Examples of goal formulation. Approximate structure of each type of lesson on the Federal State Educational Standards What is the purpose of the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standards

Filkova Irina Petrovna

    Item -Russian language

    Lesson topic: "Writing combinations zhi-shi »

    Class -2

    Program "Planet of Knowledge"

    Goals and objectives of the lesson

Option 1.

(System-activity approach)

The purpose of the lesson: to form and develop a value attitude towards joint educational and cognitive activities to determine and apply knowledge about the spelling of letters -And in combinationszhi and shi .



1. consolidate the ability to write words with a spelling letter and after z and w, graphically indicate the spelling.

2. Identify the essence and features of objects.

3. Draw conclusions based on the analysis.

Cognitive UUD:

1. Develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, and texts.

2. Present information in the form of a diagram.

3. Identify the essence and features of objects.

4. Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.

5. Summarize and classify according to characteristics.

7. Find answers to questions in the illustration.

Regulatory UUD:

1. Develop the ability to express your assumptions based on working with the textbook material.

2. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task.

3. Predict upcoming work (make a plan).

4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Communication UUD:

1Develop the ability to work in pairs.

2. Learn to present the result of your work;

3.Develop the ability to adequately evaluate your own work and the work of other students.

4. Develop the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks, to formalize your thoughts orally.

3. Personal results:

1. Develop the ability to express your attitude, express your emotions.

2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.

3. Form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Option 2. (Competency-based approach)

Lesson objectives through planned results:

Lesson objectives: create conditions for students to develop key competencies:general cultural (the ability to set a goal for an activity, determine ways to achieve it, evaluate the results of an activity; the ability to resolve educational problem situations);educational and cognitive (finding, processing, using information to solve learning situations and problems),communicative (learn to work in pairs, interact with a partner to obtain a common result).


educational – to develop in students the ability to analyze sentences and find their basis; solve practical problems based on the learned rules;

developing – learn to analyze a learning task, choose the right ways to solve learning problems and situations;

educational – develop interest in the problem discussed in the lesson and activity aimed at solving educational problems and situations

Option 3. (Bloom's Taxonomy)


Student action:

Action verbs

    1. Knowledge

Knows the concepts: "spelling",

Recognizes learned spelling in words

Systematize knowledge about studied spellings and untested spellings; Formulate a rule for writing words with vowel sounds after hissing zh and sh.

    1. Understanding

Gives reasons for the choice of the correct spelling of the studied spellings.

Demonstrates existing knowledge

Classify words according to certain characteristics, studied spelling patterns - letters in words

    1. Application

Demonstrates knowledge and skills in written and oral communication in a variety of learning situations

Apply the ability to write words with the studied spelling correctly and graphically denote it.


Finds words in which the letter of the vowel after the sibilant must first be checked, and words with the spelling letter of the vowel after zh and sh must be written.

Applies this knowledge when performing exercises.


Drawing up an algorithm for writing words with the studied spelling

Argument for the ability to see the studied spelling and graphically designate it


Plans his activities at each stage of the lesson.

Evaluates the significance of the result obtained on the topic “Writing “zhi-shi” combinations.”

Fills out the reporting form

Produce yourself and mutually

about the price.

Draw conclusions about the correct use of words in written and oral speech.

Techniques for including students in the goal-setting process.


Stage name


Teacher activities (teaching methods)

Student activity (forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities)

The nature of educational and cognitive activity (reproductive, constructive, creative)

Expected result (knowledge, skills, methods of activity)


Preparing students to learn new material

Provide students with motivation to learn new material

Announces the topic and goals of the lesson, substantiates its significance for the development of cognitive activity, reveals the content of the lesson

Included in the process of goal setting through the techniques of “grouping” and “speculation”


Ready to learn new material


Spelling minute

Develop an algorithm for determining and explaining the correct spelling of the studied spelling

Dictation recording:

Complete tasks, comment and justify their choice


Represent the formulated concepts


Work according to the assignment from the textbook

Develop the ability to correctly write zhi-shi combinations

Distributes tasks in pairs:

Performing exercises according to the instructions of the textbook, with commentary.

