ATV for public roads. ATV and the city: are these concepts compatible? Are there special signs

Is it possible to ride an ATV around the city and what the traffic inspector may require.Recently, ATVs can be increasingly seen on public roads. At the same time, traffic police officers are increasingly chasing them. So, is it possible to drive an ATV around the city and what documents are needed for this?

In general, it is worth recognizing that an ATV is an ideal city transport. It is more stable than a motorcycle, easier to park on hills, and has an automatic transmission. After all, the ATV driver is better protected from rain and mud. But given that ATV technology is not yet very widespread, and there are no clear laws regarding it, drivers and traffic police inspectors often encounter problems.

There are no restrictions for this. But the ATV must have a full set of lighting equipment and mirrors. If the ATV is not equipped with these necessary devices, traffic police inspectors will have questions. Of course, you can rummage through the legislation and argue as much as you like. But let's say it straight: without turn signals and mirrors, riding an ATV around the city is dangerous, both for you and for other road users.

However, ATVs are prohibited from driving on highways. And in general, where there is a sign that tractors are prohibited from entering, you cannot go there with such equipment.

Do you need a helmet?

From the official response of the traffic police it follows that a helmet is recommended, but not required. But since many inspectors do not really know the regulations and laws, and for the sake of their own safety, it is still better to wear a helmet. Moreover, most likely, the requirement to ride an ATV with a helmet will sooner or later be introduced into legislation and written into the traffic rules.

Where should you not ride an ATV?

You cannot ride an ATV on highways, or in a city where there are signs “Motorway” and “Tractor traffic prohibited.”

In addition, riding on sidewalks and in parks is prohibited. If you want good off-road driving, go to the forest or out of town.

What documents are needed to ride an ATV?

First, you need to get a tractor driver's license. Secondly, the ATV must be registered with Gostekhnadzor and receive a self-propelled machine passport, as well as a number. Be sure to pass a technical inspection and then apply for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for the ATV. In short, all the necessary documents, like for a tractor.

Is it worth riding an ATV in the city?

Despite its obvious advantages as a city transport, an ATV has a number of disadvantages for moving around the city. Firstly, utilitarian cars are not designed for prolonged movement at high speeds on hard surfaces. Therefore, ATV (especially Chinese) will break down more often. Secondly, motorists are not yet accustomed to such technology; for some reason they don’t notice it on the roads, they try to cut it off and not miss it. Therefore, from this point of view, of course, it is not worth riding an ATV around the city. But sometimes, in order to get to the place of rides, it is quite possible to use an ATV in the city.

ATVs, as off-road vehicles, have been gaining popularity in the last 5-7 years. In various dealerships you can find inexpensive models that are ideal for country riding. However, every owner of such a unit or anyone who is just planning a purchase is probably thinking about whether it is allowed to ride an ATV in the city in our time?

The question is worth considering, because having such a vehicle, you want to know its capabilities and operating features. Thanks to this, you can save yourself from all sorts of problems with the traffic police and other authorities.

So is it legal to ride an ATV on city streets?

Yes, there are no strict restrictions. However, you will still need to fulfill some conditions and take into account all the requirements put forward. After this, you can safely ride around the city in your mini-SUV.

Many people call ATVs almost the ideal form of transport for the city. And it really has a number of undeniable advantages. Some of them include:

  • Mobility;
  • High power and excellent maneuverability;
  • Low fuel consumption;
  • Stability while moving;
  • Easy to use.

However, of course, most motorists plan to ride their own ATV only as a form of entertainment. Accordingly, such transport is used mainly only outside the city.

Due to the fact that the main goal is exclusively recreation and entertainment, not everyone thinks about going on public roads. And the future fate of the vehicle sometimes depends on this. In this regard, it is better to immediately answer these questions for yourself in order to subsequently choose a unit that most accurately meets the requirements.

