New French President age. French President Emmanuel Macron: biography, personal life, career. Participation in elections

On Sunday, May 7, the founder of the political movement “Forward!” Emmanuel Macron won a landslide victory in the second round of the French presidential election. This is evidenced by exit polls and the first official data provided by the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is responsible for organizing the vote and summing up its results.

French TV channels France 2 and TF1 were the first to provide information on exit polls. Macron, 39, received the support of 65.1 percent of voters.

The French Interior Ministry, after processing more than 4 million ballots, reported that Macron was in the lead with a result of 60.19 percent. 39.81 percent of voters voted for Marine Le Pen. It is also noted that among the processed ballots, 359 thousand are blank and 160 thousand are spoiled.

Although the official results of the presidential elections in France will be announced only on May 11, the world community has already begun to congratulate Emmanuel Macron. But what is known about the future president of France? website I decided to look into this.

1. The youngest president in the history of the country

The 25th President of France is only 39 years old. He is the youngest French president in the history of the post. Before this, the youngest president was considered the first president of the French Republic, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, aka Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon I. When he took office, he was 40 years old.

Macron is also considered the youngest Minister of Economy in France; he headed the department at the age of 37.

2. Career success

Macron graduated from Sciences Po, which is considered the best educational institution for politicians. His career began in 2004 at the Ministry of Economy. Member of the Socialist Party from 2006 to 2009.

After getting married in 2007, he immediately bought an apartment in Paris for a million euros and later included it in the declaration. According to the declaration, Macron earned 3.3 million euros from 2009 to 2014 from various positions in the banking sector.

In 2008, Macron was hired by Rothschild & Cie Banque, where he made a rapid career and rose from analyst to partner in just four years. His commissions amounted to more than a million euros per year.

Returned to the ministry in 2012. From 2014 to 2016 he served as Minister of Economy.

3. Behind every successful man is a wise woman

He is married to Brigitte Macron, who is almost 25 years his senior at 64. Brigitte was his schoolteacher with whom he fell in love at age 15. And on his 17th birthday, Emmanuel told Bridget: “No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.” The piquancy of the situation is that Bridget was already married and had three children.

In 2007, Bridget divorced and married Emmanuel. At the time of her marriage, she was 54. The couple has no children together. The wife’s children are almost the same age as Macron. He is not only the stepfather of Bridget's children, but also the stepfather-grandfather of his grandchildren.

At a meeting of the Forward! On March 8, Bridget appeared on stage next to her husband, kissed him on the lips and even said a few words, which slightly shocked those present. Macron has repeatedly stated that his wife plays a major role in his campaign, and in the future, perhaps, will become the main one in the Elysee Palace.

Macron long ago and consciously decided to share his political career with his wife, “to whom he owes a lot.” It was she, according to Macron, who played a decisive role in his development as a person and as a politician. However, Bridget Macron herself has no intention of becoming a politician. She just wants to “be close.”

4. Supporter of the European Union and integration

Leader of the Forward! believes that France needs rapprochement with Europe. He plans to create a eurozone parliament and budget. Macron stands for the preservation and reform of the European Union, free trade and “an open, confident, victorious France.”

He supports increased influence and increased funding for the intelligence services, army and police in matters of counter-terrorism. In relation to migrants and refugees, he supports an open door policy, and also plans to reduce taxes and simplify the migration procedure for talented foreigners.

5. Emphasis on socially significant things

Macron for paying unemployment benefits to more people, including private entrepreneurs. In addition, he places an emphasis on education and the need to transition to renewable energy sources. Plans to allocate 50 billion euros for vocational training for small businesses.

6. Not a supporter of Russia on the world stage

Macron is not sympathetic to Russia and will continue the policy of previous President Francois Hollande regarding the Ukrainian issue.

“I will not submit to Putin’s dictates, and this is my difference from Madame Le Pen,” a quote from one of Macron’s speeches.

When Macron fell in love with Brigitte, he was 15 and she was 39. The woman read Latin and French at the school where Emmanuel studied. An interesting fact is that Brigitte’s daughter was then the same age as Macron, moreover, she studied with him in the same class and, what’s more, she was even friends with the future president! But none of this could interfere with the love of young Emmanuel!

