Ural motorcycle years of production. Ural: Russian motorcycles are not for Russia. Modern trends in Ural motorcycles

In a series of products that have become pride Sverdlovsk region, the most famous is, of course, Irbit motorcycle with sidecar “Ural”. He is known not only in Russia. Motorcycle connoisseurs in many countries around the world are crazy about him - because in his appearance much has been preserved from the old army asceticism, for his complete indifference to the quality of roads and service, for his reluctance to live “with the times.” It was as if he had broken out of the time stream, while remaining himself.

History of creation: the legend about the German BMW

There is a legend about our heavy motorcycle, according to which it was allegedly secretly copied from German motorcycle "BMW" 1938, having purchased the wrong thing for this Germany, not so in Sweden five production cars of the model R-71. Our military, they say, were impressed by the Nazis’ victorious march across Europe, a huge role in the success of which was played by mechanized units, including motorcycles with sidecars.

- We didn’t steal anything, that’s not true!- objects director Alexander Bulanov. - In 1940, when we started production, the Soviet Union was on good terms with Germany. The Germans themselves gave us both the license and the drawings.

By the way, when deciding to choose a prototype for a Soviet army motorcycle, our specialists then considered other options: American cars, English ones, the same German ones (for example, more technologically advanced in production BMW model under the index R-12, which later became the main one in Wehrmacht units). But, as time has shown, it was R-71 turned out to be the most successful, including because it was well suited for further modernization.

At first, the production of the Soviet army motorcycle with a sidecar was launched in Moscow, but in the fall of 1941 (after the rapid advance of German troops towards the capital), it was decided to move production to Ural. The first train with equipment arrived on November 19, 1941. The machines were placed on the premises of a former... brewery. And just three months later - on February 25, 1942 - the first batch of vehicles was produced.

First Irbit motorcycles differed little from their German prototype: they had, in fact, the same 746 cubic centimeter boxer two-cylinder engine, developing a power of 22 horsepower. Thanks to the lower arrangement of the valves in the cylinders, it pulled great at the “lower levels” and overcame any off-road conditions. The few changes that appeared were dictated by the conditions of production and operation of the cars: on the M-72, the wheel spokes became thicker, the gas tank held not 14 liters of gasoline, like a German motorcycle, but 22.

People's motorcycle: a success story

In 1955, the military order was transferred Kyiv Motorcycle Plant(he produced cars under the brand "Dnieper"). The Urals had no choice but to switch to civilian consumers. And it is in this market segment Irbit motorcycles achieved incredible success. The first civilian model was M-72M.

- It was a real workhorse. In villages and small towns, this motorcycle literally performed the function of a horse: it was easy to bring a haystack or bags of potatoes for fishing. Take it anywhere!- says Alexander Bulanov.

At first Irbit motorcycles did not have their own brand - only letter designations. The first car with a name was model M-61- it was called "Irbit".

And only in 1961, when it came out model M-62, Irbit motorcycles now have a name "Ural". At the same time, large-scale production of motorcycles began.

- Our most popular model over the years was probably the M-63 motorcycle. It was produced for 8 years: from 1963 to 1971,- says the former director of the plant Nikolay Volozhanin.

Nikolay Volozhanin

Nikolai Ivanovich this year will be 80 years old. He is a living legend, he was its director twice. The first time was from 1979 to 1983, and the second time was at the end of the enterprise’s glory, from 1987 to 1995. He himself had three "Ural", on which he participated in long runs.

The most famous of them took place in 1968. Then a team of Irbitsk residents went to an international gathering of, as they would say today, bikers, which took place in Italy. From Irbita, according to recollections Nikolai Volozhanin, nine motorcycle factory workers rode out on eight locally made motorcycles. Before Italian Perugia, where the rally took place, and back it took 50 days, drove 11 thousand kilometers - and with virtually no breakdowns. It was probably then that “abroad” saw it for the first time motorcycle "Ural". As I told you Nikolay Ivanovich, even in the company of famous brothers "Ural" looked good. The technical lag of the Irbit motorcycle began later...

