Identification marks are required for installation. The letter "Ш" on a car - what does it mean? What does a triangle with the letter w mean?

On the eve of the winter season, many drivers are preparing to change their tires to studded ones. With the introduction of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, new rules for such a transition were established. In this regard, traffic police inspectors began to often stop drivers and issue fines. for the lack of a “Spikes” sticker on the back of the car. Let's try to figure out why and when such a sign should be placed on a car and on what grounds fines are imposed for its absence.

○ Why do you need a sticker and is it required?

The Traffic Regulations in clause 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation establishes the obligation to affix the identification mark “Spikes”:

  • "8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:
  • “Spikes” - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, into which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - on the back of motor vehicles with studded tires."

This requirement is quite justified, because cars on such tires brake more sharply, and motorists driving behind need to take this into account when choosing a safe following distance.

In most cases, in an accident involving a rear-end collision, the person following behind is considered to be at fault, based on the “keep your distance” principle. But increasingly, due to the absence of a sign, fault is recognized as mutual, and the injured driver has to spend a lot of time and effort to compensate for the harm. A sticker on the rear window can help avoid such problems.

In addition, spikes sometimes fly out on uneven roads, which must also be taken into account by drivers driving behind, especially on motor vehicles.

So, the inspector’s demands to affix an identification mark can be considered completely legal and justified.

○ Penalty for the SPIKES sticker in summer.

The answer to the question of when to glue a sign seems obvious - if you change your shoes to spikes, stick a sign. But how does this relate to the new obligation to change your car to winter tires in December and summer tires in June? Not really. The law does not contain a ban on the “Ш” sticker for summer tires, which means you cannot be fined for it.

The use of all-season tires is not prohibited; motorists are not required to drive on studded tires in winter. This means that the inspector cannot stop you for the mere fact of having a sticker in the summer, unless the drivers behind will keep a fair distance, fearing that the spike will fly out.

In the issue related to the triangle “W”, motorists are most interested in the basis on which the decision to impose a fine is issued, what article does the driver violate by not putting on the identification sign? The resolution specifies Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offences:

Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.

  • "1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article , - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.”

Referring to it, vigilant traffic police inspectors often issue decisions imposing fines in 500 RUR.

But just based on the title of the article, doubts arise about the legality of applying this norm, because the absence of a sticker on the glass does not create any malfunction. There is a clear list of problems in which the use of vehicles is unacceptable; it is included in a special Appendix to the traffic rules. Questions remain regarding the permission to operate a car, but in the Basic Provisions for Vehicle Authorization there is nothing about the “Ш” sign.

From all this it follows that there are no grounds for applying Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in relation to drivers who do not use a sticker. Judicial practice provides many examples of successful challenges to such decisions in the usual manner.

If an inspector stops you and wants to draw up a report regarding the “Ш” sign ask him to show the articles on which he bases his decision, including provisions on vehicle admission.

Most likely, the inspector will refuse this idea. If the protocol is nevertheless drawn up, write about your disagreement and challenge it within 10 days. Most likely the decision will be made in your favor.

There are rules according to which motorists must stick mandatory symbols on the rear or front window of the car, as well as on the body. These types also include a symbol indicating the presence of studded tires on a car.

During winter cold, drivers in our country often install a set of studded tires on their car - it contributes to better cross-country ability and less slipping of the vehicle in icy and snowy roads.

However, sometimes studded tires can cause an accident - to prevent this from happening, you need to place a corresponding sign on the rear window of the car or on the body.

Why do you need to glue it, the Thorns sign?

According to the 2018 traffic regulations, the sticker must be visible to all drivers on the road, so each side of the triangle with the Ш sign should not be less than 20 centimeters, and the framing border should not be less than 2 centimeters.

The sign “Ш” is needed and has the following meaning:

  • To inform and maintain distance. The Studs sticker belongs to the identification category and is intended to warn other participants about maintaining the required distance, since studded tires greatly reduce the braking distance of a car during a sudden stop. During emergency braking of such vehicles, other participants driving behind may simply not have time to brake.

Accordingly, studded tires increase the risk of accidents in the absence of warning labels.

  • Prevent damage. The presence of an appropriate warning sticker will help protect the driver from liability for damage to the property of other people:

Spikes can sometimes fly out from under the wheels - this happens when the number of wheel revolutions increases while sliding on a slippery surface and can lead to damage and injury to other drivers.

  • Pass inspection. In addition, the driver of a car equipped with studded tires who does not place the appropriate sticker in a visible place runs the risk of not passing the technical inspection, but it is he who authorizes the further operation of the vehicle. This means that if during a technical inspection the car was shod with studded tires, but there was no sign informing about this, it is impossible to obtain a technical inspection ticket. In order to avoid such a problem, it is better to purchase the necessary sticker in advance. This condition was mandatory in past years, but now they are more accepting.

