How to restore shine to plastic frames. How to polish plastic: polishing products and technology. How to use car plastic cleaner

What to do if the plastic molding or other part of the oldtimer made of plastic has lost its appearance, color, or even cracked and began to collapse? Despite the strength of ABS plastic, it is highly susceptible to the negative influence of the external environment.

Plastic elements in the interior and exterior of cars began to appear in the second half of the 20th century. For example, in the American automobile industry, the plastic era began to develop actively in the 1970s. From an economic point of view, this was a real discovery - the material was quite strong, durable, and inexpensive to manufacture. However, nothing lasts forever, and time still takes its toll. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, plastic gradually fades in the sun, becomes faded and "worn", and in the case of external decorative elements of the body, there is another aggressor - reagents that are sprinkled and watered on roads in the cold season. In addition, during active operation, scratches and cracks will inevitably appear.

As a rule, plastic body parts are made of a material called acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, or simply ABS plastic. It is an impact resistant resin that is resistant to moisture and oil. Interior details are also made from this polymer, which is very popular in the automotive industry. However, the material does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation quite well, and some types of this plastic are even destroyed by sunlight. In 1998, this resulted in one of the largest vehicle recalls in U.S. history - the seat belt buckle button, made from UV-resistant ABS plastic, broke and blocked the seat belt buckle, preventing the seat belt from being inserted or, much more dangerously, from being unfastened. As a result, 8,800,000 vehicles were recalled.

It is good if the item has retained its integrity, but has simply faded from time to time. In this case, you can get by with updating the top layer. For this, a whole series of products has been developed that restore the color of the part and extend its service life. Some of them even add flexibility details that are lost over time, thereby reducing the risk of breakage. The American publication Consumer Reports conducted its own study, studying the characteristics of the products on the market. Depending on their characteristics (and, accordingly, cost), the preparations provide details of protection for a period of two weeks to two years. It is worth noting that Consumer Reports analysts considered only products for black plastic elements, although it is not difficult to choose the right color today. The test was carried out in a rather funny format: the plastic body lining was divided into several parts (according to the number of funds that took part in the test), treated with test compounds and ... put on the roof of the building for 10 weeks, in which, in fact, the editorial office of Consumer Reports is located. Every week, the panels were removed, washed, dried, and sent back to the roof.

Best of all, according to experts, samples coated with ReNu Finish and Wipe New survived the severe test of the scorching sun and heavy rains - the parts coated with them retained a bright black color throughout the entire 70 days of the test. The disadvantage of both products is that they are sold in small volume bottles, but at the same time they are noticeably more expensive than their counterparts. Although the difference in the results of the experts recognized palpable. The rest of the products (Turtle Wax Premium Grade, Meguiar's Ultimate Black, Mothers Back-to-Black) got off to a good start, but by the end of the test, all the parts they had treated faded.

The former color of the plastic can also be returned with a building hair dryer: with careful uniform heating, the color appears on the surface of the part. For black plastic parts, you can use bumper ink (for example, Hi Gear or Astrochem), however, judging by the reviews, the part quickly loses its attractive appearance again.

A builder's hair dryer can help freshen up the look of the part, but unfortunately this is only a temporary measure.

But what if the plastic element of your car has received a serious crack, and this is not a molding, but an entire body panel? In this case, welding will help, but here everything is already much more complicated, and it would be better to turn to specialists. The fact is that ABS plastic combines a whole family of materials, the characteristics of which depend on the proportions of the components - acronitrile, butadiene and styrene. Depending on the proportion, each type of plastic has its own melting point, and hence the welding temperature. If you select too high a temperature when welding and overheat the plastic, the material will begin to foam and harden in a porous state, which will make the weld brittle and short-lived. It is logical to assume that at insufficient temperature the plastic will melt very poorly, and a strong seam will not work. Therefore, when welding, a special hair dryer is used, on which you can manually set the exact temperature value depending on the type of plastic.

