Crimean mountains. Useful instruments and devices

To stay warm in your sleeping bag, use the following methods. With them, sleeping in a sleeping bag will be comfortable and safe.

Correct sleeping bag size

Select the correct sleeping bag size and “comfort” temperature for your use. If your sleeping bag is too big, the empty space is harder to heat and a lot of cold air remains inside. On the other hand, if your sleeping bag is too small, then there is a risk of leaving some parts of your body “outside” or you may be too cramped inside and you will also feel cold. If the comfort temperature of your sleeping bag does not match the ambient temperature, then you also risk freezing.

The heat goes through the head

Adjust the hood and top of the sleeping bag correctly. Essentially, a large amount of heat is lost through the head (approximately 30%)! Therefore, it is important to tighten the hood so that only your face is exposed.

Foam to the rescue

Sleeping bag insert

Don't skimp on buying a silk or cotton sleeping bag and you won't regret it! The liner will provide you with more warmth, and its softness will make your sleep comfortable, which, by the way, will be necessary after a long walk.

Combine sleeping bags

Connect 2 sleeping bags into 1. Many models have the ability to connect with each other, they are divided into left and right, which indicates which side the zipper is located on. This method is often used on winter hikes.


Take care of exposed areas of the body. If the comfort temperature of the sleeping bag is higher than the outside temperature, i.e. your sleeping bag is too cold for current conditions, you can gain a few extra degrees of warmth by wearing,

Finally, the Russian winter showed all its strength, and the heat-loving comrades had a hard time. Posts on social networks on the topic “minus 30, what to do???”, canceled lessons for schoolchildren, car enthusiasts jumping around their batteries like shamans - all this was a familiar sight in days gone by.

Forecasters are “encouraging” - the calm will not last long, and frosts will return. And while schoolchildren are enjoying the extraordinary holidays, people who need to go to work are freezing on the streets and struggling to keep warm. Let's draw up an action plan that you need to complete before going out.

1. After getting up, do you go to the bathroom? Rub the folds of your arms and legs with essential oils- this will retain and accumulate heat, you will smell pleasant, which can also be considered a plus.

2. While breakfast is being prepared, consider what Are you going to go and what to warm yourself with? Remember - 2 thin turtlenecks will keep you warmer than a thick sweater, the reason for all this is multi-layering and warm air that lingers between layers of clothing. It is better to buy jeans or trousers with a fleece; wearing Soviet tights with elongated knees will also be useful. It’s clear that it’s embarrassing, but it doesn’t seem to be visible.

3. Give up healthy lifestyle and diets during frosts and don’t eat just one apple for breakfast. Food should be satisfying- this way the body will have where to get resources for warming up. According to the general opinion, drinking a glass “to warm up” is also not necessary, alcohol will only warm you up for a while, and then you will only lose precious heat

4. When you finish eating, take it from the table ginger and chop it straight into socks- this will help keep your feet warm. I'm not kidding, a mustard patch on the back or on all the same folds will also help. If someone still has doubts and does not want to feel ginger in their socks, put paper insoles in their shoes, and if they took shoes out of childhood habit for growth, put on woolen socks. Freezing starts from the feet, so protect them as much as possible.

5. Rub your skin with protective creams It is also not forbidden - this will help protect the skin from frostbite, especially the hands. It is clear that it is better to replace gloves with mittens; especially fashionable friends can buy hybrids of gloves and mittens - these are now gaining more and more popularity. Tie scarves not crosswise, but around the neck, making a high collar to hide your mouth and nose.

6. Jacket or down jacket It is better to choose one that does not hinder movement; you will need to actively wave your arms. Throw the bag strap over your head - nothing should hinder your movements.

7. You can also use various life hacks on the street. For example, mark shops and covered walkways along the route where you can stand and warm up. Accordingly, you need to leave in advance, because if you are very cold, then you need to stand in a conventional store for at least 10 minutes.

You can also recall the very interesting practice of Tibetan monks. They inhale air through two nostrils and exhale through one, closing the other with a finger. In general, I advise you to inhale slowly and shallowly and also exhale - such air exchange in the lungs is most favorable for saving heat.