Traffic police requirements

In fact, all provisions regarding ATVs have not yet been legally enshrined. Because of this, certain difficulties often arise in the interpretation of laws, especially when it comes to driving on public roads. At the heart of everything is the requirement to ensure safety for all participants on the track, so as long as there is no threat, no prohibitions are imposed.

If you plan to drive your off-road vehicle on public roads, then you need to consider the following requirements:

  • Availability of full-fledged headlights, turn signals and rear-view mirrors;
  • Total weight not exceeding 400 kg;
  • The maximum speed is above 40 km/h.

As has already been said, it is necessary to ensure safety, so transport must fit seamlessly into the general traffic flow on city highways. A vehicle without turn signals and mirrors is simply very dangerous both for the driver himself and for other motorists.

Accordingly, when it comes to purchasing a new ATV, you should carefully study the legislation of the Russian Federation and analyze the requirements. If riding on public roads is not in your plans, then you can save money and buy a simpler model without lighting equipment and an overly powerful engine.


An important issue is the preparation of documents for the operation of ATVs in urban conditions. You need to have several basic documents with you:

  • Insurance policy;
  • Technical inspection;
  • Driver's license.

Driving around the city is not allowed for those who have not been trained in specialized driving schools, so first you should have a driver's license with you. With its help, you can resolve some problems with traffic police officers.

Obtaining a driver's license and learning to drive

If you plan to drive your unit on public roads, then you will need to obtain a special tractor driver's license. However, there is no need to be afraid, because, as a rule, obtaining a new certificate is not so difficult, since the requirements are generally quite standard.

  • Theory of safe operation of self-propelled vehicles;
  • Traffic rules theory;
  • Driving practice on public roads.

In some cases, for experienced motorists, the learning process is significantly simplified before the practical exam. Instructors are often willing to accommodate you without forcing you to go through the theory again.

If you have purchased a new unit that meets all the requirements from a technical point of view (headlights, turn signals and mirrors), and if you are interested in driving around the city, then the following requirements must be met:

  • Obtain a driver's license of the required sample;
  • Register the vehicle with Gostekhnadzor in accordance with all requirements;
  • Obtain a passport for a mini-tractor (self-propelled machine);
  • Pass the technical inspection procedure;
  • Get an MTPL insurance policy.

It is worth noting that in such matters you should focus on tractors, because ATVs are traditionally classified in this category of vehicles. The legislation of the Russian Federation in these matters is regularly changed and improved, so new amendments are adopted. However, in general the situation is far from perfect. However, this does not mean that owners of off-road ATVs will experience significant difficulties in this matter.

Features of moving around the city

ATVs are a rather specific type of transport. It is more suitable for driving on off-road and dirt tracks than on public city roads. Therefore, it is rarely chosen for active use in urban areas. However, from time to time there is a need to get to the right place or simply move a self-propelled car to the garage.

There are several disadvantages and other features that have to be taken into account:

  1. Due to the nature of their design, utilitarian vehicles and self-propelled units are not intended for long-term driving on a hard, flat surface (asphalt).
  2. Special requirements for operation and repair, especially when used in non-standard situations.
  3. Ambiguous attitude of other road users towards ATVs.

More specifically, ATVs are designed with certain requirements in mind, so long-term driving at high speeds in the city often leads to serious damage.

In addition, everyone knows the attitude of the main category of motorists towards motorcyclists, cyclists and scooter drivers. So in such a situation, it is quite possible to encounter unpleasant situations when other drivers simply do not give way or do not follow certain traffic rules.

In addition, there are no significant restrictions, so after purchasing a new off-road unit, it is possible to quite easily and quickly adapt it for movement on city streets, having completed all the necessary documents.

ATV license 2018-2019years must be mandatory issued by the owners of the named vehicles. To avoid problems when obtaining a license, citizens are advised to study the rules for obtaining a driver’s license. You can find them in our article.

ATV and snowmobile licenses

What is an ATV?

Before you find out whether you need a license to own an ATV, you should familiarize yourself with the very definition of “ATV.”

As stated in the standards of GOST R 51815-2001, an ATV is a 4-wheeled motor vehicle.

