The act of accepting the transfer of the car under the lease agreement. The act of renting a car is a sample. Act of acceptance - transfer of the car to the rental agreement

To confirm the fact of the transfer of the car to the tenant, an act of acceptance and transfer is drawn up. The text includes a detailed description of the vehicle, its characteristics. The document fixes not only the fact of acceptance and transfer, but also the technical and external condition of the machine at the time of signing the contract.

The legislation does not provide for a unified form of addition to the lease agreement. You do not need to purchase a special form. However, it is useful to consider an approximate sample, which can be downloaded at the end of the article.

The text is composed arbitrarily according to the following plan.

  1. The name of the paper (in this case, the act of acceptance and transfer).
  2. Place and date of signing.
  3. Party data. For individuals, full name, passport details are indicated; for legal entities - the name of the organization and details.
  4. Confirmation of the fact of the transfer of the car to the tenant.
  5. Detailed description of the technical condition of the vehicle.
  6. Personal signatures of the parties (or their representatives).

Important! If an organization (legal entity) acts as one of the parties, the agreement is certified with an official seal.

Before you sign a document, you need to check it. The specified numbers and other information must match on all copies and annexes to the contract.

It is necessary to fix in the content the circumstances that entail liability. This includes:

  • damage to the vehicle interior;
  • body damage;
  • discrepancies with the list of components specified in the document;
  • violation of the terms of the lease.

Important! The agreement is considered valid if signed by both parties.

If the document is signed by only one participant, it does not come into force. When some conditions do not satisfy the landlord or tenant, adjustments are made to the content. When all items meet the requirements of both parties, signatures are put.

Obligations and guarantees when signing the act

The contract and its appendix are a guarantee for both parties to the agreement. The tenant can be sure that he has been provided with a serviceable vehicle. For the landlord, the signed act is a guarantee of the safety of the property.

If there are no relevant clarifications in the text, the lessee shall bear the costs of maintaining the vehicle. He will also be liable in case of damage to third parties.

Under the lease agreement (a sample of which can be downloaded below), it is allowed to sublease the car. If the landlord does not agree to this, the relevant amendments are made to the documents.

For ordinary citizens, this possibility is also not excluded. Moreover, all these three categories of persons have the right to act as a vehicle lessor.

Landlords are owners who lease property to third parties. This type of transaction must be accompanied by the execution of the necessary documentation.

First of all, such documents include a lease agreement. It contains all the conditions reached in the process of negotiations between the parties-participants.These requirements are imposed by legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

The need to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of a car for rent, its sample

The lease agreement involves the transfer of the object of the transaction for temporary use from the lessor to the tenant. This must be accompanied by payment by the tenant of the cost of rent.

The lease is for a fixed term. After its expiration, the vehicle must be transferred to the owner (lessor). Given the high cost of the vehicle, the fact of transfer, both for rent and back, must be recorded in the relevant documents. Such documents are acts of acceptance and transfer.

First of all, this paper confirms that the object was transferred (returned). His next task is to confirm the operable state of the vehicle upon return and its compliance with the one that was during the initial transfer. These features impose their requirements on the text of the act.

The structure and content of the act of acceptance and transfer of a car for rent, sample filling

The necessary attributes of such documentation are the date of compilation, the name, city of the event and the signatures of the persons (transmitting and receiving). In the primary transfer act, the lessor transfers, and in the return act, the tenant transfers.

Self-compilation of such a document is allowed. But you can also use free samples and forms. In this case, all that remains is to fill out the form.

In the text of the document, special attention should be paid to two aspects. The first concerns the definition of the participating parties. To do this, complete registration information about them must be entered in the document. For individuals, they are passport data. For legal entities, this is data on their registration, including bank details.

The second aspect lies in the identification of the vehicle. To do this, data from its technical passport is transferred to the act. It is important to include information about the serviceability and technical condition of the vehicle in the document. In addition to listing damage and wear, it makes sense to indicate the readings of the odometer, hour meter, and so on.

Below is a typical act of acceptance and transfer of a car for rent, a sample and a form, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

When transferring a car for rent (temporary use for a fee), a lease agreement is drawn up between two parties: the owner of the vehicle and the tenant. The lease agreement contains the conditions under which the car will be transferred to the lessee, as well as the obligations of the parties in relation to each other.

On the day the car is handed over from the lessor to the lessee, an acceptance certificate is drawn up, which clearly indicates that the vehicle has been handed over and accepted.

The acceptance certificate is drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties. Further, it is attached to the car rental agreement and is stored with it.

How to draw up an act

In the right corner of the acceptance certificate, you can indicate that this form is an annex to the lease agreement No. ___ dated "__" ______ 20__. Next, the date of registration of the document, the place of registration, as well as the name are put.

