Methodology for studying motivation and attitude towards professional activity among students. Videos, training videos and courses

Thanks a lot! Helped with an amazing job! We used current research and took into account all my wishes. I would especially like to note the desire of the company's managers to understand and help clients - this is worth a lot. I also advise everyone to order a speech - it really makes it much easier to defend your thesis! Thank you!

Elena, [email protected]

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How to write a good VAK article and publish it in a reputable central journal?

Where to publish an article before defending a dissertation?

fifteen works - for a doctoral dissertation, published in journals listed in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications (HAC articles).

In essence, these recommendations are mandatory and indicate the minimum amount articles of the Higher Attestation Commission to be published. At the request of the authors of dissertations and the availability of scientifically significant research, this number can be increased.

It is known that the list of HAC journals includes both serious and reputable publications and journals that focus exclusively on the solvency of the author of the article.

I would like to warn graduate students and doctoral students against formal publications in poorly peer-reviewed journals. Members of the dissertation council, members of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation will definitely pay attention to where your articles were published and, based on this, will draw a conclusion about the quality of your dissertation work and the quality of the publications themselves.

If you do not yet have enough scientific experience to write truly high-quality articles, the publication of which will earn you authority and respect in the eyes of the scientific community, CONTACT US.

We are professionals with extensive experience and serious scientific training.

What to pay attention to when writing an article?

Russian Higher Attestation Commission journals are currently placed in conditions where, for the further development and existence of their editorial boards, it is necessary to significantly reconsider their attitude towards the quality of articles provided by authors. The time has come to pay closer attention to how articles should be formatted, what qualitative and formal changes in journals entail the requirements put forward by analytical information systems (citation systems), and to direct all efforts to the development of electronic versions of journals.

Literally all elements of the articles that make up the journal play the role of information indicators for assessing Russian science, Russian scientists, organizations and the journals themselves.

Journal articles submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission must consist of the following sequential elements:

Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC);

Titles (titles) of the article;

The email address of at least one of the authors with whom correspondence should be conducted;


Article text;

Article bibliographic list;


For all journals without exception, there are database requirements for article titles. The title is a particularly important element of the article, as some databases do not include abstracts.

The title of a scientific article should be informative, i.e. clearly convey its contents in a few words. This requirement is considered one of the main requirements in journal editorial offices, since a well-formulated title is a guarantee that the work will attract reader interest.

It should be remembered that the title of the work will be read by many more people than its main body. Authors of other articles that cite the research presented in it will cite the title of the work in their bibliographies.

We must try to formulate the title of the article not as a complete sentence, but as a headline (as they do in a newspaper).

When formulating the title, it is better to adhere to a simple word order and simple phrases.

You should not use verbs, as well as words like research, study, observation, as well as important, significant, etc.

The title should include almost all keywords.

The title of the article should not contain unnecessary words. The most important words should come at the beginning of the title.

The golden rule: the title of the work should reflect only one idea, even if the work is complex.

Untranslatable slang, known only to Russian-speaking specialists, is not used. This also applies to author summaries (annotations) and keywords.

The title of the article should not contain mathematical and chemical formulas, letters of alphabets other than Russian and Latin, Roman numerals, or abbreviations other than commonly used ones.

After writing an article, you should make sure that its title fully corresponds to its content.

Based on the abstract, readers evaluate the publication, determine their interest in the scientist’s work, can use it in their publication and make a link to it, open a discussion with the author, etc. Therefore, we will pay special attention to this element of the article.

Let us list the required qualities of an annotation. Annotations must be:

Informative (do not contain general words);


Structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article);

Compact (fit within 100 to 250 words).

Abstracts written by authors often contain common errors. Most often, abstracts are replete with general, meaningless words that increase the volume but do not contribute to revealing the content and essence of the article. Often the annotation is limited to just a few lines (3-5). This presentation of the content of the article is completely unacceptable.

