Declassified documents about UFO. The CIA declassified documents about the UFO, the spoon bender and Soviet jokes. Declassified UFO Data

There are skeptics who refer to the fact that almost nothing is known about aliens in Russia, and in general it is all in the United States, and not here. We will also address this issue in this article.

Here I will try to be absolutely neutral and in no way express my attitude and point of view to the UFO phenomenon. All the facts described below will be presented only to your judgment, and it is up to each of you to believe or not.

To trace the presence of UFOs in Russia, we will have to study the whole historical era of our country, or rather the period of the USSR. The Soviet Union did not immediately begin to study the UFO problem, of course there were documented observations and descriptions of eyewitnesses, yet a large-scale study began only in 1978.

UFO in the USSR

Boris Sokolov retired colonel from 1978 to 1989 was the coordinator of research on anomalous phenomena in the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences. He, in collaboration with Yuli Platov, published the report “History of State UFO Research in the USSR”, from which some interesting information can be gleaned.

The next weighty argument proving the great interest of the USSR in the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence will be a 127-page archive of observations of anomalous phenomena on the territory of the USSR (former) and the Russian Federation, handed over by the Deputy Chairman of the KGB Sham to the pilot-cosmonaut Popovich.

This collection of documents states the recorded facts of the presence of unidentified objects on the territory of the union, but they in no way reflect the interest of the KGB. The question immediately arises - why the KGB hides its interest in UFOs. Everyone knew that the problem of aliens was being studied at a high level, but no one saw the results (except for the report by Sokolov and Platov), ​​but they should have been.

According to Platov, the study of unidentified objects took place from 1978 until 1996. According to the available facts, it continues to this day, but not so officially and on a large scale, then, where are the results? So much money was allocated from the state budget for employee salaries, business trips, the purchase of expensive equipment and "unforeseen expenses", and for 18 years - nothing. In fact, the report was published. Its contents fit in a few lines:

« ... The results of the work carried out showed that the vast majority of phenomena perceived by eyewitnesses as something anomalous have a completely explainable nature. They are mainly associated with the technical activity of mankind, which has been rapidly developing in recent decades, or with rare forms of natural phenomena. For all these long years of study, we have not recorded:

  1. No reports of a UFO landing.
  2. No reports of contact with "UFO pilots".
  3. Not a single report of 'UFO' kidnappings...".

This is the official report of the special services.

It turns out that for at least 13 years aliens have not visited our country at all. Yet many cases recorded by civil services say quite the opposite. What is worth at least one out of the ordinary episode - a documented and recorded case of a UFO landing in one of the villages of the Sverdlovsk region, which had direct contact between its pilots and local residents, as well as a study of the landing site. And there are dozens of such cases. So, what are our secret services hiding from us?

UFO in the USA

For comparison, let's look at the same situation in the United States. It's much easier with paperwork. Under existing law, an American citizen has the right to receive copies of unclassified documents of any department. The Freedom of Information Act came into effect in 1966.

From official FBI sources, over the past twenty years, Bureau employees have processed about 300,000 requests from citizens and issued about 6,000,000 pages of declassified documents. With the advent of computers and the Internet, a lot of information has become available online. Now you can easily find declassified documents of the FBI, NSA, CIA, Air Force and other departments that describe cases of UFO sightings, anomalous phenomena, the reaction of government services to these events, official reports of federal agents and other information unique to researchers.

It would seem that everything is fine, American ufologists should rejoice at such an abundance of valuable information, but there is one problem - all this pile of documents is just waste paper. All declassified files are carefully reviewed. Everything that was valuable in them has already been removed. Therefore, the only difference between our UFO researchers and the American ones is that they have tons of useless paper, while we have no papers at all.

Of course, if there are no official statements and evidence, it is easier to believe that UFOs in Russia are fiction, only the military themselves, many years later, admit how they carefully concealed this information.

They have seen UFOs repeatedly

« When I served in the army (1979-1981) in the country's air defense, we had a secret order, and soon methodological instructions (almost identical to the order) on what to do in the event of a UFO sighting. According to these guidelines, we conducted classes with personnel (I was a battery commander). From our part, a unit was equipped to participate in the study of UFOs.

There are places where they appear almost every other night. They could not take me to this unit, because. I was not a career officer, not a communist, and not a first-class specialist. When the guys arrived, they didn’t tell anything for a long time, but I didn’t ask, because. understood that they "gave a subscription." But when I left the army, they all told in turn what they had seen. And they saw UFOs more than once, including man-made ones and very similar in appearance to our technology. Now we can talk about it more or less calmly ..."(Evgeny Lutsenko).