Form pairs of words with a letter at the end And after and And w

Perform tasks in accordance with instructions

Constructive, creative

Protecting the results of work in pairs


Role-playing game


Apply acquired knowledge in a changed situation

Gives tasks to couples

"Remember the words"

They check - who remembered and wrote the most words?


Apply the acquired skills to correctly use words with the studied spelling in oral and written speech


Verification work.

Apply acquired knowledge and self- and mutually evaluate

Take dictation and mark the spelling.


They write from dictation, (Self-, mutual-) evaluate according to the “key”


Evaluate themselves and each other


Summing up, reflection

Summarize the results of the groups' report. Assess the level of achievement of the goals set at the beginning of the lesson

Supervises the work of group leaders

Discuss the work of everyone in the group, fill out reporting forms

What did you need to do?

Did you manage to complete the task?

Did you do everything right or were there any mistakes?

Did you compile everything yourself or with someone's help?

Now the initial goal is compared with the results obtained!


The forms are filled out, the work of group members is assessed objectively.

Planned educational results achieved




Is the requirement defined for this purpose?

Can most students complete

Is it possible to evaluate

The student performs

Verbs are specific

IN AND. Sirotin, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Teacher of Geography"

The new educational standard (FSES) pays great attention to the final learning outcomes achieved in the process of implementing the main educational program. At the same time, the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program are differentiated into three groups subject, meta-subject and personal . In their work, subject teachers traditionally and quite reasonably, when setting the goals and objectives of a lesson, pay more attention to the requirements related to the content of the subject being taught. Meta-subject and personal requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program, both when planning and during the implementation of lesson objectives, often remain outside its scope. The methodology for implementing precisely these requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard needs to be given more attention when planning a lesson, selecting content and organizing student activities.

When determining the objectives of a particular lesson, the objectives of education, development and upbringing of students, which are still relevant today, are traditionally highlighted. But at the same time, it is necessary to recognize their general nature, vagueness and lack of focus on the final result as required by the new standard.

When planning the goals and objectives of a particular lesson in the modern conditions of the transition to training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, in our opinion, it is advisable to proceed from the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program and take into account the planned results contained in the main educational program of a particular educational institution. When planning a lesson, it is important to take into account that the new standard is based on a system-activity approach, which provides for active educational and cognitive activity of students to master the competencies necessary for their further self-development and lifelong education. The activity paradigm of the standard provides for a level approach to the system of planned results and the identification, along with the basic one, of a promising level (the graduate will have the opportunity to learn) necessary for students to build an individual trajectory of their development.

It is important to understand that the system of planned results establishes and describes a set of educational, cognitive and educational and practical tasks that students solve during their studies. Particular attention is paid to tasks that are aimed at developing knowledge and competencies that are included in the final assessment (see Federal State Educational Standards, POPOU, pp. 61-66, “the student will learn”).

Fulfillment of the assigned tasks requires students to master the system of educational actions, both universal and subject-specific, which ultimately are specific learning outcomes. The task of personal development is organically connected with the learning process and is planned as personal results. Based on this, when formulating the goals and objectives of a particular lesson, it is important to focus learning on achieving the planned results specified in the educational program.

Namely, to receive:
- systematic knowledge about the essence and characteristics of the concepts, models, processes and phenomena being studied, cause-and-effect relationships;
-skills in independently obtaining and summarizing the information received, the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, evaluate, classify, establish analogues, translate text information into graphs, diagrams, cartograms and other forms of generalization;
- skills of cooperation and communication in solving problem situations and organizing effective work in groups to solve common educational and applied problems;
- skills to present the results of your work in the form of text, oral communication, video material, presentation and other forms;
- skills in organizing cognitive activity from searching and attracting the necessary resources to monitoring the quality of task completion;
- the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own activities depending on the assigned tasks, the presence of value and semantic attitudes, and argue one’s positions;
- ICT - competence necessary for effectively solving educational tasks aimed at achieving the planned learning outcomes.

