The highest speed car in the world. Absolute speed record. The rocket-like car will be equipped with engines

The creators of the British racing car Bloodhound Supersonic Car plan to test and accelerate the car to a speed of 500 miles (805.7 kilometers) per hour in the fall of 2018. According to the ITV portal, the tests will take place at a race track in South Africa.

The car was created by a company from Bristol and the very first model accelerated to 200 miles (322 kilometers per hour). This happened on a test run at the airport.

The team behind the project have announced that they are aiming for a speed of 500 miles (805.7 kilometers) per hour when they take the car to their proposed race track in South Africa next October.

During the test, the stability of the car will be checked, which at such a speed will depend not on the wheels, but on aerodynamics.

According to the creators, this will be the first step towards a speed of a thousand miles (1609 kilometers) per hour.

Meanwhile, the British already have competitors. Norwegian designers have created a new high-speed car that can accelerate to 1,600 kilometers per hour. During testing, the car accelerated to 210 kilometers per hour in eight seconds. A rocket engine was installed as a motor in the car.


Norwegian designers from the aerospace company Nammo have created a new high-speed car. The car will reach speeds of up to 1600 km/h. This was reported by the Russian Planet website with reference to Techcult.

The fast car was tested on a track near Cornwall. During testing, the car accelerated to 210 km/h in eight seconds.

Under the hood of the new product is the Rolls-Royce EJ200 jet engine.

In 2020, the developers plan to break the world speed record in a race on the bottom of the dry lake Hakskin Pan, which is located in South Africa.

World car speed records

All sorts of car speed records have been set. The interest to conquer the track has probably always been in the blood of racing fans, from the very moment the cars appeared. And many succeeded.

Absolute result

So, before talking about all sorts of car speed records (of which there are many), it’s worth mentioning the most important result. The maximum figure was reached in 1997, on October 15. Then a new, absolute and to this day unconquered speed record for a car was set. 1229.78 km/h - this is exactly the mark on the speedometer that the needle reached. And the conqueror of the track was Andy Green, an Englishman and fighter pilot. The record was set in the Nevada desert. The car, naturally, was not an ordinary one, but a jet one - Thrust SSC.

The route, which was 21 kilometers long, was marked at the bottom of a dry lake located in the Black Rock Desert. Andy's car was powered by two powerful, turbofan power units from a Rolls Royce. Each engine was equipped with forced traction. And the total power of the engines reached an incredible 110,000 horsepower. It is not surprising that Green managed to accelerate to such a mark.

“Pioneers”-record holders

Now you can delve into other topics. So, the first world speed record in a car equipped with an internal combustion engine was set by a person like Emile Levassor. This was in 1985. Then the Paris-Bordeaux race took place. In fact, these were the first speed competitions! And Emil won them. His phrase, which he said after the races, is widely known: “It was crazy! I did up to thirty kilometers per hour!” Of course, at that time, at the end of the 19th century, the indicators were truly stunning. True, Emil also died because of his love of racing. In 1987, during a speed competition, he had an accident - he was trying to avoid a collision with a dog. And soon he died due to his wounds. But his speed record in a car with an internal combustion engine remained forever in history.

The following results were officially recorded. In 1898, a speed of 63.149 km/h was reached. The motorist was Count Gaston de Chasselou-Lobas. He then drove an electric car designed by Charles Jeantot. By the way, this was the first officially registered record.

Distance racing

Already at the end of the 19th century, speed competitions began to be held, in which motorists had to cover a certain distance. Whoever was first won, everything is logical. And the first was the 100-kilometer distance. She was captivated by Camille Zhenatzi, a Belgian motorist. And it was April 29, 1899. He also drove an electric car that produced 40 horsepower. The maximum he reached was 105.8 km/h.

The next distance was 200 kilometers. It was conquered in 1911. And then R. Burman became the winner. It is not difficult to guess that he drove a car from the Benz company. His maximum car speed record was incredible - 228 km/h! Needless to say, not all modern cars of some brands can produce such a maximum.

300 kilometers was conquered for the first time by H. O. D. Sigrev. This was in 1927. And its maximum stopped at 327.8 km/h. Then, in 1932, there was a 400-kilometer race. Malcolm Campbell managed to win. And its top speed was 408.6 km/h.

The 500-kilometer race in a Rolls-Royce Iceton was won by John Iceton in 1937. He “squeezed” a maximum of 502.4 km/h out of the car. And finally, a thousand kilometers. This distance was overcome by Harry Gabelich in 1970, on October 23. His car was a rocket car called the Blue Flame. The average speed was 1014.3 km/h. Interestingly, the car was 11.3 meters long. The race took place on a dry salt lake called Bonneville.

Sound speed

And once we managed to overcome it. This was first done by a man named Stan Barrett. This is a professional stuntman from America, who was 36 years old at the time of the event. He set a record in a 3-wheeled car. It was called the Budweiser Rocket. The car was powered by jet engines. By the way, there were two of them. The main engine is a liquid propellant engine with a thrust of 9900 kgf. And the second is a solid propellant rocket engine. It had a thrust of 2000 kgf. It was installed in the car in order to use additional power if the main one is not enough to overcome the declared speed.