The Soviet leadership also showed no small interest in UFOs. From the message of the American press, referring to information from the GRU double agent Yuri Popov, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in 1952 issues a secret directive, in the third section of which the agents were instructed to find out what UFOs are, which now and then violate the air borders of the USSR:

  • Secret foreign aircraft.
  • Special actions of the imperialist secret services.
  • Manned or unmanned extraterrestrial vehicles engaged in Earth exploration
  • Unknown natural phenomena...

The Soviet leadership carefully concealed everything that researchers could find. So, in 1952, a member of the CPSU Central Committee M.G. Pervushin in his report gives an ideological directive about the fight against rumors, about “flying saucers” and “green balls” ...

In the summer of 1994, American ufologists Gresh and Knapp made a sensational statement: according to them, they managed to take out of Russia a secret research report (R&D) on the topic "Thread 3". This report had an obscure title - "Substantiation of the concept and forecasts, expected results of experimental and theoretical studies of processes with the environment."

Under this discreet and incomprehensible name, the UFO study program was hiding. At least, this is what the Russian colonel Grigory Kolchin, who was involved in this work, claims. Research, according to him, was carried out in military unit No. 73790. It was in this unit that in 1991 this incomprehensibly titled report was compiled on several dozen pages.

Created in the 60s in the USSR, a secret laboratory for the study of "flying saucers" was not accidentally tied to the test site in Kapustin Yar. In 1971, at the end of June, in the Kapustin Yar area, many military men observed the passage of a black cigar-shaped apparatus, which, as it were, floated at an altitude of about 800 meters under the clouds.

The device, measuring 25 meters in length and about 3 meters in diameter, had no stabilizers, no wings, no engines. He moved at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour absolutely silently. The laboratory, among other tasks, dealt with the problems of anti-gravity. Successes, if any, of course, were not advertised.

On the night of September 23, 1977, a stunning phenomenon occurred in Petrozavodsk - the entire city observed a luminous object of gigantic proportions. Later it was officially stated that it was an unsuccessful rocket launch. However, holes were found in all windows on all floors, the nature of which was unknown. All glasses were replaced in record-breaking shortest lines and taken to Moscow for examination.

As it later became known from declassified data, the holes were formed as a result of laser exposure. At that time there was only one laser installation, the dimensions of which did not allow any aircraft of that time to take it on board, so the version of the earth's impact is excluded. It was this incident that marked the beginning of a large-scale operation.

In 1978, "space troops" were created, whose duty it was to repel attacks from space. At the same time, a grandiose secret project "Grid of Moscow Region" was unfolding, the central headquarters of which was in the city of Mytishchi.

In Mytishchi, on the basis of the 22 Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, a special, then top-secret laboratory was created to collect information and reports on anomalous aerospace phenomena. All information from all types and branches of the military was concentrated here, starting from the fleet, border guards, air force, air defense, and so on.

In cases where there was an impact on personnel, weapons and military equipment, our specialists went there - and then we had specialists of a wide variety of professions, and radio electronics engineers, geophysicists, doctors, including representatives of various radar services - and directly studied the physical traces of exposure.

To avoid any leakage of information, UFOs were renamed as anomalous aerospace phenomena, it is under the AAS code that they appear in all official documents.

As part of Operation MO Grid, over the years of its work, thousands of testimonies have been obtained, which have been collected in a giant mosaic. The witnesses were such authoritative persons as:

  • Crew commander "Salyut-6" - "Soyuz-29" Kovalenko V.V.
  • Test Pilot First Class Marina Popovich.
  • Colonel of the Air Force, former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force Nikolai Antoshkin.
  • Responsible for collecting information about anomalous aerospace phenomena Alexander Kopeikin.

The list can be continued for a long time, but even this number of people is enough to understand - UFO in Russia exists.

Declassified UFO Data

Moreover, recently declassified data on cases that could cause a third world war - UFOs intercepted control of combat nuclear missiles, and could provoke an automatic launch without the participation of the military. At least three such cases are known.

One of them occurred on October 4, 1983 at the location of the 50th division of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Carpathian military district, over which several devices of artificial origin appeared. At 21:37 Moscow time, an abnormal operation of the launch control ACS was recorded.

Since the launch system was carried out upon receipt of a command from the tape drive, and the command did not arrive, the missiles were not launched. Control over the complex could only be gained after the mysterious disappearance of these objects.

