What does reclamation mean? What is reclamation, what is the procedure for its implementation and for what purpose is the reclamation of agricultural land carried out? What is reclamation and what stages does it include?

Certain types of industrial, mining and construction activities can cause serious damage to soil cover. Violation of environmental and agrotechnical properties does not allow the use of land for agricultural purposes. In particular, such consequences can be caused by the laying of communication systems, the construction of linear facilities, the development of quarries for the extraction of minerals, etc. The situation can only be corrected by the reclamation of agricultural land, which is a complex of restoration measures.

What is reclamation?

As a rule, reclamation involves restoring the original properties and characteristics of the soil layer for its subsequent use for agricultural needs. However, similar measures can be used for other purposes. For example, to restore the recreational and forestry parameters of the treated area. In other words, land reclamation is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the necessary environmental and agrotechnical properties of the soil.

However, this process does not mean at all that the cover should be restored to increase lost fertility. For example, when working with forestry lands, forest reserves are formed through new plantings. But it is primarily agricultural lands that are subject to reclamation. True, there are different directions in this area. For example, land reclamation may include the organization of perennial pastures, the creation of areas for future arable land, as well as the preparation of soil for gardens and hayfields.

What lands are subject to reclamation?

The most common category of affected areas relates to land where pipelines have been laid or construction work has taken place. From the point of view of the complexity of restoration, it is worth noting the areas that were used as landfills for disposal and storage of hazardous waste. In such cases, special remediation of contaminated land is carried out, the duration of which can be calculated in years, depending on the nature of the waste and the severity of its impact on the environment. Deposit development in combination with prospecting and geological exploration activities also has a negative impact on the soil layer. One way or another, a special reclamation project is developed for each case.

What is taken into account in a reclamation project?

First of all, experts take into account primary data about the natural conditions of the area. Climatic, vegetation and hydrological factors are taken into account. Next, the actual state of the land at the time of reclamation is analyzed. At this stage, the area, intensity of overgrowth, shape of the relief, nature of land use, degree of pollution, as well as the condition of the soil cover are determined. In addition to this data, the land reclamation project also contains information about the chemical and granulometric composition of the soil, its agrophysical and agrochemical parameters. The documentation also evaluates the possible lifespan of the land after reclamation. At the same time, the risk of repeated violation of the optimal state of the soil cover is taken into account.

Technical land reclamation

At this stage, leveling, creation of slopes, as well as removal and renewal of the soil layer are carried out. Depending on the requirements of the project, hydraulic engineering and reclamation devices can be organized. In general, this is the main part of the activities aimed at preparing the land for further intended use. Work is being carried out in several areas, including thermal engineering, hydraulic engineering and chemical operations. Thermotechnical land reclamation is heating the soil through mulching, which covers the fertile layer. The use of hydraulic technologies aims to rid the area of ​​excess moisture, as well as change the frequency of land flooding. Chemical agents allow you to restore the original properties and characteristics of the soil by adding components such as lime, clay, gypsum, sorbents, etc.

Biological land reclamation

At the stage of biological reclamation, agrotechnical and phytomeliorative procedures are used, which should improve the biochemical, agrochemical, agrophysical and other characteristics of the land. Unlike technical measures, in this case it is assumed to work with the most severe violations. In particular, land reclamation of this kind helps to restore areas that were damaged by hazardous industrial waste. We can talk about the complete destruction of the natural components of flora and fauna. Modern means of biological restoration show the effectiveness of reclamation, but in terms of time and financial costs they can also significantly exceed traditional technical means of soil renewal.

Result of reclamation

The quality of reclamation can be judged by several parameters. First of all, this is the absence of unnecessary objects on the territory, which may include rock fragments, construction waste and industrial structures. Also, the site must have an integral landscape structure without the presence of obvious rubble, pits, drainage channels, mine failures and embankments. In addition, land reclamation must necessarily contribute to the complete or partial renewal of the soil-forming process. Modern technologies can significantly increase the soil’s ability to self-purify. Against the background of such processes, the biological state of the land is normalized.