Experience shows that the most difficult thing for an author when preparing an abstract is to briefly present the results of his work. Therefore, one of the proven options for an abstract is a brief repetition of the structure of the article, including introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion. This method of compiling annotations has become widespread in foreign journals.

To help you write annotations (abstracts), you can recommend at least two versions of the rules. One of the options is Russian GOST 7.9-95 “Abstract and abstract. General requirements”, developed by VINITI specialists. The second is recommendations for writing abstracts for English-language articles submitted to journals published by Emerald (UK). When considering the first option, it must be borne in mind that it was developed primarily as a guide for reviewers preparing abstracts for information publications. The second option is the requirements for abstracts of English-language articles. Therefore, the required volume of 100 words most likely cannot be considered sufficient. Below are excerpts from these two options. They largely repeat each other, which once again emphasizes the importance of the provisions they propose.

The abstract and annotation perform the following functions:

They make it possible to establish the main content of a document, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the full text of the document;

Provide information about the document and eliminate the need to read the full text of the document if the document is of secondary interest to the reader;

They are used in information, including automated, systems for searching documents and information.

The volume of the abstract should include a minimum of 100-250 words (according to GOST - 850 characters, at least 10 lines) and reflect the following aspects of the content of the article:

Subject, theme, purpose of the work;

Method or methodology for carrying out the work;

Results of the work;

Scope of results; conclusions.

The sequence of presentation of the contents of the article can be changed, starting with a presentation of the results of the work and conclusions.

The subject, theme, and purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article.

It is advisable to describe a method or methodology for carrying out work if it is novel or of interest from the point of view of this work. Abstracts of documents describing experimental work indicate the sources of data and the nature of their processing.

The results of the work are described extremely accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns are presented. At the same time, preference is given to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance.

In the text of the abstract you should use syntactic constructions characteristic of the language of scientific and technical documents, and also avoid complex grammatical constructions.

Within the abstract, it is necessary to maintain uniformity of terminology.

The text of the abstract should use significant words from the text of the article.

Abbreviations and symbols, except those in common use, are used in exceptional cases or give their definitions when used for the first time.

Units of physical quantities should be given in the International SI System. It is allowed to give in parentheses next to the value in the SI system the value of the value in another system of units used in the source document.

Tables, formulas, drawings, pictures, diagrams, diagrams are included only if necessary, if they reveal the main content of the document and allow you to reduce the volume of the abstract.

Formulas given more than once may have sequential numbering, and the numbering of formulas in the abstract may not coincide with the numbering of formulas in the original.

The author's summary (abstract) is a short summary of a larger work of a scientific nature, which is published in isolation from the main text and, therefore, in itself should be understandable without reference to the publication itself.

It should set out the essential facts of the work. The abstract should not exaggerate or contain material that is not contained in the body of the publication.

1) the purpose of the work in a concise form. Background (history of the issue) can only be given if it is contextually related to the purpose;

2) a brief summary of the main facts of the work. The main thing to remember is:

Follow the chronology of the article and use its headings as a guide;

Do not include unimportant details;

The article is addressed to a competent audience, so technical (special) terminology can be used;

The text must be coherent using the words “therefore”, “moreover”, “for example”, “as a result”, etc., or the disparate provisions presented must logically follow from one another;

The writing style should be compact. Complex sentences should be used.

A significant part of innovative plans for introducing changes, containing innovations at their core, either do not reach practical implementation, or in fact bring much less benefit than planned. One of the reasons for these trends lies in the lack of real tools for planning, evaluation and control over innovation. The article proposes a mechanism for strategic planning of a company, based on an analysis of both the internal capabilities of the organization and external competitive forces, and the search for ways to use external opportunities, taking into account the specifics of the company. Strategic planning is based on a set of rules and procedures containing a series of methods, the use of which allows company managers to ensure a quick response to changing external conditions. These methods include: strategic segmentation; solving problems in real time; diagnostics of strategic readiness to work in future conditions; development of a general management plan; planning the company's entrepreneurial position; strategic transformation of the organization. The strategic planning process is presented in the form of a closed cycle, consisting of nine successive stages, each of which represents a logical sequence of activities that ensure the dynamics of the development of the system. The result of the strategic planning methodology developed by the author is a proposal for a transition to “interactive strategic management”, which in its conceptual basis is focused on the creative potential of the entire team and finding ways to increase it on the basis of quickly overcoming accelerating changes, increasing organizational complexity and unpredictable variability of the external environment.