It was planned that within the framework of the Grid program, Soviet scientists would receive answers to all questions related to UFOs by 1980, but in the end this project brought twice as many questions.

In 1980, the secret Galaxy program was adopted, and already in 1985 it develops into the MO Horizon program. All previously collected data are systematized in them, but a big hunt for plates leads to shocking results. No matter how much we are, but how many UFOs hunt us.

From the observations of the military, it followed that unidentified objects were conducting reconnaissance and collecting information in such strategically important areas as Smolino, Dzerzhinsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region, as well as in the area of ​​​​the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

Such behavior of unidentified objects was regarded as a hidden threat, therefore, in early 1980, the General Staff opens access for 22 research laboratories to any data on missile launches in the USSR and abroad. Information about the latter uninterruptedly begins to flow through intelligence channels. This is how the own statistics of the Ministry of Defense appeared.

According to the data, it turned out that 87 percent of UFO sightings are the consequences of technical experiments or natural phenomena, which are mainly explained by the behavior of the sun. But it was impossible to explain 13 percent from these positions. There was only one thing left - the activity of extraterrestrial intelligence.

At the same time, a concept appeared that became like a password for the initiates - the Borisoglebsk air hub. It is located in the south of the Moscow district, where a large number of military airfields are located. This place turned out to be something like the Soviet Bermuda Triangle. Here, strange anomalies were observed much more than the official 13 percent.

Only in the period from 1984 to 1985 more than fifty cases were recorded there. In their reports, the pilots described encounters with disc-shaped objects, in which it was sometimes possible to make out the fuzzy outlines of the pilot. All this information was carefully cross-checked by specially trained people according to the directive.

At the moment, there is a special method for determining the time of the appearance of a UFO over the earth's surface, developed by Alexander Kopeikin, which is kept in the strictest confidence. The error of this method is only 10-15 minutes.

It was Alexander Kopeikin who first flew as close as possible to the plasma celestial formation, and it almost cost him his life.

The plane lost control

« In the summer of 1982, I tried to enter an incomprehensible black cloud that suddenly appeared over one of the military airfields. The cloud was about a kilometer in diameter. Despite the sharp gusts of wind, it hung suspiciously motionless and was not probed by locators. Communication with the airfield over which the cloud hovered was lost.

As soon as I approached the edge of this formation, my plane went out of control. A strong chatter began. I could barely keep my head from hitting the lantern. At the same time, the siren turned on, the sound of which was at the level of the pain threshold. This cloud somehow affected me. I was like a rabbit. My will was completely shackled.

If the plane had gone down sharply, I would have died. In this state, I felt neither fear nor depression, I was like a robot. My mental activity did not stop. I understood that I should report this, but in order to just press the communication button, superhuman efforts were required from me. Even a finger was very difficult to move.

Nevertheless, I managed to dodge this formation and everything immediately stopped. The plane seemed to just hover in the air. In 18 years of piloting in the most difficult weather conditions, I have never seen anything like it.».

This case is not the only one, officially they tried to explain this by a breakthrough of cosmic plasma into the earth's atmosphere. But, it seems, only in order to reassure the pilots. After a thorough analysis, the Institute of Radiophysics and Radioelectronics of the Academy of Sciences, which at that time was headed by V. A. Kotelnikov, stated that a plasma formation of such dimensions cannot exist at those pressures that exist in the atmosphere and with such a gas composition.

A logical explanation immediately appeared - since something exists that cannot exist on its own, it means that it was created artificially. The most sophisticated equipment was delivered to Boriso-Glebsk, which photographed one of these formations in detail. The effect was stunning: inside the plasma cloud they found an incomprehensible object very similar to an alien ship.

According to experts, such a plasma cocoon gives the device a truly supernatural speed and maneuverability, while being an ideal defense. But for terrestrial technology, such a level is still unattainable, if we do not take into account the American Astra TR-3B or XR7 aircraft (it is often mistaken for a triangular UFO), which uses plasma for invisibility mode, silent movement and increased speed, but up to such a cocoon as described above, he is still far away.

There is also a contender for this - this is Hitler, who conducted a thorough development of such ships during the Second World War, but his successes were not so grandiose. In addition, all devices and drawings were destroyed by Keitel's personal order.

Relatively recently, another incident at the Borisoglebsk air hub was declassified, but the military is silent about the details and dates.

