How to turn on the air conditioner in a car: operating rules. How to properly use air conditioning in a car How to properly use air conditioning in a car

The unprecedented heat in Russia this summer has caused significant damage to owners of old vehicles with water-cooled engines. Every now and then you can see a used VAZ “troika” or “five” standing on the outskirts of the road with an open hood, from under which white steam is pouring out. The inferno, which intensifies every year, causes no less problems for those whose cars are not equipped with climate control systems - air conditioning and climate control. You definitely won’t envy them: driving with the windows open doesn’t really save you from the heat, but it brings other troubles: noise, the stench of exhaust gases, and, worst of all, increased fuel consumption.

Of course, driving with the air conditioning or climate control on also affects the car’s fuel “appetite,” which is in many ways comparable to the increased engine consumption of a car with all the windows open while driving. But an air-conditioned car has its own undeniable advantages - the same climatic comfort in the cabin. True, you need to create this very comfort wisely, because improper use of the climate system can lead to its breakdown and to health problems for car passengers. Today we will give some tips on how to properly use the air conditioner in your car.

In the photo: air conditioner on/off button

Every self-respecting car enthusiast who cares about the good condition of his “iron horse”, on the eve of the seasons, carries out diagnostics of all systems – including the climate control system. In the fall we check the operation, in the spring we check the air conditioner. It’s not for nothing that in April-May the Internet is full of advertisements for discounts on air conditioner diagnostics - it is recommended to carry it out twice a year, in spring and autumn.

What does air conditioner diagnostics include? First of all, check the level of freon - the substance responsible for cooling the air entering the cabin from the air conditioner. If this level is less than normal, then this is fraught with both poor air cooling and failure of parts of the cooling unit - compressor, condenser (air conditioning radiator) and pressure line. The reason for such troubles is depressurization of the air conditioning system, which can occur as a result of the formation of microcracks in the condenser body or tubes through which freon flows mixed with a special oil that performs a lubricating function for the rubbing parts of the system.

The specialist checks the entire system, and if areas of depressurization are detected, he makes a decision to replace the failed parts. These are serious consequences, the diagnosis of which is a drop in freon levels. But there are other reasons. Freon is a gas, and like all similar substances, it evaporates naturally. So a drop in freon levels can be dictated by the service life of a car air conditioner without refilling it. In addition to checking the freon level, you need to ensure that fungi do not form on the evaporator. This problem is revealed by an unpleasant odor when the air conditioner is turned on - it smells like a wet dog. In service centers, this problem is eliminated by disinfecting the evaporator and changing air conditioner filters.

You can carry out such operations yourself. In any case, we advise you not to ignore the car manufacturer’s recommendations for servicing car air conditioners and regularly diagnose their condition.

Let’s say your car’s climate system is working properly and you’re heading into summer fully armed. But it is not enough to have a working car air conditioner - it is important to use it correctly. Especially in extreme heat. Here are a few simple rules that will make traveling in an air-conditioned car as comfortable as possible.

We ventilate the car. You should not turn on the air conditioning immediately as soon as you start the engine, especially if the car was parked in the sun and “Tashkent” formed in the cabin. First of all, open all the windows in the car and ventilate the interior for 10 minutes. After this, close the windows and turn on the air conditioner fan first to “one”, setting the temperature indicator to the middle position, and after a few minutes – to “two”, turning the temperature sensor toggle switch to maximum. It is better to cool the interior not while parked, but while moving - the air entering the cabin from outside at speed will facilitate the task of the air conditioner in creating a comfortable temperature. It is also important when cooling the interior, especially if the temperature outside is above +25 degrees, not to direct cold air onto the glass - due to a sharp temperature change, microcracks may form in the glass, which over time will develop into large cracks.

2. Setting the correct cooling mode. It is not recommended to drive for a long time in a car whose air conditioning is running at maximum - it won’t take long for you to catch a sore throat. Therefore, after sufficient cooling of the air in the cabin, it is better to set the fan speed to “two” or “one”, and also increase the temperature.

