Where is pectin found? Pectin - what it is and how to make it at home. What it is

Pectin is a universal substance that is used in both the food and pharmaceutical industries. Its use is not harmful.

Among the masses he received the unspoken name “natural orderly”. Let's look at what it is and what its benefits are.

Pectin - what is this substance?

Pectin is a chemical compound that is formed from galacturonic acid residues. Translated, the word literally means “frozen.”

The additive is actively used in medicine, in the pharmaceutical industry and food production. Designated as E440. The polysaccharide absorbs moisture well, and after complete swelling it begins to dissolve.

The main features of pectin include:

  • ability to keep fit;
  • gelling;
  • encapsulation;
  • lightening;
  • adding thickness (thickener);
  • has moisture-retaining properties;
  • is a good sorbent.

For mass use, the polysaccharide is intended in liquid and powder form. It can be found in supermarkets for home use. The substance can serve as a replacement for gelatin.

Pectin is found in many plants, vegetables, fruits and berries. It improves their stability during storage and prevents moisture loss.

The substance is mainly extracted from apples and citrus fruits, less often from root vegetables. Many foreign enterprises are engaged in its production. Citrus polysaccharide is usually lighter than apple polysaccharide.

In the food industry, the substance is used as a thickener. It is added according to GOST and TU to mayonnaise, confectionery fillings, marshmallows, and marmalade. At home, jellies and jams are prepared with his participation. In the pharmaceutical industry it is used to form tablets (encapsulation).

Where to buy pectin? It is sold in pharmacies in powder form.

How is it useful?

Pectin is often included in medications to cleanse the body. It is a good sorbent. When ingested, it absorbs toxins and harmful compounds and removes them from the body.

Useful properties include:


When taking pectin-based drugs in large quantities, the opposite effect may be observed. This does not apply to fruits and vegetables - they contain a small dosage. You also need to consume dietary supplements and industrial products in moderation, where its concentration is sufficient.

The main contraindication for use in concentrated form is children under 6 years of age. It should be used with caution in case of cholecystitis, pancreatitis and peptic ulcer disease - during the period of exacerbation it is not recommended to use pectin (dosage form).

If consumed excessively, the following side effects are observed:

  • obstruction;
  • decreased absorption of beneficial components;
  • severe flatulence;
  • fermentation in the intestines.

Note! In its pure form, pectin sorbent is sold in pharmacies. Detailed rules of use are specified in the instructions for use. A teaspoon ½ of the substance is stirred in a half-liter container. The resulting solution is cooled and taken twice a day.

Where is it kept?

Pectin diet for weight loss

Pectin is often used for weight loss. It helps remove extra pounds and stagnant fat. The substance reduces appetite and improves intestinal motility, resulting in faster digestion of smaller amounts of food. With this diet, drinking alcohol and coffee is prohibited. In the process of losing weight with the help of the substance, it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

The pectin diet lasts a week. During this time, I manage to lose 3 kg. To achieve greater results, it can be extended for another week. This diet has an advantage over others, since pectins destroy fats and cleanse the body.

Video about pectin and its properties:

The first day:

  1. For breakfast you need to prepare a dish: chop or grate three apples, season with lemon juice, add some nuts.
  2. For lunch, prepare a salad of apples, an egg (hard-boiled is suitable), parsley or cilantro.
  3. Dinner - cut a couple of apples and an orange.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast: a plate of boiled rice (basmati variety) without oil mixed with pre-grated apples.
  2. Lunch: several apples are baked in the oven. If desired, the menu can be diluted with baked pumpkin.
  3. Dinner: peaches or apricots and boiled rice (can be replaced with buckwheat).

Day three:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal mixed with finely chopped fruit, you can add apricot and blueberries.
  2. Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese and tangerine.
  3. Dinner: For dinner, prepare a dish of quince, apples and walnuts.

Day four:

  1. For breakfast, fresh carrots and apples and oatmeal are prepared (some fruit is also included).
  2. Lunch: pumpkin porridge with rice.
  3. Dinner: Baked apples with diabetic lemon syrup.