In addition to these troubles, while such a car is moving, the traffic police inspector has every reason to stop it, since formally there is a possibility of passing a technical inspection with significant violations.

It is also worth remembering that if you get into an accident in which a car with studded tires and the absence of the Spikes symbol was driven from behind, there is a certain risk that the accident will be recognized as a mutual one.

Such scenarios can ultimately cost the car owner dearly.

Where to put the Spikes information sign?

The location of the symbol Ш on a car is not clearly regulated by the rules for operating cars:

  • According to clause 8 of the Basic Provisions, this sticker should be placed simply on the back of a passenger vehicle, i.e. not necessarily so that it is clearly visible to other drivers driving behind. Depending on the make of the car, the location of the sticker can be adjusted.

Experienced driving school instructors advise sticking a similar marking at the top of the rear window - according to them, in this place the symbol is best visible to other road users. You can choose any side for gluing - the main thing is that the symbol is clearly visible and does not interfere with the view of the car enthusiast.

In the case of a tinted rear window, it would be better to place the sticker on the outside. Transparent glass does not prohibit and allows its placement from the inside. It would be better if it was located where the glass is cleared of the adhering snow mass with a wiper or brush. It can also be placed on the body or bumper.

This sticker can be purchased ready-made at the store, or you can make it yourself on thick photo paper. To stick the symbol, the best solution would be a suction cup, since after removal it will not leave marks on the glass, unlike adhesive tape. You should know that ready-made stickers in stores often do not comply with the conditions of traffic regulations, and installing a sign that is too small will not have legal force, but it will be quite difficult to fine the driver for non-compliance. In addition, ready-made stickers with an adhesive layer cannot be reused, and noticeable adhesive marks will remain on the glass after use.

Penalty for missing the Ш sign?

What is the penalty for missing a sticker? Many people are concerned about the question: is there a fine for not having the Spikes sign?

  • The legislation, in accordance with clause 8 of the Basic Provisions, requires that the Studs sign be placed on cars equipped with studded tires.
  • In addition, according to clause 2.3.1 of the Rules, each driver is obliged to ensure the technical serviceability of the car in accordance with the above document.

Consequently, the traffic rules oblige the installation of the symbol Ш on the rear of cars.

According to the Administrative Code, there is currently a fine for the absence of a Spikes sticker; traffic police inspectors can punish the car owner under Part 1 of Art. 12.5 - this entails either a warning or an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

Previously, the driver could challenge this decision to higher authorities, since Article 12.5 did not provide for the malfunctions that clause 8 of the Basic Provisions includes. In 2017, a change was made to clause 8 and the absence of this sign is a malfunction that prohibits movement.

In custody

The Spikes sign must be placed at the rear of the car, as it will be clearly visible to others. Despite the fact that a fine is still provided for the absence of a sticker, the presence of the Ш symbol will help the car owner avoid many troubles, including problems with obtaining a technical inspection and liability for damage to the property of other drivers.


Due to the climatic conditions of Russia, drivers on its territory have to change the tires on their car wheels twice a year. Winter “footwear” for vehicles can be presented in various options, including those equipped with special spikes. Such a product improves the car’s maneuverability on slippery roads, as it improves its grip on the road surface, and therefore traffic regulations oblige all owners of cars with studded tires to hang a Studs sticker on the rear window.

What is the Spikes sticker

This car badge can usually be seen on transport during the winter season. Visually, it looks like a white triangle with a red border and equal sides. In the center of the figure is the letter “Ш”, printed in contrasting black. According to traffic regulations, the vehicle identification sign is installed so that other road users can easily notice it.

What does it mean

Winter tires with studs provide the car with better maneuverability during icy or snowy roads. In addition, if the driver of such a vehicle is forced to stop abruptly, the length of his braking distance will be reduced by approximately half, in contrast to the cases when summer tires are used. This explains the real danger of car collisions in winter and the need to install the Spikes sign.

According to the Law on Traffic Regulations in force in the Russian Federation, the driver of a vehicle driving behind a car with spikes and seeing the Spikes sticker is obliged to maximize the distance between himself and the car in front. When braking sharply, the driver will be able to avoid an accident and, thanks to the studs that allow him to stop quickly, will not crash into the car in front of him.

In addition, the stud is not attached very securely and often falls out of the rubber while the car is moving, when the wheel speed increases and it slips on the frozen road. In this situation, a spike flying off from the car can directly hit the windshield of the vehicle following it. If the Ш sign is installed on the car, then a large distance between road users will reduce the risk of such situations and relieve you, as the driver, of any responsibility for damage to other people’s property.

