What is the name of an electric board on two wheels? What is the name of a two-wheeled electric scooter without a steering wheel? Getting around the city 80 title

Officially, a Segway is a “highly maneuverable, two-wheeled, electrically powered personal mobility device.” However, if we discard the marketing heaps, then the simplest and most understandable way to describe it is as a scooter with an electric motor, although this is not entirely true. The company itself disowns various labels, claiming that their product is unique and unsurpassed in maneuverability and convenience.

This wonderful transport is based on LeanSteer technology. A person is kept in balance by standing on a platform between two parallel wheels with a vertical steering rack between them. Control is carried out by tilting the rack in the direction you want to move.

The Segway is driven by two electric motors (one per wheel) with a power of 2 hp. every. It seems like a little, but in practice it turned out that this is more than enough.

It was introduced in 2001 by inventor Dean Kamen, who spent 10 years working on it. In 2006, the scooter underwent a second (and so far last) modernization, essentially a generational change, and became 70% new. The fundamental difference between generations is in the steering wheel bushing. If on the first Segways it was fixedly fixed to the platform, and turns were carried out by pressing keys, then on the new ones the bushing is movable, and control is carried out by tilting it.

Each Segway has its own electronic key - Infokey, which displays basic information about the car: battery level, speed and system status. Each key is unique to each Segway. By the way, when purchasing, you must register your scooter, which provides it with additional security.

How does he keep his balance?

Perhaps the most surprising thing about the Segway is its ability to stand on two wheels and still hold a person. This is thanks to the stabilization system, the microprocessor of which receives signals from gyroscopic and liquid sensors, processes them 100 times per second and keeps the scooter turned on motionless in an upright position.

By the way, the control systems in Segways are as reliable as in airplanes, that is, they are duplicated. For complete failure it is necessary that both fail at once, which is practically impossible.

What if they steal it?

To prevent this from happening, every Segway electric scooter is equipped with an anti-theft system as standard. If an attempt is made to steal, an audible siren will sound, the platform will begin to vibrate violently, and the wheels will lock. Even if you are too far away to hear the siren, your Infokey will instantly receive alarm information.

Thus, an attacker will not be able to either ride away on an electric scooter or remove it manually. His last chance is to be kidnapped by car, but he still won’t be able to do anything with it, since each Segway is personalized and is turned on with a specific key. This means that it will not be possible to disassemble or sell the scooter, since both at the service and during the sale, documents will be required for the right to own it, which are passed from owner to owner.

Where can I ride a Segway?

Segway in Russia can only be driven on sidewalks and is an “individual means of transportation for pedestrians.” The basis for this is a letter from the traffic police, which was sent to the Segway SPB company, officially obliging Segways to move along with other pedestrians.

However, there is still no consensus around the world regarding Segways. For example, in Germany and Sweden they are equated to bicycles, in the Netherlands and Switzerland - to motorized strollers, and in Denmark and Japan - to mopeds and must be equipped with numbers and a full set of external lighting devices.

How long will its battery last?

The battery charge lasts for 40 kilometers or 5-6 hours of driving. For commuting to work or walking around the city, it’s more than enough, especially when you consider that you need to recharge the Segway like a laptop - with a regular wire without any tricky connectors or charging stations, as, for example, is the case with. A full charge takes 7-8 hours, but there is also the possibility of recharging. And the batteries are automatically recharged when you go down the hill.

Lithium-ion batteries are rated for 1000 full charge cycles. The Segway SPB representative office assures that the batteries will last for at least three years, even with harsh daily use of the vehicle.

It's time to drive!

Perching on a Segway for the first time is like standing on a piece of plywood floating on water. The brain refuses to believe that this thing will hold you. But when, strangely enough, you realize that you are still standing, the muscles that were contracted in anticipation of falling begin to relax.

The most important thing, and the instructor immediately warns about this, is not to try to maintain balance - the Segway will do it itself. Standing still, you can feel how the device adjusts its position with subtle pushes, always keeping it vertical. This is thanks to sensors that continuously analyze the position of the machine. Relatively speaking, you need to trust the technology, “turn off” your natural balance sensor. The remainder will result in the effect of a continuous fall - where you fall, there you go.

The sensations are amazing, perhaps because they are unlike anything else. The Segway literally becomes an extension of you, and controlling it is strikingly different from driving a bicycle or motorcycle - the movement occurs so naturally that it’s even surprising that they didn’t think of this before.