Decrease in production

- When I was in Japan, at the Honda company, I visited their motorcycle museum. So, it’s very clear how they have dramatically rushed forward since the mid-70s. And at that time we just slowed down. We were severely limited in new materials. If the capitalists were already making titanium frames, then we couldn’t even dream about it,- speaks Nikolay Volozhanin(but the world's largest titanium production enterprise is "VSMPO-Avisma"- located in - in Verkhnyaya Salda).

The Sverdlovsk people slowed down not because they lacked technical ideas. They were - and what kind of ones! But at that time there were no motorcycles with sidecars for free sale; the demand for them greatly outstripped the supply. Probably, someone at the top thought that in this situation there was no point in spending money and resources on modernization. A typical example is fate the best motorcycle from the Irbit plant M-73. For 1980, when it was created, it was an advanced development.

- I tested this motorcycle myself,- speaks Alexander Bulanov. - Amazing car: powerful 750 cc engine, electric start, hydraulic brakes. More than a dozen original inventions were obtained by the plant’s specialists when creating this model. We tested it and received the go-ahead for mass production. But to release a new product for the first five years, 4.8 million rubles were required. The plant never received them, although it generated a net profit of more than 20 million rubles annually. M-73 never went into production...

Irbitsk residents issued the millionth motorcycle in 1975, the two millionth in 1985, and the three millionth in 1993. The largest number of motorcycles - 131 thousand - was produced in 1992. Then there was a decline in production: 1993 - 121 thousand, 1994 - 68,700, 1995 - only 11,700. Why did this happen?

- The main reason is that there is no consumer,- speaks Nikolay Volozhanin. - When prices were lowered in the early 90s and wages fell, rural workers and residents of small towns no longer had time to buy a new motorcycle; most did not have enough money to live on.

Modern models

It is noteworthy that it was precisely at a difficult time for the plant that such popular motorcycles as Ural "Voyage" and flagship model Ural "Wolf".

Heavy road motorcycle Ural "Wolf", which rolled off the assembly line in 1999, became the favorite model of Russian bikers. The motorcycle is equipped with a 745 cc engine. cm 45 hp and accelerates to 152 km/h. Thanks to its unusual design and driving characteristics chopper Ural "Wolf" rightfully tops the rating of the most successful models of the plant.

Concerning motorcycle Ural "Voyage", which appeared a little earlier (in 1996), this model had more modest characteristics: a 650 cc engine. cm with a power of 36 hp, allowing you to reach speeds of up to 120 km/h.

From the assembly line motorcycle plant "Ural" other models also came out: army version motorcycle Ural Gear-Up with camouflage colors, patrol motorcycle Ural "Solo-DPS" with wind deflector, siren and signal lights and a heavy motorcycle for transporting goods Ural "Hercules".

Ural "Tourist"
– one of the best examples of touring motorcycles for long trips, including off-road, accelerating up to 120 km/h. Model Tourist 2WD became an all-wheel drive version of this motorcycle with additional drive to the sidecar wheel.

Motorcycle Ural "Solo"
is a fairly powerful single bike with a classic stance and low straight handlebars, reaching a maximum speed of 150 km/h. This inexpensive motorcycle is one of the most popular models motorcycle plant "Ural" and great for a big city.

Model Ural "Retro" made in the style of the 40-50s, although today this motorcycle with a black leather seat and velor upholstery of the sidecar looks more than modern and stylish.

Was released in 2007 motorcycle Ural "Desert" with a lever front fork and a microprocessor ignition system, designed for driving on sand, and the model Ural "Blizzard" with a powered stroller for use in winter.

