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The Energy Saving Law, on the one hand, gave impetus to the development of energy-saving technologies, and on the other, confirmed the correctness of the energy-efficient strategy of many companies. Mosenergosbyt OJSC has been working on this topic for a long time. How successful, what has been achieved, what tasks still need to be solved - these questions are answered by the General Director of Mosenergosbyt OJSC, Petr Sinyutin.

– Petr Alekseevich, what role did Mosenergosbyt specialists play in the Energy Saving Law?
– Our specialists as experts took part in its development, worked in groups of the Ministry of Energy, the State Duma, and spoke at parliamentary hearings. I would like to note that the energy service contract prescribed in this law began to be implemented in the company seven months ago, when the law was only in draft form. That is, we worked ahead of schedule.

– What is the essence of an energy service contract?
– In energy services, we see the prospects for the development of Mosenergosbyt, this is a kind of development tool. The fact is that our company perceives energy saving not as a duty or obligation, but as a business, an opportunity to earn money by providing services to our clients. It is from this activity that we plan to earn a significant share of net profit.

– There is an opinion that the energy saving program cannot work because the state does not allocate money for it. What is your opinion on this matter?
- Absolutely correct. The essence of the energy service contract is that it opens up a source of financing for energy saving programs. We ask the client if he wants to engage in energy conservation and save money on it? If the answer is yes, then we give him money in installments for a certain period. The client may not pay for electricity for two months, and spend this money on an energy-saving program that we are developing together with him. Through this program he saves his money. And the money that was used for energy saving is returned to us with interest, sharing the profit that he earned. That is, we do not hide the fact that we want to make money from the client.

We have made two types of energy service contracts. The first is standard, up to two hundred thousand rubles, such contracts are sold through our branches. Any entrepreneur, small business owner, be it a small store, restaurant or laundry, can choose any energy-saving measures. For example, such as installing heat storage tanks, multi-tariff meters, replacing fluorescent or incandescent lamps with LED ones. All these solutions exist. To do this, an energy service contract is signed, ensuring mutually beneficial cooperation between the consumer and Mosenergosbyt.

The second option for energy service contracts is individual ones, they are also in demand. The first example is the Elektrostal metallurgical plant, the contract price is 36 million rubles. By the time the ideology and technology of the energy service contract appeared, they already had a ready-made project; all that was left was to find the money. Mosenergosbyt solved this problem, and the project went ahead.

– Who are individual contracts intended for? Does it depend on the size of the enterprise?
– As a rule, an individual contract is concluded with enterprises whose payment for electricity ranges from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles, that is, with large ones. Because the technology there is very specific.

As a rule, small businesses and budget organizations choose standard solutions because they are inexpensive. However, the energy saving potential in standard solutions is at least 50%.

– Can a homeowners’ association enter into an energy service contract?
– Representatives of the HOA were the first to respond. Because these are people who really count money. Their business is not very profitable, and in order to survive, they have to count every penny. They found out that such cooperation is beneficial. For example, lighting replacement projects pay for themselves in a year to a year and a half. These are good indicators.

– Do you think energy saving is effective with an integrated approach or will a differentiated approach be enough?
– The comprehensive program is treated like a rubber stamp. Every activity that generates profit or savings deserves to be designated as a separate program and funded. The approach here is simple: if you know how to save water, implement water measures; you know how to save heat - implement heat measures; you know how to save everything - implement it, act.

– Do you conduct an energy audit before that?
– Only where necessary. If the client refuses the audit and is interested in financing the project, we agree on this. The energy audit is carried out by a special division of Mosenergosbyt - the Technical Center. Experts visit the site, make conclusions and offer specific solutions.

– How do you work with the population? After all, in Russia there is no culture of careful attitude towards energy resources.
– This is most likely not a lack of culture, but a lack of skills. Few people manage to grasp a simple truth: money is lost from the family budget because of an incorrectly placed pot on the stove. Nobody connects these things. When you prove this in practice, the attitude immediately changes. Saving energy is not a set of special measures, it is everyday behavior. To clearly demonstrate energy savings, Mosenergosbyt has created an Energy Saving Center, which performs an information function. Energy saving lessons are conducted for students - for this purpose, a corresponding agreement has been signed with the Moscow Department of Education. There are special courses for housewives, where women are told how they can save energy by using household appliances correctly.

