What is the benefit of being a driver? My future profession is a driver (School essays). Brief description: who is the driver

Profession driver

The profession of a driver attracts almost every boy. The chauffeur is a professional driver who has extensive driving experience and is able to cope both with the vagaries of the car and with unexpected “turns” on the road. Basically, this profession is chosen by the representatives of the stronger sex, although there are also female drivers. The modern fleet offers a large selection of vehicles, so the driver can drive a car or truck, bus, dump truck, truck crane, and so on. Knowledge of the structure of the car, traffic rules, the ability to load and unload cargo, responsibility for the lives of passengers - this is only part of what a professional driver constantly has to take care of.

This profession owes its appearance to such an invention as a self-propelled structure, that is, a car. An interesting fact is that initially a driver, or more correctly - a “chauffeur”, as they were called in France, where this profession appeared in the 19th century, was ... a fireman of a steam car, whose most important task was to monitor the fuel. Only in the middle of the twentieth century, the profession of a driver becomes relevant and in demand.

Now it can already be argued that a car is really not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Long gone are the days when a person could spend his whole life in one area that could be walked around. Today we have to move from one city to another, transport various kinds of cargo, and living in megacities, we can quickly reach our place of work only by using public transport or taxi services. Based on this, it can be argued that today it is simply impossible to do without the services of a driver. Bulletin boards invite truckers, taxi drivers, bus and KamAZ drivers. Tourist trips, construction work, delivery of goods to the store - all this can be provided by a reliable experienced driver.

The driver must be in good health and in good physical condition. Among the required professional qualities, attention, observation, foresight and excellent reaction should be noted. Those who are preparing to become a public transport driver need to add self-control, endurance and sociability to the above requirements.

The job of a driver is well paid: take, for example, taxi drivers or truckers. However, there is a downside to the coin - the driver is often forced to leave home for long periods and devote a lot of time to his car.

It is impossible to become a driver without a driver's license, so the first step is
driving school or vocational school. The second step is practice: according to some calculations, the driver's skill begins after 30 thousand well-traveled kilometers. If you wish, you can significantly expand your driving scope by continuing your education at higher educational institutions in the automotive industry and becoming, for example, an automotive engineer or a road construction engineer.

(chauffeur) is one of the most common specialties. The driver's workplace is the vehicle cabin and the garage where the vehicle is stored and cared for. A driver is an employee who receives money for driving cars (trucks and special vehicles) and buses (trams, metro) of various types, as well as for transporting citizens or goods. In addition, a driver is a professional who teaches others how to drive while in a car.

Description of the driver's profession

Before leaving the garage, the driver must check the serviceability of the mechanisms of the machine and electrical equipment, the presence of liquid, fuel and oil. And, returning the car to the garage, perform maintenance to keep the vehicle in working order (refueling with fuel and lubricants, lubrication, inspection).

In addition to driving vehicles, the driver must be able to identify and eliminate minor malfunctions that may occur along the way, ensure that passengers follow the rules for boarding and traveling in vehicles, and the cargo is properly secured. The driver must know the traffic rules, the rules and frequency of maintenance work and, of course, the device of the car.

Features of the profession of a driver

Anyone can learn to drive a car, but not everyone can become a great driver. The profession of a driver makes special demands on the employee. It is very important to have operational thinking, the ability to assess the situation on the road in a short period of time and make the most correct decision. The driver must be vigilant (so as not to fall asleep in a monotonous environment at night) and observant (according to the behavior of other drivers, foresee what might happen on the road).

The personal qualities of the driver include endurance, self-confidence, attentiveness and speed of reaction (slow down in time or perform the necessary maneuver). Drivers who work in urban traffic must be able to shift their attention well and instantly respond to changes taking place on the road. The driver must be mentally healthy, sociable, physically hardy, emotionally stable; working with people, punctual, patient and delicate.

Advantages of the profession: the driver has the opportunity to visit many interesting places.

