Versus and the rest: how rap battles work and how they make money. What is Versus Battle Versus Battle - History of Versus Battle

“Versus” is the largest rap battle in Russia; it is a prototype of an American show on the Internet, during which participants take part in reading prepared excerpts of texts in the style of rap and hip-hop, standing opposite their opponent. In Russia, more than 1 million 33 thousand people subscribed to the “Versus Battle” page on the Vkontakte social network. The same number of subscribers are on the YouTube video channel.

Versus - no restrictions

In Russia, rap and hip-hop culture is inferior in scale to the American movement, and domestic performers of this genre have not yet become global stars, such as Eminem or Jay-Z. And yet there are enough fans of the “black neighborhood style” in the country - and recently the opportunity to hold a speech duel between rappers has expanded the horizons of this trend and attracted hundreds of thousands of fans to the culture.

Stars who take part in rap battles and perform at a decent level secure their place on the Russian hip-hop walk of fame.

In this regard, “Versus” is a kind of platform for the release of emotions through creativity, an opportunity to prove to oneself and fans of the genre that not everyone can “read” with dignity.

A distinctive feature of this channel is the absence of lexical restrictions in statements to your opponent within the round: that is, curses, insults and swearing at the enemy in Versus battle are allowed if they are not immoral or calling for hostility on the basis of nationality. Such “low blows” will not go unnoticed by the judges (most often there are three of them, but there may be five), and a participant with such a meager vocabulary and the inability to use it will not win the battle.

A little about the creator of the battle

The father of “Versus” is a restaurateur, the permanent presenter of each episode on the channel and the main organizer of all meetings. He received his nickname due to the fact that the first battle was organized right at Timartsev’s workplace - in a restaurant.

Subsequently, he and his friends came up with the idea to transform the idea into something larger. And now “Versus” is a full-fledged, mature project that gave birth to such a star in the rap and hip-hop industry as Noize MC.

Timartsev, without hesitation, openly says that the project has not yet brought in millions of dollars, which many people mistakenly think - the reason for this is, of course, that this movement is only gaining momentum in Russia, and for the idea to bear financial fruit, you have to wait more than one year.

"Versus": how much?

The rules of rap without rules are simple: there are always two participants in each battle, they know each other in advance. Before the start of the verbal battle, each of them must prepare 3 passages (one in each round) addressing their opponent and read them out. As a rule, the form of address is “tasteful insult.” The brighter, wittier, and sharper the participant’s reading, the more chances he will have of winning.

Victory is awarded based on the decision of the judges, each of whom is an expert in his or her field. But the results, as a rule, become clear to everyone even before the end of the battle - spectators who directly observe the process along with the restaurateur and judges can support or boo the participant.

Fresh blood: rappers from the yard rock stadiums

To expand the boundaries of the battle and give aspiring rappers a chance to become famous, the organizers created another platform for those whose names are known only in a narrow circle - “Versus: Fresh Blood”. At the qualifying stage, the winner in this category is determined only by the viewer of the channel - which balances the chances of all beginning artists, and makes it possible to gain instant popularity among fans of the genre.

Today, only people who completely ignore the fact of the existence of YouTube do not know what a version battle is. Everyone else has at least heard about this phenomenon, and many have watched the episodes, the most popular of which receive tens of millions of views.

How to become famous on the Internet?

In the 21st century, thanks to the development of the network, you can become popular in a few days:

  • Many heroes of viral videos have this “unwanted popularity”;
  • Many modern stars are trying to “promote” themselves on social networks;
  • For some, gaining popularity becomes an end in itself and the result of painstaking work;
  • The Internet has become another “springboard into people” for the talented and ambitious.

The main desire is already clear - it’s easy to monetize your recognition and turn it into very real profit. Enough:

  1. Gather your audience;
  2. Get people interested in quality materials;
  3. Steadily release new content over a period of time;
  4. Intrigue your viewers or readers.

And if at first you have to work independently for your popularity, then everything will go according to the “snow globe” principle. Although, by relaxing and resting on your laurels, you can lose the lion’s share of your audience at the expense of those who have not yet achieved significant success, but are no longer averse to “biting off a piece of someone else’s pie.”

