Signs that a person has been possessed by a demon. Cases of demons possessing humans. Demons possess beautiful women. Demon possession or mental illness

Despite the fact that we have discovered almost all the secrets of the human body and even set our sights on space flights, world religions continue to affirm the existence of gods and spirits. In particular, demonic possession is still considered a very real danger that awaits every God-fearing person. Here are some real stories that were confirmed not only by priests, but also by doctors.

The girl suffered from epileptic seizures and her condition worsened every day. In a psychiatric hospital, Annelise was secretly visited by two priests who decided to perform an exorcism. 70 rituals in a row exhausted the unfortunate woman to death. The priests and parents were charged with manslaughter, and the film “The 6 Demons of Emily Rose” was made based on Anneliese’s story.

Roland Doe/Robbie Mannheim

The story of this boy was so terrible that the Catholic Church classified his name: in the archives, Robbie Mannheim was known as Roland Doe. The aunt gave her nephew the Ouija board, which was popular at that time, to play. As a result, priests had to be called in, who had never expected to discover a real case of demonic possession.


The only case where demonic possession was confirmed by a real practicing psychiatrist. Dr Gallagher quit his job after his superiors refused to believe that a patient codenamed "Julia" was possessed - despite the fact that the doctor even had video footage of the patient levitating.

Arne Johnson

Arne Johnson killed his employer and came to the church to repent. Good priests found evil spirits in Arn, and then took the guy to the police. For some reason, the judge did not take into account demonic possession and sentenced Arne to 20 years of strict regime.

David Berkowitz

Berkowitz terrorized the residents of his native Brooklyn for a year. When caught, the serial maniac confessed to all the crimes, but stated that it was all the fault of the neighbor’s dog, which had been possessed by Satan himself. He gave David instructions.

Demons, or demons, are created from subtle matter, invisible to humans, although their presence near you can be felt by a sudden wary feeling (there is someone nearby), and this feeling is oppressive, alarming. They can penetrate all obstacles (wall, door), because they can “leak” through them. Free demons cannot enter a consecrated room. This room is “marked” for the Lord, and if actions pleasing to him take place in it, prayers are performed, then he sends his Graceful protection to this place. The grace of God covering such places scorches the demons; they cannot overcome it. If a person does not have God’s protection, then demons can easily penetrate his energy bodies. Demons live where they have a place. Man, by sinning, prepares such a place for them. Where there is sin, there they are. By their nature, demons (demons) are extremely cunning, evil, crafty, deceitful creatures (entities) with a disgusting appearance. They hate righteousness and virtues, they hate everything that is connected with the Lord. They strive with all their might to get a person, to persuade him to sin, and then to cultivate and increase this sin in him until the person becomes their “slave.” Demons feed on the energies of a person when he indulges in sinful activities (for example, the energies of anger, voluptuousness, hatred, pride, greed, envy, self-interest). Demons also love to inhale incense from various burning incense; demons really like it when a person consumes meat, especially with blood, or indulges in lustful passion (in this case, the energy of the partner is “sucked out” by the demon). If a demon is in a person who has come to a consecrated place (the Orthodox Church of God), then from the Grace of God he becomes ill, and the person is inclined to leave this room as quickly as possible, by mentally suggesting the demon so that the person does not even suspect (let's say, under some pretext). Or the demon, which had previously been quietly in him, suddenly manifests itself sharply and is revealed.

Signs of the presence of a demon in a person,
as well as its effect on humans

A person begins to hear other people’s thoughts (let’s say I’m your friend, I’ll help you, I love you, I’ll give you special knowledge). There may be “cosmic stories” of extraterrestrial Intelligence, and even deception when a demon pretends to be a Guardian Angel, or the voice of God. This is done in order to gain trust; the demon knows where your weak point is. The bet is on pride - I chose you because you are better than others, they are worse than you. The demon manipulates you as he wants you to believe him and want to communicate with him. If you suspect anything, he will immediately come up with excuses to make you calm down and blindly trust him. Then the “Friend” and “Mentor” will begin to teach you and guide you along the path of Satan.