An article about the 10 main ways to stay warm in a stalled car in winter. What to pay special attention to. At the end of the article there is an interesting video about 10 life hacks for a car in winter!

Finding himself in such a situation, the driver is faced with a lot of problems: how to fix the breakdown, how to let other people (family, friends, rescue service) know about his problem, etc.

However, the first priority is to stay warm! Being in a stalled car in a cold winter can threaten not only the health of the driver and passengers, but also their lives. You can wait for help for several hours, or even all night. During this time, you can easily become numb while sitting in a car.

It is important to remember that heat enters the car only as long as the engine is running. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the car’s fuel tank, if not full, then at least 2/3 full. An excellent backup option is a canister of fuel in the trunk - do not use it right away.

If your car is stuck on the highway in the cold season, try to use fuel sparingly by periodically turning off and starting the engine. This method is very effective, but if the car stalls and does not start, then the fuel will no longer be of any use. Therefore, below are the 10 most effective ways to avoid freezing in a stalled car in winter.

10 ways to warm up in a stalled car

1. Gas stove

A good alternative to warming up the interior with the engine is to use a ceramic gas stove, for which you need to carry a small cylinder of “winter” gas just in case. The latter burns cleanly, so there will be no fumes, smoke or open flames in the car. It is best to place the stove on the floor - this will heat the bottom of the cabin, while warm air will constantly rise upward, ensuring uniform heating of the car. In addition, a gas stove can provide those who are freezing with hot drinks, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. The main thing when using this method is to ensure that there is no fire.

2. Insulation of passengers

The essence of the second method is to insulate passengers who must remain calm. Panic and nervous breakdowns increase a person’s energy consumption, so the moment of freezing will come much earlier. You need to think about how to reduce heat loss with clothing. Anything can be used here: an old jacket, a sweater, shoes in the trunk, dirty bedspreads, rags, etc. You don’t need to think about how you look or how you’ll stain the seat, the main thing is to stay warm.

3. Paper

Paper is a very good heat insulator - this property can be used. If there are newspapers or books in the car, you can tear them up and stuff them under your outerwear or stuff them into your shoes. You can also insulate the car itself with paper by gluing it to the car windows. But there is no need to be too zealous here - a car insulated with paper is poorly ventilated.

4. Hot drinks

A win-win option for warming the body is hot drinks, but not strong drinks. The latter do not warm, it is just an illusion. In addition, alcohol contributes to a loss of control - you can fall asleep, which we do not recommend doing. It is recommended to take a thermos with hot tea on the road, especially if you are traveling long distances. Coffee is also not recommended, since this drink constricts blood vessels and can cause circulatory problems. You should drink it only to cheer yourself up.

5. Candle

A great option is to warm yourself up with a candle. Candles take up very little space and can be easily transported even in the glove compartment. If you light several candles at once, the effect will be clearly noticeable. The main advantage of this method is “durability”; a candle can burn for several hours, which may be enough to save someone.

6. Elimination of drafts

It is very important to eliminate drafts and insulate the interior. There are several options here. If you have tape on hand, it will work best - it will securely seal the door openings with wide tape. For example, paper tape sticks well to glass without leaving marks. Additionally, you can insulate yourself with snow. Here it is enough to sketch a light snow bank to the level of the door threshold.

7. Warm up near the car

If the driver and passengers are unable to warm up inside the cabin, you can try to warm up outside. Get out of the car and try to move actively - do exercises. It is very important to try to breathe slowly and evenly. As soon as you feel that you have warmed up a little, immediately get into the car. You should try to preserve the extracted heat in order to warm the air in the cabin.

8. Making a fire near the car

Another way to warm up outside the cabin is to build a fire not far from the car. An open fire is a 100% option, and you can light it from anything. If there is no firewood nearby, you can use all the excess that is in the car.

Truckers were a little luckier in this case. If possible, they can use the products they transport as firewood. In addition, truck drivers always have something in the back that can be burned.

9. Body warmers

Vinegar or badger fat can help keep you warm. These products warm the body very effectively; nothing else compares to them. Our ancestors used them, which helped to avoid frostbite.

You need to take off your shoes, undress, rub your feet with fat or vinegar, then get dressed again. This option will definitely help. It can even make a person sweat, so it is better to rub only the feet and elbows to avoid getting sick as a result of sudden temperature changes.