What does versus mean?

Latin and English are in complete agreement, versus - opposition. Theoretically, it could imply a confrontation between anyone or anything. If you remember your childhood and the game Mortal Combat, before each fight between the characters there was a “vs.” - short for versus.

But in this case we are not talking about old games:

  • Versus is a St. Petersburg project designed to popularize rap culture;
  • Author and permanent presenter - Restaurateur;
  • Within each episode there is a confrontation (battle) between two rappers;
  • Each person is given 3 rounds and complete freedom of speech;
  • At the end of the episode, a jury of 3 or 5 judges renders its verdict;
    Each member of the panel of judges casts his vote for the one he considers the winner, motivating his action;
  • No financial rewards, only respect and popularity.

Over the entire existence of the site, the number of videos on the channel has exceeded one and a half hundred, but really popular videos - less than 10.

However, it is difficult to say that the audience was not interested in the remaining battles - from 500 thousand to 3 million views, on average.

Viewers give their preference to episodes in which they take part:

  1. Oxxxymiron;
  2. Rickey F;
  3. XXOS;
  4. Larin and .

How to get to the Versus Battle as a spectator?

During the first releases, one strange moment caught my eye - the venue was half empty, no crowd. With the growing popularity of the channel, the situation changed; during each new version the bar is packed to capacity, but in connection with this they opened new problems:

  • The 17/03 bar itself is not designed for a large number of spectators;
  • A certain number of “tickets” go to participants and organizers to invite their friends and support;
  • There is no particular desire to let strangers into the “celebration of life” after tour events.

So it turns out that ordering tickets online or buying them on the spot is unrealistic. If you know someone or someone knows you, no problem, they will guide you through. And the financial component will not help much in this matter. Theoretically, anyone can write to the project participants, but everything depends on charisma and amenability.

During the filming of Versus FreshBlood, everything is somewhat simpler - the project participants have not yet “caught their star,” so they are more active in making contact and it is not so difficult to become an invited guest who will support one of the speakers.

The popularity of the project helped revive the careers of many already forgotten performers and even gave popularity to newcomers:

  1. RickeyF- remembered for the immoral battles in the second season of FB;
  2. Alphabet- winner of the first season, a native of Kazakhstan and owner of an outstanding fastflow;
  3. XXOS- the winner of the second season, drinking away the prize fund and acquired popularity;
  4. Oxxxymiron- one of the strongest representatives of the entire site;
  5. - a performer who “lit up” in 2016, a destroyer of spiritual bonds.

What is Versus BPM (BPM)?

For a better understanding, abbreviations should always be spelled out:

  1. B- beats;
  2. P- per;
  3. M- minute.

Parameter beatsperminute indicates the speed of music playback - the number of quaternary notes sounded in 1 minute. Most performers use the range from 30 to 240 bpm, but for battles I liked the number 140:

  • High speed;
  • The ability to set your own aggressive style;
  • Not so fast that you can no longer make out the words;
  • Looks impressive from the outside.

Among domestic performers there are many for whom such speed is an insurmountable barrier. And for just a few, this bit will be too slow.

For a long time, the “Versus battle” platform ignored this format, refusing beats, but since the fall of 2016, the approach to the situation has changed:

  • It has become simply impossible to deny the popularity of 140 BPM;
  • Other venues were getting deserved attention for the new format;
  • Many famous rappers expressed their desire to hold a battle to the beats.

The result was more energetic and less drawn out rounds with good music. A plus for the audience and a good bonus for the organizers in the form of audience growth.

Popularity of the version on Youtube

Versus is a successful project on YouTube, designed to popularize rap culture:

  1. The most popular were the releases with Oxxxymiron, Slava CPSU, Rickey F, Khovansky and Larin;
  2. In each confrontation, performers have three rounds to express what they think about their opponent;
  3. The number of views on the most popular battles is already measured in tens of millions;
  4. It is almost impossible to go to the shooting of the issue without having any acquaintances;
  5. New formats appear too rarely, and advertising only becomes more numerous.