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the “classic” abstract, which allows you to create a complete picture of an article or project, and give examples of each of the components. This structure must also be followed when preparing documents for foreign scientific foundations and journals.

Relevance. From the very beginning, it is necessary to demonstrate the importance of the problem being studied or the proposed project. The reader should immediately have an idea of ​​why the problem being discussed requires study.

Example. A blog is one of the social services used in teaching a foreign language and culture.

Formulation of the problem. After revealing the relevance, it is necessary to identify the existing problem, the solution to which the research project (article) will be aimed at. When reading this section of the annotation, the reader should get the impression that without your project, “further life is simply impossible.”

Example. However, there are no studies in the scientific literature confirming the effectiveness of using a blog in developing students’ sociocultural competence.

Ways to solve the problem. In this section of the annotation it is necessary to list specific steps aimed at solving the existing problem. In qualitative research (in which there is no description of the experiment and analysis of its results), this may be a listing of the theoretical issues being explored. In quantitative studies (if the work contains experimental statistical data), this section of the abstract lists the methods of conducting experimental work and the variables being studied.

Example. In this study, firstly, the component composition of sociocultural competence was determined, secondly, a methodology for developing sociocultural competence using a blog was developed, thirdly, the preparation and conduct of experimental training aimed at developing sociocultural competence using a blog was described, and an analysis was also provided. its quantitative and qualitative results.

results. This section presents the quantitative or qualitative results of the study. It is recommended to use general words such as “proved to be effective”, “proved to be ineffective”, without mentioning specific numbers, which may be misinterpreted.

Example. The study showed that during the 10-week cycle, the majority of students were able to develop sociocultural competence using the blog, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Conclusion. In conclusion, it is necessary to outline the scope of implementation of the research results, show how much the work carried out has expanded existing ideas about the issue being studied, or propose a new solution to an existing problem.

Example. The results of the study expand knowledge about the methodological potential of blogs in teaching foreign language and culture.


There should not be many keywords (no more than 10), and they should clearly indicate the main content of the article. You should avoid using general concepts like “system” as keywords, since a keyword search (often present on the journal’s website) will not lead the reader to finding the information he is interested in.

The key word in some cases can be a phrase, but in no case a short sentence.

. Introduction- a brief summary of the state of the issue under consideration and a statement of the problem solved in the article.

. Materials and methods solutions to the problem and accepted assumptions.

. results- the main content of the article (for example: description of the physical essence of processes and phenomena, evidence of the provisions presented in the article, initial and final mathematical expressions, mathematical calculations and transformations, experiments and calculations, examples and illustrations).

. Discussion the obtained results and comparing them with previously known ones.

Let's look at each element of the article structure in more detail.

Introduction stimulates reader interest and provides a brief overview of the problem necessary to understand the main part of the work. The Introduction should clearly explain what specific problem the work is aimed at solving. The introduction is very useful for journal editors and article reviewers. It usually consists of 300-500 words, but can be longer if the article is of significant length, or is dedicated to presenting extensive scientific results, or solving a complex problem.

The introduction should be well structured and contain:

− a brief mention of the results already achieved in the presented area of ​​research, provided with references to the literature;

− presentation of the research object is the most important part of the Introduction;

− the need to conduct research;

− the hypothesis or research methods being put forward;

− definition of abbreviations and terms used in the article.

Materials and methods . This section should provide an accurate and detailed description of how the research was conducted to enable others to replicate similar work.

Any modifications to equipment already used in scientific work should be described in detail if they were created specifically for this work. If necessary, you can provide illustrative material.

When writing this section, you need to find a balance between detail and length. Here you can refer to other works in which the methods used were described in more detail.