The situation may be different. The person clearly doesn’t hear any other voices, but he suddenly becomes completely different. The look, gait, movements, and manner of speaking change dramatically; inside you feel a sudden impudent confidence, a feeling of strength and authority. In such a state, a person, previously very modest and virtuous, is immediately drawn to sin. Often the catalyst for this state is a walk in the dark, drinking alcohol, or a noisy disco with trance rhythms. Then the person realizes what he has done and falls into bewilderment. How could he, so virtuous, do such a thing? And the reason is that he is a demon inside him. The demon feeds on the energies of sin, and specially arranges for the victim to drink alcohol, go to a disco, etc., in order to receive the necessary energies.

The demon can persuade a person to watch horror films, films with fornication themes, films with scenes of bloodshed, cruelty, violence, while the person experiences pleasure from watching and craves such viewings again and again, and some want to get these pleasures in real life, imitating favorite movie characters. During such pleasures, a person releases the energies necessary for the demon, which the creature absorbs, and the person develops a persistent passionate dependence. Thus, a person prepares himself for contact with the real heroes of his favorite “horror film”.

A person may develop an inexplicable craving for occult symbols, which are sold in abundance in specialized esoteric departments. The victim of the demon begins to be drawn to talismans, cards, figurines, audio materials with trance rhythms, meditations, lectures by psychoenergy therapists (listening to which, a person enters a hypnotic state and opens up to demonic influences), aromatic burning incense, books on the occult, healing, magic, witchcraft . A person strives to develop superpowers, to open the “Third Eye” in order to become all-seeing and all-powerful, without thinking about the fact that he is making a deal with the devil.

A demon can inspire a person possessed by him that he has unusual abilities and they need to be developed, he is not like everyone else, and then, taking advantage of the person’s desire for knowledge, he begins to “process” the person, persuading him to study in the opening schools of magic and witchcraft , healing, etc., sometimes playing on the victim’s feelings of altruism and compassion, that in this way a person will help people, heal them, bring invaluable benefits to others, encouraging the victim that “soon everyone will know about you, you will be the best healer.”

When a person’s will is greatly weakened, the demon can put the victim into a hypnotic state, literally ordering him to do sometimes wild things, even life-threatening (walk in an unfamiliar forest, hurt someone else, etc.), and at this time the person may not give an account of your actions. A person is brought to a state of mental disorder.


Video: How to fight demons? Archpriest Alexy Moroz:

What should a person do if he is possessed by a demon (demon) and wants to get rid of it forever

If a person is unbaptized, it is necessary to receive Holy Baptism in the Orthodox Church, for only with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ can a demon be defeated. Be sure to install an iconostasis at home for prayers, with icons of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, Archangel Michael, Guardian Angel, Holy Great Martyr healer Panteleimon, Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, Holy Martyr Tryphon, Holy Great Martyr Cyprian, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and others saints, purchase candles in the temple for prayers, prayer book. It is necessary to memorize the main Orthodox prayers - the Lord's Prayer, the Prayer to the Honest Cross, the Jesus Prayer, and other Orthodox prayers. They will help you in case of a sudden meeting with a demon, if you feel its presence or manifestation.

Comprehend your life, understand and realize the sins that you have committed, even by someone’s evil will. You need to confess to the priest all your sins, remember even minor sins, and take communion. If possible, order a prayer service for health, magpie, proskomedia. Go to the temple for unction. It is necessary to make confession of sins and repentance before the Lord for your sins, while kneeling in front of the iconostasis in your home. Remove and destroy objects from the apartment that attract demons (occult and mystical books, amulets, cards, amulets, talismans, incense, video and audio materials with meditation and trance music, tabloid magazines and newspapers, etc.). Refuse to watch television programs (except for Orthodox TV channels), and attend entertainment events, behave with restraint in clothing and jewelry, limit, or better yet, completely refuse jewelry and cosmetics. Be sure to consecrate the apartment by inviting the priest.

It is necessary to strengthen your faith and spirit in order to then fight the demon tormenting you. Be sure to read the Bible, the Gospel, the Acts of the Holy Apostles, the Revelation of John the Theologian, read the instructions of the holy elders. Visit the temple as often as possible, pray and ask for God's help. If a person is afraid of manifestations of the demon in the temple, it is necessary to call upon God’s help in pacifying the demon and in healing on the way to church in prayer. It is necessary to accustom yourself to control your body movements, speech, behavior during manifestations of the demon (possession). That is, during its manifestations, resist it, disobey, and maintain sanity. Now a new Orthodox TV channel “Soyuz” has appeared in the Yekaterinburg diocese. Watch morning and evening prayers, church services, instructions and conversations of Orthodox priests on this channel.

