Gondola car 12 296 specifications. Technical characteristics of wagons. East Siberian Railway joins the international educational campaign "Great Ethnographic Dictation"


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01.11.2019 |16:16

Loading at the Oktyabrskaya Railway in October 2019 amounted to 8.8 million tons

According to operational data, loading within the Oktyabrskaya Railway in October this year amounted to 8.8 million tons, which is 4.1% more than the same period in 2018.

The tariff freight turnover in October 2019 amounted to 15 billion ton-km (+0.8% compared to the previous year), freight turnover, taking into account the run of empty cars, was 19.4 billion ton-km (+0.4% compared to the previous year).

From January to October 2019, 84 million tons (+0.4%) were loaded on the territory of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, including:

  • iron ore - 21.6 million tons (+1.2% compared to the same period in 2018);
  • construction cargo - 20.7 million tons (-4.6%);
  • industrial raw materials - 2 million tons (+8.1%);
  • timber cargo - 3.8 million tons (-2.1%);
  • oil and oil products - 8.7 million tons (+3.1%);
  • ferrous scrap - 326 thousand tons (+0.6%);
  • cement - 801 thousand tons (-15.9%);
  • fertilizers - 16 million tons (+2.5%).

The tariff freight turnover from January to October of this year amounted to 147 billion ton-km (+2.7% compared to the previous year), freight turnover, taking into account the run of empty cars - 190 billion ton-km (+2.2%), the corporate OZhD communications.

01.11.2019 |16:31

High-speed Lastochka trains will replace daytime trains running between Belgorod and Moscow

In connection with the increase in passenger traffic from today, high-speed electric trains "Lastochka" will replace daytime passenger trains No. 745/746, running between the regional center and the capital. "Lastochka" will depart from Moscow at 06:50 and arrive in Belgorod at 13:50. Departure time of the train from Belgorod - 16:40, arrival time in Moscow - 23:55.

Ten-car "Lastochki" of the ES2GP series in the "Premium" configuration are designed for 690 passengers. Each carriage is equipped with video monitors and climate control units.

Recall that the first high-speed train "Lastochka" made its first flight on the route Moscow - Belgorod on August 5, 2019, the corporate communications service of the South Eastern Railway reported.

01.11.2019 |16:33

Loading on the Northern Railway in October 2019 increased by 2.3%

According to operational information, loading on the Northern Railway in October 2019 amounted to 5.2 million tons, which is 2.3% more than in the same period last year.

Cargo turnover in October 2019 amounted to 14 billion tariff ton-km, which is 0.5% higher than the same period last year. Freight turnover, taking into account the run of empty cars, during the same period amounted to about 17.7 billion tariff ton-km, which is 0.8% lower than the same period last year.

Loading in January-October 2019, according to operational data, amounted to about 54.6 million tons, which is 5.2% more than in the same period last year.

Loaded on the Northern Railway:

  • oil products - 11.3 million tons (-0.1% compared to January-October 2018);
  • timber cargo - 11.2 million tons (+2%);
  • ferrous metals - 6.6 million tons (+1.3%);
  • chemical fertilizers - 5.6 million tons (+3.3%);
  • hard coal - 4.2 million tons (+31.1%);
  • construction cargo - 3.9 million tons (+28.7%);
  • non-ferrous ores, sulfur raw materials - 2.9 million tons (+1.4%);
  • iron ore - 0.8 million tons (-8.4%);
  • ferrous scrap - 0.7 million tons (-4.1%);
  • industrial raw materials and molding materials - 0.7 million tons (+5.7%);
  • cargo in containers - 3.1 million tons (+18.1%).

Freight turnover since the beginning of 2019 amounted to 139.2 billion tariff ton-km (+2.1%), freight turnover, taking into account the run of empty cars - 173.8 billion ton-km (+1.4%), the corporate communications service reported SZD.

01.11.2019 |16:02

Passenger transportation on the Northern Railway in January-October 2019 increased by 1.6%

According to operational data, in January-October 2019, more than 12 million passengers departed from the stations and stations of the Northern Railway, which is 1.6% more than in the same period last year. Of these, 5.9 million (+6.2%) were sent in long-distance traffic, more than 6.1 million (-2.5%) were sent in suburban traffic. Passenger turnover in January-October 2019 amounted to more than 4.9 billion pass-km (+4.2%), including 4.7 billion pass-km (+4.5%) in long-distance traffic, in suburban traffic - 226.6 million pass-km (-1.7%).

In October 2019, more than 1.1 million passengers were sent (+0.1%), of which 545.5 thousand (+5.5%) were on long-distance routes, 582.7 thousand in suburban traffic (-4 ,5%). Passenger turnover increased by 5.4% year-on-year and amounted to 433.7 million passenger-km, including 412.1 million passenger-km (+6%) in long-distance traffic, 21.6 million passenger-km in suburban traffic -km (-5%), the corporate communications service of SZD reported.