However, if solid strength is not required from the part, then you can get by with simpler methods, which are actually enough: for example, use epoxy resin, glue the damaged area with fiberglass or reinforce with a metal mesh. The simplified recovery method also includes soldering, which must be distinguished from welding. Actually, the difference lies precisely in the fact that when soldering it is extremely difficult to "get" to the desired temperature, so the seam turns out to be brittle and porous. Enough to visually hide the defect, but will not provide strength and durability. In any case, the first step is to rinse the part thoroughly with a cleaning agent designed to remove tar, salts and other dirt. To do this, you can use a special bituminous stain cleaner. There are a lot of offers on the market: AC-395, Hi Gear Buster Bug, Pingo Tar Remover, Liqui Moly Teerentferner and others. By the way, you can use the old-fashioned way - "white spirit" or kerosene. Also, it will not be superfluous to go over the details with a brush. For this purpose, a horsehair brush is best suited.

Finally, a very "hard case" - if the part cannot be easily restored, and it is easier to replace it than to restore it. Well, if we are talking about a mass model of a car, for which it is easy to find the right parts. But what if you have a rare specimen for which it is almost impossible to find components? Today, in addition to fiberglass, 3D printers are gaining popularity. Over the past two years, a host of initiatives at the industrial and scientific level have been used to master the technology of 3D printing in the automotive industry. Recently, Techmer PM, a polymer modification company, even presented a full-fledged copy of the legendary Shelby Cobra, completely printed on a 3D printer. So the company demonstrated that this technology could well be used in the restoration of old cars. True, in this case, the authenticity of the car is lost, which is undesirable when working with auto classics, and the technology itself is still only developing and therefore is quite an expensive pleasure. However, the ever-increasing use of 3D printing in the automotive industry suggests that over time this option will become more accessible.

This Shelby Cobra is fully 3D printed

The plastic parts of the interior are no easier: the interior is protected from road reagents, but it suffers from the sun, bulky cargo and careless passengers, earning scuffs, scratches and cracks.

However, it is possible to update plastic parts and return them to their former novelty with budgetary funds. If the car is no longer young and has a certain historical value, with a competent approach, you can increase its value by $ 500, while spending ten times less. Although, of course, it all depends on the scale of the problem.

To begin with, the surface of the plastic part of the interior must be properly cleaned. A number of American experts, in particular, the American restorer and presenter Stacy David, advise using trisodium phosphate, a compound that forms the basis of various detergents and cleaners. The next step in preparing for painting is to ensure that the surface has sufficient adhesion to the paint you are about to apply. To do this, you can use a special adhesion promoter (Stacey David recommends Duplicolor), which will provide reliable adhesion, acting as an initial primer layer before applying the base paint. If this is not done, then the new coating will lie on the old paint and will not hold well - pretty soon the part will have to be repainted again. The first rough coat of paint is also used as an additional binding agent. In the case of interior plastic, a very popular remedy is vinyl paint (the so-called liquid vinyl) of the Plasti-Kote type or the same Duplicolor. Which of these brands is better is a moot point, and the opinions of Western restorers on this issue differ. The paint is applied in several layers, for reliable fastening. It is at this moment that the magic happens: the old part turns into a new one, as if from a factory, and all the years of its service are hidden under a layer of fresh paint. The final touch is the processing of the part with a special reducing agent to give shine and additional protection. Armor All and Black Magic are in demand.

You can freshen up the part without painting. To do this, after the washing stage, the part is dried, and then processed with sandpaper, grinding all small irregularities. However, do not get too carried away - the most "gentle" of the coarse-grained ones, 6-H, is enough, which is usually used for final grinding of soft woods. After that, the part is gently and evenly heated with a conventional hair dryer, while wiping the element with a clean rag without much pressure. After such processing, the part will noticeably rejuvenate, however, with severe abrasions, it will not be possible to completely restore the uniform texture of the plastic.

If, on the other hand, there are still cracks on the parts, they can be dealt with with a simple superglue, which is applied along the entire length of the crack. For additional rigidity and durability, you can walk along the same place from the inside with a glue gun - this will guarantee that the crack will not open. Excess dried glue is sanded with sandpaper.

