Repair under comprehensive insurance at the dealer. Casco Referral to a car service center and its validity period

The owner of a damaged car who wants to restore it with the help of an insurance company under a CASCO policy has the opportunity to restore the car at the expense of the insurer, or receive money and carry out the restoration independently.

How to get money instead of repairs - instructions

To receive CASCO money instead of repairs, necessary O:

  1. Provide the damaged vehicle to insurers. But it is more convenient to immediately call an independent appraiser.
  2. Contact an independent expert to determine the cost of car restoration.
  3. Repair all damage.
  4. Contact an independent appraiser again to record the fact that the car was repaired.

With the assessment report and the conclusion after the car has been repaired, demand that the insurance company reimburse the funds spent. It is recommended that you keep receipts from the repair shop to confirm the costs incurred.

You can recover money from the insurer in two cases:

  1. If the CASCO agreement provides for;
  2. , if the insurance company repairs cars not at official dealers, but in regular workshops.

Repair from an authorized dealer

Even at the stage of concluding an agreement with the insurance company, the conditions for repairs and the place where they will be carried out are agreed upon. Third-party service stations restore cars cheaper, but with worse quality, compared to official dealer workshops.

Repair under CASCO from an official dealer has several advantages:

  1. During repairs, only original parts produced at official brand factories are used;
  2. Repair work is carried out with a quality guarantee;
  3. Qualified specialists work in the workshops of official dealers in accordance with the manufacturer’s technology;
  4. During the repair, the client is provided with other transport;
  5. All work on car restoration is carried out under reporting;
  6. Owners of cars from the manufacturer are offered discounts on repairs at dealer showrooms.

The disadvantages of repairing at a dealer include an increased price; for this reason, insurance companies prefer to carry out repair work at third-party service stations.

Repair terms under the CASCO agreement

The law does not regulate the time frame for repairs under CASCO insurance. The only possible limitation is the indication of the permissible term limit in the insurance contract.

The actual time frame for car repair under CASCO depends on several factors:

  • How damaged the car was;
  • Are the spare parts needed for repairs available in the workshop, or do they need to be ordered additionally?

If the duration of the repair increases due to the fault of the service station, the insurance company recovers from the culprit 50% of the cost of restoring the car, but for the owner this only results in a longer wait. The only option to receive compensation from the workshop is to recover moral damages in court.

  1. If the insurer delays sending the vehicle for repairs, the driver should appeal against the insurance rules and terms of the contract. To do this, you need to make sure that the maximum repair period was specified in the CASCO agreement at the conclusion stage.
  2. If the service station delays accepting the car for repairs, the driver should contact the insurance company with a request to replace the repair shop. The estimated waiting time in this case is 3 months or more.
  3. If the restoration of the car is delayed due to the fault of the insurance company, which did not draw up a work order, the driver will have to draw up a work order himself and submit a claim to the insurer.
  4. If the workshop does not begin repairs due to the fault of the insurance company, which has not made an advance payment, the driver should pay for the repairs himself, or pick up the car from the workshop and collect funds from the insurer in both cases.
  5. If the insurer has punctually fulfilled all the terms of the contract, but the service station refuses to begin repairs, the driver should: either set a new repair date, or replace the workshop and collect funds for the repair from this service station.

CASCO is a type of car insurance that allows you to avoid financial losses in various situations when a vehicle is damaged or lost.

The essence of insurance

The term CASCO for the Russian language is borrowed, translated from Italian the word means “board”, which reflects the essence of insurance, when protection extends only to the car, but not to people, unlike compulsory motor liability insurance.

The risks that CASCO is designed to compensate for are both man-made and natural, i.e. this could be: theft of a car, its damage in an accident, due to a natural disaster or for other reasons.

It is possible to receive compensation under auto insurance, even if the policyholder himself unintentionally caused damage to the vehicle.
The insurance contract may cover the car as a whole, but by agreement with the insurance company, it is possible to separately insure key parts or other components of the car under CASCO insurance.

The nature of CASCO, unlike OSAGO, is voluntary. This means that the vehicle owner is not required to take out insurance. However, there is a practice of financial institutions that offer a car loan service only on the condition that the purchase is insured under CASCO.

An important point in contractual obligations is attention to the terms used in the agreement and the described cases that will become insured. If the owner is attentive, he is guaranteed not to be left without payments.

But it is worth remembering that there are cases when the insurance company legally does not pay compensation if:

  • the car was outside the policy coverage area;
  • the control was carried out by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • the owner intentionally caused damage to the vehicle in order to receive payments.