01.11.2019 |14:25

Passenger transportation on the Oktyabrskaya Railway for 10 months of 2019 increased by 5.7%

For 10 months of 2019, 141.8 million passengers departed from the stations and stations of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, which is 5.7% higher than the same period in 2018, of which 17.5 million (+8.3%) were sent on long-distance routes, in suburban traffic - 124.3 million (+5.3%).

Passenger turnover has grown by 5.2% since the beginning of the year and, following the results of 10 months, amounted to 17.9 billion passenger-km (+5.2%), of which 13.1 billion passenger-km (+5.1%) were in long-distance routes ), in suburban traffic - 4.8 billion pass-km (+5.4%).

In October 2019, 14.9 million passengers departed from stations and stations of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, which is 3.2% more than in October 2018. The number of commuter train passengers amounted to 13.3 million people (+2.9%), long-distance train passengers - 1.6 million (+5.8%).

Passenger turnover on the territory of the Oktyabrskaya Railway in October 2019 amounted to more than 1.6 billion pass-km, which is 2.4% more than in October last year. Long-distance passenger traffic in October 2019 amounted to 1.1 billion pass-km (+2.4%), in suburban traffic - 494 million pass-km (+2.7%), the OZhD corporate communications service reported.

01.11.2019 |12:53

Passenger transportation on the South Ural Railway in January-October 2019 increased by 1.5%

According to operational data, in October 2019, more than 755 thousand passengers departed from the stations of the South Ural Railway, which is 0.4% more than in the same period last year. Of these, 537.5 thousand passengers (+0.8%) were in suburban traffic, 217.7 thousand (+13%) were in long-distance traffic.

Passenger turnover in October 2019 amounted to 255 million pass-km, which is 0.2% more than in the same period of 2018, including 28.4 million pass-km in suburban traffic (+2.2%), in long-distance - 226.6 million pass-km (at the level of last year).

In total, for 10 months of 2019, more than 7.8 million passengers were sent (+1.5% compared to the same period in 2018), of which 2.3 million passengers were on long-distance routes (+4.3%), 5 in suburban traffic .5 million passengers (+0.5%).

Since the beginning of 2019, passenger turnover on the South Ural Railway has grown by 1.4% year-on-year and amounted to 3 billion pass-km, including 296.6 million pass-km in suburban traffic (+2.9%), long-distance traffic - 2.78 billion pass-km (+1.2%), the corporate communications service of the South Ural Railways reported.

01.11.2019 |11:11

During the first year of operation in the Perm Territory, the Lastochka electric train transported more than 400 thousand passengers

November 1 marked the 1 year anniversary of the launch of the "Lastochka" high-speed electric trains in the Perm region of the Sverdlovsk Railway. During this time, electric trains transported 425 thousand people.

In the schedule of 2019, Lastochka makes 8 flights daily in the Kama region: along the route Perm - Vereshchagino (travel time is 1 hour 53 minutes) and along the route Perm - Kungur - Kishert (travel time - 1 hour 50 minutes). Taking into account the commissioning in June and October of additional daytime high-speed trains from Perm to Kishert and Vereshchagino, passenger traffic on these routes increased significantly (+17.1%).

Travel documents for Lastochka can be issued at all suburban cash desks of PPC JSC, at self-service terminals, on the company's website, as well as through the Russian Railways Passengers and Suburban mobile applications. Ticket sales start 10 days in advance. Travel is possible with single and subscription tickets; all types of benefits established for travel in suburban railway traffic are valid.

"Lastochki" is a new generation rolling stock of domestic production, designed taking into account Russian climatic conditions, technological standards, special requirements for safety and environmental protection and meeting the wishes of the most demanding passenger. Each car is equipped with an air conditioning system, air is being disinfected using ultraviolet radiation, the corporate communications service of the Sverdlovsk Railways reported.

01.11.2019 |09:59

On November 1, the first freight trains departed from Khabarovsk to Nakhodka in the "virtual coupling" mode

On November 1, at 07:55 Moscow time, 2 freight trains departed from the Khabarovsk-2 station in the direction of the Nakhodka-Vostochnaya station of the Far Eastern Railway using a new technology - in the so-called virtual coupler mode.

The technology of interval control assumes the synchronous movement of two different trains with the minimum allowable distance from each other. Radio modems are installed on the locomotives, with the help of which the train control modes are transmitted over a secure digital channel and communication between the master and driven trains is carried out. The developer of this system is the Research and Design Institute of Informatization, Automation and Communications in Railway Transport (NIIAS).

The launch of the technology was preceded by a lot of preparatory work. NIIAS specialists conducted technical and practical training for drivers and dispatchers. Successfully passed preliminary operational tests, during which a five-minute inter-train interval for a driven train was established and maintained.

The need to introduce new technologies in the organization of train traffic is due to the growth of freight traffic to the Far East. Over the past 15 years, traffic volumes have more than doubled, and the railway is faced with the primary task of meeting the growing needs of industry and business in the transport and logistics industry.

The traffic schedule provides for the daily passage of 5 pairs of trains in the "virtual coupling". The use of this technology, when used in full, on all "threads" of the schedule, can increase the capacity of the section by 15 trains without upgrading the infrastructure, the corporate communications service of the Far Eastern Railway reported.

