Why can't guests wash the dishes? Why you can’t wash dishes when visiting. The meaning of a sign of trouble

In the world there are many different will accept. Each nation has its own, this is due to different events that took place in history. But there is one universal sign that strictly prohibits anyone wash dishes at a party.

Most likely you will take this sign into account, regardless of superstitious you are human or not. Married women especially like it, because this is a good reason not to listen to half-hour lectures from the mother-in-law on how to wash the dishes.

This is why you shouldn't wash dishes at a party

The fact is that every house and every apartment is imbued with a special energy their owners. It is believed that every touch of a guest to objects in the house leaves a new energy trace on them.

This absolutely does not mean that you should not invite guests over. Where would we be without this? Since ancient times, it has been our custom to invite friends and family for tea or coffee with treats.

But more often than not, after friendly get-togethers, what remains in the sink is mountain of dirty dishes, which guests kindly offer to help with. No matter how much you would like to agree, in this case you should thank them for the offer and politely refuse.

According to superstition, if someone washes the dishes in your home, he can “wash” all your luck and prosperity. This happens completely unintentionally, it’s all about the energy that the guest gives to your home while washing dishes.

In order not to leave the company in the midst of an interesting game or emotional conversation, you can acquire dishwasher.

They also say that dirty dishes left in the sink overnight are an open door through which happiness and wealth leave the house.

We wish you to live prosperously and happily! And believe in folk signs or not is your own choice.

There are many signs and traditions associated with dishes. Washing it is the prerogative of the woman, the mistress of the house. When she washes the cups and plates, she washes away selfish feelings and selfish desires from her soul. This makes sense.

If none of the household members wants to wash dirty dishes, then there is no mutual understanding and happiness in the house. There cannot be happiness in a family where selfishness and selfishness prevail. I wonder if you can trust your dishes to strangers? How about helping yourself in someone else’s kitchen? They say no. Why can't you wash dishes when visiting?

Should I wash other people's plates or not?

Oddly enough, most modern people will answer in the negative. Are we all selfish and selfish in our feelings?! And we don’t want to help our neighbor in a difficult moment of struggling with a mountain of dirty dishes?! Or are there compelling provisions that explain the ban? We have collected all the information on this matter. How true and real it is is up to you to decide.

Traditional opinion

Read: “superstition.” Interesting fact: well-wishers know exactly whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday in advance, but they cannot explain the reasons. The same is true with kitchen utensils.

Washing plates and glasses has a mystical meaning. This is a method of bringing happiness and wealth into your home. Dishes left in the sink overnight are like leaving the front door open. The family's well-being will go away.

A good housewife always takes care of her utensils. She will not allow dirty plates to accumulate. Even while preparing breakfast or lunch, everything will be rinsed. And the latter will thank you for your careful attitude towards yourself. Clean dishes attract only good guests to the family. Dirty calls only evil people. In turn, guests can easily understand: should they stay longer in this house or not? If the plates are not washed before sunset, it is better to leave the inhospitable house.

Such a “close” relationship between home and dishes does not tolerate interference from outsiders. According to folk superstitions, a guest who washes plates and spoons washes out of the house

a) happiness and piety;
b) luck and money;
c) suitors of a young, unmarried housewife.

Note that outside help only brings bad things. The sacred attitude to washing dishes is also confirmed in the interpretation of dreams.

a) married people wash dishes - there is a lack of mutual understanding in the family, tense relationships hidden from prying eyes;
b) spouses - the family is worried about a chronic lack of money;
c) the dishwasher struggles with dirty dishes - it’s not easy for the housewife to make independent decisions.

a woman dreams that she washes herself, then thoroughly wipes the dishes - there is only love and fidelity between the spouses, their union is harmonious.

For everything to go well, a woman must monitor the cleanliness of kitchen utensils on her own. The happiness and well-being of your family cannot be trusted to anyone.

Energy aspect

Every person’s home is filled with the energy of all the people living in it. Moreover, this is protective, protective energy. No wonder they say: “My home is my fortress.” A stranger in the kitchen brings his own energy, alien to this house.