Even if we do not take into account the advisability of using land for agricultural needs, restoration of fertility has a beneficial effect on the natural components associated with the territory. For this reason, reclamation must be carried out without fail, regardless of its further use. Of course, if the interested party has a plan for the specific exploitation of the territory, then the reclamation project should initially be adjusted to meet the designated goals. In such cases, restoration measures not only help eliminate the consequences of harmful effects on the soil, but also, if possible, enrich it with the necessary components that are significant from the point of view of future use.

Land reclamation is a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and national economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions in accordance with the interests of society (GOST “Nature conservation. Land reclamation. Terms and definitions.”
According to paragraph 1 of Resolution No. 140, the reclamation of lands disturbed by legal entities and citizens during the development of mineral deposits and peat, carrying out all types of construction, geological exploration, reclamation, design and survey and other work related to the disturbance of the soil surface, as well as during storage, burial of industrial, household and other waste, contamination of areas of the earth's surface, if the terms of restoration of these lands require the removal of the fertile soil layer, is carried out at the expense of legal entities and citizens in accordance with approved land reclamation projects.
Reclamation is carried out with the aim of restoring them for agricultural, forestry and other purposes in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 525, Roskomzem No. 67 dated December 22, 1995 “On approval of the basic provisions on land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of fertile soil layer."
In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 13 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, persons whose activities have led to a deterioration in the quality of lands (including as a result of their pollution, disturbance of the soil layer) are obliged to ensure their reclamation. Land reclamation is measures to prevent land degradation and (or) restore their fertility by bringing the land into a state suitable for its use in accordance with its intended purpose and permitted use, including by eliminating the consequences of soil pollution, restoring the fertile soil layer, creating protective forest plantations.
The procedure for land reclamation was approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and Roskomzem No. 525/67 dated December 22, 1995 “On approval of the basic provisions on land reclamation, removal, preservation and rational use of fertile soil layer”
The biggest violation of land legislation during construction is the absence of a project for the reclamation of disturbed lands. Reclamation of agricultural lands requiring restoration of soil fertility is carried out sequentially in two stages: technical and biological.

According to GOST, the stages of land reclamation are sequentially performed sets of land reclamation works.
Land reclamation is carried out in two stages:
technical - the stage of land reclamation, including their preparation for subsequent intended use in the national economy. This stage includes planning, formation of slopes, removal, transportation and application of soils and fertile rocks to reclaimed lands, installation of hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures, burial of toxic overburden rocks, as well as other work that creates the necessary conditions for the further use of reclaimed lands;
biological - the stage of land reclamation, including a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at improving the agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other properties of soils.
According to clause 1.9 of GOST, during the technical stage of land reclamation, depending on the direction of the reclaimed land, the following main work must be performed:
1. rough and fine leveling of the surface of the dumps, backfilling of upland, water supply and drainage channels; leveling or terracing slopes; backfilling and leveling of mine failures;
2. freeing the reclaimed surface from large rock fragments, industrial structures and construction waste with their subsequent burial or organized storage;
3. construction of access roads to reclaimed areas, construction of entrances and roads on them, taking into account the passage of agricultural, forestry and other equipment;
4. installation, if necessary, of a drainage, drainage, irrigation network and construction of other hydraulic structures;
5. arrangement of the bottom and sides of quarries, design of residual trenches, strengthening of slopes;
6. elimination or use of dams, dikes, embankments, filling of man-made lakes and channels, improvement of river beds;
7. creation and improvement of the structure of the reclamation layer, reclamation of toxic rocks and contaminated soils, if it is impossible to fill them with a layer of potentially fertile rocks;
8. creation, if necessary, of a shielding layer;
9. covering the surface with potentially fertile and (or) fertile layers of soil;
10. anti-erosion organization of the territory.

In accordance with clause 1.13 of GOST, when carrying out the biological stage of reclamation, the requirements for land reclamation in the areas of their use must be taken into account. The biological stage should be carried out after complete completion of the technical stage. During the period of biological reclamation for agricultural purposes, land plots must undergo a stage of reclamation preparation.