The race took place at an air base in California in 1979. By the way, when talking about car speed records, one cannot help but note that this one was not registered by the FIA. And all because the rules of the organization state: to record the result, you need to conduct two races in two different directions. This is done to eliminate the slope of the route and the influence of wind. Stan Barrett turned it down. He said the record has already been set.

For a thousand miles

So far, no one has managed to break the 1,000 mph speed limit. This, it is worth clarifying, is 1609 kilometers per hour. But people who work with cars don't lose their enthusiasm. They rightly believe that everything is possible, and this too. The designers of Bloodhound SSC, for example, have a plan to set a new record. Most likely, the car intended for the race will be equipped with three power units. The first will be a hybrid rocket motor. The second will be the Eurojet EJ200 jet unit, which is used on a fighter aircraft called the Eurofighter Typhoon. And the third is a V-shaped engine with 8 cylinders from the Jaguar concern. It will, of course, run on gasoline. But this engine will be used to drive pumps that pump fuel to the rocket motor and activate the onboard electric generator.

Many women have also set car speed records. The best result is 843.3 km/h. It was reached by an American girl named Kitty Hambleton. And she set the record in 1976, in December. The engine power of her car was 48,000 “horses”.

The maximum that racers driving a car with a steam engine could achieve was 223.7 km/h. The car had 12 boilers, where the water was heated by burning natural gas. Every minute, approximately 40 kilograms of water evaporated in the boilers. The power of the installation was approximately 360 hp. With.

What can you say about the speed record for a production car? Naturally, the best in this regard is the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport hypercar. Its indicator is 431.072 kilometers per hour! But this is not the limit. After all, the fastest and most dynamic passenger car designed for road driving was... the Ford Badd GT! He was able to reach 455 km/h. And this is more than the notorious “Bugatti”.

Diesel “record breakers”

Cars whose engines run on diesel fuel are often underestimated. So, all stereotypes are instantly destroyed by JCB Dieselmax. This is the fastest car that consumes diesel fuel, not gasoline. Under the leadership of the same Andy Green, they set a record of 563.418 km/h. This happened in 2006. It is worth recalling that a similar test was carried out in 1973. The result that year was an order of magnitude lower - 379.5 km/h.

The fastest production car running on diesel fuel is a German representative. And this is the BMW 330 TDS. Its maximum is 320 km/h. The unit of this model has 6 cylinders and a volume of three liters. Plus, of course, turbocharging. The engine power is 300 “horses”. And the consumption, by the way, cannot but rejoice - only 8 liters per 100 km.

Other results

The car speed records by year were described above. As you can see, many good results were achieved not even in the 21st century. And indeed, it is so! For example, the Audi S4 released in 1992 is recognized as the fastest sedan in the world. This model is capable of reaching 418 km/h. In any case, this result was recorded during a race on dry Lake Bonneville. Under the hood of this all-wheel drive car was a 5-cylinder turbocharged engine. Its power was increased to 1100 hp. With.

He also set a speed record for a car with wheel drive. It was 737.4 km/h. And finally, we cannot help but mention the speed result that was achieved on a motorized balance beam - 76.625 km/h! This is exactly what the structure, made of cedar logs and car parts, achieved. The record, by the way, is fresh - it was recorded in 2016.

Russian indicators

Naturally, speaking on this topic, one cannot help but note the speed record for a car in Russia. “Ladas” and “Volgas” are produced on the territory of our country - they are still as far from racing cars as possible. But there is still some interesting record in history.

It was installed by people such as Oleg Bogdanov, Vladimir Solovyov and Viktor Panyarsky - the team of the magazine “Behind the wheel”. Men driving a VAZ-2109 crossed the whole of Europe in 45 hours and 30 minutes. The start was in Moscow, on Manezhnaya Square. And the “jet trip” ended in Lisbon, not far from the Belem Tower. The idea to make such a run did not come spontaneously. This was a response to the Portuguese initiative. In 1986, two Portuguese journalists arrived from Lisbon to the Russian capital. They covered the entire route in 51 hours and 30 minutes. Soviet journalists accepted the challenge and, one might say, won the unspoken argument.

And another case happened in 2009. A resident of Samara in his Lada-21099 reached a speed of 277 km/h! The most interesting thing is in a traffic jam, during rush hour, at about nine in the morning! The guy exceeded the speed limit by 217 kilometers. Also a kind of record. Possible, probably, only in Russia.

I would like to comment on the bottom. Of course, thanks to the author for the fact about the interesting achievement of Russian journalists, but the anti-Russian orientation of the paragraph is clearly visible.

But the point, as I see it, is not in the production of Lada and Volga, especially since other cars are now being produced, but in the fact that achieving a speed record is a separate issue. And what is extremely important, it is a very expensive and essentially useless topic. To do this, you need to create a new car, brought to perfection for a specific purpose. I think there are more important tasks in Russia now.

And in the very bottom paragraph, we are apparently talking about incorrect readings from traffic cameras. But the link is not provided.

The problem with all speed records when driving on a surface is that when high speeds are reached, the car no longer behaves like a car, but in many ways like an airplane, and it is not even the power of the engines that comes to the fore, but the aerodynamics of the car.