The situation is somewhat different with steering wheels with a plastic rim. The varnish layer is sanded down, after which all cracks and scratches are drilled out and expanded to make it easier to fill the damaged areas with epoxy. Many use a standard two-component epoxy at this stage, but you can use, for example, a filler called Bondo, a 3M brand. It has become almost a household name in America, in fact - automotive grinding mastic. When the mastic hardens to the state of melted cheese, the author recommends treating the pouring area with coarse 25-H sandpaper. The main thing here is not to waste time and not miss the right moment: fully hardened Bondo mastic is very difficult to sand with sandpaper.

Andrey Shuldeshov

Plastic cleaners are used in the event that it is necessary to remove dirt on the plastic elements of the car interior. Such as a dashboard, control panel, door card, sills, trunk elements or other plastic parts of the car interior. Unlike them, they not only bring gloss, but also really clean the surface of dirt, giving a dull or natural look to the surface.

Therefore, car owners have a natural question related to the choice of certain means for cleaning and polishing plastic, since there are a huge number of such plastic cleaners for car interiors on store shelves. There are cleaning, polishing, universal, capable of cleaning not only plastic, but also leather, rubber, vinyl and other surfaces. In addition, car plastic cleaners are available in the form of sprays (both manual and balloon) and foam formulations. Which one is better is hard to figure out.

On the Internet you can find a large number of conflicting reviews about various plastic cleaners for car interiors. Also, many car owners conduct their own tests of such funds. The material contains information about the most popular cleaners and their rating is given in accordance with their characteristics and the effect of work. If you have had personal experience using this or that plastic cleaner, then we ask you to express your personal thoughts in the comments.

How to use car plastic cleaner

Before going directly to the description of the best car interior plastic cleaners, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with how this tool works and how to use it. Despite the variety of brands and types, their composition is approximately the same, and it includes silicone oils, fluoropolymers, moisturizers, artificial wax, fragrances and additional binders.

Note! Plastic cleaners are used for infrequent use (for example, to clean the interior once or twice a year or in case of accidental one-time contamination. If you regularly care for plastic interior parts, then you need plastic polishes, and these are slightly different means.

Most cleaners not only directly wash dried dirt on the surfaces of plastic parts, but also give them shine, antistatic properties (due to which dust does not settle on them), and also protect surfaces from ultraviolet radiation (especially important for the hot season with bright sun). As a rule, cleaners are sold in the form of aerosols or sprays.

The method of using these funds is the same for the vast majority. To do this, a certain amount of cleaner is applied to the contaminated surface, after which time is waited during which the composition penetrates into the dirt, corroding it. Then, using a rag or sponge, the resulting foam with debris is removed from the surface. If the cleaner is also a polish, then in this case you need to bring the surface to a shine with a rag (that is, rub it). Before using the purchased product (or better before buying), carefully read the instructions for its use. Usually it is applied directly to the bottle or is attached as a separate leaflet in the package.

Rating of the best plastic cleaners

This rating of plastic cleaners does not have a commercial basis, but is compiled on the basis of reviews and tests of motorists who performed them at different times with their own hands. This approach gives more or less objective information about which car interior plastic cleaner is better. However, in different stores, the assortment of products may differ, especially since the chemical industry does not stand still, and new formulations regularly appear on the market.

Numerous positive reviews from car owners allow us to give this tool a leading position in our rating. This tool is a classic plastic cleaner with a restorative effect. Interestingly, it can be used not only for car interior parts, but also for body elements, as well as in everyday life. Let's use the Liquid Moth cleaner for use with rubber surfaces. It has an antistatic and dirt-repellent effect.

The algorithm for using the tool is standard. Before use, the bottle with the cleaner must be shaken, then applied with a spray bottle to the contaminated surface and wait a bit. Next, use microfiber, rags or sponges to remove dirt from the surface. In case of severe contamination, the procedure can be repeated two or three times.

It is sold in a 500 ml bottle with a manual sprayer. The item number is 7600. The price of a plastic cleaner as of the summer of 2018 is about 1000 rubles.