The conditions for bringing disturbed lands into a state suitable for subsequent use, as well as the procedure for removing, storing and further using the fertile soil layer are established by the authorities that provide land plots for use and give permission to carry out work related to soil disturbance, based on reclamation projects. Compensation for damage caused by work related to soil disturbance, failure to carry out or poor-quality land reclamation is carried out voluntarily or by decision of a court or arbitration court on claims of executive authorities.
The amount of damage caused is determined according to methods and standards approved in the prescribed manner, or on the basis of the relevant design documentation for restoration work, and in their absence - according to the actual costs of restoring the disturbed state of the land, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits. For damage and destruction of the fertile soil layer, not only administrative liability is provided in accordance with Art. 8.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but also criminal (Article 254 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Failure to fulfill or poor-quality fulfillment of obligations for the reclamation of disturbed lands entails the imposition of an administrative fine on both officials and legal entities (Part 1 of Article 8.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Persons guilty of using land not for its intended purpose or in ways that lead to deterioration of the environmental situation when carrying out work related to soil disturbance may be deprived of the right to use the land in accordance with the procedure established by law.

According to clause 14 of the Basic Provisions, for organizing the acceptance (transfer) of reclaimed lands, as well as for consideration of other issues related to the restoration of disturbed lands, it is recommended to create, by decision of the local government body, a special Standing Commission on Land Reclamation Issues (hereinafter referred to as the Standing Commission), unless otherwise not provided for by regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and acts of local government bodies.
In the Magadan region, commissions have been created in the Olsky, Susumansky, Omsukchansky, Yagodninsky, Tenkinsky, North-Evensky administrative districts, as well as in the city of Magadan (not in Khasynsky and Srednekansky).
The Standing Commission includes representatives of land management, environmental protection, water management, forestry, agricultural, architectural, construction, sanitary, financial and credit and other interested bodies.
In accordance with clause 17 of the Basic Provisions, the acceptance and transfer of reclaimed lands is carried out within a month after the Permanent Commission receives a written notice of the completion of reclamation work, to which the following materials are attached:
copies of permits for work related to soil disturbance, as well as documents certifying the right to use land and subsoil;
copying from the land use plan with the boundaries of reclaimed areas marked;
reclamation project, the conclusion of the state environmental assessment on it;
data from soil, engineering-geological, hydrogeological and other necessary surveys before carrying out work related to soil disturbance, and after reclamation of disturbed lands;
diagram of the location of observation wells and other monitoring posts for the possible transformation of the soil-ground layer of reclaimed areas (hydrogeological, engineering-geological monitoring) if they are created;
design documentation (working drawings) for reclamation, anti-erosion, hydraulic and other facilities, forest reclamation, agrotechnical and other measures provided for by the reclamation project, or acts on their acceptance (testing);
materials of inspections of the implementation of reclamation work carried out by control and inspection bodies or specialists of design organizations in the manner of designer supervision, as well as information on measures taken to eliminate identified violations;
information about the removal, storage, use, transfer of the fertile layer, confirmed by relevant documents;
reports on the reclamation of disturbed lands in form No. 2-TP (reclamation) “Information on land reclamation, removal and use of fertile soil layer” for the entire period of work related to soil disturbance on the leased site.
The list of specified materials is specified and supplemented by the Standing Commission depending on the nature of the land disturbance and the further use of the reclaimed areas.
Acceptance of reclaimed sites with on-site visits is carried out by a working commission, which is approved by the chairman (deputy) of the Standing Commission within 10 days after receipt of written notice from legal entities (individuals) leasing the land. The working commission is formed from members of the Standing Committee, representatives of interested state and municipal bodies and organizations. Representatives of legal entities or citizens leasing and accepting reclaimed land, as well as, if necessary, specialists from contracting and design organizations, experts and other interested parties take part in the work of the commission.