It’s good if your assistant turns out to be a well-wisher. But if an envious person who wishes you harm washes, quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided in the house. Unfortunately, not all bad people bear the appropriate stigma. Benevolent smiles can hide bestial grins for many years.

From a psychological point of view

Not all housewives allow strangers into their kitchen abode. They are used to doing everything on their own, in their own way. They don’t trust other people, even their own household, with everyday responsibilities. Perhaps the assistants are not rinsing off the product well or they are pointing the sponge in the wrong direction. You never know what worries the housewife, who jealously guards her kitchen.

Therefore, before you take care of someone else’s sink with someone else’s dishes, think again. You will still wash saucers, plates and pots your way. And the scrupulous housewife will begin to wash everything after you leave.

It's another matter when you were asked to help. It was late, there were a lot of guests, and you are the closest friend or friend who can be trusted without fear with happiness, luck, money, daughter’s suitors and the energy of the house. You won’t take anything away, and you won’t wish anything bad.

Many signs and superstitions are associated with human life. For example, it is believed that the one who has fun until lunch will cry in the evening or in no case should you remove crumbs from the table with your palm - there will be no prosperity in life. One of the most widely known household signs says that when you come to visit, you should not wash the dishes after the feast. But what is this sign and why can’t you wash dishes at a party?

Our ancestors believed that dishes had a certain energetic connection with the owners of the house, and if a stranger began to wash them, misfortune and poverty would befall the family.

If you ask this question to a modern person, in most cases you will get a firm negative answer. Quite strange, since helping friends or relatives clear the table is a matter of good manners. However, the thought that was instilled in us by our grandmothers was firmly ingrained in our heads, that You should not wash dirty dishes while in someone else’s house.

Many esotericists and astrologers attach some mystical significance to cleaning the room. It is believed that negative energy leaves the house along with dust and dirt. However, with dishes the circumstances are not so clear.

For example, dishes should never be left dirty in the sink for a long time after eating. Not only can this make the brownie angry, but it will also affect the luck of the home owners. It is believed that dirty dishes are an open door through which the well-being and wealth of the family flows away.

However, if you have invited guests over, you should not trust them to wash the dishes, hoping to relieve yourself of this responsibility - the effect will be absolutely opposite to what was expected. Plates, cups, forks, spoons and knives are personal items that are constantly used by family members.

A kind of energetic connection is established between people and kitchen utensils, which can easily be “washed away” by a person with someone else’s unfamiliar energy. In this case, your guest's help will only have negative consequences, and you will lose more in the future than saving yourself a few minutes in front of the sink after the feast.

  • It is believed that if an invited guest washes the dishes after the holiday, he will take away the monetary luck and well-being of the owner of the house.
  • In the presence of strangers, spouses or lovers should not wash or wipe kitchen utensils - they lose mutual understanding. Relationships will become strained, partners will no longer trust each other, and all contacts will only cause irritation and anxiety.
  • If the housewife washes dirty dishes in the dishwasher, she It’s difficult to make decisions and make choices in favor of anything.
  • It will be a good omen if a woman dreams that she is washing dishes - in her relationship with her loved one there will be complete harmony and mutual understanding.
  • If, after the feast, a person with whom you are in a quarrel or you feel distrust or hostility volunteered to help you clear the table, you should refuse help. Otherwise, there will be many conflicts and quarrels between household members.
  • If you cannot wash dirty dishes or your kitchen utensils have cracks and chips, you should not store them. Dirty, broken and cracked dishes will negatively affect the financial well-being of the family.
  • There are also several signs and superstitions about washing dishes at a party, associated with marriage and family life. In former times, it was believed that only a person who wanted to destroy the family or bring damage to the mistress of the house would help a woman run her household. There is still an opinion that if someone other than herself constantly washes the dishes in a young girl’s apartment, she may remain an old maid.

    Another well-known sign says that you should not let a single girl wash dishes in a married couple’s house. By the way, this applies not only to dirty dishes, but also to cleaning in general. Our great-great-grandmothers believed that otherwise the family would face quarrels and conflicts, which would result in divorce. And the husband will go to the one who volunteered to help clear the table after the meal.