Why is it needed?

The need to hang a sticker on a car is prescribed by the traffic rules and is due to the desire of the traffic police to make the movement of vehicles as safe as possible. Why do you need a Spikes sign on your car window? The main purpose of the sticker is to notify other road users that a particular vehicle has studs. So, the driver warns that:

  • the braking distance of his car on slippery surfaces is much shorter than that of others;
  • Spikes may fly out from under the wheels of the car.

Installation of the Spikes sign according to traffic regulations

It was said above that the Studded Tires sign is necessary to warn other road users that the car is equipped with studded tires. The amendments to the traffic rules contain a rule stipulating that this sticker must be installed on the vehicle if the car has studded tires. The main purpose of putting a sign on a car is to warn drivers about the shortened braking distance and the need to maintain a maximum distance.

Where to glue

There is no strict standard for the placement of the badge, but the vehicle operating rules roughly indicate where to place the Spikes sign. The sticker should be placed on the rear window of the car (if we are talking about a passenger car), and it should be clearly visible to other road users. The exact location of the icon can be adjusted at your discretion and depending on the characteristics of the vehicle.

A motorist has the right to use not only a purchased badge, but also a homemade badge, which can be downloaded from the Internet and printed on a color printer. This attribute sticks well with double-sided tape, and the sign should be laminated first. There are other options for fixing the badge on the car, for example, using suction cups (then the triangle can be used many times and there will be no traces of glue left after removal).

Dimensions of the sign according to GOST

If a car owner makes a triangle himself, he must adhere to certain traffic police requirements. According to GOST, the sign must:

  • look like a white triangle with a red border and a black letter “Ш” in the center;
  • be dense, for which the triangle is printed on special photographic paper (the optimal density indicator is 120-150);
  • be glued in a place visible to other road users.

What are the dimensions of the Spikes sign according to GOST? Each cocked hat should be at least 20 centimeters, and the optimal width of the red frill is 10 times less than the side of the figure (at least 2 cm). As a rule, car dealerships sell stickers of the required size. There is no point in purchasing and gluing a small triangle, since legally it will not be considered valid, and the driver may be fined in this regard.

Is it necessary to glue the Spikes sticker?

The eighth paragraph of the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety” suggests that all cars equipped with studded tires must have the appropriate badge. Driving without a sticker is a violation of traffic rules and is grounds for a stop by a traffic police inspector.

IN a car is not the same as ON car (and UNDER the glass - not ON the glass).

Go back to school, learn Russian!) And prepare money for a fine!)

Let's say they stopped on spikes without a sticker. How will the traffic cops fare with proving the fact that I am on spikes if I write in the protocol that I am without spikes?? Will witnesses be constantly slowed down or photos (in which nothing is visible)?


Alexei, if you decide to use this option, then please write here about the results of communication with traffic police officers.

Good luck on the roads!

Necessarily. That’s how I drive, they stopped me once, but they didn’t ask about the sign, only documents. By the way, According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine/warning is provided EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE ABSENCE OF THE "SH" sign.From a legal point of view, lack of visibility, etc., etc., etc. are not grounds for a fine. What are IDPS officers guided by in their activities? Regulatory documents or your own opinion? What will the court be guided by?

From a legal point of view, the lack of visibility, etc., etc., etc. are not grounds for a fine. What are IDPS officers guided by in their activities? Regulatory documents or your own opinion? What will the court be guided by?

Why didn’t you include common sense in this list?

Not common sense, but inner conviction(as it is written). And the inner conviction is usually that the inspector cannot lie, because... he is on duty, and the suspect’s arguments were invented by him in order to avoid responsibility.

I meant that common sense is clearly lacking in those drivers who mount the sign behind dull tinted glass, or even in the trunk. Like, what, in the back of the car, as prescribed...

Hello! What if the tires are not studded?

Salute, comrades! How do you then think that if there is no studable inscription on the tire, then there is no need for the letter Ш???

Or maybe it’s not a tire at all? After all, there is no “tire” inscription on it!

Feel sorry for the emoticons???

What are the inspectors doing? They stupidly read the traffic rules, where it says “studded tires”... Doesn’t the wording confuse anyone?

So I wasn’t too lazy and tried to figure it out... Anyone who has time, google GOST 54916 and meanwhile Hedgehog, in all seriousness, goes to look for such an inscription on his winter coat...

Sorry, but it seems to me that this is what is called “turning on the fool.” They will listen to you, laugh and decorate you.