According to clause 19 of the Basic Provisions, when accepting reclaimed land plots, the working commission checks:
compliance of the work performed with the approved reclamation project;
quality of planning work;
power and uniformity of application of the fertile soil layer;
the presence and volume of unused fertile soil layer, as well as the conditions for its storage;
complete compliance with the requirements of environmental, agrotechnical, sanitary and hygienic, construction and other regulations, standards and rules, depending on the type of soil disturbance and the further intended use of reclaimed lands;
the quality of the completed reclamation, anti-erosion and other measures determined by the project or the conditions of land reclamation (agreement);
the presence of construction and other waste on the reclaimed site;
the presence and equipment of monitoring points for reclaimed lands, if their creation was determined by the project or conditions for the reclamation of disturbed lands.

The object is considered accepted after approval by the chairman (deputy) of the Standing Commission of the acceptance certificate for reclaimed land.
Based on the results of acceptance of reclaimed lands, the Standing Commission has the right to extend (shorten) the period for restoration of soil fertility (biological stage) established by the reclamation project, or submit proposals to local government bodies to change the intended use of the leased plot in the manner established by land legislation.
According to clause 23 of the Basic Provisions, if the reclaimed land plots to be handed over require restoration of soil fertility, the approval of the act is made after full or partial (in cases of phased financing) transfer of the necessary funds for these purposes to the settlement (current) accounts of land owners, landowners, land users, tenants to whom the specified plots are transferred.

Some lands on our planet are subject to increased damage. For example, areas of mining, deforestation, city construction, waste dumping, or military testing (such as nuclear weapons). Reclamation is used to restore land cover. What such a process is and how it is carried out is described in the article below.

Reclamation process and purpose

What is reclamation? This concept refers to a set of works on the economic and environmental restoration of lands and water bodies.

In connection with mining, construction or repair work, damage and destruction of soil and land cover occurs to a significant extent, therefore, to restore them, reclamation of these areas is necessary. This process involves a set of measures aimed at the reproduction of damaged areas. Such lands also include areas contaminated by something. For example, solid waste landfills are being reclaimed.

The purpose of the event is to improve the condition of the soil and environment, restore the functioning of destroyed lands and reservoirs. When carrying out reclamation, it is necessary to take into account the degree of pollution and damage, soil and climatic conditions, landscape and geochemical characteristics of the damaged lands.

Directions for reclamation

There are 5 areas for reclamation of disturbed lands in accordance with their further use:

  1. Agricultural - used for perennial plantings, pastures, meadows, arable land, etc.
  2. Water management - for reservoirs of various purposes, such as ponds for breeding game or fish, reservoirs.
  3. Forestry - used for forest planting for special or operational purposes (sanitary protection, soil protection, water conservation, etc.).
  4. Architectural and planning - sowing field grasses (lawns), afforestation, water supply and irrigation of areas near residential buildings.
  5. Recreational - recreation areas, beaches, swimming pools, parks, etc.

What is reclamation and what stages does it include?

The reclamation process usually includes two main stages - technical and biological, but a third one can be distinguished - preparatory. Let's look at all the stages in detail.

  1. Preparatory stage - preparation of working equipment, standards and documentation is carried out, a preliminary budget is determined, and soil restoration work is carried out.
  2. Technical stage - preparation of the landscape is carried out (leveling of industrial embankments, filling of holes, sinkholes, trenches, depressions, ditches), creation of hydraulic structures, disposal of waste, implementation of the plan for the engineering and technical component of the project.
  3. The biological stage is the final part of the implementation of the process of reclamation of disturbed lands. Includes forest planting, soil cleaning, landscaping, a set of organizational and economic measures to improve agroclimatic and soil conditions in order to increase the efficiency of water and land resources. Special work is being carried out to improve the condition and properties of the soil.

What lands are subject to reclamation?

First of all, solid waste landfills and lands where repair and construction work was carried out, as well as the laying of underground pipelines, are in need of reclamation. In addition, reclamation is also necessary for the adjacent land space, which has partially or completely lost productivity due to the negative impact of waste.