10. Useful instruments and devices

As the last, 10th method, we can mention the presence in the trunk of instruments and devices that will help keep warm in winter in a stalled car. These include:
  1. A special vest with three built-in heating pads powered by a small battery. Its charging lasts for 2-9 hours, it all depends on the model of the device and the ambient temperature. This vest is designed for climbers, so its cost is quite high, but its effectiveness and relevance in some situations fully justify it.
  2. A tourist mini-heater is a device that is compact, but at the same time capable of warming up the interior of the car to room temperature in 10-15 minutes. This kind of heater easily fits on an unfolded car seat and allows you to dry clothes.
  3. A catalytic mini-heater is a very economical device that is highly safe, since its operation is not accompanied by an open flame.
  4. Homemade heating pad - you need to take a package of dry alcohol and a tin can (empty) on the road. To make a homemade heating pad, you need to cut off the top rim of a tin can. Next, several cuts are made in one place, which are bent inward. Then holes are punched in the heating jar with a nail, which are responsible for the supply of oxygen. Dry alcohol is fixed inside the jar, and a hollow tube is inserted into the container itself. While the homemade heating pad is operating (during the burning of alcohol), the tube will heat up, releasing heat into the cabin. This option cannot be called modern, but in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to the above.


As can be seen from the above, many methods require a person to prepare his salvation in advance. It would also be a good idea to think about insulating the seat, insulating the hood, and even better, the entire body.

Before a long trip, you need to carefully check the operation of the battery and engine, and stock up on fuel. You can also always throw blankets, adhesive tape, candles, a mining shovel, plastic wrap, and a thermos of hot drinks into the trunk. At least something from this list.

It is very important not to forget about your own safety, since a negligent attitude to the issue under consideration can cause serious problems.

I think you've often had to freeze in a tent at night. Nature is unpredictable and, probably, any tourist has found himself in a situation where you can’t sleep from the cold or wake up in the middle of the night, shaking all over in your sleeping bag. I've put together 15 tips to help you stay warm in your tent.

Insulation with moss and spruce branches

If there are concerns that the coming night will be particularly cold, then it makes sense to insulate the bottom of the tent. Before setting up the tent, spread dry(!) moss or spruce branches on the prepared area. Mainly insulate the places where the body will be located.


It is very important to insulate yourself from the cold and moisture coming from the ground. In cold weather, use a thicker mat or an inflatable mat. You can additionally spread excess clothing on the rug to better insulate the floor.

Warm sleeping bag

To stay warm while hiking, you should have a warm sleeping bag. There are sleeping bags with different temperature conditions. However, you should note that the figures given by manufacturers are usually measured for the average man wearing thermal underwear and, moreover, do not always correspond to reality. When choosing, look for comfort temperatures rather than extreme temperatures. If it is written that extreme is -20, then this means that at a temperature of -20 you have a chance to spend a night in a sleeping bag without sleep and not die from hypothermia. Read my post on how to choose the right sleeping bag.

Shake your sleeping bag

Regardless of the type of filling in your sleeping bag, it will be compressed when you unpack it. Shake it well, using sharp movements to fluff it up like a pillow. This will allow you to straighten and evenly distribute the filling inside the sleeping bag.

Fleece liner

For emergencies, you can purchase a fleece liner for your sleeping bag. This is a fleece bag that is inserted into a sleeping bag for additional insulation.

Warming up before bed

Warm up your body before bed. Simple exercises will help you get your blood flowing and warm your body. Do some jumping jacks and push-ups near the tent, just be careful not to start sweating, otherwise you will definitely freeze at night. If you climb into your sleeping bag when you're cold, chances are you won't be able to warm up.

Refueling the body

If it's going to be a cold night, be sure to have a snack before bed. The stomach produces heat during operation. It is advisable to eat something hot. Give preference to fatty foods; such foods take longer to digest. On the contrary, it is better to avoid sweets and caffeine; they stimulate the narrowing of blood vessels. Going to bed hungry increases your risk of freezing.