The maximum speed of transport should not be lower than 25 km/h. The maximum power of the vehicle should not exceed 15 kW.

The weight of the ATV should not exceed 400 kg (or 550 kg if the vehicle will be used to transport goods).

An ATV license is mandatory for drivers of this type of motor vehicle.

What is a snowmobile?

A snowmobile is a mechanical vehicle that provides unhindered movement on a snowy surface.

The legislator obliges every person driving a snowmobile to obtain the appropriate license.

Fine for not having a license to drive an ATV or snowmobile

Administrative liability for driving an ATV or snowmobile without an appropriate driver's license is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.7 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

This article contains a penalty in the form of a fine. A fine is collected from the violator of the established rules in the amount of 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

What category of license is needed to drive an ATV?

To answer the question of what rights are needed to drive an ATV, you need to refer to the legislation. According to Art. 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1999 N 796, a license of category “A” is required for an ATV.

However, category “A” driver’s license includes 4 subcategories. What category is needed for an ATV is also established in Resolution No. 796 (Article 4). ATVs and snowmobiles are among the Group I off-road motor vehicles with a maximum speed of 50 km/h.

Thus, in order to drive a snowmobile or ATV, the driver will need to obtain an “A1” category tractor driver’s license.

At what age can you ride an ATV and how to get a license?

Where to get a driver's license?

Having found out what licenses are needed for an ATV, the driver should learn about the specifics of the procedure for obtaining them.

You can obtain a certificate from the State Technical Supervision Inspectorate. A license is issued if the candidate successfully passes the exam for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles.

Don't know your rights?

A driver's license is issued by territorial departments of state technical supervision located at the citizen's place of residence.

If a serviceman wants to take the exam to obtain a tractor driver’s license, then he can pass the driver’s license test on the territory of the military unit.

The legislator provides for exceptional cases of passing the driving test. Thus, in relation to migrants, refugees, as well as citizens on long-term business trips, and sailors, permission for admission to the exam is accepted by the chief inspectors of the state technical supervision department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Such decisions are made outside the citizen’s registered place of residence or stay.

Requirements for candidates to obtain rights

Only those persons who have reached the age of 16 may be allowed to take examination tests to obtain a category “AI” certificate. Accordingly, you can drive an ATV no earlier than 16 years of age.

The legislator also requires citizens who want to obtain a license to drive a snowmobile or ATV to undergo a medical examination.

Based on the results of the examination at a specialized medical institution, the driver will receive a certificate of the established form. The document drawn up by doctors must contain permission to allow a person to drive self-propelled vehicles.

Also, an applicant for a driver’s license of a tractor driver of category “AI” must undergo theoretical training. To obtain a license for a snowmobile or ATV, self-training is allowed.

Who can take the driving test?

According to the requirements described in Art. 13 and 14 of Resolution No. 796, a person can act as an examiner:

  • holding the position of state engineer-inspector of state technical supervision;
  • at least 23 years of age;
  • having a diploma of secondary or higher specialized technical education;
  • holding a tractor driver's license of the category that the candidates want to receive.

Documents for passing the exam

Applicants for a certificate should prepare the following documents in advance:

  • Passport (or other identification document).
  • Medical certificate.
  • Training document.
  • Tractor driver's license (if previously issued).
  • Photos in 3x4 format.

After reviewing these documents, the authorized bodies make a decision on the appointment of:

  • places of examination tests;
  • exam dates;
  • exam time.

Examination tests

After filling out the individual card, the driver proceeds to take the exam.

The algorithm for passing the exam for category “AI” license involves:

  1. Testing according to safety rules for using self-propelled vehicles.
  2. Testing the candidate's theoretical knowledge of general traffic rules.
  3. Practical tests conducted in a closed area and along a special route in urban conditions.

Persons who successfully pass all stages of testing receive a driver's license against signature. The document is valid for 10 years.