After five minutes of controlling the Segway, you feel, if not like a fish in water, then very similar. As the speed increases, the driver’s body will begin to “lean” more and more forward: from the outside it resembles the flight of a skier from a springboard - the angle of inclination of the driver is approximately the same. Don’t get carried away with speed: when the set speed limit is reached, the Segway will begin to quite persistently limit acceleration by a kind of “pulling” back. Even if you want to bend over more and accelerate faster, you won’t be able to. It is reminiscent of how the ABS system works in cars, only there it does not allow you to press the brake properly, and in a segway it does not allow you to press the gas.

Acceleration occurs as in a trolleybus - powerfully and smoothly. As for convenience, you should immediately remember that a Segway does not occupy an area much larger than a person, unlike the same bicycle, which is elongated in length, which creates certain difficulties. And if you consider that you seem to be standing, but can accelerate very quickly and move five times faster than others, then you feel more than confident in the flow of people.

And how does Segway feel on our roads?

Certain difficulties are caused, as one would expect, by the terrain of the road. Only when moving on a Segway do you begin to understand how unsuitable the pedestrian sidewalks of St. Petersburg are for disabled people and parents with strollers. Various ramps and road junctions that are supposed to be flush often have very different approach and departure angles.

Although in the center of St. Petersburg, where the main Segway SPB route runs, everything is not so bad. You will have to get off the Segway at pedestrian crossings, where the curbs are too high to prevent you from climbing on or jumping off them. The Segway handles smaller curbs effortlessly, but first you need to get used to it.

It seemed to me that jumping off was easier than jumping on. Maybe it's because I almost fell when I climbed onto the curb. Having almost found myself on the ground, I understood what General Director of Segway SPB Tengiz Repryntsev meant when he said that you can fall, but not the Segway. Its stability is amazing (even if it's not obvious when you look at it), and falls are most often due to drivers reaching too high speeds (or turning quickly) and simply not being able to maintain angular speeds or being "yanked" to the ground by inertia.

Without a doubt, the greatest thrill is experienced in large open spaces without a difference in altitude. There you can drive at maximum speed and regret that on “civilian” Segways they are throttled at 20 km/h.

But even in megacities crowded with people and tourists, Segway electric scooters are extremely convenient. It does not cause fatigue at all, except that on the first trip your legs begin to ache, because the body instinctively still tries to help maintain balance. You completely relax after about half an hour of driving and then you completely forget about fatigue.

Segway price and modifications

A modern Segway has two main modifications: the urban i2 and the off-road x2.

The urban model has a light weight (from 47.7 kg), smaller dimensions for greater convenience in the city and a larger power reserve. The model has three main modifications:

Version i2 - 378,159 rubles;

The I2 Commuter already comes with a reflective Segway decal, LED tail light, comfort floor mats, handlebar bag and cable lock. Modification price - 408,972 rubles;

I2 Cargo already has two Givi hard-wall luggage cases, which are larger than motorcycle luggage. This modification already costs 417,376 rubles;

Off-road x2 (from 54.4 kg) is presented in four main versions:

Regular x2 with large wheels and tire tread that allows you to overcome rough terrain - 397,768 rubles;

X2 Adventure with a bag on the steering wheel costs 443,707 rubles;

X2 Turf with low-pressure tires so as not to destroy the landscape (for example, not to crush the lawn) - 443,707 rubles;

The X2 Golf is specially designed for golf and has a luggage frame to hold a golf bag, low-pressure tires and a tablet for recording your golf scores. The competitor golf car costs 459,394 rubles.

The i2 and x2 are also available in Patroller versions, specially equipped for police or security purposes. In addition, you can stuff your Segway with options, like a car. The list of additional equipment includes panniers, parking steps, loading ramps, floor mats and much more.

What about service and warranty?

There is no traditional service for Segways in the understanding of motorists. There is a one-year warranty, after which each breakdown will be calculated individually. Although there are approximate prices: a new battery (service life - three years) - about 50,000 rubles. An assembled wheel that may break due to a sudden drive over an obstacle - 5,000 rubles. A transmission that lasts 3-4 years costs about 30,000 rubles.

The future of Segway

The Segway creator's predictions have not yet come true, but this is solely the result of the company's policy. The fact is that back in the 90s Kamen predicted that his brainchild would create a revolution and completely replace cars. However, more than 10 years have passed since the debut of the model, and Segway still remains a toy for wealthy people (in Russia) or corporate transport for large enterprises (abroad).

