Rear license plate lights. How to change the car number plate light bulb: step by step instructions. Ease of work

Rear license plate lighting is a must for every car. For the maintenance of this external light device in a faulty condition or in a condition that does not comply with the norms of the law, several types of administrative punishment are provided: warning, fine, deprivation of rights. This article will tell you about what the rear license plate light should be like, how to upgrade it and what rules should be followed.

Legal aspects

In accordance with the regulations of the Rules of the Road (SDA), each car must have a rear license plate light, which is activated at the moment the side lights are turned on. This external light device must be turned on while the vehicle (V) is moving with the onset of darkness. At the same time, the brightness of the lamps should be sufficient for the inspector to be able to identify the state. car number from a distance of 20 meters. Lack of backlighting or an unreadable car number for some reason is regarded as a violation and, in accordance with Article 12.2, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

It is possible to correct the situation and thereby improve the illumination of the registration plate by upgrading the standard lamps. The most common way is to install LED light sources: modules, rulers, ribbons. However, this innovation can be regarded as a change in the design of the car with all the ensuing consequences.

The Appendix to the SDA of the Russian Federation says that it is prohibited to make changes to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the traffic police of the Russian Federation (clause 7.18 - Other structural elements). This paragraph can be interpreted as follows. Firstly, if the car does not participate in traffic (is not operated), then it is impossible to detect a violation. Secondly, if the changes made have been certified by the traffic police and have documentary evidence, then the modernization was made according to the law.

In GOST 8769-75 (updated on 08/01/2013) in paragraph 2.8.2 it is said that the rear registration plate of the car must be illuminated by a stream of white light. According to this paragraph, a ban on backlighting the number plate with any other light, except for shades of white, is automatically set. It turns out that the bright and juicy colors of LEDs (blue, red, green) by law cannot be used in the organization of rear number plate lighting. They can obscure and confuse the drivers of vehicles following behind.

This violation is interpreted by the inspector under Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with a warning or an administrative fine of 500 rubles. Another thing is the illumination of the front number. According to all regulatory documents, it should be absent.

Punishment for installing backlight state. front numbers will be more stringent - deprivation of rights for 6-12 months. with confiscation of lighting fixtures (art. 12.5 part 3).

Taking into account the current standards and rules, we come to the conclusion that it is possible to remake the rear number plate lighting with LEDs with your own hands, but without too much fanaticism. The main thing is not to attract the attention of officials with too bright light, illuminating not only the sign, but also part of the roadway, and not to make a multi-colored decoration out of the backlight of the car number.

Ways to upgrade the backlight of the number

Spiral bulbs used in rear license plate lights are the easiest to replace with similar LED bulbs. In a standard C5W base, you can buy LED lamps of various sizes: from to COB matrices. Their main advantage is that they do not cause errors in the on-board computer. Prices for a kit vary greatly and depend on the type of LEDs installed, their power and manufacturer. On average, 2 pieces can be purchased for $5. The standard license plate lighting can be easily replaced with ready-made LED modules specially designed for this purpose. Their geometric dimensions are exactly the same as the regular ceiling lamps, that is, there is no need to redo the fasteners. The cost of a set of two modules of the budget series is $10-15. A cheaper option is to illuminate the number plate based on a sealed LED strip with IP67 or IP68. In this case, you do not even have to dismantle the standard lights. The LED strip is glued over the state. number or along its perimeter on a clean, fat-free base. All that is required of the driver is to switch the power from standard lamps to LED strip, observing the polarity and ensuring the tightness of the contacts.

According to the rules of the road, the license plate of a car, located either on the rear bumper or on the trunk lid, must be equipped with a backlight that ensures the readability of the number at night. If the license plate lighting does not work for one reason or another, you can get a fine from the traffic police officer who stopped you to check your documents, the amount of which is unlikely to please you.

If you find that your license plate lighting is partially or completely out of order, do not put off solving the problem until later. Backlight diagnostics will not take you as much time as it might seem at first glance. In addition, the most common reason why the rear license plate lighting system stops functioning is burnt out bulbs, and you just need to find out how to replace the number plate lights.


It is necessary to eliminate the malfunction associated with the inoperability of the license plate lighting by replacing the failed lamps with new ones. For this you will need:

  • rag;
  • screwdriver;
  • silicone grease or equivalent.

