How they screw you up in “Szny”, “Evreset” and other communication shops. Money out of thin air, or how to deceive the state for tens of millions. Method of deception with payment systems

Hello, in this article I want to touch on the topic of deception on the Internet, how to avoid them and not become a victim of scammers. There are more and more users on the Internet every day, and along with them there are more scammers and ways to collect money from the population. Human greed has no boundaries, and this is exactly what scammers on the Internet exploit. What are the ways to cheat on the Internet to get your money:

1. Method of deception on the Internet SMS confirmation of registration

You found on the Internet a site that you liked, it could be a dating site, or a social network for adults, or just a site that contains some information that is interesting to you, in order to get to the information you need, you will be asked to register. At the end of registration, you will be asked to confirm your registration and send a message to a short number. If you fall for this, you are guaranteed to lose a tidy sum from your phone.

2. Method of deception on the Internet: A unique technique

buy for 500 rubles earnings from 1500 rubles per day. Who among us has not seen such a message, it probably came across to everyone, not with exactly the same content, but with similar content. It happens, pay 500 dollars and get 100,000 dollars, and this method will cost several times less than the final earnings. After you pay and receive this method, you will find out that what you just made can be sold to other people and on You can make money from this and the main thing is that you won’t undermine it, you bought it yourself.

3. A way to deceive you on the Internet if you are a rich heiress or heir

Such a letter may come to your email, of course, everything is official, you will be asked to respond to the letter if it is you. You will receive a new letter, you will start a correspondence, after a few letters you will be informed that the inheritance is very large and to quickly process it, you need to send a certain amount, then to issue an invitation, then to issue a visa, then for something else, if buy it, they will extract a tidy sum from you.

4. Cheating in online casinos

You will be given a presentation on how you can easily make money in a casino by playing roulette. Simple, uncomplicated bets on red and black. They will not ask you for money for this information, everything is on a voluntary basis, they will simply recommend you some casino, and it will be a legal casino, to which you will go through the affiliate link of the person who kindly shared this information with you. The fact is that it only takes 5 minutes for any casino to recognize that you are playing unfairly with them. The casino will take action. You will not be noticed, but they will transfer you to another table, where they will take out all the money that you have credited to the casino account, it seems fair to me, and the person through whose link you entered the casino will earn money from the fact that he brought you.

5. Scheme of deception on the Internet winning the lottery

When you navigate to sites, you see a message on the left or right side of the screen: You won the lottery, your IP address was selected by the computer and you became the owner of something, you will be asked to fill out a form, write a comment on the topic of how you feel, leave a phone number, to which you will receive a message with approximately the following content: To confirm your identity, reply to the SMS and if you respond and respond, then a whole correspondence will begin with you until you run out of money on your balance and if the mobile operator does not count the money from your balance on time, you will remain in debt to the mobile operator.

6. Deception in online stores

Moving through the Internet space, you go to a store with a good design, with cheap, and most importantly, high-quality goods. You see a really worthwhile item at a bargain price marked as a promotion, which is valid for just a few more hours, you rush to pay for it, everything works out successfully for you, you see a message that within 10-15 days your purchased item will be sent to you mail at the indicated place of residence. A week passes, two, three, but, alas, there is no product and there will not be any. You go to the address of an online store, either there is no trace of it, or the support service does not answer you. Therefore, be aware that every payment system on the Internet has email addresses of partner stores, use this database to avoid unpleasant life moments.

7. Method of deception on the Internet social networks

Many of you have probably seen a message on the status of some nice woman saying that money is urgently needed for the treatment of a small child who is terminally ill. You need money urgently, there’s no time to delay, the account number is attached, if you can’t help with money, give it a thumbs up or like, this is how scammers fish out money by playing on people’s pity. Therefore, if all this is true and you decide to help the poor child. Therefore, the message must include official addresses, telephone numbers of various guardianship and trusteeship authorities, public funds that can confirm this information; it was not yesterday that they found out that their child was sick, but requesting contact information from official bodies takes a few hours.