In 2015, a limited edition of motorcycles with a sidecar was released Ural dedicated to the new part Star Wars movie. The model was named "Dark Force" and was sold only in the USA. Ural Dark Force, a rear-wheel drive two-seater motorcycle, produces 41 horsepower with a four-speed manual transmission. It has a two-cylinder opposed air-cooled engine with a volume of 749 cubic centimeters with an electronic fuel injection system. In addition to the LED headlight, according to the manufacturer, a real lightsaber was included with the motorcycle.

Motorcycles "Ural" in the Guinness Book of Records

Resident of Irbit Konstantin Matveev in 1992 he got into Guinness Book of Records, having driven on motorcycle "Ural" in the position with the stroller raised, 338 kilometers in 8 hours 14 minutes 11 seconds. The record was set at an ordinary city stadium.

Irbit residents Anatoly Bikishev and Alexander Bulanov in 1992 (on the same day as the previous record - June 7), alternately changing on the go, we drove motorcycle "Ural" with the stroller raised for 24 hours without stopping - even refueling with gasoline was carried out while moving.

Irbit resident Vladimir Glukhikh drove on motorcycle "Ural" in reverse, without stopping, 171 kilometers 200 meters in 8 hours 47 minutes 23 seconds. The record was set on the same day, June 7, 1992.

Irbitsk residents Anatoly Bikishev, Alexander Bulanov and Konstantin Matveev in 1993, they, replacing each other, drove on motorcycle "Ural" non-stop 25,505 kilometers. The travel time was 440 hours (a little more than 18 days), the average speed was 57.97 kilometers per hour.

  1. Among all the motorcycles in the country, Soviet bikers singled out the "Ural"- since he looked more aggressive, and also “growled” loudly and beautifully.
  2. "Ural" I liked it Saddam Hussein. In 2002, the Republican Guard ordered 2,000 motorcycles Irbit Motor Plant with wheelchairs to implement their defensive strategy based on high mobility tactics. On "Ural" machine guns were installed to increase defense capability.
  3. In 2012 motorcycle "Ural" bought for himself by a Hollywood actor Brad Pitt and is still the proud owner Ural "Tourist" models with a stroller.
  4. On motorcycles "Ural" Heroes of foreign films and TV series travel quite often. For example, on Ural Solo-sT traveled Moro V movie "Ghost Rider 2".

Where to buy today

But he still managed to maintain his core production and his brand. Today it is the only plant in Russia that produces domestic motorcycles. He outlived his brother too - Ukrainian "Dnepr". Although production volumes, of course, cannot be compared with Soviet times.

- Sales have been stable for the last ten years - 1,200 motorcycles per year, plus or minus a hundred pieces,- says General Director of PC Irbitsky Motorcycle Plant LLC Vladimir Kurmachev.

According to him, the plant now employs 140–150 people (in its best years, more than 10 thousand worked), and sales go almost entirely abroad. The leader in this indicator is the United States - this country accounts for up to 60 percent of motorcycles shipped. The most popular Ural motorcycles with sidecar and famous Ural "Wolf".

However, the most devoted fans legendary motorcycles of the Irbit plant not overseas, but here in Russia, and for many of them "Ural" is still considered unique and one of a kind.

No more than 5 percent enters the Russian market. Which is not surprising: due to the small series and the high share of imported components, the cost "Ural" today it is about 500 thousand rubles. For this money you can buy a car. But some people prefer to buy "Ural".

Video: the history of the creation of Ural motorcycles

The Ural motorcycle is not only history, but also part of the life of our people. The greatest achievement of the manufacturer is how the Ural moves through mud, the concept of the plant is based on this.

Several generations have ridden on the famous Ural motorcycles, which have proven themselves to be the best. And in rural areas they are still in demand as inexpensive, practical and reliable equipment for everyday use.

Ural is an ideal cross-country motorcycle for rural areas

History of the Ural model

First, it is worth recalling that the first all-wheel drive motorcycles appeared in England about 100 years ago. For a long time they had no competitors in terms of price-quality ratio. Subsequently, BMW began production of a military modification of such equipment.