Replacement process

  1. Wipe the tailgate with a rag in the part where the car number is located. After you have cleaned the desired part of the body from dirt and dust, you can see two ceiling lamps under the trim, which is located above the license plate. It is under them that the failed light bulbs are located. If the surface of the lampshades and their attachment points are dirty, also wipe them with a rag.
  2. Then, using a screwdriver, unscrew the screws that secure the license plate lights to the tailgate trim. As a rule, there are two of them for each ceiling. If the screws are rusty and won't budge, use WD-40. This tool will provide additional lubrication of corroded metal parts and help to weaken their resistance when twisting out of holes.
  3. After successfully removing the shades, you will see light bulbs that need to be removed from the seats. Once you've succeeded, install new or known-good bulbs.
  4. Do not rush to fix the ceiling after that. First, it is advisable to check the operability of the license plate lighting system. To do this, turn on the ignition and activate the parking lights, along with them the number plate light should light up. If everything worked properly, you can proceed to the next step.
  5. Before screwing in the screws and installing the shades, which are additional protection against dirt and mechanical damage for the number plate lamps, do not be too lazy to lubricate the screws with special silicone grease. This will slow down the corrosion process, which in one way or another will occur as a result of exposure to rain, snowfall and other negative factors, and will make the screwing process easier and more uncomplicated.
  6. After careful processing of the screws and the holes into which they are screwed, you can fix the shades in their place.

There is absolutely no need to show your car to car service specialists so that they can replace burnt out bulbs in the license plate lighting system. You can do this job on your own.

In addition, replacing the backlight bulbs on private vehicles will not require you to spend a lot of time. 10 minutes is enough for you to install new light elements, make sure that they work and assemble the whole structure in reverse order.

Do not turn a blind eye to the fact that the license plate light of your car has ceased to function and perform its main task. By replacing the light bulbs, you will not only protect you from the likelihood of receiving a warning from a traffic police officer or, even worse, an unwelcome fine, but also return your car to an aesthetic appearance. Agree, a car in which all marker and daytime lights are on looks much more beautiful, neater and more well-groomed than a vehicle whose lighting equipment burns out or malfunctions every now and then.


License plate lighting can be made from LED strip:

A photo

License plate lighting, which is a mandatory attribute of cars, often raises questions from drivers related to possible changes or upgrades in its installation. So, according to GOST, you need to adhere to the illumination of the license plate at the rear of the car, while avoiding the illumination of the front number.

If the light above the "mini-passport" of the car is off, or the lighting does not meet the standards, the driver of the vehicle, if these violations are detected by the traffic police inspectors, is subject to a state fine. In order to avoid penalties, one should be fully aware of how to properly install and operate the lighting fixture.

Regulatory Aspects

The Road Traffic Regulations states that each car must be equipped with special lighting equipment for the rear of the car, capable of being switched on when the parking lights are on. It is, accordingly, necessary to activate it at night, so that the traffic police inspector can effortlessly distinguish the symbols of the “mini-passport” of the vehicle from a distance of at least 20 meters.

The fine for the lack of illumination of the back number and, accordingly, its illegibility is 500 rubles.

The possibility of losing a driver's license for a period of 6-12 months with the confiscation of the lighting device is also present. The owner of the vehicle may be subjected to such punishment for lighting the front registration plate, since according to regulatory documents it should be absent.

Lighting improvement

Number plate lighting is not a problem, it can be implemented by upgrading standard lights. Today, LEDs are most often installed in the form of tapes, rulers and modules. However, going overboard with the number of LED items can be seen as a change in vehicle design.

To avoid punishment, remember two things:

  • Firstly, a violation in the lighting of the state registration number can only be proven if the vehicle is in operation.
  • Secondly, the changes that have passed the certification of the traffic police cannot be considered illegal.

About the intensity of the burning backlight and the allowed colors of the LEDs

According to GOST, the light of the rear license plates must be white or yellow, or their shades. Thus, any other color of lighting can be regarded as a violation and subject to a corresponding fine of 3,000 rubles, since colored LEDs can confuse drivers following and provoke a traffic accident (RTA).

Taking into account the standards, it is possible to change the tonality and saturation of the lighting. However, this must be done without attracting the attention of the inspector with too bright light, leaving a mark on the roadway, as well as using an excessive amount of illumination of the license plate of other colors.

Lighting Upgrade Attributes

The spiral number illumination used in the factory lights can be replaced with similar LED bulbs of a more powerful spectrum. The size of the LED for a light bulb with a standard base ranges from SMD5050 to COB matrices. The main positive quality of such bulbs is compatibility with the on-board computer (BC), that is, it will not give errors when installing LEDs. Lamp prices depend both on the desired power and on the manufacturer. On average, a set of LED devices of two lamps can be purchased within 300-400 rubles.

