Learning to blow smoke rings from an electronic cigarette. How to make hookah smoke rings and other tricks How to make a tornado from smoke

In order to perform all these spectacular tricks with smoke, you will need a hookah, an electronic cigarette or a vape. Some people believe that an ordinary cigarette with a broken filter will do for such tricks, but such smoking will be doubly harmful to your lungs.

Smoke rings

Such tricks with smoke are considered the most spectacular. You can achieve the effect in two ways:

  1. Get more steam into your mouth, then quickly make an “O” shape with your lips, keeping the tip of your tongue close to the lingual frenulum. With short exhalations, push out small doses of smoke.
  2. This method involves the same actions, only in this case you must pronounce the vowel “O” with your larynx. The sound itself will not be heard - only something like a click in your throat. Remember to keep your mouth open in a wide circle.

Practice is important in this matter. Don't be upset if the first rings fall apart quickly or don't work out at all.

Double ghost puff

This trick with cigarette smoke is done as follows:

  1. Take a puff, but don't inhale the smoke into your lungs - hold it in your mouth.
  2. Leaning your head back slightly, slowly exhale the smoke for 1-2 seconds. Keep your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. At the last stage, sharply lower it down.
  3. While the smoke cloud is at a distance of 5-10 cm from your face, with your lips slightly parted and your head tilted towards it, quickly inhale it back, trying to collect it completely.

"French breath", "waterfall"

These smoke tricks are done this way:

  1. Inhale the smoke for two to three seconds. It is important to keep it in your mouth - you can do this by slightly puffing out your cheeks, like a hamster.
  2. Now open your mouth slightly, protruding your lower lip thoroughly, and begin to slowly release smoke. He will rise up.
  3. Once the smoke reaches your nose, begin to slowly inhale the steam back into your nose.

Glass with smoke

Perhaps these are the simplest tricks with hookah smoke. Inhale as much smoke as possible, and slowly, focusing on the edge, begin to exhale it into the glass. You can use a straw for training.

Tornado on the table

Also a fairly easy trick. In a windless room, exhale a large amount of smoke onto the table surface. Then pry it with your hand and twist it smartly into a kind of thin tube - such as the base of a tornado. To create a real whirlwind, you just need practice.

Smoky soap bubbles

These are very spectacular smoke tricks. The bubbles burst, releasing clouds of steam. You can do the trick like this:

  1. Mix some dishwashing liquid with a little water in a bowl, find a cocktail straw, or use baby soap bubbles.
  2. The more smoke you inhale, the more smoke bubbles you will see.
  3. Slowly exhale the smoke into a straw thoroughly soaked in the soapy solution.

All tricks with smoke are easy to describe, but to learn how to do them automatically, you need thorough and serious practice. Only by repeating every day and honing your skills will you learn these actions, and will also be able to combine them and transform them into new ones. However, be sure to remember that smoking cigarettes, vaping, and hookah is harmful to your health.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

Recently, people have been purchasing electronic cigarettes not only to quit smoking, but also to release huge clouds of vapor and surprise everyone around them. Tricks with smoke from an electronic cigarette, called vape tricks, have become quite popular lately, as this is a great way to do something fun with a group, while surprising your friends. Learning how to do vape tricks is not that difficult, it just takes some time and practice.

Electronic cigarette tricks: training

Without a doubt, the easiest thing you can learn is to release rings from your mouth. This is the basis for learning more advanced professional vape tricks, such as "jellyfish". We'll tell you about jellyfish a little later. The rings are quite easy to learn, you just need to follow the instructions correctly. We invite you to study several methods to understand how to properly blow e-cigarette smoke rings.

How to make smoke rings:

How to make a jellyfish from steam

Vapor rings have one small feature that vapers often use in their tricks. If the released ring is gently pushed forward with the lower part of the open palm, the ring will become smoother and wider. This feature is used to perform the “jellyfish” trick. After pushing the flying ring, you need to carefully exhale a small stream of steam into its center, then it will merge with the outline of the ring and you will see something similar to a jellyfish. This is one of the professional tricks, so mastering it is not so easy, but it is quite possible with due diligence.

Read also: Vapers - what is it - fashion or culture?

Whirlwind or tornado

In order to master this trick, you will need a mod that can generate a sufficient amount of steam, as well as a windless room and a table. We collect steam into the lungs, carefully release the steam onto the flat surface of the table, so that a kind of fog forms on the table. Then you need to pry the steam on the table with your palm up and smoothly raise your hand. After this, a vortex similar to a tornado should form. It may not work right away, because, as with any vape tricks, training is necessary.