Water balance

There must be enough water in the body to keep warm. Drink water within an hour or two before bed. But don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll have to run to the toilet often at night. If nature calls in the middle of the night, you need to get up and go. If you resist, you will freeze even more. Drinking plenty of water before bed can serve as a natural alarm clock.

Change as many clothes as possible. What you've been wearing all day will most likely be a little damp and you'll be cold to sleep. If you are unable to change clothes, try heating and drying your clothes by the fire. An excellent solution would be a set of thermal underwear; it not only warms, but also removes moisture from the skin.

Don’t put on all your existing clothes at once; you risk sweating and freezing all night. It’s better to dress lighter first, and prepare additional things and put them on the side. If you get cold, you can quickly put them on.

Wear a hat

We usually lose most of the heat in a tent through our heads. Therefore, always take a hat when hiking. It perfectly protects from the cold during overnight stays.

Warm socks

If your feet get cold, carry a special pair of fleece or wool socks. An indispensable thing on a hike! Wear them only for sleeping before climbing into your sleeping bag.

Legs in a backpack

While in a sleeping bag, you can further insulate your lower limbs by putting them in an empty backpack. Sleeping in this position may not be very comfortable, but your legs will receive an additional layer of thermal insulation.

Hot water bottle in the sleeping bag

To maintain the temperature in a sleeping bag, many people use catalytic or chemical disposable heating pads.

Alternatively, you can heat water in a boiler, pour it into a bottle and wrap it in a T-shirt. You should put this device in your sleeping bag. It is unlikely that the water will heat up all night, but it will definitely be enough for a couple of hours of warm sleep. When the bottle has cooled completely, it is better to remove it from the sleeping bag. When cold, it is not the bottle that will warm you, but you will warm it.

Don't stick your nose in the bag

The mouth and nose should be kept outside the sleeping bag. The warmth emanating from the breath is deceptive! Breathing inside the sleeping bag will make your clothes and the bag itself damp. A well-designed “cocoon” sleeping bag allows you to have a hole for breathing.

There are such terrible situations in our lives when people freeze to death in cars or get serious frostbite while waiting for help.

There are quite a few reasons why you can get into such trouble: the car may stop for technical reasons on a deserted highway or, on the contrary, you will get stuck in an extended traffic jam due to the elements, the car may not start in severe frost at the most inopportune moment, in the car The stove may break down, and mobile communications may also not be available.

Even in the city you can freeze; not long ago in Moscow, during the New Year holidays of 2016, a taxi driver froze to death. According to the investigation, apparently having decided to rest after the shift, he lay down in the back seat with the ignition turned off, but was unable to wake up.

Another tragic event that happened not long ago, heavy snowfall, on the night of January 3, 2016, paralyzed a section of the highway to Orenburg. About 50 cars and more than 80 drivers and passengers were captured by the elements. People waited for help for about 15 hours (according to some sources, more), one man froze to death, apparently deciding to get to other cars, he drove off the road, but due to poor visibility, he lost his orientation. The body was discovered on January 4 while clearing the road 20 meters from the side of the road. Many participants in the snow captivity received frostbite of varying severity; one man had his arm amputated.

What should you have in your car in winter to avoid freezing?

You need to prepare for any unforeseen circumstances in advance. List of things for the winter period that are recommended to be carried with you:

1. Warm blanket(preferably fleece), a blanket will never be superfluous. Some people recommend bringing warm sleeping bags with you.

2. Extra warm clothes and shoes- a great way to stay warm. High-quality, reliable, warm - clothes, in our opinion, are more preferable to old, unnecessary, thrown into the trunk. But the second option is better than nothing.

3. Shovel— a sapper one, or better yet a shovel one for shoveling snow.

4. Ax(saw) - if you have to make a fire.

5. Matches or means of starting a fire. Which should never be neglected.

6. Heating means- here you can include various burners, an ordinary candle, thermoids (autonomous heat sources).

7. Thermos— with a hot drink (tea, coffee, cocoa).

8. Wide paper tape- will help eliminate drafts in the car.

9. Firewood- a certain supply of dry firewood with which you can make a fire, even in areas where there are no trees in the area . On the Internet you will find many stories about the effectiveness of this method.

