What cars are registered with the owner. How can I find out what vehicles I own? Available verification methods

On this moment The number of reasons for deregistration of a car no longer includes the situation with the sale of the car. Now this can be done while preserving the registration plates.

A car enthusiast may find himself in a situation where he needs to find out whether the car has been deregistered with the traffic police, but he simply does not know how to do this. This article will tell you how you can check whether a vehicle has been deregistered with the traffic police and how you can do this faster and more conveniently.

Reasons for deregistering a car

First, you should indicate the reasons that require deregistration of the vehicle. There aren't many of them, so it's best to keep them in mind.

The car is deregistered in the following cases:

  • A car enthusiast hands over a vehicle for recycling in order to avoid paying tax;
  • The car was stolen;
  • The owner of the car can move to live abroad, which necessarily requires deregistration of the car. This is necessary, since you will subsequently need to register the vehicle at your new place of residence;
  • A car enthusiast can find a buyer abroad and sell the car outside the state.

The procedure for deregistering a car

The procedure for deregistering a car cannot be considered very difficult, but it will certainly require the car owner to time and money costs. It should be remembered that the procedure is carried out only in a special place, subject to all existing strict rules.

You can deregister a vehicle at the traffic police department where it was once registered, that is, at the place of registration of the motorist.

If the registration is temporary, then after its completion, the owner of the car must definitely deregister the car and register it at the place of residence of the new owner.

At the moment, the purchase and sale process does not require deregistration of the vehicle with the traffic police, where it was once delivered. The fact is that in 2016 rules were adopted allowing the new owner leave old license plates rather than purchasing new ones. These innovations have made it possible to significantly simplify the procedure for buying and selling a car.

The reasons that lead to the deregistration of a car have already been indicated above, so there is no point in indicating this again. However, there are cases when registration is terminated automatically. This happens in the following cases:

  • if the vehicle was stolen;
  • If new owner did not register the car within the required 10 days;
  • if the car was registered for a certain period of time and its validity has expired.

In other cases, an application to deregister a car will simply not be accepted. Reason for sale removed car accounting may be contract of sale, which was written by both sides.

After completing the purchase and sale agreement, the buyer has full rights to use the vehicle. He can also even sell it. If the vehicle is being sold, the new owner must contact the traffic police, then fill out an application and subsequently begin collecting necessary documents. After this, the motorist must contact a specialist who will inspect the vehicle and, based on this inspection, will be able to give consent for the car owner to receive new license plates.

Necessary steps to deregister a car

What should a car owner do to deregister a car:

How to find out about the registration of a car by the new owner?

There are cases when a motorist receives a notification that he allegedly did not pay tax, despite the fact that he has already sold his vehicle. In this case, any car enthusiast will decide to check whether the car has been deregistered.

Information regarding vehicle registration can only be obtained from the traffic police. This authority has databases that contain information about both the car and its owner. Unfortunately, information will not be given out just like that.

In order to obtain information about who the vehicle is registered to, you must write an application, as well as provide facts that would prove a violation of the rights of the motorist. Only this can become a reason for issuing data to the person who requests the information.

How to find out if a car is deregistered via the Internet?

In order to find out whether a car has been deregistered, you need use the State Services portal. To do this, you will first have to go through the registration process.

After completing the registration process on the State Services portal, you can already use the services provided by the site.

In order to check for deregistration of a car, you should do the following:

Sometimes, motorists find themselves in very bad situations. It happens that a person sells a car by proxy with the purchaser’s oath to re-register “ iron horse» in your name, but then a notice of collection or... In such a situation, you need to resolve the issue of how to find out which cars are registered to me. Next, we’ll talk about why this procedure is needed and how it can be carried out.

What is the need for the procedure

This information will be useful in different situations. For example, during litigation or other civil and legal disputes. But, usually, you have to double-check in order to find out, I rewrote new owner transport on your own or not.

Starting from 2013, there is no need to deregister a car when selling it. The new owner must re-register it independently within 10 days, after which the former owner will be deregistered automatically.

Therefore, if you want to understand whether you have re-registered new car owner purchased car for yourself, then you have the right to obtain this information various methods: via the Internet, by visiting the traffic police.

Through the traffic police

You can find out how many cars you own through the traffic police branch. Employees will instantly provide you with data on cars that are registered to you.

The information is taken from a special database. This will take approximately 20 minutes. You will be given the required information based on your full name, but it happens that they also ask for other information.

This double-check option is considered the most accurate and effective, because the information in the traffic police database is updated regularly.