At the same time, we consider it advisable to specify and differentiate educational tasks in the subject (geography), aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education (BEPOO) prescribed in the new standard, depending on the content and goals of the lesson into subject, meta-subject and personal.

Lesson objectives:
Achievement subject planned results:
- formation of a system of knowledge about the Earth as a planet of people;
- ensuring a deep understanding of the integrity and heterogeneity of territories on the Earth’s surface;
- formation of a knowledge system about the main stages of Earth development;
- training in identifying the characteristics of nature and economic activities of people in various regions and countries of the world;
- formation of a system of knowledge about the diversity of culture, the peculiarities of life and life of the population belonging to different nations;
- mastering the skills of using various devices and tools (including electronic ones) to solve educational and applied problems;
- formation of skills to give qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the components of the geographical environment;
- mastering the skills to use a map as a language of international communication and as a means of studying geographical processes and phenomena;
- mastering the skills of presenting one’s activities to solve educational and applied problems;
- mastering techniques for ensuring one’s own safety and rules of behavior in the event of various types of natural disasters.

Achievement meta-subject planned results:
- set educational goals and objectives;
- plan ways and means of achieving educational and applied goals;
- choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems;
- adjust your actions in connection with changes in learning and working conditions;
- evaluate the correctness of performance of educational and other tasks;
- be able to work with various sources of information, classify and generalize, identify similar processes and phenomena, draw conclusions and conclusions;
- develop and apply symbols, models and diagrams, diagrams and maps to solve and design educational and cognitive tasks;
- receive information as a result of semantic reading of the text;
-work in a group to solve common educational problems;
- use oral and written speech to defend your point of view, your conclusions and conclusions;
- possess information and communication technologies for obtaining and processing information;
- apply ICT competencies to solve educational problems and applied problems;
- possess primary skills in educational, research and project activities.

Achievement personal planned results:
- fostering patriotism and love for one’s homeland;
- fostering a sense of responsibility for the quality of life of one’s people, the development of one’s native land;
- readiness for self-education and self-development;
- motivation for learning and the ability to build an individual educational territory;
- formation of a scientific worldview based on modern achievements of science and technology;
- formation of a respectful and friendly attitude towards the culture, religion and way of life of other peoples of Russia and the world;
- training in communicative competence skills;
- obtaining skills of adequate individual and collective behavior in order to ensure life safety in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature;
- education of ecological culture and development of ecological thinking.

Thus, determining the objectives of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of mastering the basic educational program will allow us to more systematically switch to training in accordance with the new standard. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the given formulations, differentiated depending on the three levels of requirements specified in the new standards (subject, meta-subject and personal), are approximate. The specification of educational tasks occurs depending on the topic being studied, the content considered in the topic, the selected teaching methods and techniques, as well as the form of the lesson and its structure. The selection of the content of educational material, the choice of teaching methods and techniques also need a new reading, taking into account the content of the new standards. These questions should be key when organizing methodological work, disseminating the work experience of creative teachers, conducting creative workshops, master classes, scientific and practical conferences.

Goal setting

  • The process of formulating a goal and the tasks arising from it.

Components of goal setting

  • Justification and goal setting
  • Determining ways to achieve them
  • Designing the expected result

Goal setting

The process of choosing and actually defining a goal, which represents an ideal image of the future result of an activity;

joint activities of students and teachers in setting goals and planning activities; choosing the content of the activity and determining the criteria for the effectiveness of the activity, choosing one or more goals with establishing the parameters of acceptable deviations to manage the process of implementing the idea.

