current in the discharge circuit stops and, therefore, the contacts can be opened again by rotating the disk without sparking destroying them. Then the cycle is repeated with a discharge frequency specified by the rotation frequency of the switching device disk.

The use of this type of GIT makes it possible to obtain stable parameters of fixed ball spark gaps and to close and open the circuits of the charging and discharge circuits in a current-free mode, thereby improving all the performance and reliability of the power plant generator.

A power supply circuit for electro-hydraulic units was also developed, allowing for the most efficient use of electrical energy (with a minimum of possible losses). In known electrohydraulic devices, the working chamber is grounded and therefore part of the energy after the breakdown of the working spark gap in the liquid is practically lost, dissipating on the grounding. In addition, with each discharge of the working capacitor, a small charge (up to 10% of the original) remains on its plates.

Experience has shown that any electrohydraulic device can operate effectively according to a scheme in which the energy stored on one capacitor C1, passing through the forming gap of the FP, enters the working spark gap of the RP, where most of it is spent on performing the useful work of the electrohydraulic shock. The remaining unspent energy is supplied to the second uncharged capacitor C2, where it is stored for later use (Fig. 3.2). After this, the energy of the recharged to the required
the potential value of the second capacitor C2, having passed through the forming gap of the FP, is discharged into the working spark gap of the RP and again the unused part of it now ends up on the first capacitor SU, etc.

Each capacitor is alternately connected either to the charging or to the discharge circuit by switch /7, in which conductive plates A and B, separated by a dielectric, are alternately connected to contacts 1-4 of the charging and discharge circuits.