Well, naturally, you need to choose a perfectly flat and relatively long place for driving and testing, which is the condition that dry salt lakes usually satisfy. It is also worth mentioning the enormous danger of driving such a car. In essence, this is the same aircraft, which, according to the conditions, must touch the surface with its wheels, and in the event of the slightest unevenness, or incorrect action of the driver-pilot, as well as from many unaccounted factors, an accident cannot be ruled out, and at such speeds... let's just say, this is extremely dangerous.

And yet, humanity strives to raise the ceiling of speed records in cars, or rather, in race cars.

With a total thrust of 110,000 hp. With.


  • First speed record for a car with an internal combustion engine belongs to Emile Levassor, staged in the Paris-Bordeaux-Paris race in 1895.
  • The first officially registered absolute speed record- 63.149 km/h - set on December 18, 1898 by Count Gaston de Chasloux-Lobas on an electric car designed by Charles Jeantot at a distance of 1 km.
  • 100 km milestone The first person to cross the road on April 29, 1899 was the Belgian Camille Genatzi, who drove the electric car “La Jamais Contente” (with fr.  - “Always dissatisfied”) with an engine power of 67 hp. With. reached a speed of 105.876 km/h.
  • 200 km line speed was achieved in 1911 by racer R. Burman. In a Benz car, he showed 228.04 km/h.
  • 300 km milestone was first achieved by H. O. D. Seagrev in 1927. In the Sunbeam car, he showed 327.89 km/h.
  • 400 km milestone The speed was first surpassed by Malcolm Campbell in the Napier-Campbell car in 1932 (408.63 km/h).
  • 500 km milestone speed was overcome in 1937 by John Eyeston in a Rolls-Royce Easton car (502.43 km/h).
  • 1000 km milestone The speed was first surpassed on October 23, 1970 by the American Harry Gabelich in the rocket car “Blue Flame” (“Blue Flame”) on the Bonneville dry salt lake, showing an average speed of 1014.3 km/h. The Blue Flame was 11.3 m long and weighed 2250 kg.
  • For the first time the speed of sound in a car overcome by 36-year-old professional American stuntman Stan Barrett on a three-wheeled Budweiser Rocket with jet engines. The car had 2 engines installed. The main engine is a liquid-propellant rocket engine with a thrust of 9900 kgf. The second engine, a solid propellant rocket engine with a thrust of 2000 kgf, was installed in case the thrust of the main engine was not enough to overcome the speed of sound. The check-in took place at the airbase « Edwards » (California, USA) in December 1979. But this record was not officially registered by the FIA, since according to the rules of this organization, to register a record it is necessary to make two races in opposite directions to eliminate the influence of wind and slope of the track. The record speed is considered to be the arithmetic average of the speed in these two races. However, Stan Barrett abandoned the second race, considering that the record had been set. However, since the radar with which the speed was measured turned out to be out of synchronization and was aimed at the car manually, the achievement of a supersonic record speed in that race is generally questioned by many historians of record car races, in particular, it is not in the official report of the US armed forces, written by officers who controlled the radar during the race.
  • No car has yet crossed the speed limit of 1,000 mph (1,609 km/h). The designers of Bloodhound SSC have plans to set a new record. The vehicle will be equipped with three engines: a hybrid rocket engine, a Eurojet EJ200 jet engine used on the Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft, and a Jaguar 8-cylinder V-twin gasoline engine used to drive pumps that pump fuel to the rocket engine and drive the onboard electric generator.

Other categories

Bluebird Electric Speed ​​Records

Sir Malcolm Campbell broke the world speed record nine times in various Bluebird cars. On the sandy coast of Wales Pendine Sands he set the following records:

  • On September 25, 1924, Campbell set a record of 146.16 mph in a Sunbeam car.
  • On July 21, 1925, he reached a speed of 242.79 km/h, breaking the 150 mph mark.

Subsequently, Campbell abandoned Sunbeam cars and built cars of his own design.

  • At the beginning of 1927, Campbell raised the speed record to 281 km/h on Pendina Beach (UK).

A year later, Campbell took to the start line with the new Blue Bird. There, at Daytona, he set a record of 333 km/h.

  • In 1935, at Lake Bonneville, Utah, he reached a speed of 301.12 mph or 484.620 km/h.

Campbell set his latest record on the famous dry salt lake Bonneville in Utah, discovering that the lake's salty surface was not only perfectly smooth, but also provided excellent traction for the tires. Almost all subsequent speed records were set at Bonneville. After this, the no longer young Campbell (he was 49 years old) left the sport, however, in 1940 he broke the world speed record on water. Campbell's record was 237 km/h.

  • His son, Donald, continued the tradition and broke the 400 mph barrier in a Bluebird.

Donald Campbell first took the new Bluebird CN7 to the start line in 1960 at Bonneville. And one of the races almost ended in disaster: the car flew into the air at full speed, turned over and hit the ground. Contrary to expectations, the driver escaped with light scratches. Having completely rebuilt the Blue Bird and attached a high keel to it for better directional stability, Donald took it to Australia, to the salty Lake Eyre, deciding that the Bonneville track was no longer suitable for such speeds. As a result, Donald managed to break the record only in 1964. It was 403 mph (648 km/h). When designing the car, Donald Campbell expected much more. But he must have been happy about this, especially since at that time he was officially listed as the fastest racer on the planet.