Arrange methods either by type of procedure or in the order in which the study was conducted.

Explain why these methods or materials were chosen.

For quantitative measurements, the error of the method should be given. If statistical methods or comparison models are used, they should be described. This does not apply to standard methods, which can be given without comment. Rarely used statistical methods can be provided with a reference to the literature.

The units of physical quantities used must be in the International System of Units (SI). It is allowed to use units approved for use along with SI units, as well as multiples and submultiples.

This part of the article should be written in the past tense.

results . This section presents the main results of the study without their interpretation. If the journal's editors do not require the preservation of separate sections, it can be combined with Discussion.

It is advisable to present the results in the same order as the methods. For each result, the method by which it was obtained must be mentioned.

The numbers of tables and figures should correspond to their first mention in the text. Data presented in charts and graphs should not duplicate those presented in tables.

The inscriptions on the illustrations must correspond to the text of the article. Captions to figures should contain sufficiently complete information so that the data presented can be understood without referring to the text (unless this information is already given in another illustration). Abbreviations are deciphered in the figure captions, if this has not been done previously in the text.

This section should be written in the past tense.

Discussion . Contains the interpretation of the results, opinions and assumptions of the authors, addressed to future researchers of this problem. The purpose of the Discussion is to answer the question posed in the Introduction.

We should try to make this section of the article as short as possible. This is where the results need to be explained rather than repeated.

The logic of the discussion should be built from the particular to the general.

In the text of the Discussion, you should use the same keywords as stated at the beginning of the work.

It is necessary to explain how each of the results obtained relates to the literature data.

Considering different hypotheses and approaches to work, defend your own, showing its reliability.

At the end of the section, it is necessary to explain why the results obtained are important for understanding or solving the problem posed and provide several (no more than two) recommendations for further research.

Conclusion is the most difficult part of writing an article. It should be taken into account that most readers read the abstract, and then immediately the Conclusion. This section summarizes their own work, reiterating its importance.

The Conclusion must begin with a clear description of what has been achieved in the work.

It should be short and clear and prove to the scientific community that the results of the work are worthy of publication. Thus, the work is placed on a par with other works on this issue, filling in the missing information in the area under study.

The conclusion must contain evidence of the originality of the work. If the results of the work confirm already known research, it is necessary to emphasize what exactly its originality consists of.


Why are article lists needed, their correct description, and what is the main bibliographic description of the source?

Using the links, evaluate the significance and recognition of the works of specific authors, the scientific level of journals, organizations and countries as a whole, determine the relevance of scientific directions and problems, identify their points of growth and decline, etc. Therefore, high demands are placed on this component of scientific articles all over the world. Despite the fact that in the scientific community there is a certain amount of skepticism towards this method of assessing scientific activity, one cannot help but admit that a link to a publication in a peer-reviewed scientific article is one of the main indicators of quality, or at least access to this publication.

It must be borne in mind that 90% of the articles published in the journal must have article lists. A small amount of bibliography attached to articles in a journal negatively affects not only its evaluation, but also the evaluation of the authors of the article themselves. And an article with a representative list of references demonstrates the professional outlook and high-quality level of research of its authors.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that Russian specialists pay significantly less attention to this part when preparing their publications than their foreign colleagues, and do not understand the meaning and significance of the sources presented in bibliographic lists. The average number of links in an article by Russian authors is 10 publications, while articles by English-speaking authors include an average of 30 links per article.

In addition, in terms of the composition of the reflected publications, article lists in Russian publications (excluding physics, chemistry and other fundamental sciences) contain a large number of references to regulations, laws, decrees, other official sources, unpublished documents, etc. Foreign publications in the social, economic, and humanitarian fields practically do not contain such references. In Russian publications of these thematic areas, such references are natural. The articles do not contain links to articles by Russian, much less foreign, authors. This suggests that authors read little of the articles of both their colleagues and foreign ones.