It specifies below who is the owner of the car (name, data from the passport or the name of the organization and data about the head), who is the tenant (similar data).

The first paragraph of the act of acceptance and transfer notes that the lessor transferred, and the tenant accepted the car for temporary use. A brief description of the vehicle is given - its brand, numbers, year of manufacture, color, engine power, mileage. Similar characteristics are prescribed in the lease agreement. List all documents and accessories that were transferred with the car.

The second paragraph indicates that the tenant accepted the vehicle and checked its technical condition, which suited him. It is confirmed that the tenant has no claims against the owner of the vehicle.

Other conditions may be prescribed at the discretion of the parties. The tenant and the landlord sign the drawn up act, thereby confirming that the transfer has taken place.

rental of a vehicle (car) without a crew

________________ "___" ___________ _____

Gr. _____________, identity document: ________, series ____, N _____, issued by ___________, residing at: ______, hereinafter referred to as ____ "Landlord", on the one hand, and ______, hereinafter referred to as __ "Lessee", represented by _________, acting on the basis of ________, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Lessor transfers for temporary possession and use to the Lessee the _______ car of the brand ________, manufactured _____, production _______, identification number (VIN) ___________, engine N _____, body N __________, color _________, license plate ________, registered "___ "_______ ____ in the traffic police of ______ district, for use in accordance with the needs of the Lessee.
1.2. The use of the vehicle must not be contrary to its purpose.
1.3. For the term of this agreement, the Lessor draws up a power of attorney and transfers the relevant documents to the Lessee.
1.4. The vehicle is insured under the contract _____________ dated "___" _______ ___ N _____. Copy attached.
1.5. The car belongs to the Lessor on the basis of ______________ dated "___" ____________ ____


2.1. The Lessor provides the Lessee with a vehicle for a fee for temporary possession and use without the provision of services for its management and its technical operation, and the Lessee, upon expiration of the lease agreement, returns the vehicle in good condition. The transfer and acceptance of the car is carried out according to the act of acceptance and transfer, which is signed by both parties (Appendix N 1 to the contract) and is an integral part of this contract. When handing over the car, the parties check its technical condition, stipulate the existing malfunctions and the procedure for their elimination. This should be reflected in the act of acceptance and transfer.
2.2. The Lessee undertakes to return the car to the Lessor in proper technical condition after the expiration of the contract, taking into account normal wear and tear.
2.3. The Lessee manages the rented car and its operation, both commercial and technical, on its own.
2.4. During the entire term of the lease agreement, the Lessee shall carry out maintenance and routine maintenance, overhaul and current repairs of the car at his own expense within the terms agreed with the Lessee.
2.5. The Lessee bears the costs of maintaining the car, its insurance, as well as the costs arising in connection with its operation, including the purchase of fuel and lubricants (gasoline, etc.).
2.6. The Lessee is not entitled, without the written consent of the Lessor, to sublease the rented car under the terms of the vehicle lease agreement with or without a crew.


3.1. The lease payment under this agreement is ______ (_________) rubles in __________, including taxes __________, for a total of ________ rubles.
3.2. The payments provided for in clause 3.1 of the agreement are paid by the Lessee on a monthly basis no later than the ______ day of the month following the month in which the car was used, to the Lessor's current account.
3.3. The rent may be reviewed by the parties ahead of schedule at the request of one of the parties in cases of changes in prevailing prices, but not more than once a year, while the party that initiated the revision of the rent must notify the other party ___ (___________) months in advance by sending this party to the written notice.
Upon receipt of a notice of an increase in rent, the Tenant has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally.


4.1. The contract is concluded for a period from "__" _______ ____ to "__" ______ ____ and can be extended by the parties by mutual agreement for a new period.


5.1. The lessee is responsible for the safety of the rented car. In case of loss or damage to the car, the Lessee is obliged to compensate the Lessor for the damage caused or provide an equivalent car within _______ days after its loss or damage.
The amount of compensation is determined by agreement of the parties.
In case of delay in payments for damages or provision of an equivalent car within the specified period, the Lessee pays a penalty in the amount of ___% of the cost of damage or the estimated value of the car.
5.2. In the event of a delay in rent, the Tenant shall pay a penalty in the amount of ____% of the amount of the debt for each day of delay, but not more than the amount of a monthly rent.
5.3. For the delay in the provision of the leased property within the period established by the agreement, the Landlord pays the Tenant a penalty in the amount of ____% for each day of delay from the amount of the rent.
5.4. For the delay in the return of the leased property within the period established by the agreement, the Lessee shall pay the Lessor a penalty in the amount of ____% for each day of delay from the amount of the rent.
5.5. When returning defective leased property damaged through the fault of the Lessee, which is confirmed by a bilateral act, the Lessee shall pay the Lessor the repair costs and a fine in the amount of ____% of the value of the damaged leased property.
5.6 The payment of the penalty does not release the Tenant from the obligation to pay the principal debt.
5.7. Responsibility for damage caused to third parties by the rented car is borne by the Lessee in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. Changing the terms of the contract and its termination are possible by written agreement of the parties, if an agreement is not reached, the dispute is considered in court at the request of one of the parties.
6.2 The contract is terminated unilaterally if the possibility of such refusal is provided for by law and in the following cases:
6.3. If the Lessor does not transfer the rented car within the period stipulated by this agreement.
6. 4. If the parties have not reached an agreement to change the rent after the expiration of the car lease year.
6.5 __________________________________________________
6.6. A party that cannot fulfill its obligations, including due to force majeure, must notify the other party of the impediment and its impact on the performance of obligations under the contract within a reasonable time from the moment these circumstances arise.


