What to do if there is no diagnostic card. Is it possible to get insurance without a diagnostic card? When can you get compulsory insurance without it?

A diagnostic card is an official document that is provided to the driver after a technical inspection of the vehicle. Previously, all motorists received a technical certificate. According to the current law, drawing up a compulsory insurance contract is impossible without a diagnostic card. In this case, many drivers have a question: where to get

OSAGO and diagnostic card for the car

Today you won’t be able to get a contract without a diagnostic card. Moreover, representatives of insurance companies will control the availability and passage. Without a diagnostic card, only new cars (up to 3 years old), transit cars or cars registered in a foreign country can be accepted for insurance. All other vehicles are required to provide the insurer with an inspection card to formalize the contract.

Many people are interested in the question of how long the diagnostic card for compulsory motor liability insurance should be in order for a representative of the insurance company to draw up a contract. According to the current law, the diagnostic card must be valid at the time of insurance.

How to get examined and where to get a diagnostic card for MTPL

Technical inspection takes place at specialized points that operate on the basis of a license. The vehicle must be provided in a clean condition for inspection. If the machine is in a faulty condition, then a report is issued, which indicates all the shortcomings that need to be eliminated. Within a month, the driver is obliged to correct the defects and return the car for re-inspection.

If no defects are found during the re-inspection, a diagnostic card form is issued, which contains the signature of the expert and the validity period of the card. In addition to paper media, an electronic card is registered in the unified EAISTO database, where it is stored for 5 years.

How to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance without a diagnostic card

Currently, many insurance companies offer to make a diagnostic card for a fixed fee when registering for compulsory motor liability insurance at their station. In this case, you just need to pay the state fee in the amount of 446 rubles, take a contract, according to which you need to go to the insurance company station after issuing compulsory motor liability insurance, and undergo a technical inspection. After the inspection, you will be provided with a completed diagnostic card with the results of the test.

Some companies are ready to instantly issue a completed technical inspection form for an increased fee. In this case, a representative of the insurance company registers the card in the unified EAISTO database, fills out the form and hands it to the client. A diagnostic card is issued not only very quickly, but also simply. This form is no different from the one given to drivers at the station during actual driving. Which option to choose is up to each car enthusiast to decide for himself.

What to check before undergoing inspection

Before deciding where to get a diagnostic card for MTPL, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

    working fire extinguisher;

    warning triangle;

    first aid kit with all necessary medications;

    the car is in its purest form.

Diagnostic card dates

According to the current law, vehicles under three years of age are exempt from undergoing technical inspection. After the specified time has passed, you must present the car for inspection and receive a card for 2 years. After 2 years, the technical inspection procedure is repeated and a form is obtained for the next 2 years.

In subsequent years, the driver is required to provide a car and receive a card for a period of 1 year. If you don’t know where to get a diagnostic card for compulsory motor liability insurance, you can contact the insurance company, which will give you a referral to the station and help resolve your issue.

It is also necessary to take into account that some motorists provide a valid diagnostic card at the time of insurance, but it expires during the insurance year. In this case, it is necessary to renew the card, otherwise, if an insured event occurs, the insurer may refuse to pay the insurance compensation.

Do you have official OSAGO forms, do you really work with insurance companies?

Yes, we have official agreements that allow us to issue MTPL, CASCO and other insurance products on behalf of insurance companies. You can check all policies using the unified database of RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) before payment or by calling the insurance company. At the time of payment, you sign the insurance contract, a copy of the policy and a receipt. The original receipt and policy remain in your hands.

Are your prices the same as those of an insurance company?

Yes, prices may differ only downward. Insurance companies pay us a commission, so we can periodically make discounts on compulsory motor insurance and technical inspection at our stations. All prices comply with the federal law on compulsory motor third party liability insurance - Federal Law 40.

How can I check the received diagnostic card?

A diagnostic card for MTPL is issued only after the actual inspection. Without a valid diagnostic card, it is impossible to issue an insurance policy for cars older than three years. Your car will be inspected at our station in Moscow or at partner stations. You can check the diagnostic card using the online service on our website or on any other website on the Internet. You will see all the information about the passed technical inspection.

How much does shipping cost and how quickly will I receive my order?