The project definitely has a future. At least due to the number of subscribers and regular viewers that they have already attracted. But the quality of the content is steadily falling, new interesting performers are not appearing, and the greed of the organizers is only growing. And maintaining the interest of the audience is not so easy.

Yes, it was funny when grown-up guys or yesterday’s schoolchildren stood opposite each other and hurled their last words at their opponents. But it's interesting to watch once, maybe twice. Yes, even a dozen. But not from year to year.

Even people who are not interested in rap culture already know what a Versus Battle is due to its incredible popularity. I wonder how long she will last.

Video: how do rap fights go?

Versus battle is a duel between two participating performers (Rappers, MCs), who, over three rounds, must verbally, in a close circle of spectators, “take out” the opponent. In this case, profanity and profanity may be used. The fight (versus battle) is judged by judges - experts from the hip-hop industry, rap artists or famous public figures.

Versus Battle - History Versus Battle

Battle has always been an integral part of human history.With their help, the world gained leaders by weeding out the weak.Became stronger and more perfect. Times passed, and the attribute Battles no longer required bloodshed.

The battles were embodied in competitions. And they, in turn, creativity.

First shoots similarities to poetic duelsoriginated inScotland16th century, when two poets, in a tavern,insulted each other with unpleasant rhymesfor the amusement of the public.

Reminds me of something, doesn’t it?

Interesting facts about Versus Battle:

  • Since 2017, all participants receive a fixed fee of 70.k. rubles
  • The phrase “Make some noise, damn it!” came to the restaurateur came to all the feasts
  • Initially, “Versus” could be called “Suprotiv”
  • Initially, SLOVO could have been called “Versus”
  • Nationalist, religious and political inserts are not allowed in Versus
  • The first years of the battle paid off at zero

The history of rap battles

Hip-hop culture gradually filled the information noise, transforming from street performances into a full-fledged musical genre.

Besides rap starswho boldly took their place in the pantheonlegendary artists, on a par with Hendrix and Morrison,local points appeared around the world where newcomers gathered,honing your freestyle skills in fights.

These were offline battles in whichrappers met with an opponent, causing the enemydamage with rhyming lines, punchlines and extraordinary flow.

“Go forward where they are not expected; attack where you are not prepared.”

Sun Tzu

By the end of the first decade of 2000, this phenomenoncomes out of the shadows of the underground, becoming publicly available.

In the USA, Canada and European countriesthe first battle platforms are born -KOTD , GringTimeNow And Don't Flop who will become ideological inspirersVersus Battle , increasing the scale of each of them.Opponents battled with prepared texts, competing with each other.

“Versus Battle is one of the unusual ways of handling language, a way to look at language, at versification differently, because in the end it is also versification, just with different meters, sometimes without meter at all, there are just rhymes, there are special meters - for I found this a very interesting experience working with language. .

Versus Founders - Restaurateur Founder of Versus

Behind the appearance of suchphenomenon How Versus Battle , which radically changed the culture,there was a team of peoplewhich ultimately came down to two individuals -Alexander Timartsev, he is also Jan .

Firstis involved in the organizational part of the event,second— Internet promo.

Besides, to the ideological component and primary organizations put his hand in with whom I was well acquaintedRestaurateur .

He helped the guysbring together and interest rappers before Versus became national treasure.

How did Versus Battle come about?

At the beginning of 2010, returning from the armyRestaurateur was a regular at variousfreestyle battles, simultaneously keeping an eye on their foreigncolleagues on already formed platforms.

One day he saw a battle between a teacher and a student on “Don't Flop”, which sparked the idea in his head that it was time to create a local equivalent of the event.

On that moment Restaurateur was cookin a restaurant, and the first organized battle(even before Versus)went right there. It's funny that nick Restaurateur was invented by a rapperJubilee when he came to visitAlexandru .

For 2.5 years, the restaurateur hatched the idea of ​​a full-fledged battlebefore the first one took placeVersus. Moreover, the first 200 thousand rubles for providence were borrowed from Ilya Mamai, general director Booking Machine - label Oksimiron .