It is believed that military all-wheel drive options made such motorcycles very popular. At least in our country, after the Great Patriotic War, the production of German military “clones” began.

Over time, through modifications and improvements, the domestic market received excellent, reliable and practical equipment for various purposes. They were used by the police and various inspections; they were highly valued by the villagers. At that time, cars were in short supply, so the Ural motorcycle was an excellent alternative to scarce vehicles.

In the troops they were equipped with machine guns and anti-tank installations. It was a very effective weapon. But over time, under pressure from the development of military technology, they were abandoned. Since then, the Ural model range has expanded greatly.

Modern trends in Ural motorcycles

Modern specimens are used more for tourism, by rural residents, and bikers from the Urals. After a little modification the bikes turn out to be quite good. This technique is very popular in the West. And after they began to be equipped with imported parts, sales abroad increased significantly.

Therefore, the lion's share of such motorcycles produced now is exported. At the moment, the manufacturer produces the Ural motorcycle of several modifications, each of which has its own “zest”:

  • Tourist- classics of the genre. A reliable and time-tested copy, which showed all the best qualities of previous modifications. More popular among residents of rural areas for its performance and ease of use. As already mentioned, the reliability of the equipment is supported by the presence of many imported parts from such well-known companies as: Ducati, DENSO, Sachs;
  • Tourist T– modified version previous generation, aimed at long trips. Capable of carrying up to 280 kg of passengers and cargo. Outside the highway, all-wheel drive provides good cross-country ability. Abroad, the Ural motorcycle is one of the most inexpensive and popular models sold;
  • Wolf- option, more aimed at fans of American choppers. Real members of the Night Wolves biker club helped develop this model. It has an extended wheelbase, excellent acceleration dynamics and a maximum speed of up to 150 km/h. The modern appearance of the model provides it with stable consumer demand;
  • Solo– single road bike, which has already become a classic in this segment. It is more designed for highway driving and is in deserved demand among lovers of such entertainment. The chrome-plated gas tank and roll bars give it an unforgettable appearance. Stylized to resemble motorcycles from the middle of the last century;
  • Athlete- in 2006 The plant has mastered the production of a sports version of an all-wheel drive bike. The model was aimed at young people; one of the improvements was a switchable wheel drive on the side stroller. The modified stroller makes this model desirable for hunters, fishermen and simply lovers of outdoor activities. It has a roll bar, a large rear trunk and a windshield that protects from wind and oncoming splashes;
  • Retro– stylized modern Ural resembles the models of past years. The stylized gear shift knob on the gas tank gives this model a special chic. Antique lovers love this model;
  • Yamal. The model was released in honor famous icebreaker and made in its colors. Symbolizes the reliability and maneuverability of the famous icebreaker. Released in limited edition.

Characteristic features of motorcycles with all-wheel drive

“Urals” can be classified as the first variants of motorcycles to feature a non-differential drive that can be switched off; this has provided it with an even larger number of admirers.

There are no insurmountable obstacles for this motorcycle. “Ural” off-road, with a plug-in drive, moves as if on a highway, and on the highway, by turning it off, you can save a lot of fuel. The cross-country ability of the Ural is the talk of the town.

The maximum speed of the Ural motorcycle is ensured by a two-cylinder, four-stroke engine that can withstand heavy loads. It is capable of moving the dead weight of the Ural motorcycle on any road surface, which ranges from 318 to 380 kg, depending on the model, and a load of up to 250 kg.

High practicality, the availability of reliable imported parts and low maintenance costs make motorcycles of the Ural family desirable for various segments of the population.

Modern appearance and good equipment attracts the younger generation to them. This is the embodiment of optimal matching of price, reliability, simplicity and progress.

I'll start with the most ancient M-72, the ancestor of which is the BMW-R71.