It is a classic plastic cleaner. It has several types of flavors, so it can also be used as a flavoring agent. It also has polishing properties, giving the plastic a matte finish, usually black. After using the product, the plastic looks beautiful, dust does not stick to it. The Sonax plastic cleaner can also be used in everyday life. The product does not contain silicone.

The method of application is traditional. It is necessary to apply the composition to the contaminated surface, then wait a couple of minutes, and remove the foam with a rag. In case of severe contamination, you can use the product twice. This is quite enough to remove the most severe pollution.

Packed in 300 ml cans. The article is 283200. The price of such a tool for the same period is about 400 rubles.

It is a cleaner not only for plastic, but also for vinyl and rubber. It has not only a cleansing, but also a regenerating effect. Great for restoring yellowed plastic. It also has a dust-repellent and dirt-repellent effect. Removes unpleasant odors in the cabin, including the smell of cigarette smoke. Contains no solvents.

The method of using the cleaner is traditional. It must be applied with a spray on the surface to be treated, after which the foam should be allowed to penetrate for 2-3 minutes. After that, remove the dirt with a rag. Please note that the product should not be allowed to get into the eyes!

Packed in a 500 ml can with a manual sprayer. Article - AC365. The price as of the summer of 2018 is about 300 rubles.

It is also an all-purpose cleaner for both plastic, rubber and vinyl surfaces. The product can also be used at home. The manufacturer allows the use of a cleaner for external plastic and rubber surfaces of cars. It removes silicone, grease, various technical liquids and so on very well. It has a dirt and dust repellent effect.

Usage is traditional. Using a hand sprayer, apply the product to the dirty surface. After that, wait a few minutes. Please note that it is recommended to remove dirt with a microfiber cloth. This gives the maximum cleansing effect.

It is sold in 500 ml bottles with a manual sprayer. Item number - FG6530. The price is about 400 rubles.


It is not just a cleaner, but a cleaner-conditioner for plastic. That is, it not only effectively cleans plastic surfaces, but also eliminates unpleasant odors, including the smell of tobacco smoke, instead filling the interior with a fresh aroma. The cleaner can also be used on rubber surfaces. It has a protective effect, protects surfaces from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Used traditionally. It is necessary to apply a certain amount of the substance to the contaminated surface, wait a couple of minutes, and use a rag to remove the dirt. Some motorists note the low efficiency of the cleaner. However, it rather depends on the degree of contamination and the thoroughness of wiping off the dirt. But it is appropriate to take into account someone else's experience.

Packed in two types of bottles. The first is 120 ml. Its article number is Ln1454. Price - 150 rubles. The second - 310 ml. Article - LN1455. Price - 250 rubles.

A classic cleaner for plastic car interior parts. It can be used on trim elements, dashboard and other details. There is a high effect from its use. Together with cleaning, it performs protective functions, in particular, prevents cracking of plastic under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, has an antistatic and dirt-repellent effect.

It is an aerosol foam. After application, a sufficiently dense foam layer is formed on the surface. The method of application is standard. The product must be sprayed onto a plastic part, wait a bit and wipe the dirt with a rag. Please note that the product is flavored and you will find this cleaner in various fragrances (apple, mint, vanilla, orange, peach) in stores.

Sold in a 400 ml bottle. Article - 5571. The price for the specified period is 80 rubles.

Another name for the product is foam plastic polish. It is a cleaner of internal and external plastic elements of the car, as well as rubber. Differs in good dense foam which is formed on the processed surface. It has an antistatic effect, protects plastic from drying out and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The line has eight flavors that this cleaner can have.

The method of use is traditional. After applying the agent to the surface, it is necessary to wait a few minutes so that the composition is thoroughly ingrained in the dirt, and then remove all this mixture with a rag or sponge. If necessary, the surface can be polished.

Sold in a 335 ml can. Item number - KR905. Its price is about 100 rubles.


A huge number of plastic cleaners are currently represented on the auto chemical goods market. It also depends on the region of the country. However, when choosing this or a tool, pay attention not only to the ratio of price and quality, but also to the function that it performs. So, to remove dirt from plastic surfaces, you need a cleaner, because the polish is used to give the original appearance of the surface, and is used on a regular basis, unlike the cleaner. In extreme cases, you can buy a universal cleaner with a polishing effect, of which there are many on the market.

