Pisces man, Cancer woman: compatibility in love and marriage. Cancer man and Pisces woman compatibility Pisces girl Cancer guy

Compatibility between Cancer and Pisces is expected to be successful, because both were born under the element of Water. Of course, talking about eternal love and a strong union is too reckless, but everything is possible under the Moon. By the way, the mood and state of mind of these signs greatly depends on this night luminary.

Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

This is one of the most compatible couples in the Zodiac, there is harmony, mutual understanding, shared values ​​and respect. Among the advantages of the union is that they have a similar level of emotionality. The fact that both are endowed with strong intuition makes their connection special - the partners understand each other with one glance, one word. Sometimes they don't even need to talk. Both zodiac signs are secretive, but for Pisces, secrets are often some circumstances of life, while for Cancer, the secret is his own personality.

The Pisces woman is able to bring out the best in the Cancer man. It won't take her long to learn to determine the cause of his emotions, the cyclical nature of his moods. She will give her loved one exactly the support he needs. In turn, he will be ready to do anything for his beloved, to always be with her when she needs help.

Their love will be very romantic, and the marriage will become truly prosperous. Together they can create an almost ideal union, in which the spiritual and material are successfully combined. The Cancer man will lay a solid foundation for family happiness. He is quite practical and ready to take responsibility, including in the financial sphere, and the Pisces woman will support his desire to provide for his family.

The Cancer guy is attracted to girls who are sensitive and emotional and who can truly love. If a Pisces girl is in love, she can go headlong into the love pool and endow her chosen one with those qualities that are inherent only to a fairy-tale prince. The Cancer guy is an ordinary person, with his own advantages and disadvantages, so a romantic and gentle girl may be disappointed in him, but this will not happen right away. First, her cup of patience must overflow.

The Cancer guy himself is not ideal, but he is very picky about the character traits of other people. In his chosen one, he will be irritated by excessive sociability, daydreaming, and frivolity. The Pisces girl is quite self-critical, so she will take the guy’s dissatisfaction closer than it deserves. The young man will easily convince her of the need for self-improvement, and she, driven by guilt, will allow him to behave selfishly.

The result of a relationship is most often this: the guy will get carried away and begin to tyrannize his beloved, and her eyes will open to his negative traits. Nothing good will come from a love affair, and there are two people to blame for it. The Cancer guy did not appreciate sincere love, and the Pisces girl allowed herself to be treated with disrespect.

Both the Cancer man and the Pisces woman, as representatives of the element of Water, tend to “accumulate” past experiences, being strongly attached to them. This is especially true for Cancer - he likes to start new relationships according to the scenario of the previous ones. He can easily take his chosen one, Rybka, to the same restaurant where he vacationed with his previous passion, call her the same affectionate words, and not feel guilty at all. What's wrong with wanting to relive the happy moments of my life? - he thinks, forgetting that each woman is a separate Universe. Cancer is not a virtuoso in courtship, so Pisces should not expect dizzying bursts of romance from him. Most likely, their relationship will develop smoothly but steadily, following all the required stages. A woman born under the sign of Pisces is also attached to the past, but she understands that all men cannot be sized up with the same brush. She pays more attention to studying the nuances of him than he does of her.

Each representative of the Pisces sign is very romantic at heart, but she may consider this character trait to be her weakness, so she carefully hides it. A fish may be moved to tears by a teddy bear given to her by her lover, but she will try to be restrained so that her man does not consider her too soft. She will definitely thank him with a show of sincere tenderness - because, being a good girl, the Pisces woman knows that kindness must be answered in kind. She tends to have an exaggerated sense of caring for her beloved man; she often becomes so carried away that she takes on the role of a mother. The fish will be completely exhausted if it knows that its other half did not have time to have breakfast today, or left for work with an empty tank, and will make every effort to neutralize these inconveniences.

However, this is a double-edged sword - her Cancer lover loves to be tinkered with, and he may become dependent on female care. If he gets used to being pampered like a little child, he will not understand if Rybka one fine day is not able to give him the usual portion of his care. Cancer is characterized by traditionalism in its views on living together: the man earns money, the woman creates comfort. He may become worried if his significant other expresses a desire to build, or if she takes up a hobby that will distract her from maintaining comfort in the house. Therefore, if Pisces is not in the mood to play the role of an ideal housewife, doing only household chores, she should accustom her Cancer man to this from the very beginning, in doses. You should not be afraid that he will be categorically against it - people born under the tutelage of the Moon are quite compliant towards their loved ones. The Cancer man does not like emancipated women, however, he does not need a narrow-minded homebody.