01.11.2019 |10:08

By the end of 2019, 5 modern pedestrian crossings across the railway lines will be built on the Sverdlovsk Railway

30.10.2019 |12:59

Tourism projects of JSC FPC became winners of the All-Russian Tourism Award "Route of the Year"

Izhevsk hosted the finals of the All-Russian tourist award "Route of the Year" - an industry award awarded following the results of an open all-Russian competition of projects for achievements in the creation and development of tourist routes. 542 projects from 63 regions of the country became participants in the competition this year.

The new interregional project "Train to the open air" of the Kuibyshev branch of JSC "FPK" and the regional tour operator "Tale of Wanderings" won the Grand Prix in the nomination "Best Interregional Route" and was recognized as the best at the all-Russian level. The cultural and tourist project "Better to go to the theater by train" won the second place in the nomination "Best weekend itinerary".

Both projects are aimed at popularizing travel by rail, developing domestic tourism and shaping the image of the Samara region as a region with unique natural, environmental, historical and cultural resources, the corporate communications service of the Sverdlovsk Railways reported.

30.10.2019 |11:22

East Siberian Railway joins the international educational campaign "Great Ethnographic Dictation"

November 1 at 11:00 local time in the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia will be an international educational campaign "Great ethnographic dictation", timed to coincide with the Day of National Unity. On the East Siberian Railway, platforms for writing dictation will be organized at the stations in Irkutsk (Irkutsk-Passenger) and Ulan-Ude.

The action is aimed at strengthening interethnic peace, harmonization of interethnic relations, as well as drawing attention to ethnographic science. Residents of Russia and foreign countries who speak Russian, regardless of education, social class, religion and citizenship, can become participants in the dictation.

Dictation tasks will consist of 30 questions: 20 questions - common to all and 10 - regional, unique for each subject. Participants are given 45 minutes to write the dictation. The maximum score for completing all tasks is 100.

For those who for some reason will not be able to test their knowledge at regional sites, online testing will be organized on the official website of the large ethnographic dictation from November 1 to 4.

Last year, the dictation was written by 392,000 people at 4,567 venues in Russia and abroad. In the Irkutsk region, the action was supported by about 1,500 participants, the corporate communications service of the Eastern Railway reported.

30.10.2019 |09:37

In January-September 2019, more than 21.9 million tons of cargo was sent from the stations of the East Siberian Railway for export

In general, the indicator corresponds to the level of the previous year. For certain nomenclatures of cargoes, positive dynamics is maintained. The volume of shipment of coal, hardware, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, chemical fertilizers has been increased.

For 9 months, the East Siberian Railway shipped in the export direction compared to the same period in 2018:

  • hard coal - by 881.4 thousand tons more (+10.1% compared to January-September 2018);
  • non-ferrous metals - by 61.8 thousand tons more (+6.9%);
  • chemical and mineral fertilizers - by 8.7 thousand tons more (+20.3%);
  • grain - by 0.8 thousand tons more (+5.5%);
  • other food products - by 7.1 thousand tons more (+101.7%);
  • timber cargo - 707.7 thousand tons less (-9.3%);
  • oil and oil products - 226.3 thousand tons less (-7.2%);
  • paper - 90.2 thousand tons less (-6.4%);
  • chemicals - 13.8 thousand tons less (-12.1%);
  • construction cargo - 1 thousand tons less (-5.4%);
  • industrial raw materials - 0.7 thousand tons less (-5.8%);
  • salt - 0.1 thousand tons less (-3%).

The main cargo traffic in 2019 falls on China (46.2%), Japan (37.7%) and Mongolia (4.2%).

Import cargo transportation on the Eastern Railway increased by 11.4% over the nine months. The volume of transported imported cargo amounted to more than 1.8 million tons. Growth is observed in such items as oil cargo (an increase of 16.6 times), ore (+15.2%), ferrous metals (+6.2%), the corporate communications service of the Eastern Railway reported.

30.10.2019 |09:43

Far Eastern railway workers discussed with customs officials the possibility of speeding up customs clearance of goods at border crossings

The issues of increasing the efficiency of interaction between the Far Eastern Railway and the Far Eastern Customs Administration in the carriage of goods by rail were discussed at the interregional coordination council. At the meeting, which was held in Khabarovsk under the chairmanship of acting. Igor Filatov, head of the Far Eastern Railway, was attended by representatives of the customs administration, authorities, and business structures.

As Igor Filatov noted, one of the most important directions for the transportation of export cargoes to the consignees of the Asia-Pacific region is the railway border crossings. For 9 months of this year, the transfer of export cargo amounted to 9.2 million tons, import - 176 thousand tons. The largest share of cargo turnover - 85% - falls on the Pogranichny railway checkpoint (Grodekovo station). The volume of export through this checkpoint in the current year increased by 7.6% (from 7.2 to 7.8 million tons), import - by 28.3% (from 125.2 to 160.6 thousand tons).