  • Don Wales, son of Donald Campbell and grandson of Sir Malcolm Campbell, is now the holder of one of the world speed records. He set two American national records and eight British records. Wales, following Donald Campbell, continued to set records, the first of which was the speed record for a car in 1998.
  • In 2009, Don Wales set the current speed record for a steam car at 238.68 km/h (148.31 mph).

In total, Bluebird cars set 27 speed records.


  • World's fastest motorcycle speed- 605.697 km/h - achieved on September 25, 2010 by American Rocky Robinson at the Bonneville salt lake.
  • The world's fastest speeds on a bicycle- 334.6, 222.2 and 133.8 km/h - achieved respectively on October 15, 1995, April 21, 2000 and September 14, 2013 in the so-called. racing behind the leader - a car (which took on the bulk of the aerodynamic drag and created a rarefied zone for the cyclist, unhooking from the leader at a speed of 160 km/h), during a free descent and on a flat surface without a leader.

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  • on the website of the International Automobile Federation

An excerpt characterizing car speed records

“I got up late and woke up and lay on my bed for a long time, indulging in laziness. My God! help me and strengthen me, that I may walk in Your ways. I read the Holy Scripture, but without the proper feeling. Brother Urusov came and talked about the vanities of the world. He talked about the new plans of the sovereign. I began to condemn, but I remembered my rules and the words of our benefactor that a true Freemason must be a diligent worker in the state when his participation is required, and a calm contemplator of what he is not called to. My tongue is my enemy. Brothers G.V. and O. visited me, there was a preparatory conversation for the acceptance of a new brother. They entrust me with the duty of a rhetorician. I feel weak and unworthy. Then they started talking about explaining the seven pillars and steps of the temple. 7 sciences, 7 virtues, 7 vices, 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. Brother O. was very eloquent. In the evening the acceptance took place. The new arrangement of the premises contributed greatly to the splendor of the spectacle. Boris Drubetskoy was accepted. I proposed it, I was the rhetorician. A strange feeling worried me throughout my stay with him in the dark temple. I found in myself a feeling of hatred towards him, which I strive in vain to overcome. And therefore, I would truly like to save him from evil and lead him onto the path of truth, but bad thoughts about him did not leave me. I thought that his purpose in joining the brotherhood was only the desire to get closer to people, to be in favor with those in our lodge. Apart from the grounds that he asked several times whether N. and S. were in our box (to which I could not answer him), except that, according to my observations, he is incapable of feeling respect for our holy Order and is too busy and satisfied with the outer man, so as to desire spiritual improvement, I had no reason to doubt him; but he seemed insincere to me, and all the time when I stood with him eye to eye in the dark temple, it seemed to me that he was smiling contemptuously at my words, and I really wanted to prick his naked chest with the sword that I was holding, pointed at it. . I could not be eloquent and could not sincerely communicate my doubts to the brothers and the great master. Great Architect of nature, help me find the true paths that lead out of the labyrinth of lies.”
After this, three pages were missing from the diary, and then the following was written:
“I had an instructive and long conversation alone with brother V., who advised me to stick to brother A. Much, although unworthy, was revealed to me. Adonai is the name of the Creator of the world. Elohim is the name of the ruler of all. The third name, the spoken name, has the meaning of the Whole. Conversations with Brother V. strengthen, refresh and confirm me on the path of virtue. With him there is no room for doubt. The difference between the poor teaching of the social sciences and our holy, all-embracing teaching is clear to me. Human sciences subdivide everything - in order to understand, kill everything - in order to examine it. In the holy science of the Order, everything is one, everything is known in its totality and life. Trinity - the three principles of things - sulfur, mercury and salt. Sulfur of unctuous and fiery properties; in combination with salt, its fiery arouses hunger in it, through which it attracts mercury, seizes it, holds it and collectively produces separate bodies. Mercury is a liquid and volatile spiritual essence - Christ, the Holy Spirit, He."
“December 3rd.
“I woke up late, read the Holy Scripture, but was insensitive. Then he went out and walked around the hall. I wanted to think, but instead my imagination imagined an incident that happened four years ago. Mister Dolokhov, after my duel, meeting me in Moscow, told me that he hopes that I now enjoy complete peace of mind, despite the absence of my wife. I didn’t answer anything then. Now I remembered all the details of this meeting and in my soul I spoke to him the most vicious words and caustic answers. I came to my senses and gave up this thought only when I saw myself in the heat of anger; but he didn’t repent enough of it. Then Boris Drubetskoy came and began to tell various adventures; From the very moment he arrived, I became dissatisfied with his visit and told him something disgusting. He objected. I flared up and told him a lot of unpleasant and even rude things. He fell silent and I only realized it when it was already too late. My God, I don’t know how to deal with him at all. The reason for this is my pride. I put myself above him and therefore become much worse than him, for he is condescending to my rudeness, and on the contrary, I have contempt for him. My God, grant me, in his presence, to see more of my abomination and act in such a way that it would be useful to him too. After lunch I fell asleep and while falling asleep, I clearly heard a voice saying in my left ear: “Your day.”
“I saw in a dream that I was walking in the dark, and suddenly surrounded by dogs, but I walked without fear; suddenly one small one grabbed me by the left thigh with its teeth and did not let go. I began to crush it with my hands. And as soon as I tore it off, another, even larger one, began to gnaw at me. I began to lift it and the more I lifted it, the larger and heavier it became. And suddenly brother A. comes and, taking me by the arm, took me with him and led me to a building, to enter which I had to walk along a narrow board. I stepped on it and the board bent and fell, and I began to climb onto the fence, which I could barely reach with my hands. After much effort, I dragged my body so that my legs hung on one side and my torso on the other side. I looked around and saw that Brother A. was standing on the fence and pointing out to me a large alley and a garden, and in the garden there was a large and beautiful building. I woke up. Lord, Great Architect of Nature! help me tear away from myself the dogs - my passions and the last of them, which combines in itself the forces of all the previous ones, and help me enter that temple of virtue, which I achieved in a dream.”
“December 7th.
“I had a dream that Joseph Alekseevich was sitting in my house, I was very happy, and I wanted to treat him. It’s as if I’m chatting incessantly with strangers and suddenly I remember that he can’t like this, and I want to approach him and hug him. But as soon as I approached, I see that his face has changed, it has become youthful, and he is quietly telling me something from the teachings of the Order, so quietly that I cannot hear. Then it was as if we all left the room, and something strange happened. We sat or lay on the floor. He told me something. But I seemed to want to show him my sensitivity and, without listening to his speech, I began to imagine the state of my inner man and the mercy of God that had overshadowed me. And tears appeared in my eyes, and I was glad that he noticed it. But he looked at me with annoyance and jumped up, stopping his conversation. I became afraid and asked if what was said applied to me; but he didn’t answer, showed me a gentle look, and then we suddenly found ourselves in my bedroom, where there is a double bed. He lay down on the edge of it, and I seemed to be burning with a desire to caress him and lie down right there. And he seemed to ask me: “Tell me the truth, what is your main passion?” Did you recognize him? I think you already recognize him." Confused by this question, I answered that laziness was my main passion. He shook his head in disbelief. And I, even more embarrassed, answered that, although I live with my wife, on his advice, but not as my wife’s husband. To this he objected that he should not deprive his wife of his affection, and made me feel that this was my duty. But I answered that I was ashamed of this, and suddenly everything disappeared. And I woke up, and found in my thoughts the text of the Holy Scripture: There is light in man, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not embrace it. Joseph Alekseevich’s face was youthful and bright. On this day I received a letter from my benefactor, in which he writes about the duties of marriage.”
“December 9th.
“I had a dream from which I woke up with my heart fluttering. I saw that I was in Moscow, in my house, in a large sofa room, and Joseph Alekseevich was coming out of the living room. It was as if I immediately found out that the process of rebirth had already taken place with him, and I rushed to meet him. I seem to kiss him and his hands, and he says: “Did you notice that my face is different?” I looked at him, continuing to hold him in my arms, and it was as if I saw that his face was young, but there was only a hair on his head. no, and the features are completely different. And it’s as if I were saying to him: “I would recognize you if I happened to meet you,” and meanwhile I think: “Did I tell the truth?” And suddenly I see that he is lying like a dead corpse; then he gradually came to his senses and entered with me into a large office, holding a large book, written on Alexandrian sheets. And it’s as if I’m saying: “I wrote this.” And he answered me by bowing his head. I opened the book, and in this book there was beautiful drawing on all the pages. And I seem to know that these paintings represent the love affairs of the soul with its lover. And on the pages I seem to see a beautiful image of a girl in transparent clothes and with a transparent body, flying towards the clouds. And as if I knew that this girl is nothing more than an image of the Song of Songs. And it’s as if, looking at these drawings, I feel that what I’m doing is bad, and I can’t tear myself away from them. God help me! My God, if this abandonment of me by You is Your action, then Thy will be done; but if I myself caused this, then teach me what to do. I will perish from my depravity if You forsake me completely.”

