How is the heater radiator replaced in Lada Kalina? How to replace the heater radiator on Kalina? How to remove heater hoses from viburnum 1

Good day, and the article presented below will be useful to those who have to replace the heater radiator on Kalina with their own hands. This material was sent to me by email so that I could publish it on the blog! Author of the article - Boris Linnikov .

Main problems and precautions with the stove radiator on Kalina

  1. From the first days when you start driving Kalina, carefully monitor whether dark spots remain in the place where your car “slept” overnight. In the engine compartment, periodically check for colored streaks under the cooling system hoses. If something drips under the car or traces of antifreeze appear on engine components - IMMEDIATELY!!! - change the CORK to expansion tank cooling systems. There is a valve in the plug through which the high blood pressure which occurs when the engine heats up. If the valve does not work, sooner or later the heater radiator will be pressed through. It is pushed through first. Coolant will flow into the passenger compartment. But before that, it will get into your car’s computer, and it will most likely have to be changed.
  2. Recommend from own experience. Straightaway . It is located exactly under the radiator of the stove, and the unfortunate designers did not think of at least turning it “upside down” right in the same place. Then the coolant would simply drain from the computer case without causing any harm to it (this is how the computer case is made)

This is done simply. Remove the trim on the lower right under the ventilation mode switches. Unscrew the two screws securing the computer. Pull the computer out towards you and place it on the top of the shelf under the glove compartment, on the engine side. The wiring harness allows this. Secure the computer as you wish. It does not require grounding. But you will forever get rid of the expectation of its unexpected failure. On the cladding that was removed, cut off a corner, about 1 cm. To prevent the plastic from pushing through the insulation, I put a piece of PVC pipe cut lengthwise on this cut. I've been driving like this for over six months now - no problems.

Replacing the heater radiator (heater)

I had to do it myself, so I used the help of the Internet.

  1. Drain approximately three liters of coolant. Good way on YouTube from Andrey Vyazov. However, I did not remove the air filter, I simply inserted a piece of watering hose into the canister, and placed the hose disconnected from the cooling of the throttle assembly into it.
  2. On the advice of many, I cut out a part of the ventilation system ducts adjacent to the stove radiator. DO NOT DO THAT!!! It is still impossible to insert the radiator even with this additional hole.

The best way was suggested by Roman Smirnov on YouTube. It is necessary to free up space through which the radiator can be removed and inserted relatively easily. You need to remove the gas pedal and raise the brake pedal. I did not completely disconnect the gas pedal, but simply tied it up. But first you need to remove the steering column assembly so that you don’t have to adjust anything later. Easy to remove:

  • remove the plastic protection from the speaker and under it
  • disconnect 8 connectors from the column - two from the switches, two from the ignition switch, two (they are in the center) from the power steering and two at the very top under the horn
  • separate the two parts of the steering column intermediate cardan (Roman Smirnov)
  • unscrew 4 nuts (13, high head)
  • remove the column
  • Unscrew the stop switch - to the right of the brake pedal
  • Raise the brake pedal up, but at the same time you need to “miss” the place where the stop switch is screwed in, which turned out to be quite difficult. Used leverage
  • I secured the gas and brake pedals by tying them at the top
  • There is now room to remove the old radiator

Under the hood: remove the battery, the stand under it, the bracket on which it stands. Disconnect the air duct from air filter and bend towards the salon.

Unscrew the hoses of the interior heating radiator from its pipes and unscrew the nut to the left of the pipes. You need a high socket or a 10mm tubular wrench. When disconnecting the hoses from the radiator, keep in mind that some more coolant will spill out. Inside, insert a hacksaw blade under the metal protection to the left of the radiator and saw off the pipes. Plastic cuts easily. After this, you can try to remove the radiator along with the metal protection and seal.

I couldn’t get it out - the pin was too long, from which we unscrewed the nut under the hood by 10. I had to cut a groove through the holes for the pipes in the seal between the hole in the body through which the radiator pipes were pushed and the hole through which the “notorious” pin was pushed. Only after this was it possible to remove the radiator and everything related to it.

  • It was not possible to install the entire radiator directly like this, even with part of the air ducts cut out. Again I took the advice of Roman Smirnov - I cut off some of the pipes so that they would not interfere with pushing the radiator into the place intended for it.
  • Now we need to put everything back together.
  • “Knead” the brake pedal again with the place where the stop switch is attached.
  • Place the stop switch as far as possible, because it turns on when the button is pressed. Check it right away so you don’t have to mess around under the steering column later.
  • Before reinstalling the steering column, remove the springs from the steering column adjustment device. Otherwise, all 4 mounting holes will not fit on the studs. You will return them to their place after everything. Steering column Installed alone, difficult, but possible.