The meeting held a constructive discussion of the most pressing issues on the development of effective measures aimed at eliminating losses and increasing the efficiency of export cargo transportation through railway checkpoints. Among other things, the issue of reducing the number of uncoupling of wagons loaded with timber cargo, based on the results of inspections by state control bodies, was discussed. So, for 9 months the number of detained cars at the border crossing "Pogranichny" increased by 1.6 times, while the effectiveness of detected violations is only 30%.

Representatives of the Far East Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services made a number of proposals. The use of preliminary characteristics of the cargo provided by the carrier in electronic form, customs control of timber at loading stations, an increase in the number of customs inspection departments at Grodekovo station, etc., will speed up the process of cargo clearance, the corporate communications service of the Far Eastern Railway reported.

30.10.2019 |10:10

In honor of the 4th anniversary of the "Swallows" on the Sverdlovsk Railway, the railway workers organize a free excursion to Nevyansk

November 5 marks 4 years since the launch of the Swallow high-speed electric trains on the Sverdlovsk Railway. In honor of this event JSC "Sverdlovsk Suburban Company" has prepared a gift for the residents of the region.

On the public holiday on November 4, passengers of the Lastochka electric train No. 7063 connecting Yekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil (departure at 08:37 local time) will be able to take part in a free walking tour of Nevyansk. At 10:00 near the Nevyansk railway station there will be a comfortable bus that will take everyone to the starting point of the tour.

Guests will walk along the ancient streets of the city, learn about the life of the townspeople and the work of the Nevyansk plant in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, see one of the most mysterious architectural monuments of the first half of the 18th century - the Nevyansk leaning tower of the Demidovs. The duration of the walk is 1.5 hours.

To participate in the tour, you must go through online registration and present the ticket for the "Swallow" No. 7063 to the guide before the start of the tour.

You can issue travel documents for Lastochka at the suburban ticket offices and self-service terminals of SPK JSC, on the company's website, as well as through the Prigorod mobile application. Sale starts 10 days before. When boarding an electric train, in addition to the ticket, you must present an identity document.

For 4 years, more than 4.5 million passengers have used Lastochka in the Sverdlovsk region. Currently, high-speed trains run from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil, Serov (via Kushva), Shalya (via Kuzino), Kamensk-Uralsky and Talitsa. Since November 2018, Lastochkas have appeared in the Perm Territory: on the routes Perm - Kungur - Kishert and Perm - Vereshchagino. Passengers are attracted by comfortable rolling stock, convenient traffic schedule and optimal fare, the corporate communications service of the Sverdlovsk Railways reported.

29.10.2019 |15:17

RZD Logistics and Freight Village RU Group will jointly develop warehouse infrastructure in the Vorsino industrial park

RZD Logistics JSC, the largest multimodal logistics operator in the CIS and the Baltic countries, and FVK JSC, the parent structure of the Freight Village Ru group of companies, have entered into an agreement on cooperation in the development of logistics services in the Vorsino industrial park.

The corresponding document was signed by Andrey Tonkikh, First Deputy General Director of RZD Logistics JSC, and Yury Yuryev, Executive Director of FVK JSC, at the site of the PRO//Motion.1520 International Transport and Logistics Forum, which takes place from October 28 to 30 in Moscow. Sochi.

The companies plan to create a new facility of terminal and warehouse infrastructure on the territory of the Vorsino cargo village, which will expand the range of services of the Vorsino logistics center and attract additional volumes of export and import consolidated cargoes transported in 40-foot and 20-foot containers. Also, all types of warehouse operations will be available at the new warehouse facilities: sorting, marking, consolidation / deconsolidation of goods, customs clearance, including goods requiring temperature control.

By the end of Q1 2020, the parties will jointly develop a business plan for the development of terminal and warehouse infrastructure on the territory of Freight Village Vorsino.

"The need to create a modern and multi-temperature temporary storage warehouse is largely due to the increasing flow of containerized cargo at RZD Logistics, as well as the constant need to expand the list of services for our customers, to make them better and at the same time more accessible. New storage facilities will allow many times to increase the volume of groupage cargo going in import and export directions - it is for LCL shipments that there is now a special demand from shippers in Russia and China.FVC JSC is our reliable partner in a number of container services, and we are pleased to company," said Vyacheslav Valentik, General Director of RZD Logistics JSC.

"We have been implementing the freight village project in the Vorsino industrial park since 2012. Understanding the needs of the market, we are constantly expanding the range of services and creating the appropriate infrastructure for the specific needs of customers. The development concept of the Freight Village Vorsino project involves the construction of about 500 thousand square meters. m of warehouse real estate, of which 75,000 have already been built. We plan to work out the details of the project and begin construction of the facility next year. I am sure that the experience and competencies we have gained will allow us to implement the project as soon as possible, "said the executive director of FVK JSC Yuri Yuriev.

29.10.2019 |10:54

Repair work completed at Zlatoust, Kurgan, Troitsk and Shumikha railway stations

In all regions of the South Ural Railway, the infrastructure of the station complex is being updated: work is underway to repair railway stations and platforms, and to improve the territories.