– And is it easy to digest?
- Yes. Course participants suddenly discover that what they do every day turns out to be doing incorrectly. When I came and listened for the first time, I realized that I was cooking the porridge on the stove incorrectly: the diameter of the pan was smaller than the diameter of the burner. Because of this, excess electricity is burned and extra money is wasted. By the way, I gave instructions to my wife.

– But very often conversations about energy saving come down to light bulbs: now we’ll change the light bulbs, and our lives will change. How do you like this approach?
– There really is a huge potential hidden in light bulbs. After all, this is a whole branch of industry, a branch of business. A fluorescent lamp is much better than an incandescent lamp. But the problem of recycling, the problem of mercury and phosphor has not been solved today. Yes, an LED lamp is a product that is even better in terms of energy efficiency. In Russian industry, I know of at least two factories today: MPO Svetlana in St. Petersburg, which has complete technology from growing an LED crystal to manufacturing an industrial lamp, and the Incotex plant in Moscow, which also began making competitive lamps and lamps . These are just the first steps.

Light bulbs are a serious engineering challenge for industrialists, energy service companies, households, and even governments at the regional and federal levels, because, I repeat, the waste problem has not been solved. But everything cannot be reduced to light bulbs. Let's take the Moscow Metro. This is our largest client. They are well aware of their main resource for energy saving - this is recuperation - the use of energy when braking trains to generate electrical energy. And they are actively doing this, investing large amounts of money. We also participate in this program.
At the same time, the metro is also involved in lighting: this year, 25 stations were modernized, also with our participation.

Energy saving in large industry is primarily about replacing inefficient equipment.

– Do you mean not only electrical equipment?
- Total. Technological equipment first. Because electrical equipment, if properly designed, does not lead to serious losses of electricity. Therefore, we see the task of energy service in the systematic replacement of one technological equipment with another - more energy efficient.

– Tell me, is it possible to solve the problem of non-payments? Indeed, today this topic is objectively a problem.
– I can answer this question in relation to my company OJSC Mosenergosbyt. Both before the crisis and during it, we managed to prevent an avalanche-like increase in non-payments. Conditions were created for our clients under which it was impossible not to pay for electricity. All technological aspects were used, and a shutdown committee worked. Unfortunately, the number of clients that had to be disconnected has increased. Among them are budgetary organizations and housing and communal services organizations. But it was our principled position on this issue that allowed us to keep accounts receivable within eight to ten days, and this is a normal situation. Today there are problems primarily with housing and communal services companies in the Moscow region.

– But still, it wasn’t easy to keep the avalanche-like growth in check? Is this a huge, systematic work?
– Exactly. Sometimes you hear that consumers pay only because it is a Moscow sales company, that is, the status of the company plays a role. I don't agree. I had the opportunity to work in energy sales companies in other regions, and I can say with confidence: they pay not because it is Mosenergosbyt, but because a lot of work is being done. We limit it to five thousand residential customers per week. Agree, this is a lot. This means that you need to come to each of them, turn it off, leave information about it, reconcile the debt, and come again to turn it on. It's a whole story, but people are involved in it. Therefore, we have dealt with non-payments, and now we are developing a special program for debt recovery. Shareholders recommend returning to a procedure such as bankruptcy, and the legal department will deal with this.

– What forms of organization of energy sales companies are most effective?
– Various forms are possible, it is important that they comply with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation. In world practice, sales companies often work as part of integrated companies, but they also work independently. As for Mosenergosbyt, the company worked effectively both as part of Mosenergo and now. This suggests that a self-sufficient technological mechanism can operate in any conditions. The principle here is “do no harm.”