Delivery within Moscow is free. Delivery will be on the day of order or the next. We will deliver the MTPL policy at a convenient time and place.

For the last few years, the Internet has been full of articles about whether it is possible to do compulsory motor insurance without a technical inspection or not. This issue is indeed very controversial in practice. Let's try to analyze the legislation, judicial practice and summarize all the available data on this topic, as well as summarize.

You need to start with the main thing. The main thing in our analysis is that, in accordance with the law, a technical inspection for compulsory motor liability insurance is necessary, because an important condition for concluding an insurance contract under compulsory motor liability insurance is the presence of a passed technical inspection, and this is mandatory. If the car does not pass MOT, you will not be able to obtain a policy. This condition in practice has always encountered a serious gap in the legislation - the absence of a diagnostic card on the fact of an accident is not a legal condition for refusing to pay compensation. Indeed, until recently, many insurance companies handed out policies without maintenance right and left, because subsequently, in the event of an accident, you can always refuse to pay compensation for the reason that the car owner does not have a diagnostic card.

Current situation

Then the practice went in a different direction (in 2012-2013). Car owners began to intensively improve their legal literacy, contact lawyers, and read the laws. The result is constant legal disputes with insurance companies that have refused to compensate them citing the fact that they (the insurers) have no reasons for refusing insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance specified in the law. As a result, we have a huge layer of court decisions in favor of vehicle owners who still achieved their goal.

Now (in 2019), leading lawyers who specialize in such issues are of the same opinion - it is possible to conclude a contract under compulsory motor liability insurance with an insurance company without a diagnostic card, but in the event of an accident, the car owner can earn himself additional problems. But let's be consistent.

In order to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance without a technical inspection, you do not need to invent anything new. Many insurers will still issue you a policy without the required diagnostic card, because their main goal is to receive the bonus due to them from each contract; after issuing such a policy, they will definitely not have problems. Let's focus on what consequences such a transaction will have for the car owner.

Firstly, if an accident occurs, you will not be able to indisputably prove that your car was technically in good working order (after all, you do not have a diagnostic card) and will be found to be at fault for the incident. Secondly, the insurance company may refuse to pay you compensation simply because the “car title” was initially issued in violation of the law.

What happens in the event of an accident?

If after all this you decide to sue the insurance company (which any lawyer you contact will probably suggest to you), then there are two options:

  1. The court may recognize the contract with the insurance company as concluded, and in this case compensation will still be paid. However, subsequently the insurance company will turn to you with recourse and demand compensation for the losses incurred, because you will almost certainly be found to be at fault for the accident.
  2. Court recognizes the contract with the insurance company as a void transaction(a transaction made in violation of the law, Article 166 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), and this will be regarded as the fact that you do not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy at all and you bear full responsibility for the accident.

There are a large number of decisions in which insurance companies are punished for issuing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without undergoing a technical inspection, involving the prosecutor's office in addition to this issue, and also invalidate insurance contracts under compulsory motor liability insurance concluded without a diagnostic card.

Let's sum it up

Is it possible to do OSAGO without a technical inspection? In practice it is certainly possible. Do I need a diagnostic card when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance? No, many insurers will not require it from you. But you must clearly understand that such a compulsory motor liability insurance policy will be a void transaction, that is, in the event of an accident, you have no guarantee that the insurance company will pay for your damage. Therefore, our advice is to undergo technical inspection and ride calmly, without the risk of incurring losses due to your own laziness.

In addition, now many insurance companies, for convenience, offer you to undergo maintenance and issue an MTPL policy remotely, practically without leaving the couch. Everything for your comfort. Therefore, follow the law and save your own time, money and nerves.

The law is harsh, but it is the law - this is what our forefathers said, relying on the sacred duty of every citizen to fulfill the Laws of their state. Apparently, not every one of us absorbs the essence of this catchphrase with “mother’s milk”, which is why incidents happen to us, thrifty ones, that defy any logic.

In accordance with the new Federal Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, each owner of a vehicle, when concluding an agreement with an insurance company, is required to provide a number of documents, one of which is a diagnostic card issued by a technical inspection (OTO) entered into the RSA register. There is also a list of cars and the timing of diagnostics for each of them (Article 15.).