At the Shumikha station, the repair of the station facade was completed: the entrance groups were replaced, the decoration and the roof parapet were updated. In Zlatoust, the station tunnel was repaired - the ceiling was updated, waterproofing work was carried out. On the territory near the station of Kurgan, work was carried out to improve and replace the asphalt pavement with paving slabs, and lighting was updated in the square near the station of the Troitsk station.

The adaptation of suburban infrastructure facilities for passengers with disabilities continues. Tactile guides were installed on the Vyazovaya and Shumikha platforms, the corporate communications service of the South Ural Railways reported.

29.10.2019 |11:00

For the 3rd quarter of 2019, Russian Railways enterprises within the boundaries of the Northern Railway paid 13.4 billion rubles in taxes

During January-September 2019, Russian Railways enterprises transferred 13 billion 366 million rubles of tax payments and insurance premiums to the consolidated budgets, as well as to off-budget funds in the regions through which the Northern Railway runs. The amount of taxes paid increased by 5.9% compared to the same period of the previous year.

For the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Russian Railways and its structural subdivisions in the regions are large and stable taxpayers. According to the results of three quarters, SZD transferred 6.6 billion rubles to regional and local budgets. The budget of the Arkhangelsk region was replenished by the divisions of Russian Railways by 1 billion 650 million rubles. Contributions to the budget of the Republic of Komi amounted to 1 billion 291 million rubles. 1 billion 219 million rubles were transferred to the budgets of the Vologda Region, 1 billion 27 million rubles were transferred to the budgets of the Yaroslavl Region.

764 million rubles were transferred to the budget of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 468 million rubles - to the Kostroma Region, 156 million rubles - to the Ivanovo Region.

The insurance premiums of Russian Railways branches to the federal budget of the Russian Federation in the Yaroslavl region amounted to about 6.8 billion rubles, in the Arkhangelsk region - 4 million rubles, the SZD corporate communications service reported.

4-axle gondola car with hatches in the floor without a brake platform

4-axle all-metal gondola car model 12-296-01 with hatches in the floor is designed for the transportation of inert bulk, lumpy cargo that does not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. The gondola car can also be used for the transportation of stacked and piece cargo with fastening, in accordance with the rules of loading. The end and side walls are made by welded construction from sheets and studs. The end walls have transverse stiffeners. To unload bulk hatches, the gondola car is equipped with unloading hatches. To protect against blowing out bulk cargoes on the outer surfaces of the walls of the body of the gondola car, devices are provided for attaching a temporary shelter.



Maximum tare weight, t

Carrying capacity, t

Body volume, m 3

Body length inside clear, mm

Width of the body inside in the clear on the top rails, mm

Body height inside, mm

Length along the axes of automatic couplers, mm

Maximum width, mm

Height from rail head level, mm

Number of unloading hatches, pcs.

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A gondola car with hatches in the floor is designed for the transportation of inert, bulk, large-sized cargoes that do not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. The gondola car can also be used for the transportation of stacked and piece cargoes with their fastening in accordance with the requirements of the loading rules. It can be operated on the railway network of Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. The car is equipped with an automatic coupler, a draft gear, an automatic brake, a cargo auto mode, and a parking brake. The car body is of all-metal construction. To unload bulk cargo, the wagon is equipped with unloading hatches in the floor.

Specifications of the wagon

Model number:688
Name:gondola car
Wagon type:4-axle gondola car with hatches in the floor without a brake platform
Additional feature:Characteristics does not contain
Model feature:With unloading hatches and blind end walls (doors)
Accounting specialization of the model:universal gondola car
Manufacturer:Joint Stock Company of Altai Carriage Building (stamp 22)
Body material:09G2S, 09G2D, 09G2, 09G2SD-12
Wagon axle:4
Track width:1520 mm
The presence of a transitional platform:No
Design speed:120 km/h
Wagon tare (minimum):23.0 t
Wagon tare (maximum):24.5 t
Load capacity:69.5 t
Volume:76.0 m3
Maximum calculated static load from the wheelset on the rails:235.0 kN
Wagon base:8650 mm
Car interior dimensions
Height:2060 mm
Width:2911 mm
Length:12722 mm
External dimensions of the wagon
Height from rail head level:3495 mm
Maximum Width:3180 mm
Dimensions according to GOST 9238-2013:1-T
Length along the axes of automatic couplers:13920 mm
Frame length:12700 mm
Floor height from rail head level:1419 mm
Automatic coupler height from the level of the rail head:1040..1080 mm
Starting year of serial production:2003
Normative service life:22

Overhaul runs and timing of scheduled repairs for the car mod. 12-296

De-povs-coy repair (DR) afterThe buildings3 years
Depot repair (DR) to the first overhaul (CR)1 year
Depot repair (DR) after the first overhaul (CR)1 year
Capital repairs (KR)2 years
Ka-pi-tal-ny repair (KR) afterThe buildings11 years
Mileage afterThe buildings210 thousand km
3 years
Depovsky repair (DR)110 thousand km
2 years
Capital repairs (KR)160 thousand km
2 years
Overhaul with service life extension (KRP)210 thousand km
3 years

Photos of the car

Other modifications of the car model 12-296

The characteristics of various modifications are generally similar, manufacturers, load capacity, bogie models may differ. You can use the wagon comparison service to see the differences (the button under the heading of the wagon model at the top of the page).