CASCO price

Due to the fact that there are many risks against which a car is insured, the price of the policy is always high. But besides risks, many other factors influence the cost. For example:

  • the vehicle has an anti-theft system;
  • official statistics on thefts for the insured car brand;
  • insurance company tariffs and coefficients;
  • price, make, year of manufacture of the car;
  • driving experience and driver age.

You can find out the approximate cost of CASCO insurance by using a calculator.

Particular cases of insurance practice include insurers refusing to sign a contract if the car is old or does not have an insufficiently reliable security system.

How is compensation paid?

Compensation options are always specified in the insurance contract, so the damaged vehicle can be sent to a service station for repairs or money can be given to the vehicle owner.

The concept of a franchise in CASCO

Certain damage received by the car is not compensated, and this is stipulated in the motor insurance contract. The meaning of the franchise is to reduce the cost of the contract; the greater the amount that is agreed upon as non-payable, the less the policy will cost.

Articles on CASCO

Buying a vehicle on credit is a fairly profitable enterprise. After all, by paying the bank a “modest” interest, you get the opportunity to use the car even before the debt to the bank is fully repaid. But it's not that simple. The credit institution is obliged to insure its possible losses. On this basis, concluding a CASCO agreement for car loans is a prerequisite. But not all consumers know how to do

1. What is comprehensive insurance?

Casco is a type of additional car insurance that provides financial protection against damage or theft. If we outline the difference between compulsory motor liability insurance and comprehensive insurance in simple words, then compulsory motor liability insurance protects you from liability for damage caused to other people in the event of an accident due to your fault, but does not compensate for your own losses, while comprehensive insurance, on the contrary, protects you regardless of who was at fault in causing damage. This is precisely why OSAGO is a compulsory type of insurance, and comprehensive insurance is voluntary. By the way, the word casco is spelled exactly this way - many people mistakenly write it in capital letters, by analogy with OSAGO, believing that it is an abbreviation. In fact, the word casco is borrowed and is not an abbreviation.

2. Why is insurance under a comprehensive insurance policy so expensive?

There are objective reasons for this. First of all, comprehensive insurance does not have an upper limit on the sum insured - it directly depends on the value of the car, which is specified in the insurance contract. For compulsory motor liability insurance, as we remember, the maximum payment for damage caused is 400 thousand rubles, and in case of damage to health – 500 thousand. In the case of comprehensive insurance, you can insure a car of any value with the possibility of full compensation in case of damage or theft - that is, the insurance payment can easily amount to several million rubles. But the downside of such a potential payment is the high cost of insurance. In addition, it is worth remembering that comprehensive insurance is designed to cover all your mistakes (except for those expressly specified in the contract) and all possible risks, which means that the volume of these risks is greater than in the case, for example, with compulsory motor liability insurance.

3. What does the cost of comprehensive insurance depend on?

As mentioned above, the cost of comprehensive insurance largely depends on the sum insured - that is, the amount at which the car is valued under the contract. However, the final price tag also depends on several other factors: in this paragraph we will mention only those that cannot be influenced when applying for a comprehensive insurance policy. For starters, this is the driving experience of the people who will be driving the car: it is logical to assume that an inexperienced driver has a greater chance of damaging the car and applying for payment. Another factor is insurance history. If you already have several accidents due to your fault, the next policy will most likely cost you more. Well, another parameter that you cannot influence is the theftability of the car. Cars that are popular with car thieves are in a “high-risk group”, and the cost of comprehensive insurance for them, accordingly, may be higher.

4. How to save money when purchasing a comprehensive insurance policy?

So, you have chosen a car, and you can no longer influence it, as well as your experience and insurance history. But for the final cost of comprehensive insurance, you can very well, and significantly. To do this, you need to correctly determine the degree of protection you need for your car. Here are the factors that directly affect the cost of comprehensive insurance.