7.1. By agreement of the parties, the rented car is valued at ____ (_________) rubles. This assessment is taken into account when indemnifying for damages.
7.2. This agreement is made in 2 copies, having the same legal force. In case of translation of the text of the agreement and any Annex to it into a foreign language, the text in Russian will prevail.
7.3. In all other respects that are not provided for by this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Landlord: _______________________________________________
(Full Name)
passport: series _________, N ________, issued by _____________________ TIN ___________ address: _________________________________________________

Tenant: ________________________________________________

Sample. The act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle (car)

Application No. 1
to the vehicle rental agreement
(car) from ________20

acceptance-transfer of a vehicle (car) without a crew

___________ "__"________ 20______

We hereinafter refer to as the "Lessor" represented by _________ acting on the basis of _______________ on the one hand and ____________ hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee", represented by ___________ acting on the basis of _______________ on the other hand, drew up an acceptance certificate on the following:

In order to fulfill the Vehicle Lease Agreement with the crew N. _________ dated
"__" _________ 200_ The Lessor transfers, and the Lessee accepts the following vehicle:
- brand of vehicle ___________________________________
- production _________________________________________________
- plate number _________________________________________________
- Engine N. __________________________________________________
- N. body _________________________________________________
- year of issue __________________________________________________
- color ________________________________________________________

Complete set: spare wheel, jack - brand, pump, set of keys.

The Lessor submits, and the Lessee accepts the following documents:
- vehicle passport: series _________ N. _________ issued
- vehicle registration certificate N. _______ date of issue
"__" ______ 200_ issued by ______________________________.

The Parties confirm that at the time of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle
the device is in a technically sound condition, there are no obvious damages.
The completeness of the car has been checked.
Estimated value of the vehicle _____________ rubles.

Signatures of the parties:

Landlord: _________________/___________________/

Tenant: ____________________/___________________/

According to the contract for a vehicle without a crew (Art. 642-649 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), only a vehicle without management and technical operation is provided.
All expenses for the maintenance of the vehicle, liability insurance are borne by the tenant, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
The tenant is responsible for damage to third parties.
The lessee has the right to sublease the vehicle, unless otherwise provided by the agreement.

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The Civil Code of Russia does not provide for separate rules for the conclusion and execution of a contract for the sale of a car. The transaction is executed according to the rules of Art. 454-491. The act of acceptance and transfer can be drawn up and signed in free form, but in compliance with the necessary structure and in accordance with the principle of completeness, reliability of information about counterparties, the vehicle.

Form of the act of acceptance and transfer

The act of acceptance and transfer can be applied to:

  • vehicles of different sizes and capacities;
  • special equipment;
  • passenger buses: urban, intercity;
  • motorcycles, mopeds, quad bikes, etc.

The act can accept parts and components of the car. The document must contain information about the pledge, arrest, shared ownership of the car.

Sample Document

Conventionally, the act of acceptance and transfer of a car or other vehicle can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. Introduction (beginning). Counterparties indicate information about the contract, to which the act acts as a separate application; name (title) of the documents, date and place of its execution.
  2. main unit. Here they indicate:
    • information about counterparties - full name, name, legal address of enterprises, contact details;
    • machine data - make, model, production date, VIN, unit numbers. You must also specify the color of the car;
    • the life of the machine, the cost (must be indicated in numbers and with decoding);
    • a list of documentation and technical devices (spare parts) that are transferred with the machine;
    • information on a complete check of the technical condition and completeness of the machine;
    • a list and a detailed description of the identified shortcomings (if this happened, but the parties did not refuse the transaction);
    • information that the transfer of the machine has been completed in full, the money has been transferred to the seller, and the counterparties fully confirm the fulfillment of all obligations. Separately, you can issue a receipt for receiving money.