The thing is that initially more than one hundred million dollars were invested in the invention of the electric scooter and it was necessary to recapture it. Therefore, having no competitors, the sole parent company of Segway produced a limited batch of 100 pieces monthly, positioning its product as “elite.” Now, having covered the costs of the invention, the manufacturer is preparing to launch a second plant (to be completed in the coming year) and is transferring Segway onto the rails of a mass product.

According to official data, the price will be halved immediately and no later than by 2013. Tengiz Repryntsev assures that “in two years the basic cost of Segway in Russia will be at the level of 200,000 rubles.” In this regard, sales prospects are optimistic, because even at the current, to put it mildly, rather high price, 3-4 scooters are sold monthly in St. Petersburg, and 5-6 in Moscow, which, coupled with money from rentals, allows you to conduct a small business with great prospects. There are also official dealers in Kazan and Voronezh.

Meanwhile, based on the Segway, a two-seater vehicle is being prepared for release under the working title PUMA (Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility), which should combine the existing advantages of the Segway with the conveniences and advantages of a car.

Segway competitors

The invention, called Solowheel, is radically different from the Segway: one wheel with pedals on the sides and without any handles. It weighs only nine kilograms, but rides and stands almost like a Segway.

You can also buy a more familiar personal vehicle. And for the kind of money that an electric scooter costs, you can take a swing at Vespa scooters, which cost from 3,000 to 7,000 euros. Simpler options can be found and much cheaper, for example, Chinese models cost from several tens of thousands of rubles.

But for the price of a Segway you can buy... a car. For example, Renault Logan in the Expression configuration with a 1.6-liter 102-horsepower engine (for 401,000 rubles). Or, say, the Kia Picanto version with a 1.0-liter engine and not the simplest Classic package (369,000 rubles).

Let's sum it up

In my opinion, Segway is close to creating a revolution. It is not a development of any already existing ideas (although, of course, it combines some), but is a completely new type of transport. At the same time, its disadvantages (sensitivity to terrain and high price) cover the existing advantages: it takes up space like an ordinary person, has a powerful motor that allows you to start and move very quickly and consumes very little “fuel” in monetary terms (the company claims , that energy costs are approximately equal to buying a daily newspaper).

Motorcycles, bicycles and scooters, after all, are quite long, which limits their maneuverability. Moreover, they must travel on roads, which is much less comfortable than driving with pedestrians. If they have to drive onto the sidewalk, they end up in a traffic jam. Remember the cyclists on the bridge, how frantically they make their way through the crowd of people along the narrow footpath. The Segway seems to be designed for such maneuvers and provides comfortable driving in a crowd, although, of course, you have to overtake people.

If Segway becomes much cheaper in the near future, then we can assume that this will definitely increase the number of electric scooters on the roads significantly. Until then? So far it’s a bit expensive for a revolution, at least in Russia.

Getting around the city on foot is slow, and by car is expensive. This problem is relevant both for residents of megacities with endless traffic jams, and for small cities where you can get to any place on your own. IRR.ru presents 5 alternative ways to get to work, university or school.

Hoverboard (from RUB 12,000)

Scooter (from RUB 9,000)

The children's toy has turned into a full-fledged means of transportation, which neither students nor businessmen are embarrassed to drive around. Carrying a scooter to the office is easy, especially if you buy a folding model. You can even buy a scooter-backpack on the Internet that fits compactly around your bag and doesn’t take up any space at all.

Those who live close to their place of work travel up to 10-12 km per hour on a scooter, which is almost equivalent to driving a car during rush hour. It is also convenient to get from home to the metro and from the station to the university and office.

If you want to increase efficiency, it is better to buy an electric scooter - such models easily go uphill and accelerate to 20 km/h. True, the price will be more expensive - from 20,000 rubles. There are also more powerful models on the market that reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.

Monowheel (from RUB 20,000)

Expensive, complicated, futuristic - this is roughly how you can describe this unusual type of transport. Owners of unicycles say that they attract a lot of attention, and passers-by on the street often ask what it is and how it works.

Skate (from RUB 3,000)

You can travel short distances on a skateboard. In terms of functionality, skateboards are much inferior to other alternative means of transportation: learning to skate is not so easy, and developing speed when there is only a board under your feet is quite scary.

For trips around the city, skateboard cruisers are bought. In order for them to cope better with less than ideal road conditions, they are equipped with large wheels. It is also convenient to move around the city on longboards - they develop high speed and are more stable.