  • Level of protection against potential problems: complete protection against damage and theft, or partial protection against only one of these cases. For example, if at work your car is parked in a closed parking lot, and at home in your own garage, then you can neglect the risk of theft and insure only against possible damage in an accident. This will significantly reduce the cost of the policy.
  • Franchise. The deductible itself is a pre-agreed loss that is not compensated upon the occurrence of an insured event. Simply put, this is the amount that the insurer will not pay you if the damage is less than it. For example, if an agreement is drawn up with a deductible of 15,000 rubles, then all damage estimated to be less than this amount will be repaired at your own expense. This may seem inconvenient, but it allows, for example, experienced drivers to save a significant amount by “sharing responsibility.” However, if you are an inexperienced driver, but are calm about minor scratches, cracks in bumpers and mirrors and other minor defects, there is also nothing stopping you from “collecting” them over the course of a year, and then eliminating them “in one sitting,” exceeding the deductible amount.
  • The degree of protection of the car from theft. It is important for the insurer whether the car has an anti-theft system and where it is stored. So, if there are no alarms or anti-theft systems, and the car spends the night in the courtyard of a high-rise building, the cost of comprehensive insurance will be higher. Therefore, it can often be more profitable to equip your car with at least a simple anti-theft system and allocate a couple of thousand a month for a space in the nearest parking lot than to overpay a significant amount when concluding a comprehensive insurance agreement.
  • Type of damages. When an insured event occurs - for example, an accident - you can compensate for its consequences in different ways: the insurer can repair the car in a service convenient for him, pay for repairs in a service chosen by the buyer, or provide monetary compensation, which the car owner is free to spend on repairs himself. It is not difficult to guess that the first of these options is the most convenient for the insurer, and therefore the cost of comprehensive insurance in this case may be lower than in the other two. In addition, the option of repairs from an official dealer has a chance of being the most expensive, since the insurer can reasonably include a certain increasing coefficient in such a policy.
  • Additional terms and conditions. The final cost of a comprehensive insurance policy can be influenced by a considerable number of smaller factors. Thus, purchasing MTPL and comprehensive insurance policies from one insurer can have a positive effect on the price of the second. Your ability to pay your premium in cash immediately is another way to win over the insurer. Payments in the event of an accident can be made with or without wear and tear - this must also be stipulated in the insurance contract and affects its cost. In addition, the insured amount - that is, the total amount for which the car is insured - can be aggregate or non-aggregate. In the first case, each payment under the contract is deducted from this amount, and, for example, if a car is stolen after restoration in an accident, you will be paid only the balance of the insured amount not spent on repairs. In the second case, the amount is not reduced, and the insurer is responsible for the damage in full in each insured event. But it is easy to understand that the cost of a comprehensive insurance policy in the first case will be lower.
  • Installment plan. Yes, the installment plan itself does not reduce the cost of the policy, and sometimes even, on the contrary, slightly increases its cost. However, the ability to pay the cost of comprehensive insurance not at once, but in installments over several months very often makes life much easier - after all, the policy can cost several tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

5. Is it worth taking out a comprehensive insurance policy?

The answer to this question depends entirely on the car owner. It’s not for nothing that we say “owner”: if you buy a car on credit, then the bank will be its owner until the loan is fully repaid, and it will definitely make sure that you provide full car insurance at your own expense. In the vast majority of cases, comprehensive insurance is a prerequisite when purchasing a car on credit.

If you purchased a car without outside help, the choice is yours. Experienced drivers with extensive experience of accident-free driving can, for example, think about insuring their car against theft and accidents - that is, those situations that are beyond their control. Drivers with little experience will appreciate the opportunity to eliminate the possible consequences of “learning burdens”. In addition, insurance companies often offer quite interesting and convenient accompanying conditions: for example, in addition to installment payment, they can compensate for the cost of tow truck services in case of an accident, quickly send you for repairs to a service center specified in the contract, and also repair a slightly damaged car without a certificate Road accident certificate issued by traffic police officers. Therefore, if you decide to insure your car under a comprehensive insurance policy, the main thing is to choose a good insurer and the most convenient conditions for yourself.

Have you purchased a comprehensive insurance policy and think that now there is nothing to fear and it will cover everything? No! This is Ilya Kulik and now I will tell you how to receive a comprehensive insurance payment.

Warning. Voluntary comprehensive insurance and settlement of losses under it is carried out in accordance with the rules that are established by insurance companies (ICs) each for itself, independently of each other. In addition, the terms of various motor insurance contracts of one insurance company may differ significantly.

Therefore, always check your rights, necessary actions and other conditions and features of your insurance according to your contract and the rules of the insurance company with which this contract was concluded. Casco rules can always be found on the official website of the insurance company.

The exact conditions of compensation are always specified in the comprehensive insurance agreement. Of course, the contract must be valid.

The main condition is always to recognize the damage as an insured event. To do this, you need to send supporting documents to the insurer.

The second condition will be compliance with all insurance rules and clauses of the contract.

An application for compensation for damage can only be submitted by the policyholder or beneficiary (usually the owner of the vehicle [vehicle]). As well as a person who has a power of attorney certified by a notary or heirs.