Day five:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal without oil with the addition of apricots.
  2. Lunch: two boiled eggs and beet salad.
  3. Dinner: To prepare dinner you will need raw grated carrots and some nuts. Mix everything thoroughly.

Day six:

  1. Breakfast: salad of hard-boiled egg, herbs and apples. Dressed with lemon juice.
  2. Lunch: baked apples with nuts.
  3. Dinner: fresh carrots and orange.

Day seven (conclusion):

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with the addition of apricots or plums.
  2. Lunch: baked pumpkin with lemon juice, boiled basmati rice.
  3. Dinner: For dinner, prepare a fruit salad of apples, peach and orange.

Note. If you intend to continue the diet for another week, the diet is repeated day by day.

During the pectin diet, you need to drink a lot of liquid. Suitable drinks include decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, ginger-lemon teas, drinks with cinnamon and cranberries, and fruit drinks. You should give up black tea for a while.

Important! If you have a stomach ulcer or impaired acidity (towards an increase), the diet will not work. People with diabetes can add sweetener to their meals.

Pectin is a useful substance that is used in pharmacology, food production, and medicine. It is found in vegetables and fruits and is available in pure liquid or powder form. Used to cleanse the body and for weight loss. One of the popular procedures today is a pectin diet based on fruits and vegetables.

Which are found in cell membranes and intercellular tissues of some plants.

What is pectin

Pectin is a natural substance found in berries and fruits. There is especially a lot of it in apples. In fruits, pectin helps keep the cell walls joined together. Unripe fruits contain propectin, a precursor substance that turns into pectin only after the fruit ripens. During the ripening stage, the substance helps the fruit maintain its shape and firmness. In ripe fruits it breaks down to the state of simple saccharides, which completely dissolve in. It is this chemical process that explains why an overripe fruit becomes soft and loses its shape.

History of discovery

Jams and jellies have appeared in housewives' cookbooks quite a long time ago. At least in the 18th century, or more precisely in 1750, recipes for these desserts were published in a London publication. At that time, jelly-like sweets were made from apples, currants, and some other fruits.

It was only in 1820 that a substance was first isolated, which, as it turned out, was actually key to the production of jams and jellies. Then, when people learned the list of gelling products, they learned to make marmalades from fruits and berries, which by themselves are not capable of thickening. And to deceive nature, confectioners resorted to apple components as an additional ingredient.

The first commercial version of pectin was in the form of apple pomace. The first liquid extract of the substance appeared in 1908 in Germany. Then they learned to produce it in the USA. It is the American Douglas who owns the patent for the production of liquid pectin. The document dates from 1913. A little later, this substance gained wide popularity in European countries. And in recent years, the production center has been Mexico and Brazil. There, pectin is extracted from citrus fruits.

Where is it kept?

Pectin is found in many fruits and berries that grow in our latitudes. And these are apples, pears, quince, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, gooseberries, strawberries, grapes, raspberries, currants, cranberries, blackberries. Citrus fruits are also an important source of pectin: oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines. But as for citrus fruits, the substance in these fruits is concentrated mainly in the skin; there is very little of it in the crumb.

How to determine the concentration in fruits

The concentration of pectin depends on the stage of ripeness of the fruit. This is, of course, good advice. But how can you determine whether the fruit is ripe enough to harvest? Well, it’s true, you shouldn’t take every fruit to the laboratory for research. And for such cases, there is one trick that will help determine the approximate concentration of the substance.

To do this, you will need a teaspoon of crushed fruit and 1 tablespoon of alcohol. Mix the two ingredients, place in a tightly sealed container and shake lightly. If the fruit contains a high concentration of pectin, the juice released will turn into a strong gel-like lump. Low pectin content will result in the formation of small rubbery particles. A medium level of pectin should produce results in the form of several pieces of a jelly-like substance.

Fruit pectin: benefits and harm to the body

Most plant foods contain pectin. But the highest concentration is in citrus fruits, apple and plum peels. These foods are also excellent sources of soluble fiber.

Some studies conducted by American scientists have shown that products containing pectin can prevent the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.