The Rostovs' financial affairs did not improve during the two years they spent in the village.
Despite the fact that Nikolai Rostov, firmly adhering to his intention, continued to serve darkly in a remote regiment, spending relatively little money, the course of life in Otradnoye was such, and especially Mitenka conducted business in such a way that the debts grew uncontrollably every year. The only help that obviously seemed to the old count was service, and he came to St. Petersburg to look for places; look for places and at the same time, as he said, amuse the girls for the last time.
Soon after the Rostovs arrived in St. Petersburg, Berg proposed to Vera, and his proposal was accepted.
Despite the fact that in Moscow the Rostovs belonged to high society, without knowing it or thinking about what society they belonged to, in St. Petersburg their society was mixed and uncertain. In St. Petersburg they were provincials, to whom the very people whom the Rostovs fed in Moscow, without asking them to what society they belonged, did not descend.
The Rostovs lived in St. Petersburg as hospitably as in Moscow, and at their dinners a wide variety of people gathered: neighbors in Otradnoye, old poor landowners with their daughters and the maid of honor Peronskaya, Pierre Bezukhov and the son of the district postmaster, who served in St. Petersburg. Of the men, Boris, Pierre, whom the old count, having met on the street, dragged to his place, and Berg, who spent whole days with the Rostovs and showed the elder Countess Vera such attention as a young man can give, very soon became household people in the Rostovs’ house in St. Petersburg. intending to make an offer.