Another type of skateboard is penny boards. These are miniature boards made from high-strength plastic. They usually have bright colors, which lifts the mood.

The main advantage of skates is their compactness - in any situation they can be easily taken under the armpit and they will not burden the owner with their weight or interfere with the subway. Of course, moving on boards is more difficult than, for example, on a scooter. But they give a special drive and spirit of freedom.

Folding bike (from RUB 15,000)

A classic of the genre - going to work on a bike with the breeze. However, such transport cannot be called particularly compact, so we suggest paying attention to folding models.

They are light in weight and can be folded. You can not only use them for cycling, but also get to work if there is no special parking there.

Cardio exercise in the mornings and evenings will help you keep yourself in good shape, but many are confused by the issue of hygiene - with intense exercise it is difficult to stay dry. I advise experienced cyclists to ride out in sportswear and change into office attire at work. And for hygiene, you can take a towel, wet wipes and deodorant with you.

Pedal, enjoy the speed and don't forget to dismount at intersections!

Good afternoon, dear readers and site visitors. In the article you can learn about 10 popular types of electric transport. They can be used by adults and children. They represent the transport of the future, powered by clean energy sources.

More and more people are interested in electric transport. This became possible largely due to the popularity of cars. Electric cars are a symbol of the transport of the future.

In addition to cars, there are other types of electric vehicles. Comfortable, functional and practical. It is compact in size and does not pollute the environment. Convenient to maintain and operate. Its reliability is beyond doubt.

10. Electric skates.

Convenient and practical means of transportation. An excellent option for adults and children. Develops muscles and gives positive emotions. Occupies a minimum amount of free space.

Externally it is difficult to distinguish from a traditional skate. An electric motor is also installed on the back of the board. There are models for smooth roads and off-road. Maximum speed 10 km/h and load capacity up to 65 kg.

9. Electric scooters.

There are models for adults and children. The whole difference is in the power of the electric motor. Special components and design features ensure safe and comfortable movement.

Adult models of electric scooters reach speeds of about 60 km/h. They are distinguished by high maneuverability, low weight and the ability to move on uneven surfaces.

8.Electric ATVs.

Models for adults are capable of covering a distance of up to 60 kilometers on a single battery charge. Decent performance for a compact and maneuverable electric ATV.

The models operate almost silently. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h. Can be used on smooth asphalt roads or off-road. The total load capacity reaches 200 kilograms.

7.Electric bicycle.

There are models for adults and children. Convenient and practical means of transportation. Requires minimal effort when moving.

Equipped with an electric motor, battery, speed controller and various additional equipment. Adult models reach speeds of up to 30 km/h. On one battery charge they travel up to 40 kilometers.

6. Monowheels.

An original vehicle. Segway on one wheel capable of reaching speeds of up to 30 km/h. Has a high level of maneuverability. You can quickly learn how to drive and control.

Some models are capable of covering about 35 kilometers. They are compact in size and light in weight. There are high power models.

5. Hoverboard.

An electric vehicle without a steering wheel. All control is carried out by transferring the center of gravity of the human body. It is a footrest located between two wheels.

Uses 2 electric motors and a battery. The load capacity of hoverboards can reach up to 150 kg.

4. Electric motorcycles.

There are models for children and adults. They differ in power and load capacity. Some models for teenagers can reach speeds of about 60 km/h.

They make virtually no noise when moving. Do not pollute the environment. Electric motors are used.

3.Electric scooters.

Easy-to-use electric transport with high maneuverability. An excellent means of transportation in populated areas. Requires minimal maintenance costs.

The electric scooter can reach speeds of 60 km/h. Some powerful models accelerate to 95 km/h. The mileage depends on the battery capacity and driving speed.

2. Eco-mobiles.

The best option for older people or people with disabilities. They have simple controls. The seat can be customized for seating.

Convenient and simple maintenance. Many modifications and versions of eco-mobiles. There are 6-seater models for collective travel. Affordable price and compact size.

1.Electric vehicles.

Full-fledged cars running on electric traction. Gasoline and diesel analogues are increasingly crowding out. An example of successful promotion of electric cars on the market is Tesla.