If we talk about harm to health, then pectin substances are probably not capable of harming a healthy person. But still, before taking pectin supplements, it is better to consult a doctor.

Extremely rarely, powdered pectin can cause asthma attacks in patients, as well as flatulence. It is important to remember that citrus fruits belong to the group of highly allergenic foods. It is also important for people with intolerance to citrus fruits to avoid pectin made from this type of fruit. Research suggests that people with allergies to cashews or pistachios could potentially also be pectin intolerant.

Benefits of Fruit Pectin

Pectin from fruits has many beneficial effects for the human body. Let's look at some of them.

Reduces cholesterol levels

High levels are one of the main factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that citrus pectin reduces blood cholesterol levels by 6-7 percent. But, as scientists say, this is not the limit. Apple pectin gives even better results in the fight against low-density lipoproteins.

Effect on digestion

Being a soluble form, pectin, when entering the digestive tract, is transformed into a gel-like substance, which helps slow down the digestive process. This effect allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, which is especially important for people following a low-calorie diet for weight loss. In addition, the gelling properties of pectin help in the treatment of diarrhea.

Fight against cancer

According to data published in 1941 in a Polish scientific journal, pectin promotes the death of cancer cells in the colon. The ability of pectin to draw carcinogens from the body will also help reduce the risk of cancer. But for now, scientists continue to study this aspect of the effect on the body.

Other useful properties:

  • improves colon peristalsis;
  • has a positive effect on intestinal microflora;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Daily requirement

The daily requirement for pectin is approximately 15 g. This serving is enough to regulate cholesterol levels. If you want to lose weight with the help of this substance, it is important to increase the daily portion to 25 g. By the way, to get 5 g of pectin, you will have to eat about half a kilogram of fresh fruit.

It is important to increase pectin consumption for people with high cholesterol, excess weight, cancer, and constipation. The need for the substance increases with intoxication and infectious diseases.

Homemade jam and pectin

Probably, everyone has a grandmother or a friend who, as soon as fruit appears in the gardens, starts making jams. And at first, this process seems like real magic - a liquid mixture, boiled over low heat, turns into jelly or thick jam. But if you know that this process becomes possible only due to the presence of pectin in fruits, all the magic dissipates. Not like that though. The magic does not dissipate - the jam simply reveals its main secret.

But even grandmothers who have digested hundreds of liters of jam in their lifetime can sometimes fail to achieve fruity sweetness. And the culprit will be the already familiar pectin.

“Problem” jam: why does this happen?

Granular, chunky jam texture indicates that the fruit contained too much pectin.

The jam will be too hard if the product is cooked at a very low temperature. In this case, the water evaporates, but the pectin is not destroyed. A similar effect can be achieved by cooking over too high a heat without stirring.

The use of unripe fruits with a high pectin content also does not have the best effect on the consistency of the sweet brew.

When jam is overheated, the pectin structure is destroyed. As a result, the product loses its ability to harden.

Production stages

The production of pectin substances is a process consisting of several stages. Different companies produce the substance using their own technology, but something in this process always remains identical.

At the initial stage, the pectin manufacturer receives apple pomace or citrus peel (this product is usually supplied by juice manufacturers without any problems). Then hot water, which contains mineral acids or other enzymes, is added to the raw material. The solids are removed and the solution is concentrated by removing some of the liquid. After aging, the concentrate is mixed with alcohol, which allows the pectin to precipitate. The precipitate is separated, washed with alcohol, and dried. Salts or alkalis can be used during the washing process. Before or after drying, pectin can be treated with ammonia. The last stage of production is to grind the dry solid into powder. Ready-made pectin is often sold in the form of mixtures with other food additives.

Pectin in the food industry

Due to its ability to form a gel-like solution, pectin is used in the food industry for the production of marmalades, jams, and confitures as an E440 additive. It plays the role of a stabilizer, thickener, clarifier, moisture-retaining and filtering component.