– What are the motives for creating a merged company, other than the desire to merge?
– It so happened that sales, having stood out in each region, began to work independently. The first two years were spent trying to figure out whether we could even survive. Then we realized that we could not only survive, but also make a profit. They appreciated their own mobility and flexibility. And the effect of self-sufficiency and isolation appeared. As a result, technological issues began to be addressed in different companies in different ways. Naturally, these are different specifics, different technological base, different software, different billing, and so on. That's why we've moved far away from each other in technology. The emergence of the United Energy Sales Company was natural; in three months I learned the specifics of the work of the Saratov, St. Petersburg, and Tambov sales companies. I am confident that this combined company will improve the quality of customer service and the economic efficiency of the sales operations that comprise it. We don’t go to learn from bad experiences, we go to learn from good ones. They learn something from us, we learn something, we implement new solutions, and as a result we increase the quality and, accordingly, the capitalization of each of our sales outlets. Everyone is satisfied: shareholders, clients, and what else does a company manager need?

– There is a common belief that it is easier for large monster companies to capture markets. Do you agree with this?
– What does it mean to capture markets? Let's understand it with an example. On December 1 of this year, Mosenergosbyt began making payments to subscribers in the city of Lobnya, Moscow Region. Before that, a reseller worked there. What happened after the “capture” of this market? First: Mosenergosbyt standards began to apply in this territory. Second: our client office was moved there, and Lobnya residents had the opportunity to be served in any of one hundred and twenty-three offices. They were able to pay for electricity in any shopping center in Moscow. No one will argue that this is convenient. When the head of the local administration heard these arguments, he decided in favor of Mosenergosbyt. The question arises: who lost from the “capture” of this market? Personally, I don’t see any losers.

– There is talk about inevitable monopoly. What do you think about it?
– I don’t see any threats in monopolism itself. Take the state-owned company, by the way, Vattenfall, which deals with everything: generation, sales, networks, heat. This is a large and efficient company that operates in the German capital Berlin and controls the entire market. At the same time, no one is shouting about monopolism. Or another example is Electricic de France, which, according to various sources, controls from 80 to 90% of the market, including sales. The main criterion here is probably efficiency. We are now far from a monopoly, because three to four hundred sales companies operate in Russia.

A more pressing task today is consolidation. We need to ensure that it is not, say, Mosenergosbyt and Lobnensky Energy Sales that compete (it is clear that this is not competition), but major players in this market. Then this will lead to a real fight for the client, to an increase in service standards, which ultimately benefits everyone.

– Tell us about the electronic client system.
– This work is being carried out in two directions. Firstly, the client gets online access to information about tariffs, contract conditions and much more. To do this, he goes to the client-oriented website, which, by the way, is constantly being improved, gets acquainted with the electronic price list of “Energoservice” and selects any service, be it an electricity supply project or electrical installation work, and then makes a request, sending it electronically. Secondly, for legal entities there is such a service as a client’s personal account. Without leaving the office, you can send electric meter readings electronically, receive a bill and pay it. We have not yet made work related to invoices possible; the process has slowed down due to the need to implement an electronic digital signature. I believe that the client can do eighty percent of all necessary technological communication electronically. By the way, according to our surveys, 70% of Muscovite clients are ready to receive all services electronically.

– And ideally 100%?
- Undoubtedly.

– What prospects do you see for the company?
– In the near future we will develop within the framework of the United Energy Sales Company, which will be the management company. I think that as a result, Mosenergosbyt will acquire additional assets in the form of energy sales divisions in the Moscow region and, possibly, in the surrounding regions. We are interested in expansion, shareholders support us in this.

– How do you build relationships with governors?
– I note with satisfaction that constructive relations are developing both with the government of Moscow and with the government of the Moscow region. We participate in almost all programs that relate to the electric power industry, from tariff regulation to energy saving and service. I don’t see any insoluble problems here and I believe that both industrial and personal relations with government officials have been established. For any leader and businessman, relationships with people are the most important and most difficult task.

An ampere force equal to 3H acts on a current-carrying conductor from a uniform magnetic field with a magnetic induction of 0.1 T. What will the modulus of force be equal to?

ampere if the magnetic induction increases by 0.2 Tesla and the current strength in the conductor and its orientation does not change.

1. 250V. 2. 55V. 3. 10V. 4. 45V.

Question 2.

What is the name of the discharge that occurs in a gas tube at low pressures?

1. Arc. 2. Smoldering. 3. Spark. 4. Crown. 5. Plasma.

Question 3.

What is the process of emitting electrons from a heated metal cathode called?