With the embodiment of the ideaRestaurateur the Krasnodar guys managed to overtakePLC and Hyde , releasing the first episode“Word Battle 2012” , six months before “Versus ”.

“On Versus there is a more comfortable atmosphere... As for the battles themselves, there is no difference: at these moments you forget about everything, the venues, views, etc. do not bother you.”

Bar 1703 - Where is the Versus Battle held?

This is now a St. Petersburg bar“ ” impossible to imagine withoutVersus , and a couple of years ago he wasn’t the same at allhome of battle as we know it today.

For a long time Restaurateur was looking for place, which would be durablepeople associated with his brainchild, considering that holding battles indifferent locations will have a bad impact on the brand image.

And he was right. As a result, his acquaintances introduced him todirectors of bar 1703, named after the year of foundationPeter the Great of St. Petersburg.

In the meantime, howVersus Battlecontinues to gain popularity1703 sells outany day of the week.As the Restaurateur noted, before Versus is herethere were practically no people, and now the place has deteriorated a little...

Versus Battle: The Beginning

First issue of Versus Battlestarts on September 1, 2013, and its participants areand Billy Milligan (ST1M ).

Restaurateur admits that if not for authorityOksimiron , hardly guysagreed to come . Media support waspublic pages and VK pages dedicated to hip-hop.

Episode by episodeVersus is gaining momentum.Its members includestars of the first magnitude, Johnyboy, Noize MC and others.

In one of the episodes of the show Evening Urgant Versus became the theme for the sketch. We met in a battle Ivan Urgant and Sergey Shnurov.

The last time I spoke at the versus was about a hundred years ago. At one time this happened so often that I was so sick of it all that I not only stopped going there, but also stopped watching the episodes. Now the battle culture has definitely changed (they said), many superstars have appeared (they said), but I’m watching a video here where blogger Larin can’t hit the beat for 5 minutes, and I’m amazed.

Versus Battle - Main Event

In December 2013 Restaurateur starts first attemptsmonetization of your project,organizing battles on a large platform with ticket sales. The format of this event was calledVersus. Main Event

The rappers met thereone on one or in groups on a big stage. Soon from this formathad to refuse, because the organizers were faced withpremature “leaking” of results to the network by people from the crowd.

“Here, just like on the football field, you throw out a lot of emotions. I am standing in a close circle of people, looking into the eyes of my opponent. Battles are the same sport! There is both excitement and a competitive component here. People around you look at you and worry with you. I like it! I always liked to compete in what I can do, and not just talk about what I don’t have or measure myself against something.”

Versus Battle Fresh Blood

March 5, 2014spin-off launches this yearversus, entitled: “Fresh Blood” league, which aims to identify young talents.

Judging systemstructured in such a way that participantsfighting with each otherdefeating opponents andround by round, climbing up the standings.In the final, the strongest rappers fight for the titlewinner of the season.

To dateFresh Blood totals 3 full seasons.

Fresh Blood “Battle of Styles”

Not so long ago Restaurateur announced a new seasonFresh Blood “Battle of Styles”, in which a still unknown format will be appliedmentoring.

The battle will be divided into two recruited teams, for each of which an experienced MS is responsible:

Versus Battle BMP

At the end of 2016 Versus Battle introducesanother format -BPM.

If we haven't heard music in battles before (except round 3 against ), now it has become possible.

BPM- abbreviation forbeats per minute/beats per minute. In it, MCs battle to fastgrime beats.

The first participantsVersus BPMbecome representativestwo competing sites— from Versus and from Slovo.

One of the most striking performances in this format can undoubtedly be called the battleDrago vs No Limit. Such charisma, artistry And pressure more battles did not see.

Versus Battle Crowd - how to get to Versus?

An interesting fact is T olpa on Versus. From the very first release thereIt was possible to get in only through exclusive lists.To do this you need to befriends of the performing rappers, the Restaurateur or someone who was invited to Versus.

True, there are funny exceptions, such as withSerega , which slipped unnoticed ontoevent, causing surprise to everyone present. Especially Oxy .