Concept goal

What one strives for, what one intends to achieve

D.N. Ushakov

What they strive for, what they want to achieve

T.F. Efremova

Ideal, mental anticipation of the result of an activity

Desired presentation of the result of the activity

Philosophical Dictionary

Conscious image of the anticipated result

Psychological Dictionary

The ultimate desire, intention, what someone is trying to achieve


SMART goal setting criteria

  • S (specific) – specificity
  • M (Measurable) - measurability
  • A (Attainable) - reachability
  • R(Result-oriented) – focus on results
  • T(Time-bounded) - correlation with a specific period (time)

Defining Lesson Objectives

Learning Objectives

Strategic goal

Goals subject

Tactical goal

Objectives of this lesson

Operational Goal

( Goals at each stage of the lesson )

Goal formulation based on B. Bloom's taxonomy

  • (Taxonomy - classification and systematization of objects....)
  • Levels of B. Bloom's taxonomy
  • 6.Evaluation
  • 5.Synthesis
  • 4.Analysis
  • 3.Application
  • 2.Understanding
  • 1.Knowledge

The purpose of the lesson is to achieve educational results

  • Personal – acceptance of new values, moral standards
  • Meta-subject – mastering methods of activity, self-organization skills
  • Subject - acquisition of knowledge and skills in a given subject

Determine a goal that can be achieved in 45 minutes, in 125 hours, in 5 years of study

  • Teach students to work with reference literature.
  • To develop knowledge about the main cultural monuments of Ancient Greece.
  • Learn to analyze literary works of an epic nature.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the main characteristics of mammals.
  • Develop the ability to systematically analyze the phenomena of reality.
  • Teach students to compose theses and summaries of articles and books read.
  • To develop knowledge about the periodic system of elements of D.I. Mendeleev.
  • To develop knowledge about the essence of Ohm's law.

Analyze the lesson objectives:

Lesson topic – “Planets of the Solar System”

Lesson objectives:

  • Ensure repetition and reinforcement of basic concepts and facts.
  • Contribute to the formation of worldview ideas.
  • Ensure the health of students.
  • To develop in students the ability to see the main, essential things in the material studied, to compare, generalize, and logically express their thoughts.
  • Develop students' cognitive interest.

What errors can be identified in the proposed formulations of lesson objectives?

Edited target

Original purpose

Students will know the dates of important events in the history of Russia

Students will know wild and domestic animals

Students will know the concepts...

Students will know how to use useful colloquial expressions

Students will know the best way to solve a problem

Each student will be able to name the 10 main events of the Great Patriotic War

Each student will be able to explain the differences between wild and domestic animals

The student will be able to classify concepts... according to parameters...

Students will use colloquial expressions to greet, start and end conversations

Students will choose which of two ways to solve a problem is better

Answer the questions:

  • Is the goal feasible for students?
  • Is the goal specific?
  • Does it contribute to achieving the planned result?
  • Is it possible to evaluate the achieved result?
  • Are the goals articulated in student actions?
  • Is the end result included in the formulation?

How to determine that the goal is formulated correctly

  • The purpose of the lesson is transformed into tasks:
  • Informational: what will we teach and what will we learn?
  • Operating room: how and in what way will we learn?
  • motivational: why do we need this?
  • communicative: with whom and where?

Lesson requirements

Announcing the topic of the lesson

Traditional lesson

Teacher informs students

Communicating goals and objectives

Modern type lesson

Teacher formulates and communicates to students what they are expected to learn


Formulate the students themselves

Teacher tells students what work they must do to achieve the goal

Practical activities of students

Formulate the students themselves, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

Exercising control

Under the guidance of a teacher students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

Student planning ways to achieve the intended goal

The teacher supervises for students to perform practical work

Implementation of correction

Students carry out learning activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used)

Teacher during the implementation and based on the results of the work performed by students carries out correction

Student assessment

Students exercise control b (forms of self-control and mutual control are used)

Lesson summary

Teacher carries out assessment students for their work in class

Students formulate difficulties and carry out the correction independently

The teacher finds out students, what they remember

Students evaluate activities based on their results(self-assessment, assessment of the performance of comrades)


Held reflection

The teacher announces and comments (more often – the task is the same for everyone)

Students can choose assignments e from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities


Traditional lesson

Lesson under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Formation of ZUN