About posts. Fasting is a person’s struggle with his own sins, expressed in passions. During fasting, the Lord especially hears our prayers and aspirations and helps us get rid of passions. The sinful passion that demons cause is a strong desire that is irresistible by one’s own will. Therefore, as soon as you begin to resist these passions, when you fast with body and soul, demons begin to open up and rebel. “Give me meat!”, “I want meat!” - you hear their mental suggestions, or suggestions to take other food unacceptable for fasting. If during fasting you curb not only yourself in food, but also in spiritual passions, also expect provocative mental advice. Let me give you an example. When you bought it at the kiosk, you didn’t have a few rubles. The seller asked to bring them in later. An hour later you have already received these few rubles from home. And so, the thoughts begin: “Why return the money, there’s no need, it’s okay, she’s already inflating the prices.” If you give in, your demon will only be happy. If you go and return these few rubles to the saleswoman, then you will defeat the demon. After this, nausea may begin and a lump will form in the throat. Step aside, away from view, read prayers. The demon will come out of you through your mouth, possibly with a scream or wheezing. After this, thank the Lord for your help.

During Lent, and not only try to do more good deeds, give alms, help your neighbors, do it with a pure heart.

In order to enter into battle with a demon, you need to realize that you will need to change your life. During the struggle, and also after being freed from the demon, you will have to live godly. At first this will seem impossible to you, but as your spirit and faith strengthen and the influence of the demon weakens, virtue will begin to enter your life.

I think that only a spiritual light being, surpassing it in strength, can cope with and destroy a dark spiritual being. During prayer, repentance, when a person turns his soul to the Lord, the Divine Powers help the possessed. The Grace of God descends, the Divine Savior comes, who deals with the demon (demon). What state should a sick person have during the manifestation of a demon (possession)? Deep humiliation before the Lord, awareness of one’s sinfulness, repentance, resignation to one’s fate. Imagine that you are in a temple, in front of the altar, on your knees sobbing, and begging the Lord to have mercy on you and save you from your tormentor. Beg for help, pray with your soul, calling on God. And endure the manifestations of the creature. It shakes you, torments you, and you will fall to your knees in front of the iconostasis, at this time rush to God, remember his suffering because of your sins, and willingly, like a humble lamb, endure torment for God. Do not try to show your aggression, hatred towards the creature, and use your own spiritual powers to cope with it. You will only exhaust yourself. All he needs is for you to become like him in the same hatred and aggression. You should not have any internal aggression, behave as if you were a lamb, be a humble sheep of God, completely surrender yourself to the Will of God. Then the creature will leave you forever.

When the demon leaves a person, convulsions and spasms may suddenly begin to seize, the body may sway back and forth, convulsions may seize the throat, and nausea will occur. This means that the demon needs to come out. Let you vomit as if with air, and with a wheezing or scream, and let this creature come out. As it happens, pray to the Lord for your liberation, take communion in the Temple, and receive unction soon.

If the Bes (Demon) is expelled from a person, after about a week or two he can return again. Therefore, from the moment he is expelled from you, change your life, live pleasing to God. You will feel his presence next to you by your changed mood, nasty indecent thoughts in your head, and strange sensations in your body. It will try to inhabit you again. What to do? Pray with special effort to the Lord and the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, asking for protection, trust in the mercy and love of God. Everything will soon pass, and this demon will never approach you again, you will be under the Holy Fire protection.

In the Orthodox Church there are Sacraments of Grace, with the help of which the saving Grace of God is attracted to a Christian. To be protected from demons, regularly confess and receive communion and unction. If you live in a marriage, get married, do not give demonic forces a loophole to yourself through fornication (living in an unmarried marriage is a sin).

Sometimes you may hear bad mental suggestions from the outside, not from you, coming suddenly. Pray the prayers “Our Father,” “May God rise again,” the Jesus Prayer, the Prayer to the Mother of God, and these thoughts will quickly pass. This means that demons (demons) are tempting you, as if testing you. If you disagree with their thoughts and ask for God's protection in prayer, they will back off. Don’t worry, this is spiritual warfare, all Christians need to endure it, even the holy fathers write about it. (see the library section of the site).

And one last thing. If a person is subjected to demonic influences, or possessed by a demon, no medical psychiatric help will help. Expensive pills and injections cannot remove the demon from you; they will only stupefy your mind and consciousness, causing irreparable harm to the body, and dull your feelings and sensations, turning you into a puppet of the demon. You will feel it less, or temporarily get rid of the feelings of feeling its influence. What about the prospect of going to a hospital and forever being registered as a mental patient?