The two parts of the intermediate driveshaft of the column were connected using a clamp. Then I dripped some WD and slightly turned the top with a gas wrench. I did this carefully, without unnecessary effort, so as not to crush the crosspieces.

I replaced the hoses for connecting the heater radiator with new ones, they go under the number 21088101206. I installed them with sealant.

That's all. Thanks guys for showing all this on YouTube. I hope my experience will help someone. I have had Kalina for 4 years, if I had known about the traffic jam right away, I would not have changed either the computer or the radiator. At two TOs, not a single one……(any curse word) suggested. Perhaps the qualifications are such that they simply do not know this.

Four hundred rubles per hour of work. This is exactly how much they charge at service stations for repairs. VAZ cars. And when replacing the radiator of Kalina’s stove - 500 rubles. Where does this injustice come from, what to do if the heater radiator leaks, and why the entire Kalina is assembled around this very radiator, and not the radiator is embedded in the car, we will look for answers to these questions together.

Features of replacing the stove radiator on Kalina

There is only one official method for replacing the heater stove on Kalina. And it inspires sacred awe - complete disassembly of the interior, removal of the front panel, seats and center console. This takes a lot of time, effort and nerves, and if you ask for help at a service station, then the price of replacing the Kalina heater radiator may not fit into 4 thousand.

But there's no need to rush. If it’s cold in the cabin, this does not mean that the radiator is to blame. The problem may not be buried that deep. Reason bad work the heater may be airlock, which does not completely allow antifreeze into the stove radiator, and may even block it completely. We won’t go into detail about this problem, suffice it to say that draining the old coolant, flushing the cooling system and filling new fluid, you can avoid problems with the stove.

Often, novice drivers panic about a cold interior simply because the dampers are closed, clogged cabin filter or a poorly functioning heater motor. Which, when replaced, also requires either acrobatic training or complete dismantling of the interior. The air conditioner also requires some experience, which sometimes ends up in Kalina’s interiors and does not always interact correctly with the heater. However, replacing the Kalina heater radiator is relevant not only when there is a coolant leak.

Reasons for heater failure

Operating practice of the Lada Kalina suggests that it is sometimes necessary to get to the heater radiator for the following reasons:

If, nevertheless, replacing the radiator cannot be avoided, then first you need to choose a good heat exchanger, since its replacement will be unforgettable.

How to choose the right heater radiator

Before choosing a stove radiator, you should know that they can be either aluminum or copper-brass. It is difficult to clearly prioritize the choice of one material, but each one has specific features of its work. These features are dictated by the properties of the material. Copper has a slightly lower thermal conductivity than aluminum, and therefore warms up more slowly. This cannot be said to be bad, since the thermal inertia of such a radiator is quite large. This means that it may not cool down for a long time.

An aluminum radiator is the opposite. It warms up quickly, but cools down just as quickly. It has a few more disadvantages. Firstly, the aluminum radiator cannot be repaired. Once it drips, you can throw it away. Copper is soldered quite simply and as many times as necessary. You just need to choose it correctly, because when selling, especially in the car market, you may come across a repaired copy with the partitions removed. It won't leak, but it won't provide heat either. Antifreeze will simply pass through such a radiator as if through a pipe.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence of plastic liquid swirlers. You can see them if you look into the pipe. These are spiral-shaped plastic plates that increase the efficiency of the radiator by 25%. The price of a heater radiator for Kalina can range from 900 rubles for the original, and little-known companies can offer their radiators for 600-800 rubles. Naturally, it is better to overpay and buy an original new one. Copper or aluminum - at the discretion of the owner.

Replacing the radiator without removing the front panel

The classic method of replacing a Kalina heater radiator, a video of which we presented on the page, involves complete dismantling of the interior. It’s doubly disappointing that you have to lose a whole day if you change the radiator yourself, or five thousand and also a whole day if you use the services of a service station.

However, there is a method that allows you to replace the radiator with less labor and faster. Alternative way replacement is that using a hacksaw file, before removing the old radiator, a segment with pipes is cut out of it, or the pipes are simply cut off. If the radiator is aluminum, then in this case the pipes will be plastic and removing them will take at most 15 minutes. There are some other nuances to consider when replacing.

