How to answer questions correctly in SEOSprint. Performing (passing) tests on Seosprint. Advantages and disadvantages of the resource

Passing tests on Seosprint is the next way to making money on a mailer after surfing and reading letters, which has a higher payout, but at the same time requires increased attention from the performer.

The actual principle of action is this: in order to pass the test, you must visit a specific advertiser’s website and find all the necessary information there, and then provide answers to the questions asked.
There's nothing particularly complicated here.
For those who are not yet on the project, but have a desire make money online without investment can register now using this link.

Now let's talk in detail about how everything happens. To pass the test on Seosprint, you need to select the tab of the same name in the menu section.

A list of available test tasks should appear in front of you.
First, click on one of them, and then on the message that appears “Go to test execution”

If the previous steps have been completed, instructions from the advertiser will open. You must carefully read it by reading the specified conditions. As a rule, you need to visit a website, read certain information on it and answer 3-5 security questions.

After you have chosen, in your opinion, the correct options from the proposed answers to the test, you can click on the button labeled “Submit Report.”
If everything is done correctly, a message should appear stating that the test has been completed and the payment has been credited.

In fact earn money by passing tests on Seosprint quite exciting.
This is a good brain workout, and you can also learn new information about possibly interesting projects, for example, about an excellent, proven site - where you can complete tasks and get money.
By the way, some tests can be repeated every day, and with almost no changes.
Thus, they will be completed much faster, because something must be stored in your memory, or the answers to passing the tests can be saved somewhere.

Welcome to the website, today we will talk about the rules of the project.

This is wrong, and I strongly do not recommend that you do this for your own good, since ignorance of the law has never exempted you from responsibility and a person who breaks the rules without even knowing about it will be punished and it will be too late to read the rules.

In this regard, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the SEOsprint rules and it does not matter whether you are already registered in the system or not.

Rules that should not be broken.

Among the most important provisions of SEOsprint, violation of which leads to account blocking, the following points can be noted:

  • Clause 5.1. All users of the SEOsprint project, including performers and advertisers, are required to adhere to these rules. If you do not agree with them and continually challenge them, this may result in your account being deleted without the possibility of re-registration.
  • Clause 5.2. Each SEOsprint user has the right to use only one account, registration and use of the main account along with the second, third, etc. is considered a gross violation and is punishable by blocking your account and blacklisting all your personal data.
  • Clause 5.3. Using third-party applications in the form of: auto-clickers, bots, timer accelerators, etc.
  • Clause 5.4. Hacking other accounts, bypassing the site's security system.
  • Clause 5.5. Fraud, blackmail and deception of users.
  • Clause 5.6. “Laundering” of funds through a number of operations.
  • Clause 5.7. Taking actions that could lead to failure of the SEOsprint website, as well as representatives of the Administration represented by Arbitrators and Moderators.
  • Clause 5.8. You cannot place advertisements that are prohibited from being displayed on SEOsprint. (clause 4.6, clause 4.9).
  • Clause 5.9. Insults addressed to the site administration.
  • Clause 5.10. Complicity in violation of these rules.
  • Clause 5.11. Distribution of answers to tests and ready-made reports for assignments, as well as their use, is strictly prohibited.

Here I tried to highlight the most important points of these rules of the SEOsprint project, which are best not to be neglected.

Having violated the rules once, the user, in most cases, receives the first and last warning; if he violates the provisions of the site again, the violator’s account will be deleted peremptorily and without trial.


Hello dear readers of the blog site, today is another article dedicated to one of the large cliques of sponsors on the network. If you haven’t guessed yet, we’ll be talking about Seosprint. Many users on this project have problems with questions, some do not read carefully and cannot answer them, others simply do not want to waste time on such trifles. That’s why we will now look at the answers to Seosprint questions during registration. But I want to warn you about one thing right away. No need to swear at me later and curse me because your account will be banned for violating the rules. Because this test is designed for you to know the rules and not break them.

In general, if you answer the questions as indicated here, nothing will happen to you, since everything is correct. The main thing is then don’t break the rules of the system and everything will be fine. Well, now let's look at the list of questions Seosprint gives during registration.

In general, this is all regarding answers to questions when registering on Seosprint.

Answers to tests and questions in letters.

This is perhaps what most people came for. Sorry guys, but I have to disappoint you. You won't be able to find answers to questions. nowhere. I’ll explain this by saying that letters and tests on Seosprint are not constant. They change daily. Only large orders can hang around for several days, so with such a rate of change, no one will simply have time to publish answers.

However, there is a trick. You can team up with referrals and your referrer. Ask each other for answers. But again this is a waste of time. During this time, you can read the question a long time ago. Another option is to create a channel for yourself and your referrals in Raid Call and communicate there. And stupidly ask each other for answers based on the name of the test or letter. The second option is much more realistic, but getting people to sit in the same channel will be difficult, but still possible. Therefore, I wish you success in this.