The motorcycle began to be produced in 1941, primarily for motorcycle units of the Red Army. A 22-horsepower boxer engine with a volume of 746 cubic meters was installed as a power unit. As a result of subsequent modifications, the power increased to 27 l/s. The weight of the motorcycle is about 220 kg, and the maximum speed is 105 km/h. This is where the Urals began! I would like to note that to this day this motorcycle model is produced in China under the name “Chang-Xiang” and is even exported.

The next stop in the story was the M-52. This model was already made as a road motorcycle and was intended more for high-speed riding on asphalt than for off-road driving. The Ural M-52 was equipped with a 500 cc four-stroke two-cylinder engine. cm and a power of 24 hp, which made it possible to reach a speed of 110 km/h. Today it is considered one of the rarest Soviet production motorcycles.

Given the continued demand for models with off-road performance, the new M-61 model (1960-1961 production) was born. The Ural M-61 was made on the same chassis as the M-72 and M-52, but this model had a 650 cc engine. cm and power 28 hp. Already more suitable for driving on rural roads. This model was produced from 1957 to 1963.

The birth of the M-62 dates back to 1961-1965. The new Ural model has been significantly modernized; it has automatic ignition timing, thanks to which engine power has increased by 2 hp. With. and amounted to 28 hp, a new gearbox and increased suspension travel.
The weight of the motorcycle is 320 kg, and the maximum speed remains about 100 km/h.

The first Ural M-63 rolled off the assembly line in 1964 and became the first model with a pendulum rear wheel suspension. Also new in this model are hydraulic shock absorbers and new mufflers. Production of this model ended in 1971.

In 1971, the M-63 was replaced by a new model, the M-66 (I feel as if I’m writing about girl models (:). So, the M-66 differed from the previous ones in the “upgrade” of the engine, which increased its power to 32 hp Namely, an oil filter was added, and the front engine cover was changed accordingly. Like everything else in this world, the production of the M-66 came to an end in 1973.

“Ural” M-67 (1973-1976) and “Ural” M-67-36 (1976-1983) were not particularly different in appearance. The difference between the M-67 and the previous model was the 12-volt generator used for the first time. And on the M-67-36 model, the designers again worked on the engine and squeezed 36 hp out of it. They found these missing horses in modified cylinder heads (the stroke angles and diameter of the valve plates, and accordingly the valve rocker arms, changed).

The next model was the Ural IMZ-8.103-30 (1983-1986). As can be seen from the photo, the new motorcycle model was equipped with an exhaust system with one muffler. Changes also affected the rear suspension; it became a lever suspension with double-acting spring-hydraulic shock absorbers, adjustable in height.

I'll call this part "Our days", because the following motorcycles are still produced to this day.

"Ural" IMZ-8.103-40 Tourist The model is equipped with a lever front fork for the first time. In recent years, engineers at the Irbit Motorcycle Plant have been constantly improving this model, and achieving very good results. First of all, it should be said that the latest Tourist models are equipped with new four-stroke two-cylinder engines with a power of 45 hp and a displacement of 750 cc. This allows the updated motorcycle to accelerate on the highway to a speed of 120 km/h.

"Ural" IMZ-8.123 Solo- single based on IMZ-8.103-10. The model is equipped with a four-speed gearbox with reverse gear, front telescopic and rear pendulum suspension, electric starter, front hydraulic disc brakes, rear drum brakes and safety bars. The latest modifications of the Ural Solo motorcycle are equipped with the same engine as the Tourist, which produces a maximum speed of about 130 km/h.

"Ural" IMZ-8.1037 GEAR-UP is a militarized model of a modern road motorcycle, the production of which began in 2005. The same “Tourist” was taken as a basis. It has two drive wheels with a differential-free transmission, which significantly improves the off-road performance of the motorcycle and equipment for installing various weapons.