For the illumination of registration symbols with an LED module, the owner of the vehicle will have to pay at least 600-800 rubles. But such an LED device also has an advantage: their geometric dimensions exactly repeat the regular lampshades, i.e. no need to modify the mounts.

A budget way to solve the problem of license plate illumination is the ability to stick an LED strip above the number or around the perimeter. It is important to remember that it can only be glued to a place cleaned of dirt and oil, otherwise the durability of the tape is not guaranteed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should strictly adhere to the rules for operating the car, properly refer to the lighting fixtures of the car. Always check the headlights before leaving so that both the backlight and the front number light function - this will ensure easy readability of the numbers. Take prompt action to correct any problems.

Today, any car must necessarily be equipped with a special backlight that illuminates the rear numbers. When the car just rolls off the assembly line, it has 2 ceiling lamps, they are usually located in the lower saber of the trunk. At first, the lamps work normally, but over time they burn out. At the same time, some car owners do not even think about replacing burned-out lamps, which is wrong and entails quite serious consequences.

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Traffic police officers have the right to fine negligent car owners who drive a car without lighting the numbers.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that the basis for collecting a fine is not only the lack of lighting in the room, but also the incorrect installation of the lights.

Therefore, such situations should be avoided in order to save nerves, time, money that will have to be spent on paying a fine. Moreover, any driver can replace the backlight on a car on their own with a minimum knowledge in this area.

How to do everything yourself

You need to change the backlight bulbs in this sequence.

  1. To begin with, the lamp cover itself is disassembled, this is done starting from the middle, using a thin screwdriver.
  2. Regular lamps must be unscrewed very carefully, while it is quite easy to damage the place where the lamp is attached to the car body.
  3. The next step is to install a new LED bulb or incandescent bulb.
  4. After the new lamp is screwed in, you can install the cover again. Before installation, it must be thoroughly degreased.
  5. When the installation process is completed, you need to check if the license plate light is working. If everything is done correctly, then the car number will have bright lighting.

This is how the general diagram looks like, explaining how to change the number plate light bulb. However, for each specific car model, this procedure has its own characteristics.

Examples of replacing light bulbs on individual car models

Lada Kalina"

If the license plate became poorly lit on Kalina, this means that it is time to replace the lamps. It is quite easy to do this. If you follow the algorithm below:

  1. To begin with, on the right side, you will need to press on the lantern itself, slightly moving it to the left. It should just pop out even with light pressure.
  2. Next, the ceiling is pulled out simultaneously with the power wires. It is this step that greatly facilitates the process of replacing power lamps on a Lada Kalina car.
  3. Then you need to slightly lift the plastic latch up, and then remove the plug that provides power.
  4. The lamp housing must be unscrewed by turning gently. In this way, the lamp base can be easily pulled out.
  5. The next step is to pull out the lamp already, slightly pulling it to the side. Then the ceiling will be very easy to get out of the base.
  6. The burnt out light bulb is replaced by another one.
  7. Then you need to repeat all the steps in reverse order.

That's all, it remains only to check if the lamp is on after changing the light bulb.

Hyundai Solaris

Changing the license plate lamp in the Hyundai Solaris is also simple if you do everything in the right order. In this model, 2 lights are installed for illumination, located under the trim on the trunk lid itself. These lanterns are closely related. To change bulbs in Solaris, you need to follow the algorithm below:

  1. First of all, the upholstery is removed from the trunk lid. For this purpose, you need to use a reliable screwdriver to pick up the cover, it is easy to find it in the trunk handle.
  2. Next, when using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the screws securing the handle, and then remove it.
  3. Using the same screwdriver, unscrew all the caps that secure the trim in the trunk lid itself. First, the caps are removed, and then the upholstery is completely removed.
  4. The lamp holder turns clockwise only until it stops, and after that it is important to press it and unscrew it together with the bulbs from the housing. You need to pull the cartridge exactly to the length at which it will be easier for you to change the lamp.
  5. The lamp is very easy to get out of the socket. It is enough just to pull it out by the flask.

When the lamp has already been replaced, it is important to install all the necessary elements in reverse order. This rule must always be observed, regardless of the brand of the car in which the lighting lamp is changed. If all the requirements and procedure for replacement are met, the lamps illuminating the sign should work without failure. Only then can we assume that the replacement was carried out correctly.