Leading type of activity

Personal development

Method of learning material

Reproductive, reproducing

Investigative, productive, creative

Model activities


Mental activity, reflection

Control and self-control of learning new material

Goal setting

Self-assessment, reflection of performance results

Determined by teacher

Determined by student and teacher by agreement


The lesson becomes personal developmental;

The lesson becomes competency-oriented;

The lesson becomes meta-subject;

Along with the subject-oriented lesson, integrated forms (lesson lessons) are born, the line between teaching and upbringing is blurred

Traditional lesson structure

  • Organizing time;
  • checking homework;
  • updating the subjective experience of students
  • learning new knowledge and ways of doing things
  • initial check of understanding of what has been learned
  • consolidation of what has been learned;
  • application of what has been learned;
  • generalization and systematization;
  • control and self-control;
  • correction;
  • homework;
  • summing up the training session;
  • reflection.
  • How many stages should there be in a lesson?

Structure of a modern lesson


Extracting new knowledge

Formation of initial skills

Using skills

Generalization and systematization




Updating knowledge


Control, self-assessment


Lesson structure according to Federal State Educational Standards:

1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities (organizational stage 1-2 minutes).

2. Updating knowledge and recording individual difficulties in a trial learning activity for 4-5 minutes.

3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty, setting goals for the activity, 4-5 minutes.

4. Constructing a project for solving a problem (discovering new knowledge) 7-8 minutes.

5. Implementation of the constructed project 4-5 minutes.

6. Primary consolidation 4-5 minutes.

7. Independent work with self-test using a standard (sample) for 4-5 minutes.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition for 7-8 minutes.

9. Reflection on learning activities (lesson summary) – 2-3 minutes.

Lesson type

Purpose of the lesson

Lesson of initial presentation of new knowledge and (or) methods of educational actions

Primary assimilation of new knowledge and (or) methods of educational actions

A lesson in mastering new skills or developing initial skills

Application of acquired knowledge or methods of educational actions in the context of solving educational problems and exercises

Lesson in applying knowledge, skills and abilities

Application of skills and abilities in solving educational problems of increased complexity

Lesson on generalization and systematization of ZUNs

Systematization of knowledge or methods of action

Lesson on repeating ZUNs

Consolidating learning skills or preparing for a test

Test lesson

Checking the level of mastery of subject knowledge or the formation of general educational skills

Educational excursion, Educational trip

Lesson on solving practical problems

Direct (as opposed to indirect) study of phenomena in the surrounding world

Laboratory workshop

Practical direction of studying theoretical principles

Club meeting

Discovery and use of experiment as a method

testing of hypotheses

Formation of the ability of educational cooperation


Lesson type

Types of lessons

A lesson in learning new things

traditional (combined), lecture, excursion, research work, educational and labor workshop.

Lesson to consolidate knowledge

workshop, excursion, laboratory work, interview, consultation.

Lesson on the integrated application of knowledge

workshop, laboratory work, seminar, etc.

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

seminar, conference, round table, etc.

Lesson on control, assessment and correction of knowledge

test, test, colloquium, knowledge review, etc.


  • A stable methodology for conducting a lesson that has developed over previous years.
  • The need to enable the student to search for information and explore it on his own.
  • The need to create learning situations as special structural units of learning activities, as well as to be able to translate learning tasks into a learning situation.
  • The traditional approach to lesson analysis and the desire to adhere to old approaches to assessing the teacher’s performance.
  • Replacement of known outline plans with technological lesson maps.
  • Control and assessment activities.

Modern lesson

  • the student is not an object, but a subject of educational activity;
  • Various sources of knowledge are used in the lesson;
  • the structure of the lesson changes;
  • individual and collective activities predominate;
  • priority is given to the student’s activities;
  • new criteria for assessing student performance are being applied.

Algorithm for lesson design within the system-activity approach

  • Present the lesson in the form of logically completed modules with a clearly defined goal and planned result.
  • Based on the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the module, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of children’s development, choose a pedagogical technique or technique from a bank of techniques.
  • To prepare educational tasks based on textbook material, Ilyushin’s situational problem constructor can be used.
  • Analyze the resulting lesson scenario from the point of view of the system-activity approach.
  • Consider the selected methods or techniques for the use of ICT for their implementation.
  • Evaluate the efficiency of a lesson based on the principle of ideality: maximum effect of students’ educational activities with minimal teacher activity.