"Ural" IMZ-8.1238 Wolf can rightfully be considered a unique creation of the domestic motorcycle industry. And this is not surprising, because the Ural Wolf is the first full-fledged Russian chopper. Its mass production was started by the Irbit Motor Plant in 1999, and since then this model has enjoyed considerable success not only among domestic buyers, but also abroad. Another interesting fact is that the concept of this first Russian chopper was developed by factory engineers together with representatives of the famous Russian biker club - “Night Wolves”. The main feature of this model is its very long wheelbase of 1690 mm. Among other significant technical features, it is distinguished by a very powerful engine - its volume is 745 cubic centimeters and its performance is 40 horsepower. The engine provides a decent top speed of the motorcycle, under suitable conditions it can accelerate to 150 km/h, and acceleration to 100 km/h occurs in 10 seconds.

"Ural" IMZ-8.1036 Retro as a result of all the upgrades, the motorcycle not only became one of the most stylish motorcycles in the model line, but also passed certification for the European and American markets. The Ural "Retro" motorcycle with sidecar is equipped with a 750 cc opposed four-stroke two-cylinder engine. cm and a power of 45 hp. Maximum speed 120 km/h. The Urals with a sidecar are incredibly popular abroad, especially in the USA, so the Irbit plant has no problems with the sales market today. In 2001, the plant produced a modification of the Ural “Retro” without a sidecar, and two years ago, for demonstration at the Haynes International Motor Museum in England, a unique model of the Ural “Retro” motorcycle with right-hand drive was developed. By the way, the right-hand drive version also appealed to the Japanese, who purchased several models. speak for themselves)))

In this article I tried to describe the history of the development and modernization of Ural motorcycles and the characteristics of the main production models. If you have any comments or suggestions, I will be happy to listen. I plan to write similar articles about other monsters of the domestic motorcycle industry.

More from automotovelo and How Ural motorcycles are made
Domestic motorcycles

Many with whom I spoke about this trip to the small Ural town of Irbit were surprised that Ural motorcycles were still alive, assembled and sold. Somehow this brand has sunk into oblivion in recent years. I completely forgot.
But he is alive, generally even healthy and is selling well in the West. I walked around the assembly shop and found out how everything was going there. Let's start with the facade. It is difficult to recognize the once giant factory in this gray building. The stella with the motorcycle is difficult to see from the road due to the neglected park. There are no signs. Most of the building, which was once a factory headquarters, is leased out for shops, shops, and cafes. The pink doors in the background are a passage through which almost no one passes. The Ural motorcycle manufacturing plant employs just over a hundred people. For comparison, in the Soviet years there were 10,000 workers.

Strictly speaking, it would be more correct to call these motorcycles Ural than “Ural”. Because most of their components are imported. Motorcycle connoisseurs will probably shake their heads a lot when they see the list of brands that supply components to Irbit. Marzocchi telescopic forks, Sachs shock absorbers, Denso alternator, Yuasa battery, Ducati ignition, SKF bearings, Herzog gears, NAK cuffs, Brembo disc brakes, electronic fuel injection based on Bosch and Delphi components. In general, complete mincemeat by motorcycle standards.

From our Soviet here: pipes for the frame, castings for the engine and sheets for the sidecar.

The Ural motorcycle is in many ways the best and only one in the world. Let's bend our fingers: the only all-season motorcycle that is not afraid of frost.

The only production motorcycle with a sidecar

The only all-wheel drive motorcycle. Yes, this also happens. If you climb into something impassable, you can hard-wire the wheel on the stroller. In this mode, the motorcycle can only go straight, but it will get you out of any mess.

The guys from the plant said that they regularly go out on motorcycles into the forests and mountains, they got to the Dyatlov Pass, and the Ural highway goes calmly at 110 km/h.

The machines at the plant are mostly Soviet, but there are also new ones, for example this laser cutter.