Another source of information about cars that are registered in my name is the Federal Tax Service. This structure controls the payment of transport taxes, so employees know which cars belong to citizens and must pass on information about this.

Through the Internet

You can find out how many cars are registered with you using several resources.

Public services

The main and most popular source of this kind of information is considered to be the State Services resource.

This is a fairly comfortable, fast and reliable portal that will allow you to find all the data regarding the car and its owner.

The first and main condition for access to the service is registration. To do this you need to have the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • Pension insurance document.
  • Number of the tax registration document.
  • Phone number.
  • Mailbox.

  • Register an account.
  • Receive a message about successful registration of the account, indicate personal data in the form. The entered information will be checked.
  • Then you will receive an SMS notification that the process has been successfully completed.
  • The resource's services are now available to you.
  • On the main page you need to select the “authorities” item.
  • Now you need to get to the website and launch “Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”.
  • Go to “Registration of vehicles and trailers for them.”
  • Fill out an application.

After this, you will receive the required data on cars that are registered in your name.

Taxpayer's office

It can be used in the situation if you are a resident of the capital or its region. The waiting period can be up to 24 hours.

Using paid resources

On the Internet you can find a lot of paid sites that provide information regarding the identification of vehicle owners. The price of such a service may be different for different services, and the waiting time for data also differs.

Here you need to take into account that commercial resources do not always provide up-to-date data; they may be old or incomplete.

In addition, such resources often obtain information illegally, and even more often they simply deceive users. For this reason, it is advisable to refer to formalized sources.

So, in order to find out information about which cars are registered with you, you are allowed to use different methods, but it is best to contact directly traffic police or to the State Services website.

How can I find out which cars are registered to me? This question arises for many drivers. This is especially true for those who own several vehicles, as well as people selling cars secondhand. The thing is that before the car is re-registered, fines for violations of the rules traffic will come to the previous owner. And he will be contacted if the car gets caught by the traffic police. This causes a lot of trouble. Below are all the ways to obtain data about who the car is registered to in Russia.

Ways to find information

How can I find out which cars are registered to me? If a person thinks about this topic, he has to choose an algorithm of action. In any case, checking a vehicle for registration is a minimum of hassle. Especially if they “pierce” a person, and not a car.

At the moment, there are the following scenarios:

  • direct appeal to the traffic police;
  • submitting a request through the MFC;
  • on the portal "State Services";
  • use of the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation;
  • work with third party services checks (for example, "AutoCode").

How to act in certain circumstances? This is what we have to find out further. All of the above methods are absolutely free. And this fact must be taken into account in order not to encounter scammers.

What may be useful

How to find out which car is registered to a person? To do this you will need to follow the simplest instructions. But first you need to prepare thoroughly.

The applicant may be required to provide the following information:

  • personal passport data;
  • Full name of the potential car owner;
  • VIN number of the car or its body;
  • date and place of birth of the vehicle owner.

Perhaps this will be enough. As practice shows, nothing more is needed. Ideally, at the time of turning to certain verification methods registration accounting have a civil passport with you. Its presence will greatly facilitate further actions.

Let's go to the traffic police

How can I find out which cars are registered to my passport? For example, you can go to the local traffic police office. Vehicle registration information is stored there. Moreover, here you can get information about who is the owner of a particular car. The only caveat is that the applicant must have reasons for applying. There is no way to do without them. Let's say, evidence of a car's involvement in an accident.

Afterwards it is proposed to act according to the following instructions:

  1. Take your ID with you.
  2. Come to the traffic police and write the information requested on the form for checking data on registered cars. You can simply ask the employees which vehicles are registered in a particular name by handing them a passport.
  3. Wait for the information to be provided.

This is how you can easily answer the topic being studied. But so far we have studied only one of several options for the development of events. What else can I do to solve the problem?

Important: relatives of the potential car owner can also contact the traffic police for the relevant information. It is recommended to present any certificates confirming your relationship with the person. This will greatly simplify further actions.

"Government services" and data search

Where can I find out which cars are registered to me? A person asking a similar question can go to the traffic police or the MFC at their place of residence. Or you can turn to the Internet for help. For example, to the Gosuslugi portal. This is a fairly common scenario.

To take decisive action, a person will need:

  • register on the portal;
  • fill out the user form;
  • confirm your identity in any convenient way.
  1. Log in to Gosuslugi.ru.
  2. Go to "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" - "Vehicle registration".
  3. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  4. Submit a request for processing.

Data about which vehicles are registered to the person will appear on the screen. The disadvantage of admission is the need to register on the portal.

Federal Tax Service website

How can I find out which cars are registered to me online? Another option is to use the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation to bring the idea to life. Or, more precisely, “Taxpayer’s Personal Account”.