The reference lists of Russian authors contain many errors, inaccuracies, duplication (with errors) of references from other sources, incomplete references, etc. Such lists in the citation system practically neutralize their significance and are not taken into account.

Russian-speaking authors include links to Russian sources in articles published in Russian-language or translated journals. If our authors are published in leading foreign journals, they try, as a rule, to refer to foreign sources.

A correct description of the sources used in the reference lists is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific activity of its authors, therefore (along the chain) - the organization, region, country. By citing a journal, its scientific level, authority, effectiveness of its editorial board, etc. are determined. It follows that the most significant components in bibliographic references are the names of the authors and the names of the journals. In order for all authors of a publication to be taken into account in the system, it is necessary to include all authors in the description of the article, not limited to three, four, etc.

In the bibliographic list per article, the serial number of the reference is indicated in the corresponding line of the article text in square brackets, and the sources are arranged in the order of their mention in the article. Article bibliographic references must include the following information:

For articles - last names and initials of all authors; full title of the article; the name of the magazine, newspaper or collection in which the article was published; year of publication, publication time identifier (for a newspaper - issue number or publication date, for a magazine - year, volume or issue number, series), page numbers occupied by the article (start and end);

For standards - the name of the standard; standard number; place and year of publication; pages;

For patent documents - the name of the invention; patent number; a country; number and date of the application for the invention; patent publication date; invention bulletin number; pages;

For deposited scientific works - surnames and initials of all authors; full title of the work; name of the depositing information center; number and date of deposit; number of pages of work.

The titles of books, articles, other materials and documents published in a foreign language, as well as the names of their authors, must be given in the original transcription. The bibliographic list should not include unpublished materials or materials that are not in the public domain.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the article lists should not include links to textbooks and teaching aids, since the information contained in them is well known to the specialists to whom the article is addressed.

Monographs included in article lists should not be more than 10 years older than the article. The exception is “classical” works, and even in this case, reference to them should be absolutely justified.

The mention of scientific articles, in particular articles by foreign scientists, in article lists indicates not only the competence of the authors of the articles, but also the relevance of the scientific research developed and presented in the article.

Last name, first name and patronymic in full;
. place of work;
. job title;
. academic degree;
. academic title (if it does not coincide with the title of the position);
. academic status (academician, corresponding member - if available) at the State Academy of Sciences;
. description of the area of ​​activity and scientific interests;
. contact details with the authors (phone, email).

It is important for authors to adhere to the indication of one place of work, since information about the organization’s affiliation (affiliation) is one of the main defining features for identifying the author of the database. The lack of affiliation data leads to the loss of articles in the author’s profile, which is created automatically when all data for two publications matches.

The use of abbreviations or abbreviations in the names of organizations also leads to the loss of articles when taking into account the publications of the organization, especially if these abbreviations are not generally accepted.

It is unnecessary to use in front of the main name the component parts of the names of organizations adopted in recent years, indicating affiliation with the department, form of ownership, status of the organization (“Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences ...”, “Federal State Unitary Enterprise ...”, “FGOU VPO ...”, “National Research ...", etc.), which makes it difficult to identify the organization.

It is advisable to indicate in the name of the organization its department by affiliation. However, information about departments in articles is not always given, and therefore their profiles are quite incomplete.

Authors are recommended to use email addresses in their organization's email domains and to minimize the use of email addresses from free public domains such as,, etc. This recommendation is related to the peculiarity of calculating scientific citation indices and linking these indicators to the organization in which the author works.

– “Theory and methodology of vocational education” is a field of pedagogical science that considers issues of vocational education, training, retraining and advanced training in all types and levels of educational institutions, subject and industry areas, including issues of management and organization of the educational process, forecasting and determining the structure of personnel training, taking into account the needs of the individual and the labor market, society and the state.

Areas of research:

The areas of research are defined taking into account differentiation by industry and type of professional activity.