In the production of modern cars, not only metal is used, but also plastic, which loses its properties and attractive appearance over time. First of all, this applies to external parts, such as headlights. Sand, pebbles, precipitation lead to damage to external elements, plastic fades. Headlight glass becomes less transparent, which increases the risk of accidents. Cigarette smoke and ultraviolet light can seriously spoil the appearance of car interior elements, they become dull, and the white color turns yellow. Not only does the view of the car become not as attractive as before, but the lighting of the road is also deteriorating. However, there is a way out of this unpleasant situation - to polish the plastic parts of the car either in a car service or at home.

The choice of means and features of polishing

Processing plastic car parts has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • it is possible to apply at home without the use of special devices;
  • antistatic properties acquired by plastic, which do not allow dust to collect.

Plastic allows the use of various methods of working with it, but conditionally they can be divided into the following groups:

  • processing with medium-grained abrasive compositions;
  • work with fine-grained polishes;
  • non-abrasive treatment.

The greatest efficiency can be achieved by combining these methods. The process of working on restoring the appearance of plastic parts can be divided into the following stages:

  1. composition processing;
  2. actual polishing.

In order to successfully polish the plastic of a car, it is necessary to choose high-quality compounds in packaging that is convenient for application and storage. For independent daily car care at home, products presented in the form of aerosols, sponges or napkins soaked in the composition are best suited.

  • Sponges, for example, the British CarPlan, are inexpensive, allow you to quickly remove dust, perfectly polish plastic parts, and leave a pleasant citrus smell.
  • Napkins, an example - Carwet, Russian-made. Cheap, take up little space, effectively remove dirt, scratches and stains.
  • Aerosol, in particular, Italian Lucida Cruscotti, Polish Atas Plak - these and other products are quickly applied, eliminate minor damage and add shine. Polishing with them is a real pleasure.

For more thorough work on the restoration of plastic parts, more complex compositions will be required.

Among the tools that allow you to put the plastic elements of the car in order at home and polish its surfaces with high quality, it is worth highlighting the gel-plasticizers and restorers.

The effectiveness of their use directly depends on the quality of the compositions themselves, the type of plastic and the degree of damage. The presence of paintwork and glass also require special attention to the polishing process.

For example, for updating and even restoring plastic, as well as vinyl upholstery, a restorer is best suited. After application, it penetrates deep into the scratch, completely filling the space. And the plasticizer gel, with the help of which the textured pattern of the part is obtained, is applied to the damaged elements, which makes it possible to make the plastic homogeneous again.

At the second stage, you can polish the plastic - the choice of rags for work is important here, which must be clean, preferably without lint, so that there is no sticking to the surface.

Work technology

So, the scope of work is outlined, the composition is selected. It's time to get to work. In the process of putting the headlights in order, the following stages can be distinguished:

  1. The headlight glass is cleaned and dried, and the area around is sealed with masking tape. It is not necessary to remove the headlights.
  2. The degree of damage, the depth of scratches is assessed. Then, with the help of the skin, the surface of the headlight is made matte. The degree of graininess depends on the depth of the scratches, the more, the coarser the material is used at the beginning. So gradually move on to fine grain. When working with the machine, it is recommended to use sanding paper from P 320 to P 1200. If everything is done correctly, the headlight glass will be smooth to the touch and cloudy.
  3. In the final, you can polish with a grinder in a car service or manually at home. By the way, the orbital sander will reduce the time of work by 4 times, while ensuring high quality.

Work on the details of the car interior takes less time. In the beginning, the selected composition is applied to the plastic, and then they try to polish everything to the desired state. In total, the order is:

  1. Clean the parts from dirt and seal the adjacent surfaces with masking tape.
  2. Apply the restorer or gel to the plastic, following the instructions. In the first case, after the restoring composition is absorbed, remove its excess with a fine-grained skin. In the second, apply a surface pattern to the area to be restored, made as a cast from an undamaged area using a gel.
  3. After spreading the product, sprinkle with a small amount of water and polish with a machine, using it at low speed or manually. If the plastic is dark in color, then it can be polished with an anti-hologram composition.
  4. Remove residues by washing the surface.