3 . Setting the optimal temperature in the cabin. Doctors say that the most comfortable temperature inside a car is 20-22 degrees. Therefore, in order to avoid colds, after the interior has sufficiently cooled, it is better to set the temperature indicated above (if the air conditioner is not digital, but mechanical, then set the temperature indicator to the middle divisions), and direct the airflow to your feet.

4 . Correctly adjusting the air flow into the cabin. If you need to cool the air in the car quickly, then turn on the internal air circulation mode.

Thus, a closed space is formed in the interior, the access of hot air from the outside is limited, and the interior cools faster. This method is often used when the car is parked or if the air temperature outside the car is above 25 degrees.

5 . We monitor the direction of cold air. It’s not for nothing that car manufacturers have equipped air ducts with “curtain” deflectors, with the help of which you can regulate the direction of air flow and its intensity. When air conditioning, it is important to adjust all deflectors so that the cooled air is evenly distributed throughout the cabin.

The recommendations given are mostly suitable for owners of cars equipped with mechanical air conditioning. Automatic climate systems are trained to regulate all parameters autonomously, without driver intervention.

1. The air conditioner in the car in winter and summer must be turned on for at least 10 minutes once every 2 weeks, this is necessary in order to maintain it in working condition. At the same time, the time of year and the temperature outside do not matter. Otherwise, the seals will not be lubricated and refrigerant will leave the system. The cost of replacing the refrigerant is approximately 400 UAH. (50 USD). If necessary, you can easily buy a DVR in the form of a mirror with a camera, it is very convenient and practical. Currently, such a recorder will help you conveniently record important moments.

2. It is preferable to turn on the air conditioner at low engine speeds (about 2 thousand).

2.1. In hot summer weather, you need to drive for a few minutes with the windows open - this will cool the hot car interior after a long stay in the sun and, as a result, the air conditioner will be able to cool the car interior faster.

2.2. To achieve maximum cooling effect, use the internal air circulation mode. However, this mode is not recommended for continuous use.

2.3. Never direct a stream of cold air into a person’s face or body - this can lead to a cold. Set the position of the deflectors so as to ensure uniform dispersion of the air flow throughout the cabin. Do not direct cold air at: sudden changes in temperature may causecracks.

3. Shutdown. When turned off, leave the blower on for a few minutes. You can increase the blowing speed. With this procedure, you will rid the car interior of foreign odors - which can form as a result of the accumulation of condensate in the air supply system, as well as in.

4. Change the car cabin filter at least once a year - remember, a clean filter is the key to health and good air flow into the car interior.

Today, more and more cars have air conditioning. In our climatic conditions, this is often not a superfluous device. In the summer, the temperature outside can often exceed 30 degrees, and sometimes it is impossible to stay in a car that has been in the open for a long time after a long period of parking. Owners of vehicles with air conditioning inside feel completely different. The presence of this device significantly increases the comfort of travel, especially in extreme heat, and even in city traffic jams, when open windows do not alleviate the situation, but only introduce noise and exhaust fumes. However, the use of this device also requires compliance with certain rules for its operation.

Car air conditioner

The vehicle's cooling system is a completely sealed system that is filled with coolant and compressor oil. Freon has always been used as a refrigerant in the past; in modern models it is most often R134a, but there may also be some other substances. The instructions for use warn: when replacing or mixing different liquids, it is strictly prohibited. This will definitely lead to breakdown.

If for any reason the tightness of this device is broken, then further operation of the unit will be impossible.

The car owner needs to carefully monitor his equipment and carry out timely inspections.

The operation of an air conditioner is practically no different from the operation of a refrigerator. The heart of the air conditioner is the compressor. It is he who drives freon or other gas through all pipes and lines. In modern models this is perhaps the only moving component. The correct operation of the cooling device is monitored using several sensors. If problems arise specifically with the compressor, this can be recognized by unexpected noise at the location of this unit.