  • Develop goal setting for the lesson using a systemic activity approach.


Lesson topic_________________________________

Class __________________________

Goal (personal, meta-subject, subject result) __________________________

Lesson objectives:



“Goals and objectives of a modern lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard”

Prepared by:

AnpadistovaTat `yana Aleksandrovna,

a history teacher

MCOU "TsO No. 12"



Modern education in Russia has moved to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Educational institutions are faced with task, which involves educating a citizen of modern society, a person who will learn throughout his life. Purpose

modern education is the development of the student as a subject of cognitive activity. Feature of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards - active character,

which sets the main goal of developing the student’s personality. Modern education abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; The wording of the standard refers to actual activities.

The fundamental difference of the modern approach is the orientation of standards on the results of mastering basic educational programs. Results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities. At the same time, the requirements for results subject, meta-subject and personal.

mastering the main educational program is differentiated into three groups Lesson Objectives

- steps towards the goal, what needs to be done to achieve the result.

When planning a lesson, it is important to take into account that the new standard is based on a systemic activity approach, which provides for the active educational and cognitive activity of students to master the competencies necessary for their further self-development and lifelong education. Fulfillment of assigned tasks

provides for students to master a system of educational actions, both universal and subject-specific, which ultimately are specific learning outcomes. The task of personal development is organically connected with the learning process and is planned as personal results.

Based on this, when formulating the goals and objectives of a particular lesson, it is important to focus learning on achieving the planned results specified in the educational program.

Namely, to receive: Systematic knowledge

- about the essence and features of the studied concepts, processes and phenomena, cause-and-effect relationships; skills
-independent obtaining and summarizing the information received, the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, evaluate, classify, translate text information into graphs, diagrams, cartograms and other forms of generalization; skills

- cooperation and communication in solving problem situations and organizing effective work in groups to solve common educational and applied problems; formalize the results of your work in the form of text, oral communication, video material, presentation and other forms;

- about the essence and features of the studied concepts, processes and phenomena, cause-and-effect relationships; organizing cognitive activity from searching and attracting the necessary resources to monitoring the quality of task completion;

- cooperation and communication in solving problem situations and organizing effective work in groups to solve common educational and applied problems; analyze and evaluate your own activities depending on the assigned tasks;

- ICT- the competence necessary to effectively solve educational problems aimed at achieving the planned learning outcomes.

The results of mastering the program are divided into three groups:

Subject results training in a given subject involves mastering knowledge of a given subject.

Particular attention should be paid to achieving meta-subject results, such as:

Set educational goals and objectives;
- plan ways and means of achieving goals;
- choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems;

Adjust your actions in connection with changes in learning and working conditions;
- evaluate the correctness of performance of educational and other tasks;
- be able to work with various sources of information, classify and generalize, identify similar processes and phenomena, draw conclusions and conclusions;
- develop and apply symbols, models and diagrams, diagrams and maps to solve and design educational and cognitive tasks;
- receive information as a result of semantic reading of the text;

Work in a group to solve common educational problems;
- use oral and written speech to defend your point of view, your conclusions and conclusions;
- master information and communication technologies for obtaining and processing information;

Apply ICT competencies;

Possess primary skills in educational, research and project activities.

An important aspect of the lesson is the achievementpersonalplanned results:

Fostering patriotism and love for one’s homeland;
- fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s country, the development of one’s native land;

Willingness for self-education and self-development;

Motivation for learning;

Formation of a scientific worldview based on modern achievements of science and technology;

Formation of a respectful and friendly attitude towards the culture, religion and way of life of other peoples of Russia and the world;

Communication skills training;

Obtaining skills of adequate individual and collective behavior;
- education of ecological culture and development of ecological thinking.

Thus, the set tasks require a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implementing the new standard.


