Cooking pike perch in sour cream. Pike perch in the oven with sour cream - prepare according to the second recipe Bake pike perch fillet with sour cream and tomatoes

I have written more than once that my dad is a fisherman. Therefore, fish is a frequent guest in our house. As soon as I didn’t cook it... and it seemed to me that I knew all the recipes. This Christmas, I realized that I don’t know all the cooking methods. It was decided to celebrate Christmas in our bike club, with those who had not yet left from the New Year and with old friends. I really wanted some fish, and my friends just had a fresh large pike perch. The recipe was invented not by me, but by my friend (we are family friends) Katya, and I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I will say one thing, this is exactly how I will cook pike perch from now on. Incredibly tasty, and this is not an exaggeration, but a fact. So, the fish recipe, which became a favorite of 2011. I think you can use any fish, as long as there are few bones. I don’t think that bream, for example, would be suitable for this recipe. He's too bony.

  • Large fish (pike perch) - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 kg (there should be a lot of onion, this is the secret of the taste of this fish recipe)
  • Sour cream - 0.5 kg
  • Mayonnaise (my homemade recipe) - 100 gr.
  • Spices to taste (but it’s better not to overuse, the taste itself is so amazing that you don’t need absolutely anything other than pepper and salt)
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Olive oil (for greasing baking dishes)

1. Prepare the fish for baking (clean, gut, cut off the head and tail with fins, we don’t need all this in this dish), place on a baking dish greased with olive oil.

2. Prepare the sauce:
We cut a lot of onions into half rings and put them in a saucepan.

Add sour cream and mayonnaise there. Mix.

The sauce should not be too thick and not liquid, we had very thick sour cream and added a little boiled water. To make it thinner. I’ll say right away that without mayonnaise, THE DISH IS NOT THE DISH. This small amount of mayonnaise makes a huge difference to the sauce.

3. Make deep cuts on the fish and pour lemon juice over the fish. Season thoroughly with salt and pepper.

4. Pour sauce over our fish. Don't forget to pour it into the incisions and belly. Carefully pour the fish over the top.

Put it in the oven. First, the temperature is 200. As it boils, 180. Program “Granny's oven” (that is, a regular oven). I won’t tell you the cooking time, you will feel it by the smell and appearance of the fish. During cooking, open the oven several times and pour the sauce from the pan on top of the fish.

During cooking, the smells are such that your stomach cramps and you involuntarily drool. A lot of aromas. So unexpected for a fish dish that I was amazed. Our fish is ready for a trip to the bike club.

It was decided to carry it in this particular dish, having previously placed it on a large tray. Decorate with greens.

They ate with groans. The fish turned out to be so tasty. And I will say this. Comrade I am very spoiled. Due to the fact that you won’t surprise me with fish, I only like sterlet and the rest of the fish, in general I ignore it. But not in this case. Now pike perch will be a frequent guest at our table!!!

Fish was the main dish of the holiday table, because I was tired of overeating on holidays, and I really wanted something light and healthy at the same time. Therefore, the table was made light, without a huge amount of salads and appetizers. One beef tongue salad for our men, fruits and herbs and of course, PANDER IN SOURCE SAUCE. Dry white and red wine, to choose from. The stomach said, thank you for unloading!!! Well, how much can you eat???? Ah, these holidays!!!


There is one little secret. To ensure that the pieces are even and neat, they should be cut at a stage when the fillet itself has not yet completely defrosted.

If we are talking about fresh pike perch fillet, then you can even put it in the freezer for a few minutes. However, if you have a sharp knife, you can skip this point. The fillet with skin is cut into pieces of 4-5 cm.

  1. Pour refined vegetable or olive oil into a frying pan and heat it.
  2. While the oil is heating, pour flour onto a flat saucer or plate, add salt and pepper to taste. Dip the prepared pieces of fish in it and send them to the frying pan, first turning the heat down to medium level.
  3. The enveloping process itself can be modified and significantly simplified. To do this, you can pour a few tablespoons of flour into a plastic bag, adding salt and pepper. We also place the fillet pieces into the bag. After closing the bag, shake it several times so that all the pieces are well coated in flour.
  4. So far this is only a preliminary stage, and pike perch fried in sour cream is still to come. Place our fish fillet pieces into a heated frying pan so that they do not touch each other.
  5. Fry the pike perch until an appetizing crust forms on one side. Then turn it over and fry on the other side.

We select the finished fish from the frying pan and leave it in the plate for now. It's time to prepare the second component of our dish.

Making vegetable sauce

First we need to prepare our vegetables. Peel the onions and garlic. Place the tomato in boiling water for a few seconds and remove the skin. We free the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds.

  1. Finely chop the onion. It should be noted that there are various recipes for pike perch with sour cream, but onion is a mandatory ingredient in any of them.
  2. There should be a lot of onions, almost as much in volume as the fish itself. If I may say so, pike perch fried in sour cream loves onions.
  3. You can refuse vegetables if you can’t buy them, for example, based on financial capabilities.
  4. Finely chop the bell pepper and finely chop the garlic.
  5. It is advisable to cook vegetables in a separate frying pan, but this is not a mandatory rule. Fry the onion and garlic in a preheated frying pan for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Add our tomatoes and bell peppers to the frying pan and simmer the vegetable mixture for another five minutes.
  7. You can and should enrich our vegetable sauce with olives by cutting each of them in half.
  8. Add a glass of sour cream to the pan and simmer for a few more minutes. A little more and our pike perch in sour cream in a frying pan will be almost ready.