Alien in a silver suit

Here's what happened there: a Spar fighter jet was sent to intercept the UFO. It seemed that the alien ship was in distress. This would be an opportunity for a long-awaited contact. However, an attempt to get ahead of the events ended in the death of the crew. The pilots most likely encountered an alien mind.

When they began to extract the crew from under the wreckage of the plane, they saw a huge man at the edge of the forest. As it was later established, his height was 3.5-4 meters. The man was in a silver suit without a headdress. Light colored hair. He turned and walked into the woods, parting the trees. When the special squad ran into the forest, a whistle was heard, and they saw a fireball rise above the forest, which went south low above the crowns of trees.

The investigation was carried out at the highest level. But people faced something that exceeded their capabilities. When they tried twice to see the landing site by helicopter, strange weather phenomena made it impossible to do so.

Sometimes, it seems that they are not hiding, but skeptics are trying by all means to explain this strange activity with something understandable and familiar. Optimists, in any strange manifestation, try to find their presence. The truth, as usual, is probably somewhere in the middle.

Here I have given the most convincing facts and evidence. Does it exist UFO in Russia- to decide each of you.

At the beginning of 2013 there was a huge leak of information about the government plot regarding UFOs. Data and documents surfaced that all the presidents of Russia and the former USSR, since the war, knew the whole truth about aliens on Earth. But most of all, the public was struck by the version of Kennedy's death. Is it really so dangerous to know everything about UFOs, even for presidents?

Ever since the war, Stalin and Hitler have been actively interested in UFO technology. There are versions that Hitler even managed to adopt several unexplored innovations from a fallen alien ship. And this for a while gave him a great advantage during the fighting. And as for America. It turns out that since President Truman, information about UFOs has been a secret with seven seals. But not for everyone!

After the saucer fell in Roswell, the famous video recording of the dismemberment of a crashed alien by American scientists thundered all over the world. Then everything worked out with the version of the forgery of the record. But in 2012-2013, documents were declassified that said that there had been a fall. But in order to divert attention from him, they created an implausible video. The public had to accept the whole situation in Roswell as a fake provocation.

New declassified documents speak of this juggling of facts. It also lists the names of military officials and presidents who have remained silent about encounters with UFOs for many years. President Kenedy took an active interest in aliens and their technology. He, as the first person of America, was entrusted with some of the secret information. But Kenedy wanted more. He decided to take a grand step - to tell everything about UFOs to the general population and the whole world. The military services and the Air Force, having learned about the intentions of the president, could not allow such a disclosure. There is a version in official declassified documents that shortly before Kenedy's death, he had a conversation with the highest military headquarters. Kenedy never gave up on the idea of ​​telling the public all about aliens. Soon the president was killed. Was it a coincidence, unlikely. But the Air Force and senior military leadership continues to hide everything from ordinary people.

UFO secrets were hidden by the government

And then there was information about a secret government conspiracy to hide information about UFOs. The presidents of the USSR and modern Russia knew about the UFO visits to the Earth. There is a version that the heads of government even entered into a secret interplanetary agreement with aliens. And those in return give part of the new technologies to earthlings. This is where the trends towards accelerating scientific and technological progress are observed. It's just that governments do not disclose any data about it.

UFOs are actively interested in military and strategic objects. They often appear at secret military installations. Aliens monitor our development and weapons. There is evidence that the saucers flew to the territory of Korea (PRC) in 2012-2013. They appeared in areas of potential development of nuclear weapons.

There are a number of testimonies and testimonies from military pilots of the USSR and Russia that UFOs often appeared next to them during flights. Saucers accompanied military fighters, video. But, as the military themselves admit, the higher authorities force them to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

The mysterious death of Kenedy, a government conspiracy, and UFO interest in military installations are all close to us. If the governments of countries do not want to dedicate the population to the secrets of UFOs, this does not mean that we do not have the right to know about it. Declassified materials are increasingly appearing in the press and reveal the whole truth about aliens on Earth.

Photos from open sources

An amazing statement about UFOs made the other day by the US Department of Defense stirred up ufologists, conspiracy theorists and ordinary people. Pentagon officials acknowledged the existence from 2007 to 2012 of the secret AATIP program aimed at detecting, analyzing and, if necessary, destroying the so-called "anomalous aerospace threats." The military even declassified two videos depicting mysterious unidentified flying objects that American fighter jets encountered during these years. (website)

Is it now possible to consider the existence of "flying saucers" officially proven and recognized? Or are the Americans leading the world community by the nose, giving it false information? It is possible that this is true, but an insignificantly tiny part of what the powers that be really know about. One way or another, US Department of Defense spokesman Tom Crosson said that the Pentagon spent over $22 million studying UFOs, then funding for the project was allegedly stopped. But let's take a better look at the videos published by the Americans.