1. Electrolysis. 2. Electrolytic dissociation.

3. Thermionic emission. 4. Impact ionization.

Question 4.

What is the induced emf in a 2 m long conductor moving in a magnetic field with

B = 10 T at a speed of 5 m/s along the magnetic induction lines.

1. 0V. 2. 10 V. 3. 50 V. 4. 100 V.

Question 6.

Determine the inductance of the coil if, when an electric current of 5 A passes through it, a magnetic flux of 100 Wb appears near the coil.

1. 4 Gn. 2. 5 Gn. 3. 20 Gn. 4. 100 Gn.

Question 7.

What is the energy of the magnetic field of a coil with L = 200 mH when the current in it is equal to 5A?

1. 0.025 J. 2. 0.25 J. 3. 2.5 J. 4. 25 J.

Question 9.

When the frame rotates in a magnetic field, an emf appears at its ends, varying with time according to the law: e = 10 sin 8 t. What is the maximum value of the emf if all quantities in the equation are given in the SI system?

1. 4 V. 2. 5 V. 3. 8 V. 4. 10 V.

Question 10.

The effective value of the voltage in the section of the alternating current circuit is 100 V. What is approximately the amplitude value of the voltage in this section?

1. 100 V. 2. Approximately 142 V. 3. 200 V. 4. Approximately 284 V.

Question 11.

The oscillating circuit is connected to: an alternating current source. Under what condition does resonance occur in this oscillatory circuit?

1. If the frequency of the AC source is less than the natural frequency

2. If the frequency of the AC source is equal to the natural frequency

oscillatory circuit.

3. If the frequency of the AC source is greater than the natural frequency

oscillations of the oscillatory circuit.

Question 12.

What physical phenomenon is the operating principle of a transformer based on?

1. On the creation of a magnetic field by moving electric charges.

2. On the creation of an electric field by moving electric charges.

3. On the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Question 13.

Where will the vortex electric field intensity lines be directed as the magnetic field increases?

Question 14.

The transmitting and receiving Hertz vibrators are located mutually perpendicular. Will vibrations occur in the receiving vibrator?

1.Yes, very strong. 2. Yes, but weak. 3. Will not arise.

Question 15.

What device in A. S. Popov’s receiver serves as a sensitive indicator of electromagnetic waves?

1. Antenna. 2. Kogerer. 3. Electromagnet.

4. Grounding. 5. Coil. 6. Battery.

Question 16.

Why do they try to make the air gap between the armature and the generator inductor as small as possible?

1. To reduce the size of the generator.

2. To increase magnetic field leakage.

3. To reduce magnetic field leakage.

Question 17.

Which of the following radiations has the lowest frequency?

1. Ultraviolet rays. 2. Infrared rays.

3. Visible light. 4. Radio waves.

Question 19.

The detector radio receiver receives signals from a radio station operating on the wave

30 m. What is the frequency of oscillations in the oscillating circuit of the radio receiver?

1.10^ -7 Hz. 2.10^7 Hz. 3. 9*10^9 Hz.

Question 20.

Which radio waves provide the most reliable radio communication if the transmitting radio station has sufficient power?

1. Long waves. 2. Medium waves. 3.Short waves. 4. Ultrashort waves.

1) To measure the current in the lamp and the voltage on it, an ammeter and a voltmeter are connected to the circuit. Which of these devices should be connected in parallel with the lamp:

3.The force of interaction between two point el. charges is equal to 8N. What will be the interaction force if each charge is reduced by a factor of 2?

4. At what distance are the point eds from each other? charges 2*10^-9 C and 5*10^-9 C, if they interact with each other with a force of 9 mN?

Please help with a solution and explanation.

The principle of level measurement with hydrostatic level gauges is based on the fact that there is a hydrostatic pressure in the liquid that is proportional to the depth, that is, the distance from the surface of the liquid. Therefore, pressure or differential pressure measuring instruments can be used to measure the level hydrostatically.

What is the operating principle of displacer level gauges based on?

The principle of operation of displacer level gauges is based on the fact that a buoyant force acts on a submerged displacer from the side of the liquid. According to Archimedes' law, this force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the buoy. The amount of displaced liquid depends on the immersion depth of the displacer, that is, on the level in the container.