Traffic police officers have been deprived of their authority to impose penalties for the driver’s lack of a diagnostic card or maintenance ticket. This innovation has freed the hands of many car owners who are now in no hurry to subject their car to undergo diagnostics, without knowing that they are cutting the branch they are sitting on. No one can guarantee that he will avoid the fate of becoming a participant in an accident, in any role: be it the culprit or the victim. Then the very day “X” comes, when you will have to regret what you did not complete on time.

At first glance, it seems strange that the insurer goes against the Law and draws up an agreement without finding in the policyholder’s document folder a diagnostic card issued by an accredited one. After all, in essence, it allows for free movement of a vehicle that may be about to fall apart or be subject to another incident included in the list of insured events specified in the terms of the contract. However, as practice shows, more often the “root of evil” is not in the insurance company, as in the object of insurance, but in its separate element, which is the insurance agent, and he can have a completely different vision of the problem of insurance without a diagnostic card .

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to guess why people try to bypass the technical diagnostic procedure:

  1. The first argument is the driver’s absolute confidence that the car has serious problems. In this case, not a single responsible expert will give the car owner that treasured multi-digit code, which is subsequently entered into the general database and which is indicated in the insurance policy, certifying that the condition of the car meets the established technical requirements.
  2. The second, less important, but common reason is lack of time and desire, simply laziness.

There is only one result - the insurer sells insurance without the driver having a diagnostic card.

Let's take, for example, diagnostics of passenger cars. In different regions of the Russian Federation, different tariffs are set for its passage, the average parameters are 350 - 400 rubles. Many will agree that the amount is not significant, in any case, it cannot be compared with the funds that will have to be sacrificed in the event of an accident.

Another question - . It is bought by drivers who do not have the time to spend the Nth amount of money on purchasing new spare parts and carrying out the necessary repairs. As a rule, a fake card costs about 2 thousand rubles. However, the fact of its presence will not make the car less vulnerable and will not increase the level of safety.

It’s great if nothing tragic happens during the entire term of the insurance policy. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. An accident occurs, the policyholder, reassured by insurance guarantees, rushes to provide the company with the necessary documents to receive compensation payments, and is immediately faced with a problem. The absence of a diagnostic card on the date of signing the contract can simply cancel it, moreover, unilaterally. In total, there is no contract - no compensation, there are repair costs, many times exceeding 400 rubles.

There is another scheme that some insurance companies often use, relieving themselves of responsibility for paying compensation, relying on the negligence of policyholders.

For example, a client came to the insurance company with a problem: his insurance and the validity period of his maintenance coupon had expired at the same time. The insurer is happy to conclude a new OSAGO contract and hands the car owner a new, blank diagnostic card, not forgetting to take payment (about 600 rubles). Everything, it would seem, can be rejoiced, both problems were solved overnight, if not for one BUT.

Few policyholders bother to read and understand the text printed on the coupon that is attached to the DC. It says here that the insurance company notified the client that he needs to undergo diagnostics by such and such a date of this year, and that he (the client) needs to come to the specified address to carry out the necessary technical operations. It is further stated that the insurance company is not responsible for failure to follow instructions and ignoring maintenance.

If during the validity of the insurance contract the policyholder does not have an accident, but the fact of lack of maintenance is discovered, then the contract will simply be canceled and the client’s money, or part of it, will be returned. In this case, the policyholder risks only 600 rubles paid for a blank diagnostic card form.

If an accident occurs, the client will have to part with both the policy and the money to compensate for repairs. Of course, we may be talking about amounts hundreds of times higher than both the cost of the maintenance procedure and the cost of the MTPL policy itself.

So, as they say, the miser pays...

All documents required for driving a car are drawn up and renewed in advance, in a planned sequential manner. Although the law does provide for the possibility of concluding a compulsory motor third party liability insurance contract without undergoing a technical inspection and a valid diagnostic card.

When can you do without a technical inspection?

In accordance with Article 15 (clause 3, paragraph "e") of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 N 40-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015) "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners" among those required for the conclusion OSAGO documents require a diagnostic card confirming the vehicle’s compliance with mandatory safety requirements.

Despite the obligatory nature of a valid diagnostic card at the time of concluding the MTPL agreement, in some cases you can do without it. On completely legal grounds.