The only true solution if you want to get rid of demons (demons) forever is faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and deep repentance. Only the merciful and humane Lord can deliver you from this terrible influence through your faith and prayers.

" And I will tell you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Which father among you, when his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or, when he asks for a fish, will he give him a snake instead of a fish? Or, if he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion?” (Luke 11:9-12) “And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.” (Matt. 21,22)

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest; take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:28-30)

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The possibility of possessing demons in a person is not questioned by the Orthodox Church. The Holy Scriptures give many examples of the destructive effects of these entities on human souls.

Who is possessed by demons?

This phenomenon is called demon possession or possession: it is believed that a person is possessed by demons that have possessed him. Doctors often regard this condition as a mental illness, for example, schizophrenia, but in the case of demon possession, a number of certain characteristic signs are observed, and correctly performed church exorcism rites lead to relief.

According to the clergy, the devil or demon can only inhabit a person who is prone to sin. Sinful thoughts, vices, unrighteous lifestyle - such people attract dark forces to themselves. Here are the words of St. John of Damascus: “The devil takes up residence in demon-possessed people because these people have attracted evil spirits to themselves: they themselves have prepared within themselves a dwelling for the devils - swept and tidied up; unrepentant

by their sins, instead of the dwelling place of God, they become a receptacle for the unclean spirit.” In turn, Father John of Kronstadt said: “Demons enter ordinary people because of their simplicity... The evil spirit enters educated and intelligent people in a different form, and it is much more difficult to fight it.”. Often the devil possesses those who are involved in the occult. It happens that children suffer from obsession - according to the priests, the sins of their parents fall on them.

How does the move-in take place?

“Sin enters the soul not at once, but gradually, passing through stages of development from an extraneous, external impulse knocking on the soul, to the master’s disposal of it.”, says Father Konstantin Parkhomenko.

The Church divides demon-possessed people into two categories. In the first case, the demon acts as a second personality, a “dark double” of the person, that is, the victim exhibits signs of a split personality. In the second, the devil enslaves the human will to various sinful passions. For example, a person indulges in debauchery, gambling, begins to abuse alcohol or drugs, and is drawn to crime.

How to identify an obsessed person?

Signs of obsession can manifest themselves on both a physical and spiritual level. For example, a person’s voice may change greatly, as if someone else is speaking for him. Sometimes he imitates animals, for example, barks. Temporary paralysis of the entire body or individual parts may occur. Sometimes there are incredible manifestations of strength: a possessed person can lift enormous weights, easily free himself from ropes and chains, if he is tied up and shackled, he can easily scatter several people leaning on him. Also, in some cases, the possessed person’s eyes change color, they become cloudier, and the color of the skin darkens. Others develop a huge belly, like dropsy, and may experience weight loss. Sometimes paranormal abilities appear: the victim levitates, speaks non-existent languages, writes under the dictation of spirits, and may smell of sulfur.

Spiritually, serious changes are also taking place. Obsession can manifest itself in the form of obscene thoughts or behavior, hatred of God, religion and religious paraphernalia. Many demoniacs cannot enter the temple, touch crosses, icons, candles, or holy water. During divine services, they can begin to rush about, howl, sob, shout blasphemous speeches, and curse, as the devil tries to protect their soul from divine influence.

How to cast out demons?

Christ said that demons can be cast out only through fasting, the cross and prayer. In Orthodoxy, there are many protective prayers from evil spirits: for example, these include the prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, the prayer of Elder Pansophius of Athos “From the attack of demons,” the prayer of St. Gregory the Wonderworker and, finally, the prayer to Jesus Christ. However, practice shows that in reality these simple actions do not always lead to results. There is a special ritual for expulsion, which not every priest or monk has the right to perform. The ritual includes special prayers, fumigation with incense, and anointing. Moreover, during the process of exorcism, the possessed person can strongly resist, even causing harm to the priest. Therefore, as a rule, several church ministers participate in the ritual.

If you suspect that one of your loved ones is possessed by demons, you should handle him with extreme caution, and, if possible, contact clergy who have the right to carry out the appropriate reprimand.