  1. Research methodology on the theory and methodology of vocational education (scientific approaches to the study of the development of vocational education, connections between the theory and methodology of vocational education and the fields of pedagogical science and other sciences; the relationship between the theory and methodology of vocational education and practice; methods of researching vocational education).
  2. Genesis and theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogy of vocational education.
  3. Postgraduate education.
  4. Training of specialists in higher educational institutions.
  5. Training of specialists in institutions of secondary vocational education.
  6. Training of qualified workers in vocational education institutions.
  7. In-house training of workers; additional professional education.
  8. Retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists.
  9. Continuing professional education.
  10. Training of specialists in the multi-level education system.
  11. Modern technologies of professional education.
  12. Educational management and marketing.
  13. Educational environment of a vocational educational institution.
  14. Vocational training for the unemployed and unemployed population.
  15. Comparative and comparative analysis of vocational education in different countries of the world.
  16. Interaction of vocational education with the labor market and social partners.
  17. Professional education: essence, main directions.
  18. Selection and structuring of the content of vocational education.
  19. Humanization of vocational education.
  20. Pedagogical problems of management, financing and socio-economic development of the vocational education system.
  21. Diagnostics of the quality of vocational education.
  22. Regionalization of vocational education in a single educational space.
  23. Design of local vocational education systems.
  24. Conceptual apparatus of professional education.
  25. Integration processes in vocational education.
  26. Problems of studying and implementing innovative experience in vocational education.
  27. Professional consulting and advisory services.
  28. System of material and moral incentives in the field of vocational education and professional activities.
  29. Innovative technologies in the field of vocational education.
  30. Mechanisms of interaction between education, science and production.
  31. Professional education throughout life.
  32. State-public nature of management of vocational education.
  33. Formation of a professional worldview.
  34. Levels and types of vocational education institutions.
  35. Integration of general education and professional training in vocational education institutions.
  36. Competence-based approach to professional training of specialists.

One of the new methods used in wound treatment is vacuum therapy or VAC therapy (Vacuum-assisted closure). Vacuum therapy is a highly effective wound treatment method based on prolonged local exposure to negative pressure on the wound. Negative pressure wound therapy is an innovative technique that accelerates wound healing and allows successful treatment wounds that cannot be cured by other methods.

This type of treatment has many indications and is especially effective in the treatment of acute and chronic wounds.

Vacuum therapy improves the course of all stages of the wound process: reduces local swelling, increases local blood circulation, reduces the level of microbial contamination of the wound, causes a reduction in the wound cavity, leading to accelerated wound healing. VAC therapy also reduces the severity of wound exudation, helping to maintain a moist wound environment necessary for normal wound healing. All these effects help to increase the intensity of cell proliferation and enhance the synthesis of the main substance of connective tissue and proteins in the wound. Negative pressure from 50 to 200 mm is used. rt. Art. The optimal level of negative pressure in the wound is 125 mm. Hg

The vacuum system in general consists of a hydrophilic polyurethane sponge with a pore size of 400 to 2000 micrometers, a transparent adhesive coating, a drainage tube and a vacuum source with a container for collecting liquid (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a system for VAC wound therapy

Currently, the following pathogenetic mechanisms of the effect of prolonged negative pressure on a wound have received scientific substantiation:

1. Active wound drainage – constant removal of excess wound fluid;

2. Effectively maintaining a moist wound environment that stimulates healing;

3. Removing biofilm and preventing its formation on the wound surface;

4. Reducing the time required for bacterial decontamination of wound tissue;

5. Rapid relief of local interstitial tissue edema;

6. Significant increase in blood circulation in the area of ​​the wound bed;

7. Micro- and macrodeformation of wound bed tissues, stimulating tissue proliferation;

8. Reducing the area and/or volume of the wound;

9. Stimulation of the growth of complete granulation tissue through the mechanism of wound hypoxia;

10. Reducing treatment costs;

11. Reliable prevention of exogenous wound infection;

12. Strengthening the effect of systemic drug treatment.

Indications for the use of VAC therapy

  • Chronic and acute wounds
  • Bedsores
  • Diabetic and neuropathic ulcers
  • Venous and arterial ulcers
  • Open wounds of the abdomen and chest
  • Fixation of skin grafts
  • Burns

Contraindications to VAC therapy for wounds

  • High risk of postoperative bleeding
  • Necrotic or malignant wounds
  • Fistulas of unknown etiology
  • Unsanitised by foci of osteomyelitis

Our department uses original vacuum systems from Hartman “Vivanotec” (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Vacuum system "Vivanotec" Hartman

Vacuum systems of this type are portable, which allows the patient to be mobile.