When damage is not compensated

Cases that prevent compensation for losses are specified in the rules of insurance companies, as well as in the contract on voluntary property insurance. Typically this is:

  • failure to fulfill obligations under the contract, including failure to submit the necessary documents;
  • intentional damage;
  • gross traffic violation, including driving without a license, while drunk;
  • driving a car by a person not registered in the insurance comprehensive insurance (if there are restrictions);
  • nuclear explosion and radiation;
  • driving lessons and competitions;
  • war and popular unrest;
  • seizure or destruction of a vehicle by decision of government agencies;
  • deliberately false information specified during insurance.

Look for details in the contract and rules of your insurance.

If the damage is compensated by third parties, the part of the damage that was compensated by them is not paid by the insurance company. And if payment from third parties was received after insurance payments, the policyholder is obliged to return to the insurance company an amount equal to that received from others.

If after paying for the theft the car is found. There are two options:

  • refund of insurance payments received from her;
  • transfer of the found car to insurance, with the right to resell it.

How much will they reimburse?

The amount of insurance payment is approved according to the contract. In case of total loss, including theft of the vehicle, the payment will be maximum. In any case, it cannot exceed the maximum sum insured.

Maximum payout

The maximum amount of damage is limited to the insured amount, in accordance with the comprehensive insurance agreement. Please note that it is not always equal to the value of the car at the time of purchasing the comprehensive insurance policy, and cannot exceed this value.

How the insured amount is determined, whether it changes depending on the time or number of insured events, and if it changes, then how, is indicated in the insurance policy and rules.

Also, the payment may be limited by the reimbursement limit. That is, for example, the amount of payments for the entire period during which the contract is valid cannot exceed the established value - the insurer's liability limit. Its size and application are established by agreement.

If damage is caused as a result of an accident registered under the Europrotocol, the amount of payments is usually limited to the amounts established by the law on the Europrotocol.

Calculation of payments

If the vehicle is not completely lost, insurance compensation will depend on the damage received, the amount of which is confirmed:

  • insurer's calculations to inspect damage;
  • calculations of an authorized independent expert who conducted the examination;
  • payment documents from technical service, to which the car was sent by the insurer;
  • documents from “your” service, indicating the volume of work performed (work order) and the funds spent on them.

According to the insurance contract, damage can be compensated either fully or partially, for example, taking into account wear and tear.

And also, if the contract provides for a deductible, it is deducted from the repair amount (the conditional deductible is deducted only if the damage does not exceed its amount).

In case of theft or impossibility of recovery, compensation will be as follows:

  1. maximum sum insured at the time of the incident, limited by a limit;
  2. minus unconditional deductible(if provided);
  3. minus the price of usable leftovers, that is, whole parts that can theoretically be sold (if they exist);
  4. minus the unpaid portion of the insurance premium;
  5. minus other amounts provided for in the contract (for example, compensation already paid under this contract).

Terms of compensation

Refund periods are also set differently by each company. They must be written down in the comprehensive insurance rules or in the contract.

Typically the period ranges from ten days to a month. Of course, delays are also possible, not only due to the reluctance of the client to pay (usually found in small companies), but also for completely objective reasons, for example, a delay in the receipt of the necessary spare parts or a large queue of people wishing to receive a refund.

If the payment period is not specified anywhere, you will have to be guided by the Civil Code, which establishes the obligation of a reasonable payment period. If a month has passed and there are still no payments, the reasonable period has clearly expired, and you can demand from the insurance company not only compensation, but also a penalty for the delay in payment.

Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the period during which damage must be compensated begins to count from the day all required documents are provided.

How does the refund work?

Typically, the following types of compensation are distinguished:

  • referral for repairs;
  • cash payment;
  • h Replacement of lost property to similar.

The procedure for choosing the type of compensation is prescribed in the insurance rules and/or contract.

Referral for repairs

This is otherwise called compensation in kind. The insurance company sends it for repairs to one of its partner service stations and pays the bills provided by this service after the repair, and you receive a completely restored car. If you have an agreement with a franchise, you pay it before receiving a referral to the service station. This is the most common type of insurance claim settlement.

Cash payment

Cash payment is made based on:

  • calculations(calculation) based on the results of damage examination;
  • payment documents about the costs of repairs at a car service center third party to the insurer.

Funds can be received in cash or by transfer to a bank account. Typically, the method of receiving money is indicated when submitting an application for payment.

Replacement of property

Replacement of lost property with a similar one applies only if the insured item is completely destroyed, that is, stolen or it is impossible to restore it.

By the way. Often, under comprehensive insurance, additional equipment (E) is insured separately; therefore, losses arising from damage or loss of AE are also indemnified separately.