Double puff or "ghost"

The idea behind this trick is that you need to slowly release some steam from your mouth, then put it back in. To do this, you can try not to inhale the steam deeply into your lungs, but only draw it into your mouth to increase the density of the steam. The difficulty is that you need to time it and inhale the steam at the right time. At first, you can try to do this trick while lying on your back, as this makes the training process easier.

French breath, or "waterfall"

For this trick, you will need to take a deep puff and stick your bottom lip forward a little. Then exhale the steam, directing it upward towards your nose.

As the smoke begins to rise, inhale slowly through your nose. You should end up with a waterfall rising from bottom to top. This trick looks very impressive and cool!

Before performing the tricks you have learned in public, you need to practice well. Remember that daily training in front of the mirror will help you achieve stunning results and amaze not only your friends, but also skilled vapers.

Many hookah lovers have at least once wondered: how to blow smoke rings? It turns out that this is easy and simple to do, and this technique is called - jellyfish hookah. But only a few are trained in such a skill; most people give up this idea after the second or third unsuccessful attempt.

There are many different ways you can make fun with a hookah, namely, create rings of smoke. The essence of any of the techniques is that a person inhales smoke, and when exhaling, a tornado of smoke is created, which can be given a ring shape.

Performing tricks with hookah smoke is akin to art, and therefore, before starting a long training in this process, training is necessary. Professionals in this field recommend that beginners follow some recommendations:

  • It is better to make rings from hookah smoke in a room without drafts, since they can ruin the entire technical process;
  • If a person decides to make smoke rings, then it is important to use strong, high-grade tobacco, since the density of tobacco smog depends on its quality. Usually from a light tobacco product, it is lean and does not lend itself to ring formation;
  • All facial muscles should be relaxed. Before you start learning how to do tricks with a hookah, a person should take a few puffs in order to prepare;
  • It is important that when exhaling, the lips have the correct shape, namely in the form of a circle or the letter “O”. For beginners, it is better to practice in front of a mirror.

As a rule, every professional has a personal life hack that he uses in the ring-making technique. But before a beginner learns how to do hookah tricks and acquires personal tricks, he will have a long time of training.

Ways to create smoke rings

Before deciding how to make smoke rings, you need to decide on the method that a person will use to create his personal smoke curtain. Most often, people modernize each method of launching rings to suit themselves, but for a beginner you need to learn at least the basics.

  1. Lite way:
  • The person takes several preliminary puffs to develop the airway;
  • Then he takes several puffs so that the smoke fills the entire mouth cavity;
  • The lips need to be shaped into a circle;
  • The tongue plays the most important role in this process; it creates a piston effect, or rather pushes a certain amount of air out of the mouth. The person pulls his tongue as far as possible, and then sharply straightens it and thereby throws out air.

  • A man takes a mouthful of tobacco smoke;
  • The lips should be folded so that they have the shape of the letter “O”;
  • At the moment of exhalation, the jaw sharply moves forward, then returns to its previous position in the same way.
  • Professionals usually first completely relax the jaw muscles, and during the process of exhalation they sharply tense.
  1. How to make cough rings:
  • Before starting the rings, you need to carefully rehearse your cough. He must be weak. It's better to do this in advance;
  • A smoker puts tobacco smog into his mouth;
  • Then he begins to exhale and cough slightly, but a certain interval must be observed: 1 cough per second.
  1. Launch the rings by tapping:
  • The smoker takes a copious amount of tobacco smog into his mouth;
  • The lips are given the shape of a circle; when using this method, the size of the circle can be 1 cm;
  • During the exhalation process, the smoker makes a light tap on the cheek, as a result of which the escaping air takes the form of rings.

But hookah manufacturers do not stand still, knowing people’s passion for blowing rings, they invented the jellyfish hookah, with which you can give different shapes to smoke without any techniques. Thanks to the original structure, this process allows you to relax even more.

Hookah smoke rings are one of the most striking symbols of smoking. If you want to understand how to blow smoke rings or how to make smoke rings, the first thing you need to do is be patient and practice. Rarely does anyone succeed in this trick the first time, and if you want to impress others with your skill, you need to make some effort in learning the trick.

To begin with, let’s look at the scientific side of the question “how to blow steam rings.” When blowing smoke rings, a centripetal vortex of air is created, which creates the “ring”. The initial force of “exhalation” twists the ring and determines its rotation speed and intensity of movement. The sharper the exhalation and the narrower the lips, the faster the ring will fly. The shape itself is determined by the letter “O”, which is folded with the lips. We recommend practicing in front of a mirror to achieve an ideal circumference and, as a result, an even shape of the ring.

So, the diameter of the outer side of the ring is obviously larger than the inner one. The initial exhalation sets an internal acceleration of the flow, which, in combination with the contact of the outer side of the ring with air molecules, causes the ring to twist inward, maintaining a rounded shape.