Environmentalists say that the most difficult to restore are the lands that were used for storing and burying toxic waste. For such areas, special reclamation is required, which can last for years, the timing depends on the type of waste and the severity of the impact on the land.

Reclamation of quarries is carried out constantly, since the mining process usually takes a long time. And the restoration of hydraulic dumps should begin only 6-8 years after the completion of their reclamation, this is exactly how much is needed to dry out and stabilize the territory. Thus, for each individual case, an individual reclamation project is drawn up.

Technical reclamation

The development of a reclamation project is a difficult and multi-stage process in which professionals from various fields, from ecologists to engineers, take part. Based on the goals of the project, documentation is prepared, work stages and a budget are drawn up. The project includes technical and biological reclamation.

Technical reclamation, depending on the budget, includes the following work:

  • chemical - involve the use of organic and chemical fertilizers;
  • Thermal engineering - consist of complex stages of reclamation;
  • water - include drainage or irrigation as needed, depending on the condition of the land;
  • projective-structural - involve the organization of fresh landscape reliefs and surface planning.

This phase of the reclamation project is carried out by the mining enterprises.

Biological remediation

The biological recovery stage is performed after completion of the technical part. It involves restoring the fertile properties of the soil.

Objectives of biological remediation:

  • restoration of land fertility;
  • restoration of natural soil formation;
  • increasing the level of self-cleaning and regeneration;
  • revival of flora and fauna;
  • planting plants in the damaged area that adapt well and have high regeneration rates;
  • intended use.

None of the stages should be skipped or violated, as each has its own importance. At the end of the process, fresh forests are planted - this is called forest reclamation.

Plants used for reclamation

Plants for soil remediation must be selected in accordance with the following requirements:

  • they must be adapted to local soil and climatic conditions;
  • these must be “useful plants”, that is, those that are used in forestry and agriculture.

An excellent option would be to sow the land with medicinal plants. An important condition is the ability of grasses to quickly create a closed and durable grass stand that is resistant to washouts. Plants that are used to improve the quality of soil and soil include:

  • Red clover is a good source of atmospheric nitrogen for beneficial bacteria. No special soil is required for this plant.
  • Meadow timothy is light-loving, has high winter hardiness, and is resistant to flooding.
  • Meadow fescue is a grass with a powerful root system. It is resistant to mowing and grows quickly, durable and frost-resistant. Not picky about moisture.
  • Ramson is a long-lasting herbaceous plant, one of the earliest sources of vitamins in the forest. The leaves are eaten as an ingredient in hot dishes, pies and bread, as well as raw.

Perennial grasses and trees and shrubs are used for quarry reclamation. Thanks to plants, the process of soil erosion is weakened and the stability of slopes is increased.

Restoration of commercial lands

Reclamation of a land plot used for agricultural needs is used for the purpose of planting agricultural plants on destroyed lands, and also includes the enrichment of productive land plots with a certain environment for the development and growth of plantings.

The technical part of agricultural land reclamation implies:

  • forming an area a couple of meters above drainage or groundwater;
  • backfilling the top layer with soil suitable for biological reclamation of damaged lands with further implementation of a set of measures that increase the properties of the reclaimed layer, which is achieved through certain actions and the application of fertilizers;
  • enrichment of bulk rocks with nutrients, improvement of their structure, activation of biological processes by applying prescribed doses of fertilizer in combination with recommended processing for their subsequent use in agriculture;
  • formation of hay pastures on a renewable surface.

What is reclamation and why is it needed? We can say that restoration of land cover is necessary for the further intended use of the site. Remediation is especially important for cleaning up the environment. For example, after the closure of a solid waste landfill, hazardous chemical compounds that harm nature continue to accumulate at this site. In this case, the process of restoring soil fertility is carried out.

Land reclamation is a complex of engineering, technical, reclamation, agrotechnical and other measures aimed at restoring the biological productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving the conditions of the natural environment.