8. Method of deception with payment systems

You will receive a letter by email with the following content, that there has been a failure in the system and you will be asked to fill out a form where you need to indicate all your personal data and do not forget to indicate your card number with PIN code or ID address with password, indicated, sent, say goodbye with money. No bank, no similar payment system will send you a request, so contact your bank by phone or go to the official website to clarify the situation.

9. Method of cheating on the Internet during match fixing

I met someone like this in person, a person knocked on my friend’s door on a social network with something like the following sentence: Are you interested in match-fixing? I answered: “Yeah, look for fools!” He: - I'm serious, there is a result on the outcome of the football match. Me: - and how much are you asking? He: - 4000 rubles. Me: I pretend to laugh creepily with emoticons, let me test it out. He answered: he gives 2 teams of England 0:1 to win, that’s it. I go into the bookmaker's office, look, and in fact, in four hours the match is really going to take place. I believed him, but checked to my happiness. I couldn’t sleep half the night, imagining my brand new Porsche or Mercedes, if the information was correct, but I was lucky, the information turned out to be wrong. Why lucky? I immediately understood the scheme this swindler used: he knocked on people’s doors and offered to buy the result of a fixed match and told everyone a different result, and for some, this result worked. And he with full confidence paid the scammer 4,000 thousand for the next result. It’s so banal, this man made money from greed.

10. Method of deception on the Internet: phishing

Collecting data from English, on some Internet resource, you may be asked for your login and password from your social networks, which are necessary to activate registration, or enter your ID from an electronic wallet. But always remember that your payment system ID is the only way to get to your money. Never enter your data on dubious sites - this risks losing money or a page on a social network, etc.

11. Autosurfing is a way to cheat on the Internet.

This is a semblance of a box or a mailer, only on these projects, you will be asked to buy bots, which for a month will work for you on the site and earn many times more than their own value, for which you will pay with your own money and in the end you will not receive anything back. Another type of fraud on axleboxes, you will surf sites all month in pursuit of collecting the required amount for withdrawal and will not receive anything for the work done, so work on proven axleboxes, earn a pretty penny, but it’s stable.

12. A way to cheat on the Internet by blocking a virus

On some resource you click on a button with an interesting offer and catch a blocking virus, a window appears on your entire monitor screen, and you cannot do anything with it, it completely covers most of the screen. You will be asked to send an SMS to a number in exchange for a code to disable this window, for which money will be withheld from your phone number and you most likely will not receive the code. Therefore, you have no choice, you will have to reinstall windows, so use antivirus programs, they will warn you about an unreliable site.

13. Fraud at money exchangers

On the Internet you may need electronic money, those payment systems on which you do not have electronic money, this is due to the fact that payment systems usually do not cooperate with each other and in order to receive money you will have to use exchangers, and this carries certain risks . The fact is that you first transfer money to the payment system account specified to you in order to receive money from another system, so use trusted exchangers.

14. Method of cheating on the Internet on mobile devices

The number of mobile Internet users is growing every day. Therefore, while exploring the mobile Internet, you can go to an Internet resource where you like, some application that you want to download and, as usual, the application will request access to functions on the phone, almost all applications ask for such a request to work. Therefore, worry about this with your mobile operator in advance, disable the automatic SMS function, I lost, like, 1000 rubles due to this type of fraud.

15. Magic wallets

The essence of this scam comes down to the following. At one time, it was very common, you send some amount to the wallet number specified to you, and get back 2 times more. Perhaps you will be lucky once or twice, but you will be overwhelmed by greed, and you will send a good amount there, which is what the scammers are counting on and there will be silence in response, and perhaps you will not receive anything even with the first experimental payment. They don't joke with money.

16. Freelancers and web designers, working on the Internet without cheating

Deception of remote workers has a large number of options, advice for freelancers to act through specialized exchanges, although there are also competitions on them for higher-paying work, so don’t really buy into various competitions, perhaps this is a scam.

17. Transfer the insurance premium

You have found a job for yourself on the Internet, this work is well paid and not labor intensive, for example, collecting pens at home, we have a big competition for work, if you agree, transfer 10 rubles in the form of an insurance premium for your agreement to work, your 10 rubles will be returned to you as soon as the staff is approved, what I can say about this type of fraud is that it is as old as mammoth bones, the entire business has been automated for a long time and is tens of times cheaper than human hands.