The characteristics of the cars are obtained from open sources, if you find errors or inaccuracies, please contact us for correction.

Add model to comparison Compare models Clear comparison list

4-axle all-metal gondola car model 12-296-01 with hatches in the floor is designed for the transportation of inert bulk, lumpy cargo that does not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. The gondola car can also be used for the transportation of stacked and piece cargo with fastening, in accordance with the rules of loading. The end and side walls are made by welded construction from sheets and studs. The end walls have transverse stiffeners. To unload bulk hatches, the gondola car is equipped with unloading hatches. To protect against blowing bulk cargo on the outer surfaces of the gondola car body walls, devices are provided for attaching a temporary shelter.

Specifications of the wagon

Model number:775
Name:gondola car
Wagon type:4-axle gondola car with hatches in the floor without a brake platform
Additional feature:Characteristics does not contain
Model feature:With unloading hatches and blind end walls (doors)
Accounting specialization of the model:universal gondola car
Manufacturer:Joint Stock Company of Altai Carriage Building (stamp 22)
Body material:09G2S, 09G2D, 09G2, 09G2SD-12
Wagon axle:4
Track width:1520 mm
The presence of a transitional platform:No
Parking brake available:Eat
Possibility to install buffers:No
Design speed:120 km/h
Wagon tare (minimum):23.0 t
Wagon tare (maximum):24.0 t
Load capacity:70.0 t
Volume:83.0 m3
Maximum calculated static load from the wheelset on the rails:230.5 kN
Wagon base:8650 mm
Number of unloading hatches14 pcs.
Opening angle of middle manhole covers31°
Opening angle of manhole covers above bogies29°
Manhole cover opening angle above the brake cylinder27°
Car interior dimensions
Height:2060 mm
Width:2911 mm
Length:12722 mm
External dimensions of the wagon
Height from rail head level:3495 mm
Maximum Width:3130 mm
Dimensions according to GOST 9238-2013:1-T
Length along the axes of automatic couplers:13920 mm
Frame length:12700 mm
Starting year of serial production:2004
Normative service life:22
Description on the manufacturer's website

Overhaul runs and timing of scheduled repairs for the car mod. 12-296-01

De-povs-coy repair (DR) afterThe buildings3 years
Depot repair (DR) to the first overhaul (CR)1 year
Depot repair (DR) after the first overhaul (CR)1 year
Capital repairs (KR)2 years
Ka-pi-tal-ny repair (KR) afterThe buildings11 years
Mileage afterThe buildings210 thousand km
3 years
Depovsky repair (DR)110 thousand km
2 years
Capital repairs (KR)160 thousand km
2 years
Overhaul with service life extension (KRP)210 thousand km
3 years

Photos of the car

Other modifications of the car model 12-296-01

  • Gondola car model 12-296-01, Kemerovokhimmash-branch of JSC "Altaivagon", release since 2019

The characteristics of various modifications are generally similar, manufacturers, load capacity, bogie models may differ. You can use the wagon comparison service to see the differences (the button under the heading of the wagon model at the top of the page).

The characteristics of the cars are obtained from open sources, if you find errors or inaccuracies, please contact us for correction.

"model 12-132-02"

"model 12-175"

"model 12-1295"

"model 12-1302"

"model 12-1293"

"model 12-9085"

"model 12-296-01"

Covered wagons:

"model 11-280 (138m3)"

"model 11-276 (122m3)"

"model 11-K001 (120 cubic meters)"


"platform for tank containers model 13-4012-09"

"platform with wood-metal flooring, model 13-4012 (13300mm)"

"platform for large containers and wheeled vehicles, model 13-9007 (18300mm)"

"platform for wheelsets"

"Platform for wheelsets"


  • Carrying capacity is not more than 69.5 tons.
  • Tare weight - 24±0.5t
  • The length of the gondola car along the axes of the coupling of auto couplers is not less than 13920mm
  • Body volume - 88m3
  • Gondola base - 8650mm
  • Trolley base - 1850mm
  • Height from the rail head to the top trim - 3780mm
  • Internal dimensions of the body:
    • clear length - 12750mm
    • height - 2365mm
  • Dimensions according to GOST 9238:
    • body - 1-VM
    • trolleys - 02-VM
  • Trolley model - 18-100

Universal gondola car: model 12-132-02

The gondola car is intended for general network use on the railways of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries and the Baltic states with a gauge of 1520 mm for the transportation of mass non-aggressive, bulk non-dusty, bulk cargoes with a temperature not exceeding +100 C, which do not require shelter from atmospheric precipitation, as well as stacked and piece goods with fastening them in accordance with the requirements of the rules for loading and securing cargoes with a temperature not exceeding +100 C.

The gondola car is made in the "U" version of category 1 in accordance with GOST 15150, ensuring operational reliability at the lower operating and limiting temperatures of minus 50C.