I don’t understand, is it really so difficult to stick a sign? Why these adventures on the fifth point?

But nevertheless - good luck!

One cannot argue with such a point of view. But I have a different opinion...

This fall, the inspectors already had enough opportunities to mock, laugh, pretend - it’s just one thing to “turn on the fool” and quite another thing to allow one to make a fool out of oneself...

This is a lyric. To the point: I didn’t find such an inscription on my Cooper Water-Master. I also looked through almost the entire assortment of spikes at MetroCC - yes, not the most specialized store, I was just passing by - the designations indicated in GOST, at first glance, are very rare; More precisely, I managed to find at least something from only one manufacturer, if there is interest, I’ll post a photo...

By the way, Oleg, didn’t you Google GOST???

If anyone has the drive, give me some criticism, I seriously believe that I have found the antidote to “nonsense with a capital S.”

The puzzle is complete, everything is logical: the sign is needed only by owners of studded tires, of which there are not very many among the general mass. And, I hope, the vast majority of rustling wheels fall under the definition appearing in the technical regulations of the Customs Union, namely: tires with anti-skid studs.

In short, if the inspector claims that you are “driving an MTS with studded tires”, but in fact the marking does not contain studable or studdet (special bow to the authors of GOST 54916 for this very spelling), then you will have to pay special attention to an employee who is probably simply not competent enough the fact that these are only “tires with anti-skid studs”, and they do not scatter spikes, do not affect the braking distance, do not smell like melon and, accordingly, do not require additional designation proudly shod in their car.

I respect your meticulousness and scrupulousness, but I think that they deserve better use, sorry.

Thank you for the kind words))

Are there any other thoughts on this matter on the forum?

Maxim, it would be interesting to hear your opinion about the interpretation of the word “studded”...

Sorry everyone for being so persistent...


Who has time - google GOST 54916

Control shot

Thank you, Alexey!


inspectors monitor compliance with what?


8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

..."Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles having studded tires;

What are studded tires?

GOST R 54916-2012 Pneumatic studded tires...

3 Terms and definitions

But if there are no such markings on the tire, it cannot be used at all?

TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF THE CUSTOMS UNION TR CU 018/2011 On the safety of wheeled vehicles...

5. Requirements for tires and wheels

5.1. Vehicles must be equipped with tires in accordance with the vehicle manufacturers' operational documentation...

5.4. Tires with anti-skid studs, if used, must be installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

5.5. It is prohibited to operate vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid studs in the summer (June, July, August). It is prohibited to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires that meet the requirements of paragraph 5.6.3 of this appendix during the winter period (December, January, February). Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle. The terms of the operation ban may be changed upward by regional government bodies of the member states of the Customs Union

So I examined my tires - there are no markings about studding on them, but there are studs, which means they are just rubber with anti-skid studs, and not studded - that is, I can ride on them except for three summer months (I’m not really going to), but You don't have to post a sign...

Do I get it right?

It’s really a crazy idea, but I stuck it on myself just in case, as a fireman.

Moreover, he is healthy, as is correct according to GOST. 20 by 20.

dobriEjik, I completely agree with Oleg, what he told you about)

GOST 3.3 studded tire: A winter tire subject to studding with anti-skid studs installed in the protrusions of the tread pattern.

You bought a tire with studs. Is it winter? Yes, because either a snowflake is drawn or the corresponding letter is written. Are the spikes installed? Yes. So what kind of tire is this? That's right, both according to logic and according to definition, studded! (It makes no sense for the factory to apply any other special inscription, since this type of tire always reaches the consumer with studs).

And clause 3.2 applies to tires that are still without studs, but with indicated places for studs, and such tires are distinguished by the indicated inscription. (That is, the consumer is free to install the spikes he needs himself).


That is, excuse me, but in your opinion this logic is not correct:

just three definitions

3.1 winter tire: A pneumatic tire whose tread pattern, tread rubber or design is primarily designed to achieve better performance in snow conditions than a conventional (road) tire in terms of its ability to initiate, maintain or stop the vehicle's movement.

3.2 winter tire subject to studding: A winter tire on the tread lugs of which a stud pattern is applied or there are holes for anti-skid studs specified by the tire manufacturer, and on which the mandatory inscription studable or studdet is applied.

3.3 studded tire: A winter tire subject to studding with anti-skid studs installed in the protrusions of the tread pattern.

putting this together we get that

A studded tire is a pneumatic tire whose tread pattern, tread rubber or design is primarily designed to achieve better performance in snow conditions than a conventional (road) tire with respect to its ability to initiate, maintain or stop the movement of a vehicle, on the lugs of which the tread pattern is marked. stud pattern or there are holes for anti-skid studs, specified by the tire manufacturer, and on which the mandatory inscription studable or studdet is applied with anti-skid studs installed in the protrusions of the tread pattern.