Thus, vacuum therapy promotes rapid cleansing and reduction in the size of wounds, preparing the wound surface for skin grafting , reducing the overall treatment time for patients with infected wounds.

How to develop the ability to hypnotize and persuade anyone Smith Sven

Three keys that open the “door to the subconscious” for three types of people. VAK method

VAC is an acronym that stands for visual-auditory-kinesthetic. These three words represent three types of emotional memory. Visual learners have a visual emotional memory, that is, people perceive the world around them primarily with their eyes. Auditory learners perceive sounds better. Kinesthetic learners need to touch and touch everything.

A person himself will tell you about his type - you just need to listen to his speech.


Visual learners perceive information better if they see it. They think in pictures, images. Recognizing a visual is quite easy. Visual learners very often try to organize information by depicting it in the form of diagrams. They only need to go through the route once and they will remember it for the rest of their lives. Their motto is “it’s better to see a hundred times than to hear once.” When talking to a visual person, listen to what words they use most often. The visual person will say “this is how I see the problem”, “you see where this will lead”, “it’s clear to me”, “this is a brilliant idea”. His speech is full of colors and images. When explaining something, he first of all tries to draw a picture.


For auditory people, the main organ of perception is hearing. They not only receive the bulk of information from sounds, but also think in sounds - melodies, words, accents, intonations. It is not difficult to recognize an auditory speaker. They are excellent listeners, trying to hear not only what you say, but also how you pronounce the words. They care about intonation, pauses, volume, and rhythm. They perceive the world primarily through sound. In order for a thought to take shape in the auditory brain, he needs to express it in words. From the auditory you can hear such expressions: “I hear”, “sounds good”, “harmony”, “a lot of noise”, “just a song”, “listen to me”, “I don’t like your tone”.


This is a person who lives by sensations and perceives information through sensations. This is the same “Doubting Thomas” who needs to touch and experience everything - otherwise he simply will not believe in the existence of anything. Kinesthetic people gesticulate a lot - by this alone you can easily recognize them. They love to touch and stroke things, they need to hold everything in their hands. In the speech of a kinesthetic person you can often hear the words: “do you feel it?”, “pleasant feeling”, “there is a presentiment”, “you need to approach it carefully”.

When you recognize the type of interlocutor, all you need to do is adjust your speech to his type of emotional memory.

Give the visual one vivid images, use the verbs “imagine”, “imagine”, “see”, “draw”, etc. With the auditory one, talk about how “good his proposal sounds”, and you are “pleased to hear it”. Tell the kinesthetic learner that you want to “address the issue”, assure that you “get the ideas” and “feel sympathy”.

The VAC method is very easy to use; it only requires a little practice to learn to recognize the type of interlocutor and adapt to him. But VAK is also good because, unlike many other NLP methods, it is completely invisible. The interlocutor perceives your adjustment as natural speech, and therefore he does not suspect that you are trying to manipulate him.

Give the image to the visual

It is very easy to recognize a visual person. When he speaks, he seems to paint pictures. Each item has a shape and color for him. It’s just as easy to adapt to it. Just offer him introduce anything. The words “imagine”, “imagine”, “draw”, “see” are magical for a person with visual perception. By themselves they are capable of putting him into a trance. If you vividly describe the events, telling how the shape of this car is or what color the eyes of that blonde are, or what illustrations are in that book, the visual will not only listen to you, he will begin to complement your oral pictures with his own images.