    It can be assumed that such signs also have a purely psychological explanation. If a woman is lazy to wash dishes and clean the house, she is a bad housewife. And any man, returning to his family nest after a hard day at work, wants to see order in it: a delicious hot dinner, ironed shirts, clean floors and a well-groomed, smiling wife.

    What can we say about his mood when instead he sees piles of dirty dishes? But often domestic disputes become the main reasons for family breakdown.

    We will accept countless quantities. They have survived thousands of years and are accepted by millions of people as truth. They hardly appeared without any intention. Initially, in order to force the small or stubborn in a roundabout way to do something that would be impossible to achieve directly. Over time, they began to be obeyed and followed without accountability. For example: throwing pieces of bread into a bucket means there is a shortage in the house; it is better to feed it to birds and animals. Or if someone at dinner, without finishing his piece of bread, takes on another, then someone close to him will go hungry and suffer need. All this, as a belief, is stupid, but as a rule, everyday life is good and useful.

    Why you shouldn't wash dishes at a party

    “A guest does not stay long, but he sees a lot” - this folk wisdom has been passed down from mouth to mouth by Russian housewives for centuries. And they added: “The guests will leave and wash the owner’s bones.”

    Now many people consider it good form to offer the hostess help in clearing the table and washing the dishes after a party. Say, I want to take on some of your worries. The experience of many, many generations of people recommends that only people very close to the family can do this.

    From time immemorial, dishes and everything related to the preparation and eating of food were carefully protected from damage and the evil eye. In everything related to the home, it was not customary for outsiders to take charge. Hundreds of years ago, housewives were afraid that a guest, infiltrating such an intimate sphere of family life, would take wealth and prosperity away from the house.

    This sign has survived to this day. Therefore, when you are planning to offer your help at a party, think twice: what if the hosts are superstitious?

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    Don't put your bag on the floor - it means you're in need

    Whether this is true or not, it’s still not a sin to pay more attention to everything that lack of money can bring. Long years of popular observation of a series of random coincidences have led to the following formula: a bag containing a wallet has no place on the floor. Grandmothers say: “All wealth will go down the drain.”

    Nowadays this sign is interpreted as follows: do not treat money carelessly, do not throw it away at random and anywhere, otherwise they will “take it away.” Modern rules of etiquette are as follows: they don’t put the bag on the floor because it’s dirty, they don’t put it on the table because it’s unhygienic, so they put it on special cabinets or hang it on hooks. A large luggage bag, of course, is left on the floor.

    Don't whistle in the house - there won't be any money

    Of course, it won’t, because by whistling in a residential building, you are disrespecting the wisdom that came from hoary antiquity. Our ancestors believed that a whistler in the upper room lured evil spirits and got on the brownie’s nerves - the forces of good and the center of whistling do not like.

    Whistling is the wind, and in the old days this element was treated with great caution. A strong wind will leave the harvest without crops, sink ships, break gardens, and tear off roofs. The wind is hunger, destruction, orphanhood. They even say that about frivolous women: whistles!

    And the sedate owner has no time to whistle, he takes care of the household day and night. In general, even if you don’t believe in omens, practice artistic whistling in specially designated areas. Otherwise, the wind will “whistle away” all the wealth.

    Sitting on a table means attracting trouble

    How can you be careless about your daily bread when it is obtained through hard work? How can one desecrate a place for eating, given that it is customary for good people to offer a prayer of gratitude to the Lord before eating? This is how our great-great-great-great-grandparents reasoned when the concept was formed that one should not sit on a table.

    The table is a family gathering place. The council is held at the table, worries and joys are discussed. He was not created to plop his butt down on him. In the old days they were afraid to anger the Almighty and the spirits of the hearth in this way, but now it is simply considered uncivilized. Even if you are a super-advanced person and, as they say, “neither in God, nor in the devil, nor in the crow’s land,” this is not a reason to ignore certain rules that life itself sets.