The act may also contain other information that the parties consider important and necessary for the conscientious fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the sale of a car or other transaction.

Significance of the document

Transfer-acceptance certificateissued within the framework of civil law relations. It indicates that the parties fulfilled their obligations under the transaction - they handed over the car in proper condition, completeness.

The document does not replace a full-fledged contract for the sale, lease, leasing, maintenance of a car. Without the form of the main transaction, it is invalid and cannot be considered as an unconditional independent legal fact.

The contract on the basis of which the act was signed may be challenged in the absence of a transfer act, since the interested party in court may refer to the fact that:

  • she did not receive the car;
  • received it at a reduced cost that does not correspond to the price specified in the contract;
  • accepted a car with defects, operational shortcomings, about which nothing was said in the contract.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to fully indicate the information about the car, its full cost, as well as the date of transfer to the buyer, tenant, service organization. The absence of an act, therefore, may indicate the incomplete performance of one of the parties to the transaction of its obligations, which is fraught with serious litigation.

Required documents

The main document that is necessary for signing the act is the agreement-the basis for the emergence of obligations for the transfer - the form of the transaction of sale, DCT, leasing, rent.

You must also provide:

  • PTS machines;
  • service book (if any);
  • a document confirming the passing of technical inspection;
  • insurance policy (for example, the seller can enter the buyer into insurance or reissue his policy on him);
  • vehicle registration certificate.

Additional documents may be submitted: on a trailer, gas equipment, other changes that have been made to the design of the car.

Vehicle check

The main purpose of the act of acceptance of the transfer is to certify the fact of the transfer of the car from one counterparty to another. They can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, stateless persons, as well as legal entities. At the same time, the document indicates that the car was transferred to the purchaser, the tenant in the proper technical condition.

Before drawing up the act, experts recommend thoroughly checking the car, which is primarily in the interests of the purchaser of the vehicle. If shortcomings and malfunctions in the car are established, then this must be indicated in the act - in order to make it easier to challenge your rights in court.

If the car is not checked in time, the buyer, the tenant will have to prove that he did not know and should not be aware of the shortcomings (for example, when they are hidden and cannot be installed immediately - the engine eats oil, shortcomings in electronics that appear only after a long drive, etc. .d.).

Legal nuances

A unified form of the form of the act has not existed since 2013, when almost all documents of strict reporting were canceled and legal entities (IP) got the opportunity to draw up documents in free form or according to samples put into effect on the basis of local acts.

Citizens can sign the act in free written form- by printing the document on A4 sheet and even compiling it in legible handwriting (by hand). The act must be signed by all contractors. If someone acts through them through a representative, then you need to indicate the full information about the representatives - his full name, number of the power of attorney. It is necessary to put the stamp of the organization on the form if such an order is provided for by the internal acts of the company.

The act is also authorized to be signed by counterparties: persons acting under an agency agreement or a commission transaction, but they only certify the fact of the transfer of the car, but are not responsible for the quality of the car - it may have flaws or problems with registration.

It is desirable to draw up an act without errors, blots, inaccuracies. If they were nevertheless admitted, then it is advisable to issue a new form. It is not allowed to enter false, inaccurate information into the act, hide information about the pledgee - if the car is pledged, other owners (for example, a car as indivisible property may be in the shared ownership of heirs or spouses).

If fatal or significant shortcomings, including those of a legal nature, were concealed from the purchaser of the car, then he has the right to apply to the court and demand recognition of the invalidity of the contract of sale.Similar rules apply to car rental transactions and other civil law agreements.

The act must be formulated in two copies - one for each side of the transaction. There may be more such forms, which must also be signed and, if necessary, certified by the seals of the parties.

The following video describes in detail the completion of the sale and purchase agreement, and the act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle:

Document accounting and storage

  • If the acceptance certificate was signed by citizens, then it is desirable to keep such a document, but if it is absent, then the tax will not fine the citizen. At the enterprise, the act must be kept - along with the main contract.
  • Information about the document must be entered in the register of internal documents.
  • It is advisable to fasten the form with the main contract and store it in a designated place (box, safe), depending on the organizational policy of the enterprise.
  • Typically, documents are stored for 10 years and are subject to write-off (destruction), but commercial enterprises have the right to set the maximum storage period on their own.
  • Together with the act, you can store payment documentation confirming the transfer of funds for the car in full.
  • The act of acceptance and transfer can be included in the form of the main contract. It is advisable to do this when buying a used car between citizens.
  • If the transaction is of a commercial nature, then it is better to draw up a deed of transfer separately from the contract of sale or other transaction on the basis of which the transfer of the vehicle took place.
  • If it is difficult to draw up a document on your own, then it is advisable to decide on the choice of a qualified assistant.