Another cause of failure may be a leak in the seal, which means a leak of coolant. Knowing this fact, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive inspections of everything and promptly replace gradually wearing parts, gaskets and seals.

It is important to remember that not only refrigerant is poured into the air conditioner, but also oil. It is designed to lubricate all parts of the mechanism. If the air conditioner does not turn on for a long time, the oil may harden and stop lubricating components and gaskets. As a result of this process, parts of the air conditioner may be destroyed, and coolant will naturally leak. Air conditioner manufacturers recommend turning on the system at least once a week for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to turn on the air conditioner for preventive purposes even in winter. This will allow you to lubricate the parts in a timely manner and prevent their premature destruction.

What is air conditioner diagnostics

  1. In order to be absolutely sure that the cooling system is in perfect order, it is necessary to check the refrigerant level.
  2. If its level is below the required norm, the cooling process will be less effective. In the most critical cases, this may also indicate a failure of some components of the cooling system, namely the air conditioner radiator (condenser), the pressure line or even the compressor. The system may have experienced partial depressurization in the form of small cracks. Oil drips on the air conditioner pipes will also indicate the presence of this problem.
  3. Another reason for insufficient cooling gas may be untimely refilling. Considering that freon and its analogues are gaseous substances, it is quite natural that during operation of the air conditioner they can simply evaporate. In this case, everything can be solved by simply adding additional coolant. Here it is important to carefully read the manufacturers’ recommendations on the frequency of topping up and try to follow them. In new cars, the frequency of topping up is once every two to three years. Over time, this will have to be done much more often.
  4. When diagnosing, it is also important to check whether fungi have formed on the evaporator. Of course, their presence will not lead to mechanical failure of the cooling equipment, but using the air conditioner will become not only unpleasant, but also extremely unsafe for health. When you turn on the cooling, the entire cabin will literally be filled with the smell of mold or “wet dog”. This problem can be solved by simply disinfecting the evaporator and replacing all filters. This service is provided by almost all car service centers. Although some craftsmen prefer to do everything themselves.

Rules for using air conditioning in a car

Having a fully functional car interior cooling system, you must also follow the rules for using the air conditioner in the car. This will help to avoid completely unexpected troubles in the form of sore throats, vascular spasms, etc. These rules include:

  1. Ventilation of the interior. If the car has been parked in the sun and has become very hot, you should not turn on the climate control system at full power immediately after you start the engine. Manufacturers recommend opening all windows for ten minutes and ventilating the interior. Then the windows are closed and you can turn on the air conditioning in the car to one, and set the temperature regulator to medium. After a few minutes, you can switch to two and the lowest possible temperature. It is advisable to do all this during the day, as this removes part of the load directly from the air conditioner, and the desired temperature in the cabin will reach much faster.
  2. Do not direct cool air onto the glass. This rule is especially relevant when the atmospheric temperature rises above 25 degrees. If the direction of the air stream is incorrect, a critical temperature difference can occur, which will lead to the formation of small microcracks on the glass. This process will gradually progress, and the cracks will soon begin to increase.
  3. The cooling mode must be correct. Many people are concerned with the question of how not to get sick from turning on the air conditioner in the car, but everything is quite simple. Doctors strongly do not recommend staying in the cabin for a long time when the climate system is operating in maximum mode. Very low temperatures can cause hypothermia and, as a result, colds. After quickly cooling the interior, it is very advisable to set the regulator to “one” and increase the temperature to 20 or 22 degrees. If the climate system has mechanical control rather than digital control, it is best to place the regulator in the middle. Air flows are optimally directed to the legs. All these measures will help everyone who is in the car not to catch a cold or develop a runny nose or sore throat.
  4. Air flow regulation. If there is a need to quickly cool the car interior, it is best to turn on air circulation in internal mode. By doing this, we force the air to move in a closed cycle, and the air flow from behind the “side” of the car is completely limited. This method is most often used at very high air temperatures or when the vehicle is parked.
  5. Correctly distribute the flow of cooled air. All car air ducts are equipped with deflectors - a kind of curtains. They are designed to adjust the direction of incoming air flows and it is very desirable to direct them correctly and adjust the intensity of the flows. The car owner's goal will be to properly distribute these flows to ensure uniform cooling of the entire cabin.