  • Carrying capacity no more - 69,7t.
  • Tare weight - 23.8±0.5t
  • The maximum calculated static load from the wheelset on the rails is 230.3 kN (23.5 tf)
  • The length of the gondola car along the axes of coupling of auto couplers is not less than 13920mm
  • Body volume - 77 m3
  • Design speed - 120km/h
  • Gondola base - 8650mm
  • Trolley base - 1850mm
  • Width external on racks to the top trim - 3158mm
  • Height from the rail head to the top trim - 3490mm
  • Internal dimensions of the body:
    • clear length - 12750mm
    • clear width in the middle section - 2911mm
    • height - 2075mm
  • Dimensions according to GOST 9238:
    • body - 1-VM
    • trolleys - 02-VM
  • The number of unloading hatches - 14 pieces.
  • Trolley model - 18-100
  • Automatic coupler type - SA-3 non-rigid

Gondola car 12-175

The four-axle gondola car 12-175 with a solid rounded bottom of the body was manufactured by State Production Association "Uralvagonzavod" and is intended for the transportation of loose, lumpy, piece and other non-aggressive cargoes that do not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. This car can carry bulk non-dusty, bulk cargo with unloading on car dumpers and a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees Celsius. The lower temperature limit at which the operational reliability of a gondola car is achieved is minus 50 degrees Celsius.

There are no end doors and unloading hatches in the gondola car.

The carrying capacity of the gondola car 12-175 reaches 69 tons, the tare weight of the gondola car is 25 tons, the volume of the body is 88 cubic meters. The floor area of ​​a gondola car is 37 sq. m.

Gondola car 12-175 can move at a design speed of 120 km/h.

The gondola car model is equipped with a parking brake and does not have a transition platform.


Gondola car 12-1295

Designed for the transportation of piece and bulk cargo requiring protection from atmospheric precipitation.


  • Load capacity, 75t
  • Tare weight, 24.5±0.5%t
  • Body volume full 86, m3
  • Dimensions according to GOST 9238-83 1-VM
  • Body internal dimensions, mm
    • clear length 12768
    • height 2300

4-axle gondola car, model 12-1302

Purpose: for the transportation of bulk, lumpy, piece and other goods that do not require protection from atmospheric precipitation.


  • Car type - 600
  • Carrying capacity, t - 70.5
  • Wagon tare weight, t - 23.5
  • Static axial load, kN (tf) - 230 (23.5)
  • Body volume, m3: 77
  • Size 1-VM
  • Car base, mm 8650
  • Length, mm:
    • along the clutch axes of automatic couplers 13920
    • along the end beams of the frame - 12780
  • Maximum width, mm - 3165
  • Maximum height from the top of the rail heads, mm - 3500
  • Number of axles, pcs. - 4
  • 2-axle bogie model - 18-100
  • The presence of a transitional platform - no
  • Parking brake - yes
  • Body internal dimensions, mm:
    • width - 2911
    • length - 12750
    • height - 2065
  • Angle of inclination of manhole covers during unloading, deg:
    • medium - 31
    • above carts - 22
    • above the brake cylinder - 27
  • The presence of end doors - no
  • Number of unloading hatches, pcs - 14
  • Year of mass production - 2006

Possibility to install buffers - no

Gondola car 12-1293

Gondola car model 12-1293 Designed for transportation of bulk cargo.

  • Load capacity, 70t
  • Tare weight, 24±0.5%t
  • Body volume, 86 m3
  • Number of unloading hatches 14
  • Dimensions according to GOST 9238-83 1-VM
  • Body internal dimensions, mm
    • clear length 12768
    • clear width over top rails 2928
    • height 2300
  • Cart model 18-100

Gondola car model 12-9085

Universal four-axle, all-metal gondola car with a body of increased volume. Load capacity 70t. The gondola car has 14 unloading hatches. The body and hatches of the gondola car are made of steels: 09G2S, 09G2D, 10HNDP. Chassis - two biaxial bogies mod. 18-100

The gondola car is designed for the transportation of inert, bulk, large-sized cargoes that do not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. Also, the gondola car can be used for transportation of stacked and piece cargoes with their fastening in accordance with the rules of loading.

It can be operated on the road network of Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. The car is equipped with a parking brake, cargo auto mode. The design of gondola car 12-9085 is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation for utility model No. 74610 "Railway gondola car".

Maximum load capacity, t.

Height of the car from the level of the rail heads, mm

Tare weight, t.

The length of the car along the axes of coupling of automatic couplers, mm

Load from the wheelset on the rail, tf.

Height inside on the side wall, mm

Constructional speed, km/h

Wagon width maximum, mm

Dimensions GOST 9238

Body width inside, mm

Body volume, cubic meters

Body length inside, mm

Trolley model

Number of unloading hatches, pcs

Model 12-296-01

4-axle all-metal gondola car model 12-296-01 with hatches in the floor, designed for the transportation of inert bulk, lumpy cargo that does not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. The gondola car can also be used for the transportation of stacked and piece cargo with fastening, in accordance with the rules of loading. The end and side walls are made of welded construction from sheets and studs. The end walls have transverse stiffeners. To unload bulk hatches, the gondola car is equipped with unloading hatches. To protect against blowing bulk cargo on the outer surfaces of the gondola car body walls, devices are provided for attaching a temporary shelter.