The main sources for industrial pectin are citrus and apple components. Peels are usually used from citrus fruits, and the pomace from apples is used for processing after making cider. Other sources: sugar beets, persimmons, sunflower baskets (all in the form of cake). By the way, to make jelly, just a little pectin, fruit acids and sugar are enough.

Pectin, introduced into the food industry, is a polymer consisting of almost 65 percent galacturonic acid. It is also found in various sauces, pastilles, jelly products, some candies, ice cream, and is even part of activated carbon.

Other Applications

The thickening properties of this substance are used in the pharmaceutical and textile industries. It is believed that pectin can reduce low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) levels and also treat diarrhea. In addition, there is an opinion that pectin promotes the death of cancer cells.

A product rich in pectin is actively used in cosmetology. Wraps and use of this substance helps get rid of cellulite. In addition, pectin helps cleanse the skin of age spots, give it elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Pectin has interesting physicochemical properties that affect the cardiovascular system and digestive functions of the body. Its ability to lower cholesterol and improve intestinal health is known. So, as it turns out, apple jam is not just a tasty product, but extremely healthy. Remember this when choosing a sweet for tea next time.

Pectins (from the Greek pektos - curled, frozen)- these are plant polysaccharides of complex structure, contained in various fruits, berries, vegetables and other types of plant materials. Their highest content was found in large-fruited citrus fruits, apples, apricots, plums, black currants, carrots, etc.

Pectin substances are extremely effective and absolutely harmless natural detoxifiers. Pectin is very important for stabilizing metabolism, it reduces cholesterol in the body, improves peripheral circulation, as well as intestinal motility. But, nevertheless, its most valuable property is that it has the ability to cleanse living organisms of harmful substances: heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides and other toxins. Moreover, this natural cleaner works very diligently and effectively, without leaving behind any garbage and without disturbing the bacteriological balance of the body. Many experts call pectin the health worker of the human body for its unique ability to remove such harmful substances from the body.

If you come across the designation E440 in the list of food additives on the label, rejoice - this is pectin, it belongs to the class of consistency improvers: stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents. Negative action pectin not installed and its use as a food additive is permitted without restrictions in all countries of the world.

As a substance, pectin was discovered more than 200 years ago. In nature, pectin is found in an insoluble form - in the form of protopectin. Pectin is extracted industrially from apple pomace, peels of large-fruited citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons), and sugar beet pulp. It is produced in the form of powder and concentrate. Pectin powder is odorless, color varies from light cream to light beige depending on the type of raw material. When dissolved in water, it forms a colloidal solution. Pectin concentrate is a viscous, opaque liquid with an odor characteristic of the original raw material.

Pectin is characterized by two main properties - complexing And gelatinous abilities used depending on their area of ​​application.

Complexing ability.

The complexing ability of pectin is based on its ability to form insoluble complex compounds with heavy metals And radionuclides. It is this property that determines pectin according to the recommendation World Health Organization (WHO) as a prophylactic in environmentally polluted areas. Preventative daily allowance the dose of pectin is 4 - 5 d, in unfavorable environmental conditions, including radioactive contamination - 15 - 16 g per day.

Gelatinous ability.

The property of pectin to form jellies is used in the production of such favorite confectionery and canned products as marmalade, marshmallows, jelly, marshmallows, confitures, preserves and jams with a low sugar content and calorie content and an excellent fruity taste and aroma.

Areas of application of pectin.

for food purposes:

· as a stabilizer for juice-based drinks, giving them, in addition to functional properties, improved organoleptic properties;

· as a thickener for the production of fruit fillings for sweets, creams for pastries and cakes;

· as an emulsifier in the production of mayonnaise and liquid margarines in the fat and oil industry;

· as an improver of the quality of bakery products, ensuring they remain fresh for quite a long time without deteriorating the taste and aroma of the bread ;

· as a stabilizer in the production of fruit yoghurts, pectin-containing milk-fruit drinks and ice cream;

· as a bactericidal agent in the canning industry as a recipe component of marinades, which improves the nutritional value of canned fruit and vegetables;

· in the production of dietary and therapeutic food, including for children.

in healthcare:

It is known that the human body is organized in such a way that a person should live a long time. The great Hippocrates believed that “A person should live 120-150 years. Almost all diseases come to him through the mouth with food. Our body consists of what we eat, but sometimes we also get sick because of what we eat.”