After removing the pipes, so as not to weaken the front panel, you can also make cuts in the places shown in the photo on the heater casing. In this case, you no longer have to completely dismantle the panel when replacing the radiator. Simply drain the antifreeze, remove the gas pedal (you can also remove the brake pedal mounting block, although many do without it), shorten the standard guide pin by 10 mm (with large wire cutters, pliers), remove the old radiator and put the new one in place.

This way you can simply solve the issue of replacing the heater radiator on Kalina, saving time and money. Use it the right antifreeze and happy winter roads to everyone!

In most instructions, including the service book for Lada car Kalina, describes the method of replacing the stove by dismantling dashboard. This causes a lot of hassle and inconvenience. We will also describe replacing the stove without removing the Lada Kalina panel, which is more practical, faster and will allow even a complete beginner to cope with the task.

[i] It is worth noting that in the previous article two methods of replacing a fan were described in detail: according to the service manual and the traditional method.

Preparatory work

As mentioned above, the method that we will present does not require dismantling the dashboard, which means that to implement it you will need fewer tools and materials. By and large, you will need a ratchet, a set socket heads, a pair of screwdrivers (phillips and flat), as well as new stove.
With the latter, we would not recommend rushing, especially if you have little experience in car repair. The thing is that stove malfunctions that seem obvious at first glance may turn out to be problems in completely different components. Therefore, first remove the old stove and make sure that it is the one that has failed, and only after that go to the store to buy a new one.

It is best to buy VAZ stoves, since small savings by purchasing stoves from other manufacturers often result in large expenses due to low quality products they produce, as well as an almost complete lack of warranty.

Algorithm for replacing the stove with Lada Kalina

Replacing the stove without removing the Lada Kalina panel is a real godsend for the younger generation of car owners. To learn this method, you should carefully read the following step by step instructions and be sure to strictly follow everything that is written in it. So let's get started.

Step 1: First of all, you must dismantle the steering wheel column.

Step 2: Next, you should release the pedals. To do this, pull the pedal about halfway and turn it to the side. Thanks to this manipulation, you will be able to free up the area that will be used to dismantle the radiator. To make this even easier, you can curve your tongue a little reverse, which serves to create a stop for the sensor.

Step 3: Remove the stopper axle. Unfortunately, in this case you will not be able to achieve visual contact, so you will have to work by touch.

Step 4: Pull out the metal casing, cut it and mount it in its original place.

Step 5: Now you should carefully inspect the radiator. The thing is that it can become clogged, which will require you to clean it using special solutions. In some cases, you may find that it is damaged, requiring you to buy a replacement.

Step 6: dismantle the crane heating system car and, as in the case of the radiator, carefully inspect it, clean it, and, if necessary, replace it with a new one.

Step 7: Now all you have to do is clean the remaining elements of the heating system, carefully inspect them and, if necessary, replace them. It is important to note one small but very significant detail: radiator hoses are very difficult to put in place, especially if you decide not to change them, so if you have financial opportunity, then it’s better not to save on them. This also applies to tubes, but in their case there is one more important detail– they must have absolutely identical length.

Step 8: Reassemble everything in the reverse order and do not forget to add antifreeze to the system, since most of it will be lost during the repair process.

Step 9: Check the functionality of your car's heater.

Instead of a conclusion

The method described above, although simple and practical, has a number of significant shortcomings, compared to classical technology, which is usually used as an answer to the question of how to change the stove on Kalina. The thing is that with such partial disassembly of the machine, you will not be able to inspect all the components of the stove well enough, and you will not be able to replace some of them, if necessary. Therefore, we recommend resorting to the method of replacing the stove on the Lada Kalina without removing the dashboard only in extreme cases, and when you are sure that either the faucet or the radiator is to blame - two elements that will definitely be in your hands, and you will be able to accurately determine the degree of their wear.

I would also like to note one more important nuance, a relatively “simple” method of repairing the Lada Kalina stove. Without disassembling the instrument panel, you will still not avoid contact with it, so act very carefully so that its elements do not burst. Also, do not forget about spilled antifreeze, which must be constantly collected with rags so that it does not spoil the interior of your car.

Replacement stove without removing the Lada Kalina panel

Most instructions, including service book for a Lada Kalina car, describes how to replace the stove by dismantling the dashboard. This causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience. Replacing the radiator of a VAZ-2115 stove without removing the panel. Replacing the stove without removing the panel of the Lada Kalina. We will describe replacement stove without removing the Lada Kalina panel, which is more convenient, faster and will allow even a complete newbie to cope with the task.