Covered wagons

4-axle covered (TSMGV) with widened doorway, model 11-280 (138m3)

  • Car model 11-280
  • Wagon tare weight, t 26
  • Load capacity, kg 68000
  • Body length inside, mm 15724
  • Body width inside, mm 2764
  • Clear dimensions mm:
    • doorway 3802х2334
    • loading hatch in the roof - O 400
  • Body volume, m3 138
  • Car base, mm 12240
  • Length, mm:
    • along the axes of coupling of automatic couplers 16970
    • but end beams frame 15750
  • Maximum width, mm 3266
    • maximum 4693
    • to floor level 1286
  • Number of axles, pcs 4

4-axle covered (TSMGV), with a widened doorway, transition platform, model 11-276 (122m3)

  • Purpose: for the transportation of goods requiring protection from atmospheric precipitation
  • Car model 11-276
  • Wagon tare weight, t 26
  • Load capacity, kg 68000
  • Body length inside mm 13844
  • Body width mm
    • inside 2764
    • by frame 2790
  • Body height along the side wall, mm 2800
  • Clear dimensions mm
    • doorway 3802х2334
    • loading hatch in the side wall 614x363
  • Body volume, m3
    • roofless 104
    • full, taking into account the volume of the roof 122
  • Car base, mm 10000
  • Length mm
    • along the axes of coupling of automatic couplers 15360
    • along the end beams of the frame 14 570
  • Maximum width, mm 3266
  • Height from top level of rail heads, mm
    • maximum 4688
    • to floor level 1286

4-axle covered (TSMGV), model 11-K001 (120 cubic meters)

  • Purpose: for the transportation of goods requiring protection from atmospheric precipitation
  • Car model 11-K001
  • Wagon tare weight, t 22.88
  • Load capacity, kg 68000
  • Body length inside, mm 13844
  • Body width inside, mm 2760
  • Body height along the side wall, mm 2791
  • Clear dimensions, mm
    • doorway 2000х2296
    • loading hatch in the side wall 690x370
    • loading hatch in the roof O 400
  • Body volume, m3
    • up to hatch level 88.33
    • full, taking into account the volume of the roof 120.15
  • Height from top level of rail heads, mm
    • maximum 4650
    • up to floor level 1280
  • Car base, mm 10000
  • Length, mm
    • along the axes of coupling of automatic couplers 14730
    • along the end beams of the frame (frame length) 13870
  • Maximum width, mm 3228

Number of axles, pcs 4


4-axle platform for tank containers (tank containers), model 13-4012-09


  • Purpose: for transportation (tank containers) tank containers
  • Car model 13-4012-09
  • Wagon tare weight, t 18.24
  • Load capacity, kg 72000
  • Area, m2 36.8
  • Internal dimensions, mm:
    • length 13300
    • width 2770
  • Number of stops for fastening containers, pcs 8
  • Car base, mm 9720
  • Length, mm.
    • along the end beams of frame 13400
  • Maximum width, mm 2870
  • Height from the level of the top of the rail heads, mm:
    • maximum 1400
    • up to floor level 1310

4-axle platform with wood-metal flooring, model 13-4012 (13300mm)


  • Purpose: for the transportation of large-tonnage 20 and 40-foot containers with a gross weight of 10, 20 and 30 tons in the amount of:
    • 2 x 20 feet;
    • 3 x 20 feet;
    • 1 x 40ft;
    • 1 x 40ft and 1 x 20ft;
    • as well as wheeled vehicles: truck cranes, wheel loaders, trucks, specialized vehicles, mobile buildings and change houses.
  • Car model 13-9007
  • Wagon tare weight, t 25.2
  • Load capacity, kg 68000
  • Area, m2 52.8
  • Internal dimensions
    • body length, mm 18300
    • body width, mm 2870
  • Floor dimensions with open sides, mm
    • length 18300
    • width 2870
  • Board height, mm
    • no longitudinal
    • face 400
  • Number of boards, pcs
    • no longitudinal
    • end 2
  • Car base, mm 13900
  • Length, mm:
    • along the clutch axes of automatic couplers 19620
    • along the end beams of frame 18400
  • Maximum width, mm 3056
  • Height from top level of rail heads, mm
    • maximum 1742
    • to floor level 1395
  • Number of axles, pcs 4
  • Number of stops for fastening containers, pcs:
    • tipping 20

4-axle platform for wheelsets


  • Purpose: for the transportation of wheelsets with the right to enter the tracks of Russian Railways
  • DVZ car model
  • Wagon tare weight, t 24
  • Load capacity, kg 70000
  • The number of transported wheel sets in one container, pcs 12
  • Number of containers, pcs 3
  • Container dimensions, mm
    • length 4520
    • width 1998
  • Car base, mm 9720
  • Length, mm
    • along the axes of coupling of automatic couplers 14620
    • but end beams frame 13400
  • Maximum width, mm 2870
  • Height from the top of the rail heads

maximum, mm 3400