10. Food and water- will come in handy if you are waiting for help.

Some general tips for drivers for the winter:

1. Keep the fuel tank full.

2. Fuel carried in reserve in a canister will also not be superfluous.

3. Take care of the health of the battery and the car as a whole in advance; do not use a battery that raises doubts about its reliability.

4. Insulate the seats; you can use a fur cape on the chair.

5. Do not dilute antifreeze with water!

6. Carry battery terminals or an emergency starting device.

Ways to stay warm if you do find yourself in trouble!

If you are stuck, but the car engine is running and so is the heater, the inside of the car will be warm enough to stay in and wait for help. But if the engine stalls, then after some time (quite quickly) there will be little left of the heat, since the materials from which the car is made have high thermal conductivity.

What can you do to keep warm? Let’s immediately make a reservation that your actions will largely depend on the specific situation at hand; there may be others stuck nearby, or there may be no one. The highway on which the event occurred may be busy and passing cars may be attracted to your rescue, or there will be no cars opposite. Perhaps you will get stuck somewhere in hard-to-reach places, where there is no connection and there is no way to call the rescue service by dialing 112.

We provide only general tips that can help you stay warm, but their use, as well as your survival, will depend primarily on you and your decisions. The weather will also play a significant role, since in conditions of very poor visibility, leaving, for example, in search of firewood, you can simply get lost and lose all orientation. Or, on the contrary, many people froze while sitting in cold cars, while very close there was a forest where they could go to chop wood, light a fire nearby and set up a shelter from the wind. In other areas there are no forests or trees at all. It is also important how far you are from populated areas; wouldn’t it be wiser to abandon the car? Or how long you will have to wait for help!

1. Warm yourself. Warm yourself up, put on extra warm clothes, whatever you have. Particular attention should be paid to protruding parts of the body (fingers, nose, ears, etc.) that are more prone to frostbite. Use paper, you can put it in your shoes, it has good heat-insulating properties.

2. Insulation of the car. If you are in a car, seal off places from which there may be blowing, paper tape may be suitable for these means. Which need to glue the cracks and joints between the car doors. You can also use other materials that you have on hand, such as electrical tape, adhesive tape, and plaster tape from the first aid kit. Using paper or some kind of woven material, insulate the glass through which the greatest heat loss occurs. In addition, you can use snow and a shovel. You need to seal the snow embankment around your vehicle at least to floor level, this will protect it from the wind and will no longer blow from below.

3. Car heating with the help of burners and heaters. Perhaps you have a gas burner, candles, an alcohol burner with you, or maybe you built it from gasoline. Place the heater on the floor (but be careful not to cause a fire). This way you can warm the interior to some extent, but we must not forget about ventilation; you will have to either ventilate periodically or leave a gap in the glass for these purposes, which will increase heat loss.

4. Keep each other warm. You can warm up by wrapping yourself in warm clothes, rugs and blankets, snuggling up to each other. In such situations, of course, you can’t think only about yourself, so pay attention to those who are next to you, maybe someone needs warmth more, but if possible, you shouldn’t forget about yourself, you will still be needed in order for you all to be together survived and did not get frostbite!

5. Movement is life. Move! Even while sitting in the car, try to move. If you can’t move in the car, get out of it and do exercises. Move your fingers and toes, try to disperse the blood throughout your body.

6. Build a fire. If you can’t warm up in the car, and after just an hour of the engine not running, it will most likely be colder there than outside, especially if you do nothing. Build a fire! You shouldn't light a fire in your car; it's better to start it outside. Move into the forest, where it is much less windy (however, you should not forget that you are waiting for help, and you cannot miss a car passing by, so some drivers who have flown off the road recommend throwing the tow rope from the car onto the track almost across the road so that the car passing by I noticed that you need help.) In the forest, or not far from the car (although it is much windier on the highway), make a fire. And equip some kind of improvised shelter from bad weather and wind. Sitting in front of a hot fire can be much more pleasant than huddling in a frozen car.

7. Life and health are more valuable! If the situation is serious enough, do not spare vehicles, use everything you can to save your life. If there are no trees around, you can start a fire from tires, starting, of course, with the spare tire; you can burn everything that burns, especially what cannot be used as clothes and blankets.

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