Disadvantages of the profession: irregular day, long driving, regardless of climatic conditions.

Driver, in general, is a specialist in driving a vehicle. The latter can be passenger, cargo or even special equipment. He also has the knowledge and skills to maintain a car, repairs it in a timely manner in case of problems (or delivers the car to a service center in a timely manner), strictly observes safety precautions and traffic rules. The driver may also perform additional duties (such as loading and unloading). The profession belongs to the category of "man-technique". The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Brief description: who is the driver?

The driver is a very common and always in demand profession. There are many varieties of it. So, the driver can be a freight forwarder, courier, taxi driver, security guard, he can be engaged in international transportation of goods, and so on. Accordingly, in order to be employed for a driver's vacancy, you need the rights of the appropriate category, driving experience and the availability of skills that correspond to the specifics of the proposed position. The driver is responsible for the health of passengers and / or the safety of cargo, so he must be able to make the right decisions in emergency situations.

Features of the profession

The duties of the driver, as already noted, come down not only to the delivery of passengers or cargo from point "A" to point "B". Such a specialist is also responsible for the serviceability of the vehicle, for compliance with all transportation rules, and even for filling out reporting documentation. The bulk of the work that rests on the shoulders of the drivers is as follows:

  • Checking the availability of fuel and oil, the serviceability of the machine mechanisms and the electrical system before leaving.
  • Carrying out regular maintenance of the vehicle (in addition to the pre-departure inspection, this includes refueling, changing the oil, washing, timely troubleshooting).
  • Direct execution of cargo or passenger transportation.
  • Preparation of documents regulating the transportation process.
  • Effective resolution of any difficult situations that arise in the process of driving.
  • Providing first aid to victims of road accidents.
  • Planning and organization of vehicle maintenance work.
  • Quality control of car repair work.

The generally accepted ideas about who a driver is sometimes diverge from the real state of affairs in specific positions. So, for example, some specialists also participate in planning the work of the logistics department, organize the work of personnel in the performance of transportation, use modern IT products to manage transportation processes, and so on.

Pros and cons of being a driver


  1. Ability to travel to different cities and countries.
  2. No need for years of training.
  3. Applicability of professional skills in everyday life.
  4. A large number of vacancies in the labor market.


  1. Responsibility for passengers and cargo.
  2. Irregular working hours.
  3. Quite often - not the most comfortable working conditions (for example, in the cold season).
  4. Not always high wages.

Important Personal Qualities

Driver training should be started if you are confident in your responsibility, stress resistance, diligence, as well as the ability to maintain concentration for a long time. The ability to understand technology, good spatial imagination, the ability to quickly switch attention and make informed decisions in emergency situations, and excellent ability to navigate the terrain will not hurt either. Emotional stability and sociability are also important for the driver, since he inevitably has to interact with a large number of people.

Where to study to be a driver?

There are quite a few options for where to get a driver's profession. In fact, it can be any driving school, as well as organizations that provide training and internships for future employees. Education as such for this specialty is not needed (with the exception of the basic one, of course).

At the same time, colleges and universities for drivers still exist. So, in the context of secondary specialized education, the profile “Organization of transportation and transport management” (code 23.02.01) can be noted, in the context of higher education - the specialty “Ground transport and technological means by profile: Automobiles and tractors” (code 23.05.01). But they are more suitable for those who want to be not just a driver, but also, for example, participate in the organization of transportation, personnel management, and repair work. Otherwise, there are enough rights and experience, and there is no need to find out where to study as a driver additionally.


driving schools

We will not give examples of specific driving schools, since their number in any city is quite large. The main thing is to choose the one that teaches driving to pass the exam for the category you need.