[i] It should be noted that in the previous article Replacement heater fan Lada Kalina two methods for replacing the fan have been carefully described: according to service management and the folk way.

As mentioned above, the method that we will present does not require dismantling the dashboard, which means that much fewer tools and materials will be needed to implement it. Basically, you will need a ratchet, a set of sockets, a pair of screwdrivers (phillips and flat head), also a new one stove.
With the latter, we would not recommend rushing, especially if you have little experience in car repair. The thing is that stove malfunctions that seem obvious at first glance may turn out to be problems in completely different components. Therefore, first remove the old stove and make sure that it is the one that has failed, and only after that go to the store to buy a new one.

It is best to buy VAZ stoves, since small savings by purchasing stoves from other manufacturers often result in large expenses due to the low quality of their products, as well as the almost complete absence of a warranty.

Algorithm for replacing the stove on Lada Kalina

Replacement stove without removing the panel Lada Kalina– this is a real find for the younger generation of car owners. Lada Kalina - replacing the heater radiator (without removing the panel). Novel. To learn this method, you should carefully read the following step-by-step instructions and be sure to strictly follow everything that is written in it. So let's get started.

Step 1: First of all, you must dismantle the steering wheel column.

Replacement heater radiator Lada Kalina without removing the panel! Useful video!

How replace radiator stoves on Lada Kalina without taking off panel! Lada Kalina how to change a radiator stoves yours.

Radiator replacement stoves on Kalina 1117

Replacement radiator stoves on VAZ 1117 Kalina Vkontakte community

Step 2: Next, you should release the pedals. replacement of the gas-31105 stove, replacement of the stove radiator on the Volga 31105 without removal. Replacing the heater radiator without removing the panel and steering wheel. To do this, pull the pedal about halfway and turn it to the side. Today I will talk about what flushing the stove is, how to clean the stove, and also how to flush the stove radiator without removing and disassembling the dashboard. Thanks to this manipulation, you will be able to free up the area that will be used to dismantle the radiator. To make this even easier, you can slightly bend the reverse tongue, which serves to create a stop for the sensor.

Step 3: Remove the stopper axle. Lada Kalina - replacing the heater radiator (without removing the panel. Unfortunately, in this case you will not be able to achieve visual contact, so you will have to work by touch.

Step 4: Pull out the metal casing, cut it and mount it in its original place.

Step 5: Now you should carefully inspect the radiator. The thing is that it can become clogged, which will require you to clean it using special solutions. Replacing the heater radiator without removing the panel on the Lada Kalina. The video will tell you how to remove the heater radiator on a VAZ-2114 car without removing the dashboard, and will also tell you about the nuances and subtleties of the process. In some cases, you may find that it is damaged, requiring you to buy a replacement.

Step 6: dismantle the valve of the car’s heating system and, just as in the case of the radiator, carefully inspect it, clean it, and, if necessary, replace it with a new one.

Step 7: Now all you have to do is clean the remaining elements of the heating system, carefully inspect them and, if necessary, replace them. It is important to note one small but very significant detail: radiator hoses are very difficult to put in place, especially if you decide not to change them, therefore, if you have the financial opportunity, it is better not to skimp on them. Replacing a stove radiator without removing the panel on a VAZ. This also applies to tubes, but in their case there is one more important detail - they must have absolutely identical length.

Step 8: Reassemble everything in the reverse order and do not forget to add antifreeze to the system, since most of it will be lost during the repair process.

Step 9: Check the functionality of your car's heater.

The method described above, although simple and practical, has a number of significant disadvantages compared to the classical technology, which is usually used as an answer to the question of how to change the stove on Kalina. Replacing the Lada Kalina heater radiator without removing it. The thing is that with such partial disassembly of the machine, you will not be able to inspect all the components of the stove well enough, and you will not be able to replace some of them, if necessary. Therefore, we recommend resorting to the method of replacing the stove on the Lada Kalina without removing the dashboard only in extreme cases, and when you are sure that either the faucet or the radiator is to blame - two elements that will definitely be in your hands, and you will definitely you can determine the degree of their wear.

I would also like to note another important nuance regarding the “simple” method of repairing the Lada Kalina stove. Without disassembling the instrument panel, you will still not avoid contact with it, so act very carefully so that its elements do not burst. Also, do not forget about spilled antifreeze, which must be constantly collected with rags so that it does not spoil the interior of your car.