When Macron became the leader of the country, many of the world’s leading media mocked or at least caustically played up a sore subject: after all, Emmanuel’s wife is two and a half times older than him. Despite such a colossal age difference, Macron is not at all embarrassed by this: he loves Brigitte and has always loved her. Officially, the lovers have been together for 11 years.

Despite her advanced age, Brigitte always dresses stylishly and behaves impeccably in public. In addition, she has remarkable charisma and a wonderful sense of humor. Macron did not hesitate to introduce his wife into politics, claiming that she was a born first lady. Moreover, he even wanted to create a special post for her so that she would officially work with him, but French civil society regarded this as corruption, so the idea had to be abandoned.

It should be noted that Macron was not like everyone else since childhood. My grandmother was involved in raising the future president of France. She taught him to read, instilling in him a lifelong love of books. Emmanuel grew up a very well-read guy; he almost didn’t communicate with people the same age - it’s boring to be with them - preferring the company of older people. At school, Macron studied perfectly, was on friendly terms with teachers - but not because of his origin or rich parents, but because of his intellectual potential.

For a long time, the relationship (at first platonic, and later sexual) between an adult woman and a teenager was hidden, but later it came to light. Then a terrible scandal began, because Brigitte was cheating on her husband, and Macron was still so young. Despite the fact that the age of sexual consent in France is fifteen years, such relationships seemed wild and unconventional to the public.

After heated proceedings, the minor Macron’s parents sent him from his last year of school to Paris. While moving, Emmanuel met Bridget and vowed to marry her one day, no matter what. And so it happened!

Many people react negatively to this story. We believe that she is incredibly romantic and real in the sense of feelings and emotions. Carrying your love throughout your life, love from a young age for one woman, fulfilling promises to get married many years later - not everyone is capable of this. Macron is a true knight of honor! We wish the couple many years to come together!

The French presidential election caused almost the same resonance in the world as the US presidential election six months ago. All because of the candidate Emmanuel Macron, a 39-year-old energetic handsome man who served as France's finance minister. It was he who was given the majority of votes by the French. And now they are not discussing Macron’s election promises, but his personal life. The new president of France is married to French teacher Brigitte Trognier, who is 24 years older than him. We tell you the amazing love story of a French politician.

They met more than 20 years ago in a small provincial town, when Macron was studying at a Christian religious school, and Tronier was his French and Latin teacher. He was 15, she was 39, he was a student at the lyceum, she was a teacher. Their first one-on-one meeting took place when Emmanuel was in high school. Then Bridget and the future president of France were quite innocently staging a theatrical play, and therefore spent every evening together. Now, looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Thick blond hair, long thin legs and a charming smile, so beloved by Emmanuel Macron.

Joint studies lasted for two years. Emmanuel followed his teacher like a tail, accompanied her home, which, naturally, her husband did not like, but there was no way to confuse the stubborn teenager. On his 17th birthday, Emmanuel told Bridget: “No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.” Then the woman only laughed at the arrogant young man - in addition to her husband, with whom Bridget lived for quite a long time, the teacher already had three children. However, a few years later, the future Madame Macron divorced, unexpectedly, perhaps even for herself, and married Emmanuel in 2007, so the lovers have been happy together for almost ten years.

Brigitte first came into the spotlight in 2014, when her husband was appointed to the post of Ministry of Finance in the Socialist government of Francois Hollande. It is interesting that she did not give up her teaching career in one of the best Catholic schools in Paris, saying only one phrase to her students: “You will hear a lot of things - both truth and lies. But I will never talk about it."

A year later, Bridget nevertheless left school, saying that she wanted to devote herself to her husband’s career. She immediately began attending planning meetings and in a short time became an integral part of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, knowing everything about the affairs of the institution.

Not all French people believe in the beautiful love of the newly-minted president. Some believe that Macron is using his marriage to Bridget to hide the fact that he is homosexual. Journalists, of course, did not find any evidence. Macron himself, on the contrary, benefited from this situation, accusing his opponents of “homophobia” and “misogyny towards mature women.”

“If I were 20 years older than my wife, no one would say a word about the legality of such a relationship. People say that our relationship is unreasonable just because my wife is older,” Macron told reporters at the time.