Over the past decades, the market for various vehicles has expanded significantly. If earlier there were cars, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, roller skates and several other vehicles, now just the names of modern technological types of transportation can make your head spin. Monobikes, Segways, longboards, jumpers - these are just a small part of modern devices that allow you to move around the city and enjoy it. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Modern means of transportation around the city. TOP 8

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Jolly Jumper

JollyJumpers translated from English it sounds like “boots of speed.” This creative invention allows you to run at speeds of over 30 km/h. In such unique “speed boots” you can jump more than 2.5 meters in height.

JollyJumper (or simply Jumpers) have a unique spring mechanism - the structure is tightly attached to the legs and serves as their “continuation”. “Walking boots” are exciting entertainment and a great way to quickly pump up your ankles, abs, thighs and buttocks; they also allow you to move quite quickly from one point of the city to another.

It is very easy to learn how to stand in jumpers, since its frame itself is very stable and durable. Therefore, they are suitable not only for young people, but also for adults.

The price for such “walking boots” starts from 4 thousand rubles

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Segway- the most popular modern type of urban transport, which has long been recognized in the West. Its design is simple: a convenient platform and two wheels. As for the advantages, they are undeniable. In particular, on a Segway you can comfortably ride along the pedestrian area, forever forgetting about traffic jams.

In terms of technical characteristics, the Segway is a kind of electric self-balancing scooter. Its platform balances automatically when the position of the body changes: tilting forward serves as an impulse for movement. To reduce speed, simply tilt the body in the opposite direction. Stopping and reversing also occur when the body is tilted towards you. The speed of the Segway is up to 50 km/h, and its weight can reach up to 45 kg. When the battery is fully charged, you can travel about 40 km. This makes the Segway an excellent alternative to a car when driving short distances in good weather conditions.

Recently, mini-Segways have become popular because they are ultra-light and compact. For example, the Robin-M1 model reaches speeds of up to 15 km/h. Its charging lasts for 3 hours. The weight of this model is 18 kg, which is lighter than some models of baby strollers and comparable to the weight of a bicycle. This type of vehicle is also attractive because it can be transported in the trunk of a car. Some models have built-in GPS and remote shutdown systems.

This modern two-wheeled vehicle can be purchased from 100 thousand rubles.

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Electric bicycle (bicycle hybrid)

The hybrid bike can be described briefly: comfortable, fast, quiet. A hybrid bicycle differs from a regular bicycle in 3 design features: it has an electric motor, a battery and a controller. Although outwardly a bicycle hybrid is practically no different from a bicycle.

You can also set the electric bike in motion using regular pedals. The advantages include the ability to independently regulate the degree of physical activity. loads and overcome obstacles without much difficulty. You can charge the battery of the bicycle hybrid from a power outlet; the energy reserve is enough for 20-40 km. If the battery runs out along the way, we start pedaling - it’s simple.

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The fashion for motorskates came to us from the countries of Southeast Asia, but in Russia this type of transport is still considered exotic. The main feature of its design is that speed and braking are controlled via a hand joystick. Motoskates are usually equipped with simple two-stroke engines with a volume of 50 cubic centimeters. This allows you to easily overcome difficult obstacles such as mud, sand or steep climbs.

Riding a motorskate is convenient, comfortable and easy; it overcomes any obstacles: sand, snow, mud. Anyone can learn how to operate a motorskate and ride it is much easier than riding a skateboard or snowboard. The maximum speed can reach 45 km/h. The weight of the device is about 30 kg.

Prices for motorskates start at 20 thousand rubles.

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Electric scooter

Electric scooter– a universal city transport, which is convenient for both adults and children to ride. Maximum load up to 120 kg.
In just 5 seconds, you can reach a speed of up to 15 km/h on an electric scooter. You can charge the electric scooter from any network. Battery life depends on the model and battery type you choose.

The main advantage of this type of city vehicle is that it is safe and environmentally friendly and can be stored in an apartment. Some models even have a folding frame.

You can find this and other types of modern electric transport in the online store www.moyo.ua/gadgets/elektro_transport/

The price for a children's electric scooter model starts from 4.5 thousand rubles.

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Fatbike- another type of transport that is rapidly gaining popularity. This is a bicycle that differs from the usual one by having thick tires. Thanks to this design feature and reduced tire pressure, you can safely ride on a fat bike on sand, ice and snow. By the way, you can see this bike more often in winter. Due to thicker wheels and a reinforced frame, the weight of a fatbike ranges from 14 to 25 kg.

In addition, a fatbike can be made more technologically advanced by adding an electric motor to it. Thus, the fatbike becomes a hybrid bicycle that can be used all year round.