In the relationship of this couple, heart-to-heart conversations occupy an important place. The Pisces woman has a natural talent as a psychologist, and combined with a developed sense of intuition, this makes her a kind of x-ray of the human soul. A Cancer man doesn’t have to pour out his soul to her for her to understand what’s bothering him - she’ll determine everything herself by analyzing his behavior. But she is also of the opinion that the problem will not disappear if you remain silent about it, so she will provoke her lover to a frank conversation. She will do this so delicately that even if the Cancer man has the feeling that they are prying into his soul, it will be fleeting, and he will understand that he can’t live without it.

In their intimate dialogues, he is most often the narrator, she is the listener, but it is the woman who regulates the direction and emotional style of the conversations. When she knows from which direction the wind is blowing that could threaten their feelings, she will immediately take measures to neutralize the danger, without leading to open conflict. It is thanks to this skill of Pisces that her union with the Cancer man will be long and stable.

Belonging to the water element gives both partners dreaminess, romance, and emotional perception of the world around them. Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man live in anticipation of love that would warm them throughout their lives. When they meet, they both feel as if they have known each other for a hundred years. He pictures his life together exclusively in rosy colors, but since both are inclined to idealize their partners, very soon both may experience disappointment.

In a pair of a Cancer man and a Pisces woman, there is no difficult period of adaptation to each other, or mutual adjustment. They immediately understand each other. A woman will become a faithful assistant, adviser, psychologist, and good friend for her Cancer lover, who does not spare warmth. Sentimental Cancer may turn out to be soft only in appearance, but in reality he is a person with a difficult character, whom no one has ever been able to re-educate.

For this reason, it is the Cancer man who will have to bring confusion and disharmony into this relationship, which has a good chance of becoming long and lasting. He will show himself as an authoritarian person, trying to stop or minimize his Pisces wife’s communication with the outside world. He is ready to issue ultimatums, be capricious, and create violent scenes of jealousy. Pisces have no desire to pay more attention to social life than to family life, but external contacts are for them a source of new impressions and emotions, an incentive for development, so it is very difficult for them to do without them. It is the spouse’s sociability that can become the main reason for quarrels and destroy their cozy world, built on common dreams and aspirations. The time comes for mutual accusations and grievances, and partners along this path risk getting so carried away that the original reason for their strife may be forgotten.

In order for this couple to have as few reasons as possible for dissatisfaction with each other, both need to have some hobbies outside the home. They should not concentrate on purely everyday problems, but also not soar their dreams upward, hovering in the clouds for a long time. Before you say or do something, the horoscope recommends that you definitely think about whether it will offend your vulnerable partner. In the person of Pisces, the Cancer man will receive an incentive for spiritual growth, a person who will gently but persistently push him forward. Pisces will also learn a lot from this dynamic, interesting union, becoming more sensible, natural and practical. Together they can do much more than alone if they find the strength to make mutual concessions.

Pisces Woman and Cancer Man Compatibility

A family union in compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Cancer man can rightfully be considered ideal. According to statistics from many countries around the world, divorces in this couple are extremely rare. These two are literally made for each other. They have similar temperaments and lifestyles. They are able to understand each other perfectly, together they create their own little cozy world in which they can live happily ever after. Real, sincere, deep love in this couple flares up at first sight.

Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man always have many plans and ideas, which they always consider and discuss together. True, the Cancer man prefers to live in the world of illusions, fantasies and imagination, while the Pisces woman prefers the real world with all its earthly joys and material benefits. But the fact that both periodically plunge into their inner world does not interfere with either of them.

They have such perfect mutual understanding and spiritual compatibility that help them everywhere, this is especially evident in those moments when one of the partners’ high flight suddenly turned into a hard fall. The main strength and guarantee of the strength of this family union is the ability to help each other and not skimp on support. They always find the strength to help each other, to console, and do not skimp on support - and this is the main strength and guarantee of the strength of their marriage.

Of course, even in an ideal couple there are difficulties and disagreements. A sensitive Cancer man and a dreamy Pisces woman feel good together; they are not bored of talking about anything and are also not bored of being silent together. But, as often happens, silence is not always a sign of consent. And if spouses are afraid of offending their partner with something, then over time they develop the habit of hushing up their dissatisfaction. And this is where the problem of the family union of Pisces and Cancer compatibility lies. Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man most often prefer to hush up their dissatisfaction and do not “let off steam.” As a result of this, one unresolved problem is layered on top of another, and the union loses its strength. Spouses need to learn to solve problems to the end, not to hush them up, but to talk heart to heart. It’s better to make some noise, maybe even break the dishes, than to reluctantly agree with your spouse, but in your heart remain to your own.