Obvious signs of a person being possessed by demons are conversations in other people's voices and not in one's own name, aggression towards everything related to the church, the ability to levitate, the smell of sulfur. However, the demon is cunning, and he does not always show himself - this may end in his expulsion back to hell.

In the article:

Signs of Possession - Possessed Among You

Passion in marriage coupled with fidelity is a fulfilled desire, without which humanity would die out. The desire to satisfy lust without marriage, promiscuity, frequent changes of sexual partners are the influence of dark forces. It is considered normal to want to drink on holidays, while meeting with friends. Alcoholism, drug addiction - from the demon.

The love of culinary experiments is a hobby, an attempt at self-expression, a good way to please others. However there is corruption - demonic gluttony, when the sorcerer introduces evil spirits that cause an excessive appetite. The victim consumes food in such a way that it is undesirable for the faint of heart to see the process.

Envy that pushes a person to self-improvement is normal. The one that makes you harm others is demonic. Any passion that makes a person a slave to his desires and forces him to act not according to his conscience can be an obsession.

Possession - signs other than mental disorders

Those possessed by demons are often mistaken for mental illness. If a person has always been aggressive and unkind, there is a high probability of the presence of evil spirits.

Another sign is a clear aversion to Christian shrines. Talking about religion, an inadequate reaction to the smell of incense, holy water, reading prayers, icons are manifestations of demon possession.

There is a very simple way to check - offer two glasses to the person suspected of possession. One will contain plain water, and the other will contain water consecrated in the temple. Naturally, a person should not know about this. The possessed person will definitely choose a glass of plain water - evil spirits will easily distinguish between two identical glasses. However, do not discount chance, this method is suitable in conjunction with the others.

According to priests, more often we have to deal with a situation where a serious mental illness is mistaken for possession. It's not just about devout relatives. Sometimes those who allegedly suffer from the influence of evil spirits themselves mistake this phenomenon for a nervous disorder. Often in this way they attract attention to their person.

How a demon possesses a person and how to prevent it

The priests are sure that a person personally prepares housing for demons through his actions. The demon enters along with sin. Murder, rape, fornication, cynicism, interest in the occult, and all this opens the way for demons. Anyone who leads an unbridled life and is far from repentance is at risk.

If a person adheres to Christian morality, attends church, confesses his sins, fasts, reads prayers and regularly receives communion, demons will not be able to approach him. The believer is under God's protection, and feasible asceticism will always be a plus for getting rid of troubles of a black magic nature.

The clergy argue that people who did not find the strength to fight passion should lead a Christian life. Demons run away from God's grace.

According to medieval sources, the interest of demons in members of the clergy has always been high. The purer a person is, the more interesting and valuable his soul is to evil spirits. Records have been preserved of the monks' struggle with it. The means are still the same - faith, prayer, Christian lifestyle and, of course, willpower.

People possessed by demons and their inherent diseases

Symptoms may include disturbances in well-being. However, all this should be considered as symptoms of the disease. If examinations do not show its presence, one may suspect a negative program or the entry of a demon.

This is especially true for parents who are sure that their offspring has been possessed by an evil spirit. The crime chronicle is replete with similar stories, and for children they end in tears. The demon may also be in you, pushing the “possessed” person to deprive you of medical care.

Obsession is a scary thing. People who are possessed by any demon, spirit or devil are considered possessed. These people are completely under the influence of an evil spirit, which completely controls a person, completely determines his thoughts, words, actions and behavior. There are very specific signs of obsession person. In Orthodoxy, the possessed are called demoniacs, people who, for one reason or another, have been possessed by a demon.

There is an opinion in Orthodoxy that signs of a person’s possession may not appear in ordinary circumstances and in ordinary life, but as soon as he comes to church or even sees an icon in his house, the demon immediately begins to manifest itself. There are very frequent cases when, during a service in Orthodox churches, one of the parishioners present, for no apparent reason, begins to cry loudly, rush around the floor, howl, shout curses at God, etc. All of these are manifestations of human demon possession. Church ministers explain these cases by saying that a demon sitting inside a person is trying to protect a person from divine influence.

Signs of a person's obsession can be divided into several signs. So, in one case, a demon whispers various obscenities to a person and encourages him to do evil, to go against the will of the Lord. In another case, a demon inhabits the body of a deceased person and begins to plague people in the form of various kinds of ghosts. There are also cases when a demon completely takes over a person’s body and forces him to harm other people and himself. Some theologians cast out the devil from animals, and sometimes from inanimate objects, it could be a mirror or a painting.