The price of models for adults starts from 14 thousand rubles

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Hoverboard– this is the same Segway, only without a steering wheel. The absence of a steering box makes this type of transport lighter, more mobile and at a price several times cheaper than the classic model. The weight of the device does not exceed 12 kg. The maximum speed that can be reached is 15 km/h. A hoverboard is an ideal option for training the vestibular apparatus and lumbar region. The only difficulty is that it is quite difficult to learn how to operate it. In the first weeks of training, it is recommended to wear the following equipment: knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet, because Falling from this device at the first stage is almost inevitable.

The price for a hoverboard starts from 8 thousand rubles

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Unicycle(or unicycle) - the same hoverboard, only with one wheel. The balance of the unicycle is controlled by tilt sensors and gyroscopes located in the wheel itself. The main condition observed when managing it is the ability to maintain balance. Maximum speed up to 15 km/h. Weight does not exceed 10 kg. This is the only vehicle presented that, when folded, can be carried in a bag. The unicycle helps train body coordination. This is why it is better for beginner monobikers to ride with a helmet and knee pads. And this modern means of transportation is popular only among teenagers.

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Scientific progress does not stand still. The emergence of new composite materials, as well as ultra-light and strong alloys, coupled with the development and popularization of mobile electric transport, gives us technologically advanced vehicles every year. Modern means of transportation around the city, thank you for your attention!

The era of suborbital tourist flights is coming - practically this is a trip into space with all that it entails, a feeling of weightlessness, a view of the Earth from a round window and strong overloads, but without fixation in low-Earth orbit. A suborbital aircraft takes off from a launch vehicle. Then it accelerates to a speed of approximately 4000 km/h and halfway through the journey it goes without an engine using residual thrust. Having reached approximately 100–200 km above the Earth, the launched core begins to fall along a ballistic curve, at which point passengers feel weightlessness, but not for long, only about 5 minutes. Entering the troposphere, the spacecraft begins to glide and lands on the runway, like a regular airplane.

The first suborbital flight was made by the experimental X-15 rocket plane, designed back in the 1950s in the United States. This ship was intended only for the US Air Force. Several private companies are currently developing suborbital aircraft. Russia also decided to keep up with this scientific and commercial trend, and now NPO Molniya is developing a suborbital space system based on the M-55 Geophysics high-altitude aircraft.


The maximum is about 4000 km/h, however, taking into account the fact that spaceships are intended mainly for tourism, it is not yet possible to use this speed to quickly fly from Russia to the USA.


Depending on the spacecraft model, from 4 to 14 people.

When to expect

Flights with regular passengers could begin in two to three years.

02. Wheels, gyroscope and nothing more

“It’s something between slippers and a bicycle,” is what Dean Kamen calls his invention, the Segway electric scooter. The development appeared in stores already in 2002 and quickly became popular. Now this type of environmentally friendly and convenient transport is used not only by ordinary citizens, but also by various government services, for example, most American postmen deliver parcels and letters to addresses on Segways; in several cities in Germany such a scooter is a mandatory attribute of a police officer. Recently, inventor Shane Chen decided to improve the Segway and created a similar, but only more compact vehicle, a unicycle, or solowheel. According to the principle of operation, it is the same as an electric scooter, it is set in motion without any buttons and operates on the basis of a gyroscope and sensors that continuously evaluate the displacement of the center of gravity, that is, any movements of the user. If you lean forward, the scooter will go straight, if you lean slightly to the side, it will turn. You can carry this scooter with you everywhere.


Approximately 20 km/h.

Capacity b

Both the Segway and the unicycle are designed for an individual user; balancing on them together will most likely not work, unless, of course, you are a couple of synchronized swimmers.

When to expect

Already now, all pedestrians in the world are gradually switching to these electric scooters.

03. Real SUV

A vehicle capable of moving at high speed through water, ice, snow, land and air is an ekranolet, a direct descendant of the ekranoplan, a hybrid dynamic hovercraft. The ekranolet is better than its predecessor in that it is capable of hovering not only over a flat surface, but also rising up, overcoming even the most impassable routes.

The first hybrid hovercraft was invented back in 1937 by Soviet engineer Vladimir Levkov. Later, having understood all the advantages of this type of transport, they began to modify it and use the latest developments in China and Korea, and began to build large and capacious modern ground effect vehicles, on which you can very quickly move from one Asian country to another. So far, such a system of passenger transportation has not been perfectly established, but ekranoplanes are excellently used there for water tourism.