First you need to register a taxpayer’s personal account. It is proposed to do this by direct contact with the Federal Tax Service, in specialized service centers or through an electronic digital signature.

All you need to do after this is open the nalog.ru website and log into your profile. If you look at the "Accrued" tab, you can see all the available taxes. Including transport ones. Based on them, a conclusion is made about the registration of the vehicle.

"AutoCode" to help

Many people use third-party verification sites to bring their ideas to life. For example, the AutoCode service is suitable. It helps you search for information about a specific machine.

The process looks like this step by step:

  1. Using any Internet browser, go to the "AutoCode" page.
  2. Enter the VIN of the vehicle in the designated field;
  3. Click on the "Search" button.

You can view the test results. We just have to wait a little. After scanning the database, you will be able to cope with the task.

Traffic police website

How can I find out which cars are registered to me? The official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation will help you understand this issue.

To use it you will need:

  1. Open the traffic police.rf page in a browser.
  2. Click on "Services" - "Car check".
  3. Specify Vehicle VIN or body in the appropriate field.
  4. Click on the "Request Verification" line. It's about about the control element in the "Registration history" block.

This is where all safe and accurate methods for implementing the task end. Now a person can easily find out which vehicles are registered to him.

Reading time: 5 minutes

When selling a car to a new owner, former owner expects that the successor will as soon as possible will re-register the car in his name. However, this does not always happen as quickly as we would like. To control the situation and protect yourself from the negligence of the second party to the purchase and sale agreement, it is worth figuring out how to find out whether a car was deregistered in 2019.

Reasons for deregistration

To avoid possible troubles, the new owner must take care of re-registering the car in his name. This is followed by, which you can learn more about in a separate article.

The seller must check the car for registration, since he is interested in a speedy release from responsibilities for the car and does not intend to take care of another user who is obliged to deal with all the formalities within 10 days. If this does not happen, the rule applies: “If you want to do something well, do it yourself.”

It is better to understand how to check the re-registration of a car after the sale, devote a little time to this procedure, but protect yourself from a visit from the guardians of the law, because you do not even suspect that you are accused of another person’s crime.

Another one unpleasant situation, which anyone can get into, is theft. Then you will have to disown the car without the car itself.

Detailed information about this and other special cases is collected in a general article about on our website.

Checking registration status

Just 5 minutes and you will get a complete and reliable information about the history of ownership and operation of the car. Verified from our partners, the portal will help you

The problem of how to check the deregistration of a vehicle after sale to the traffic police can be solved in two ways. The first is visiting the traffic police department to which the car is assigned, the second is conducting the operation via the Internet. If you prefer a personal visit, then you need to come to the traffic police 10 days after the new owner purchased the car.

So, you can check whether a car is registered with the traffic police in the following ways:

  • through the online service “Autocode”

Take a sociological survey!

On the traffic police website

Also, to check whether a car has been deregistered by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate online, you can go to www.gibdd.ru, in the “Services” section. Then you need to select the “Vehicle check” option. Enter in the form provided VIN number engine. You can view it in the vehicle passport or registration certificate. In the absence of this code, you can enter the chassis or body number.

The system will then ask you for a verification code. After entering it, you can start searching. It will take no more than a minute. The results will immediately appear on the screen.

Having figured out once, how to find out the date of deregistration of a vehicle and other information on registration actions, you will acquire a convenient tool that will allow you to get rid of the need to waste time on a personal visit to the traffic police.

Through State Services

Know how to check the deregistration of a sold car on the State Services portal - suitable option if you are using general power of attorney and is not able to control the actions of the car owner. To use the site's service, you must first register on it and have Personal Area user.

So, let’s look at step by step how to check whether a car is deregistered via the Internet on the State Services portal:

  1. Find the “Authorities” section on the main page and go to it.
  2. Then go to the page “Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”.
  3. Select the “Registration of vehicles and trailers” section.

After these simple steps, an application in the prescribed form will appear on the monitor.

To check whether a car is registered with the traffic police online, you need to provide the requested information and fill in all the fields provided. If the data is correct, the request will be processed and you will receive the information you were looking for. You can also print out an automatically generated application and take it to the traffic inspectorate, whose employees will answer all your questions.

Via Autocode

There is also a convenient service “” in Moscow. Knowing the VIN number of the car and the registration certificate, you will be able to quickly figure out how to check whether the car is registered with the traffic police. This information is written down in the vehicle card on the website, where its color, model, engine size and power, year of manufacture, data on road accidents, and technical inspections are also indicated.