18. You have become the thousandth visitor to our website

You can come across such an ad when you go to another web resource, you are asked to fill out a form, respond in order to receive your winnings, do not forget to indicate your cell phone number and confirm the copyright holder of the number, as soon as you do this, money will be debited from your number and you will find , this is immediately after sending the SMS.

19. Typing

You have found a job for yourself at home, you are asked to do typing, from scanned pages that will be sent to you by mail, after completing the work, employers may disappear, be careful not to become a slave to scammers.

20. SMS fraud

In general, it is very common on the Internet, so never send SMS to short numbers from your phone, everything is done the other way around, a code is sent to you, and you enter it on the site.

21. Deception on the Internet based on advertisements for lost documents

Not long ago I encountered this type of fraud: I lost my documents. And, as many of us do, I turned to local television, where I placed an advertisement that I was asking for the return of my documents for a fee. The response did not take long to arrive and I received a call from unknown people who told me that they had my documents and would return them for a fee. To do this, I need to send them the amount to their mobile bank or Webmoney and after that a girl will come up to me and solemnly hand me my documents. To which, of course, I told them that under no circumstances and that I would only give them the money during a personal meeting. The fact is that the ads in the ticker were duplicated on the local television website, which served as bait for scammers.

22.………………………………… this make money without cheating on the Internet maybe, 21 ways I don’t know or don’t remember, but maybe you know about it, write in the comments, new ways of cheating on the Internet and we will transfer it to our list. Like, leave comments, let this article spread and make life easier for naive people. But you and I can now begin.

Having once worked for a year in cellular retail and returned back to a similar company (albeit in a different position), I want to warn you, unsuspecting buyers, against the bullshit that can happen to you at retail outlets and sales offices; They fuck almost every client in such places and at the same time believe that they are not doing anything special.

Well, yes, the money that you deposit into your account ends up in your account, and not in the hands of a fraudster; no one sneaks a brick into your phone box and no one deceives you about tariff plans or phone characteristics.
That is why you are being fooled, because some of these things can hardly be called fucked up, and you definitely don’t pay attention to them.

Today's issue will be devoted to all sorts of scams with contracts of cellular operators - with SIM cards, that is.

The first trick is the simplest: "Your contract will cost 300 rubles"
Let’s take any of the simple tariffs of any operator; they are usually sold for this price. You pay 300 rubles, and all this money ends up in your account (unless, of course, you buy a SIM card from such Jews as the MTS company - they always keep 50 rubles; i.e., if you buy a SIM card for 300, then in your account you end up with 250).
Absolutely no bullshit, right?
However, if you look closely at the box of your contract, you will notice that it costs two hundred, not three hundred rubles. Also, in your check you will see that along with the contract for two hundred, a payment in the amount of one hundred rubles was punched. Why is this being done? Because in all cellular communication stores, be it the Euroset, or some kind of megaphone, contracts without a payment stamped in the check for an amount of at least one hundred rubles either do not go to plan, or go, but their ratio with “contract + payment” should be minimal, otherwise the plan will not be implemented. Why doesn’t the seller say honestly: “A SIM card costs so much, let’s top up the account with another hundred?” - because ninety percent of buyers will refuse such a replenishment.
What does this mean for you personally? Because if you come to the salon and say that you only have two hundred rubles in your pocket, then most likely they will not sell you a contract.

The second fuck, a little dangerous: "Now I will activate your SIM card"
How to activate a SIM card yourself? Just insert it into your phone and you can immediately make calls - this applies to Beeline or MTS SIM cards. In order to activate the Megafon SIM card, you need to enter a short set of numbers and symbols, which is written large on the box of your contract; I usually also circled this combination with a marker so that the guy wouldn’t forget.
Let's say the seller actually activated your Megafon SIM card. But what did he do at the moment when he “activated” the SIM cards of other operators if they did not need activation?
That’s right, he connected additional services to you using special combinations, because performing these actions is also part of his plan. If the guy is conscientious, then he only connected free services without a subscription fee. If not...