To summarize, we note that registration of licenses is mandatory for all persons wishing to legally ride ATVs and snowmobiles. Having received the necessary driver's license from the local state technical supervision authorities, the driver can drive a motor vehicle without fear of administrative sanctions from road inspectors.

Quad cycles, quadricycles and tricycles. What are the differences?

Surely you are already familiar with such a vehicle as quadrocycle... It turns out that a regular driver's license is not suitable for driving it. And you will learn a little about which ones are suitable. We will also talk about different types of ATVs and even mention snowmobiles.

But we will start our excursion with a new category of vehicles "B1" - tricycles and quadricycles. These names, unlike “ATVs,” are not yet familiar to us and it is extremely difficult to find such vehicles on Russian roads.

In fact, many people believe that category “B1” allows you to drive a car with an automatic transmission. But no, this is a completely new category of transport, until recently unknown to us. Although, of course, everything is relative. It’s just that previously existing similar transport was classified in other categories.

What are quadricycles and tricycles?

Quadri cycles are four-wheeled motor vehicles (tricycles - three-wheeled), intended for use on public roads and subject to the traffic police in the general order.

An example of a quadricycle is the Soviet car-motorcycle SZM-S3D “Invalidka” (on the left in the figure). Some of you may remember this “misunderstanding” of Soviet engineering with a whirring motorcycle engine.

Tricycles (photo in the center) are very common in Asian countries as cargo-passenger three-wheeled motorcycle transport (our analogue is the Ant scooter).

But you can only see a three-wheeled motorcycle in large cities, and only if you try really hard. It’s just that such tricycles are found only among motorcycle aesthetes or handy Kulibins.

By the way, large quadricycles are quite often called Road ATVs, and in the West they are abbreviated as GG-Quad, Also Moto Quad, Quad Bikes etc.

Any of you, if desired, can easily acquire at least a tricycle... A flurry of enthusiastic and curious glances at you on the road is guaranteed!

An example of a commercially available tricycle - "Roadster Spider"

Undoubtedly, modern three-wheeled vehicles look very impressive, but this miracle costs... almost as much as a full-fledged car. Also, according to one of the owners, unlike two-wheeled motorcycles, you will have to stand in traffic jams on such a device no less often than on a car, and the comfort will be much less. Especially in inclement weather.

Roughly speaking, quadricycles are either three- or four-wheeled motorcycles, or mini cars, which require the same documents as a car or motorcycle. When purchasing such vehicles, a Vehicle Passport (PTS) is attached.

Example of a Vehicle Passport (PTS)

What category of rights is needed to drive a quadricycle and tricycle?

On November 5, 2013, a new category appeared in driver's licenses “B1”* - tricycles and quadricycles.

This is of course all true, but there are some important nuances in determining the category of driver's license required to drive such vehicles...
Let's try to figure it out.

What is the difference between categories “M” - moped, “A” - motorcycle and “B1” - tricycles?

With an unloaded mass of such a vehicle. more than 400 kg, the driver must have a license with an open subcategory “B1”.

And owners of light tricycles and quadricycles (with an engine capacity of no more than 50 cubic centimeters) must have a license with category "M" ** or have any other open category of driver’s license.

* - less than 550 kg for cargo transportation.

Those. Tricycles and quadricycles, depending on the required categories of rights to operate them, can be divided into:

"M"- light tricycles and quadricycles (mopeds);
"A"- tricycles and quadricycles, including those included in the junior category "A1"
"IN 1"- heavy tricycles and quadricycles (over 400kg);

And was it worth it to “fence a garden” for the sake of a tiny amount of such transport and separate it from the rest?

The question is controversial. Perhaps the time for tricycles and quadricycles in our country has not yet come... We'll wait and see.

An example of the Toyota-i-ROAD electric tricycle concept

ATV and snowmobile licenses

ATVs are motorized off-road four-wheeled vehicles (all-terrain vehicles, all-terrain vehicles) with a motorcycle-type seat and a motorcycle-type steering wheel, intended for driving off public roads.

On some ATVs, the steering wheel and driver's position are no different from a car.