Mostly women work in the painting shop. The men work welding, cutting and assembling. One worker can service 10 machines. The work is leisurely, because the norm is 5 motorcycles a day. In Soviet times, there were two workers at each machine; they worked in two shifts. The company produced 10,000 units of equipment per year.

Work at the factory is valued. 25,000 rubles are not lying on the road in Irbit.

The company produces about 1,000 motorcycles per year. 99% are exported. They work on an advance payment basis. Dealers are collecting orders - after a few weeks, the buyer receives his Ural. In Russia, they are bought by rich people who are overcome by nostalgia. In the West - fans of harsh military and lovers of getting into the wilds. In terms of cross-country ability, the Ural is unrivaled. Enduro, motorcycle crossovers and similar equipment cannot compete with anything. Only an ATV or buggy can give a fight.

In Russia, "Ural" can be bought only in three places. In the US there is a dealer in almost every state, some have two. Motorcycles undergo rigorous testing every year in the US and Europe to meet environmental and safety regulations. "Ural" passes all tests.

By and large, there are only two models of the Ural. They differ only in appearance. One is retro, the other is more modern. The design is all identical. But there are more than 60 coloring options.

The assembly is slipway, which ensures high quality.

The assembly shop surprised me with its thoughtfulness. Everything is on shelves and boxes. Everything is clear.

This is where the clutch is assembled.

And this will soon be a motor.

The construction is many years old. And by and large, the modern Ural is just a deeply modernized version of the prototype BMW motorcycle of the 40s. But I’ll tell you about the story in another post.

The skeleton is overgrown with intestines.

These are the Brembo brakes. Those who are in the know will understand)))

Even on export versions, “Ural” is written in Russian.

Powder painting is also the most fashionable.

For Russians, such a motorcycle will cost about 500,000 rubles.

Each motorcycle is tested and run-in at a special stand.

“Ural” can give a lot of reasons for skepticism: expensive, archaic, there is nothing Russian in it anymore.

But there is also reason for positivity. The plant, albeit in this form, was preserved, the brand is alive. And most importantly, it is in demand, dictated not by fashion, but by pragmatics. "Ural" is an uncompromising rogue, and can carry a load of up to 150 kilos (according to the passport, in reality it is more). An excellent choice for the travel lover. “Ural”, in addition to charisma, also has consumer properties, which is why they buy it.

But the feeling is still ambivalent. Although the enterprise is alive and somehow developing. In comparison with what happened in the Soviet years, everything looks somewhat depressing. But you can reassure yourself that Ural has switched from producing a mass product to an exclusive one.

All models of Soviet and Russian Ural motorcycles belong to the priority class of the domestic motorized industry. The devices have several modifications, and modern copies are actively used by consumers. The manufacturer tries to maintain the optimal combination of quality, power and cross-country ability of the unit. It offers modern two-wheeled machines of a single type and with the possibility of basing a side trailer. Let's look at the characteristics and features of the most popular samples.

History of development and creation

All models of Ural motorcycles, to one degree or another, copy the German brand BMWR. The very first prototype was created by Soviet designers in 1939. There are two main versions about the origin, and it is currently not possible to verify their authenticity.

Presumably the German analogue was transferred to the Soviet Union for review, after which domestic developers released a similar modification. The second option involves the purchase of originals in Sweden, their further transportation to the USSR, and the manufacture of the vehicle in question.

It is reliably known that in 1941 motorcycles were produced under the symbol M-72, which were similar to their German “relatives”, like twins. Serial production of the equipment was approved by Joseph Stalin himself. Production was organized at a Moscow plant, however, due to the martial law, the production of machines was moved to Siberia (the small town of Irbit). It is noteworthy that the production workshops were equipped in a former beer factory due to the lack of available suitable premises.

"Ural M-72"

All models of Ural motorcycles are based on the military model of the M-72 type. The initial delivery from Irbit to the army began already in 1942. The total number was more than 9,700 pieces. The production of the device continued until 1954. During this time, more than three million copies were produced.