If the entire sum insured is not enough to cover the price of the new property (cars with a similar configuration have become more expensive), the remaining amount will need to be paid to the policyholder.

How to get paid: step by step guide

All insurance companies have their own rules for comprehensive insurance. I will give a general procedure, but some nuances, such as deadlines, lists of documents and others, vary depending on the insurer and the concluded contract. Therefore, check specific actions with your insurer.

Basic information is contained in the insurance company's comprehensive insurance rules. You can find them on the insurer's website. You can find out more information on the company’s official website, or by consulting by phone.

Step one - notify the insurance company

In some cases, a preliminary notification of an insured incident by telephone is required immediately after you become aware of it. Check with your insurance company for details.

You will definitely need to write a payment application and submit it along with the documents. The period is set by insurers, usually 5-7 days. Delay will result in denial of compensation for damages.

Step two - submit documents

When contacting the insurance company, fill out and submit an application for receipt of insurance payment. Attached to it are the documents established by the rules and the contract, including those according to which the incident is recognized as insured.

When stolen

In this case, the following documents will be required:

  • (policy). Its loss cannot be grounds for refusal;
  • original PTS;
  • original registration certificate TS;
  • documents confirming ownership by car;
  • complete sets of keys, including electronic (cards, chips) from the car and its anti-theft systems;
  • copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case;
  • other documents as required by the insurer relating to a criminal case.

If the documents and keys disappeared along with the car, there must be papers confirming this.

In some insurance policies, theft of keys and documents is included in the list of covered incidents.

In case of damage

In case of damage, the following documents are required:

  • original insurance contract;
  • copy of driver's license the person who was driving at the time of the accident;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • original documents from the traffic police(certificate of an accident, resolution of an administrative offense (AP), etc.) with as complete a description as possible of the circumstances of the incident (if there was an accident);
  • accident notification(if it was drawn up according to the Europrotocol)
  • documents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fire inspection, etc., confirming the insured event;
  • independent expert opinion if you ordered it
  • work order, invoices and receipts confirming repairs at “your” service station, if it was produced;
  • confirmation of evacuation costs and others;
  • certificate from a government agency monitoring the state of the environment and a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs if damage occurred as a result of natural disasters;
  • other documents submitted at the request of the insurer related to the criminal case, the results of the medical examination.

As I have said many times, the list of documents varies among different insurance companies.

In some cases, it is not necessary to provide confirmation of an insured event from the relevant authorities. For more details, see the subtitle “I damaged the car myself.”

What is stated in the documents

Documents confirming the fact of the incident must contain the following information:

  • About the person who controlled an insured vehicle (if the damage was caused while driving);
  • About the persons responsible for causing damage, including their passport details, addresses and telephone numbers;
  • About damage caused as a result of the incident.

Information about the culprits is especially important, since if the insurance company considers that due to the fact that you did not provide it, it has lost the opportunity to recover from the culprit by subrogation, payment will be refused. For the same reason, do not refuse demands on the culprit.

Therefore, try to find witnesses, video recordings and other evidence. If you did not influence the ability to determine the culprit, compensation cannot be denied.

When to submit documents

It is necessary to notify the insurance company within a limited period of time, but documents can be submitted later (a striking example is repairs at your car service center).

If you do not notify the insurance company within the prescribed period, payment will be denied, but the payment period will begin to count from the time all documents are submitted.

Step three - present the car

The insurance company will require the vehicle to be inspected. This is also an important step towards receiving payments. Ask for a copy of the inspection report.

If the vehicle cannot be restored, its inspection is also carried out to assess the so-called usable residues - undamaged parts that can be separated.

The amount of insurance payment is reduced by their price.

Step four – get an estimate for repairs or repair the car yourself

This and the sixth step are omitted if the vehicle is completely lost.

If you choose compensation in kind, you will receive a referral for repairs. Sometimes it is called an estimate. The deadline for issuing a referral is equal to the deadline for making a decision on payment of compensation. Sometimes you can select a car service from a list, sometimes the insurer selects the service.

The deadline for contacting the service station is discussed separately. Usually it is quite large.

If there is a deductible under the contract, then it is paid either before receiving an estimate for repairs to the insurer, or to the service station cash desk.

If you decide to restore a car without using the services of an insurance company, then simply give it to the service of your choice. It is imperative to save all estimates, work orders, receipts, etc. They will become the basis for determining the amount of payment.

Sometimes the comprehensive insurance rules state that if hidden damage is found, you must stop repairs for a while and report them to the insurer.