There are more than 100 million chemical substances in the world and about 100 thousand are synthesized annually. A person has constant or temporary contact with them throughout his life. Therefore, functional food products are becoming increasingly important. Pectins, being soluble dietary fiber, are classified as ballast substances and are recommended as a mandatory component of the modern theory of adequate nutrition.

Moreover, the use of therapeutic doses of pectins, which is an average of 2 - 15 g per day in terms of dry pectin, does not entail the development of side effects even with long-term use.

· Pectin substances affect the process of intercellular interaction. American oncologists from the Michigan Cancer Foundation have found that cancer cells and pectin form a strong complex. According to scientists, galactose structures on the pectin macromolecule bind protein complexes on the surface of cancer cells, which are responsible for “sticking” to healthy tissues, and thus prevent the process of metastasis. Recently, pectin has been non-toxic immunomodulator began to be considered more often by doctors.

· Hemostatic properties of pectin preparations used for pulmonary bleeding, bleeding of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, in dentistry and hemophilia, gynecological diseases.

One of the most interesting and most effective uses of pectin in medicine is their use in surgical practice for the treatment of wounds and burns. Wounds treated with a 2% pectin solution do not become inflamed and heal quickly.

· The detoxifying properties of pectin substances determine their use for the treatment of allergic diseases, in particular diathesis in children. It was found that after taking a 1% pectin solution, one teaspoon 3 times a day, 20 minutes before feeding the child for 2 weeks, a positive effect was observed: a decrease in skin manifestations of diathesis and intestinal dysfunction, improved well-being and appetite.

·One of the important known physiological actions of pectins is a change in the viscosity of the contents of the stomach and intestines after they are consumed, which leads to a slowdown in transit through the gastrointestinal tract. This, in turn, with maximum absorption of nutrients, reduces appetite.

·Due to their strong water-holding ability, pectins increase the water content in stool, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. At the same time, pectins, after passing through the small intestine, are fermented in the colon by anaerobic bacteria into short-chain fatty acids, which leads to increased stool volume and accelerated transit through the colon. These properties are used in the treatment constipation And diarrhea.

Another pharmacological property of pectin is its enveloping And protective effect. Being high-molecular polysaccharides, pectin substances are able to form a gel on the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which protects them from the irritating influence of aggressive factors.

· The results of clinical observations also confirm experimental data on the ability of pectins reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Pectin substances can also be used as hypoglycemic agent. Clinical observations have shown that in diabetic patients, pectins reduce the rate of increase in blood glucose after meals, without changing the concentration of insulin in the blood plasma.

In addition, pectin is used:

· as a highly active treatment for radiation sickness;

· in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning, various intoxications of the body;

· for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

· for polyarthritis and other joint diseases;

· for preventive purposes when working with toxic substances;

· as an integral structuring part of drugs in pharmacy.

in the production of cosmetic products :

· as a hemostatic agent in the production of special and medicinal toothpastes;

· as a bactericidal agent for the production of antibacterial creams. Apple pectin, which is part of the cream, forms a thin layer that moisturizes and protects the skin from the adverse effects of microorganisms;

· in order to normalize the water balance, eliminate peeling and cracking, pectin substances are introduced into cosmetic preparations for dry and aging skin (lotions, liquid and thick creams, lipsticks, powders, etc.);

· pectin substances are also included in cosmetic anti-aging products, for example, in anti-wrinkle lifting creams. They provide maximum skin hydration;

· used in the production of skin and hair care products that have moisturizing, healing, regenerating and stimulating properties. The pectin content in the developed cosmetics is 0.1 - 3%. Pectin-containing shampoos and rinses are especially effective for thin and sparse hair.

· It is known that the most common infectious lesion of the scalp is dandruff, which is often difficult to treat.