The Pisces woman and the Cancer man are very happy together, tenderness and love reign in their relationship. Both are romantic and sentimental. They rarely appear in companies, because they love their home, and if they go out somewhere to relax, they go to nature. When visiting, the Pisces and Cancer couple behave quietly and calmly, staying close to each other, but apart from the others. They are silent, do not get involved in conversations, and listen carefully to those around them.

Despite the fact that the Cancer man respects family values, he likes to go “left”. But, next to the Pisces woman, these thoughts do not arise in him. Typically, a Cancer man perceives home as a “female kingdom” in which he is the master, the master, the head of the family, and he realizes his masculine activity on the side. In alliance with a Pisces woman, he feels how much she needs his help and advice, even in household chores. And most importantly, she understands and feels him like no one else, so he does not need to seek consolation on the side. Next to Pisces, a Cancer man becomes an exemplary family man. The Cancer man has a complex but firm character, and it is he who takes the leadership in this pair; he is like the captain of a ship, guiding his family in the right direction. And the Pisces woman is flexible, plastic, but does not have an internal core. She relies in everything on her faithful, reliable and understanding man, who protects her feelings and family values.

The Pisces woman and the Cancer man are ideally compatible and problems in this couple are rare. But, nevertheless, they arise and interfere with family happiness. The most important problem of compatibility between the zodiac signs Pisces and Cancer is grievances. Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man are very sensitive natures. Usually they are intuitively attuned to each other, they know what can offend or hurt and do not allow it. But if a Cancer man suddenly has troubles at work, and a Pisces woman has a headache (or something else), that is, both are upset about something, then the likelihood of careless behavior by either spouse increases. If an offense is caused, then both remember it for a long time.

Another problem is the jealousy of the Cancer man. Yes, he is not jealous of the opposite sex or girlfriends. He is jealous of his wife for her creativity. The Pisces woman is romantic and imaginative. She often goes into her dreams, and the Cancer man wants the Pisces woman’s full attention to belong only to him. When a Cancer man is dissatisfied with something, he can use his favorite weapon - psychological pressure and manipulation. If you notice that your gentle and caring spouse has suddenly become withdrawn, internally distant, and it begins to seem to you that you are doing everything wrong and are constantly to blame for something, most likely he is using psychological pressure.

Another problem that this couple may encounter is alcohol. When everything goes well, life together is cheerful and harmonious, the spouses enjoy happiness and domestic peace. But, if suddenly there is a “dark streak” in life, both spouses can “drown their grief in a bottle.” If, by a lucky chance, the deteriorating social and financial situation suddenly and unexpectedly begins to normalize, then the married couple again moves towards another period of recovery and happiness.

According to the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Cancer, when a Pisces woman is offended, it is not so scary. Her boundless kindness and sacrifice help her not only forgive her beloved everything, but even take all the blame for the conflict upon herself. It is much more difficult if a Cancer man is offended. People born under the sign of Cancer are distinguished by their vindictiveness and inability to forgive. He can remember the insult once inflicted on him many years later. Therefore, in order for family life to be harmonious, the Pisces woman needs to try to make sure that the Cancer man does not hush up his grievance. Learn to discuss conflict. If a Pisces woman knows what the problem is, then she can easily dispel it with her kind words, attention, tenderness and care.

And so that the Cancer man does not become jealous of the Pisces woman for her fantasies and creativity, and does not take offense at the lack of interest in his affairs, then try to fantasize together. The Pisces woman and the Cancer man have many common interests and hobbies. For example, having enjoyed a walk through the autumn forest, in your moments of thoughtfulness, tell the Cancer man that you remembered that touching moment when you kissed while standing by a birch tree, or how he tenderly held your hand while you were watching a melodrama in the cinema. The Cancer man will immediately calm down, as he will know that you do not forget about him in your fantasies. Well, and of course, make sure that you don’t actually distance yourself from your spouse by immersing yourself in an imaginary world or in creative pursuits.

Astrologers are confident that when considering the compatibility of certain zodiac signs, one must take into account not only the two signs, but also the gender of each of them.

The character of representatives of different sexes of the same zodiac sign can be diametrically opposed. What will be the union between a Pisces woman and a Cancer man? Let's look at all aspects of their relationship.

Perfect couple

The compatibility of Cancer and Pisces allows them not only to be good friends or reliable associates, but also the happiest of lovers. Moreover, their feelings most often flare up at the very first sight.