The well-known project for making quick money on the Internet, Seosprint, attracts thousands of users with its simplicity and authority among similar sites. The essence of the work is quite simple: register, choose the task you like - reading paid emails, browsing websites or surfing - complete it and get paid.

    • 5 steps - registration algorithm for SeoSprint
    • Correct answers to questions when registering on SeoSprint
    • The final stage of registration is receiving a password and PIN code
Step 1 - Registration in the task service Click to register on SeoSprint

Below you will find detailed instructions on what you can do, what you can’t do, as well as the correct answers to questions when registering!

7 secrets of teaser advertising

5 steps - registration algorithm for SeoSprint

Registration for Seosprint is free, and the process of earning money does not require investment. Therefore, you should not believe people who offer to register for a low fee and after a small investment receive stable income.

The site administration strictly prohibits registering more than one account from one IP address. Such actions are punishable by banning all existing accounts with all funds stored on them.

  1. To register for SEO Sprint click here
  2. Read the rules of the service so as not to lose money. It is strongly recommended that you read the rules carefully before you start registering. This step will take a little time, but will help give the correct answers to the questions in the test that everyone must take before registering.
  3. Selecting a username and password. During the registration process, the user cannot come up with a password to enter the site, since the system automatically generates it. The password and PIN code for the first login to the site are not sent to the email specified during registration, so you must save it. Later, if desired, the password can be changed.
  4. Activation via mobile phone Each user undergoes mandatory confirmation using a mobile phone. It is important to indicate your personal phone number, since an SMS will be sent to it with a code that fits into a certain field on the site.
  5. Check your payment details. It is also important to know that the first time you transfer your funds to the e-mail specified by the user, the SeoSprint system will send a special code that is used to withdraw money. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate only an existing and valid email account.

Watch the video - How to register on Seosprint

Correct answers to questions when registering on SeoSprint

To register on this resource, you need to go to the website and click the “Registration” button in the upper right corner. In the form that appears, you need to indicate your name, e-mail, enter the code from the picture and click the “continue” button.

The “Complete Registration” window appears with the terms of service and the rules of the Seosprint project, which you must read. Then a test appears where You need to answer some easy questions:

  1. Who bears full responsibility for the content and possible harm from advertising placed on SEO Sprint?
  2. What happens to the account if it is not visited for more than 60 days?
    The account will be deleted
  3. Are assistive programs such as auto-clickers allowed? Absolutely forbidden
  4. Is it allowed to create more than 1 account or log in/work in different accounts from one computer?
  5. Can an advertiser get back the money that was contributed to the budgets of his advertising platforms?
    Can not. Money can only be spent on advertising
  6. If an account is deleted or banned, what happens to the money on the balance, advertising platforms and existing referrals?
    The balance and sites are reset to zero, money is not returned, referrals are free
  7. What should you do if you are not happy with the SEO Sprint project rules?
    Leave the project

The user's answers confirm that he has read the rules written above. You only need to click the “register” button after making sure that all the answers are correct.

Having read on all sorts of sites and forums, advertising reviews promising earnings of almost 500 rubles a day, which is theoretically possible for referral guides from God, you may think that this is the way to easily make money on the Internet. But don’t rush to register, first find out what and is.

Answers on questions:

1. Who is fully responsible for the content and possible harm from advertising posted on SEOsprint?

2. What happens to the account if you do not visit it for more than 60 days?
The account will be deleted.

Let’s say you manage to recruit schoolchildren as referrals, and after the summer holidays there will be no trace of them left, that is, all your efforts spent on attracting referrals to SEO Sprint will be in vain. I also do not recommend buying referrals for seosprint on any exchanges/fairs; no one will sell normal active referrals.

3. Is it allowed to use assistive programs, such as autoclickers?
Absolutely forbidden.

So if you are going to use an autosurfing program or a bot, an autoclicker for seosprint, then you risk getting an account ban or penalty status.

4. Is it allowed to create more than 1 account or log in/work in different accounts from one computer?

It’s bad that they ban a multi-account, since completing paid tasks is, in fact, the only real way to somehow make money on seosprint, they pay dearly for them, much more than for surfing sites and reading letters, and in most cases the task allowed to be performed only once a day from one account and IP.

They will help you get around this limitation and create a multi-account on seosprint, just don’t forget to clear the cookies in your browser.

6. If an account is deleted or banned, what happens to the money on the balance, advertising platforms and existing referrals?
The balance and sites are reset to zero, money is not returned, referrals are free.

7. What should you do if you are not satisfied with the rules of the SEO sprint project?
Leave the project.

These are the answers to your registration questions. are also suitable for the vip promotion service (the dollar equivalent of seosprint).