Step five – we receive a restored car or an insurance payment

The timing of repairs, as well as additional issues arising regarding repairs, as a rule, are resolved between the insured and the service station. The insurance company only pays the provided invoice to the technical station.

If the car was repaired by a third-party service center, we present to the insurance company all documents proving the repair and payment for it. The period within which payment will be made begins to count from the submission of the last document. The cash payment can be issued in person at the organization's cash desk, or transferred to the beneficiary's bank account.

In the event of a complete loss of the vehicle, it is possible to buy out the remains of the vehicle, with full transfer of ownership rights. The purchase amount will be used to offset the insurance compensation.

When choosing compensation in the form of receiving similar property, the insurance company transfers money to the account of the seller, who issues you the corresponding product. If the purchase price is greater than the insured amount, the policyholder pays extra.

Step six - show the repaired car to the insurer

If the contract continues to be in force after the insured event, it is necessary to provide the insurer with a re-inspection so that he can make sure that all the specified work has actually been done.

And also fraud prevention: so that the same damage is not reported twice.

How to get a cash payment in lieu of repairs

Typically, comprehensive insurance provides three types of compensation:

  1. money;
  2. compensation in kind(car repairs at a service center by agreement with the company);
  3. release of property, similar to the lost one.

Of course, a car is not sent for repair when there is no point in restoring it or it is completely lost.

And if you want to repair your car in “your” auto repair center, then we turn to the insurance contract. It may specify in which cases what type of payment is due. If it does not contain such information, look at the comprehensive insurance rules of your insurance company.

In some companies, the decision on the type of payment must be made at the stage of concluding the contract. Sometimes it is assigned to the insurer, in which case it is impossible to receive money instead of repairs at your own request.

Note. As follows from this point, you will have to take care of the possibility of receiving a payment in money even before signing an agreement to purchase a comprehensive insurance policy.

What should be done

As a rule, insurance companies provide the right to choose compensation. If your desire to receive payment in money does not contradict the contract and the rules of comprehensive insurance, you must declare your desire to receive compensation in money when writing an application for compensation.

This is done in the form established in a specific organization. This may be a clause in the application for payment or a separate document.

If you received money

If you received a cash payment and had your car repaired by a third-party service, you will need to show it to the insurer after the repair, otherwise there may be a partial or complete denial of compensation for subsequent insurance events.

If the car is under warranty

The main problem here is this: if the car is not repaired by an authorized dealer, the factory warranty may be lost. Therefore, at the stage of concluding a contract, consider this point.

If the car is damaged, you repair it as described in the subtitle “Step five - we receive a restored car or an insurance payment.” The official dealer will be a third-party service station for SK.

If the list of car services cooperating with the insurance includes an official dealer of your car brand, then a referral to such a technical center is possible. This will already be compensation in kind.

If you are at fault for the damage

The main thing is that property is insured under comprehensive insurance. Compensation for damages under comprehensive insurance in case of an accident, and in other cases, does not depend on whose fault the damage was caused.

The insured is the culprit of the accident

If the incident did not occur as a result of circumstances leading to a refusal to compensate for damage, then the insurance compensation will be paid regardless of who is at fault for the accident.

But it is necessary to provide all documents from the traffic police confirming the fact of the incident and its circumstances.

Damaged the car myself

If there are no participants in the accident except the insured, for example, he broke the bumper himself by crashing into a fence, then the repairs will be paid for. But you will need to provide documents from government agencies about the incident, otherwise payment will be denied.

If the damage is minor, for example, if the fender itself was scratched, or the antenna was broken while driving into the garage, then, as a rule, no documents are required confirming the causes of the damage. Typically such damage includes:

  • paint damage on one body part;
  • broken glass;
  • headlight damaged or other external lighting device;
  • side mirror damage;
  • damage to the standard antenna.

The exact list can be found in the CASCO rules. There may be restrictions on the number of damaged parts, or the number of similar cases.

If the insurance company cannot pay

The insurance company stops doing its job, that is, insuring, in two cases:

  • the insurance company no longer has a license;
  • the insurance company no longer exists as a company.

Depending on the specific situation, the likelihood of receiving payments varies greatly.

Advice. These circumstances can significantly complicate the receipt of payments under comprehensive insurance, or even make it impossible. Therefore, monitor information on the activities of your insurance company. If you found out about the insurer's demise before payment was required, you may be able to get some of your money back.

The insurance company's license was revoked

That is, the insurer no longer has the right to conclude insurance contracts, but the company itself continues to operate. It is possible to temporarily terminate a license for one or all types of insurance services, or to revoke it permanently.