Both are comfortable in such a union, because they suit each other perfectly. Similar character, pliability, and the ability to find a compromise make their connection strong and harmonious. In order to preserve their union for a long time, these zodiac signs only need to resolve all disagreements in a timely manner.

As a rule, a Pisces woman and a Cancer man live a long, cloudless life together. It’s as if these signs were made for each other. Often they do not need words to understand their partner.

Outwardly, both are silent and reserved, but in society they most often keep themselves apart. They listen intently, without getting involved in the conversation, only occasionally sending each other smiles.

However, most often they can be found alone with each other - the Pisces woman and the Cancer man are incorrigible romantics. They are sentimental, idolize their own home and quiet walks in the countryside.

This couple is ruled by passion and warmth. The connection with the Fish is too significant for Cancer. This man values ​​family above all else, although he doesn’t mind, sometimes, looking at another. Pisces is the only woman whom he will not cheat on.

With her, it is impossible to consider the home exclusively as “female territory”, where he returns as the owner of the house. Pisces need his recommendations and support in any household concerns like air. Moreover, no other woman can feel Cancer so subtly. Most likely, the man will not even notice how he becomes an exemplary head of the family.

And a woman in such an alliance will find a devoted, reliable and well-understanding husband. Cancer will be the leader in their love, because unlike the flexible and soft Pisces, he has a decisive disposition.

How to conquer a Cancer man?

The Pisces woman doesn’t even need to make any special efforts for this. These zodiac signs are born for each other. Cancer will be drawn to Pisces from the first second. A man intuitively feels that their compatibility is impeccable.

She will disarm him with her warmth, sensitivity and romance. Usually closed, Cancer will easily open up to Pisces, beginning to share all his thoughts and worries. Fish will be able to listen and console him.

Women born under the sign of Pisces are more often in their own world of dreams and daydreams, so it is much more difficult to offend them. Rudeness and irony addressed to them go unnoticed.

That is why the character of Pisces, clearer and airier, will give peace to Cancer. After communicating with a Pisces woman, he will have a simpler and much kinder attitude towards the world around him.

Difficulties in the union

The compatibility of these signs is so good that they practically never have difficulties in relationships.

1. The main enemy of a couple is mutual grievances. The increased sensitivity of both usually helps them tune in to their partner, recognizing all his weaknesses. But various troubles sometimes force them, forgetting about caution, to say too much. And both Pisces and Cancer remember grievances for a long time.

2. The jealousy of a Cancer man can also darken the life of the spouses. Moreover, he is jealous not of other males, but of the dreaminess of Pisces, immersed in which they can spend hours on end.

Cancer craves attention from his beloved and, with minimal suspicion that he does not completely control her thoughts, begins to put psychological pressure on his wife. Therefore, if your husband, born under the zodiac sign Cancer, suddenly withdraws and moves away from you, and at the same time you constantly feel like you are to blame for something, beware: Cancer uses psychological pressure.

How to save a relationship?

1. Rybka’s dedication will help overcome grievances. This woman will forgive all the insults to her beloved, placing all the blame for what happened on herself.

2. It is much worse if Cancer is offended. He is unable to forgive and is very vindictive. It won’t be difficult to improve his mood and cheer him up, but he can remember the insult he caused even several years later.

3. It is best if the couple learns to discuss the conflict that has occurred. They are more accustomed to feeling each other without words, but just sorting things out will help save their marriage.

Pisces needs to teach her husband to share her grievances so that she does not blame herself for all mortal sins. Knowing exactly the reasons for dissatisfaction, she, with her gentle character, will easily find the right kind words.

4. Cancer will be less offended by the lack of attention to his problems if the couple begins to fantasize together. They have common interests, so both will be happy with a walk in the park or a visit to the cinema.

This will become the starting point for the imagination of Pisces, and for the Cancer man a reliable fact that, while dreaming, his beloved remembers him.

5. Pisces also needs to be careful that, having plunged headlong into a fictional world, they do not actually move away from their husband.

Compatibility of a couple in love

Already the first meeting gives rise to a wave of sympathy between representatives of these zodiac signs. And after exchanging a few phrases, they realize that they cannot part.

This is how suddenly, like a force of nature, love arises between them. Their feelings are very deep and strong, it is easy and pleasant for them to be together, they understand each other at just one glance.

Although difficulties are inevitable. Especially if Pisces and Cancer give free rein to all the negative traits of their character.

The Pisces woman needs to curb her jealousy and sense of possessiveness. Her cancer is ready to always be with her, but sometimes he needs personal space. The most important thing is to ensure that the couple’s relationship does not reach a dead end where there is no longer room for love.