The operating principle of a capacitive level gauge is as follows: when the tank is filled or emptied, the electrical capacitance of the sensitive element located in the level gauge changes in proportion to the level of immersion in the controlled environment. This change in capacitance is converted by electronic circuitry into a DC signal, which is then used for local readings, for two alarm settings, and for transmission to other devices.

What is the operating principle of capacitive level meters based on?

The principle of operation of capacitive level gauges is based on the dependence of the electrical capacitance of the sensing element on the liquid level.

What is the operating principle of acoustic level meters based on?

Based on the principle of reflection of sound waves from the surface

What type of radiation is used in radar level gauges?

To probe the working area and determine the distance to the test object, electromagnetic radiation of the microwave range is used here

What is the operating principle of conductometric level switches?

The principle of operation is to electrically close the electrodes of the sensing element with the working fluid (once the desired level is reached)

What is meant by substance consumption?

Substance consumption is the amount of substance (volume V or mass m) flowing through a given channel section per unit time

In which of the following units is flow measured?

Volume flow: m3/s(m3/h, l/min, etc.)

Mass flow: kg/s(kg/h, t/h, etc.)

What principle is the operation of volumetric meters based on?

The principle of operation of volumetric meters is based on direct measurement of volumes of the measured medium using measuring chambers of known volume and counting the number of portions that have passed through the counter.

On what principle is the operation of electromagnetic meters based?

The operating principle of electromagnetic flow meters (EMF) is based on the law of electromagnetic induction, according to which an EMF is induced in a conductor moving in a magnetic field, proportional to the speed of movement of the conductor.

On what principle is the operation of substance quantity counters with the main working element in the form of a diaphragm based?

On what principle is the operation of substance quantity counters with the main working element in the form of a Venturi tube based?

Based on the principle of variable pressure drop across the restriction device

On what principle is the operation of substance quantity counters with the main working element in the form of a nozzle based?

Based on the principle of variable pressure drop across the restriction device

What position is the working turbine in relation to the measured flow in volumetric vane meters?

The axis of rotation is perpendicular to the measured flow

What are the main operating elements of volumetric meters?

Oval gears

Changes in which parameter are measured in flow meters with the main working element in the form of a nozzle?

How does the pressure change before and after the restriction device in flow meters?

The pressure of the medium in front of the constriction device increases slightly, then after it drops, then reaches a minimum and increases again.

What are the main working elements of rotameters?


In what position should the rotameter be when measuring flow?

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What is the principle of Zaitsev’s technique based on?
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Tarot cards are an ancient tool that dates back to the Middle Ages. Even more ancient runes and many other different tools exist for communicating with spirits, transcendental entities, angels and demons.

The essence of working on tarot cards comes down to the following: a guide - a tarot reader - communicates with entities using cards and, using their tips, reads information about a person, his future, his present and his past.
All information obtained in this way may vary and depends directly on the tarot reader as a guide.

Tarot is a limited tool, but it is also impossible to consider tarot as an atavism, because at a certain stage of development it is an excellent opportunity to begin the path to one’s own knowledge and the discovery of abilities.

How can tarot readings help me?

What kind of help can you get if you find yourself in a library with millions of scripts, but not choosing the script yourself on a whim, but trusting the choice to a librarian, albeit a well-read one, who still limits you in choosing from a billion options?

Having felt your own strength and revealed your knowledge, you will have enough awareness not to play these cute games, which are funny only at first glance, they can also introduce a negative course of events, depending on what kind of entities the tarot reader is the conductor of.
In terms of vibrations, these are quite low in energy density.

How to spot scammers?

You can identify scammers the moment everything has already happened. In the era of Photoshop and technology, it is not difficult to do everything necessary to attract clients and, seasoning your image with a flair of mystery, serve it all on a platter with sauce “for the elite.”

Read the reviews, look at how old the reviews are, don’t be shy: ask questions to several people at the review coordinates.
And most importantly, be careful when reading the information - what kind of response you feel in your heart. When choosing, rely on feelings, not momentary emotions.

Ask the Higher Powers to guide you in the most harmonious direction for your development.