Teacher and student: a love story between the new French president and his wife was last modified: May 18th, 2017 by Bella Kovtun

Brigitte Macron is 64 years old and married to a man 24 years younger than her. How did her career develop and why did she go unnoticed on the podium at the World Cup final?

The world was fascinated when it learned the love story of French President Emmanuel Macron and his teacher, his wife Brigitte. The romance of a 16-year-old student with a teacher who is 24 years older than him has grown into a strong marriage. It would seem that their unusual couple should have become the most talked about among the guests of the World Cup, like their country's national team, but they were overshadowed by Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, the President of Croatia. In front of the First Lady of France, in the pouring rain, Kolinda kissed her husband while she watched them alone from the football VIP box. Many years of playing the role of a politician’s wife taught Mrs. Macron restraint and composure.

“I don’t like that he never has free time. Paparazzi follow you at every turn. There is no way to relax for a minute. This is the hardest part. Sometimes it feels like every word costs a lot. You have to constantly restrain and control yourself,” she said in an interview.

The First Lady was born into a family of chocolatiers: five generations of Troniers (maiden name Brigitte) supplied the residents of the city of Amiens with chocolate, French macarons and other desserts. Her family owns several pastry shops in France. Brigitte is the youngest child of six children in the family. Parents - rich bourgeoisie - did not skimp on their children's education. For the youngest daughter, they chose the profession of teaching French and Latin. Brigitte studied and read a lot. Her friend, writer Philippe Besson, says that she is always interesting to talk to - she is full of literary quotes. Bridget herself compares herself to the main character of Gustave Flaubert’s novel: “I’m a little Madame Bovary.”

Like her favorite literary character, Brigitte married early - she was just over 20 years old when she became the wife of the future banker Andre Louis Ozier. We don’t know how Brigitte and Andre’s marriage developed, but during their relationship the couple had three children: Sebastian (born 1975), Laurence (born 1977) and Tiphaine (born 1984). And in 2006 they divorced. “Love swept away everything in its path and led me to my first divorce. It was impossible to resist her,” she admits.

Her daughter Laurence once, after classes at the Jesuit Lyceum La Providence, told her mother about her “know-it-all” classmate: “There’s a crazy guy in my class, he knows everything in the world!” This smart guy turned out to be the future president of France and Brigitte’s second husband, Emmanuel Macron.

Before starting teaching at the Lyceum for her daughter and future husband, Brigitte taught classes in Paris and Strasbourg. Returning to her homeland in 1991 turned her life upside down. Emmanuel stood out among the other students: “He was not like the others. Wasn't a teenager. He behaved on equal terms with other adults.” They became close when they began working together on a school theater production, and in 1994 they began an affair. Emmanuel's parents were against this relationship. Deciding to protect their son from a “temporary hobby,” they sent him to finish his senior year in Paris. But the young man was serious, he said to his beloved: “You won’t get away from me, I’ll come back and marry you.”

In 2007, they got married in a small town hall in the resort town of Picardy, their guests barely fit into the reception hall. The future president of France was already 30. Their first public appearance took place eight years later - the couple appeared at a state reception, which was held in honor of the visit of King Felipe of Spain and his wife. Macron at that time served as Minister of Economy. It was then that the world learned their love story. Since then, Brigitte began to accompany her husband to almost every business event. She helps and supports her husband in every possible way in his political career. The President of France considers his wife his main adviser and faithful assistant; once at one public event he admitted that he owes a lot to Brigitte: “She helped me become who I am.” All her children supported Emmanuel in the presidential election race.

Last August, the status of the wife of the head of state of France was legally codified: Brigitte Macron received an unpaid representative position, according to which she is obliged, together with the president, to represent France at international summits and meetings, independently meet with French and foreign citizens, and also personally participate in cultural and cultural events. social orientation. Brigitte herself assures that the role of the first lady is alien to her: “I don’t feel myself in this role. This is generally a translation of an American expression that has nothing in common with me. I don't feel like I'm first or last, or even a lady. I'm Brigitte Macron!