Compatibility in bed

Their closeness is like a relay race, when one gives off heat, and the other returns it back, and in multiple sizes. This phenomenon is quite rare among couples, but in their union everything is exactly like that.

They, like telepaths, feel what their partner needs right now and how much he needs their warmth and affection. Thanks to this, their closeness gives them not only delight, but also energy. Both zodiac signs love to fantasize, which makes their intimate relationships bright and varied.

The passion in their couple can last throughout their lives, which is quite rare among any other union. Even if it develops into a respectful attitude towards each other, love will still remain with them forever.

Friendly relations

It would seem that they have everything it takes to make them true friends. They have the same temperament, the same opinion on the vast majority of issues and have similar hobbies.

But the Cancer man, for reasons of principle, does not recognize friendship with a woman. A free lady is always a possible partner for him.

The Pisces woman is also romantic and easily succumbs to the charms of a representative of the Zodiac sign that perfectly suits her. Therefore, a strong friendship between them is only possible when they are related.

Business Compatibility

There is pretty good business compatibility between Cancer and Pisces. They may lack passion and the ability to take risks; they are equally incapable of treating things with detachment, without unnecessary emotions and experiences. However, both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man are intuitive and are afraid of offending each other with their optionality.

When both of these signs work in the same team, their management, first of all, must teach them how to work together.

Cancer is quite closed and tends to pull the blanket in his direction, avoiding partnership. If they can work together, they will achieve good results, but Cancer will have to take on the leadership function.

A rather difficult balance of power will arise in the case when a Pisces woman needs to give orders to a Cancer man. Pisces are insightful, but too naive. While Cancer is capable of plotting behind her back.

In the opposite situation, the success of the business depends on the relationship between Pisces and Cancer. Basically, it all depends on their personal compatibility than on the business merits of both signs.

This man seems like a mystery to her that she really wants to solve. His naive eyes are also something unusual for her. Despite her shyness, she is ready to be the first to meet someone and usually they take the first step together, since they have a fairly close connection, which will certainly result in a strong and long-term relationship. Many of their qualities repeat each other, and this is also an opportunity for better mutual understanding.

Compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in LOVE

Love is the meaning of life for both, so they look for it and find it in each other. Their compatibility in love is ideal, but each has their own ideals. She is looking for a real prince, and he is looking for a feminine and gentle woman like her. The relationship between them resembles a deep river or an ocean in which they feel comfortable and comfortable. Both are romantics, so their feelings will be colored with tenderness and understanding.

However, pitfalls may await them when he has moments of crisis in his mood. He may not understand her, but she will silently look for the reason for the cooling. At such moments, you should just step aside and wait until his dark period passes. She, in turn, is subject to melancholy, which, however, does not affect their relationship. She just becomes less talkative, but always open to him.

Compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in MARRIAGE

Marriage between them is not uncommon. Their romance will not unfold too quickly due to his shyness and her desire to be led. But they can still come to a serious end to the novel. And here their first difficulties begin. He is looking for comfort in the house, but she cannot tear herself away from the romance of feelings. A certain disharmony cools their feelings, but they can overcome it through long and confidential conversations.

After the stage of studying each other, they will be able to come to an understanding, and their marriage will become harmonious. But until this moment, they will need to go through a difficult path to mutual understanding. Having children and raising them imposes new responsibilities on them, which they perform with joy. He is a great father and she is an exemplary mother. And both are proud of their children and each other. Respect and deep friendship give way to ardent passion, making their marriage lasting for life.

Compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in BED

The intimate relationship between them is full of harmony. He understands all her gestures and glances, and she enjoys his tenderness and chivalrous behavior. It is this combination that captivates her most. That is why their relationship in this area can become the basis for more serious ones. It is important for him to lead, and it is with her that he can become the head, and she is quite happy with the role of a follower. Balance gives birth to harmony.

But again, his gloomy moods can spoil the relationship a little if she does not understand him and demand a different attitude. And he shouldn’t be afraid of her distant appearance. You just need to give her time to dream, to be in her personal space. She also recovers quite quickly, they just need to learn to recognize such moments and respect them. Then intimate relationships will be filled with understanding and tenderness.

Important for girls to know!

To reach such a relationship, they need to go a long way. She will play a special role in this. After all, he is so shy and is not always ready to make serious decisions in the field of relationships. She also does not need to take decisive steps, just push him to this and he will do everything himself. Such wise behavior will preserve harmony, allowing him to remain the main one in the relationship, and for her to be a real woman.