It is even encouraging that the topic of UFOs and aliens is already officially recognized

The first recording, 34 seconds long, was taken from the cockpit of a Super Hornet carrier-based fighter-bomber. An amazing object in the sky was monitored using a forward looking infrared device. This allowed the military to determine that the alleged "flying saucer" was significantly hotter than air. She lacked wings, propellers and any other details characteristic of terrestrial aircraft. The UFO was capable of accelerating to incredibly high speeds in a fraction of a second. In the usual optical spectrum, the apparatus was poorly visible.

The second video was also filmed by the Super Hornet, a twin-engine attack aircraft. He was monitoring an unidentified aircraft that was spotted by the USS Princeton. When the plane approached the mysterious violator of American airspace, it turned out that it was a large light oval-shaped object with a diameter of about 12 meters. The UFO hovered 15 meters above the ocean and periodically "jumped" from one place to another, while the water under it began to boil each time. At a certain moment, the "flying saucer" moved towards the fighter, as if threatening him, and then disappeared.

Most of the funds allocated by the US government in 2007-2012 for the AATIP program went to a private contractor in the face of Bigelow Aerospace, a space tourism company. Its founder Robert Bigelow is a staunch believer in aliens and higher cosmic intelligence. It was this entrepreneur who managed to lobby his interests by persuading Nevada Senator Harry Reid to contribute to the allocation of budget funds for a joint search by the US Department of Defense and Bigelow Aerospace for alien aircraft and a more detailed study of these mysterious UFOs. It is not very clear from the declassified documents and videos whether Robert Bigelow and his team succeeded in doing this or not, although it is even pleasing that official structures already recognize the topic of aliens and even do something at the level of not only military intelligence, but also scientific research.

Ufologist Vadim Chernobrov told NSN why the CIA and the FBI have declassified documents on the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations right now.

- What threatens the declassified documents of the CIA about UFOs? Will they help in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence?

This is the first level of information and novice ufologists can celebrate the victory. What they fought for, proved, is now confirmed. What has been hidden for more than half a century is being made public. In fact, the outgoing Obama administration has been proactive. Realizing that sooner or later the documents will become public, the Obama administration, as it were, crossed the path of the next administration and, in fact, fulfilled one of Hillary Clinton's election promises. She promised to declassify documents on UFOs during her election campaign, which caused a certain response from a part of the US population.

- Does the fact that Obama did this last, speaks of the importance of this mission for him?

Definitely says, but much more interesting is not the very fact of the "triumphant event", but the comparison of declassified information with what we knew before. Of course, this will take many months, but some conclusions can be drawn already now.

- Which?

First of all, it is worth saying that the "evil intelligence agencies" have never hidden the fact of the existence of UFOs from society. Even before, when you could control the radio and newspapers. In the era of the Internet, it is basically impossible to shut up anything. So the main task of those who do not benefit from the leakage of this or that information is not silence, but the creation of parallel stuffing or fakes, which certain structures are successfully doing. We know the names of television companies and movie studios that specialize in UFO-themed video stuffing.

- No one tried to hide UFOs, but the special services were in no hurry to confirm their existence ...

A UFO is just an unidentified flying object. The secret that the secret services of any country hide is what part of these UFOs are. No one declassifies the real information about the presence in our atmosphere or on our planet of high-tech ships of other civilizations. For the sake of this, for the sake of technology, ufologists and eyewitnesses have been ridiculed for many years. All this is done for the sake of high technology.

Literate people are well aware that knowledge about UFOs has an abstract value, but information about technologies that allow aliens to overcome space and time, arriving on our planet, is very expensive.

- Can we assume that knowledge of alien technologies will give superpowers to the power possessing them?

The country that first builds a UFO-like aircraft will outperform any other country, if possible, in much the same way that modern fighter planes outperform the whatnot airplanes of the early 20th century. Such a dream spurs those who, on the one hand, spend a lot of money on studying these extraterrestrial technologies, and, on the other hand, invest no less money to convince others to stop doing research in this area. This situation discourages the desire of serious scientists to deal with this topic.

-Then how can the declassification of documents be regarded as throwing out a “white flag” and stopping technological competition?