If you follow the instructions and follow the simple rules of work, then even at home an inexperienced driver will be able to achieve excellent restoration of parts. The car will retain a fresh, well-groomed appearance for a long time, the glass is transparent, and the headlights are bright, which is very important for safe driving in the dark and foggy hours of the day.

To easily remove scratches and scuffs on any plastic surface, you need to act as carefully as possible and follow the instructions for finished compositions, since not all polishes are suitable for plastic. There are many ways to restore a damaged surface to its original ideal appearance. Some of them will only help to mask scratches, while others will get rid of them completely.

    Show all

    Use of specialized tools

    On sale there are a lot of different tools designed to repair damage to plastic surfaces. They can be found both in auto shops and in cellular communication stores. Choose a tool should be based on the nature of the damage:

    • Minor scratches and abrasions are easily removed with polishing compounds.
    • Deep damage requires the application of a primer and subsequent filling of the scratch with a special paste.

    It should be noted that for large scratches, colored pastes to match the surface are suitable, which allow masking the damage without a trace. Minor scratches can be eliminated with colorless compounds.

    Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damage at home

    How to polish scratches

    To polish small scratches, the following tools are suitable:

    • Polish for CDs "Disc Repair".
    • Means for polishing displays of mobile phones "Displex". Also suitable for watch displays, PDAs, etc.
    • Paste for polishing plastic car parts (with the smallest grit).

    Before polishing, the surface should be degreased with alcohol. Polish with a cotton cloth until the scratches are gone.

    How to remove scratches in a car interior

    To remove scratches from surfaces in the car, there are several methods:

    • the use of a building hair dryer;
    • the use of polishing compounds;
    • processing scratches with a special pencil;
    • overhaul of plastic parts.

    The choice of a specific method depends on the severity of the damage and the characteristics of the affected surface.

    Troubleshooting with a hot air gun

    First, thoroughly wash the surface with a detergent. After the plastic has dried, you need to turn on the hair dryer, setting the minimum power on it, and direct it to the problem area. If nothing happens to the surface, then the power of the apparatus must be increased so that the plastic begins to melt slightly.

    As a result, the damage will either disappear completely or be significantly reduced and can be eliminated by polishing.

    This method is suitable not only for car interior parts, but also for plastic parts of a moped and other products.


    For polishing, you will need an abrasive paste designed for plastic.

    Compositions designed for paint and varnish coatings are not suitable for this purpose.

    To remove scratches from plastic, you should:

    1. 1. Thoroughly wash the surface and dry completely.
    2. 2. Apply abrasive paste to problem areas and wait a certain time specified in the instructions, the paste should turn into a hard coating.
    3. 3. Polish the surface in a circular motion with a special cloth until the paste disappears completely.

    At the end, the plastic should be gently washed with a soft cloth.

    special pencil

    This is the easiest and fastest way to remove scratches from plastic in the interior and on the bumper of a car or plastic parts of a scooter. If a pencil is purchased for the restoration of colored plastic, it is necessary to choose its tone correctly.

    Scratch removal algorithm:

    1. 1. Problem areas must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
    2. 2. Fill in all the scratches with a pencil and wait a certain time (according to the instructions).
    3. 3. Remove excess, polish the surface.

    Repair of plastic parts

    If the plastic part is badly scratched and worn, you can resort to a major overhaul. To do this, the damaged panel must be removed from the car, washed and sanded with sandpaper (if the surface of the part is embossed, then it does not need to be sanded). Further:

    1. 1. The part should be coated with a special primer, which is available in the form of a spray. It is applied in 2-3 layers with breaks for drying.
    2. 2. Next, level the primed surface with fine sandpaper.
    3. 3. If the scratches are very deep, they must be filled with putty.
    4. 4. After that, the part should be coated with paint of a suitable shade.