The civilian modification of the vehicle in question was released under the symbol M-52. Structural changes allowed the model to move quickly and steadily along the asphalt. The power unit is a four-stroke engine with a volume of five cubic centimeters. The characteristics of the engine allowed the device to accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour with a power of 24 hp. With. It is worth noting that this version went on sale, but each owner had to register the bike with the military commissariat.

Features of the M-61 and M-66 variations

All Ural motorcycle models cannot be considered without two modifications that came out in the sixties of the last century. Changes in the design were minimal, however, an updated pendulum-type suspension mounted on the rear wheel appeared on the M-61/63.

On the 66th modification, a modified engine was used, the power of which was 32 hp. With. Then samples with a 36-horsepower unit were released. Changes in the engine design and other improvements led to the creation of the last Soviet Ural, brand 8.103-3O. Its main difference from its predecessors was the presence of an automobile-type driveshaft and a chain drive. In addition, it is worth noting an improved exhaust system and a cheaper version for the outback and remote villages.

New models of the Ural motorcycle

After the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the population began to buy motorcycles less due to the economic crisis. Those who had the means to purchase preferred foreign brands. However, the plant in Irbit did not stop production, although the products were sold in minimal quantities.

The plant was privatized in 1992 and renamed JSC Uralmoto. The designers of the updated plant were able to cope with the critical situation, and even developed a line of fundamentally new modifications.

For example, the latest models of the Ural motorcycle of the Tourist category began to be equipped with a lever fork and new power plants (four strokes), which had a volume of 750 cubic meters and a power of 45 horses.

The Ural Solo modification is a modernized version for movement without a side trailer. It is equipped with a four-speed transmission, electric start, reverse gear and a reliable disc brake system. The maximum speed of the device is 130 kilometers per hour.

What other models of Ural motorcycles are there?

The Ural Retro motorcycle is considered the most stylish in the line under consideration. It is stylized in an antique style and is successful not only in the domestic market, but also in the UK and the USA. Right-hand drive versions have been developed for ease of adaptation in countries with special traffic regulations.

In 2014, another modernization began, which made it possible to change the characteristics of all production models. The parts have undergone significant processing, as well as strengthening of component elements, ranging from body kits to the power unit and fuel system. Among the innovations, the following innovations can be distinguished:

  • the emergence of electronic fuel injection;
  • equipping all wheels with disc brakes;
  • installation of a hydraulic steering damper;
  • use of composite materials in the layout.

The compatibility of Soviet developments and modern technologies made it possible to bring Ural motorcycles (photos of all models are presented in the article) to world-class quality. The success is evidenced by real figures, which indicate that more than 90 percent of the equipment produced by this manufacturer is exported.


Among the export and trial models of the Ural motorcycle, the following examples can be distinguished:

  1. "Ural-T" is a modern analogue of the first modification, which has updated characteristics.
  2. “Tourist” is a variation focused on movement on various types of soil, with the ability to connect a side stroller.
  3. The military variation of the Ural Gear Up, is equipped with a place for installing a machine gun turret, a bumper pipe, an enlarged headlight and has a corresponding color.

In addition, the IMZ line includes biker versions “Cross” and “Wolf”, equipped with chrome parts, as well as all-terrain vehicles “Sportsman”, “Patrol”, “Yamal”.

To conclude the review

The domestic motorcycle “Ural”, the history of which models are discussed above, has become a real legend of the motorcycle industry. Even during the war years (1941-1945) it was intended for the army. However, later the use of this heavy motorcycle moved into the civilian sphere.

The equipment was especially popular in villages and villages because it had good load-carrying capacity and cross-country ability. All modern Ural motorcycle models, along with their characteristic style, have acquired completely new driving parameters and are in demand not only in the post-Soviet republics, but also abroad. Their exhibition can be seen at the Irbit State Motorcycle Museum.