The best colleges for drivers

  1. MADC them. A.A. Nikolaev
  2. FRAME #26
  4. KGUMRF them. Admiral S.O. Makarova

Place of work

Drivers are needed in almost any organization that, one way or another, transports any cargo or needs passenger transportation. In other words, we are talking about almost any modern company. Drivers can also work as taxi drivers or provide their services to one specific client.

driver salary

The level of income of such a specialist depends on the place of his employment. If desired, the driver will always be able to secure a decent level of salary, especially when working on international routes.

Salary as of 10/22/2019

Russia 20000—88000 ₽

Moscow 80000—150000 ₽

Career growth

Features of career growth also depend on where exactly the driver works. He may seek leadership positions, or open his own organization (logistics, transport, personal driver services, and so on).

Professional knowledge

  1. Traffic safety rules.
  2. Maintenance and repair of vehicles.
  3. Electronics and electrical engineering.
  4. Vehicle device.
  5. Team management.
  6. Safety precautions in the organization of the process of transportation of goods.

Notable drivers

  1. Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 legend. He still remains the record holder for the number of victories in the world-famous Grand Prix, and his name has become a household name.
  2. Lewis Hamilton, five-time Formula One world champion and record holder.

At school age, everyone thinks about choosing a future profession. And the older a person gets, the more acute this choice is. Currently, there are very prestigious professions in the labor market. The main thing is that they are in demand and well paid. Like, for example, an interior designer, a system administrator, and so on. Maybe my choice will seem conservative to someone. But I want to be a driver. I want to explain why.

Even as a child, when I was a preschooler and when I was in first grade, my parents and I often went to the suburbs. We have a cottage there. She is still there. At that time, I was very enthusiastic about how dad drives a car. And I really wanted to steer.

And imagine, dad allowed me! I didn't really get my feet on the pedals. So my dad put me behind the wheel in front of him. He pedaled and I steered. It was safe enough, because there was no traffic in the village, and dad could intercept the steering wheel at any moment if something suddenly went wrong. These trips are very memorable for me.

As I got older, I started driving slowly. Not in the village, but in the field. There is no danger of crashing anywhere, so I was already driving myself. Even though my dad was there. So I learned to drive decently enough. Now I'm learning the rules of the road. When my father is driving a car around the city, I already have a good idea of ​​how the driver should react to road signs, road markings, and how to pass various interchanges. When I reach the age that allows you to have a driver's license, I will immediately go to a driving school to get a driving license.

But why did I decide to choose the profession of a driver, and not just be a car enthusiast, like, for example, my dad? I seriously thought about it. I must say that the driver and the seller are the most sought-after professions in Russia according to statistics. So, having chosen the job of a driver, I will never remain unclaimed in the labor market. Even many Russian emigrants, for example, in the USA, go to work as a taxi driver. It is also in demand in Europe. And people work hard to earn a living. Maybe not so much money, but they are always there. So the driver will not be left without work and without earnings in any country.

And most importantly, I like the car. Not only ride, but also serve it. Although this, of course, is already for the most part the work of an auto mechanic. But the driver often also has to fiddle with his iron horse. In general, I think that choosing the profession of a driver for me is both practical and joyful.

Today, the profession of a driver is very, very in demand. Moreover, this applies both to large companies located in large multi-million cities, and small companies in small regions and towns, everyone needs drivers.

Almost no organization can do without this profession today, and it doesn’t matter whether it is state-owned or belongs to private small or large businesses. Without drivers, the production of many plants and factories, supermarkets, the activities of most public and state figures would “stop”.

But, unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that the profession of a driver is one of the simplest and easiest, and apart from having the rights of the corresponding category, no special knowledge and skills are needed anymore. In fact, this is not so, and this profession has many pitfalls. This article will be a detailed description of the profession of a driver.

When applying for a job by profession, a driver should take into account a lot of factors:

1) First of all, it is worth considering the specifics of the organization’s activities: it is necessary to carry high-ranking government officials or be a personal driver of the head of a department or a large organization, transport food, non-food products, or transport people.