1. Exceptions are provided for in Article 15 of the Federal Law of July 1, 2011 N 170-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013, as amended on June 4, 2014) “On the technical inspection of vehicles and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

A technical inspection (TO) before concluding an MTPL agreement is not required if:

  • the vehicle (TC) is not subject to technical inspection. For example, a trailer weighing up to 3.5 tons owned by an individual, regardless of the year of manufacture;
  • The first maintenance period for a new car has not yet arrived (3 years);
  • The validity period of the previous diagnostic card has not expired. For example, for vehicles for which the maintenance frequency is set to more or less than once a year (5-7-year-old passenger cars undergo maintenance once every 2 years, and buses, etc. - once every six months).

NOTE. When concluding an MTPL insurance contract, a valid diagnostic card is required, but the duration of its validity is not specified.

  • The period of the insurance policy and the validity period of the diagnostic card may not coincide.
  • If the card expires before the expiration of the MTPL policy, in the event of an insured event, the insurance company, in accordance with Article 14, paragraph 1, paragraph “and” of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 N 40-FZ, may present regressive claims against the culprit accidents (applies to a passenger taxi, a bus, a truck for transporting passengers with more than eight passenger seats, a specialized vehicle for transporting dangerous goods).

Without a valid diagnostic card, it is very difficult to prove the technical serviceability of a car. Therefore, there is a high probability of recognizing the owner of a car that has not passed the inspection as the culprit of a road traffic accident (RTA).

2. In the absence of a diagnostic card, the owner of the car has the right to enter into an MTPL agreement for a period of no more than 20 days (Article 10, Clause 3 of Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002), in the following cases:

  • proceeding to the place of maintenance (primary or repeated);
  • acquisition of a vehicle (purchase, inheritance, acceptance as a gift, etc.), to go to the place of registration of the car. At the same time, before registering the car, it is necessary to conclude a MTPL for 1 year. In practice, a law-abiding citizen will have to choose one of the commercial centers at the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, where you can immediately undergo maintenance, receive a diagnostic card, conclude a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement and register the car. Prices will be slightly higher than average, but the time savings and nerve savings are obvious.

The price of a 20-day compulsory motor liability insurance policy is about 20% of the cost of an annual compulsory insurance policy.

3. Some insurance companies, taking advantage of the carelessness of policyholders, manage to relieve themselves of responsibility for paying compensation when drawing up an MTPL agreement.

In cases of simultaneous expiration of the mandatory insurance and diagnostic card, the insurer may enter into a new MTPL agreement with the delivery, for a small surcharge, of a new, blank diagnostic card.

The appendix to this form states that the insurance company notified the client of the need to undergo diagnostics at a technical inspection point accredited by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) (address indicated), usually within 3-5 days (specific period indicated). Otherwise, the insurer is not responsible and will refuse insurance payment.

If, by a court decision, the insurance company is forced to fulfill its obligations, it can then try to recover the amount paid to the victim in the form of recourse from the driver.

If the policyholder does not get into an accident, but the fact of lack of maintenance is discovered, the contract will simply be canceled and the entire amount paid or part of it will be returned. This video is about the clever trick of insurers.

Video: OSAGO without technical inspection. Insurance with a catch

4. Purchasing an MTPL policy via the Internet has become possible since July 1, 2015.

The documents themselves, including the diagnostic card, are not provided to the insurer. The insurance company verifies the information received from the policyholder from these documents, exchanging information with government agencies and the RSA.

The method is convenient if the MTPL policy expires before the expiration date of the diagnostic card

  • if a diagnostic card is lost, if the driver has not yet applied for a duplicate;
  • to safely get to the place of scheduled maintenance,
    without being subject to a fine of 800 rubles for driving a car without a valid MTPL policy (according to Article 12.37, clause 2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) and without taking out an “extra” 20-day MTPL policy.

A technical inspection of the vehicle, the results of which are recorded in the diagnostic card, is carried out for the safety of the driver and other road users. Attempting to avoid or delay routine maintenance is unwise. For forgetful drivers, there are completely legal ways to get the necessary documents in order. And although, if necessary, it is possible to conclude a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement without a technical inspection and a diagnostic card, it is still better to take care of obtaining both the card and the policy in advance.