When choosing and evaluating a car, they often look at its appearance, cost or fuel consumption. But still, the most attractive thing about the car is its speed. That is why we decided to compile a list of the fastest iron horses to find out who owns world speed record for a car?

10. Ferrari LaFerrari

Our list of the history of car speed records opens with the Italian hybrid Ferrari LaFerrari. Its engine is powered by both gasoline and electricity, so on top of the base 789 horsepower, the iron monster has an additional 161 horses. Its creators have invested in it many systems that they equip their cars that compete in Formula 1 competitions. Speed ​​– 350 km/h

The British development of 2013, which also has a hybrid engine, impresses with its capabilities, and most importantly, its agility. It has several functions taken from racing cars and in terms of speed it is on par with the LaFerrari - also 350 km/h.

Another English model that breaks into the list of speed records for production cars, due to the fact that it is in no way inferior to the two previous cars, demonstrating 350 km/h. It was originally planned to equip the XJ220 with a V12 engine, providing all-wheel drive, but the end result was only a V6 and rear-wheel drive.

7. Aston Martin One

The most lightning-fast Aston in the entire history of the brand, created and presented to the public back in 2008. Despite its size and 7.3-liter engine, it accelerates to 355 km/h. In total, exactly 77 copies of these were released.

What is the speed record for a car? You have to ask the creators of McLaren, because their cars have been distinguished by the highest performance for decades. The F1 has a V12 engine from BMW, a body made of carbon fiber and the ability to accelerate to 388 km/h.

5. SSC Ultimate Aero

Many have not even heard of this car, but it was he who held the record for maximum speed in a car for one year. The Ultimate Aero managed to beat the Bugatti Veyron record, showing a result of 414 km/h, but very soon lost to its opponent again.

4. Bugatti Chiron

The model, whose name is a reference to a Greek deity, was supposed to be a replacement for the Veyron era, but was not. Yes, it accelerates to 420 km/h, but at the same time it is still inferior to the latest version of the “Super Sport” class by as much as 10 km/h.

3. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

The world-famous Volkswagen company acquired all rights to Bugatti with one single goal - to make the fastest car in the world. And it is so, because at the moment this is exactly what is written in the Guinness Book of Records. Super Sport reaches a speed of 431 km/h.

2. Hennessey Venom GT

Another dark horse of the world of high speeds is Hennessey, a sports car built on the basis of the well-known Lotus. He was able to accelerate to 435.2 km/h, but did not get into the Guinness Book of Records due to not following all the rules for conducting the test.

1. Koenigsegg Agera RS

What is the world record for car speed? 447 km/h and it belongs to the creation of Swedish auto industry masters, who gave their best when creating the Agera RS, which has 1360 horsepower at its disposal, as well as a V8 engine.

All sorts of car speed records have been set. The interest to conquer the track has probably always been in the blood of racing fans, from the very moment the cars appeared. And many succeeded.

Absolute result

So, before talking about all sorts of car speed records (of which there are many), it’s worth mentioning the most important result. The maximum figure was reached in 1997, on October 15. Then a new, absolute and to this day unconquered speed record for a car was set. 1229.78 km/h - this is exactly the mark on the speedometer that the needle reached. And the conqueror of the track was Andy Green, an Englishman and fighter pilot. The record was set in the desert. The car, naturally, was not an ordinary one, but a jet - Thrust SSC.

The route, which was 21 kilometers long, was marked at the bottom of a dry lake located in the Black Rock Desert. Andy's car was powered by two powerful, turbofan power units from a Rolls Royce. Each engine was equipped with forced traction. And the total power of the engines reached an incredible 110,000 horsepower. It is not surprising that Green managed to accelerate to such a mark.

“Pioneers”-record holders

Now you can delve into other topics. So, the first world speed record in a car equipped with an internal combustion engine was set by a person like Emile Levassor. This was in 1985. Then the Paris-Bordeaux race took place. In fact, these were the first speed competitions! And Emil won them. His phrase, which he said after the races, is widely known: “It was crazy! I did up to thirty kilometers per hour!” Of course, at that time, at the end of the 19th century, the indicators were truly stunning. True, Emil also died because of his love of racing. In 1987, during a speed competition, he had an accident - he was trying to avoid a collision with a dog. And soon he died due to his wounds. But his speed record in a car with an internal combustion engine remained forever in history.

The following results were officially recorded. In 1898, a speed of 63.149 km/h was reached. The motorist was Count Gaston de Chasselou-Lobas. He then drove an electric car designed by Charles Jeantot. By the way, this was the first officially registered record.

Distance racing

Already at the end of the 19th century, speed competitions began to be held, in which motorists had to cover a certain distance. Whoever was first won, everything is logical. And the first was the 100-kilometer distance. She was captivated by Camille Zhenatzi, a Belgian motorist. And it was April 29, 1899. He also drove an electric car that produced 40 horsepower. The maximum he reached was 105.8 km/h.

The next distance was 200 kilometers. It was conquered in 1911. And then R. Burman became the winner. It is not difficult to guess that he drove a car from the Benz company. His maximum car speed record was incredible - 228 km/h! Needless to say, not all modern cars of some brands can produce such a maximum.