Delight the auditory ear

People with auditory perception listen to the voice first and then to the words. With them you need to remember all your exercises for developing your voice and timbre. Try to make your voice sound as deep as possible so that the sound resonates both in your chest and in your head. With audio, make vocal adjustments with all your might - diversify intonations, change the volume of speech. Use the words “talk”, “conversation”, “convince”, “hear”, “sound” more often.

Make the kinesthetic feel

A kinesthetic learner should not just hear your speech. He must feel, feel, experience it. Communication for him is primarily sensations. Therefore, with a kinesthetic learner, don’t be afraid to be emotional and open. If your relationship allows, do not forget about handshakes, pats on the shoulder, and other socially accepted touches.

When telling a kinesthetic student something, present it in such a way that he feels your words. It is very easy to talk to a kinesthetic person, because there are a lot of words that describe sensations. Hard, rough, wet, sour, stabbing, pain, pleasure, calm - The more similar words you use in communication with a kinesthetic person, the higher your chances of putting him into a trance.

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Perm: PITC Geophysics LLC, 2010. - 54 p. In accordance with the Minutes of the meeting to review the results of production drilling for 2009 and schedules for drilling new wells at the fields of the LUKOIL-PERM Group in 2010-2013. dated 03/04/2010 (clause 8) carrying out an additional GIS complex in 30% of the stock of new wells, PITC Geophysics LLC in July - December 2010, along with the standard GIS complex, the following additional studies were carried out:
- wave acoustic dipole logging (VAK-D) using AVAC-11 equipment;
- borehole acoustic scanning (SAS) using SAS-90 equipment;
- side scanning logging (LSL) using BKS-73 equipment;
- spectral gamma ray logging (SGK) using SGK-73 equipment;
- induction formation-fracture tiltometry (IPTI) using NIPT-1 equipment.
An additional set of studies in the column, along with the standard INL method, included spectral methods of radioactive logging (C/O, SINGK-Cl). Each of the methods solved its own specific problem, complementing the standard GIS complex.
VAK-D. Using dipole wave acoustic logging, the physical and mechanical properties of rocks (Poisson's ratio Kr, Young's modulus E, compressibility coefficient BETA) were determined based on data from monopole probes and the anisotropy coefficient of rocks KAZ using dipole probes. An assessment of the presence of cavernous and fractured components in the formations made it possible to clarify the type of reservoir layers. In the future, when operating wells and carrying out various technological operations, such as hydraulic fracturing, the primary FMS data will make it possible to solve engineering problems already in a cased well.
BKS, IPTN, CAC. A set of electrical (BKS and IPTN) and acoustic formation inclination methods made it possible to estimate the azimuthal anisotropy of rocks and the dip angles of formations in sections. The BKS and IPTN methods, being multi-depth, make it possible to more accurately determine the structural dip of layers and distinguish more open and potentially productive fractures from technogenic ones. The BKS method makes it possible to identify the boundaries of layers in more detail and identify man-made cracks, and the IPTN method
distinguishes natural potentially productive fractures, including those not crossed by a well. The SAS method is the best of all methods in terms of vertical resolution (from 0.003m). Although in the studied wells, due to the well inclination angle of more than 18°, the SAS did not work correctly as a formation tiltmeter, but it was possible to evaluate the sections (cracks, layering, troughs) in more detail.
Note:“Man-made cracks formed after drilling are often grouped into systems and have the same direction. They can change direction when open faults or open natural fissures cross
wellbore. Natural fractures formed during various tectonic phases over long periods of geologic time tend to exhibit a more dispersed distribution in both dip and azimuth” (Schlumberger, Carbonate Fracture Analysis).
SGK. The spectral gamma ray logging method (K, U, Th data) made it possible to determine that in the Tournaisian and Bashkirian deposits of the Mokhovsky, Etyshsky and Moskudinskoye deposits there are limestones with a low clay content (Th 2ppm). Dolomitization (Th 2 ppm and U~2 ppm) is noted in the Bashkir deposits of the Moskudinskoe deposit. In the future, the primary data of this method will make it possible to solve geological and technical problems already in a cased well during operation.