Strict adherence to this rulealmost always guarantees safety of resultsbattle before release. Besides, the crowd found its heroes, whose faces appear time after time onVersusIvan Grachev a.k.a Hindu And Ekaterina Crazy a.k.a Horned Woman

Versus Battle Judging - Judges at Versus Battle?

Judging at Versus Battle has always been Achilles heel of the event. Remembering the first battles, we can conclude that inthe judges were almost always people who had nothing to do with rap.Like for example the group “Amatory ”.

Now the situation has leveled out, although at times there are also gaps. Like a comedianRuslan Cherny, judged the legendary battleOksimiron and Gnoyny.

On standard VersusThe verdict for the winner and loser is given by an odd number of judges.On BMP, the crowd decides.

Many rappers have voicedpositionwhat judges arelast century. Must It's up to the listeners to decide.

Versus X SlovoSPB

2016 was rich in new formats.The next thing is a battle between battles, no matter how strange it may sound.

Restaurateur And Dan CHEYNannounce a high-profile event - venue battlesSlovo SPB and Versus Battle , in which the best participants will collide.

The most striking and memorable meetings can be called battlesPurulent against and the same against Oksimiron. An event that made the world look at battles from a different perspective.

Versus Battle Now

Today Versuscontinues hisrapid development, attracting attentionall over the world. In addition to rappers, famous bloggers began to participate in battles. For example,Dzharakhov, Larin and judge Yuri Khovansky.

One of the permanent judges on Versus is

After all, not one Western site can boast40 million views of your videos,how it was at the battleJohnyboy vs Oxxximiron.

The sponsors of the event arebookmakers, banks and even cars.

No one will be surprised if after a whileEminem or Busta Rhymes will judge the next battlePurulent and , A Lamar decide to battle with . The truth for thisdinosaurs will have to improve their Russian.

Each generation had its own iconic creative establishment: for the 19th-century crowd it was the Domenik cafe, for the poets of the Silver Age it was , for the Soviet bohemia of the 50-70s it was Saigon, for the rockers of the 80s - “Rock Club”, among the punks of the 90s - “Tam-Tam”.

Now the most popular subculture is rap battles, where rivals verbally “take out” each other over three rounds. Videos from battles receive tens of millions of views on Youtube. And if in the 2000s freestyle was more common, where texts were invented on the fly and read in a stream of consciousness mode without prior preparation, then over the last five years it has become customary to write a “speech” in advance. As a result, we hear thoughtful rhymes and punches - well-aimed derogatory phrases. A couple of years ago, beat battles appeared.

It is extremely difficult to join the discovery of a subculture. But here I was lucky: the battles originated in a bar where I had already been a regular for several years. And after the August meeting between Gnoyny and Oksimiron, it seems that everyone learned about the battles. Since verbal duels take place in bars, perhaps one of these establishments will remain a symbol of an entire generation, about which local historians will talk with a smart look, like Lev Lurie about “Saigon”.


When I wrote about four years ago, the 1703 bar was truly secret. The place was known only in a narrow rap community and partygoers who were too lazy to go to Akakao on Friday night for drunken dancing. It was hard to imagine that “1703” would get incredible hype, and the country’s main rapper would have its logo tattooed on his neck (Oksimiron - editor's note). Today, the bar’s guests include not only top hip-hop artists, but also old-school pop stars like Dmitry Malikov or Philip Kirkorov. This is because the most famous battles in Russia, “Versus”, take place here. And schoolchildren aged 12 to 18 years old, coming to St. Petersburg with their parents in the summer, do not go to the Russian Museum or the Hermitage, they go to take a selfie at the entrance to the “1703” bar. And those who are especially savvy wait until the evening to take a photo with the Restaurateur (the organizer of “Versus”) - many schoolgirls look at him with wide, loving eyes, like girls from the St. Petersburg philology department look at Astvatsaturov.

Watching the battles on Youtube, you might think that they are taking place in a giant club. In fact, “1703” is a tiny establishment in the courtyards of Ligovsky, 50, which does not even have a hint of pathos, and the price tag is more than affordable. No more than 100 people can fit here, so it’s impossible to buy tickets for “Versus”, you need to be “from the crowd.”