· in the production of special-purpose protective cosmetics as an active component in the formulation of special-purpose shampoos and liquid soaps for persons whose professional activities involve the use of heavy metal salts.

for technological purposes

· production of D-galacturonic acid;

· for finishing and design of the compositional structure of fabrics in the textile industry;

· for securing printed materials in printing.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The substance pectin is often called the body's orderly. It is able to absorb toxins and harmful substances, while preserving the intestinal microflora. A large number of positive properties have made this additive a sought-after product in the pharmaceutical industry and for household use.

What is pectin

To naturally cleanse the body, many experts advise taking the food supplement E440 or pectin, the beneficial properties of which have long been used in culinary recipes and in the medical field. From Greek the substance is translated as “frozen.” This feature determined the use of this product in cooking. Many modern people are interested in the question, pectin - what is it and how can it be used?

The first description of the beneficial properties of a food additive was made by the French scientist A. Braconneau. Pectin is a polysaccharide (chemical complex) that some plants contain. There is especially a lot of substance in fruits and seaweed. For the food industry, this additive is actively used as a thickener for gelling products. Marmalade, marshmallows, confiture, jelly, jelly - all these delicacies contain pectin substances.

Pectin - benefits and harm

Additive E440 is a purified hydrocarbon, thickener, stabilizer, and sorbent. Pectin is used to produce fruit fillings, jelly confectionery products, desserts, and dairy products. In medicine and pharmaceuticals, the polysaccharide is used as an active substance, useful for digestion and necessary for encapsulating drugs.

Many versions have been put forward about what pectin is - the benefits and harms of this product, but they all boil down to the fact that the additive brings triple benefits to a person, having a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

What are the benefits of pectin?

In medicine, the active additive E440 is used for the production of capsules. It is often included in many medications that cleanse the body. In cosmetology, the substance is used to make creams and masks, which can be bought at any pharmacy. This polysaccharide is indispensable for the production of jelly, marshmallows, jam, preserves, marmalade, ketchup and mayonnaise. It is recommended to take the substance pectin separately (in the form of a drug) - the benefits for the body will only be greater, since this supplement can:

    improve peripheral blood circulation;

    stabilize metabolism;

    reduce cholesterol;

    normalize intestinal motility;

    act as a natural anti-inflammatory agent for peptic ulcers, and also as a mild pain reliever;

    cleanse from harmful substances (antidote for poisoning);

    bind heavy metals (removes mercury, copper, iron, lead ions from the body);

    remove anabolic steroids, biogenic toxins, metabolic products, bile acids, urea;

    reduce the risk of developing cancer and diabetes;

    activate microorganisms responsible for the production of vitamins;

    help the natural rejuvenation of the body (especially in women), thanks to galacturonic acid found in the polysaccharide;

    promote the breakdown of fats, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.

    Today, apple pectin is especially famous, which is the most useful and highest quality. For widespread use, this product is produced in two forms - powder and liquid. When consumed with food, the pure substance does not create an energy reserve in the body; it is neutral. This makes the supplement functionally different from many other polysaccharides.

    Pectin is harmful

    This polysaccharide can have a harmful effect on the body if a person abuses the substance. At the same time, the absorption of such important microelements as magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium is noticeably reduced. A person may be allergic to pectin, but products containing the natural substance cannot cause it, because there is very little of it in fruits, berries and vegetables. Only those products that contain artificial additives are dangerous. If an overdose of pectin occurs, the harm from it can significantly affect the entire body:

      cause severe flatulence;

      provoke fermentation in the colon and intestinal obstruction;

      reduce the digestibility of proteins and fats.

    Where is pectin found?

    If you need to cleanse the body using the popular E440 supplement, you can buy a special preparation at the pharmacy, but it is better to focus on the level of the substance in products of plant origin. Having learned the detailed list, you can significantly increase the daily use of such products, thereby improving your well-being. Here is a small list of what pectin contains:

    • cabbage;
    • beet;
    • carrot;
    • gooseberry;
    • black currant;
    • cranberry;
    • raspberries;
    • peaches;
    • strawberry;
    • plums;
    • apples;
    • cherry;
    • cherries;
    • apricots;
    • pears;
    • lemons;
    • grape;
    • oranges;
    • tangerines;
    • melons;
    • eggplant;
    • cucumbers;
    • watermelons;
    • potato.