Temporary suspension or restriction of a license does not change the insurer’s obligations to the client. But after the license is revoked, the insurance is valid only for 45 days in accordance with clause 4.1 of Art. 32.8 of Law No. 4015-1.

Note. During this time, you can terminate the contract and receive part of the premium paid.

That is, one and a half months after the license is revoked, it will no longer be possible to apply to the insurance company for payments, since the contract will cease to be valid.

We are trying to get it from the insurance company

Payments are made for another six months after the license is revoked. That is, if you submit an application for insurance payment on the 44th day after the termination of your license, you have another 4.5 months to receive payment.

To receive payment, contact your insurance company as usual. If the insurance company does not want to pay, it will be necessary to order an independent examination of the damage.

Then, attaching the expert opinion to the usual documents required for this insured event, you contact the insurance company again. Please ask for a copy of your insurance claim with an acceptance stamp.

Pre-trial claim

If a refusal is received or there is silence in response, we write a pre-trial claim to the Investigative Committee. It already indicates the requirement to pay with reference to the laws, and attaches all the documents submitted to receive compensation under comprehensive insurance.

You can submit your claim to the insurance company yourself and ask for confirmation that it was accepted. You can also send it by registered mail with notification. Be sure to keep your receipt.

Response time: 5 working days. If there is no response to the pre-trial claim or there is a repeated refusal, you will have to go to court.


The following documents are attached to the claim:

  • necessary to settle losses in the usual case;
  • conclusion of an independent technical examination;
  • documents confirming additional expenses, including payment for the work of an expert, lawyer, etc.;
  • copy of the application accepted by the insurer;
  • refusal to pay;
  • confirmation of filing a claim.

If the court satisfies your claim, the damage will be covered in full. If the claim is denied, do not despair, file an appeal to higher courts, taking into account the reasons why you were denied in the court of first instance.

The insurance company went bankrupt

Very often, the revocation of a license is followed by bankruptcy proceedings. If the insurance company goes bankrupt, it will be much more difficult to receive payment, and most likely impossible in full. But you can and should always try.

So, if a company is declared bankrupt, bankruptcy proceedings will be opened. Your claims, if the insured event occurred after liquidation, will definitely not be among the first to be satisfied, so you should not count on more than 15% of the compensation amount.

To do this, you need to be included in the register of creditors. To do this, you need to write an application and send it to the insolvency practitioner, the court and the insurer. Information on bankruptcy cases can be found on the following websites:

In the event of bankruptcy, everything must be done quickly. Every day the chance of receiving a refund decreases. After two months after the organization is declared bankrupt, there is no practical sense in filing an application.

  • you need to know the rules of comprehensive insurance and the terms of the contract; it is very useful to familiarize yourself with them before purchasing the policy;
  • notify the insurance company by phone immediately after an incident;
  • do not cheat, for example, by trying to include old damage in the insurance;
  • assert your legal rights to receive payments, if necessary, in court.


This concludes my story about receiving comprehensive insurance payments. Unfortunately, the possibilities of comprehensive insurance are not limitless. Carefully studying the comprehensive insurance rules of your insurance company and the provisions of the contract and strictly complying with them is a guarantee of trouble-free coverage of all damage received, even in the event of a complete loss of the car.

Have you already received a comprehensive insurance claim? If yes, then tell us in the comments what interesting features the refund included. Or did everything go smoothly? Any experience is interesting.

Video bonus: When he didn’t piss and stood up! This is what real men do!

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Most often, the settlement of insurance claims under CASCO is carried out by sending it for repairs. When concluding an insurance contract, this condition rarely raises questions among clients, since it presupposes the complete restoration of the car. Unlike payment based on wear and tear, here policyholders do not have to pay extra for new parts. However, the repair condition under the insurance contract may also contain various features. Certain nuances specified (or, conversely, not specified) in the insurer’s rules or in the policy can make significant adjustments to the loss settlement process. It's no secret that the quality of car service depends on the level of the repair shop.

Features of repair under comprehensive insurance

However, when calculating compensation, the cost of work is taken into account at a minimum value, so the amount will be lower than similar work carried out in a service station. It is recommended to choose a car service that cooperates with an insurance company in cases where it is not possible to carry out the work yourself.

In this case, you do not need to look for a service station yourself. Return to contents ○ Car repair time under CASCO. Repair periods are determined by the rules. They usually range from 15 to 45 days and depend on many factors.


From an official dealer. Warranty cars are sent to him. The work is completed quickly within the range from two weeks to one month, but the insurance contract may provide for other deadlines.