2) The geographical location and range of travel are also taken into account: movement is carried out within the boundaries of a village, city, region, country without crossing the state border, or movement is carried out over longer distances with crossing state borders between countries.

3) An equally important factor is the scale of transportation and the type of vehicle. It's one thing if you have to drive a car and transport several people, or it will be a fixed-route taxi or a bus for transporting passengers from 15 or more. Either small-sized cargo is transported in a small car, for example, a gazelle, or bulky cargo is transported in trucks.

4) A separate point is to single out drivers who drive large-sized specialized construction and other equipment. This category of drivers includes: asphalt pavers, drivers of construction cranes and other construction equipment, agricultural vehicles, firefighter drivers, etc.

When choosing a job as a driver, it is worth considering all of the above factors.

Requirements for modern drivers:

1) Today, there are very high professional requirements for drivers. It is no longer enough to have a driving license of the appropriate category, moreover, the presence of several driving categories is currently not a big advantage either. Modern society is built in such a way that the presence of two or more driving categories is today the norm, and not an exception to the rule, as it was several decades ago.

2) Many especially developed companies, when applying for a job, conduct psychological testing of candidates for the position of a driver to determine their stress resistance and level of logical thinking in critical and unforeseen (non-standard) situations.

3) Quite an important requirement for modern drivers is the technical knowledge of the car. Moreover, having experience in repairing various vehicles is highly, very welcome and favorably distinguishes candidates with knowledge in this area from the rest. Situations are different, and no one is immune from vehicle breakdowns. Well, if it is possible to call a tow truck. If everything happened on the highway, far out of town and there is no physical possibility of calling for help, you will have to carry out repairs yourself. It is in these cases that the technical skills of auto repair are very useful.

4) A very important criterion for the selection of personnel for the position of a driver is the absence of bad habits. There are companies that do not consider candidates who have a habit of smoking while driving. Another negative habit, excessive drinking, is simply unacceptable in this profession. For many organizations, even the smell of alcohol after yesterday's event is not acceptable driving, and leads to a severe reprimand or dismissal from work.

5) Among other things, impeccable knowledge of all traffic rules and their strict observance in any, even critical situations, is important.

6) An important factor is punctuality.

6) Neatness and attractiveness is also always welcome.

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And so, is the driver a harmful profession? Like any other profession, the position of a driver has a number of negative factors:

1) Sedentary lifestyle. At best, this can lead to excess weight, in more serious cases, when a person is driving for 8-9 hours a day, almost continuously for 5-6 days a week for many years, a number of very serious and unpleasant diseases can occur. such as hemorrhoids. This disease is a constant companion of all experienced drivers. Not fatal, but very annoying.

2) In the case of working on more loads, long business trips are possible, respectively, there is little free time and rare meetings with relatives.

3) The almost complete absence of career growth, since in this area there is simply no special movement up the career ladder (except perhaps to become the main driver).

3) Very often, the working day of the driver is not standardized, and sometimes you have to work on weekends and holidays.

4) Of course, the driver is a dangerous profession, since you are responsible for the car, cargo and other road users.

Wages are usually very high, although its size depends mainly on the number and duration of business trips and overtime worked weekends and holidays. In connection with this, unscheduled bonuses and sometimes increased vacation pay are possible.

Despite this, the profession of a driver has a number of positive aspects:

1) The working day is very diverse, and the availability of working vehicles sometimes allows you to combine work with personal affairs.

2) This profession does not require constant self-development and advanced training. It is enough to follow the amendments to the rules of the road, to have several categories of driver's licenses. Work is completely unrelated to physical and mental stress.

3) A very interesting job, connected with visiting a large number of places, as well as communicating with various people. If you want to become a driver in order to be able to visit other cities and countries, then you can also consider the profession of a truck driver.

4) Does not require a higher education, just enough to finish a driving school and get the right category.

Currently, the profession of a driver is considered one of the most sought-after job vacancies on the market.

Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this profession closer by watching the video below. Happy viewing!