The third fucker, self-soothing: "Do you want to get a SIM card for free, already with money in your account?"
Of course, you want to - you can just say this money and then close the SIM card. Very often, cellular retailers make similar offers to their customers - you can receive a SIM card with money in your account as a gift for any product or for another SIM card; and you can really use this offer in such a profitable way, if, of course, you come across a bona fide seller.
If the seller strives to fulfill his plan using USSD commands, then he will definitely “activate” your SIM card and, most likely, this time the seller will, without a twinge of conscience, connect you not only free, but also paid services: dial tone, weather, roaming and other rubbish. Why is this motherfucker so complacent? Because you yourself did not pay for the money in your account, and the seller does not seem to be deceiving you. If you manage to call the operator on the same day and disable all paid services, you will lose only ten to fifty rubles from your account. If you forget about this SIM card, then the money will continue to be debited from it until you go into a penny minus, which is fraught with threats from the operator or blocking of the rest of your numbers while roaming.
Let's say you read this post of mine and refused a free SIM card - in this case, I advise you to carefully look at your receipt, if the gift SIM card was punched without your consent and not issued - they can do whatever they want with it , and then you will answer.

To be continued about the bullshit and secrets of cellular retail!

The Prosecutor's Office of the Industrial District transferred to the regional court a completely unusual criminal case, consisting of 116 volumes.

Five people are involved in the case. According to investigators, the main character of the multi-volume collection of criminal materials (7,500 sheets), Sergei Belyachenkov, organized a criminal group that included his friends and relatives. He is charged under six articles of the Criminal Code. Among them: tax evasion, fraud, false entrepreneurship, legalization (laundering) of funds acquired illegally.

The trace of this criminal case No. 20140 on the fact of tax evasion by the managers of ML Trade LLC stretches back to August 2005. And the reason for its initiation was an inspection of the legality of the activities of a number of companies involved in the collection of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap waste, organized by the regional prosecutor's office. Its implementation was entrusted to employees of the Tax Crimes Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

The Belyachenkov case turned out to be a “tough nut to crack.” The preliminary investigation was extended three times by the district prosecutor, four times by the regional prosecutor's office and the same number of times by the Prosecutor General's Office. During the investigative actions, it was possible to establish that Sergei Belyachenkov was the founder of ML Trade LLC, a shareholder and head of a number of other organizations, which, in fact, did not carry out financial and economic activities and did not report to the tax authorities. But throughout 2003-2004, they submitted fictitious accounting documents to the tax authorities. Instead, for transactions with timber, as well as scrap non-ferrous and ferrous metals, Belyachenkov organized systematic illegal VAT refunds from the budget. After that, I sent the materials to Finland or Belarus.

The materials accumulated by the investigation became the basis for initiating a criminal case in March 2006 against the Argus security company, which was already part of a criminal community and was operating under the guise of the Argus security company also created by Sergei Belyachenkov.

Prosecutors established that the amount of VAT not paid by ML Trade LLC on fictitious transactions for the sale of timber amounted to 714,034 rubles. But data amounting to over 7,000,000 rubles were illegally presented for VAT reimbursement on timber exports. Of these, more than 4,000,000 rubles managed to arrive at the companies’ bank accounts and were cashed out by members of the criminal group. For fictitious transactions for the sale of scrap ferrous metals, over 70,000,000 (!) rubles were claimed for tax deduction.

Serious difficulties in conducting the preliminary investigation in this criminal case arose due to the lack of investigative and judicial practice in the Russian Federation on crimes committed by organized communities of an economic nature, the senior justice adviser, head of the department for supervision of investigation, inquiry and operational -search work of the regional prosecutor's office Sergei Kulgavy. - In this regard, repeated practical assistance to the investigation was provided by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Directorate for Supervision of Operational Investigative and Procedural Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

During the investigation, 19 forensic, economic and tax examinations were carried out. More than 10 volumes of materials on illegal actions at JSC Belvtortekhmet (Belarus), which was also headed by Sergei Belyachenkov, were collected and separated into separate proceedings. Based on the selected materials, already in July 2007, the regional prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, (fraud), about illegal reimbursement of VAT from the budget in the amount of more than 38,000,000 rubles. So there is still enough work on the case of Belyachenkov and the company for both the court and the investigation.