Guzeev, V.V. Lesson design and analysis / V.V. Guzeev // School Director. - 2005. - No. 7.

Ivanova L.F. Project work in teaching social studies // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2007. No. 2,

Kovgorodova, A. Directing a school lesson / A. Kovgorodova // School director. - Head teacher. - 2005. - No. 2. - P. 49 - 51.

Concept of federal state educational standards of general education: draft / Russian Academy of Education; ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsova. - M.: Education, 2008.

Kuznetsov A.A. About school standards of the second generation / A.A. Kuznetsov. // Municipal education: innovation and experiment. - 2008. - No.

Kuznetsov A.A. About second generation school standards. // Municipal education: innovation and experiment. 2008. No.

Lavrentiev, V.V. Requirements for the lesson as the main form of organizing the educational process in the conditions of personality-oriented learning: methodological recommendations / V.V. Lavrentiev // Head teacher for school administration. - 2005. - No. 1. - From 83 - 88.

Lukyanova, M.I. Methodology for analyzing a personality-oriented lesson in basic school subjects / M.I.Lukyanova, N.A. Radina, T.N. Abdullina // Head teacher for school administration. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 13 - 22.

Slide 2

Goal setting

  • The process of formulating a goal and the tasks arising from it
  • Components of goal setting
  • Justification and goal setting
  • Determining ways to achieve them
  • Designing the expected result
  • Slide 3

    The process of choosing and actually defining a goal, which represents an ideal image of the future result of an activity; joint activities of students and teachers in setting goals and planning activities; choosing the content of the activity and determining the criteria for the effectiveness of the activity, choosing one or more goals with establishing the parameters of acceptable deviations to manage the process of implementing the idea.

    Slide 4

    Concept goal

  • Slide 5

    SMART goal setting criteria

    • S (specific) – specificity
    • M (Measurable) - measurability
    • A (Attainable) - reachability
    • R (Result-oriented) – focus on results
    • T (Time-bounded) - correlation with a specific period (time)
  • Slide 6

    Defining Lesson Objectives

    • Learning Objectives
    • Subject Objectives
    • Objectives of this lesson
    • (Goals for each stage of the lesson)
    1. Strategic goal
    2. Tactical goal
    3. Operational Goal
  • Slide 7

    Goal formulation based on B. Bloom's taxonomy

    • (Taxonomy - classification and systematization of objects....)
    • Levels of B. Bloom's taxonomy
    • 6.Evaluation
    • 5.Synthesis
    • 4.Analysis
    • 3.Application
    • 2.Understanding
    • 1.Knowledge
  • Slide 8

    The purpose of the lesson is to achieve educational results

    • Personal – acceptance of new values, moral standards
    • Meta-subject – mastering methods of activity, self-organization skills
    • Subject - acquisition of knowledge and skills in a given subject
  • Slide 9

    Determine a goal that can be achieved in 45 minutes, in 125 hours, in 5 years of study

    • Teach students to work with reference literature.
    • To develop knowledge about the main cultural monuments of Ancient Greece.
    • Learn to analyze literary works of an epic nature.
    • To consolidate knowledge about the main characteristics of mammals.
    • Develop the ability to systematically analyze the phenomena of reality.
    • Teach students to compose theses and summaries of articles and books read.
    • To develop knowledge about the periodic system of elements of D.I. Mendeleev.
    • To develop knowledge about the essence of Ohm's law.
  • Slide 10

    Analyze the lesson objectives:

    Lesson objectives:

    • Ensure repetition and reinforcement of basic concepts and facts.
    • Contribute to the formation of worldview ideas.
    • Ensure the health of students.
    • To develop in students the ability to see the main, essential things in the material studied, to compare, generalize, and logically express their thoughts.
    • Develop students' cognitive interest.

    Lesson topic – “Planets of the Solar System”

    Slide 11

    What errors can be identified in the proposed formulations of lesson objectives?