    How to remove scratches from your phone

    If your phone screen is damaged, it's best not to risk trying to fix the display with home remedies. It is necessary to use special compositions for polishing displays. But they will not help to mask only minor scratches.

    To remove scratches from the plastic parts of the phone, you can use toothpaste:

    1. 1. A small amount of paste or tooth powder, diluted with water to a state of gruel, should be applied to problem areas and rubbed in a circular motion.
    2. 2. Wait until the paste is completely dry.
    3. 3. Wipe the screen with a cotton pad soaked in clean water.

    Another effective way is to use a car polish: apply the product to a soft cloth and rub the plastic until the scratches disappear.

    If there is significant damage to the phone, it is better to contact the service center.

    Removing scratches from laptop plastic surfaces

    In some laptops, the lid is made of glossy plastic. Micro-scratches often appear on such a surface.

    You can deal with them at home as follows:

    1. 1. Gently wipe off dust from plastic surfaces, wipe with a damp cloth and then with microfiber.
    2. 2. Apply a small amount of Displex or Digitex to the scratch and wipe with a soft cloth or cotton. If the damage has not completely disappeared, the product should be reapplied and polished.

    This method cannot be used to process LCD screens. Polishing paste particles can damage the LCD matrix.

    How to remove scratches on glasses

    The following tools will help eliminate scratches on glasses:

    1. 1. Polish for silver products. A small amount of the product should be applied to the glasses and wiped with a fiber cloth until the defects are eliminated.
    2. 2. Furniture polish and petroleum jelly. You should purchase a composition for polishing wooden furniture and wipe the lenses with it. After that, apply a little Vaseline to a soft cloth and treat the surface.
    3. 3. Means for automobile glasses. The composition should be treated with damaged areas using a soft cloth. It will make scuffs invisible, and the lenses will fog up less in the future.

    These methods allow only to make the damage invisible, but not to remove them completely. You can finally get rid of minor defects only with the help of an abrasive for glass, which is used in painting. Due to the presence of hydrofluoric acid in the composition, this product completely eliminates scratches. With this treatment, the anti-reflective coating of the glasses is destroyed, but the lenses themselves are not damaged.

    The abrasive is applied as follows:

    1. 1. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
    2. 2. Put the lenses in a container and fill it with abrasive.
    3. 3. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse the lenses under the tap.
    4. 4. Items that the abrasive has come into contact with should be thrown away immediately.

    As a result, the lenses will become perfectly smooth, and visibility will improve.

Plastic has long been one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of various things. It is found in toys, electronics, household appliances, automobiles, and home furnishings. But over time, any white plastic products begin to acquire yellow tints. The reason for this is exposure to sunlight, sudden changes in temperature, improper care and natural reactions with oxygen. In such situations, you can try bleaching the yellowed plastic to restore its former beauty.

Windows deserve special attention. Plastic structures used in conjunction with glass very often turn yellow when exposed to ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. Bright rays can illuminate them all day long. If this happens regularly for several years, then the appearance of a yellow tint is inevitable. Additional factors are sudden temperature changes and improper operation.

The composition of the plastic used for window elements includes various substances that can extend its service life. Therefore, the window sill should be cleaned with care. You cannot use:

  • Means for washing dishes;
  • Hard sponges;
  • abrasive powders;
  • Acetone and similar in composition means;
  • alkaline substances;
  • Hot water.

All other means of getting rid of yellow spots can be used without fear.

How to bleach plastic

It is not so difficult to return the former look to plastic products. You can do this at home without outside help. You just need to stock up on all the necessary means that will be used to achieve the goal. There are several cleaning methods.

Useful video on whitening plastic - video:

A simple but very effective tool. Laundry soap will help renew old plastic, giving it a white tint again. This method shows maximum effectiveness when color changes are caused by exposure to fatty deposits.

How to proceed:

  1. Grate (½ bar).
  2. Pour warm water (150 ml), mix.
  3. Apply the prepared solution to the problem area. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a clean sponge, wash soapy traces with clean water.

You can use this method in any case, because soap is harmless.