Disturbed lands are lands of all categories that, as a result of production activities, have lost their economic value or become a source of negative impact on the environment due to changes in soil and vegetation cover, hydrological regime, and the formation of technogenic relief. They often lose all economic significance or sharply reduce their value. Therefore, disturbed lands are subject to reclamation. Reclamation of disturbed lands is a very expensive undertaking, therefore, when justifying it, 2 questions are resolved: 1) which areas and under which allotments are subject to reclamation; 2) what directions and conditions for reclamation can be determined.

In accordance with land legislation, lands disturbed during: - development of mineral deposits by open or underground methods, as well as peat extraction, are subject to reclamation; - laying pipelines, carrying out construction, reclamation, logging, geological exploration, testing, operational, design and survey and other work related to soil disturbance; - liquidation of industrial, military, civil and other facilities and structures; - storage, burial of industrial, household and other waste; - construction, operation and conservation of underground facilities and communications; - eliminating the consequences of land pollution, if the conditions for their restoration require the removal of the top fertile layer of soil; - conducting military exercises outside the training grounds specially designated for these purposes.

When creating land use facilities whose activities will be associated with land disturbance, their reclamation should be provided as an integral part of the technological process of the new facility.

Reclamation can be carried out to use land for various industries and purposes, mainly agricultural. The method of using reclaimed lands depends on the natural and technical conditions in which they are located, on economic and social necessity and economic feasibility.

Reclamation objects can be: quarrying, peat production; deformed surfaces of mine fields, rock dumps of mines and quarries; ash dumps of power plants; slag dumps of metallurgical plants;

stripes, reserves and cavaliers along canals, railways and highways; pipeline routes; drilling well sites; industrial sites and transport communications of liquidated (spent) enterprises and individual facilities; contaminated lands in oil and other fields, dug-out lands, etc.

Main directions of land reclamation:

Agricultural - restoration of agricultural land into productive land;

Forestry - reproduction of forested land; for creating forests of various types;

Fishery - for the creation of fish-breeding reservoirs;

Water management - construction of ponds and reservoirs for various purposes; to create reservoirs for various purposes;

Recreational - for public recreation facilities and sites;

Environmental and sanitary-hygienic - for the placement of environmental and protective green zones for the purpose of biological or technical conservation of disturbed lands that have a negative impact on the environment;

Construction - for the construction of various objects; for construction sites.

Land reclamation work is usually carried out

sequentially in two stages.

Technical reclamation includes preparing land and designing its surface for subsequent intended use. This includes: surface leveling, formation of slopes, removal, transportation and application of soil and potentially fertile rocks to the reclaimed surface, chemical soil reclamation, construction of roads, hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures, etc.

Biological reclamation is aimed at restoring land fertility. This includes a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures to restore flora and fauna and restore the economic productivity of land.

Developments are carried out on the basis of reclamation projects, based on existing environmental, sanitary and hygienic, construction, water management, forestry and other regulations and standards, taking into account regional natural and climatic conditions and the location of the site of disturbed land. Reclamation projects are developed by specialized organizations after preliminary approval of the location object placement.

Agricultural reclamation involves the creation of arable land, hayfields, pastures, and gardens. In the first years, on recultivated lands, soil-improving crops (lupine, sweet clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, etc.) are cultivated with the green mass plowed in as organic fertilizer, and increased doses of fertilizers are applied. In the absence or insufficient fertile soil layer, loess-like and other potentially fertile rocks are used for agricultural reclamation.

Forest reclamation is usually carried out on less fertile soils by planting woody vegetation.

What is reclamation? According to the definition recorded in, land reclamation is a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and national economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions in accordance with the interests of society.

The entire procedure for carrying out this process was approved and prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and Roskomzem No. 525/67 dated December 22, 1995 “On approval of the basic provisions on land reclamation, removal, preservation and rational use of fertile soil layer.”

Reclamation is carried out in two stages: technical and biological. The technical stage includes several activities to prepare land for subsequent use in agriculture, these are:

The full list of works included in the technical stage of reclamation is described in clause 1.9.

The biological stage is aimed at improving soil properties(agrophysical, biochemical and others). This stage is carried out only after the technical stage has been completely completed.