Russia took this transport seriously in the late 1990s; the Sukhoi Design Bureau even created a multi-seat modern ekranolet S-90, but the general public never saw it. Perhaps the ship is being finalized after testing, and someday we will be able to quickly travel from the central part of Russia to its remote regions, for example, to Siberia or the Far East, on an all-terrain aircraft.


The ekranolet is slower than a passenger airliner by about half, its speed is about 400–450 km/h.


The largest vessel has a capacity of 50 seats.

When to expect

In Asia or the United Arab Emirates, where ground effect aircraft are supplied from China, you can already find these aircraft-like winged vessels and ride them near the coast.

04. Levitating train

The fastest form of land transport is the magnetic levitation train. However, it would be more correct to say overground, because the train does not move, but flies a few millimeters above the monorail. That's why they call it Maglev - magnetic levitation. They started thinking about such trains a hundred years ago, and the first working maglevs were built in the 1980s in England and Germany.

But the only maglev, which today plays the role not of an attraction, but of a full-fledged means of public transport, operates in Shanghai, connecting the city with the airport and covering 30 km in 7 and a half minutes. For now, Maglev remains the transport of the future - environmentally friendly, ultra-fast, cheap to use and safe. But building the infrastructure for it is not at all cheap. Now roads for them are being built in Japan and South Korea, and they are planning to create them in other countries, including Russia. If such a route were built from Moscow to Vladivostok, the trip would take less than a day.


Today, the fastest Maglev is Japanese, which showed a record speed of 581 km/h during tests in 2003 in Yamanashi Prefecture. For now he carries the lucky few.


Hundreds of people. This is a train, and, as in any train, the number of passengers can vary depending on the number of cars.

When to expect

The longest route currently under construction, from Tokyo to Osaka, is scheduled to be completed in 2027.

05. Drivers are an anachronism

It seems that it is already becoming a banality that the vehicles of the future do not need a driver; they will move with the help of optical sensors, “smart roads”, radar, and most importantly, artificial intelligence. According to The Economist magazine, 90% of road accidents are caused by human error. This statistic sounds like a death sentence for human drivers.

Planes, ships and cars are gradually gaining autonomy. For a good car, parking autopilot, cruise control, and the ability to warn the driver about danger have already become the norm. Tesla, General Motors and other auto giants are actively developing them. But Google is ahead of everyone - a dozen unmanned Priuses, brought to an independent mind in the secret GoogleX laboratories, have been driving around the roads of California for several years now. Google has plans to release its own car in the near future. The company has invested $250 million in the Uber taxi service, which it plans to equip with its own drones.


The autopilot knows better.


When to expect

Mass production of fully autonomous cars is expected sometime around 2020.

06. Jet power on the shoulders

How wonderful it would be to travel with the help of an air backpack - no traffic jams, no crowds! Work on the creation of such an individual means of transportation began back in the 1950s, when scientist Wendell Moore created the Bell Rocket Belt backpack.

However, Moore’s case did not go beyond the not very successful tests. And despite the fact that they have been working on the creation of this flying transport for quite a long time, so far in no country in the world can you see a flock of office workers flying on aero backpacks. Although quite viable prototypes of the device exist and are constantly being improved.

There are two main developments: this is a jet backpack from the American company Tecaerome, which can so far hover in the air for only 40 seconds, and another, the most successful project, a jetpack from New Zealand engineer Glenn Martin called Martin Jetpack. Martin began working on it back in the 1990s and during the first test flight he invited his wife to become a test pilot; she did not refuse. In a large hangar, the scientist secured the backpack to a high pole so that it could move strictly along the axis up and down, without flying to the sides or above the pole, and fastened his wife to the invention. The backpack still flew up, but only a couple of meters. Everything went well, the wife was not injured.


Now such backpacks fly at a speed of 60 km/h, which is quite comparable to a car in the city. But the developers plan to speed up the backpack to 100 km/h.


The air backpack is designed for one person. But if you fly through a burning building and a beautiful girl falls out of the window, you can allow yourself to play the role of Superman and save her: the backpack will support two adults of average weight.

When to expect

Backpacks will be available to a wide range of users around 2018.