Special wipes

Electronics stores sell special wipes. They contain various substances that are able to clean computer equipment from contamination without any harm. They also help with yellowing.

How to clean:

  1. Every 6 hours, wipe the yellow mark with a napkin.
  2. Repeat daily for several days until the yellowness disappears completely.

This option is ideal for household appliances and plastic window sills.

Chalk Tooth Powder

Such an unusual mixture allows you to return the white color to things if the shades of yellowness have appeared recently. You can try it for old stains, but it is unlikely to achieve significant results.

What do we have to do:

  1. Mix a small amount of chalk and tooth powder.
  2. Add water to make a thick paste.
  3. Spread over the entire surface of the plastic, wait for drying.
  4. Remove the remaining powder with a dry cloth.

The procedure can be repeated many times.

Soda and washing powder

Baking soda is very often used to clean things from dirty stains. She also copes well with yellowness.

How to apply it:

  1. Mix soda (1 tablespoon), washing powder (1 tablespoon) and water (500 ml).
  2. Apply liquid to a plastic object. Wait 8 hours.
  3. Wash off all traces with a damp cloth.

Great option for window sill cleaning.


An equally effective way to restore whiteness to plastic products is acetic acid. To do this, you need its 70% solution.

Cleaning process:

  1. Soak a soft cloth or large cotton pad in the vinegar.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wash the surface of the object with water.

When using acid, wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room. Also, it is not recommended to use a remedy for getting rid of yellowness on sensitive plastic.

Citric acid with chlorine

A powerful yellow bleaching agent that can be used on thin plastics without compromising their integrity.

How to use:

  1. Mix the same amount of citric acid and chlorine.
  2. Apply to spots. Wait 30 minutes.
  3. Remove leftover funds.

This mixture can be applied repeatedly until it is possible to return the yellowed plastic to its usual form.

Hydrogen peroxide

This medicine is very popular and is present in every medicine cabinet. It helps not only to disinfect wounds, but also to tidy up the surface of yellowed plastic.

Mode of application:

  1. Wet a soft sponge with peroxide.
  2. Repeatedly wipe the yellow spots.
  3. Wash off the remaining traces of peroxide.

The tool does not harm plastic. Therefore, it is allowed to use it for a long time and repeatedly until the desired result is obtained.


Alcohol has gained great popularity in cleaning from pollution. It destroys the composition of any dirt, making things clean again. No less effective it helps to whiten strongly yellowed plastic. Its composition not only removes yellowness, but literally destroys the structure of the upper layers of the object. Therefore, they should be used with caution.

How alcohol is used:

  1. Soak a rag in it.
  2. Wipe the yellow parts of the surface.
  3. Remove all traces of alcohol with clean water.

This method is suitable for rough dense plastic on household appliances and various appliances.


Another very aggressive solvent that can not only lighten plastic, but also damage it. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of acetone to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object to check the reaction. If everything is in order, then it can be used. Nevertheless, caution will still not be superfluous.


  1. Moisten a dense cotton pad with acetone.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wipe off traces of product with a damp cloth.

You can use nail polish remover instead of acetone. Its composition is not so harmful to the coating, but shows less effectiveness.

Special tools for the restoration of plastics

You can return white plastic objects to their original form with the help of special tools that are designed to restore plastic in cars. You can buy them in car repair shops and salons with spare parts.

How to use:

  1. Apply to the problem area, following the instructions.
  2. Wait for drying.

Be sure to read the instructions before use.


Option for small items. It involves the complete soaking of things in chlorine.

How to do it:

  1. Dilute bleach or bleach (1 tbsp) in water (1 liter), adding a little soda (1 tbsp).
  2. Put the thing that needs to be restored in a container with liquid. Leave overnight.
  3. Remove and rinse item thoroughly under cool water.

With very strong yellowing, soaking in pure bleach without diluting it with water is allowed.


The above methods should be enough to deal with the problem and get your white plastic back. If the yellowness turns out to be very old and does not succumb to any remedy, then you can simply carefully cover it with paint that is as suitable as possible in shade, or paint the entire product as a whole. This will hide any problem areas.