    • Each student will be able to name the 10 main events of the Great Patriotic War
    • Each student will be able to explain the differences between wild and domestic animals
    • The student will be able to classify concepts... according to parameters...
    • Students will use colloquial expressions to greet, start and end conversations
    • Students will choose which of two ways to solve a problem is better
  • Slide 12

    How to determine that the goal is formulated correctly

    Answer the questions:

    • Is the goal feasible for students?
    • Is the goal specific?
    • Does it contribute to achieving the planned result?
    • Is it possible to evaluate the achieved result?
    • Are the goals articulated in student actions?
    • Is the end result included in the formulation?
  • Slide 13

    The purpose of the lesson is transformed into tasks:

    • Informational: what will we teach and what will we learn?
    • Operating room: how and in what way will we learn?
    • Motivational: why do we need this?
    • Communication: with whom and where?
  • Slide 14

    Slide 15

    Slide 16


    The lesson becomes personal developmental;
    - the lesson becomes competency-oriented;
    - the lesson becomes meta-subject;
    - along with the subject-oriented lesson, integrated forms (lessons are born), the line between teaching and upbringing is blurred

    Slide 17

    Traditional lesson structure

    How many stages should there be in a lesson?

    1. Organizing time;
    2. checking homework;
    3. updating the subjective experience of students
    4. learning new knowledge and ways of doing things
    5. initial check of understanding of what has been learned
    6. consolidation of what has been learned;
    7. application of what has been learned;
    8. generalization and systematization;
    9. control and self-control;
    10. correction;
    11. homework;
    12. summing up the training session;
    13. reflection.
  • Slide 18

    Structure of a modern lesson

    1. Updating knowledge
    2. Problematization
    3. Reflection
    4. Control, self-esteem
    5. Semantization
  • Slide 19

    Lesson structure according to Federal State Educational Standards:

    1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities (organizational stage 1-2 minutes).
    2. Updating knowledge and recording individual difficulties in a trial learning activity for 4-5 minutes.
    3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty, setting goals for the activity, 4-5 minutes.
    4. Constructing a project for solving a problem (discovering new knowledge) 7-8 minutes.
    5. Implementation of the constructed project 4-5 minutes.
    6. Primary consolidation 4-5 minutes.
    7. Independent work with self-test using a standard (sample) for 4-5 minutes.
    8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition for 7-8 minutes.
    9. Reflection on learning activities (lesson summary) – 2-3 minutes.

    Slide 20

  • Slide 21


  • Slide 22


    • A stable methodology for conducting a lesson that has developed over previous years.
    • The need to enable the student to search for information and explore it on his own.
    • The need to create learning situations as special structural units of learning activities, as well as to be able to translate learning tasks into a learning situation.
    • The traditional approach to lesson analysis and the desire to adhere to old approaches to assessing the teacher’s performance.
    • Replacement of known outline plans with technological lesson maps.
    • Control and assessment activities.
  • Slide 23

    Modern lesson

    • the student is not an object, but a subject of educational activity;
    • Various sources of knowledge are used in the lesson;
    • the structure of the lesson changes;
    • individual and collective activities predominate;
    • priority is given to the student’s activities;
    • new criteria for assessing student performance are being applied.
  • Slide 24

    Algorithm for lesson design within the system-activity approach

    • Present the lesson in the form of logically completed modules with a clearly defined goal and planned result.
    • Based on the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the module, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of children’s development, choose a pedagogical technique or technique from a bank of techniques.
    • To prepare educational tasks based on textbook material, Ilyushin’s situational problem constructor can be used.
    • Analyze the resulting lesson scenario from the point of view of the system-activity approach.
    • Consider the selected methods or techniques for the use of ICT for their implementation.
    • Evaluate the efficiency of a lesson based on the principle of ideality: maximum effect of students’ educational activities with minimal teacher activity.
  • Slide 25


    1. Develop a goal setting for the lesson using a system-activity approach.
    Lesson topic_________________________________
    Class __________________________
    Goal (personal, meta-subject, subject result) __________________________
    Lesson objectives:

    • Subject:
    • Metasubject:
    • Personal:
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