300 kilometers was conquered for the first time by H. O. D. Sigrev. This was in 1927. And its maximum stopped at 327.8 km/h. Then, in 1932, there was a 400-kilometer race. Malcolm Campbell managed to win. And it was 408.6 km/h.

The 500-kilometer race in a Rolls-Royce Iceton was won by John Iceton in 1937. He “squeezed” a maximum of 502.4 km/h out of the car. And finally, a thousand kilometers. This distance was overcome by Harry Gabelich in 1970, on October 23. His car was a rocket car called the Blue Flame. was 1014.3 km/h. Interestingly, the car was 11.3 meters long. The race took place on a dry salt lake called Bonneville.

Sound speed

And once we managed to overcome it. This was first done by a man named Stan Barrett. This is a professional stuntman from America, who was 36 years old at the time of the event. He set a record in a 3-wheeled car. It was called the Budweiser Rocket. The car was driven by them. By the way, there were two of them. The main engine is a liquid propellant engine with a thrust of 9900 kgf. And the second is a solid propellant rocket engine. It had a thrust of 2000 kgf. It was installed in the car in order to use additional power if the main one is not enough to overcome the declared speed.

The race took place at an air base in California in 1979. By the way, when talking about car speed records, one cannot help but note that this one was not registered by the FIA. And all because the rules of the organization state: to record the result, you need to conduct two races in two different directions. This is done to eliminate the slope of the route and the influence of wind. Stan Barrett turned it down. He said the record has already been set.

For a thousand miles

So far, no one has managed to break the 1,000 mph speed limit. This, it is worth clarifying, is 1609 kilometers per hour. But people who work with cars don't lose their enthusiasm. They rightly believe that everything is possible, and this too. The designers of Bloodhound SSC, for example, have a plan to set a new record. Most likely, the car intended for the race will be equipped with three power units. The first will be a hybrid rocket motor. The second will be the Eurojet EJ200 jet unit, which is used on a fighter aircraft called And the third will be a V-shaped engine with 8 cylinders from the Jaguar concern. It will, of course, run on gasoline. But this engine will be used to drive pumps that pump fuel to the rocket motor and activate the onboard electric generator.

Other categories

Many women have also set car speed records. The best result is 843.3 km/h. It was reached by an American girl named Kitty Hambleton. And she set the record in 1976, in December. The engine power of her car was 48,000 “horses”.

The maximum that racers driving a car with a steam engine could achieve was 223.7 km/h. The car had 12 boilers, where the water was heated by burning natural gas. Every minute, approximately 40 kilograms of water evaporated in the boilers. The power of the installation was approximately 360 hp. With.

What can you say about the speed record for a production car? Naturally, the best in this regard is the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport hypercar. Its indicator is 431.072 kilometers per hour! But this is not the limit. After all, the fastest and most dynamic passenger car designed for road driving was... the Ford Badd GT! He was able to reach 455 km/h. And this is more than the notorious “Bugatti”.

Diesel “record breakers”

Cars whose engines run on diesel fuel are often underestimated. So, all stereotypes are instantly destroyed by JCB Dieselmax. It consumes diesel fuel, not gasoline. Under the leadership of the same Andy Green, they set a record of 563.418 km/h. This happened in 2006. It is worth recalling that a similar test was carried out in 1973. The result that year was an order of magnitude lower - 379.5 km/h.

The fastest production car running on diesel fuel is a German representative. And this is the BMW 330 TDS. Its maximum is 320 km/h. The unit of this model has 6 cylinders and a volume of three liters. Plus, of course, turbocharging. The engine power is 300 “horses”. And the consumption, by the way, cannot but rejoice - only 8 liters per 100 km.

Other results

The car speed records by year were described above. As you can see, many good results were achieved not even in the 21st century. And indeed, it is so! For example, the Audi S4 released in 1992 is recognized. This model is capable of reaching 418 km/h. In any case, this result was recorded during a race on dry Lake Bonneville. Under the hood of this all-wheel drive car was a 5-cylinder turbocharged engine. Its power was increased to 1100 hp. With.

He also set a speed record for a car with wheel drive. It was 737.4 km/h. And finally, we cannot help but mention the speed result that was achieved on a motorized balance beam - 76.625 km/h! This is exactly what the structure, made of cedar logs and car parts, achieved. The record, by the way, is fresh - it was recorded in 2016.

Russian indicators

Naturally, speaking on this topic, one cannot help but note the speed record for a car in Russia. “Ladas” and “Volgas” are produced on the territory of our country - they are still as far away from them as possible. But there is still some interesting record in history.

It was installed by people such as Oleg Bogdanov, Vladimir Solovyov and Viktor Panyarsky - the team of the magazine “Behind the Wheel”. Men driving a VAZ-2109 crossed the whole of Europe in 45 hours and 30 minutes. The start was in Moscow, on Manezhnaya Square. And the “jet trip” ended in Lisbon, not far from the Belem Tower. The idea to make such a run did not come spontaneously. This was a response to the Portuguese initiative. In 1986, two Portuguese journalists arrived from Lisbon to the Russian capital. They covered the entire route in 51 hours and 30 minutes. Soviet journalists accepted the challenge and, one might say, won the unspoken argument.