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    You can’t use cracked dishes – it means you’re in need

    Let's start right away with the most important thing: eating and drinking from dishes with cracks is, first of all, simply dangerous. When drinking a cup or washing a plate at an unkind moment, they fall apart right along the crack, and you can be seriously injured by the sharp edges of the fragments.

    Now about “subtle matters”. Have you probably heard the expression “a house is a full cup”? Now imagine that the bowl is cracked and all the goodness escapes through this crack.

    Chipped dishes were never favored in everyday life in Rus', and Feng Shui does not approve either. Magicians and various sorcerers warn about a “traumatized”, abnormal energy field in dishes that have been broken off and glued together from fragments. They explain this by the accumulation of negative energy in this object.

    You can keep as a relic, as a memory somewhere in a secluded place, a mug of your beloved late veteran grandfather or an antique sugar bowl that you inherited. And serving food in chipped and cracked dishes is disrespect for yourself and your guests. This is unaesthetic, sloppy and a sign of bad taste.

    Sit down on the path!

    Whether you are going to the country, or flying to Thailand on vacation, before leaving the house, sit down for at least half a minute and sit silently.

    They say that in time immemorial, people believed that if you suddenly set off on a journey, you could accidentally take with you the soul of the hut - the brownie. He will take it and follow the owner.

    In addition, while sitting in the hut for the last minutes before the journey, people were waiting for a sign from a kind home spirit - maybe they would somehow warn that danger awaits on the way and it is better to postpone the trip? And now, sitting down on the path, we seem to ask for support from our native walls. Yes, and take a moment to think again: did you forget anything, like tickets or a passport?

    You cannot lie on the marital bed when visiting

    Many people believe that sitting or lying down on the bed of a stranger couple is like letting a black cat between husband and wife. Expect scandals and betrayals, or even divorce!

    This topic is simply a paradise for psychics. You created and created an aura of love on your bed, you cleaned and cleaned the energy of the bedroom, and then a stranger comes and climbs onto the altar of love with his alien biofield.

    The most difficult thing to maintain the inviolability of the marital bed is for residents of a one-room apartment, where their whole life takes place on one folding sofa - both conceiving children and receiving guests.

    Probably, the sacred inviolability of the bed is the result of the upbringing of grandmothers, owners of beds with fluffed feather beds, lace valances and a mountain of pillows under muslin.

    Spilling salt means a quarrel

    Once upon a time, when life was more scarce than it is now, salt was rare and cost a lot of money. It was added to food in microscopic doses and saved for salting meat or fish. Hence the saying - “we ate a pound of salt”, that is, we have known each other for many years. Needless to say, accidentally knocking over a salt shaker was considered unforgivable negligence. There was not just a quarrel there, there was a hint of corporal punishment.

    In the world there are many different will accept. Each nation has its own, this is due to different events that took place in history. But there is one universal sign that strictly prohibits anyone wash dishes at a party.

    Most likely you will take this sign into account, regardless of superstitious you are human or not. Married women especially like it, because this is a good reason not to listen to half-hour lectures from the mother-in-law on how to wash the dishes.

    This is why you shouldn't wash dishes at a party

    The fact is that every house and every apartment is imbued with a special energy their owners. It is believed that every touch of a guest to objects in the house leaves a new energy trace on them.

    This absolutely does not mean that you should not invite guests over. Where would we be without this? Since ancient times, it has been our custom to invite friends and family for tea or coffee with treats.

    But more often than not, after friendly get-togethers, what remains in the sink is mountain of dirty dishes, which guests kindly offer to help with. No matter how much you would like to agree, in this case you should thank them for the offer and politely refuse.

    According to superstition, if someone is in your home, he can “wash away” all your luck and prosperity. This happens completely unintentionally, it’s all about the energy that the guest gives to your home while washing dishes.

    In order not to leave the company in the midst of an interesting game or emotional conversation, you can acquire dishwasher.

    They also say that dirty dishes left in the sink overnight are an open door through which happiness and wealth leave the house.

    We wish you to live prosperously and happily! And believe in folk signs or not is your own choice.