While the opening ceremony of Eurovision 2017 was taking place in Kyiv on Sunday, May 7, France was electing a president. Two candidates reached the second round of elections: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

According to preliminary data, Emmanuel Macron received more than 60% of the votes. He has already been congratulated by US President Donald Trump, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and current French President Francois Hollande.

There are legends about Emmanuel Macron, the French Ministry of Finance: he is handsome, smart, married, and most importantly, he has every chance of becoming the next President of the Republic. We talk about how the sexiest French politician won over his audience, why he babysits other people's grandchildren on weekends, and most importantly, why, having a whole fan club at his side, he still married his school teacher.

The French are passionate about all kinds of gossip, especially gossip at the political level. Yes, the French are eager to talk.

But recently France was rocked by a new scandal, the main characters of which were Finance Minister Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget. Emmanuel Macron attracts public attention for several reasons. Firstly, the Frenchman became almost the youngest politician in the history of France in recent years who was able to rise to a high post: Emmanuel was only 36 when he took the place of Minister of Finance.

And secondly, he is incredibly handsome - tall, stately, smart and, unlike Hollande, incredibly charming. “He is young, handsome and talented,” the French media enthusiastically write about Macron, calling him either “an alien” or “ child prodigy." In short, the Ministry of Finance has that set of qualities that no self-respecting woman, no matter what age, can resist.

By the way, it’s all about age – the main reason for gossip was the difference with his wife (Bridget is almost a quarter of a century older than her husband) and Monsieur Macron’s unexpected desire to become the next president of the republic.

It must be said that the story of the marriage began a long time ago, it’s just that the Macron couple were in the shadows for some time, trying not to advertise the details of their personal life, and now Madame Macron unexpectedly decided to reveal the whole truth to the world. The French, of course, realized that such frankness was not without reason, but they still fell for the hook and have been selflessly discussing the strange couple for several weeks now. They discuss and... for the most part - admire.

They met more than 20 years ago in a small provincial town, when Macron was studying at a Christian religious school, and Trono was his teacher. He was 15, she was 35, he was a student at the lyceum, she was a teacher. However, even in France, free from all sorts of prejudices, hardly anyone would have liked such a plot, so for a long time the couple did not cross the cherished line. They first met one-on-one when Emmanuel was in high school. Then Brigitte and the future French Ministry of Finance were completely innocently staging a theatrical play, and, therefore, spent every evening together. Now, looking at Madame Macron, we can safely assume that in her youth she was very good, and what to hide - now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Joint studies lasted for two years. Emmanuel followed his teacher like a tail, accompanied her home, which naturally did not please her husband too much, but there was no way to confuse the stubborn teenager.

On his 17th birthday, Emmanuel told Bridget: “No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.” Then the woman only laughed at the arrogant young man - in addition to her husband, with whom Bridget lived for quite a long time, the teacher had three more children. However, a few years later, the future Madame Macron divorced, unexpectedly, perhaps even for herself, and married Emmanuel in 2007, so the lovers have been happy together for almost ten years.

Agree, with such tenacity you can move mountains, what if Hollande, who has lost popularity... While her husband is enthusiastically building his political career, Madame Macron does not strive for power at all and continues to do the same thing as before - teaching at a religious school, albeit in Paris . The happy lovers do not have their own children, which is understandable - giving birth at Bridget’s age is risky, but Mr. Macron happily babysits his wife’s grandchildren and quite sincerely considers them his own too. Emmanuel also found a common language with Bridget's three children from his first marriage - after all, they are the same age, so the whole family (with the exception of Madame Macron's first husband, who was once abandoned) has a great time, constantly goes to the countryside for picnics and is not at all embarrassed by some of their non-standardism .

And when a certain young lady tried to take him away from Bridget, the Ministry of Finance pointedly sued her for harassment. “I love my wife,” he said then in front of journalists, and the entire female audience answered him “Ah!” It was then that it became obvious to others, including Hollande: Mr. Macron was aiming to become the next president of France.

Why not? The French are somewhat tired of politicians who seem to be more busy with their personal lives than with the country, but here he looks like an exemplary family man and a tough nut to crack. And now he has his own party. In general, it appears that the charming and cunning Emmanuel Macron has every chance of winning the presidential election.