No, it's not reinforced concrete???


I specifically searched Google for at least one "Ш" sign in other countries. Not anywhere, not in any country. Why this idea at all?

Oleg-123, Hello.

If the tires are not studded, then the “Spikes” sign is not needed.

Good luck on the roads!



studded - this is when the spikes are installed. You can drive in the summer (if there are any spikes left, you need to take them all out), but on asphalt at speed it holds worse than in summer; but it rows better in the mud.

And if all my spikes fall out, is it studded? I turned it into a summer one and will drive it until the tread wears off!?

Well, in my opinion, it won’t be particularly summery))

There is an opinion (again GOST 54916) that

winter tire: A pneumatic tire whose tread pattern, tread rubber or design is primarily designed to achieve better performance in snow conditions than a conventional (road) tire with respect to its ability to initiate, maintain or stop the vehicle's movement

Starting from April 2017, the presence of a spike sign is a mandatory condition for operating a vehicle. Traffic police officers have the right to fine motorists who do not comply with the new traffic rule.

The letter “Ш” on a vehicle means a shortened braking distance of the vehicle. The symbol “Ш”, if there are studded tires, is glued to each vehicle. He obliges drivers to keep their distance.

What should the letter “Ш” look like on a car?

  • the sides of the triangle should be 20 cm;
  • the background of the triangle should be painted white with a red border;
  • the letter "Ш" should be black.

According to the law, traffic police officers have the right to issue a fine if the vehicle is equipped with studded tires and the sign is missing.

The new Law on “spike” stickers provides for a reduction in accidents on Russian roads.

After the adoption of the law on the “Spikes” sticker, the availability of the symbol decreased significantly. Due to its scarcity, the cost exceeds 500 rubles. Finding a sticker on the territory of the Russian Federation is quite difficult.

What to do if you can’t find the factory sticker?

Sign sticks not for the owner of the car, but for others drivers on the road:

  • the sticker must be visible at a distance of 20 meters and further;
  • If the windows are tinted, the spike symbol is attached to the outside of the rear window.

If you do not find the required sticker on sale, the law allows it to be printed, but only if it meets the above requirements.

Law on the “spike” sticker

The law stipulates that the “Ш” sign is glued at the same time as the installation of studded tires. In the summer, the driver does not need the spike symbol, but according to the law, its presence is not a reason for issuing a fine.

According to the Spike Decal Law, the sign is affixed to the rear window of the vehicle. The rule is not unambiguous; the identification mark can also be glued to the bumper of the vehicle.

Main! The law stipulates that the sign must be in the field of view of all traffic participants both at night and during the day.

The law on the “spike” sticker applies to all car owners, without exception.

Is the "Spikes" sign required or not?

Experts believe that the designation “Spikes” is not necessary on cars. On the contrary, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation believes that the presence of a sign will reduce the level of accidents on the highway and reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident.

According to the government decree of March 24, 2017, the presence of the “Spikes” sign is a mandatory condition for operating a car. Its absence refers to a malfunction of the vehicle and the use of the vehicle is prohibited.

The law was introduced for two reasons:

  • The braking capacity of a car with studded tires is less than that of a vehicle with regular tires. At the moment of braking, the car behind may not calculate the required time to stop and an accident will occur;
  • The quality of tires with studs does not always meet standards. While driving, the spikes can fly apart in different directions, which can cause an accident.

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of summer tires from December to February. Based on this, the use of studded tires is prohibited from June to August. The rest of the time is left to the driver to decide. He must soberly assess weather conditions and possible road situations.

According to the law, the placement of the spike symbol on the rear view glass is not required. It can also be pasted on the car body.

Traffic police officers do not have the right to fine you for the presence of the “Spikes” sign on the rear view glass in the summer.

You can familiarize yourself with government decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017 by downloading it from.

Penalty for missing a sticker

The absence of mandatory identification symbols on a vehicle is subject to liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Violations. The amount of the fine and the conditions of punishment are described in.

Before issuing a fine for missing a sticker, traffic police officers must make a reprimand to the driver who violated the traffic rules.

The fine for not having a sticker on a car is: 500 rubles. The fine falls under the category of “failure to comply with road safety conditions.”

The penalty for not having a sticker with the “Ш” symbol on a car may be a ban on the driver from further movement. Due to the absence of the identification symbol spikes, when passing a technical inspection, the driver is not issued a diagnostic card.

The law introducing a fine for the lack of identification marks on a car came into force on April 4, 2017.