    Pectin production

    For the first time, the polysaccharide was isolated from apple juice. Nowadays, plant raw materials with a high content of pectin are used to produce the substance. The resulting active additive is widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic industries, as well as for home cooking recipes. The polysaccharide can be found on store shelves; it is an excellent substitute for gelatin. As a rule, there are four main types of raw materials from which pectin is made:

      citrus peels;


      sunflower baskets;

      sugar beet cake.

    Pectin - instructions for use

    You can buy special pectin sorbents containing the additives you need at any pharmacy. In addition to regular, active use with foods, pectin can also be taken in its pure form. Many people who are overweight are interested in the question of what pectin is - how to use the substance for weight loss? Pay attention to the recipe for a fat burning drink. You will need:

      pectin powder – 1 tsp;

      hot water – 500 ml.

    Cooking method:

    The powder must be poured into a container and dissolved with hot water.

    Mix everything thoroughly.

    Cool slightly.

    The drink should be taken 200 ml twice a day between meals.

Video: pectin at home

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Many have heard about such a product as pectin. However, it remains a mystery to most. In fact, the polysaccharide was known more than 200 years ago and has many positive properties.

Pectin is a clarifier and thickener of plant origin, widely used in the food industry and pharmaceuticals. In the natural environment it is found in roots and fruits.

The polysaccharide has several varieties. The most popular are citrus and apple. The substance is registered as food additive E440. It can often be seen on packages of ketchups, jelly products, dairy products, mayonnaise, sweets, and so on.

The main purpose is to use it in food products as a stabilizer and thickener. Production - industrial method.

What are the benefits of pectin for the human body, and can it cause harm? How to use the substance for weight loss and are there any contraindications? Let's take a closer look.

Pectin is produced by extracting pulp from fruits or vegetables (carrots, apples, lemons, bell peppers, oranges, cherries, plums, tangerines, eggplants, pumpkins, beets, persimmons). The thickener is available in the form of a liquid extract or powder. It has no aroma, taste, and is light sandy in color.

Use: in the production of desserts, dairy products, desserts, cooking. The liquid substance is added to hot foods, powdered pectin is mixed fresh in the preparation of drinks and jelly.

Due to its beneficial properties, the polysaccharide is also used in the medical field in the manufacture of special capsules for medications. Pectin is added as a glue when making cigarettes. The substance is also of considerable use in cosmetology; a variety of cosmetic products for caring for the skin of the body and face are produced based on the substance.

Composition, calorie content

  • alimentary fiber;
  • water;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

Calorie content of 100 g of product is 52 kcal. This allows you to widely use pectin for weight loss with maximum health benefits.

Useful properties of pectin

  1. Natural polysaccharide normalizes digestive and metabolic processes and improves intestinal motility.
  2. The circulatory system is cleansed.
  3. Promotes rejuvenation, prevents aging processes.
  4. Positively affects the functioning of the pancreas, genitourinary system, and liver.
  5. It is a preventative against the development of cancer.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. The risk of cancer is reduced.
  9. Protects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of negative factors.
  10. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, astringent, antimicrobial, regenerating, enveloping properties.
  11. The condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves with gastritis, peptic ulcers, flatulence, and heartburn.
  12. The risk of stroke, diabetes, and heart attack is reduced.
  13. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  14. Recommended for increased mental or physical stress.
  15. Maintains the bacteriological balance of the gastrointestinal tract.
  16. The synthesis of minerals and vitamins increases.
  17. Reduces the level of “bad cholesterol”.
  18. Normalizes stool in case of constipation, including chronic ones.
  19. Cleanses the body of harmful substances and rotting products.
  20. Improves skin condition, eliminates wrinkles.

The benefits of pectin are obvious. It is no coincidence that special diets have been developed on its basis for people who want to lose weight without harm to their health.

What foods contain pectin?