The main document of the ATV is Self-propelled vehicle passport (PSM). Similar passports are also issued for tractors and other construction equipment, so an ATV can safely be called a mini tractor.

Example of a Passport for a self-propelled vehicle.

It is necessary to register * ATVs (as well as all-terrain vehicles, snow and swamp-going vehicles and even snowmobiles) with the Gostekhnadzor authorities and to drive them you must have a tractor driver's license.

To be more precise: a certificate of a tractor driver (tractor driver) category "A1"- off-road motor vehicles.

* - to register an ATV, the owner has no more than 10 days from the moment of its acquisition; (- or until the expiration of the registration marks “Transit”). These registration deadlines apply to any and are defined by paragraph 1 “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation...”. By the way, such vehicles are also required to undergo technical inspection.

How to get a license for an ATV (snowmobile)?

A tractor driver's license for category "A1" can be obtained from the age of 16. To be admitted to the exam, you need to obtain a medical certificate with permission to drive tractors (self-propelled machines) and prepare for the qualification exam, which is conducted by employees of the State Technical Supervision Authority.

Updated form of the Tractor Driver (Tractor Driver) Certificate.

The exam for obtaining a tractor driver's license consists of theory and practice. The theory is accepted on tickets approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and practice takes place in two stages on a closed site (tractor track).

You can take the practical part of the exam only after successfully passing the theory. The passed theoretical exam is valid for 3 months. If this deadline is missed, then before admission to the practical part, you will need to successfully pass the theory again.

On first During the practical stage, you need to complete the following exercises:

  • starting from a standstill on an uphill slope;
  • turning around with a limited width of the territory with a one-time gear shift;
  • putting a self-propelled vehicle into a box in reverse;
  • aggregation of a self-propelled vehicle with a trailer (trailer);
  • braking and stopping at various speeds, including emergency stopping;

Second The practical exam stage is taken on a special route under conditions of actual operation of a self-propelled vehicle.

Repeated exams are scheduled no earlier than 7 days later. But if you fail the internship 3 times in a row, then on the next (4th) attempt you will be required to provide documents on additional training.

An example of an ATV that requires an “A1” tractor driver’s license

The ATV began to gain popularity relatively recently, although it appeared a long time ago. Many people have questions regarding this type of transport - we will try to answer them.

Why is an ATV better than a motorcycle or a car?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Much depends on your preferences.

In comparison, the ATV has the following advantages:

Higher cross-country ability and more comfortable driving.

Yes, the motorcycle performs better in some places, but the fact is that the “quad” will in most cases benefit from its stability and cross-country ability in off-road conditions, rain and snow. But it loses in dense forest conditions, where it is not always possible to squeeze through. In addition, there is no need to “maintain” balance, which in turn reduces fatigue during a multi-day trip.

Higher weight loading.

If, in the case of a motorcycle, improper loading of things will lead to destabilization of balance in off-road conditions or increased slippery conditions, then on an ATV, loading will not lead to this due to its four “paws”. But you should follow the rule - if you throw everything at one level, then the chance of capsizing is higher on an inclined or off-road (with a lot of holes and stones) surface.

With a detailed selection, the cost of a good ATV will be lower than popular motorcycles.

Higher “safe” off-road speeds.

Why in quotes, you ask? If you are inexperienced in driving, the high speed developed will lead to a rollover, and injuries from this will be more severe than in the case of a motorcycle. But the fact is a fact - you can reach higher speeds on an ATV. The above are obvious advantages, but what about a car?

Higher cross-country ability.

Passability again, but marked “in most cases.” As a rule, both a motorcycle and an ATV will not go through deep holes, rivers, and the like. But the advantage is not lost - on an ATV it is easier to go around dangerous places, go through the forest, and so on.

Price category.

A more or less good quad costs several times less than a good SUV (with the exception of a couple of units).

Fuel consumption.

If on average a car needs 10-12 liters per hundred kilometers, then an ATV needs about 5.