Nissan Qashqai"

The process of replacing light bulbs on a Nissan Qashqai is practically the same as the same procedure in other cars. But still there are some nuances, they should be taken into account in order to make the replacement correctly:

  1. In Nissan Qashqai, before starting to replace the backlight, you need to remove the negative cable from the car battery
  2. Then you need to remove the ceiling light. For these purposes, a conventional screwdriver is applicable. To simplify this process, you need to lightly press on the ceiling, swing it to the left, right, and then pull it out.
  3. When the cover of the ceiling is removed, you need to unplug the connector. This will make it easier to pull out the bulb.
  4. Then a new bulb is installed. The assembly process is carried out strictly in reverse order to avoid assembly errors.
  5. When the negative cable is in place, all that remains is to check the functioning of the backlight.

Replacing the backlight bulbs in Nissan cars on your own will save you money and time.

Lada Priora"

How to replace the number plate light bulb on a modern Russian car? Replacing the license plate light on a Lada Priora car has practically no differences from the procedure for replacing this element in Kalina.

To do this is quite simple, it is important to follow the instructions.

  1. To change the lighting lamp, you will need special socket wrenches. With their help, it will be necessary to remove the plastic elements fixed on special fasteners.
  2. The rear chrome frame is removed by unscrewing all the nuts that hold it.
  3. Light bulbs are framed. It takes a little effort to get them out of the plafonds. The problem is that they are quite hard to understand.
  4. When the ceiling is disassembled, it is important to ensure that the sealing gum is not lost.
  5. Replacing the license plate light bulb on the Priore takes a minimum of time. All parts are assembled in reverse order. However, before assembling, it is worth checking whether the replaced light bulbs work. If you do not do this right away, then if they are installed incorrectly, you will have to disassemble the entire structure again.
  6. The reassembly process is as follows: after changing the lamps, the shades are put in their places, and after them the frame. It must be securely fixed at all attachment points. Lastly, plastic is installed in its place.

In this case, the change of room lighting bulbs on the Priore is completed.

Toyota Corolla"

If it becomes necessary to replace the license plate lamps in a Toyota Corolla car, then you need to proceed in this sequence:

  1. To begin with, it is important to lower the lamp diffuser for the easiest access to the lamps. This is done by pressing on the tongue, as a result of which the diffuser easily falls down.
  2. The bulb holder rotates counterclockwise, this is done to make it easier to remove.
  3. The next step is to unscrew the screws, they hold the backlight elements, after which it will be possible to lower the lantern.
  4. After that, the holder of the paws is removed. To do this, it is important to rotate it also counterclockwise.
  5. It remains only to pull the lamp out of the cartridge.
  6. After changing the number light bulb on the Corolla, the entire process of assembling parts is carried out exclusively in the reverse order.

All the above actions are so simple that even a novice driver can easily perform them.

Important Features

According to the traffic rules, with the onset of the dark time of the day, and even under conditions of limited visibility, the license plate is necessarily highlighted in white or yellowish colors.

The backlight of the number usually consists of (or also known as W5W). This is an ordinary lamp without a base. Sooner or later they burn out and need to be replaced. So on mine, one is out of order and needs to be replaced. Today I am posting a small instruction on how to replace it with my own hands. I would like to note that on many cars the replacement takes place in a similar way, so it will be useful to everyone ...

You need to change the lamps, otherwise the backlight looks “wretched”, half of the room is illuminated, and half is not! YES, and the traffic police do not like it, but why provoke them once again.

Bug and lamps

When the “backlight” burns out on the AVEO, “CODE 24” occurs, you need to disassemble the lantern and change the element. I would like to note right away that when installing the LED lamp, the error also remained, although it glowed, it can be seen that it has too little voltage or “amperage”, so the on-board computer does not see it! Take note. If you put "normal" no errors will occur.

So I went to an auto parts store and bought the most common option, i.e. "T10" without LEDs. I didn’t take super brands, I bought a proven OSRAM, they had been on the previous one for several years, and everything was fine. In general, the issue price is about 25 rubles.

DIY replacement

As usual, they are mounted in a "niche" in front of the license plate - these are two built-in flashlights. On different cars, they are attached in different ways, some are screwed on - this was the case on some VAZ models, others are simply inserted into the latches - this is practiced on many foreign cars (I have just such an option).

To remove it, you just need to pick it up with a screwdriver, but be careful, because if you bend the wrong corner, you can simply break it. Read the forums according to your model, most likely the people have already changed. For me, this corner is closer to the middle of the trunk lid, or to the opening handle, just hook it up and pull out the lantern.

It is closed with a casing, it is he who protects against dirt getting inside. Now we need to unscrew the lamp mount and pull it out of the cartridge.

Of course, many readers may say - "why do we need this easy instruction"? The guys are “needed”, some beginners almost begin to remove the skin, although everything is elementary here. It is also important to pick up the flashlight from the right side, otherwise you will simply break it. It comes out really effortlessly.