Pectin in products of plant origin:

  1. Vegetables: pumpkin, cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers, onions.
  2. Fruits: apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, melons.
  3. Root vegetables: beets, carrots, potatoes.
  4. Citrus fruits: oranges, nectarines, lemons, grapefruits.
  5. Berries: gooseberries, red and black currants, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon.

Citrus peels contain the most pectin. There is a lot of this substance in apples. On an industrial scale, purified polysaccharide is obtained from citrus or apple pomace. Sometimes sugar beet pulp is used as a raw material. Sunflower baskets can also be a source of prey.

In the food industry, this is an approved additive E440. It is found in many desserts and more. The following products cannot be manufactured without it:

  1. ice cream;
  2. marshmallows;
  3. yogurt;
  4. paste;
  5. juice drinks;
  6. marmalade;
  7. candy filling;
  8. jelly;
  9. mayonnaise;
  10. ketchup;
  11. jam;
  12. spread;

Possible harm, contraindications

Contraindicated for use in case of allergies or individual intolerances.

Long-term use of the polysaccharide reduces the absorption of beneficial macro and microelements and can cause flatulence.

An overdose does not cause side effects if you consume pectin in its pure form, in vegetables and fruits that have a high polysaccharide content.

Pectin for weight loss

Nutritionists called pectin “an ideal means for losing weight” and included it in the list of the best dietary products. This is due to its minimal calorie content and high content of valuable substances and dietary fiber.

If you add 20 g of the substance to your daily diet, you can get rid of 300-400 grams of excess weight per day. Subject to proper nutrition: no overeating, no abuse of sweets, baked goods, fatty foods, alcohol.

The process of losing weight occurs by cleansing the body of harmful substances and quickly breaking down fats. A special diet has been developed based on the polysaccharide. If there are no contraindications, losing weight will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Seven-day pectin diet

It is important to strictly adhere to the diet and not make any changes to it. The diet helps you get rid of 6-10 extra pounds per week. Moreover, in the reviews you can read how, thanks to pectin, some managed to lose from 12 to 15 kilograms in 7 days. The diet uses fruits containing pectin.

First day

In the morning: light salad with 300 g of finely grated apples, 20 g of chopped walnuts, one tablespoon of lemon juice.

Dinner; salad with chopped apples (200 g), hard-boiled egg, fresh herbs (cilantro, dill, basil, parsley).

Evening: 600 grams of apples (bake in the oven or eat raw)

Second day

Breakfast: boiled rice without adding seasonings, salt (150 g), mixed with 300 g of apples, finely grated.

Lunch: 200 grams of baked apples, seasoned with fresh lemon zest and juice.

Dinner: rice porridge on water without salt (100 g).

The third day

In the morning: salad with the addition of low-fat cottage cheese (80-100 g) and chopped apples (200 g).

Dinner; finely grated apples (300 g), mixed with a tablespoon of honey and 20 g of chopped walnuts.

In the evening: 140-150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Fourth day

In the morning: salad with 100 g of apples and 200 g of carrots (vegetables and fruits are finely grated).

Lunch: apple and carrot salad, similar to the morning one, but with the addition of two dessert spoons of fresh lemon juice and a dessert spoon of any natural honey.

Dinner: 350-400 g of apples, seasoned with honey, baked in the oven.

Fifth day

In the morning: a light salad of two or three boiled eggs and boiled beets (150 g).

Lunch: 400 g apples (fresh or baked).

Dinner: 350-400 g of carrots, finely grated, with a tablespoon of honey.

Sixth day
Everything is the same as on the first day of the diet.

Seventh day
Everything is similar to the second day of the week.

Important! Throughout the day, you need to drink at least 7-8 glasses of liquid (still mineral water, tea without added sugar, herbal infusions). You need to return to your normal diet gradually, gradually introducing foods. You can repeat the diet after a break, after 1.5-2 months.

Pectin is an incredibly healthy natural polysaccharide that will be useful for everyone. By introducing it into your daily diet, you will noticeably improve your health and feel a surge of strength and energy.