07. Pneumatic mail for sending people

Hyperloop is another project of Elon Musk, who called the “Hyperloop” the fifth mode of transport (the other four are water, air, road and railway). The project was introduced in 2012 as an alternative to high-speed train service between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The “hyperloop” is a system of pipelines with a diameter of 2.2 meters placed on trestles, in which very low pressure is maintained. Capsules move through the pipelines, hovering at a short distance from the bottom of the pipe due to the pumping of air into the gap and aerodynamics. This is similar to a giant pneumatic mail sleeve, only containers with people or cargo will be sent through it. Accelerated by an electromagnetic pulse through the pipe, they will be able to cover 600 km in half an hour - faster than an airplane. The energy for the new type of transport will be provided by solar panels. The project has one problem - Musk himself has no time to implement it; someone needs to take on it.



The dimensions of the Hyperloop containers allow you to transport up to 28 people.

When to expect

No one has yet started implementing Hyperloop, but if you start, nothing will stop you from completing the project in a few years.

08. Vertical take-off car

It's a rare science fiction film or book without flying cars. But when will they become a reality? It turns out that work on the air car is in full swing, and one of the most promising projects is being created by the Industrial Design Center of Vladimir Pirozhkov, who built the Citroen C3, C4, C5, Toyota Auris, Toyota Avensis, Toyota iQ. No matter how hard it is to believe, approximately every twentieth car on the roads of the world is the work of Pirozhkov’s intellect and hands. Who, if not him, should create a car with vertical take-off? “At some point I realized: another traditional car project is just another place in a traffic jam,” admits Pirozhkov. He calls his dream a 3D car because it moves in three dimensions. Now Pirozhkov is assembling a prototype of a 3D mobile on a scale of 1:4.


Like a light aircraft, 200–400 km/h.


Like a car.

When to expect

In twenty years.

09. Surfing in the air

A flying skateboard or hoverboard is an old dream of carefree teenagers and serious and smart inventors. In the early 2000s, there was simply a boom in the development of hoverboards; Western engineers produced a new model every year. But all this turned out to be a profanation, because such supposedly levitating boards were designed on the principle of a hovercraft, where powerful pumps were used as a holding mechanism in the air to collect fallen leaves. The first device, similar to a flying skate, like the main character Marty McFly from the film “Back to the Future 2,” was presented in 2011 by the French. Their board, called MagSurf, uses the Meissner effect - where a magnet is repelled by a cooled superconductor and levitates - to float in the air. During testing, this skate actually rose into the air, albeit to a small height, only 3 cm. It could fly exclusively over superconducting steel rails. Another development that operates on the same principle is the HENDO hoverboard. It also flies low, the battery charge is only enough for 8 minutes of flight, and this thing can only hover over a metal surface.


A fairly nimble vehicle that accelerates to 40 km/h.


One or two people. Hoverboards from both manufacturers can withstand up to 100 kg.

When to expect

While such a thing won’t go far, and you can’t call it a full-fledged transport, it’s just an attraction. Although in five years the developers promise to present to the world a skateboard that will fly everywhere, and not just over metal surfaces.

10. Goodbye gasoline

Until recently, people were trying to make an electric car that was at least somehow approaching gasoline cars; there was no talk of competition. A revolution has taken place before our eyes - the Tesla Model S electric car, created by Elon Musk, is called the best car in the world. This luxury sedan accelerates to 100 kilometers per hour in 4 seconds, surpasses all gasoline cars in ergonomics and safety, and sells better than the gasoline models of the former kings of the car market.

Musk's next car, the Tesla Model D, is on the way, and meanwhile the world is becoming covered in a network of charging stations for electric vehicles that draw their energy from the sun. “I believe all modes of transportation should go electric,” Musk says as he contemplates an electric plane. After all, even if you burn gas at thermal power plants and convert this energy into electricity, its use in an electric car gives the output approximately sixty percent efficiency of gas energy. And when you burn fuel in a car engine, the efficiency is only 20%. No one has extra gas, the planet’s resources must be protected, so the cars of the future will have to be charged from the electrical network.


The maximum speed of Tesla Model D is 249 km/h.


When to expect

Musk plans to release a budget electric car in 2017, but in Russia there is still a problem with the network of charging stations.

Photo: Mark Greenberg/Zuma Press/Global Look Press; Inventist.com/Ferrari Press/East News; Grigory Sysoev/TASS; Toru Yamanaka/AFP/East News; Dominic Wilcox/Exclusivepix/East News; Martin Aircraft Company Limited, EyePress News/AFP/East News; from the personal archive of V. Pirozhkov; Hendo; Nancy Pastor/Polaris/East News