Our goal is to learn how to set the correct intensity of the initial exhalation, while maintaining an even shape of the lips. Let’s look at the ways in which you can answer the question “how to learn to make rings.”

You inhale the steam and exhale a little to fill your mouth with smoke. After making sure that you have enough smoke in your mouth (after exhaling there will be one), draw your tongue to the back of your throat, make a straight “O” and push your tongue forward as quickly as possible. The whole secret of this method lies in the consistency and uniformity of tongue movements to ensure the correct intensity of air flow. The disadvantage of this method is the low speed and density of the rings, but this will give you basic knowledge of how to blow rings with your mouth.

The easiest way to make rings

The second way to blow smoke rings: with a sharp exhalation of air.

There is an important aspect to this method: the jaw, tongue, and lips are in the same and fixed position. In the same way, you take a puff on a hookah or vape, exhale a little smoke, fix the position of your jaw and the letter “O”, which, we hope, you have already practiced in the previous method. Then the most important stage: a sharp exhalation of air. To learn how to do it correctly, try to practice beforehand: try to whisper (!) the letter “O” as quickly, often and sharply as possible, folding your lips accordingly. This way you will understand what intensity of exhalation is required. Once you've learned how to quickly whisper "O", try maintaining the speed and sharpness of your exhalation, but slowing down the intensity. If you did everything correctly, then you will understand the correct position of the jaw, tongue, exhalation pattern and the correct shape of the lips. Vary the shape of your lips to achieve different ring sizes.

The third way to blow smoke rings: with your jaw

In principle, the previous two methods should be enough, but you can complicate your task a little - try throwing rings with your jaw. Remember what you read in the second method about the intensity of the air flow and the fullness of your mouth with smoke (this is important for the density of the ring). Now form your lips into an “O” shape and open your mouth as much as possible. Yes, to learn how to throw rings, you need to be a little fish. Do you feel your jaw muscles tense? Great, remember. Now try to exhale sharply from this position and form your lips into an “O” shape in the correct circle. To learn faster, try saying something like “Ow”, with the emphasis on “O”, but with a lip shape similar to “U” (only slightly wider).

How to make smoke rings?

Using this method, you will learn to set not only the shape of the ring, but also the speed of its movement, varying the intensity of jaw movement. Accordingly, to make a large smoke ring, you need to vary the width of the letter “O”.

What you need to learn how to make rings:

The most important thing is a well-lit and smoky hookah or vape. You need a hookah of such quality that it has thick and dense smoke, so that your rings are perfectly even and dense.

Please note that there should be no active movement or draft nearby, which can significantly interfere with your ability to learn how to make steam rings.

How to make a Medusa from smoke.

We're sure you've already learned how to blow smoke rings and are already bragging about it to your friends, but let's look at something more complicated? How to make a Medusa from smoke. So, you blow a wide ring of smoke and fix the direction of its movement. Then carefully try to blow a thin stream of smoke into the center of the ring.

Smoke tricks. Jellyfish from smoke.

Please note that the speed of the smoke stream must correspond to the intensity of the ring's rotation. Otherwise, at a lower intensity the ring will simply “fall apart”, and at a higher intensity it will also fall apart, but due to the fact that you simply blow it away.

How to make a Medusa from smoke?

How to make a Tornado (Whirlwind) from smoke

The next level of difficulty is a smoke tornado. You have learned how to make circles out of smoke, how to make a jellyfish, now all you have to do is learn how to make a whirlwind out of smoke. What is needed for this?

  • First of all, you need to create a dense layer of smoke on a hard surface. Take a deep drag on the smoke and carefully (!) begin to exhale it onto the table. For a more even layer of smoke, you can exhale the smoke by placing your hand in a horizontal position on your upper lip. This will make the smoke more uniform.
  • Then gently bring your hand to the smoke, without making sudden movements. The position of the brush should be like this – vertically along the table.

Smoke tricks. Smoke tornado.

  • When your hand is in the smoke, and it itself is homogeneous, make a sharp movement straight up, while changing the position of your hand, as if you were trying to scoop up the smoke and throw it up.
  • Practice and, as soon as a tornado of smoke appears, you can try to spin a vortex in its upper part, swirling it intensively with a brush.

Smoke tricks. A whirlwind of smoke.

How to blow smoke rings. Bottom line.

That's all you need to understand how to blow smoke rings and master other smoke tricks. We have no doubt that with a little practice and effort, you will be able to blow rings and do other smoke tricks correctly. Remember that practice and persistence are very important in this matter. Try, try, and you will definitely understand how to make smoke rings.

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