In no case! If you can’t hide something, then it’s better to play ahead of the curve and be the first to tell. But at the same time, you seize the initiative and they trust you more. Suffice it to recall the documents that earlier Philip Corsa (in July 1947 he supervised the work of the special services at the air base, where they brought the UFO, shipwrecked in Roswell). In order to exclude the possibility of journalists flying over the crash site in a private airplane, Korsa persuaded the command to officially recognize the UFO crash (the army had never made such an official statement before), while he told reporters that the plate fell on a ranch that was from the true crash site was 40 kilometers away. This small nuance made it possible to guarantee the absence of reporters. In fact, only debris from this apparatus fell on the ranch, which began to collapse over the farm, but flew another 40 kilometers before falling.

- Is it true that people who reveal such secrets do not live long?

Philip Korsa, who led all this, declassified part of the documents after his retirement, and threatened to declassify the other part in the event of his sudden death. He died in 1998. Then the world was wondering where the second part of the documents would emerge? They resurfaced decades later with the Canadian defense minister, who had also retired. The documents are now being declassified by both the Canadian Defense Minister and WikiLeaks. Only the United States has so far been sitting on documents like a "dog in the manger", but this is a bad practice.

Externally, the documents presented by the CIA look simply sensational. For those who doubted the existence of aliens, they became a discovery; for other ufologists, this is just a confirmation of previously acquired knowledge. But now we will be able to tell what part of the information the special services are still keeping secret or turning into disinformation.

It has what looks like a flying saucer. Taken 13 years ago. The program, which cost $20 million, has already been closed. Journalists from the New York Times published an archive of materials from a secret US program, which was devoted, no less, to the search for UFOs. Searched for five years. And they say they found it.

Video from this collection: an object flies above the clouds, filmed in 2004 from the board of American fighters. They say that in the frame there is a ship with aliens.

“All this is true, the aliens are really in contact with our civilization,” experts confirm the guesses.

Interestingly, American citizens paid for such shootings. The "unidentified aerial phenomena" research program cost the US budget more than $20 million.

It's not classified anymore. The study of phenomena in the sky in the Pentagon really attached great importance. According to the instructions of 2002, the American soldier was supposed to document and transfer "to whom it is necessary" data on UFOs seen.

Let's take a closer look at the released videos. One oddity: the two rollers have an almost identical picture. The so-called unidentified flying objects are almost all the time at one point in the frame, not approaching or moving away from the FA-18 Superhornet fighter-bomber, which can accelerate to almost two thousand kilometers per hour. At the same time, in one of the videos, after changing course, the object abruptly moves to the side and disappears.

Most of the photographs and video frames that were not a clear falsification were subsequently explained by the catadioptry effect. Simply put, glare in optics.

In some cases, this may be due to contamination of the lenses or their defect. Part of the light that passes through the camera, due to, can be reflected inside the lens and form its own image, which then enters the matrix or film. And on a photo or video frame, for example, a little resembling an earthly object appears. Especially often this happens with side lighting.

The phenomenon of catadioptry was first described in the early 1960s by the Soviet physicist Alexander Mikirov. And it even got a second name - Mikirov's false plates (by the name of the discoverer). The scientist explained the appearance of a luminous dish in a photograph taken at the polar station in Tiksi with glare. This picture, published in 1961 in a respected Soviet newspaper, was discussed in almost every kitchen. Alexander Mikirov confirmed his guesses experimentally. The UFO photographs he received were identical to the one sent from Tiksi.

In fact, Mikirov's false plates are far from always plates. Glare can take a variety of forms - yule, oval, rhombus or ball - change colors and sizes depending on the distance and angle of view to the light source.

The optics have become more modern, but the glare has not disappeared anywhere. Here is an example from a ufologist how to shoot a UFO in 10 seconds. By the way, professional UFO hunters often have to convince those who dream of other worlds: wipe the lens and try to fix the flying saucer next time.

But it happens that lenticular clouds and even space debris. Testimony from a former pilot who encountered such an object.

"Imagine, some piece of iron flies from space. Part of the details of a ship or something like that. It consists of aluminum, and titanium, and steel. A whole complex. First, of course, it will cook aluminum with titanium, then to steel "What shape will this thing take, and where will it ricochet from the atmosphere - up or down, right to left? And it's completely clear - in front of me is a UFO, a real one, glowing, flying. Something seems to be burning in it. And quickly disappeared ", - Viktor Zabolotsky, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, talks about his experience of seeing UFOs.

As you can see, there are many objects to observe. But no one was found worthy.