Thanks to the stove in the car, comfortable conditions are created for the driver and passengers in winter time. It is very important that it works flawlessly. Sometimes heating problems that arise can only be solved by replacing the stove radiator with a Lada Kalina. The article examines the main problems of the radiator and provides recommendations for its selection and replacement.


Features of choosing a stove radiator

The stove has a simple design. Its main element is the heater radiator. During the first 20-30 minutes, the engine heats the coolant to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, and then it circulates through the cooling system and enters the heater radiator. Distributed by warm air throughout the cabin using fans.

There are two types of heaters installed on cars:

  • copper;
  • aluminum.

Each type, depending on the properties of the material, has its own advantages. The thermal conductivity of copper is less than that of aluminum, so it heats up more slowly. But it also retains heat for a long time. Copper products have high maintainability and can be soldered a large number of times.

Aluminum, on the contrary, heats up quickly and cools down quickly. Flaw aluminum radiator– low resistance to mechanical damage and not maintainability. If it leaks, it should be replaced. The advantage of aluminum devices is their low cost.

When choosing a heating device, you should pay attention to whether it has partitions. Sometimes they are removed after renovation. Besides, good radiator must have plastic liquid swirlers. They are visible if you look into the pipe. Thanks to these plates, the efficiency of the device increases by 25%.

In any case, it is better to buy original products to avoid fakes. The car owner decides which radiator is best to purchase.

Major part malfunctions

Most often found at the radiator following reasons faults:

  1. Clogging of channels and honeycombs, which leads to an increase in pressure, results in a breakdown of the tube from the inside.
  2. Flow. The device may leak due to an air lock.
  3. Wear. During operation, the pipes wear out.

The most dangerous failure is a leak; it can occur in one or several places. Leaks can be detected by visual inspection systems as a whole and connections. Leak in copper radiator can be eliminated by soldering, the aluminum product will have to be replaced.

Two common replacement methods

There are two ways to replace a stove radiator. The first method does not require removing the panel. The second method is described in the Lada Kalina operating manual. It involves complete dismantling of the torpedo (the author of the video is Gaz0014).

First method (without removing the panel)

When using the method without dismantling the panel, you must perform the following steps:

  1. First of all, the car is de-energized by removing the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. After unscrewing the 4 bolts, remove the cover from the steering wheel.
  3. Remove the pedal covers.
  4. After pressing the accelerator pedal all the way, you need to unscrew the brake pedal mounts.
  5. Now you need to remove the radiator pipes.
  6. Next, use a hacksaw to saw off the bottom of the panel.
  7. Now you can remove the radiator.
  8. Before installation, the pipes should be shortened by 1.5 - 2 cm to make it easier to install the new device.
  9. Next, the hoses are put on.
  10. Assembly is carried out in reverse order. The sawn-off part of the panel is returned to its place.

Second way

The method of completely dismantling the torpedo is more complex and time-consuming.

To perform the work, you should prepare the following tools and materials:

  • set of wrenches;
  • screwdrivers;
  • new radiator.

The second method consists of the following steps:

  1. Before removing the dashboard, it is necessary to dismantle the decorative trim.
  2. Next, unscrew the screws on both sides of the torpedo.
  3. Then the trim from the instrument panel under the windshield is removed.
  4. At the next stage, the air duct grilles are dismantled.
  5. Next, you need to dismantle the trim, which contains the organs that control the air conditioner and stove.
  6. When the trim is removed, you can unscrew the two screws that secure the instrument panel and remove it.
  7. To avoid damage, the electronic unit controls need to be moved to the side.
  8. The torpedo is removed after unscrewing the 9 nuts securing it to the body of the Lada Kalina.
  9. After dismantling the torpedo, the heating radiator is accessible.
  10. At the next step, the screws securing the stove casing are unscrewed and the pipes are disconnected.
  11. Now you can remove the old one and install a new heating device.
  12. After installing a new radiator, assembly is performed in the reverse order.

The most difficult part is dismantling the dashboard, since you have to remove a lot of parts and touch the wiring. Having returned all the parts to their place, you need to start the engine, let it warm up and check the operation of the stove.


On average, a heating radiator on a Lada Kalina lasts for 3 to 4 years without repair. After this time, you should prepare to replace it, you need to prepare a new product and find out how to change the stove radiator. Which of the two methods to use is up to each driver to decide for himself. You can use the services of a car service. By doing the replacement yourself, you can save repair costs.