Additional fuel consumption

Unfortunately, using air conditioning is not only a complete plus in the form of increased travel comfort, but also an additional one. This is a completely natural process, since the climate system is an electronic device that requires energy to operate. The increased gasoline consumption is especially noticeable when driving in urban traffic jams in the summer. Knowing about this problem, you can try to slightly reduce the energy requirement of the air conditioner. To do this you need:

  1. Try to park the car in the shade and do not leave it to warm up in the sun for too long.
  2. If the first condition cannot be met, then, as mentioned earlier, the car needs to be ventilated for several minutes before turning on the cooling system.
  3. To avoid excessive load on the air conditioner, which entails increased fuel consumption, you must first turn it on at minimum power and only after a while switch to maximum cooling mode.
  4. Immediately after reaching a comfortable temperature, you need to switch back to a low level of cooling, which will simply maintain the temperature in the vehicle interior.
  5. You can turn on the cooling only with the windows and sunroof tightly closed.
  6. Modern cars have an air recirculation system. In this process, the air conditioner cools the air only in the cabin and does not take in hot air masses from outside. As a result of recirculation, the air cools much faster and requires much less energy and fuel.

Features of turning off the air conditioner

It is necessary not only to know how to properly use the air conditioner in a car, but also how to turn it off correctly. Manufacturers of these devices advise turning off the cooling system a little earlier than the time you reach your destination. During this time, the interior will not yet have time to warm up, but a puddle will not form under the car. But the point is not only in the puddle on, but also in the fact that when the system is abruptly turned off, the air conditioner pipes fog up very much and can additionally be subject to corrosion. In addition, in a humid environment, various fungi develop very quickly, which will then enter the cabin with cooled air, and everyone in the car will breathe this air.

Air conditioner maintenance

Experienced motorists insist that only specialists should carry out servicing of climate control systems. The owner of the vehicle, of course, can independently replace the cabin filter or carry out an antiseptic treatment of the air conditioner, but basic maintenance work must still be carried out at a service station. Refrigerant charging must be done using strict technology. Violation of the filling rules can lead to breakdown of the entire cooling system and even to an explosion. As with any other type of work on a car, try to avoid non-professionals so as not to waste additional effort and money.

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Just 20 years ago, air conditioning was installed only on business class cars. Now this equipment is present even in budget cars, almost in minimal configurations. And many car owners do not know how to use air conditioning correctly. Beginners are worried about whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter. This is truly a controversial issue. Is it worth turning on this system for heating or just for prevention? Or shouldn’t it be turned on at all until it warms up? Let's look into this difficult issue.

About the device

First, let's take a look at how this system works. Next, it will be easier for us to understand its operating principle. So, a classic car air conditioner consists of:

  • Compressor (this is the main component on the list).
  • Expansion valve.
  • Sealing elements.
  • Dehumidifier.
  • Drainage.
  • Condenser.
  • Evaporator.

The design also contains tubes through which the refrigerant moves. The system operates on the principle of a household refrigerator. The essence of the work is based on the transition of the refrigerant from liquid to gaseous state. Thanks to this, a huge amount of heat is absorbed. But the air conditioner can also give it away. In this case, the system will work like a stove, and warm air will blow from the nozzles. The refrigerant is only in a gaseous state.


During winter, the amount of refrigerant may be reduced. The figure varies, and is usually 5-10 percent. In this regard, experts recommend periodically performing maintenance on the air conditioning system. So, once every three years the car needs to be brought in to be refilled with freon.