How can a demon enter a person? The Holy Fathers have an opinion on this matter: the place for the devil is where there is sin. Through a sinful lifestyle, sinful thoughts, when the human soul is weakened by vice, it is then that the devil can take possession of a person.

Physical signs of human obsession.

The Holy Fathers identified some phenomena by which it could be determined that a person was possessed. Peter of Tyre, in his treatise “On Demons,” listed the following manifestations:

- paralysis of some parts of the body, and sometimes the whole;

- a huge force for an ordinary person.

Some demonologists also highlight:

- a huge protruding belly (in people for whom this is not typical);

- rapid weight loss, which leads to death;

- imitation of animals;

- the smell of sulfur (as demons come from hell);

— levitation;

— automatic writing;

- split personality;

- obscene thoughts and behavior;

- blasphemy against the Lord, communion and holy water;

- knowledge of languages ​​never known to man, muttering in a non-existent language;

And this is not a complete list of signs of human obsession. Naturally, many of the above signs of obsession are understandable and are signs of symptoms of certain diseases. For example, in the Middle Ages, symptoms of epilepsy were often confused with obsession. Public sexual activity was confused with mental disorders. Cases of animal imitation - with schizophrenia and so on.

The traditional "cure" for possession is to drive the demon out of the person's body. At the same time, the priests perform a special ritual, with the reading of special prayers, fumigation with incense smoke, and anointing. Very often, when performing this ritual, people possessed by a demon begin to resist very strongly, sometimes fainting. That is why during the performance of the ritual, in addition to the priest, several other church ministers are present. Of course, psychologists and doctors do not take these explanations of the church on faith, saying that these are just mentally ill people. But how can we explain the fact that human seizures occur in churches? Why does the ritual of exorcising a demon from a person actually relieve people from suffering? Unfortunately, this question is still unanswered...

Signs of obsession these days. The Emily Rose Story.

Many have probably heard about the case of Emily Rose (maybe they watched the film). This is one of the most striking examples of human possession by demons. In fact, the heroine of the film was named Annaliese Michel. When she turned 17, her life turned into a complete nightmare: she was attacked by paralysis in the middle of the night, it became very difficult to breathe, as if something very heavy had been placed on her chest. Doctors at a psychiatric clinic in the city of Würzburg diagnosed him with Grand mal seizures, in a word - epileptic convulsions. In the end, she was admitted to a psychiatric clinic for a year. While in the hospital, she began to see demonic faces that told her that she was cursed. Drug treatment did not help at all; on the contrary, it only aggravated the patient’s condition. She became very irritable, the faces did not disappear. She developed deep depression. In 1970, Michelle Anallise was discharged from the hospital. She turned to the church ministers with a request to perform an exorcism on her, believing that we were talking about demonic possession. However, the church refused her, advising her to lead a more religious and spiritual life.

Her condition began to deteriorate sharply. She began to bite family members, eat spiders and flies, injure herself, and began to copy the dog's habits. She also began to destroy rosaries, religious books and icons in the house. This lasted five years. After which the relatives managed to persuade the church to perform the exorcism ceremony, only with one condition that the drug treatment would be continued in parallel.

In 1975, Bishop Joseph Stangl commissioned two priests, Arnold Renz and Ernst Alt, to perform an exorcism on her. The ceremony began in September 1975 and ended only in June 1976. During this time, according to the priests, they expelled from her body: Lucifer, Belial, Nero, Judas, Cain and Hitler. During the ritual, which was held twice a week, the girl spoke with demonic voices in different languages, the voices of those people who died. During these ten months her health deteriorated significantly. She practically did not drink or eat, saying that her demons did not allow her to do this. She wrote a letter to the priest in which she asked to stop the rituals, saying that the Virgin Mary appeared to her and offered her two options for getting rid of the demons: immediate deliverance or allowing the demons to possess the body longer, but in return receive deliverance of the soul. The girl chose the second option; in addition, she was able to predict the date of her own death. On the night of July 1, 1976, she went to bed and did not wake up.

An autopsy revealed that she died from malnutrition and dehydration. No abnormalities were found during brain examination. Despite the fact that all exorcism sessions were recorded on tape, two priests and her parents were charged with negligent homicide. They were found guilty.

This is the only recent case officially recognized by the church when it was confirmed signs of obsession person.