If they are not installed, the car owner is recommended to follow the rules of consumer protection legislation. Return to content ✔ From an unofficial dealer.

Car repair time under comprehensive insurance


Repair under CASCO for a car under warranty is carried out when it was damaged in a traffic accident, theft, accidents, natural disasters, etc. In such a situation, the insurance company is obliged to fulfill its contractual obligations.

Therefore, the restoration of the machine must be carried out within a specified period and of high quality. Insurance for a vehicle under warranty The main volume of cars insured voluntarily under CASCO are new cars, with a production period of up to 3 years, that are being serviced at a dealership. Compensation for damage is made in different ways. These include:
  1. Cash compensation calculated based on services performed;
  2. Restoration of the vehicle at a service station with which the insurance company has a contractual relationship.

Repair under comprehensive insurance of a car under warranty

The fact that the service station and the insurance company cannot agree is not the policyholder’s problem. When the insurance company issued a referral, the service center inspected the car and sent the driver to wait for the approval of financial issues, a month passed, but no decision was made on it, again we need to act. If the workshop bill is too high, you can write a letter to the insurer asking to change the dealer.
In other cases, take an invoice from the contractor and write a letter to the insurance company demanding payment. The invoice itself is also needed because it clearly states the time frame for car repairs under CASCO.
The main thing in such a matter is not to remain silent and not to test your patience by waiting. This significantly aggravates the problem as a whole in the domestic CASCO market. Although, as practice shows, there is almost no way to aggravate it further - precisely because many do not know how to act in such situations. It will be helpful for them to realize three things.

Deadlines for payments and repairs under comprehensive insurance in Russia in 2018

Send a complaint to the insurer if the car service center refused to complete the restoration of the car;

  • If you ignore the requirements in both organizations, you need to send an application to the court.
  • To resort to the help of a judicial authority, the shortcomings must be of a significant nature, for example:
  • Defective spare parts that prevent the vehicle from moving naturally, braking, or starting to move;
  • The surface of the car has visible scratches and dents;
  • The interior of the car has hardly been restored;
  • The parts or service have a warranty period, which serves as a one-time period for filing claims in court;
  • The period of use of parts or repairs without warranty is 10 years.

All claims must be made in writing in two copies, one of which must be returned to the client with a mark of receipt by the organization.

Car repair under comprehensive insurance at an official dealer

Communication with official dealers is quite expensive, so for cars whose warranty period has already expired, other service stations of unofficial dealers are provided. They do the job just as well, but their cost is lower. The exact terms are established by the contract or insurance rules. If they are absent, then the maximum period should not exceed 45 days. Return to content ✔ Maximum term. If the contract or rules do not establish repair periods, then you should be guided by the provisions of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” which determines the maximum allowable repair period of 45 days.

Repair under comprehensive insurance from an official dealer or not? advantages and disadvantages

  • The car must be under warranty.
  • The machine must not be used without risk of further damage or its operation may be harmful to the health of the owner.
  • Lengthy repairs, the timing of which goes beyond the limits established by law.
  • The purchase of a car and its repair must be carried out in one place.
  • Defending your interests, including complaints to regulatory authorities.

Return to content ✔ If the machine is issued with a warranty. The transfer of such a car is formalized by an agreement and a deed.

Separately, you need to pay attention to the conditions: rental cost, procedure and timing of car transfer, responsibility. It is recommended to carefully inspect the machine for damage. Return to content ○ Advice from a lawyer: ✔ What to do: The service station is delaying repairs under CASCO.

Where will I be sent for repairs under comprehensive insurance?

It is also unlikely to agree on the estimate of any individual entrepreneur who is “asking” several times more than the price of an official dealer for the same amount of work. It wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to questions such as:

  • What are the geographical restrictions when choosing a station?
  • Are there price limits for workshop services?
  • Are there requirements for the characteristics of the service (experience, status, etc.)?

There may be other nuances that may “pop up” during a more detailed analysis. Restrictions on the cost of services may be “tied” not to specific monetary values, but to the corresponding characteristics of, say, the official dealer service of a certain brand.

And if repairs are possible at a remote station, it would not hurt to also find out whether transportation of the machine to its location is paid for.

Referral for repairs under compulsory motor insurance for a new car

The period for eliminating defects in the product, determined in writing by agreement of the parties, cannot exceed forty-five days (Clause 1, Article 20 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).” Additional circumstances that affect the duration of work should be taken into account:

  • Complex or multiple injuries.
  • Exclusivity of parts, possibility of purchasing them.
  • Queue for repair work.
  • Interaction between the insurer and the service station.