But first, the craftsmen check it for leaks (otherwise all the work will go down the drain). If the system has no holes, specialists connect to it and pump in the missing refrigerant in the required quantity. The cost of such a procedure is small - about a thousand rubles. However, it is required - otherwise the air conditioner will not work.

Include as a preventive measure?

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter for the purpose of prevention? Experts give a positive answer. Although many car owners forget to turn on the split system in winter. Thus, it only works in the summer. The rest of the months the air conditioner is idle.

This negatively affects his condition. Some air conditioner parts are coated with grease that flows down. As a result, at the first start-up, the rubbing pairs will work “dry”. This significantly reduces their resource. As a result, the motorist cannot start even an air conditioner charged with freon.

The next factor is dust and condensation that accumulates in the system during the period of inactivity. After startup, all dirt begins to circulate throughout the system. The whole point is that some of the deposits accumulate on the walls of the pipes and the compressor, and it is quite problematic to wash it out.

Is it possible to turn on the car air conditioner in winter? As you already understand, periodic startup will not interfere with this system. In addition, it is useful for rubber seals and pipes. They will not dry out or crack.

About the unpleasant smell

You can often see messages on forums about unpleasant odors in the cabin. Moreover, it appears immediately after the air conditioner turns on. What is the reason? The root of the problem lies in condensation, which forms mold during periods of inactivity.

As a result, in June, cold but unpleasant-smelling air blows from the nozzles. The problem can be fixed, but you will have to contact specialists to disassemble the panel and clean the evaporator. This is a significant waste of time and money. Are there any alternatives? Prevention only. Using an air conditioner in a car in winter will eliminate this problem.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in a car often in winter?

This will not cause any harm to the car. But you need to know some rules (we'll talk about them later). Experts say that for prevention it is enough to turn on the system once every two weeks for 10-15 minutes. With such frequency, the parts will not run dry, and condensation will not form on the evaporator.

Making the right launch

How to properly use air conditioning in winter? The main point is the ambient temperature. It should be no lower than -7 degrees. Otherwise, the moisture on the evaporator will not have time to melt. Ice particles will penetrate into the system components, which is also not the norm. Start the air conditioner only after the engine has completely warmed up.

Air intake should be carried out only from the passenger compartment (that is, the recirculation mode must be turned on). This way the system will warm up faster and the evaporator will be less vulnerable to cold. To prevent windows from sweating, recirculation should be carried out when there are no passengers.

Air conditioning and consumption

We already know whether it is necessary to turn on the air conditioning in the car in winter. But some motorists do not perform this operation intentionally. After all, why run a split system if it’s already cold outside, and in addition, a running compressor increases fuel consumption?

The proverb “the miser pays twice” will be relevant here. Having saved once on fuel, you run the risk of getting your split system repaired. Is it possible to turn on the air conditioning in the car in winter? The answer is obvious - the system needs regular maintenance. Let it be short, but done once every two weeks. This will keep the system parts in good condition.

What to do if there was already an unpleasant smell in the cabin?

This problem is often encountered by motorists who have recently bought a car second-hand. What to do in such a situation? Naturally, prevention in the form of periodically turning on the system will no longer help here. We need to act radically.

In this case, the evaporator is removed outside and treated with antiseptics. This operation is recommended for everyone whose car is equipped with air conditioning (at least once every five years). It is on the evaporator that all kinds of bacteria and mold accumulate. This can cause not only disgust in the form of an unpleasant odor, but also allergies and all kinds of diseases.

Let's sum it up

So, we found out whether it is necessary to turn on the air conditioning in the car in winter. For such a system, this operation will not be superfluous. But for it to really bring benefits and not harm, you need to know how to start the air conditioner correctly. Do not turn it on in severe frost. At a temperature of -10, starting up can be fraught with consequences. Also, in cold weather, air should not be taken from outside the passenger compartment.

Knowing how to properly perform preventative maintenance and start up your air conditioner, you will not encounter a number of malfunctions and unpleasant odors in the summer. Well, to ensure maximum system performance, periodically check the freon level in it and refuel if necessary.