What is the project for?

A land reclamation project (abbreviated as RRP and KRZ) describes a set of activities that will be carried out to restore the state, within the stages described above (technical and biological), at this specific site.

Important! The absence of a project for the reclamation of agricultural land during construction, mining, operational and other work is a gross violation of the law.

The entire list of activities that require the preparation and implementation of a land reclamation project is listed in Article No. 78 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation No. 136-FZ.


A reclamation project can be developed by the organization that carries out work on the land, independently or by a third-party organization that specializes in this niche. The second method will reduce time costs on the preparation of the project and the risk of errors and shortcomings in the project.

The price for preparing a site plan is individual: it depends on the technological parameters of the area provided by the customer. As a rule, the cost of preparing such a project starts from 100 thousand rubles.

The development of the RPP consists of four stages.

The project includes the following sections:

  1. Description of the natural-climatic, hydrogeological and geomorphological conditions of the area where the object is located.
  2. Data on soil and vegetation cover, information on the forecast of land disturbances.
  3. Description of design solutions for reclamation - separately technical, separately biological stages.
  4. Schedule of reclamation works and their estimated cost.
  5. Description of measures to ensure safety precautions and direct environmental protection measures.
  6. Technological maps and terms of acceptance and transfer of reclamation sites to landowners.



Before the RPP is approved, it must be agreed upon by all stakeholders. There is no specific list approved by law. It all depends on who owns the land - the state or a private organization.

It is with the owner that you need to approve the list of parties with whom approval is required. These may be, in addition to the owner, local authorities, organizations serving the territory (Vodokanal, Leskhoz and others), neighboring organizations that have common borders, communication routes, utility networks).

Once the stakeholders have agreed on the RPP, it is sent for approval. None There is no need to pay a state fee for this process. Usually the examination is carried out no more than a month; one of the copies of the reclamation project remains with the department after the examination.

Who approves?

In some regions this is done by Rosreestr, most often by environmental agencies. The issue of coordination and approval of the project plan is very individual in each individual case, therefore, before starting to prepare the project, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the regional legislation in this regard. Up-to-date information can be obtained from the local authorized body related to environmental management.

Now the project can be approved in many regions with the help of multifunctional public service centers. In order to understand whether this service is available in your region, you need to find the relevant information on the website of the MFC of the region.

List of documents

Despite the fact that the approval of the RPP is regulated in each region separately, the list of documents is standard in most cases and includes the following documents:

  • Cadastral number of the land plot.
  • Location of the land plot.
  • Permission to use the land.
  • Information on the total area of ​​agricultural land or land plots within such lands that are subject to reclamation.
  • (OKATO) of the territory on which the land plot is located.
  • OGRN, INN, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding the applicant legal entity.
  • Number and date of the decision (order, resolution) on preliminary approval of the location of the facility.
  • An extract from the state real estate cadastre regarding information about the land plot subject to reclamation, or a cadastral passport of such a land plot.
  • Documents confirming the authority of a person to carry out actions on behalf of the applicant.
  • Decision on preliminary approval of the location of the facility.
  • Approved layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory.
  • Local estimate for carrying out work on the reclamation of agricultural lands or land plots as part of such lands.
  • Reclamation project in two copies.

The project is usually approved within a month.

What to do next?

What happens after the reclamation project is approved?

Once the RRP is approved, it can be implemented. The implementation of the measures prescribed in the project must occur under the strict control of the customer (if reclamation work is carried out by a contractor) and the land owner.

Upon completion of the work, the owner or authorized bodies in the field of land management in the region (depending on whether the plot of land is private or public) accepts the work, about which a report is drawn up. The final delivery of the facility cannot be carried out without these works.

Carrying out reclamation under a project that has not been agreed upon and approved entails penalties from the state; in addition, such actions can cause irreparable damage to the nature and condition of agricultural lands in the region.

Fines for untimely or incorrectly carried out reclamation can range from 400 to 700 thousand for a legal entity, so the funds spent on preparing the PRZ by specialists will pay off in any case.

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