Now you can combine the fried pike perch with the prepared sour cream and vegetable sauce. Some people like to first put the fish in a frying pan and pour the sauce on top, but there will be nothing wrong if you add the pike perch directly to the hot vegetable mixture with sour cream. Pike perch - we saw recipes for cooking in sour cream above - allows you to implement both of these approaches.

If you only have onions

If there is nothing other than onions, then you should follow a slightly different method, cooking pike perch in sour cream in a frying pan. Place the fried fish pieces back into the heated frying pan. Place stewed onions on top of them and pour sour cream on them. In any case, the dish will be ready in a few minutes.

Cooking pike perch in sour cream turned out to be an easy task. As a result, we get a tasty and nutritious dish that everyone in the household will appreciate.

Bon appetit!

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Pike perch goes perfectly with sour cream. It makes the fish softer, more tender, and the spices help the dish become more flavorful. This is an amazing dinner: nutritious, tasty and quick.

Pike perch baked with sour cream in the oven

The large amount of onions is no coincidence: the root vegetable makes the dish very juicy.

How to cook:

Tip: if the sour cream is very thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of boiled water.

Fish in sour cream with onions in a frying pan

Finely chopped vegetables are almost undetectable, but their flavor can be found in the fish itself. Perfect balance!

How to cook:

Tip: You can debon the fish in another way. You need to pour flour with spices into a bag, put the fish in there and trot. You need to roll each piece separately.

Pike perch baked with vegetables in sour cream

A fairly simple recipe using standard vegetables. But the taste is still excellent!

How to cook:

  1. Peeled onions must be finely chopped.
  2. Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden.
  3. Peel the carrots, grate them coarsely and add to the onions. Cook for another four minutes.
  4. Cut the washed pike perch fillet into small pieces. It must be checked for the presence of seeds with your fingers.
  5. Grease the refractory mold with sunflower or butter, including along the sides.
  6. Place fish fillets here and sprinkle spices on top.
  7. Arrange the fried vegetables in an even layer.
  8. Beat the sour cream with a fork along with the eggs and spices.
  9. Pour the resulting light sauce evenly over the fish pieces.
  10. Place in the oven over medium heat for thirty-five minutes.
  11. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh chopped parsley.

Tip: to add nutritional value to the casserole, you can put thin pita bread generously coated with sauce on the bottom and very top.

How to cook with mushrooms and cheese in the oven

Fish, mushrooms, cheese sauce - you'll just lick your fingers! This dish can also be served on a holiday table.

How to cook:

  1. Gut the fish and wash it. You need to completely get rid of the scales, fins and head. Using a sharp knife, cut the fillet and remove all the bones. Or you can buy fillet straight away, you will need a little less of it.
  2. Season the fillet on all sides, sprinkle with lemon juice and set aside for a while.
  3. Remove the skins from large onions and chop them into feathers, then fry until soft.
  4. Chop the cleaned mushrooms into slices and add to the onion. Simmer until done. If the mushrooms have given a lot of juice, it needs to be drained.
  5. Finely grated cheese must be mixed with rich sour cream. You can also use cream.
  6. Add some spices and mushroom broth here, stir.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  8. Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet.
  9. Place pike perch fillet on it.
  10. Spread the onion-mushroom mixture on top.
  11. Form the edges of the foil into sides.
  12. After this, pour the cheese sauce over the fish. It should cover all the fish evenly.
  13. Cover the top with a sheet of foil and place in the oven for about twenty minutes.
  14. After this, remove the top sheet and continue baking for another fifteen minutes, no more.
  15. Remove and let cool slightly until the sauce thickens.
  16. Cut into portions, pour over the remaining sauce and serve.

Tip: the most convenient way to select bones from fish is with special tweezers, but cosmetic tweezers will also work.

If caviar is found when purchasing a whole pike perch carcass, you should not throw it away. It can be cooked along with the rest of the fish according to the recipe, or it can be removed. You can bake pancakes from this product, eat it salted, add it to salads and egg dishes, and fry it with onions. In addition, this is a useful product, especially for pregnant women.

To add even more juiciness, you can add a stalk of celery to any of the recipes. Chop it finely enough. White fish meat goes well with citrus fruits. The juice of oranges, tangerines and other similar products can be added to the sauce. You can decorate the dish with zest ribbons.

Pike perch has quite a few bones, and its meat is dietary and very soft. Such fish is worth its weight in gold, so you should not miss the opportunity to cook it.

If fish is a frequent guest on your table, do not miss this recipe. Prepare baked pike perch in sour cream sauce with onions if you have not prepared such a dish before. This is a fairly simple homemade recipe, but worthy even for a holiday table. The pike perch can be baked whole, but by making cuts in it, or you can immediately cut it into portioned pieces. The fish turns out juicy, with an incomparable taste. The whole secret of the juiciness of the fish lies in the preparation of the sauce. Do not deviate from the recipe, because the proportions for preparing sour cream sauce have been worked out over time. As a result, not only the fish is eaten, but even the whole sauce - it turns out so tasty. Let's look at all the stages of cooking pike perch in sour cream sauce with photos.

Ingredients for cooking pike perch in sour cream sauce

Step-by-step preparation with photos of pike perch in sour cream sauce

Before serving, garnish the fish with fresh herbs and lemon slices. Prepare boiled potatoes as a side dish for the fish. Bon appetit!