And another case happened in 2009. A resident of Samara in his Lada-21099 reached a speed of 277 km/h! The most interesting thing is in a traffic jam, during rush hour, at about nine in the morning! The guy exceeded the speed limit by 217 kilometers. Also a kind of record. Possible, probably, only in Russia.

Many of us dream of setting our own speed record, but this usually comes with some difficulties, such as paying a fine for speeding. And this is simply a dangerous activity.

As for professional racers, they do this in specially designated places under the supervision of professional mechanics, doctors and, of course, representatives of the committee, who, in fact, record speed records. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten most interesting records set both on land and on water.

1. Land speed record

The absolute land speed record was set on October 15, 1997 by Andy Green, a British Air Force pilot. He did this on Black Rock Desert with a TurboSSC jet engine. He became the first driver to reach supersonic speed and break the sound barrier. Let us remember that the speed of sound is 1225 km/h, and Andy was able to accelerate to 1228 km/h.2. Underwater speed record

Usually such information is kept in the strictest confidence, since such records are set mainly by submarines, and this is a state secret. Therefore, there is only unofficial data on this matter. In 1965, the American Gato Albacore class submarine showed a speed of around 61 km/h or 33 knots. As for our submarines, the fastest one at the moment is considered, again according to unofficial data, to be the Akula class submarine, which reaches a speed of 64 km/h. It is noteworthy that its predecessor, the Alpha class submarine, could reach speeds of up to 82.7 km/h. 3. Motorcycle speed record

American Bill Warner broke the world speed record, accelerating to 502 km/h on a tuned Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa bike.
For the race, which was held on the 2.4-kilometer runway at the US Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine, Wild Brothers Racing prepared an upgraded version of the motorcycle, which is considered the fastest production bike in the world.

The modified motorcycle was equipped with a 1299 cubic centimeter engine with a Garrett turbocharger. 1000 hp motor (the standard Suzuki Hayabusa has only 197 horsepower) runs on methanol. The power unit alone costs about $160 thousand.

In addition, the motorcycle received an aerodynamic body kit, an improved gearbox, clutch, exhaust system, rear suspension and other brakes. Suzuki also installed full carbon wheels from BST, which are planned to soon be offered for production motorcycles, with Continental tires measuring 120/70 at the front and 240/40 at the rear.

The previous motorcycle speed record (448 km/h) also belonged to Warner. Previously, the record belonged to Dean Sabatinelli, who managed to reach a speed of 431 km/h on a motorcycle.
4. The fastest boat

The most interesting fact in this story is that the fastest boat was built almost on its own. Australian racer Ken Warby made it in his own yard. And the record itself was set on October 8, 1978 and was 513 km/h. At the same time, he broke his own record, set a year earlier. Then the speed was recorded at 467 km/h.
5. The fastest sailboat

The fastest sailing vessel, or rather a surfboard with a sail attached to it, popularly called windsurfing, belongs to the world champion in this sport, Fanion Maynard. He set his record in France in April 2005, beating his own, set in November 2004. The first one was 86.7 km/h, the new one was 90 km/h.
6. The fastest catamaran

Led by the French yachtsman Bruno Peiron, the Orange II vessel, only 38 meters long, was able to accelerate to a speed of 51.5 km/h during a regatta in July 2006. It is noteworthy that in 2005, the Orange II team made a trip around the world on the same ship, which took 50 days, 16 hours and 20 minutes.
7. The fastest train

In this category, first place goes to the French TGV, which is currently the fastest operating train in the world. In April 2007, during testing, he was able to reach 575 km/h. This is about the classic train. If we take magnetic levitation trains into account, then in this category the leader is the Japanese JR-Maglev, which was able to accelerate to 581 km/h. But there is another category - toy trains. The fastest of them can reach 10 km/h. Japanese train JR-Maglev
8. The fastest cyclist

Yes, and this category has its own record holders. Fred Rompelberg in 1995 was able to accelerate to 269 km/h. It seems unrealistic, but this is a recorded result. He did this by positioning himself behind the car, getting into the so-called aerodynamic bag. 9. The fastest steam car

The British Steam Car Challenge brought together enthusiasts who were passionate (in a good way) about speed and steam cars. The team first met in 1999 and have been dreaming of a record ever since. At the beginning of August this year, the first test run took place, and even then it was possible to accelerate the British Steam to 210.8 km/h. It turns out that the record of 205.44 km/h set by Fred Marriott on the Stanley Rocket, which had stood since 1906, has fallen. But due to some hiccups, it was not officially registered. After this, another race was held on the territory of the US Air Force Base "Edwards". And the best part for the creators of the ferry car is that they managed to overcome their previous achievement. The new official record is 225.055 km/h.
10. Fastest electric car

There is an opinion that electric cars are necessarily very slow, but this certainly cannot be said about the Buckeye Bullet. This car was designed and built by Ohio State University students. The record was set on October 13, 2004 at the Bonneville Salt Lake and was 437 km/h. Apparently, the driver of this car, Roger Schroer, was somewhat dissatisfied with the result and two days later, that is, on October 15, 2004, he repeated his race and was able to reach 506 km/h. This figure was recorded in the book of records.