Almost all famous people owe their success precisely to the ability to cunning and deceiving. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers and swindlers. Deceive correctly and efficiently!

As the saying goes, “life experience is a matter of education, and common sense in dealing with people is based on manipulation.” Our time proclaims itself to be civilized. But the more civilized a society is, the more place lies and deceit occupy in it. Harro von Senger

There is also deception in the animal world. Animals disguise themselves, take on other guises and are cunning. They do this for the purpose of survival and it is genetically embedded in them. Modern man also wants to live. To live well and happily, and for this sometimes you need to lie.

People have been lying since ancient times. “The Tale of Truth and Falsehood” was found on an old, torn scroll. The tale was written more than 3 thousand years ago during the era of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. On a papyrus scroll we can read about the treachery, revenge and confrontation between the two brothers Pravda and Krivda. Thus, the history of deception, beginning in time immemorial, has passed through all of history.

Do only bad and worthless people lie? Come on! Even in literature, the most positive characters deceived and fooled around. Shakespeare's Hamlet deceives his relatives with madness that he does not have. Juliet - imaginary death.

But the most clever schemers and masters of flattery were the adventurers. Take, for example, the legendary Count Alessandro Cagliostro. He owed his success precisely to the skill of the great deceiver.

Almost all famous people owe their success to their ability to be cunning and deceive. It's time for you to learn a thing or two from the great deceivers. The principles that great adventurers use can be useful to you in everyday life. Most likely you will not pull off scams like Count Cagliostro. But with their help you will learn to deceive. This is necessary for a successful life! This is the art of great deceivers!

Two little mice fell into a bucket of milk. The first mouse raised its paws and drowned. The second mouse did not think about accepting it. She was fighting for her life. She whipped butter out of the milk and finally got out. Gentlemen, I am the second mouse! Film "Catch Me If You Can"

Deceive correctly and efficiently!! Almost all famous people owe their success to their ability to be cunning and deceive. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers, crooks and swindlers.

1. The simpleton principle

The cunning is not the one who is considered cunning, but the one who is taken for a simpleton. P. S. Taranov

Create a reputation as a simpleton. Be simpler, clearer, seem a little stupid and naive.
Develop an image of a truthful, honest, but down-to-earth person. A charming smile, positive behavior, kindness and a confidential tone of conversation are your weapons. Create an intellectual superiority over you. As long as people think they are smarter than you, they will be easy to deceive.

This method is often used by pretty girls. They are ready to appear like a “silly blonde” in order to live a quiet life and bring their plans to life.

2. Information flow principle

Our mind contains both those truths that should be spoken about and those that should be kept silent. A. Rivarol

It is not necessary to lie, but you can change the information flow in conditions favorable to you. You can hide information, distort it, use your chosen method, distort it, and focus on advantageous facts. Such deception is more believable and easier to control. If your deception is discovered, you will not suffer as much as if you were directly deceived.

3. The principle of parallel reality

Create the necessary “smoke screen”. Distract the victim from the most important thing and create the background you need. Against the background of parallel reality, deception looks more natural. Use more color in your lies. Create a situation, circumstances that confirm your words and honesty.

This method, for example, is used by broke people. They waste money and lead a luxurious lifestyle, misleading others.

4. Principle of manipulation

Create conditions where the enemy acts according to your plan. Push him to form certain conclusions that are beneficial to you. You are not deceiving, the person himself came to this conclusion.

Tell the truth under the guise of deception. As Otto von Bismarck said: “If you want to fool the world, tell it the truth.” This technique works well in personal relationships.

5. The principle of open lies and treachery

It is not necessary to cover up lies or falsehoods with facts. You can lie openly. You can be treacherous by saying one thing and doing something completely different. This type of deception requires good memory and caution.

6. The principle of red herring

Hiding a lie or deception, distract with another bright fact. Let your interlocutor take the bait, distract attention. Do it as magicians and cheaters do. They perform tricks, distracting with conversations and manipulations with their hands. So you throw in distracting facts that disguise deception.