Just six months or a year ago, if a random adult had heard about rap battles, it was only about “Versus”. But after Oksimiron’s meeting with Gnoiny (one of the leaders of the #Slovospb site), many realized that the world of guys in robes and caps with a flat visor is much wider. The system is reminiscent of boxing matches: athletes in the same weight may never meet if they find themselves in different leagues or signed contracts with different TV channels. There are also two parallel large leagues in battles: “Versus” and #Slovospb. The latter grew out of the Krasnodar project Slovo.

Initially, #Slovospb battles took place in the “Alpha Bar”, which, like “1703”, was located in the terrible courtyards of Ligovsky, 50. But the bar was closed, and the party moved first to Mod, and then to the Backstage club (now Action Club - editor's note). Although in “Fashion” they still organize battles from time to time. Backstage-Action is of a more Moscow format than “1703”: there is a lot of space, everything glitters - maximum pathos for such marginal places as Ligovka. The most important difference between the #Slovospb league and “Versus” is that the battles take place in large rooms, this made them accessible to the curious - you can buy tickets for the fights.


Previously, I would never have thought in my life that battles could take place in Ionoteka. This place has always been known more for strange band concerts and Blazers on tap. But recently the Russian Battle League (RBL) has also settled here. And unlike #Slovospb with their endless movement, RBL are steadily battling in the Ionoteka. The fights start around six in the evening, and the rappers manage to avoid interfering with the suicidal-looking girls who dance here at night. I've been to a couple of RBL battles: it's hard to compare with Versus. First of all, because, in my personal feeling, this party is aimed at a younger audience. If the guys on Versus are 25+, then here they are more likely 18+ or younger. You can buy tickets just like #Slovospb.

Versus Battle is considered the best start for young rappers - no battle platform will give you such popularity in such a short time. How many young performers did she give a way into life: Rickey F, Alphavit, Galat...

But there is a downside - a few defeats at Versus can ruin your reputation. We publish the TOP 5 rappers whose careers were destroyed by Versus Battle.

5th place – Khokhol

Moonstar beat Khokhla, Young P&H and Intego, but by the third battle everyone was bored with his serve. To rehabilitate himself, he applied for Fresh Blood 3.

3rd place – Vitya SD

Young viewers don’t know Vitya SD, but he is still considered a legend of Russian rap. He has participated in, dozens of beefs and disses and... five defeats on Versus - to Haida, Johnyboy, Jubille, Chet and Zama. They were the ones who ruined his reputation. If these were five victories, who knows where SD would be now?

In the fall of 2016, he tried to rehabilitate himself and entered into a battle with Zamai. It looked sad, but at least somehow reminded the listeners of the existence of SD. Vitya himself treats this situation with humor and it makes me happy:

What is zashkvar, you ask? I am a scumbag in the flesh!
Well, tell me some nonsense, and this is also about me.
I'm getting dumber and dumber, dumber every day.

2nd place – D.masta

D.masta is a true gangsta rapper who always raps about how cool and rich he is. He competed at Versus twice and lost both times.

The audience remembered him for his “unsportsmanlike” behavior. In the battle with ST he demanded an extra round, with Galat he interrupted his opponent, and then started fighting. After this, it’s simply impossible to take him seriously, much less a true gangsta rapper.

1st place – Johnnyboy

Denis once won INDABATTLE, made tracks about abortion and his younger brother, and constantly listened to accusations of gay orientation. And then he went to Versus and won a brilliant victory at Vitei SD. And it was a great start!

Next was the battle with Jubilee. And it seemed like Joni should have won, but Jub’s emotionality won. Denis’s last phrase sounded most comical:

To say that you won here means to be a terrible bullshit.
Oksimiron, you're next. I wait for you here.

Yes, yes, Oksimiron was the next one - the next one to fuck Joni on the set. Denis was no longer able to rehabilitate himself, and therefore left rap and started his own coffee shop.

If you know other rappers who buried their popularity on the Versus site, please add them in the comments. Let's discuss them too.