7. The principle of masking deception

Hide the deception under the guise of care and kindness. Even great deception can be hidden under noble intentions.

8. The principle of tossing thoughts

A person believes more in those thoughts that arose in his own head. Do not speak directly, but act with hints, indirectly influencing the person. People will believe what they themselves have come up with. The sprout you planted will give you the desired thought. The fact that you planted an idea, no one will remember.

9. The principle of using human desires

Give the man what he wants. Promise to help him with his problems or hint at a successful outcome. When desires become more real, a person forgets about everything. A person who helps cannot lie. Later you can stab him in the back and easily deceive him.

10. The principle of weak points

“Pick up a master key for everyone. This is the art of managing people. It requires not courage, but dexterity, the ability to find an approach to a person.” Baltasar Gracian

Every person has a key. This will most likely be not the noble, but the base side of a person. Play on self-interest, envy, jealousy, ambition, pleasure, greed, stupidity or lust. Use the basest and darkest instincts of man. You can easily deceive him or be able to manipulate him.

11. The principle of using lies and deception

If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

The French philosopher and writer Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues said: “The limit of cunning is the ability to control without using force.” Use the art of the great deceivers only in extreme cases. Don't waste it on small things. If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

Ottyag- 10 ways to screw a conductor for money (or at least for part of the money).

(C) Fedorov "Chasm" Vladimir.Fuskin cool cool!!!Hi all!!! Virtual CJ Vovan starts another OTTYAG !!! Today you will expand your vocabulary of Russian obscenities, find out who was the first cyberpunk and, of course, be tested for your involvement in cyberpunks!!! Vovan Stay with me (to stay with me, it is recommended to stock up on three liters of beer and methodically absorb it)! After a long break again with you and, of course, I’m glad to present several kilos of cool fumes (if only Spece it was possible to make a soundtrack for the magazine as onAmiga, then in theory it should sound in the speakers"Vovka... Vovka... Vovka..." - type of shouts in tracks Scooters ... I drove - the beer probably fell smoothly on Sam. I just came from my wife's friend's birthday party. He left his wife with a girlfriend - let them dance to pop music, but he bought beer and turned it on Rexanthony and now I’m writing a text for fun to you and myself.Lately, conductors have become rampant in our city. For example, today I pay 2 rubles for one stop. they took it off - it was a bummer to walk home, so I present a few tips on how to save money:1. Seek into the far corner of the vehicle, make a face like a brick and pretend that you were coming from the very beginning, that you already paid the money and don’t bother asking you stupid questions (freebies often roll in). 2. Try to show the ticket that you bought in another vehicle (freebies work, but very rarely). 3. Ask for a ticket from the disembarking passenger (if the passenger is not miserly, then it’s a 100% freebie).4. If you are a former student, then after graduating from an educational institution, you can “lose” your student/student card and successfully pretend to be a student (a discounted ticket is cheaper than a regular one).Personally, for a couple of years after graduating from the academy, I pretended to be a student, until one day my student card was taken away from me, because I was driving with a hangover and with an unshaven face, and according to the conductor, I didn’t look like a student, so she looked inside the crusts.5. If you served in the army, then you can pretend to be a soldier for a while, showing your military ID - like you came on leave (also sometimes works). 6. Pretend to be disabled. For example, you can portray cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), if, of course, you have enough acting skills - once I watched such a joke, the conductor did not even ask the guy to show his pension certificate. . However, about two months ago, one of my acquaintances brought me a printout of this test (moreover, my acquaintance is a notorious piss-cleaner and Specka I didn’t see it in my eyes), and I was confused: either Han takes texts from the Internet (or "Krasnaya Burda" ), or texts from our magazine began to be distributed very widely. Of course, I am inclined to believe in the best, which is why I am publishing the following text.

Other articles in the issue:

Authors- authors of the magazine.

Authors- from the authors: contents of the issue.

Authors- help: description of the shell.

Presentation- KooLeGGz: conversion of the electronic toy “Well, Wait a minute!”

Presentation- Brujeria v1.0: program for viewing and converting PCX graphic files.

Presentation- FLN package v1.0: utility for working with PC graphics.

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